Baptism the Merciful Effects Matter and Form and Instructions

December 11, 2005 00:25:49
Baptism the Merciful Effects Matter and Form and Instructions
Veritas Caritas
Baptism the Merciful Effects Matter and Form and Instructions

Dec 11 2005 | 00:25:49


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Speaker 0 00:04 The catechism of the cops and trend instruction. Priests are the care soul says they should make baptism of frequent topic instruction and I've got a case foundation. It has to do with John's baptism. I've just chosen this every year you have to preach your it. So I preach about baptism. Good day. And most of what I've said, I hope this familiar cause that's the idea. It's so important that we have to preach frequently on go start today with a quote I found while reading the journals, a pioneer priest in Mile City Montana quo. I would rate one more genuine full-blooded baptism. Robert Cobb, Matthew's born of Robert Matthews and his wife married Jane Baptized July 31st, 1881 residence, Matthew's ranch, 20 miles below the junction in Missouri and Yellowstone rivers in North Dakota. They traveled 10 days and a half. Horseback, carried their provisions and notes for the horses and a tent for the night. Speaker 0 01:03 They said it would take as long to go home as it did to come. It took 21 days of travel to get that baby baptized. This was during the Sioux war. They were constantly in danger, to be met by Indians, to be proud of all they had to be murdered and their bodies left for the wolves to devour. Close quote, wanting one days they travel during the PSU or through country that even nowadays is rough country. It's about 200 miles horseback with little baby traveling through absolute wilderness just to get to the priest to get their baby baptized. But one of the things we can rejoice about, I got a taste Sunday instead. It's not necessary for us to write 10 and a half days to abode in this calling with war parties just to get to a priest. But it also to remind us of the incredible value that Catholics had put on having their bat. Speaker 0 02:03 Babies baptized in a timely fashion. Why wife Catholics traditionally play such a high value on kidding their babies baptized promptly or raid you from the ecumenical constant Florence in teaching the church regarding children. Indeed because of danger of death, which not from take place. Since no help can be brought to them by another resinate into the sac and the baptism through which their snatched from the domination that Devlin adopted among the children of God. The most holy Roman church advisers and holy baptism ought not to be deferred for 40 or 80 days, but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done. Conveniently, the catechism of the comps that trend states quote, since infant children have no other means of salvation except baptism, they easily understand how it previously those persons sin who permit them to remain without the grace of the sacrament any longer than necessity may require close call. Speaker 0 03:03 This hasn't changed. It can't change, but just to show that instruction on infant baptism approved by Pope John Paul the second on October 20th, 1988 makes clear quote for inference, baptism is entrained to the church and a gateway to personal salvation. The church knows no other way apart from baptism for insurance, children's entry into eternal happiness. Accordingly. It is important to recall that the baptism of inference must be considered a serious duty as for the time of the actual celebration, indications in the ritual shall be followed. The first consideration is the welfare of the child, that it may not be deprived of the benefit of the sack and I, as a rule, an infant should be baptized within the first weeks after birth because quote, the baptism of inference is a serious duty and the first consideration is to get the child baptized. He's not deprived of the benefit of the sacrament within a few weeks after birth because the church knows no other way for ensuring children's happiness at into entrance and eternal happiness. Speaker 0 04:13 Don't delay baptizing a baby. Don't delay. If everyone can't be there, it gets you and you're baptized and have the party sometime later when everyone can be there because the first consideration has to be the mortal soul of that child that it may not be deprived from the benefit of the stack. Having celebration is far below in terms of importance. Okay. Now today we're only going to cover the sacrament of baptism. We'll talk later this upcoming year. But what happens to babies that die without baptism? We'll talk about the baptism of blood and the batches of a desire. Anyone that's lost, a child that wasn't baptized be at peace. That child is perfectly and totally happy, but we're not going to deal with that topic today. We only have the time to get through baptism proper. Okay. Let's start by revealing the effects of baptism. What are the effects of baptism there since principled, merciful sex? Speaker 0 05:14 The Baptism, the first merciful effect is the remission of sins. Baptism, remits, all sin original and actual. Didn't salvo teach you the comps? The tramp quote, if anyone denies that by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is conferred of Baptism, the guilt of original students were admitted, or that all sin is not taken away. Let him be anathema. Close quote, let him be a national. It's a phrase that means read and be excommunicated. They gags. Okay? Baptism, remits, all the guilt of original and actual sin. Every bit of it, every last SPEC. So if you had an adult that had never been baptized, live an absolutely insane and ax murder on death row and he converts and he decides to get that two guys and he's baptized, it's all gone. All washed away, just like that. That's how merciful it is. Okay? That's the first one. Speaker 0 06:10 You're in niche, original, actual spent. The second effect is it roommates all punishment due to snit, all of it. There's not a speck of purgatory time left, but we go to confession. Our sins are forgiven, but the punishment is may still remain. We may have predatory time depending on what we've done, right? If we haven't made perfect Patricia, you never have to do pennants after back isn't okay. It doesn't pertain to a baby cause they haven't committed a sin. It just washed away original sin. But for an adult all gone. Every king, doesn't matter how old they were. Third, Mercer for a fact, the soul of the newly baptized man is flooded with sanctifying grace. That's another way of saying the soul is she filled with supernatural life. And if there's one thing I hope we always go with thinking she, we need to have supernatural life when we die. Speaker 0 07:01 The only question that matters is do we have supernatural life? If we do, we'll go to heaven and we'll be able to live there. If we don't, we can't live the life of heaven. Heaven is above our nature. We can't get there from here of our own nature and we couldn't live there. Even if we could get there, we'd have a power from above our nature that comes from God. It's supernatural ponds that God gives to us that enables us to live in heaven. That's power. It's called sanctifying grace. We die was crazed. We can go to heaven, we can live there. It gives us powers that we don't have of our own nature. So that's what happens at baptism is saws fuddled with sanctifying grace, supernatural life so someone can live the life of heaven. If we die was sanctifying grace where supernatural I would can live in heaven. Speaker 0 07:50 Remember as the scriptures say, by nature, we are born children for af. One of the horrible effects of Adam's sin is we're born without grace. We're born with to ability to live in heaven, so we have to get it somehow. It comes from the church. It comes to baptism. We're all born dead. Supernaturally speaking, the baptism brings us to life. That's what our Lord talks about, being born again and the water, okay? It's worth merciful effect. The soul of the new baptized man is United to Christ. Our Lord. Our Lord is divine and baptism makes us one of the branches. Okay? Baptism Unites, so the Christ makes it a branch on the line, so to speak. That's what our whole religion, the point of a religion is about contact with our Lord, allowing our Lord's life to transform our life along our Lord to make things do in us which are damaged or broken or dead. Speaker 0 08:44 Okay? The whole point of the road becoming man, and so we can have a living contact with them. That's the whole point to the priesthood and it starts for each one of us. At Baptism, the soul of a newly baptized man is United to Christ and to that union with the Lord supernational virtues are poured in the virtues like faith, hope and charity, prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Sanctifying grace changes the way we are and makes us holy, pleasing to God alive, but the supernatural virtues changed the way we act. They give us the ability to do things that are beyond our power. For example, here's an example of something that we can believe by the virtue fame. We believe there's certain men they can whisper words to, pieces of bread, and that bread becomes a man, and that man is God. I'm one of those men. Speaker 0 09:39 We can only believe that because God gave us the power. That's not obvious. We believe there's cause. We have a supernatural power given to us by God. We believe that we have to believe that that's our faith, but this is the power it gives us to do things that are above our ability to do of our own court. Okay? Only people that have the faith that can believe I Lord. It's really pleasant body blood sort of thing. Most of us in Sacramento, only people with the supernatural card, no one else can, and it comes to us with grace. No one else has that ability except those with the faith and supernatural shifts. Mercer for a fact, baptism impress our soul, which is in Delvaux market's called a character. It's a spiritual mark and it can never be blotted out. You want to think of it kind of like when you brand a calf, but it's like getting planted on the soul. Speaker 0 10:30 Okay. The character of baptism is important because it makes the soul capable of receiving the other sacraments. Okay. That explains why even though our lady was completely freed from original, actual sin, she's baptized Cornice dilapidate points out according to teach you the fathers Christ or baptized to his mother and Saint Peter. Okay. The character makes it back to us. So different from those who don't have it. It's kind of like a spiritual brand showing that this person is a Christian. So baptism presses, it's in double character and since it's in Delbert can never be repeated again. And Saint Paul says in Ephesians four five one lord one faith, one baptism, one baptism, one six merciful effect because baptism removes original and actual sin and the punishment due to sin, it opens the gates of Heaven to the person baptized forehand. The gates were closed to that person. Speaker 0 11:34 Now let's open it. We'll talk later about baptism of desire back to the blood, not today. So the six months for effects of that cause, our first through the mission of the rich no and actual sin. Second, the release of all punishment whatsoever. That's due to <inaudible>. Third, the soul becomes supernatural life because it's filled with sanctifying grace for and soul becomes United to Christ and such filled to be supernatural powers. These virtues like faith, hope and charity shift. The soul is marked with a permanent character, make it capable of receiving other sacraments. And sixth, the gates of heaven are open to the baptized man. Now that we've seen the merciful effects of baptism, it's easy to understand why it's so essential. How necessary is it then style her teaching the Catholic Church was expressed it Canada by the at the cost of track. If anyone said that baptism is optional, that is not necessary for salvation. Speaker 0 12:37 Let him be anathema. If anyone stands up that because it was optional, not necessary for salvation. Let him be anathema. Why is it so necessary? Because we're born without supernatural life. Thanks Adam. In order to live the life to heaven, which is the same as saying, in order to be sick, we have to be supernaturally alive. We get that supernatural life poured into us when we're baptized. Okay. Let's take a while to look at the basic aspects of baptism. Okay. The matter, the form, the minister and the attention, we're going to look at the matter before the minister and intention. Outward sign of a sacrament has two parts determined by God. The son. One part is called the matter matters. The stuff used in a sacrament outward part of the sign. The other part is called the form. What's the form? That's the word. So that matters. Speaker 0 13:38 That stuff. Performance word, for example, the word that matters for the most. Plus if segment is wheat, bread and rice bread, not barley, better. Some wheat bread and grapevine. Not Apple. Why not? Peach wine? Wheat bread. Grape wine. Okay. That's the matter. But form is <inaudible>. Clark was male. This is my body and this is my blood. Okay. Can Trust my blood. It's actually a matter. Foreign matters for the sacrament of holy orders. Is it baptized man? With all due respect to the Wacko feminists, you know it's a baptized man. That's the matter for stacking the full orders. Okay, so matters to stuff and form as the words. What are the matter? The form of baptism. The matter, the stuff about, cause it is water, natural water. It doesn't have to be clean. It can be dirty water, but it's water. It could be tap water, it can be pooled water, it can be holy water to be baptismal water. Speaker 0 14:32 It can, it can be all kinds of different water. Not Snow, not beer. If you melt the snow, then you got water. But rubbing snow is not okay. Not Beer, not wine, not spit, not fruit juice, not amniotic fluid. What we call Murray regardless of water. That's what's used for baptism. Okay. Water. Okay. Father, how did ordinary water get the power, these miraculous powers? He said six powers that come from pouring water on somebody baptized. Where did he get the power of our Lord? Can you give power to the water when he himself was baptized? When Saint John The baptist, St Guston a great addition, doctorates church says quote, the Lord is baptized. Not because he had to be cleansed, but in order to by the contact of his period. Slash he might purify the waters and impart to them the power of cleansing. Close quote. So water got the power to baptize by contact with Christ our Lord. Speaker 0 15:31 Our whole religion has some lead to about contact with Christ our Lord. It's important to keep that in mind. That's why he gave water the car cause there's a certain contact with him. The church exists to bring each one of us into intimate contact with Christ Joe Roy, and to that means to bring us into the family. The most breast of the trinity. God became man. So we can become adopted sons of the father living in the life of the Holy Spirit just as he does it from all eternity. Okay, we can live with his life and that's the reason he became man and that life starts but the soul with water, that's the matter of baptism. The form, the words that I baptized, he name his father, son, the Holy Ghost, right? Baptized in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit doesn't matter, but not names. Speaker 0 16:19 There's only one God. So the name I baptize, the name of father, son and Holy, he goes, it doesn't matter whether they say Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit. There's two other important things to keep in mind when you're talking about a sack and like the minister and his intention for every staff. Man. God uses a minister, for example, for the most busted, stagnant, the ministers with Hadley or Dane priest for marriage. The ministers or the husband and the wife. It's from court and for you guys to stay in the state grid because you administered sanctifying grace each other. You're the minister, the husbands and as true to the wife and the West has the ministry to the husband of sanctifying grace. Okay, so they are the ministers that are sacrament baptism. Who's initiative back to them? Anyone who has the use of reason, anyone that means small people, everybody. Speaker 0 17:06 It's made the first community convenience. He has. He is the reason Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hagans, anyone, anyone could baptize. It's so important that God gave anyone the power to be the minister that has these reason, so that's the minister. Anyone he's been have the use of reason. What's the intention? Intention is pretty general. All you have to do is have the intention to do what the church does. If you have intention to do with the church does, you can call it the, I said, okay. The ministers, anyone having the use a reason who tends to do with the church? Does Christ made it possible for basically anyone to baptize? Okay. Two Bacon Hagans can baptize each other and they become Catholic. Do Chews can baptize each other and they become okay. All right. How do we baptize in the case in emergency, someone dying. First off, don't wait for the priest. Speaker 0 18:00 Do not wait for the priest. This is a salvation issue. Anybody can do it. That's why we're supposed to preach to every year, so you get this. Don't wait for the priest. Okay. Anyone over the age of reason, little kids can do this. You need to intend to do what the church does. In other words, you need to tend to baptize the person. If they're not already baptized, we'll go over three cases. First, an unconscious dying adult that you're not sure is baptized. Unconscious Diet, though you're not sure is baptized. Take water and well while you're pouring saying the words I baptize you, you say if you're capable at that. Could I say the name of father, son, the Holy Spirit. Even if he get excited, you're intended to do it. If he's not baptized, it'll count. Even if you get on, I forgot to say if you're capable. Speaker 0 18:47 Okay. You mean I, if you're capable, I baptize you in the name of the father, son, the Holy Spirit, I baptize. He name the father, son, the Holy Ghost. The same person pouring the water has to say the words. It's not a team effort. It has to be one person. The person pouring is the minister. They have to say the words if possible, the water should be poured on the forehead. Okay. Not on the hair has to be on skin now than hair on skin. So water over the forehead on the skin. It must flow on the skin. It has to move over the skin. Even if you only have a drop, like when you have to baptize the little teeny baby, you just get a drop and you move it along with your finger cause it's flowing then cause you don't want to get some little kid wet. Speaker 0 19:28 And you know when he's that small, I mean, okay. So even if you have all they have is it got dropped. It dribbles that's sufficient. As the water's flowing, he say the words, I baptize you in the name of the father, son. And the Holy Ghost. It's easy. It's hard to mess up. It's a pretty easy south man. Okay. If the forehead isn't there, it's been a bad wreck for the water to find some skin, hand, wrist, neck, whatever on some skin and ear. Okay, and he exposed skin, shoulder, neck, hand, what have you as the waters of all. He said it. Words. I baptized him. Didn't even father, son and Holy Spirit. If you're capable, I baptize. Who knows that good God could put you in a situation where this person wanted baptism, didn't know enough about it and you came along. He arranged his things like that. Speaker 0 20:15 You want to take care of it because if that person is properly disposed and you baptize him, you know from all the effects and they direct, then what does that mean? No punishment. Instant heaven. This is important. Understand. Okay, second, this carriage. Now there's a handout. We'll have a lot of copies of it next week. A lot of people have it. There's probably some here but we run out of it pretty quick. But there's a handout on how to baptize in a case and this carriage, we'll also email it out this week. Everybody should have a copy of this. When you know people getting married, give them a copy, put it in with President or in the card or something. It's a good thing for people to have around. Okay, here's the basic idea. You fill a bowl with lukewarm water, you break off in the sac. Speaker 0 20:56 It's Ron's a little baby. If you can't see the sack, you do all this as if it's there cause you don't know them. But if he shoot a little snack, you break it open. You open it up cause you need to expose the baby. You're not baptized outside. Just open up that little sack. Okay, that open. Then channel. If you don't break it, no baptism. Okay, so break it open. If you can't find it, then you just do this as if you're doing the best you can, but you swirling around, you swirl that around the water. You see if you're capable at ties. The name of father and his son and the whole experience. You're moving around and you say if you're capable, I that tries to name of father, son, the Holy Spirit, bull of the corn, wider open with a sack, gently swirl around a water where he's saying the words. If you're capable, I baptize. You name me, father, son, Holy Spirit. Okay. If there's a little baby there and you baptize him, instance, say you have a stake in the family. It's wonderful. Okay. If you can't, you know, if all you see is kind of a mess, you're not sure. You don't know if there's a baby there. It's still conditional baptism. Cause if there was a baby there, if this is still there, Speaker 1 22:00 it's so still there, you baptize it. That's that baby's going to be saying, okay newborn baby in the hospital, we're not talking about a premium interest rate. Okay. If it's your new born, he's having problems, you're dying, take it. Don't wait for the crease. Do this right away. We've been having a thing on and we'll, there's a little section in it that hasn't informed with the child privately, that type. Why? Because we want you to do it so you're not waiting. If I can't get the bugs, me, you know I'm, I'm on one set at tiny 45 minutes. No, do it right then. Okay? Take a cotton ball, get it. What? With lukewarm water, depending on how you lay it, place it up here on his temp, on his forehead, and just squeeze gently and you'll get a copper to the flow out. He just touched that caught ball with a little water and squeeze a drop or two of flow out. Speaker 1 22:48 If he's laying there just like this or whatever. And at that little drop of water's going along, chat, baptize. And then the father in the holy ghost at that time, two named father son. Holy Spirit. Make sure that low drop waters move and then he say the word if at the dying newborn, if anybody else, if he's dying, but only if he's dying. Baptized. If you're just having problems with that Tizen, I'll take all the rest. You know, there's the whole thing, Chris, upon the ceremony. If there's doc about Tyson, we'll take care of that later. Don't worry. I won't yell at you. I'll be happy. You know, cause I told we were trying to get people to have in here if it's somebody else's, if your nurse or physician or something like that, if he's dying, but only if he's dying, baptize and he'll be a thing. Speaker 1 23:32 Don't do it if he's not. I think it's all the city made little Catholic. If he isn't brought up right, it's your fault. Don't baptize it. But if you have reasonable belief that he's done baptizing, all right, you can make up some. I have a pretend to do this. You know you just make up lines where you're cleaning his forehead or whatever. You know you're doing a little naming ceremony. Make something up. It's not a lie. Could you just say I'm cleaning his forehead. Well you are supernaturally to see that. That's not a lot at all. You want to do this, say the word so quietly that only you can hear it, but you get that little guy baptized. Get him baptized. Don't let him die without it. You're going to get a saint in heaven. He's going to be helping you and your state in life. Speaker 1 24:12 He shouldn't be going to help his parents to become what they need. This is salvation issue, obviously depends on where you work. Emergency personnel, nurses, physicians, you have a great responsibility, but it created opportunity to do incredible work here and most important work, most important saving souls. Okay, finally, how long after death is it? Okay to conditionally baptized until the composition physical decomposition sets in. Don't worry if they're blue, you don't know if the soil is there. The saw may still be there. Late, great father heart report. A case of a lady in Chicago, he was 25 years, uh, the chaplain in the hospital and he reported the case of a lady in Chicago who was blue and frozen sawed for eight hours by the time she's brought in and she ended up walking out of that hospital. The point is, is just because they're blue doesn't mean the soul is gone yet. Speaker 1 25:03 You don't know if they're not decomposing, conditionally baptized. It's not sac religious. It's a good thing. If are pieces that's decomposed and they're starting to fall apart, that's decomposed. But if they're just brew, go ahead and conditionally baptized. Okay, let's close. We've seen that the concert Trent teaches that if anyone says that baptism is optional, that is not necessary for salvation, let him be anathema. We've seen how to baptize in emergency will pouring water over the skin, the same person that's pouring it at that time in the name of the father and the son and Holy Ghost while squeezing water out of a cotton ball. The same person test I baptize you in the name of the father and the son and all he calls I baptize you, and then the father and the son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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