Conversion of Saint Bruno The Virgin of Revelation

January 09, 2003 00:20:54
Conversion of Saint Bruno The Virgin of Revelation
Veritas Caritas
Conversion of Saint Bruno The Virgin of Revelation

Jan 09 2003 | 00:20:54


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Speaker 0 00:01 Bruno already had the DAG, although he's still at five months away. He'd made a careful selection after all, there wasn't any room for air. He had to be positive. He got the job done the first time, so I already had the dagger and he fixed today, but all that was in the future. Today he had some important work to do. He was supposed to give an important speech that he hadn't yet prepared. So on that bright sunny Saturday, the first Saturday after Easter, Bruno took his bible, his three children to the car, began preparing his speech, sitting under the seat of a tree. When one of his kids came up and asked him if he could help find the ball going to set aside his bible and his notes and began wandering around looking for the ball. When he found his four year old son kneeling at the mouth of a k, the child was staring into the cave or the choice look on his face and he kept repeating the same phrase over and over again. Speaker 0 01:15 Grunow couldn't see a thing. He turned to his other two children and asked them what they thought was going on. They came up to take a closer look and within seconds they also fell to her knees, got the same look on their face and began saying the same grade. By this time, you know, it was getting scary. His fear got worse. When he grabbed his children and couldn't move them. He grabbed hold of his four year old son and couldn't budge him. In his panic, he shouted, what's going on here is a, which crap are there? Devils in this grotto, the charged into the quay to fight off whoever or whatever was in there, but to his surprise, the cave was totally empty. All he could see was bare raw ruin up, came rushing out in a state of panic and despair and then burst into tears and he raised his arms to the sky and shouted it out. Speaker 0 02:25 God saver now to really appreciate what happens next. We need to know a lot more about Bruno granola. Chronically. Ola was born in a rough part of Rome in 1913 and he'd grown up on the street. He was tough. Although he hadn't received much religious education. He had been baptized and made his first communion. He got married at the age of 23 but Sunni abandoned his wife to go fight in the Spanish civil war in Spain. He come under the airport and so a fanatical German Protestant who convinced him that the cause of all the world's problems was the Pope Bruno, who hadn't been much of a Catholic to start with, was now filled with a burning hatred for all things Catholic and especially the blessing of Virgin and Nepal. So he made about 1939 after three years in Spain, he returned to Rome and to his, what? Speaker 0 03:38 He got a job as a try conductor and soon he had a real reputation to boot as a womanizer and a fighter with a filthy. Now when he'd lose his temper, which unfortunately fortunately it was fairly frequently, he'd beat up his wife and kids too. He went the large way to bring the older children to mass and he refused to allow his youngest son to be baptized. He destroyed all the Catholic pitchers and the Nando's around the house in his hatred for the church. He joined an extremely anti Catholic set. All things considered. Bruno wasn't much of a Christian. So what was he doing on that sunny Saturday, April, 1219 47 as president of the Missionary Youth Association of this particular organization, he had to give a speech to attack our lady that very morning on his way to the park and tre Fontane section outside of Rome where the Romans had beheaded. Speaker 0 04:42 St Paul, another man who hated the church. Bruno passed the statue of the blessed Virgin Mary. He stopped, pulled out his pants so that the base, this statue, you are neither virgin nor mother. They continued on by, these kids were playing ball. He was sitting under the tree studying his Bible in preparing a talk to ridicule, enact the conception. The first sentence that Bruno wrote that day is so bad that I can't even repeat it and I don't just mean from the pulpit. And of course he still had the dagger and a day and about he chose in September eight 1947 why September eight or December 8th is the seed or the Mac, the conception, the day that in the womb of Saint Dan the blessed Virgin Mary was concede absolutely free from original sin. And so nine months after that day, December eight is September eight the fees to the tip and the activity of the bus version. Speaker 0 05:53 Our ladies birthday girl had taken a vow and chosen the September eight fulfill it. He bought a dagger and he didn't create the dagger. Yeah, to the pole. You see Bruno was planning to murder Pius the 12th to now we could put this whole scene into context. Here we have a foul mouth street fighter who can only cheat signs. Why <inaudible> a man who hates the Catholic Church, who hates the blessed mother and is planning to murder the pope that very day. He'd already gravely and saw that the honor, the mother of God with his filthy graffiti and he's preparing a speech to mock immaculate conception. And then as we've seen as he was trying to find his kids, find a ball, he watched him suddenly fall to their knees and become immovable and in this fear, in panic, he cried out, God save us rather than me repeated. Speaker 0 06:59 Let's listen to what Bruno has to say about what happens next. Oh, no sooner had I uttered God save us. When suddenly I saw two clear white hands moving towards me, I felt they would lightly touching my face. I had the sensation that something was pulled from my eye. At that moment, I felt a certain pain and I found myself in the deepest darkness. At this point, I could see neither the cave, no, it was inside, but it wasn't about brain, unusual joy, close quote. Then he felt weightless. Then he began to smell an indescribably, beautiful smell, and then as you regained his sight, he could see what his children were seeing. Once he could see what his children were seeing, it could clearly understand why they kept repeating that. Pray Beautiful AAT beautifully beautiful woman wrapped within a tense golden light, which in spite of its incredible brilliance, he could look out without palm to his eye. Speaker 0 08:14 She wore a Green Vale with a brilliant white dress and tied with the rose colored sash in her hands. She held the Bible. She's standing barefoot on a raw, which was also glowing from this heavenly light. As he later said, quote, he who experiences the exceptional joy of arrestees eyes on such a heavenly beauty would only want to enjoy such beauty forever. Then that's the lady who are you. You're so beautiful. The lady replied, I am she who is related to the divine trinity. I'm the daughter of the father. I am the mother of the son. I am the spouse and tempo of the Holy Spirit. I am the virgin of revelation. You persecute me. Enough of it now enter into the true sheeple God's kingdom on earth. He must be like the flowers that your daughters just picked. They make no protests. They're silent and they do not rebel. Speaker 0 09:35 Be Obedient to the authority of the pole again, but no question the bus diversion, but why do you appear to me? I'm a great center. I go out with loose women, beat my wife and my children and I'm ready to murder the pole. The blessing virgin replied Bruno Denine first Fridays in honor of the sacred heart, which your faithful wife persuaded you observe before you walk down the road of lies have saved you is to my son's grave and had been called from a life of sin back to this sacred fold. You must live the divine doctrine. Practice Christianity lived the faith. Return to pure source of the Gospel. Pray much and recite the rosary for the conversion of sinners. The conversion of unbelievers and of all Christians to hell marries that. You pray with faith in low. I like gold narrows that goes straight to the heart of cheese. Speaker 0 10:48 He must go to the holy father pope to supreme paths your Christianity and personally tell him my message. The beautiful lady slowly moved her left hand and pointed to something laying your feet on the ground with a couple bat car, which held it smashed crucifix. She continued speaking of Bruno for about an hour and 20 minutes later he could remember every single word he said. It was almost as if he had a tape recorder where he could keep replaying the same sprays over and over again. Although his children could see her talking, they could see your lips moving. They heard nothing. Finally, when she was done speaking, the blessed virgin smiled at Bruna and the children turned around, walk to the wall. The God owned disappeared. Bruno was in the days of before they returned home. He used his Dorky to scratch a message quote on 12th April, 1947 the version of revelation appeared in this grotto to the Protestant Buena Quilt, Kyla and his children, and he was converted close quote, not told the children to say nothing, but as soon as they got back to their neighborhood, the kids told everyone they saw when they got home. Speaker 0 12:10 His wife could smell a beautiful perfume coming from them and as soon as they had the children put to bed, gorilla told his wife all that had happened and then he knelt down and begged her forgiveness for the horrible way he had treated her. Over the years later, he nailed at the feet of Sitwell, presented him with a dagger inscribed death to the Pole and beg his forgiveness. As the story sped people began to make pilgrimages to the grotto permission for the pilgrimages in devotion to the virgin of revelation was given with unusual speed by the vicarious of Rome on October 5th less than six months after apparition. Oh Pi's the 12th blessed statue of Our Lady, the Virgin of revelation, which was then taken in a huge procession from St Peter's Square to tre Fontane. Today at the shrine, the diocese of Rome maintains a public stat chapel. It's staffed by conventional Franciscans who offer public NASA's there because of the many miracles, the number of the people who pray at the grotto and they poke them there is steadily increasing. Speaker 0 13:25 There's an awful lot to think about. We've only mentioned a couple parts of her message. Much of our ladies message is secret. We've delivered to Pope Pius the 12th but it's worth spending a few moments to consider what we do know in a place of execution of a great persecuted the church. St Paul, Our lady knocked the scales off the eyes and hearts. Oh, modern persecutor in the church on the eve of divine mercy. Sunday, Our lady brings a message of mercy on the sacred heart of her son to a grade center in a time when so many Bible sects are learning Catholics away from the truth. Fe, Our lady appears holding the Bible my ass, that she is the virgin of revelation and calling us to return to the source pure source of the Gospel and will only Christian mind your time. With so many Catholics and men of goodwill are increasingly confused about which institute Church Our lady appears, and where does she appear in Rome, he calls Mary Tanner God's kingdom, honor the holy Catholic Church and to be obedient to the Supreme Pastor, Christianity for Paul in an age of so much sin, so many fallen away, Catholics, unbelievers and actual enemies. Speaker 0 15:01 So the church I lady gives us a message of conversion and prayer, especially to pray the rosary, to pray the rosary for their conversion in age with so much scandal. A lady comes with a message of reproach, put her praises when she pointed at the black cloth and the crucifix. Bruno said that symbolized the clerical clothes and under other distinguishing signs at so many religious people have discarded and she specifically said that priest must have a deeper Fay in the revealed truth to the church, a greater obedience to the teaching authority of the church and they must live appear and take the five lifestyle in a time when traditional practice of the faith have all but disappeared. A lady comes to remind us about the incredible strength and power of the first Friday practice. Speaker 0 16:04 She promised a special favor that with the soil, the glottal great miracles would be performed for the conversion of unbelievers and centers and Trudeau Lady's promise, the dirt from the Groddeck Trade Fontaine has proven to be miraculous in the same fashion that Lordes is famous for its miraculous swab, but the story doesn't even end there. The virgin of revelation had prophesied and starting on 33rd anniversary of our operation. That would be quote, many manifestations and graces both inward and external. Close quote to bless the Virgin Mary. On the 12th of April, 1988 the 33rd anniversary of apparition, more than 3000 people, including 25 priests were gathered at the grotto to hear Bruno's speak and attend to commemorative mass during the holy sacrifice. The mass the Sun with began to draw near the earth. It could be viewed without pain to the eye. It grew larger than normal and turned a variety of brilliant colors. Speaker 0 17:11 Then in rapid movements, the sun appeared as a crawl and am art surrounded by star art dripping with blood, the IHS monogram and so forth. The display lasted for one half an hour. Many fallen away. Catholics were turn to the faith on the spot. There were many physical cures to the point where a medical center was set up and after extensive research confirmed in the miraculous nature of these cares. Two years later on April 12th, 1982 again at the grotto in the presence of a crowd of thousands to their, his son was repeated on the grotto on the 12th of April, 1986 again in the recode. His son happened this time it was filmed and broadcast on Italian TV. I will read a selection of quotes from an article in a large daily newspaper in Rome. It'll tempo date 18 April, 1986 oh on the 12th of April, asked at the Sanctuary of the three fountains on the VLN Canaan. Speaker 0 18:24 The son Paul stated for a considerable time like a heart subject to violent emotion. At the same time, other incredible changes were observed on a sun surface off and faithfully filmed by camera man who happened to be on the spot as though in a surrealist vision, the son at one moment turned bright red and at another mol green, its colors glowed in gigantic gigantic shafts of light shown down the sky under the thousands of witnesses who fought to the hill, including both highly placed ecclesiastics and personalities from the worlds of politics in the arts. Starting from the 33rd anniversary of apparition, there were to be precisely is the version of revelation prophesied many manifestations and graces and both inward and external. We have to admit that this promise great and binding as it was, was very precisely carried out. The whole phenomenon has been filmed by a TV camera. Even if, and it is important to remember this, the attitude of the church remains marked by the utmost reticent close quote, an Tiering Temple, a lot to think about. We'll close with quote or from an officially approved prayer to bless your diversion of a revelation. Please Neil. Speaker 0 19:57 Most totally version of revelation. You are related to the divine trinity. We Beg you to turn your merciful and benevolent gaze towards us. All married you who a powerful advocate before God can obtain miracles for the conversion of unbelievers and sinners. Help us obtain from your son Jesus, the salvation of our souls, perfect health, the body and all the graces we need. Give the church and its leader, the Roman pontiff, the joy of seeing the conversion of its enemies, the spread of the Kingdom of God throughout the world, the unity of believers in Christ and peace to all nations. We begged for the true peace of all nations so that we may better love and serve you in this life. America come one day to see him. Thank you eternally in heaven. Amen. In the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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