Make Reparation to the Immaculate Heart

February 03, 2018 00:05:05
Make Reparation to the Immaculate Heart
Veritas Caritas
Make Reparation to the Immaculate Heart

Feb 03 2018 | 00:05:05


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Maria Prisma the name of the father, son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Besides being the first Saturday itself. So the feast of st. Blaise. So after mass and Thanksgiving, we'll give everybody a blessing of Saint place with the blessed candles. In terms of the first Saturday, we want to make sure to make a communion of reparation for all the injuries and blasphemies against the Mack. That heart, there are so many right now in a particular way, we have to make reparation for the Vatican. Now that we have this absolutely diabolical postage stamp that was issued on October 31st, which put our Lord on the cross and in the place of the blessed mother, our lady of sorrows, and put Luther father Luther, this monster, that stocks over the stage world history, a man sent from hell. And instead of our lady standing at the foot of the cross, we have this man, this man wrote a book against the mass half of which he gives the arguments, which the devil proposed to him and half of which he gives his own arguments against private maps. A man who blasts you my Lord in ways that I can't even mention from the pulpit, Speaker 0 00:01:23 A man responsible for so many people losing their souls. And yet we have this kind of trash and Phil coming out against our lady from the Vatican itself. That's the situation we find ourselves in this day and age. It's a strange time. So make sure to make reparation to her for that. They have Luther and melange on either side. These guys came up for polygamy. In fact, with Phillip a Hessa Lank, Don was one of the guys that witnessed the marriage and Lutheran in blank. Con actually wrote the script to fill up to go ahead and take another woman because he wasn't happy enough with his wife. These are the kinds of people that we're promoting now. I mean, I guess they're the perfect poster children for Morris law. Tsetse that's for sure, but we've got to make reparation st. Blades st. Blaise is one of the 14, Holy helpers. He's an Armenian who was a physician. And then he was elected as Bishop in the early church. Of course it was, the situation was quite different. It typically the clergy of a certain area and the pies people would claim where they wanted for Bishop to be a Bishop, was to become a martyr. Speaker 0 00:02:41 They were choosing their father to be a martyr. And that's how it generally worked for the first three centuries. It's a little different how bishops are pointed right now, but the idea remains the same. Whether or not the bishops are faithful. They're supposed to be the fathers on the st. Blaise certainly was one persecution broke up at the urgent of his people. He left town and he was living in a K, but the prefects sending out soldiers to search from the search party, found him as soon as hauled in, watch this being jailed. Many people came to visit him. He's giving them good advice, blessing him, carrying many miraculously. And of course the reason he's a patron of throat diseases is because of an incident that happened. Then a woman brought her child. We'd got a fish bone stuck in his throat and st. Blaze blessed him and the child was all right. Speaker 0 00:03:35 So he's hauled in before the prefect, he's tortured with wool cards. Now, war cards, for those of you that have never carded wool would be a horrible thing to be tortured with. It's like, basically, it's like a little, you have a handle on it. If you've ever, if you've ever carted, will they have like so many little nails. There's so many little spikes that you can come out walls straight with. So he's getting just combed with this stuff, getting shredded with these really, really sharp things. He doesn't, he doesn't give in because of that. Then finally he has his head cut off when he's martyred on this day in three 16, if you, uh, this off the top of my head. But if you look at the image of the last judgment paid by Michael Angelo, you can pick out st. Blaise cause he's got the wool cards with them, the instruments by which he was tortured. That's just a little bit on st. Blaze, but today pray the blaze. Pray for fidelity. I say this a lot because it's so necessary. We live in a time when people are just falling away from the faith. They're giving up like so many dried leaves and just falling away, pray for fidelity on the death. Pray that your faith be more firmly founded, pray that your faith be the center of your life. You're going to need that grace.

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