Concupiscence Part 3: Welcome To Babylon

February 11, 2018 00:38:02
Concupiscence Part 3: Welcome To Babylon
Veritas Caritas
Concupiscence Part 3: Welcome To Babylon

Feb 11 2018 | 00:38:02


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 It, it's also the feast of her lady a little bit Lord, that I might see the new father and the son, the Holy spirit. Speaker 1 00:00:12 Amen. Speaker 0 00:00:14 We've seen that from <inaudible> until Easter to liturgy symbolize the Babylonian captivity. And in that light, we've also been considering some of the ways our Babylonian culture targets are can cubism, which is that rebellion of our sense of appetites against the rule of right reason. We've seen that since most of our advertising is setup to appeal to our concupiscence, to have a field specifically to a power that inclines us towards sin. That means that it's set up to tempt us besides advertising. It's also easy to see that this applies to a huge amount of what passes for such things as pop and music, films, and theater fashions, et cetera, given that one of the most immoral and dangerous forms, these attacks, the take is by way of unbridled appeals and temptations against parody. We spent some time considering the consequences of falling to such since we've seen that these sins inflame the passions and that they inflict four levels of darkness on the end lack of anyone who gives himself over demand men blindness, because imagination is carried away by the passions rashness and judgment because a man afflicted by such blindness, can't make a clear assessment of what's appropriate in a particular situation thoughtlessness because the resulting blindness and rashness keeps such man from carefully considering and choosing the best of his options and it constancy because such a man is so carried away by his passions. Speaker 0 00:01:48 He's actually hindered from doing what is reason Charles and ought to be done. We've seen there also for problems with the will of the last full man self-love hatred of God, love of this world and despair of the future life. We've seen it. The reason that sinners get so agitated when the church has teachers brought up is because their, their passions are so inflamed and God's teaching is so threatening to the pleasures that they really are living for. That they're at the point where they can scarcely help themselves. And so we have to pray fast and your seed for them. We've seen that over the long term, the more these sins are repeated and the more perverted they are, the more that passions become inflamed and escape, the rule of reason. And at the very degree, the passions have been repeatedly inflamed and perverted to that very degree, they're all the more difficult to quiet down and to get back under control. And that's just another way of saying is that the more repeated, the more preferred, the sense, the more tightly that center is held in bondage to as lost. We've seen that a society like ours, any society in which millions people are committing sins against parody will be affected by profound intellectual and spiritual blindness. So here we are in Babylon surrounded by so many millions in bondage, millions upon millions blinded and in bondage, and they love their chains. Speaker 0 00:03:24 We've also seen, they're only two ways to control men from the outside, with the force, from the inside, with virtue. And as we all know, to live a life of virtue, the passions simply have to be brought into submission, which is totally impossible. If they're constantly be excited, it's totally impossible. And in a society like ours, because of the very force of millions of sinners, increasingly unable to control their passions, because the very force of millions of sinners living ever closer to the audit of their mind, due to passion extreme, we're doomed to either descend into anarchy, which is always followed by tyranny, or the tyranny will be imposed before an, our Cree breaks out too much. And finally, we asked what kind of country allows these kinds of attacks on its own people by way of sketching. An answer to that question, we'll start today by considering several countries that deliberately employ these kinds of attacks on the citizens of other nations, much of what we'll cover right now, we've heard before, but it bears repeating in this context, we'll start with some excerpts from an article published on December 27, 2003 in Newsweek magazine. Speaker 0 00:04:53 And as usual throughout the sermon, the codes have been edited, cut and pasted. Cool. Before the American invasion, Iraq was one of the world's most tightly controlled societies. A committee in the ministry of culture kept a strict walk against even mildly naughty movies, magazines, and films. Now Rockies are making up for what they've missed. And many other Iraqis young and old are blaming in America. Some people say the spread of such things and designed to weaken our society says Colonel DOE at Salomon, a police chief in one of Baghdad's roughest districts. Every day we hear for people on the street, not just the religious people, but order at once too at the adult cinemas, 70 cents buys an all day ticket. The audience hoots in protest. If a non filthy trailer interrupts the action under Saddam, this would have been an automatic six months in jail. Speaker 0 00:05:54 It says a vendor who keeps ultra filthy wares net drawer for special customers. If it is video shop in baggies kurta district, now nothing will happen to us. One young man says is a big improvement from Saddam Hussein's days. Back then he says the only house of Lord appeared for a poor black boy like himself. Was it a gypsy settlement on the capitalist Western outskirts? But now there are plenty of places. He grins. Now we have freedom, literally teams, advice, laws, and bring him in on the blocks. But they're rarely enforced immediately. After the war, we started rates and arrest street promoters and purveyors says Lieutenant Colonel hallmark Sahid, a top Iraqi cop, but the American military police made us release them. After that the promoters and purveyors understood. They had nothing to fear most directly said they don't know what to do about device explosion, close quotes. Okay. Let's just pause from what and ask ourselves a few questions under Saddam. The stored material was not available, but under American occupation, it immediately became available. Just freedom mean having essentially unlimited access to the most file kinds of filth. Is that freedom. Wasn't the name of this or operation Iraqi freedom Speaker 0 00:07:32 Is being based in filth was a hallmarks of a free society. Well, we just learned that these kinds of sins cause bondage isn't bondage. The opposite of freedom. Given that as a police chief said the spread of such things designed to weaken a society. Why would the American military police prevent the Iraqi police from enforcing vice laws? Why would the American military please protect the purveyors, promoters and peddlers of degenerate filth? What's that all about? Speaker 0 00:08:22 No, that article was written December of 2003. Hold those thoughts. And let's back up in time from December, 2003 to March of 2002. We'll read a few excerpts from a speech given by dr. You Michael Jones. Cool. At 4:30 PM on March 30th, 2002, Israeli military forces occupied the city of Ramallah and the West bank. Now paranthetically the West bank that's territory that was seized by Israel in 1967. They occupied East Jerusalem, the current border with Jordan, a ways up from there and all the way down to the dead sea. There are about 2 million Palestinians that live in the West bank. As of right now, only about 2% are Christian. And like all Palestinians, they suffer greatly because of the racist apartheid policies of the Israeli government. Bethlehem is in the West bank in 1950 Bethlehem in the surrounding villages were 86% Christian, better Israeli occupation. The Christian population has dropped to 12%. Speaker 0 00:09:29 Okay. So at 4:30 PM on March 30th, 2002 Israeli, military forces occupied the city of Ramallah and the West bank. And they see three out of the four Palestinian TV stations, broadcasting in the area and began broadcasting filth the very worst kind of filth over those TV channels. The only Palestinian station not taken over by the Israelis ran a written message at the bottom of the screen, warning that quote, anything currently shown on other local TV channels has nothing to do with Palestinian programs, but it's being broadcast by the Israeli occupation forces. We urge parents to take precautions close. Cool. Speaker 0 00:10:17 The situation in law was made much worse by the fact that Israelis had imposed a curfew and forced by sniper station on tall buildings like the local hospital, forcing people to stay in doors we're naturally enough. Anyone seeking information about the occupation would turn to the local TV stations, close to quality. Okay. Let's just pause for a moment. Make sure we understand this. We just got done hearing about how this kind of film suddenly became available in Iraq after the American invasion. Now the American military police actively prevented the Iraqi police reinforcing vice laws. But in this case, we have Israeli military policies, the curfew on the Palestinians and the same time actually broadcasting this kind of filth over the local TV stations. So let's ask ourselves why on earth would the Israeli military put the Palestinian people in a curfew and then deliberately broadcast hardcore fill over the Palestinian TV station? Speaker 1 00:11:27 Why would they do that? Speaker 0 00:11:31 Well after last week's sermon, everybody here should be able to easily answer that question. Dr. Jones. Now listening to this three months, early three months earlier, three months earlier on January 12, 2002 Islamic association, Palestine news agency ran an article claiming that quote representatives, the central intelligence agency, the CIA and Israeli shin bet experts. Shin Beth is the arm of the Israeli government responsible for security within Israel and the occupied territory. Okay. So three months before the Israeli military put Ramallah under curfew began broadcast and the absolute worst kind of filth over the Palestinian TV stations on January 12, 2002 Islamic association with Palestine news agency ran an article claiming that quote representatives of the central intelligence agency, the CIA and Israeli Shen Beth experts have recommended that the relatively conservative Palestinian suicide be flooded with filth drugs and gambling in order to keep Palestinian use away from a joining the resistance against Israeli occupation, occupation, and apartheid close quote. Speaker 0 00:13:00 The idea, according to the IEP report, first came from Israeli side, who suggested that only these things could take Palestinian use away from their hostile fixation on Israel close. Cool. Okay. So let's walk back through all this and January, 2002, this real Islamic association for Palestinian news agency reports and experts ms. CIN shin, Beth, uh, recommended that the relatively conservative Palestinian society be flooded with filth, hardcore, filth drugs and gambling in order to keep Palestinian youths from joining the resistance against Israeli occupation apartheid, then just a few months later in March, 2002, the Israeli military does exactly that it occupies Ramallah, puts the city under curfew and begins broadcasting the absolute worst kind of filth or a Palestinian television. Speaker 2 00:13:56 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:13:59 It should now be pretty obvious exactly why under the American occupation rec virtually unlimited access to the most vital kinds of filth immediately became possible. Why the American military police protected purveyors, promoters and peddlers of this degenerate filth and why the American military police prevented the Iraqi police room from enforcing vice laws back to dr. Jones during the summer of 2002, a former Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Of course, he's now the current prime minister arrived in America to promote the American invasion of Iraq, but he also advocated American involvement in the use of suggested or explicit TV programming as a way of subverting the morals with Islamic world. According to UPI story filed on September 12th, 2002, a former Israeli prime minister called upon the United States to affect regime change in both Iraq and Iran, prescribing a military division to topple the government in Baghdad, the transmission of ribald television prop your, I mean field satellite into Persia, where he said the influx of pop culture would provoke prove, quote, subversive, close quote, the conservative Islamic Prejean, deciding the hundreds of thousands of satellite television dishes in Iran. Benjamin Netanyahu told the Hoss government reform committee that the United States could incite a revolution to the use of such Fox broadcasting staples as Melrose place in Beverly Hills nine zero two one zero. Both of which feature beautiful young people in varying States of undress, living glamorous materialistic lives. Engaging in promiscuity Netanyahu told the community committee quote, this is pretty subversive stuff. Close quote, Speaker 1 00:16:04 What are we talking about here? Speaker 0 00:16:09 Think about this experts from intelligence agencies, the CIA shin bet recommend the relatively conservative Palestinian society to be flooded with filth, with drugs and with gambling in order to keep the Palestinian news from joined resistance against Israeli occupation apartheid. Some months later, we see a concrete example of this tactic being used, but Israelis sees Paul steady TV stations and begin bras cast. And fifth, some months after that, the house hears testimony from Benjamin Netanyahu advocates, transmissive, transmitting provocative or explicit television programs via satellite into Iran because an influx of pop culture would preapprove subversive to the conservative regime. He explicitly States the United States who incite a revolution by using shows from network TV. He gives specific examples of programs produced by the Fox network, do not defend the Fox network to me. And he gives specific examples of programs produced by the Fox network, which he considers to be so subversive. They could incite such a revolution Melrose place in Beverly Hills nine zero two and zero. He explains that the reason these shows are so subversive as they feature beautiful young people in varying States of undress, living glamorous materialistic lives and engage in promiscuous behavior the next year, the U S invades Iraq and following the invasion, the worst kind of filth immediately becomes available to the American military. Please actively prevented the Iraqi peace Boone. The vice laws curtailing the flood of filth Iraqi suicide. So what are we talking about here? We're talking about psychological warfare. Speaker 0 00:18:08 We're talking about psychological warfare of the most wicked guy it's so it could, in fact can only put in one possible category diabolical, and that is not an exaggeration. This is actually the sin known as diabolical scandal because the people who come into this center actually attacking their brothers exactly the same way as do the demons. We're talking about the deliberate in diabolical military use of filth to demoralize, disrupt conservative and relatively stable society. And all it takes to demoralize, disrupt and destroy a conservative and relatively stable society is to flood it or allow it to be flooded with filth drugs and gambling. Speaker 0 00:19:19 It's all tanks, it's all tags. We'll look around, look around, think all this filth drugs and gambling flooding our society and just completely random. This judge just happens. Do you consider this quote, not Tober 2001, the UN general assembly congratulated the Taliban government of Afghanistan for reducing with the support of the UN opium production by 97% that year, the production of opium, which is used to produce grade four heroin and its derivatives have been reduced to 185 metric tons that same year, 2,189,000 heroin addicts. The United States, 1,779 Americans die as a result of heroin overdose under U S military occupation opium production jumped from 185 tons to 9,000 times, 2017. Speaker 0 00:20:56 Our U S military occupation. Afghanistan now produces approximately 90% of the world's supply of opioids. It is this supply of fuels. The massive increase in heroin addiction in the United States. Currently it's estimated that there are more than 4 million heroin users in the U S in 2016, 15,446 Americans died of heroin overdose, close quote. Under the Taliban opium production. Afghanistan was reduced 97% with only 185 times being produced 2001 that year, there were 190 989 fellas in heroin addicts in the us 1,779 Americans die from heroin overdoses under the U S military occupation. All Pew production jumped to 9,000 metric tons, 2017 under the U S military occupation. Afghanistan now produces approximately 90% of the world's illegal supply of the whole PM. The various supply that is fueling the massive increase in heroin addiction in these United States. Current estimates are that there are more than 4 million heroin users. The U S 15,446 Americans died from heroin overdoses in 20 1,685 tons under the Taliban 9,000 times under the U S military, think all this Phil's drugs and gambling flight, our society is completely random. All it takes to demoralize, disrupt and destroy a conservative and relatively stable society is to flooded or allowed to be flooded with filth drugs and gambling. That's all it takes. Speaker 0 00:23:18 Well, welcome to Babylon. Welcome to Babylon and where the captives and most of our fellow Catholics have already become Babylonian. And they left their chains. Yeah, they really love their chains. Speaker 0 00:23:49 So hopefully the real nature of our Babylonian captivity is coming into clear focus, arc acute, since isn't going to go away. And since our society is only going to get worse, hopefully this all makes it clear how absolutely important it is to be serious. I mean, deadly serious about really making really real progress in this Holy land. Let's get practical lens upon us. It's long since time to get serious, given our conditions sheet and our culture, if we want to get to have, and we got a battler concupiscence whether we like it or not. So how do we do it? Speaker 1 00:24:37 That Speaker 0 00:24:40 With prayer he passed. Speaker 1 00:24:42 Yes. Speaker 0 00:24:45 In regards to prayer, we'll mention two central practices. First essential practice. The three home marries every morning. When you get up, say three, Andres asked her lady to give you a holiness and periods right in that day, every night before you go to bed, say three home Aries asked her, they could give you all eight superior. During that night, this practice was recommended by st. Matilda sinker to degrade st. Philip Neary st. Letterman report, where he's st. Anthony and Padlet st. Alphonsus the glory. They're both doctors and the church. Many other States. If you stick to this practice, you will get perfect parody. Your state in life. It works. Miracles takes 40 seconds. When you're going slow, I've timed. Second essential practice. The Holy rosary, our lady was not bored in heaven and wondering what was going on. Don in Portugal go 1917. She's on mother. Speaker 0 00:25:56 She came down to warn us. They tell us to say our rosary every day. Think back to the Pash. When you're doing the stations across, look at that who stays at the foot of the cross with our Lord, the ones who stay close to our lady and no one else, everyone else ran away. Even st. Peter, even Saint Peter. And as we enter deeper into the Pash and mystical body of Christ, if we want to stay with the church, we have to stay close to our lady. So you want to chain yourself to the foot of the cross with your role, as you want to tie yourself to our ladies, April's dreams with your Rose, say a road me day in and day out, no matter what. So those are the two essential practices of prayer. The 300 areas, morning and night, the Holy rosary, every day, of course, you can do more, but you should never do less. Speaker 0 00:26:57 What about planets now that we all have some decent understanding of the problem and can Cuba, since now that we all understand that and add, we lost that perfect control control over our imaginations and all of our senses. We can understand the rationale for the penance we ought to do and why we audit tool. We can see exactly why it's so important to have a Holy land, especially in this Babylonian culture. There's a really easy principle to work from. We need to discipline our imaginations. We need to just when our senses or to keep them from bleeding, nested to sin, we need to discipline our imaginations. We need to discipline our senses. First, our imaginations, this then do two things with your imagination, one positive and one negative on the positive side. Fill your imagination with holding images. Good images, Rick good Catholic books lives the same scripture, good books written by snakes on a negative side, reduce the amount of time. Speaker 0 00:28:01 Listening to worldly music, worldly radio shows watching worldly TV programs, but worldly movies. This doesn't mean to avoid simple things. That's always the case. The goal here is to limit the model, unnecessary secular images floating around in our imagination. So we can spend this brief period of flat with images of Holy things. Instead, it's our time on the year. This will also help help us reduce distractions during mass and prayer. Let's get serious here. We're Catholics. It's high. Tom could hallucinate about the society we live in in our country. If there's one thing we can take away from what we just heard in the past few weeks, it's that this is an extremely dangerous place. Morally speaking. Speaker 0 00:28:51 We just heard that the standard Fox network TV programs from well over a decade ago were considered to be so set versus it has to be one set of revolution, relatively conservative society. So we need to think and really think, but our TV is, if someone hears isn't, their TV has a screen for watching quality videos, check on storm warnings, you know, and stuff like that. Legitimate things that's fair enough. But if your TV view includes the kind of program that the prime minister of Israel suggested our government used for purposes of psychological warfare, and we're not just talking about programs, we're also talking about the advertisements. Then you're in grave danger. If you're viewing as that, you need to fix your TV. So you need to fix your TV. So it's not pouring raw spiritual sewage into your living room and into yourselves. If that's the kind of thing that's going on there, fix your TV. And I made it. I don't care if it's a 10 gauge, a 12 gauge at four 10 or rock, but you, If you can't show to the blessed Virgin, Mary, then what are you doing? Watch? Cause she Speaker 1 00:30:05 Is there. Speaker 0 00:30:09 Do you have a filter on every computer and every smart phone? No exceptions, frankly. I'm of the mind that if at all possible should have phones with no internet access or you get an access blocked as part of your plan. If at all possible, have a filter on every phone. Every computer, every tablet, the woman at the house should have a password. Mothers. You need to listen to me right now. This is important. And please do not assume your little Sean. He won't ever get into trouble here. Little Johnny has a little boy. And over the years I've been saying this thing over and over like a broke record. And you can't believe how many times some crime mother shows up telling, even though she heard the pre-state is umpteen gazillion times, she just knew that her little Johnny would never do that. Well, her little Johnny isn't the blessed Virgin Mary. Speaker 0 00:30:59 And so she ignores the priest until she finds out little Johnny had been doing that. And then it's too late. It's like Humpty Dumpty parents make excuse after excuse and are their kids and total bondage falling into hell without explaining these details. You also need to understand that a significant percentage of those kinds of materials has specific demons associated with it. So anyone that willing watches it by that very fat opens a door and invites that Damon to have dominion over it. And that demon is going to honor that invitation and come into that viewer's life. And it's his own fault. And guess what? The particular websites are not Mark Speaker 1 00:31:40 Warning. Speaker 0 00:31:43 Get a filter on every computer, every town, every smart phone, put the computer in public place, not a private room, make darn shirt situations. And the screen would be easily seen. You would have the mirrors behind it. Okay, perfect place. Get the filter on the woman should have a password. Their net should be shut off. The smartphones locked up before bed at night. Parents make excuse after excuse and they're their kids. Aren't total bondage. Speaker 0 00:32:12 So that disciplined imagination. Try to read some good Catholic, spiritual reading every day and limit the intake of unnecessary secular images. What about discipline? The senses? Every day, we ought to pull form at least one little discipline for each of our senses. With the eyes, modify your eyes by not looking at something you want to look at delay something you'd like to look at. You read a letter, you get to an interesting part of book. You set it down for five minutes, discipline the, use the off switch on the radio, limit your intake of popular music. Seriously. It's important. Realize that all these problems flowing from sins of lost also rise. It's a proportion, one muted form, and the other from that other great source of disordered passion, temptation perversion that everyone's bathed in, in this Babylonian culture. And that's the music rock and roll rap, hip hop rockabilly. Speaker 0 00:33:06 It doesn't matter. We have to be very careful not to let the pied Piper of our culture mislead us. Here's an easy test unless you listened principally to Baroque the music nine Baroque specifically not classical or champ polyphony, try giving up your music for lamp and listening to Baroque or Chan polyphony. If this is already getting agitated, thinking about it means your could keep it. A little appetite is already too attached to your music. You've got disordered passions, Baroque music actually reorders your passions. If that's a topic for another day and by way of anecdote in my pastoral experience, it's been a lot easier getting guys to give up the girl they're sitting with then to give up their bad news. Speaker 0 00:33:54 That's how I tied a grip. It has on him, serious discipline. The taste st. Thomas says the devil will cease to temp people in purity. Once they've conquered temptations, the appetite seems adequate. I have Leni says he wants to advance to perfection should be serious about modifying his appetite. St. Prestos Hills says we do this by eating to live, but not living to eat so it can grow in our virtue by modifying our appetite for food and drink. And even in our week times, people still have set up to do this during Holy land. There's no way we can modify appetites, but only observing the current legislation that's binding on the latter part of the church. Here's the current legislation that binds us. It binds us under the pain and mortal sin. All those who are 14 up have to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, good Friday, and all six of the Fridays, the land, all those from 18 to 60 have to fast on Ashwyn's team. Speaker 0 00:34:55 Good Friday. So all those are 14 on have to abstain from me on Ash Wednesday, good Friday. And all the five is Atlanta. All those from 18 to 60, have to fash on hand fast and Ash Wednesday and good Friday. Find some of the Panama step. We do have to obey this legislation because it does blind under the pain of mortal sin, but it isn't enough to help us go in fridge. It's not even close, not even close. So here's a few suggestions. First off, everyone who is physically capable of it could follow the traditional fast one main meal. Two other small collations that don't add up to full meal and not just on the Ash. Winster good Friday, but all through lab, Monday through Saturday, never on Sunday, one main meal, two other small collisions that don't add up to a full meal. If you follow that, you really looked forward to Sundays and Eastern. Speaker 0 00:35:41 What about people that can't do this pregnant women, elderly, those who have medical conditions itself here, a few more suggestions, eat a little less if eat enough when you could eat just a little bit more. For example, when you're, when you're growing, you could eat and maybe one more, the volume of one more piece of bread. But right then when you could eat that to add more, you could eat, take a little bit more of something you don't like it. Every meal, a little bit of us have something you do like it. Every meal season, one piece of food and where you find highly annoyed, or don't see some piece of food that you want to CC give up sweets completely. And then after Easter, reduce it slightly. So it'd be ordinary to put two scoops, the sugar in your coffee put only one hand. Speaker 0 00:36:19 These kinds of practices will automatically strengthen your children in virtue, virtual holding period, and help them control their tempers too. So those are a few possibilities for discipline. Taste, discipline, a sense of smell. We just do this by putting up with whatever odors we call or during the day, just putting a touch, say to Jackson says, modify your body. And you'll conquer the devil. How well you can work on your posture. You can sit without slouching without leaning back, take your shower to temperature that isn't quite like you like it. That's the end. Your shower turned on the cold water and turn off one or two, three glory. Beaks. Don't do that if you're going to, if you're sick or weak, but it's a good practice. Okay? Put a small pebble or a beat in one shoe one day, the other one the next day. Keep your car or your house temperature a little on the cold side. Okay. That's a few ideas for getting your passions out of control, but general ideas just tough enough. Okay. Let's close. We're all immersed to varying degrees in atmosphere. Saturated was scientifically designed central temptations, raw captives and babble. Speaker 0 00:37:28 And for the most part in our society, our neighbors in bondage have forged their own chains. They forced them on chains. One link at a time giving into their passions all over, all over again, and they love their chains. So you better learn to lead your passions. Your passions are going to lead. You.

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