Corpus Christi Exodus Typology

May 25, 2008 00:23:04
Corpus Christi Exodus Typology
Veritas Caritas
Corpus Christi Exodus Typology

May 25 2008 | 00:23:04


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Speaker 0 00:02 Last year on the great feast of Corpus Christi, we took a look at a type of the most busted Sackman. We spent some time considering the stupendous miracle of the man of that miraculous bread that fed the people of Israel for 40 years as they wandered through the desert. Before we go any further, let's remind ourselves what we mean when we say a type. What is it? Type a type is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, was also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Okay, so a type is of person thing or action that actually exists, but it is intended by God to foreshadow or point forward to a future person thing or action. We've talked about it many times. The fact that God intended to things in the Old Testament to foreshadow the new testament realities. Okay? Speaker 0 00:59 Remember as we go from the Old Testament to the new testament, we're going from the lesser to the greater, from a promise to the fulfillment. So there's this upward trend and salvation, okay? We're going from the level of the promise up to the level of fulfillment in Christ. All right. This year we'll start by reviewing some of the major events that occurred during the exodus and then we'll go back and consider just a few aspects of what God was intending to foreshadow there. Okay? All right. We all know it starts with Israel in slavery down in Egypt. God raised up Moses to deliver them. On the night of the Passover, all the people of Israel had to sacrifice that pascal lamb and mark the windows of their doors of the blood lamb. Now St Jerome said it was marked the sign, the cross said mark the top like this in the sides like that. Speaker 0 01:48 Okay. Up and down and right and left. Okay. Back and forth. Then they had to cook and eat that lamb. Lord said, I shall see the blood and shall pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you. When I strike the land of Egypt, they came to pass at midnight. The Lord slew every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne under the firstborn of the captive omen that was in the prison and all the firstborn of his cattle. That's what the sacred word tells us. Of course, the people leave Egypt Lord leads, and by this pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud during the day, they end up on the shore as the bread see their back to the sea. You here comes feral bearing down with his army and just when it looks like they're toast, God instructs Moses to part the sea and the people of Israel fleet through the sea fairness army falling out to them, get washed away. Speaker 0 02:37 You know? All right. We all know about that. They get the safe getaway. They continue their journey. There continued to be led by this pillar of cloud to Mount Sinai on the way they're being fed by that manna from heaven to clear for shouting the blessed sacrament last. You remember we took a cue from something Steve Wood says, and we consider what an absolutely stupendous miracle. This man is incredible miracle. We saw the man of fell every day except on the sabbath because it didn't fall in the Sabbath twice as much fell on Fridays, and then given that 1.5 to two quarts of Manna fell every day per person. At a bare minimum, it pencils out to incredible miracle because we know how many men there were not cutting women children. That's what the book of numbers tells us. There's a census right there. Anyway, to get some idea of the scale of the miracle, at a minimum, we want to picture a train point 300 grain cars loaded with Manoj pulling into camp every day and two trains, 300 grain cars long pulling in on Fridays every day, 40 years. Speaker 0 03:46 That's just the kind of miracle the man was. And remember, things are going from a foreshadowing, a promise to fulfillment. So if that's the kind of miracle we see in Moses in the Old Testament, it's pointing forward to an even greater miracle, a greater bread from heaven and the New Testament, which is a course why we're celebrating Corpus Christi today, because as great as the man is, and it's a great miracle that much greater is a promise fulfilled in Christ our Lord truly present body, blood, soul, and divinity, and the most blessed Itzhak and the altar. It's just incredible. We looked at all that last year. Okay, so the people of Israel arrive at Mount Sinai. Moses climbs up into the cloud to talk to the Lord. Then God commands Moses to go down and tell the people he has to command them. They have to spend the next three days preparing to present themselves before God. Speaker 0 04:36 What do they have to do? They have to wash their bodies. They have to wash their clothes and abstain from embracing their wives as father. Hey, doc wrote centuries ago, quote, all nations seem to have adopted similar observances of continents washing themselves and putting on their best attire when they appeared before God closed. Quote, Cornice Elapid a points out some 400 years ago that these exterior practices of cleanliness were intended to prop the people towards the interior purity. They needed to appear before God and also to promote an atmosphere of reverence in which they could receive the divine law. God was going to whom? His holy word engraved on the tablets of stone. The people will also strictly warned not to pass beyond the limits that were set from and touch the holy mountain. They'd have to be killed. They couldn't even be touched. They'd had to be shot too. Speaker 0 05:30 With arrows are stoned to death. If they pass beyond the limits and touch the mountain, it's that holy. So then Moses goes back up in the cloud, receives the 10 Commandments, and at the same time every possible detail considering the construction and design of the temple and all the liturgical rules, all of them, all the rubrics the whole time. What's going on in the mountains smoking. It's shaken with earthquakes. It's flaming up. There's bolts of lightning there, storms, so you can hear the angels blowing trumpets and there's whirlwinds going on. Thunder rattling everything. Moses comes down and reads the covenant to the people and they promise to obey the law. Then he goes back up the Mont and to speak the Lord and the people come to Aaron, Aaron's Moses brother, he's the high priest and they asked him and he goes ahead and makes a golden idol of Apris. Speaker 0 06:20 Apris is the Bulgur God of the Egyptians. The golden calf is one of the <inaudible> idols. That's what they're doing. They're building an Egyptian idol. Think about that. What have they just gone through? What have they just seen? The Passover, the partying, the Red Sea, they're getting the manna from heaven. Here's all this stuff going on in the mountain. There they are right at the base amount in the face, all these miracles right in God's face and they erect this golden idol right there and and commit idolatry. Moses comes running down from the mountain, says, if any man be on our Lord's side, let him join me. The tribe of Levi, he joins Moses. They take up swords and they kill all the rebellious daughters, thousands of men, and because they put their love for the holy will of God before their love for their own flesh and blood, God sets aside the tribal leader to be his own priestly tribe. Speaker 0 07:10 That's how the Levis ended up being the priest because they took a soar to their relatives. Let's quickly consider a few more significant events that took place during the wandering in the desert. We certainly don't have time to go through all 40 years. First we'll offering up incense. Two of Aaron's sons, they've just been consecrated or easy, just been consecrated. High priest, two of Aaron sons, right after being consecrated, the priesthood break, one of the Lords that surgical laws, they don't follow the rubrics so to speak, and God strikes them. Debt. Second, Moses, his sister, Miriam gets Aaron all stirred up and rises up against Moses and questions his God given authority, asking quote, has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken to us? Also close quote when all of a sudden the Lord then does speak and he says to Moses, Aaron and Miriam quote, come out you three to the Tabernacle close quote. Speaker 0 08:06 That would be a little scary and when they get to the entrance of Tabernacle, then from out of the cloud, the voice lord asks us, Miriam and Aaron quote, why were you not frayed to speak against my servant Moses? Close quote, and Miriam is struck with leprosy. The commentators, cleanliness elap today in Haydock said that Aaron was spared from being struck with leprosy because on the one hand, although Aaron had been stirred up by Miriam's Chelsea and back buddy and wound up going along with her, he didn't have any actual mouse towards his brother. And on the other hand, out of consideration for Aaron's office as the high priest, God didn't want to make them contemptible in the sight of all the people and therefore he chose to punish him in a more secret manner. Anyway, Moses, Saul sooner seeds for his sister after seven days, she's miraculously cure. Speaker 0 08:56 Third, a cousin of Moses scenario, a man named core along with Dayton, a beer on 250 other men rebel against Moses scenario and say, quote, you have gone too far for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourself above the people of the Lord? Close quote, Moses Tells Court, it tells man, all right, show up a tabernacle tomorrow with your thermals in order. Offer incense before the lord, keeping them back. You mind what happened to Aaron's sons the next day? The rebels are busy stirring things up. When Moses warns everybody to stand back from the tents of Corp and day Ethan and Beren. Here's Moses quote. By this you shall know that the Lord has sent me. If the earth swallows them up with all that belongs to them and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasts, FIM the Lord. Speaker 0 09:50 And immediately as he finished speaking, the earth broke a sunder under their feet and they went down alive and to hell. The ground closing about them. Dot, dot, dot. But there was a great miracle rot that when core perished, his sons did not perish. Close quote Cornelius, the labadie states that because the wives, servants and children of Dayton and Buron and the wives and the servants of all three of the men and the children of death and baron, they all consented the rebellion. They all fell into the pit. But because the sons of core did not consent to their father's rebellion, when the earth opened up, they were left mirror actually suspended in the air, dangling above the open till it closed again. So leaders and their followers plummeted into hill. And by the way, if there's any doubt about what it means when the scriptures say fallen into hell here, according to the fathers and doctors, the church including St Epiphanies, St Jerome, the venerable Bede and Saint Robert Bellerman, this is to be literally understood, is falling into place the damned. Speaker 0 10:50 So the next time you hear some confused characters saying that the church doesn't teach any particular human being is actually in hell. What is actually telling you among a whole host of other things is he's never read the Bible. It still wasn't over. Quote in a fire come out from the Lord destroyed the 250 men that offered the incense close quote. But the rebellion still hasn't ended. Quote the following day, all the congregation, the people of Israel murmured against Moses scenario and saying, you have killed the people who Lord. And they started gathering up against Moses. Aaron in such a big commotion Breaks Out That The Lord tells Moses to stand back, that he's gonna destroy the son. Grateful people. But Moses and Aaron run to the Tabernacle. He prostrate themselves before the Lord. There you're seeding for the people and whether prostrate Moses tells Aaron, grab a Theraband, some incense and get out there and hold back the anger to the Lord. Speaker 0 11:43 Well, as Aaron's going off there, the flames come shoot, not from the Tabernacle. And uh, Aaron runs out there and stands between the living and the dead and intercedes from in. That still holds the Lord's anger. Quote, the number of them that were slain were 14,700 men besides them that had perished in sedition of core close call. So that's the third thing we want to consider during the <inaudible> fourth, this Aveda last one. We'll consider it and then we'll start looking at what all these point forward to the magician Bala. Now remember, if you remember reading the books of Moses, the King of the Moabites wants to get these Israeli people are of his country. Get outta here. So he hires this magician. Go curse him. Well, he isn't able to curse him, but we know dawn knew that the Israelites would be invisible as long as they remain faithful to God. Speaker 0 12:33 So he did tell them all bite king how they could get rid of the men of Israel. Bom told them, take the most beautiful of their daughters, get them all gussied up, send them to visit with the men of Israel, but tell him not to yield to any impure desires until the Israelites first offer sacrifice to the idols. Moses tells us exactly what happened. Quote, the people committed fornication with the daughters of Moab, who called them to their sacrifices and they ate of the sacrifices and adored their gods, and Israel was initiated to be for Golar close quote, Kenisa Lapidus is baleful go to the same as Bach sprockets is also known as Dionysus. What does God do? He sends a plague, which kills 24,000 men. Okay, shortly after this, the people that are still surviving end up going to the holy land. What have we done? Speaker 0 13:28 We've just reviewed some of the major events that occur during the 40 years of wandering the desert. Now let's go back and consider only a few aspects of the foreshadowing here. Obviously the whole experience, the people of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years being led by the pillar of cloud and Moses foreshadows our own life and of course liturgically it foreshadows today's procession nature in which we each fallen on a pillar of cloud or a pillar of fire, but Christ himself and the sacred ministers of his church, all of which liturgically expresses our submission to Christ. Our submission to his church are loving obedience to his commandments, our desire to be led by him into the Promised Land of Heaven, and that's liturgically symbolized by reinsurance in the church at the end of the procession, for the most part, the force shouting express, the journey's obvious being protected by the blood of the past glam eating, the past glamour, obvious types of the blessed sacrament, the passage, the Red Sea and the destruction of Farrell in his army. Speaker 0 14:29 It's obvious type of baptism with a corresponding destruction of Satan and his minions in their power over the newly baptized person. Moses, among other things, is a type of the holy father if washing bodies and clothes and abstaining from embracing their wives who are meant to prompt the people, the old covenant towards an Interior period and atmosphere of reverence. What do they foreshadow in the new covenant? They're meant to foreshadow an equally attentive external cleanliness and equally attentive external preparation by putting on our Sunday best and and even more reverend external demeanor, precisely because we're not coming to present ourselves before our Lord under the under the appearance of a pillar of cloud, the our Lord really present body blood, soul and divinity, and the most blessed sacrament of the alter and all that requires of course, finally higher degree of interior purity and reverence and holiness for the same reason. Speaker 0 15:25 All that points to the absolute importance of making sure we've made a good confession in the new covenant since we actually receive God into the temples of our bodies. Huh. We have to make sure we hear it. The warning of Saint Paul that we heard in today's epistle that we first examiners consciences before we go to communion so that we don't eat and drink judgment onto ourselves. What was this coming down from? The holy man with the word of God carved from the stone tablets is a type of the priest coming down from altar with the word of God made flesh. Mount Sinai is a type of the alternate Catholic Church. We can see that by the prayers of the foot of the altar at the beginning of mass, it actually refers to the altar is I holy mountain. That's one of the thing the priest is saying before he goes up to the altar of God onto that Holy Mountain and at a high mass. Speaker 0 16:16 Like this morning when priest first goes up there, it's shrouded by cloud of Incense, Huh? When the priest goes up to it, and it will be again right after the cre, the fact that people would be killed if they dared to touch the holy mountain in the striking down of priests for violating the rubrics for shadows, spiritual damages that happen in the new covenant. If anyone transcripts is the liturgical laws set by God or holy church, the rebellion of Miriam with the cooperation of Aaron insisting that the Lord not spoken only through Moses, but also through her for shadows, among other things, modern, feminist, religious, frustrated and crippled by the blight of feminism. Her leprosy is a disgusting, depeleting physical condition which foreshadows and far more repulsive and disgusting spiritual effects on the soul of someone and rebellion against the divinely instituted hierarchy of the church. Aaron's cooperation foreshadows a modern priest or prelate who at least passively cooperates with these poor, unhappy women, saint infect to them. Speaker 0 17:25 Thank you very much for that apple. The rebellion of core. All the congregation are holy. Every one of them, the Lord is among them. Why do you exalt yourself above the, you know, above the people, so forth for shout as among other things, the whole liberal call to action. We're all priests. Nonsense, Huh? But that's not all centuries go. Father Haydock writes of the rebellion of core quote, the crime of these men, which was punished in so remarkable of manner, was that of CISM and a rebellion against authority established by God and the church and pretending that the priesthood without being lawfully called and sent the same as a case. If all modern heretics and says Maddix he's writing two centuries ago, let them dread a similar punishment. Not only the authors have such wicked pretentions, but also those who consent to them. We cannot not reckon less than 15,000 who perished in consequence of their inheritance to core close quotes. Speaker 0 18:21 Finally, what is the situation with the Mobil at woman? A women's foreshadow. It points backwards and it points forward backwards. It's just a replay. The Garden of Eden with the supporting cast of thousands. Whenever the devil wants to take out of society, he corrupts the women. Whenever the devil wants to take out a society, women are the moral peg on which the world is hung. That's the dignity of a woman. That's the power of the woman. That's how God made them and the devil certainly is aware of that. When a society is holy, it is because in general, the women in that society and Holly, because they have high moral standards because in some way they're imitating or in this case they're at least for shadowing. Our Lady, when does this side is wicked? It is because in general, the women, that society of low moral standards in some way they're imitating eve general women's set the moral level. In a society. What an awesome power God has entrusted you with. It's awesome. Young ladies need to realize incredible dignity and gift it. God has blessed you with incredible Davey that you have holy pride. You ought to have that you're a member of the same sex as our lady. Poli pride. You ought to have that. You're a daughter of Mary. Holy Pride. You ought to have that. God trusts you so much. He's put such an incredible power in your hands. He's put such incredible moral force for goodness in your hands. Speaker 0 20:14 So we considered what the situation with a more bite wound points backwards to what does it foreshadow for shadows? Any society which allows worship according to right to Dionysus. Human nature never changes. Those devils don't get any older. They do the same things over and over, which means any society that allows that kind of worship will follow the same path as the path of the people of Israel in the desert. They will turn away from the true God. They will turn towards worship of idols. So what does that mean? What does worship according to the right of Dionysus St Shit, it's always the same. Wild music. Toxification dancing on a frenzy, immodest behavior, nude women, a modern terms, rock and roll concerts, MTV, unfortunately high school proms, bar scene, things like that. They're just electrified tiny Sian rights, so they are no different. Speaker 0 21:31 Let's close with inspired words of Saint Paul. The chapter right before today's Epistle, I want you to know, brethren, their fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea and all ate the same supernatural food. Nevertheless, with most of them, God was not well pleased. Now, these things are warnings for us not to desire evil as they did do not be idolaters, as some of them were. We must not indulge in morality as some of them did. 23,000 fell in a single day. We must not put the Lord to the test. Now, these things happened to them as a warning, but they were written down for our instruction. Therefore, that anyone who thinks to these standards take heed lest he fall. All our fathers ate the same supernatural food, but with most of them, God was not well pleased. These things are warnings for us not to desire evil as they did. These things are warnings for us. These things are warnings for us.

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