St. Marcellus I

January 16, 2018 00:03:13
St. Marcellus I
Veritas Caritas
St. Marcellus I

Jan 16 2018 | 00:03:13


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria Prisma and the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Uh, first I'd ask you to keep in your prayer and your charity, keeping your prayers, that priest, uh, we prayed for on Sunday that, uh, really, uh, contemplating suicide and having a very difficult struggle, uh, Orthodox priest that, uh, is having trouble with everything he's gone through. So please pray for him. It's the feast of Saint Marsala hope martyr. He's a pulp and, and, uh, right before, uh, constant pain frees up the church in the early, like, but he he's ruling in the early three hundreds. And the max Sanchez there, the damper in Rome, uh, wants him to sacrifice to the idols and he wouldn't. So he sentenced the pulp to work as a stable hand in the public stable. And he spent nine months in there as a slave, just shoveling manure and taking care of the animals, things like that, and these great stable, and then his clerics rescued nod there. Speaker 0 00:01:07 After nine months, he was just taking care of the church by pistol. And, uh, a Roman woman gave him a house, a great house to uses a church. So he set up and started working at outta there. Max Sanchez then ordered that being made into a staple and that Marcellus worked there and it finally, he just died of all the abuse and whatnot, and he couldn't take it anymore. He's too weak and he died and this would be three Oh nine when he died just before the church got free. So that st Marcel's the Pope. But anyway, any time we see a martyr, think of a martyr, it should remind us that this phase is really worth dying for a lot of people. I'm not really sure what they're living for, and it's not clear. They're sure what they're living for either. They're just sorta confused and going from one thing to the other. Speaker 0 00:02:02 They're not sure what they're doing here, whether it is it pleasure or was supposed to get power money. What's the point of it all. I used to see this bumper sticker out West, who dies at the most toys wins. No one wins what you see. People are completely confused, but the martyrs reminders that there's something we're dying for. And if it's worth dying for then it's worth living for, and that's this union with Christ that he gives us, sure gives us a purpose. July he's come. The son of God has come to tell us what we're doing here. Look how many people don't know what they're doing here. That's why all this chaos, but we know we know what we're doing. And if you know what you're doing here, and you know, what's worth dying for, then, you know, what's worth living for, and that's the lesson. The primary lesson, the Mars can teach us. This is really worth living for ask Christ today to increase your faith, your whole, your charity. Come, what man.

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