Corpus Christi Sacrilege Scandal and Souls

June 26, 2011 00:21:50
Corpus Christi Sacrilege Scandal and Souls
Veritas Caritas
Corpus Christi Sacrilege Scandal and Souls

Jun 26 2011 | 00:21:50


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Speaker 0 00:00 Today on the external solemnity of feast of Corpus Christi. It's certainly a timely occasion to revisit the topic of sacrilegious communion. Remember that in order to worthily receive communion, we must be in a state of grace as the Council of Trent teaches quote, certainly the more the holiness and the divinity of this heavenly sacrament is understood by a Christian, the more diligently odd he to take heed lest he approached to receive it without great reverence and holiness, especial Inner Reed and the Apostle Paul, those words full of terror, he had Edith and drink with unworldly Edith and drink of judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. That's First Corinthians 1129 we just heard that in today's epistle, no one conscious of mortal sin, however contrite he may seem to himself, should approach the whole Eucharist without a previous Sacramento Confession. Close quote, no unconscious of a mortal sin. However contrite he may seem to himself should approach the whole Eucharist without a previous sacramental confession. Speaker 0 01:18 It's quite possible that some people here may have been told otherwise. Now hate to say that for perhaps, maybe even by a priest to salvation issue. So let's not have any doubts. The council of Trent quote, and that's so great as sacrament they meet may not be unworthy received and therefore onto death. In condemnation, this holy council ordains and declares that sacramental confession must necessarily be made beforehand by those whose conscience is burdened by mortal sin, however contrite they may consider themselves. If anyone moreover teaches the contrary or preaches or optionally asserts, or even publicly by disputation shall presume to defend the contrary. By that fact itself, he is ex communicated close quote, the Council of Trent. A sacrilegious communion occurs when someone unworthily receives our Lord, either by not keeping the fast or really not being in the state of grace when he goes to communion, the catechism of the council of Trent warns quotas. Speaker 0 02:33 All of the sacred mysteries there is none comparable to the most totally sacral of the Eucharist. So likewise, for no crime is there a heavier punishment to be feared from God than for the unholy or irreligious use? By the faithful of that which contains the very author and source of holiness. Close quote, our Lord told Saint Bridget's there's is not on earth a penalty. Great enough to punish this sin sufficiently. The teacher that great bishop and doctor, the church, Saint Cyril of Alexandria sums it up, quote, they who make or sacrileges communion received Satan and Jesus Christ into their hearts. Satan, they may let him rule and she just Christ. They may offer him in sacrifice as a victim to say they who make a sacrilegious community and received Satan and Jesus Christ into their hearts. Satan does. They make let him rule and Jesus Christ, they may offer him as a sacrifice, as a victim to see that's the reality of a sac religious communion. Speaker 1 03:56 Hm. Speaker 0 03:58 Before we set this topic aside, there's something else we ought to consider and that's the sin of scandal. Of course, everyone here knows what our Lord said about scandal. He the chill scandalize, one of these little ones that believe in me or better for him that a millstone were hung around his neck, that he'd be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of standards for it must needs be that scandals come, but nevertheless, woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh. Close quote, God, the son. Speaker 1 04:30 Okay, Speaker 0 04:31 so what is scandal? Saint Thomas defines it, quote, scandalous, something less rightly said or done, which gives scale. Gauge one to the spiritual rune of one's neighbor. Close quote, Saint Alphonsus explains this quote, scandal then is a word or an act by which you are to your neighbor. The cause or the occasion of losing his soul scandal if it'd be an a matter of great moment is always a mortal sin. Close quote. Now there two aspects to scandal. We're just going to go through it briefly. There's scandal given and scandal taken. Scandal given is the after the word which may cause another one's spiritual. Rome. For example, a woman dressed in a provocative or indecent manner is guilty of scandal given not only because of the bad example that she's given to other women, but also because this dress is an occasion of sin for the men. Speaker 0 05:36 In this case, not only would she be guilty of dressing a scandalous manner, she would also be guilty of every single sin she provoked fire dress since she decided to offer that forbid and fruit. That's a scandal given scandal taken is the sin of the person which was caused by the scandal given it's a sin of the person who was scandalized to take the same example, man who sees this woman. So it does not have to gaze upon that forbidden fruit, but everyone of the men who do lost after is certainly guilty in his own right. And that scandal taken. So what does this have to do with the topic of sacrilegious communion? Imagine a situation where a spouse or child doesn't receive communion. Instead of committing that situation to prayer, there are certain spouses or parents who can't or won't let that pass after mass. Speaker 0 06:34 Here comes interrogation. Why didn't you go to communion? What's going on? Et Cetera, et cetera. So a kid doesn't go to community and as a result, he gets interrogated by a parent after mass. If he then starts making sacrilegious communions as a result of fear, pressure. He feels from that parent, from that interrogation, that parent is guilty of scandalizing the child. The same would be true of a spouse that put that kind of moral pressure on the partner scandal, again is a word or an act by which you are to your neighbor, the cause or the quetsion of his losing his soul. The bottom line here is it. Don't be asking people why they didn't go to communion. It's none of our business. Remember that he makes a sack, that his communion receives Satan and Jesus Christ into his Har Satan, that he may rule. And Jesus Christ, let me offer him as a sacrifice to Satan and remember that if you provoked that sacrilegious communion by pressure interrogation self, so your sin on the topic of scandal sauce, important to keep in mind as we said that just because someone gives scandal, just because someone offers you an occasional sin doesn't mean you have to take it Speaker 2 07:58 <inaudible> Speaker 0 07:59 but eight years ago I was invited to be the confessor and then sit a Sunday mass at eucharistic conference out west. I will be others giving the conferences and so forth. And I would just hear all the confessions, so I got there on a Friday afternoon. It was just starting at three. That's when I arrived, gotten the confessional at three 30 uh, and I heard confession saw to one 30 in the morning. I heard I got up early, did my holy hour said, said my mass. We've got the confessional at seven 30 the next morning, except for two or three 10 minute breaks during that day. I heard confession solid from seven 30 in the morning till one 20 that night swiped up. The whole experience was unbelievable. I hear a lot of confessions who's unbelievable? There was real grace working there. I didn't meet the priest who was doing most of the preaching. I sure don't know what he, I was busy doing other things, but I do know that whatever he said there was real grace working there. Over the years, I've had an opportunity to hear three or four of his conferences. There's probably a lot of you that have heard of more because that priest is father croppy. Speaker 0 09:12 Many. You probably know that last Sunday he resigned from public ministry when it praised any priest, especially a famous straight talking Orthodox priest, which is an unfortunately rare commodity these days. When any priest makes an announcement like that, it's going to cause scandal. There's no way around that and judging from the crazy responses all over the place, there are a lot of people that have been scanned lies. A lot of people that have taken scandal. Some of the responses I have to say are downright vicious. What sort of response should we have to something like this? First off, no matter how it strikes this, we should not allow it to cause us to sin. I don't understand it. I don't approve it, but then again, I don't have all the gory details at this point in history. The church, everyone here should be pretty battle-hardened when it comes to priest behavior in that, certainly not excusing it in any way. Speaker 0 10:19 When it comes to clerics and the church over the past few decades, there's been a lot of scandal given not just from priests but from bishops and even from Rome. You don't need me to go down the list. So what sort of response we have. First off, don't be scandalized. Second off, we should pray. Pray for father croppy. Isn't that what each one of us will want to have happen where we in his position be good to take the message of Our Lady of Akita Heart, the local bishop after traveling to Rome to consult with Carto Ratzinger, prove the events and message of Akita is reliable and worthy. Oblique your third message. Now, October 13th, 1973 our lady said in part quote each day, recite the prayers to the rosary with the rosary. Pray for the pope, the bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres. The churches and altars will be vandalized. The church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will rage, especially against soles, consecrated to God. The thought of the loss is so many souls is the cause of my sadness. Close quote, Our Lady, if Aqidah each day, recite the prayers and the rosary with the rosary. Pray for the pole, the bishops and the priest. Speaker 0 12:21 Okay, one more scandalous incident. This one took place in 1955 Indonesia on Bony Island and island, which is just off the northeast coast of Borneo, involves a Muslim named Salah who hated Christianity from his childhood. The story was recorded less than 10 years ago by a missionary priest, the sacred heart father, pis retroed MSC who heard it directly from sell himself. For the sake of time, we'll rely on his import, but as usual there'll be a cutting paste in editing. To some degree. Sally hated Christianity, so you'd regularly throw rocks. The nearby Catholic Church or the congregation was inside praying. Then he saw a Catholic girl passing by his house on her way to mass and he decided to greet and hopefully riff fender one day as this beautiful girl was returning from the Church and passing by his house. Sell a greeter kindly. She stopped and looked at him so he approached him, inducing himself. Speaker 0 13:20 She told him, my name is Martha. Soon Trish from doc Lang Seppuku Central Java. I'm an orphan and I work as a maid. Then sell, ask market where she was going and why she always passed in front of his house, wants to reply. I have come from the church and I'm going home. I always attend the religious surface at the church and I passed this way. Sell, asked her about her religion. Martha answered, I'm a Catholic. The Marfa said goodbye. You continued on your way so I was interested. Mark the group everyday greeted Martha. She passed in front of his house after several meetings and becoming more acquainted. He opened his heart to her about his desire to make her as wife. She asked for several days to think about her answer each day. Sell Oppressed Martha to give confirmation as soon as possible. After several days, Martha accepted sell his proposal during their courtship. Speaker 0 14:17 They discussed religion, sell pressured Martha the following, become a Muslim on the other side. Martha said she would only marry to cell if he became a Catholic. Neither one was willing to give up. Meanwhile, sell out accompanied Marth everywhere, including to bring her to church to attend holy mass. After several visits, I'll ask her about something that was white and look like paper which was received and eaten by Martha in the church. Martha answered that is the body of my Lord that is called the holy host, something that is most and revered by Catholics. Salah was surprised to hear that answer and sought ways to acquire the holy host on Sunday, October 23rd, 1955 Martha Ted mass accompanied by Salah. After arriving at the church, salivated watching from outside before Martha went to church saw had asked Martha to bring a holy host home and then give it to him. Speaker 0 15:21 If Martha did not fulfill this request, then the relationship would be ended. Parenthetical remark, in regards to stealing a host, there is an automatic excommunication for the deliberate desecration of the blessed sacrament throwing away the host or precious blood or the stealing of the bus. It stack up to be used in a sacrilegious manner. And although there are certain factors, which PR if present may less than this penalty, this automatic excommunication is reserved to the holy sea, which remains that only the holy seek can remove it. So you come to confession to us, we can't do anything. You go to confession, the Bishop, he can't remove it. It's the Holy See that removes it. I'm not going to go through the details of how that goes, but uh, this is not something obviously that someone wants to have anything to do with. Okay. Not just cause the excommunication. I mean, you're talking about our Lord. Back to the story, Martha went to the church and attended mass is usual during communion. She went forward with other faithful people to receive. But when she received the holy house from the priests, she did not immediately swallow it. Walking back to her pew, she took the holy host out of her mouth and then she wrapped the host and brought it home. Speaker 0 16:45 Upon arriving home, Martha handed the host to sell, sell it, put the host in his pocket and they went to a party celebrating the wedding anniversary of a friend. There were some people cooking in the kitchen, others were playing cards and so on. And so I thought that this was the right moment to show everybody that what Martha believed was a lie. So asked for a knife from Martha and he cut the holy host in front of everyone, especially as friends who are playing cards. But the moment he cut the host, a great amount of blood spurted out on everyone present. Many people's clothing including solace, was stained by the blood. Sela was bewildered and afraid. He was paralyzed with fear. It did not move from his seat. The same thing happened with his friends. In all those present, the news spread, many people gathered around some people who hadn't seen what solid done presumed that a murder had been committed and that the killer was solid. Speaker 0 17:47 So they reported this to authorities for placement. Soon arrive a Catholic, a protestant, and two Muslims. They were astounded and in awe to see so much blood without questioning and find out what had happened. The policemen puts saws hands in shackles. Sal was confused and afraid. Meanwhile, blood still poured out from the holy host. The policemen were also afraid or confused about it. The Protestant policeman had the initiative to call the local priest. When the priest arrived, he asked what had happened, but no one answered. He repeated the question, but they were still sad. When the priest looked at the holy host, which is issuing blood, he immediately knelt down and prayed with raised hands. After the priest finished the holy host stop issuing blood with fear and trembling. Salah approached the priest and beg. Mere seen forgiveness for what he did. Once more, the priest raised his hands and prayed and blessed sa solid remain filled with fear and confusion that night he could not sleep soundly. Speaker 0 18:53 A conviction to become a catholic slowly grew stronger in his heart. The next day, early in the morning cell, I went to the church. His intention was to meet with the priest and declare his heart's desire to become a Catholic and become catechized. When he arrived at the church, nobody except the priest was present. Salud expressed his heart's desire to the priest. The priest listened kindly and suggested Salish should return to his home to meditate about the bleeding host and in the meantime, the priest would find a catechist to teach, saw sell. It then went to find Martha and told her of her desire to become a Catholic and to study the faith. A few days later, they're married in a civil ceremony at Banu Island. As we know, that's not a marriage as if Martha were not in enough trouble for stealing the hose because of the incident of the desecration of the host. Speaker 0 19:42 Many people from other religions, especially from Islam declared their desire to become Catholics, which provoked many parties to threaten to kill Sala. It is the religion of peace. After all. A few days later, the local authorities who are Muslims heard the news about the bleeding host. They summoned solid and others who are present during the event and forbade them under the pain of death to speak about the incident to anyone, especially to Muslims. Saw was not at peace. It was insecure and living in Bonnie because of the persecution to local authorities and the community for mostly Muslims saw. And Martha decided to move to terracotta a town on a nearby island. So I was determined to learn Catholicism and be baptized as soon as possible. So I began studying the Catholic faith with a priest in the Netherlands who belonged to the missionaries of the holy family. But the people from Banyan followed Selah. Speaker 0 20:35 His life was once again threatened. They then moved to tangents, seller, a town in Borneo. However, even there, the persecution continued for a year. Finally moved even farther self to Barrow and stayed there on the 26th of October, 1966 sal was baptized with name Antonio. So you wanna sell it. And on the same day, received the sacrament marriage with Martha and atone Selah whose new nickname strive to become a good Catholic by situates pear liturgical worship was helpful towards others who also sought to become Catholics and generously helped needy and poor people. Although the couple of Charlotte's the lies were good examples for other people and their result, many were attract to the Catholic faith. They kept the bleeding hosts events secret for years until the 1970s and eighties when people in several places started talking about this amazing incident until the story had spread throughout the area on this Corpus Christi, it's good to remind ourselves that our lord is really there. He's really their body, blood, soul and divinity, and the most blessed Itzhak and of the alter. Our Lord is there. He's really there.

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