Coffee with Father 5 – Spiritual Tools for our Times

July 15, 2022 00:37:34
Coffee with Father 5 – Spiritual Tools for our Times
Veritas Caritas
Coffee with Father 5 – Spiritual Tools for our Times

Jul 15 2022 | 00:37:34


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 All right. A couple random things I wanna read. Uh, I think you'd be interested or I I'm interested. It's an article on life site news. The titled article is the newest James Bond movie is Hollywood showing us what global elites are up to. It's all part of a desensitation program so that when society truly crashes and burns, everyone will be so stunned. They won't be able to fight back. Okay. So that's the title and the, and the underlying. So to the ordinary COVID jabbed corporate news consuming American, the new James Bond film is an action pack fitting in to Daniel. Craig's tenure is a womanizing double O British spy agent two keen observers of the global effort currently underway to eradicate human rights and usher in a worldwide dictatorship. The film is yet another instance of Hollywood showing us what sinister elite are doing before our very eyes and laughing at us for not picking up on it without giving away too many details. Speaker 0 00:00:59 Well, I'm certainly not gonna go to this thing. I wish you'd give away all the details, but anyway, <laugh> without giving away too many details, no time to die is about a bad guy who creates a bio weapon that can attack people based on their genetic composition. People that become affected, acquire nanorobots in their bloodstream. They in turn become carriers of the virus, which they can spread to others. They come in contact with, aside from being pretty much like every other bond film. The plot of this one falls almost to a T what's happening in our world today with COVID 19, even though the movie was developed before the virus was a thing, just like in the movie, people having major adverse reactions to mysterious ingredients, they're then getting booster shots that some researchers believe allow them to infect others and can increase their chances of dying due to heart issues. Speaker 0 00:01:45 In a compromised immune system, Hollywood has been grooming the us in global public for decades with its movies, or should I say indoctrination films, dystopian flicks like contagion. I am legend. Perfect sense. And many, many others have similar virus theme storylines that mirror the events going on today. Marvel and other superhero movies are also a clever Hollywood tool used to get normal people to forget about the real spiritually edifying history heroes of history, missionaries, saints, martyrs, and to develop a cult-like following of leftist a list celebrities. There's a rather telling scene about three quarters of the way through no time to die. When bond comes face to face with a bad guy, they have a brief, but highly enlightening conversation about why he's doing what he's doing. Bon tried to convince him of his evil ways, but he responds by saying, and I'm paraphrasing here that most people wanna be told what to do and let things happen to them. Speaker 0 00:02:38 And that men like him are supposed to create their reality for them. To me, that conversation was the most illuminating part, not just of this film, but of what Hollywood is generally up to these days. Hubristically working in concert with a deep state and others to Telegraph, to a blind public. What's going to happen to them. This is all part of a large scale desensitation program so that when society truly crashes and burns, everyone will be so stunned. They won't be able to fight back. Everyone will be saying how this is just like the movies without realizing they were being brainwashed all along to get to that point. My advice take Hollywood at its word, prepare for what they keep telling us is going to happen. As soon as you can. It's not random that they know this stuff and they make movies about it, but it's a really satanic type thing because of the way the devil and his minions are to try to rub it in. Speaker 0 00:03:29 And y'all are so stupid. We've been telling y'all along. So that that's really that sort of a thing. Anyway. So I thought that was of note. Then I got the new data. Uh, so data released Friday by the centers for disease control and prevention showed that between December 14th, 2020 and October 1st, 2021, a total of 778,685 ad adverse events following COVID vaccines were purported to the vaccine adverse event report system vers the data included a total of 16,310 reports of deaths, an increase of 373. Over the previous week, there were 111,921 reports of serious injuries, including deaths during the same period, up 6,163, compared with the previous week, then it says excluding 400 reports, whatever that means filed in conveyors, 593,728 adverse events, including 7,437 deaths and 47,455 serious injuries were reported in the us between December 14th, 2020 and October 1st, 2020, one of the 7,437. Us deaths reported as of October 1st, 11% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination. Speaker 0 00:04:44 16% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination. And 29% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated. Now what's interesting is on the, the CDC side itself. Uh, you have, uh, they did a study. They had Harvard commissioned to do a study on, on a bear study at the time a few years ago, they concluded that's got roughly 1% of, of the actual vaccine problems are reported. If, let, let's say 50% are reported, 50% would be, uh, 30 some thousand deaths. Well, if it's 1%, that's 1.6 million deaths. So this is really what we're dealing with with these people. And it's full steam ahead. We just need to be aware that the devil is up to something and we're in God's hands and we better rely on them. So that's what really what I want to talk about, uh, given that we, uh, we're living in this persecution that it's already, they're already killing people and it is a persecution people they're manipulated so much with the spirit of fear and the faith is very weak. Speaker 0 00:05:57 Of course, unfortunately, our leaders, especially in the church are, are part of the problem, not part of the solution right now. So we pray that some of them, uh, snap out of it, but in, in spite of that, this the situation we're in. So we just have to trust God in the first place and rely on him, but in terms of weapons and, and things to do, I'll just talk about it. So I have some things and it, this shouldn't take a whole long time, but I think it's very important. So it doesn't matter if I talk for a very long time, obviously the, uh, the rosary has to have a primary, uh, place in everybody's life. And sister Lucia told us in her last public interview, it was in 1957 with her last public interview before she was silenced. But she told us that our lady had attached a particular grace to the rosary in these times. Speaker 0 00:06:45 It's certainly true. Anybody that's serious about the rosary will experience that. So we had to put the rosary right up at the top of, of our weapons. We should, that's what Potter appeal used to call it his weapon. And we should think like that too, with the rosary, in terms of the sacraments mass with communion and confession. When we go to holy mass, he should always fix your intention. He should have an intention. Like the priest has an intention when he is saying mass, that he's saying mass for intentions, typically in the bulletin or whatever. Uh, but it's also for everybody else. That's why he says pray brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be exceptional to God. The father <inaudible> cuz it's your sacrifice too. So when you're at holy mass or when you send your angel to mass with an intention, put your intention on the host when he is at the atory. Speaker 0 00:07:32 And that wa water, when he is poured into the wine, stands for your intentions. So put your intention in that, just when you're there, you just prayfully fix your intentions, but have an intention and have a default. So in case you're distracted or sick or tired, your default is that you have a holy death and your, your family or children have holy deaths. So that, that way that's always covered. If in case you just forgot, you didn't forget, cuz it's covered. Your angel will take care of that. So mass and confession, frequent confession, pottery appeal used to upgrade his penance, not the people that came from all over, but his regular penance, if they went longer in 10 days, he'd say, you know, he'd upgrade 'em because with confession, not only do we get our sins forgiven, not only, not only do we get graces to, to quit falling into those faults and, and so forth, we also get more sanctifying grace. Speaker 0 00:08:20 And uh, that's what we're shooting for. We grow and holiness. Now. What about when, when they, everything shuts down or the way things are going and all of a sudden we don't have a priest or these things aren't available. That's, what's super good to, to remember, to make spiritual communion. That's what people have always done in persecutions is make a spiritual communion and spend the time with Thanksgiving cuz our Lord will come to you. He'll give you all those graces. I can't remember which one of the saints, uh, our Lord appeared to, but he had, he had a gold Chaus and a silver Chaus. He appeared to the Saint and with all these graces and he said the gold child stood for all her sacramental communities and the silver child stood for all her spiritual communities. He said he was very pleased with both. That's a pleasing thing. Speaker 0 00:09:05 The next most pleasing thing to, to our, our Lord being received Wordly in a heart sacramentally is term to receive spiritually into heart, the Wordly heart. So spiritual communion. And what if we can't get to confession? That's where acts of perfect contrition are super important. Now you would think sometimes all the books on this have been written by Jansenists. I, I can't believe it. Well, not all of 'em, but I mean some of the stuff you read and especially in the popular literature as if it's the hardest thing in the world, if it'd be easier to go barefoot up, Mount Everest, AXA per confession are not hard to make, but you have to get in the habit of making them. Now I preached a sermon on this. You can find on, on those sites where those are at. So I I'd recommend that, that you, that you listen to that cuz it gives how to lead other people in an act of perfect attrition too, though, I go through how to lead a Protestant. Speaker 0 00:09:57 You don't call it an act of perfect attrition when they're dying, how can you help them have a holy death and get their sins forgiven since they don't even know about confession, but they can get their sins forgiven cuz they know enough. They believe our Lord is a savior in order to be saved. The content of faith, you have to believe there's one God, there's three persons in the one God father, son, the holy spirit, the second person, our Lord and savior, Jesus of Christ became man and died. First sins, God rewards the good and punishes the evil. Now we wanna know more than that, but that's sufficient to be saved. Well, hello Protestants know that so we can help them. And I have had people help them. There's a whole sermon on how to do this, but basically you don't use Catholic words. I'll just give you the they're dying. Speaker 0 00:10:40 You don't want to confuse them or cause them to be pulled back and think you're trying to trick me and make me a Catholic right now. Of course we are. We're always trying to do that, but not trick me wise. We want him to die in, in the state of grace. We don't have to worry about these things like quick, get the priest. They don't wanna see the priest. I mean, if they wanna see the priest quick, get the priest. If he's around, I'm not against that. I I'm a priest. I've done it. But I have had the grace to be at death bid conversions, but that's not how it typically works. But what we wanna do is make sure they get saved insofar as God can uses their instruments. So what do you do? They're weak. And the last thing to go by the way is the hearing. Speaker 0 00:11:14 So you can talk quietly. Even if they can't speak and people can squeeze your finger and you can communicate with them and they will. I've done this cuz we work with dying. People speak slowly. Not like I do. You have to speak slowly. What you do is say, I'll pray for you. If you want pray in your name, they don't have to agree to that, but that's really helpful. I'll pray in your name. And so they just say, uh, Jesus, I love you. I have mercy on me. I'm sorry for any ways I've ever, ever offended you now, no process gonna rep coil from that. And they're and say, I'll pray for you. If they say okay or squeeze, then you just keep saying those kind of prayers. If they're sorry for all their sins, that's what you need. That's what God's looking for and say. Speaker 0 00:11:58 So I love you have mercy on me. I'm sorry for any of the ways I've ever offended you in my whole life and he'll forgive them. That's what you want for us. The way to practice is really put yourself at the foot of the cross and sit there while our Lord's dying. And you can ask yourself, why is he there? He's dying. He's dying for me. Why? Because of my sins. And so you think about that for a little while and then just slowly make an act of attrition. That'll be an act of perfect atrition and just practice doing that. Cuz we should get in the habit and act a perfect contr nutrition, forgive all your sins, even mortal sins as Catholic. So we know if we have mortal sins and we hadn't confessed them, the act of perfect attrition will forgive them. But the next time we're on a priest, we need to confess them. Speaker 0 00:12:41 That's how that works, but they'll be forgiven. God forbid. But if we ever commit a mortal sin, we wanna do this right away. Since as we come to our senses and do it over and over and hopefully get to a priest. But if not, we're covered. And by the way, when somebody's dying, uh, that's a Catholic. If you annoyed them, they've had contrition for their sins at any point in time, it's all forgiven. Cuz that's another thing that, that, uh, case where you don't have to confess your sins, cuz you're laying there dying. You can't, if it sometimes when you're, when you're dying and the priest is there to Tono, you you're laying on the road, di bleeding out as long as they're sorry, they could have had a pretty rough life, but as long as they've made act of nutrition, uh, they're gonna be forgiven. Speaker 0 00:13:21 So anyway, that's really important, spiritual convenience and acts of perfect attrition. These are things to know for persecutions, which we are in. And so, uh, we wanna know that we wanna help other people. And in this sermon I talk about how to help, uh, people that aren't Christian, you know, little more challenging, but God's looking for the salvation of ments that we do, what we can. All right. What other things, uh, that, that we can do consecrate yourself and everybody who has children, your children to our lady, and do that daily. Just keep con giving 'em to our lady, give place yourself that way. But your children, especially in these day and age, it's, it's very rare to have a family where all the children are the way they ought to be, but you just keep consecrating to our lady and say, they're yours. You take care of them and you trust her cuz you can't have a better mother than that. Speaker 0 00:14:10 So that's really super important. All right, this is gonna be sort of a random order in terms of protecting you from, uh, demonic attacks and people from that, there's a little thing called Christian, or you can get it online. The Chris norm is just Latin for eight of Christians, but it's a U X I L I U M and then Christian with a O R U M auxilian Christian norm a U X I L I U M Christian norm. So that's uh, super useful to join it. You just, there's no commitments at all. You pray the prayers and if you don't pray the prayers, it's not, there's nothing wrong, but you're in, in a group of people all over the world, praying those prayers and not just in English, there are plenty of different languages. There's strength in, uh, a lot of prayer like that. Speaker 0 00:15:07 So that's a good thing to help, to help protect us. Obviously, our Sacramentos are super important to have bless salt around the house, get a priest to bless some salt, uh, have some holy water. I think it's a good idea to have a spray bottle, a little spray bottle. People have temptations or whatever. Just one of those little spray bottles. They, you know, buy the bed or whatever they can just missed it. And, and the knuckleheads have to go back to hell where they belong, at least, uh, at that time St tr water and St. Malo water and bread. You can get priests to bless those for you. And, uh, the St tr water is, is, uh, for, for health. You just drink it. And it's also for pregnant women so that the baby will live to see baptism. So that's, uh, really, really useful. Speaker 0 00:15:55 And I have plenty of stories on that, that I, well, I'll just, I'll just a couple of 'em right now. It's in the Roman ritual. It's water blessed honor of the blessed Virgin Marion Saint trust confessor in anyway, uh, it's a really short little blessing. One of my priest friends called me up years ago and said, wow, you gotta, this is just great. And he told me about two miracles. He'd had by blessing that water and having people say so I, I had that in my mind. I was Thanksgiving weekend. I got a call to go to the hospital for, for somebody, you know, so I showed up there, it was like a ghost town walking to this big hospital and I get up there to the room and here's some woman I'd mother of four, the children weren't there, she'd be in her middle thirties, uh, and just balled in a boiled peach. Speaker 0 00:16:40 There was nothing left on her, kind of puffed up all this he's terminal end of some kind of cancer, which I don't remember anymore. And there she is. And, and her husband they've been crying and, and so forth and they just wanna talk to a priest. She'd already been annoyed. It, so we, we talked and we're sitting there talking and I saw she had a IV going in. I looked at it, sailing water said, do you mind if I make this into holy water, kind of holy water? She said, no. So I did that St. Charles water. And she went into remission and left the hospital and kept raising her family. Anyway, that's just one of, many of those kind of stories. That's the very first time I made, I said, note to self let's do this again. <laugh> it's been amazing. So I, I can, can't say enough good about that. Speaker 0 00:17:21 And St. Mao it's tutus and the Roman ritual, if a priest, isn't sure what it is. It's a strange it's Maudi. So everybody that, uh, reads Dutch can find it pretty easy, but all the rest of us, it takes a little while it's mallow is what you'd find him. So you need a picture of him like an icon to bless him. And so you just, you can, it's easy to find Saint Mallo icons images on a search, and they just print it out, cuz the signs of the cross and that blessing are done with that. Anyway, that it's an easy blessing, but just that's more information cuz the poor priest will say who Saint Chuti and how do I get a picture? It's Saint Malow M a L O in the corners of your yard and the corners of your property. I would suggest taking a little Ziploc bag and putting a, a bless St. Speaker 0 00:18:08 Bannock metal and a pinch of bless salt. There's other things I put in it usually, but we don't need to get in everything that I do and take those in a Ziploc bag. Cause that way the salt will be there and uh, just kind of punch a hole in there and, and, and, and, and drop those into the hole and stomp it in. So those things are buried. And then you kind of set a perimeter. I put a St Benedict's metal blessed one over your front door, on the inside, cuz uh, you don't want the devils in your house. And for some reason, if you just do it over the main entrance, it kind of protects the whole camp. So that keeps St Benedict keeping those clowns away. And that's got exorcism on those metals. So that's, uh, really good, blessed chalk. If you get a place to bless your chalk at epiphany and put up, uh, the blessing that it's in the ritual, but it, it invokes the mag I St. Speaker 0 00:18:55 Cast for milk and Baltazar protecting your camp. Those are the things that I would say in terms of Sacramentos when I'm thinking about that. And I have that in terms of like particular attacks, if a person thinks they're under attack or suspects that they're under attack, one of the things, uh, you, you wanna send the evil back. So here's a prayer and I'll probably read it a couple times, but Jesus and Mary, I ask that if it be your holy will, then they curses her evil sent against me, be sent back from once they came. Speaker 0 00:19:34 So Jesus and Mary, I ask that if it be your holy will, then they curses her evil sent against me, be sent back from once they came so pretty easy. And then if there's anything, you know, like any particular area, like it's in your imagination, you can't get pictures outta your imagination or you here, you know, whatever it might be. You consecrate the different areas to our lady to just so you just consecrate whether I consecrate my imagination to you or my hearing or my sight or whatever it is. See, and then you can make a spiritual contract. You just ask are, are, are your angel and are related to renew that consecration every time that situation happens, another thing you can do is just order in the holy names of Jesus. Mary, the enemy has to give glory to our lady every time they attack your attempt, you, well, that's pretty ugly to those clowns. Speaker 0 00:20:29 Uh, and we have to pray now, one of the things, so we have to pray, but one of the things is the more urgent, a situation seems, Dabo ential situation seems the slower you need to respond to it. <laugh> so, I mean, obviously if a car just went off a cliff, KA boom, so we're not talking about car wrecks and stuff like that, where, but anything where you think it's really, really urgent, that means it's really, really not urgent. It's urgent that you don't do something it's urgent that you just need to pause, pray, relax, and go have a cold one. Uh, and I mean that I'm not even joking because the devil is gonna try to get you all agitated and to do a bunch of stuff. And it's all just stupid. And you're gonna get in a big trap real quick. Cuz a lot of this is humility. Speaker 0 00:21:18 A lot of times we just have to be beat up and people have to realize that even Exorcist get to get beat up. So I mean, we have to be humble and just realize that the devil's attacking us. We do what we can and then we just suffer what we have to, but we don't expect that we just get to go through this Bulletproof and stomping on 'em all like, like we're some kind of superhero or something like that. We have to be humble if something's late at night, wait till the morning you have your little holy water and spray. It's the devil's playground at night. It's so just wait till the morning, relax, go have a cold one, pray something light, a bless candle. Bless candles are good to have. Uh, you don't even have to light 'em and they keep stuff away cuz that's how the blessing works. Speaker 0 00:22:01 But if it's really a dramatic night, then just light a bless candle and go to bed. I mean, that's, that's what you have to do. So I think those are really, really super important principles is don't get in a rush to do anything and pray and pray. And if it seems real serious, then be even less of a rush to do it. Father riper has a book called deliverance prayers for the faithful and that's a good book people can and should have around cuz they can kind of flip through that depend on the situation, but they should always do the prayer protection. And when they're using that book, they should do the prayer to protection before they do anything else and then kind of flip around, oh it also be good Sacramento. It's blessed olive oil, you know, is you having temptations to sign across on your head or whatever. Speaker 0 00:22:49 And plus it's blessed to, so if you have a sore, let's say have a sore elbow. You just takes some at olive oil and ano yourself on the elbow. You know, just little sign the cross and rub it in or a stomach ache on your belly, sign the cross and do that. You can cook with it and it's all good to go. It keeps away devils. And it helps you, uh, with your health as well. I'd say that's super, super important. And if you haven't thrown your home to the sacred immaculate hearts and your property too, in so far as you have a farmer ranch or something like that, you should have thrown it to them because we want them to be the cane queen of, of our place. Not whatever else is happens to be running around. Loing around in whatever county we're living in. Speaker 0 00:23:30 Cuz most of the stuff loing around, you don't want on your place. So I'd say that what else in father Rick's book, there's probably stuff on this cuz I don't have it. I have different stuff, priest type things. But you should be aware that if you have Masonic people in your family tree that you're descended from masons, uh, at Eastern star people, you wanna do some blessings and announcements of that. And there are special prayers written just for that. That may not be a, a problem, but I've had to deal with it a lot depending on the families. And if they announce it, that kind of severs, that kind of a mess. All right. In terms of eating and drinking, we have to start the end cuz we actually live in a pagan world. So if you're at a restaurant and all that, you don't have to ask if you're at somebody's house, you don't have to ask it. Speaker 0 00:24:20 I can't remember which one St. Paul writes about it. Maybe in Colossians. I don't remember. You know, you eat what's put before you and you say, but you say grace, but if somebody tells you that it's uh, it's been consecrated something, I'll be specific here in a minute, then you can't eat it. You know, because all of a sudden we're in a different thing. So like for example, if you're eating farmland, you're gonna be good to go or one of your neighbors. But if you buy the store, it's all halal in this country, it's all halal. And you can see the little halal sign on. So it's been sacrificed to a devil. I'm sorry. ALA is not our God. We may use the same word if we're Catholic Arabs, but it's not the same God. And they spin that thing around towards me and do a bunch of gibberish and cut its throat. Speaker 0 00:24:59 You can see it right on label. So if you go in a store and it's not farm lamb, like from somebody, you know, or local meat cutter or something, you better not do it. You can see it all marks on like on, on crackers and all that are just like kosher. That's just a, a racket for the Imam to make money. But what it means is they, they don't have any meter, whatever that wasn't sacrificed there. Well, you don't have to worry about vegetable type things that have that little halal sign on it that doesn't, that's not gonna impact you. It's the meat that, that that's been sacrificed towards Mecca. So monster drinks. I have a funny story that isn't so funny, but I, you know, tell people don't drink those things. There's something wrong. So one gal I knew is TV and ha ha not me and drank one. Speaker 0 00:25:44 Then I had to do deliverance over, you know, because there's something minimum. I don't know what it is, but something happened. And by the way, that applies to all this beer and wine and boo, you go in the store and it'll be like, voodoo, this don't drink it devil that all this weird Halloween type stuff, just pass it up. They're gonna put voodoo on their beer. They're saying more than you want to know and don't drink it. You just could say, would you serve that to our lady? That's a really easy thumb rule of thumb. If I won't serve something like that to our lady, why am I drinking it? I'm I an idiot? Uh, so this is a precinct. Are you an idiot? Yes you are. If you drink it, you are an idiot. I've lived with priests where there was stuff that went flying right outta the refrigerator, into the garbage boy. Speaker 0 00:26:25 I'm not gonna have that crap in my house. And that's the nicest word I can think of it. It's just demonic. So I don't care what people think. That's how it is. And they can think whatever they want about me. That's still how it is. Uh, don't have it in your house. Uh, it's just not good. Okay. So what else can I think of in terms of blessings and other things that priests don't know, but they should, uh, most priests don't know, but in the Roman ritual you have blessings against hoppers, mice, any kind of thing that's investing, it's all the same blessing. It's called a deprecatory blessing. You can tell the priest a depretory blessing and what a Detory blessing is, is a way for a priest to command that stuff on the holy name of our Lord. You go off this property and basically to reduce down to a level that's suitable for human beings. Speaker 0 00:27:16 The first time I did it, it kind of astonished me, uh, because it's about a 10 section place that was just hopper out. I mean, just you're, you're going in clouds, you'd walk and it'd be about way steep Depot hoppers jumping up in that kind of cloud, how they do. And so I did the blessing. They went away. I don't know where they went away. That was the first time I said, okay, uh, that's why I said, note yourself, this is a good one. Gotta do that again. But I've done it for all kind of things. Done it for mice, done it for one place. It had the, these wasp nest. You couldn't believe they were literally, you could, there was one that was so big. You couldn't put your arms around it and I've never seen wasps like that. I mean, maybe in other places, but this is in Montana though. Speaker 0 00:27:51 I don't know. Uh, maybe other places they grow, but it was, it was about half scary to see all the wasp nest everywhere. And so we blessed him and the nests were there, but the, but the wasp kit coming out of him. So it's really a wonderful blessing, but it's in the Rome ritual and he just sticks in there. So you can put in there anything, whatever it might be, uh, and you put the word of whatever it is, whether it's a, whether it's a grass hopper, whether it's a mouse, you know, was you just put it in there and he doesn't have to know the Latin for, he can put the English in cuz heaven understands it. They can get these things in translation as well. But that's the Weller book, but that's old. I don't, that would be a good thing then just in general, in these times. Speaker 0 00:28:32 And I think the big sorting out more than anything else is in the heart, are we really committed to truth in our hearts because we're gonna know the truth. If we wanna know the truth, we might be confused on things. But if we really, really long to know the truth, cuz our Lord says the truth will set us free. And that's the setting in our heart. Then even if we're confused for a while and we're wrong in things we'll end up being right over the long run. So I'll explain that. What I tell people is if you get to a moral pickle where you don't know what to do, there's two ways you can decide what to do the first way is to say what would be most pleasing to God over the long run, cuz I'm not sure what to do. What do I think would be most pleasing to God over the long run? Speaker 0 00:29:16 And the second way is what do I think would be the most charitable? Those are actually the same thing, but it doesn't seem as clear depending on which what the situation is. So what do I think would be most pleasing to God over the long run? What would be most charitable guess what? Suppose three weeks after you did whatever you made this decision, you found out it was exactly the wrong one. You were pleasing. God, because you were trying to do what was the most pleasing to him or the most charitable. So you were right, even though objectively speaking, you were wrong. So not only you're not sin, you're pleasing him. And that's why you all of a sudden found out what the right answer is. Now let's compare that to what's going on right now. People don't wanna hear the truth. They run around screaming and stick their fingers in their ears. Speaker 0 00:29:55 Basically this is the operation of error. That's why you have all these, these poor people. You can't really have a rational discussion on many, many topics with them because they're not open to hearing the truth. It's it turns into a shoting match or they just start lecturing you or whatever. This is really very common. Most people have experienced it when you're talking about pro-life issues and you say something super mildly pro-life and there's no proportion between what you just said and the screaming that ensues or, or the rage or the person stomping out of the room. You're kind of left there going, oh, well, I mean, after a while, you know, it's gonna, they don't wanna hear the truth and I'm not picking 'em they're just really wounded in that area. That's I'm just giving examples that we need to be open to truth, no matter how much it hurts us. And if we are open to truth, no matter how bad it hurts, we'll get through whatever we're gonna go into. And we don't have to worry about it. And we just keep reminding ourselves, nobody gets outta this booger alive. I'm gonna die. So I might as well die on the right side. So all I have to do is be committed to the truth and I'll die where I got to. All right. So I think that's what I wanna say on that topic. And I'll stop there. And if there's questions, I'll try to feel them. Speaker 1 00:31:05 You had mentioned, uh, the lamb and stuff. Is there any cases for like chicken or beef or any other meats that you would have Speaker 0 00:31:11 To? Well, you just look once you, once you look, but I haven't seen it on the other ones, but once you, once you see if you go in to any place where they have lamb and I'm not talking about a, you know, the local guy look at it, you'll see what a halal thing looks like. And then you'll be able to you'll notice it on the other thing, cuz they'll label it. And if you don't know, like in a big city, you just say, is this halal? They'll tell you. Speaker 2 00:31:36 It's not something you can bless and be Speaker 0 00:31:37 Done. No, no. See, but it's different if you're at somebody's house and they serve you something, you don't have to ask the questions. That's what St. Paul it's really, really explicit. So when you go to somebody's house, you don't go, where did you get this meat? Where did you get this? You know, you don't go down this list. If they set a monster drink in front of you, go, no, thank you please. You know? I mean, because it's right there in front of you or they say, oh, I got this. Oh, don't go. Like, this is gonna be rather random. And for y'all it won't matter. But when I was in Texas, it turned out that I learned without going to all the details right now, cuz it doesn't matter that they there's a, a restaurant there that was quite trendy. And it was a trendy vegetarian type restaurant. And it was owned by the Harry Christians. Every plate of food was offered up to one of their idols before it come out and was placed on your table. Well, Hey buddy, you might wanna look when you go on some of them restaurants at what kind of idols are in there. Speaking personally, if I walk in and see an island or restaurant, I got other things, you know my, I, I can go elsewhere. I can go dumpster diving before I'd eat some idle food. Speaker 3 00:32:37 If I was to explain it to somebody, what, what does Speaker 0 00:32:40 That mean? That means they spun that she towards Mecca and said some kind of offering toward Muslim offering. Well they slit its throat. It was, it was, it means it's been religiously sacrificed in a Muslim ceremony. Yeah. It's facing Mecca. Uh, that's what it means. So it's, it's actually meat. That's been sacrificed to an idol. I know people will say, oh, but it, we worship the same God, but we don't Cardinal Burke. If you wanna look away from me, Cardinal Burke will tell you the same thing. We don't worship the same. God cuz I know that's controversial. I don't. It's like many things. There's just too much confusion. Since when do Muslims who don't believe in the Trinity worship, the Trinity, you know, I rest my case just cuz they say they have one God, well big deal. He's a moon. God too. There were 360 there. Speaker 0 00:33:28 When, when, when Mohamed started cuz they were, they had 360 shrines there in Mecca. Cause the tribe's from took care of the shrines and he got, he took the moon, God shrine. That's why that's their sign of it and, and got rid of the rest. But I that's getting too much Islam. Anyway. Halal is, is meat that has been sacrificed in a Muslim ceremony. The halal symbol on crackers doesn't mean anything. It's like, okay. It's just like the kosher sign doesn't mean you're involved in some Jewish thing. When you buy crackers, it means there's no pork or whatever. And for those people, they can buy it going, oh well it doesn't have whatever. So in terms of traveling or whatever, when you're not in your regular place, you should pray to St. Anthony to make sure that you eat in places that that are the right places, et cetera, that you, that you stop and get gas or coffee or eat in places that are, you're not gonna get in trouble. Speaker 0 00:34:24 I tell people, say three glory bees to St. Anthony for thanking him for help. When you find appropriate ID and then say Saint Anthony, pray for us. So three glory, bees and Saint Anthony pray for us. If you're not praying, when you're traveling, you're gonna get hit by something it's happened to me. I could take my own advice. Sometimes I was driving through Northern Oklahoma comes back to Texas. When I was down there, I stopped in a gas station. I got some, I also got some coffee and here I am. I got, I hadn't prayed. I'm just tired driving along. It's Oklahoma. I'm in the Bible belt. I have that coffee and I I'm driving along and I go to take a sip of it. And it was like, so smoking hot. I said it down. And uh, I took another one. It, well, it wasn't hot at all. Speaker 0 00:35:08 And it got me really, really sick. Cuz I put my finger. I couldn't believe anything could be that hot. It was doing something to me. And I'm, if I, I don't know what had happened, I would drink much more cuz I couldn't hardly drive. And I realized uhoh so I had to do some deliverance prayers and whatnot on myself and cuz I got nailed by the coffee. You just don't know anymore. Things are too weird. That's probably not happening everywhere. I don't mean just like it is, but how do you know where it's going on? These people are everywhere. Speaker 1 00:35:38 So why is he Anthony? Speaker 0 00:35:40 Because he he's patron of finding things. All right. Speaker 3 00:35:43 What about the, the monster drinks? What? What's on the symbol on the monster drinks? I don't buy monster drinks, but I've Speaker 0 00:35:51 Seen them. There's something I don't know because you get told things, which I don't know what what's true, but what I will say is there's some kind of curse. There's some kind of spell there's something attached to 'em and that's why I told that anecdote. There was somebody I actually told, I don't think you should drink those monster drinks and they're kind of well, you know, and uh, and they drank one and then I had to do a deliverance pair on them. So, you know, before they knew they were all right after I told them and then they kept drinking 'em then they weren't all right, cuz they said, I don't think you should do it. There's actually something wrong here. But anything, anything where you can just look at the label as a Catholic and say, would I serve that turtle lady? That's that's the same thing with watching movies and stuff. Would I show this to our lady? Cuz she's there. It's a pretty easy rule of thumb. You see? I don't think I'd set a monster drink in front of our lady. Speaker 2 00:36:41 Can you clarify blessings from afar? Cause I, I get that with different priests. No, I can't bless that unless I'm right there. Speaker 0 00:36:48 Yeah, you can't actually, uh, convict the sacraments from afar. So you can't do that, but blessings are not subscribed by distance. I'm not picking on any particular priest, but there, I just bless people in purgatory. I mean that's not exactly right next to me. So you can bless things from afar, but you can't bless everything. So, you know, I can't say decide I'm gonna bless olive olive oil in the world. I can bless this olive oil. Do you see what I mean? Speaker 2 00:37:18 Intention matters. Speaker 0 00:37:19 Oh yeah. And it's circumscribed by things. So like if I'm sitting here blessing a bunch of olive oil on table and there's this some over there that wasn't blessed cuz I was blessed this so oil, nobody told me and then they come up and do it. You say, I just got done. You know, you have to start over again.

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