Prepare for Persecution Lest You Become an Apostate

July 03, 2011 00:25:32
Prepare for Persecution Lest You Become an Apostate
Veritas Caritas
Prepare for Persecution Lest You Become an Apostate

Jul 03 2011 | 00:25:32


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Speaker 0 00:00 In January of two 50 d four months after taking power, Dan predaceous issues needed every man, woman, and child in the Roman empire was Topher sacrificed to the pagan gods or die. He moved rapidly. By the 20th of that month, the Pope Saint Fabian had been martyred dates. You said that he would rather hear of arrival to his throne than of the election of a new bishop in Rome. The government persecution was so intense that the whole, you see remained vacant for over a year. This story and Philip Hughes explains Daishia's methods and goals. The basic idea was that paganism was to be restored and Catholicism was to disappear. A day was appointed when by an imperial edict upon all those whose religious legions was doubtful would appear before a local commission. Each one of the suspects was ordered to offer sacrifice to the pagan idols to make a declaration, denying his faith and insulting our Lord. Speaker 0 01:11 And finally, they had to join in a formal pagan banquet to consume the wines and foods offered to the items. Government certificates were then issued as proof that the accused had proved himself to be a good pagan, not a single town, not single village. The empire escaped the trial for those who refuse to sacrifice. The penalty was ultimately death, but the emperor's intention was not so much the massacre of Christians as their conversion to paganism. As a result, the loyal Christian suffered long drawn out trials which lasted for months, filled the prisons. They suffered repeated interrogations and extensive use of torture all in the hope of gradually breaking down the resistance. The number of pos states was immense. Number of pasta is someone who had the Catholic faith and then rejected entirely and his ecclesiastical histories. You see via the ancient church historian quotes a letter from the Bishop of Alexandria, which gives us some idea of the situation. Speaker 0 02:17 Quote, when the edict arrived, all were truly struck with fear and in their fear, many of the more eminent persons came forward immediately. Others who were in the public service, we're drawn on by their official duties while others were urged on by those around them. As her names recalled, they approached the impure and unholy sacrifices, some of them their pale and trembled as if they were not about to sacrifice, but rather to be themselves. The sacrifices and offerings to the idols so that they were jeered up by the multitude who stood around as it was plain to everyone that these people were cowards and everything since they were afraid either to die or to sacrifice, but others rent eagerly to the alters declaring boldly that they had never been Christians. Some of flood were captured of these somewhat that even been in prison for many days. Speaker 0 03:10 Then denied the faith before they were brought to trial. Others after having for a long time and toward great tortures finally gave in and retracted, but the firm being strengthened by Lord appropriate as strong faith which they possessed became admirable witnesses of his kingdom. Close quote, in his book, the lapsed Saint Cyprian bishop of Carthage analyze the causes of the persecution will break down his discussion into five points. Saint Cyprian of Carthage quote, yet beloved brethren, if the cause of the terrible persecution is recognized, there's that once found a remedy for the wound. The Lord has desired his family to be tested. And because a long piece, it corrupted the practice of our way of life, which God had delivered to us. The heavenly rebuke has aroused our faith, which was giving way. And I had almost said slumbering close quote. Okay. So the first point is that because the people had grown lax in their faith during the longtime piece for the church, the Lord had awakened their faith by putting them to the test. Speaker 0 04:23 Saint Cyprian quote, each one was desirous of increasing his s state and forgetting what the faith will use to do in the times of the apostles and what they always ought to do. Each one with insatiable greed devoted himself to the increase of his property. Gone was the devotion of the bishops to the service of God. Gone was the clergy's. Faithful integrity gone. The generous compassion for the needy gone all the discipline in our behavior. Close quote. So the second point is during this long period of peace, materialism and greed infected every level of the church. Saint Cyprian quote, the faithful United in the bond of marriage with unbelievers, they would swear not only rashly, but even more, would swear falsely would despise those set over them with hottie swelling would speak evil of one another within venom and Tom would coral with one another with obstinate hatred, close quote. Speaker 0 05:25 So the third point is a faithful group in different to the commandments of God and cease to live authentic Catholic lives. Saint Cyprian quote, if that is what we have become, what do we not deserve to suffer for sins of this kind when even the judgment of God has for warned us saying, if they shall forsake my law and walk not in my judgments, if they shall profane my statutes and shall not observe my precepts, I will visit their fences with a rod and their sins. With scourges. We'd already told this and had been warned beforehand, but we forgetful of the law and the obedience required of us have brought it upon ourselves by our sins that we should have to face correction for despising God's commandments and should have our faith put to sterner tests. Close quote. So the fourth point is that in spite of the fact the Lord has explicitly warn mankind, the rejecting his righteous commandments will result in serious punishment. Speaker 0 06:26 The faithful have ignored God and continue to sin. And as a result called down these punishments upon themselves. Saint Cyprian quote, nor indeed have we at last been corrected, converted to the fear of the Lord. So as to undergo patiently and courageously this our correction and divine test immediately at the first words, the threatening fo, the greatest number of the brethren betrayed their faith and were cast down, not by the onset of persecution, but cast themselves down by voluntary laps. What unheard of thing, I beg of you, what new thing had happened? Have not prophets and apostles told of these things, have they not predicted the afflictions of the righteous and the injuries? Of the heathens. They did indeed not way to be apprehended or to be interrogated before they denied. Many were conquered before the battle prostrated before the attack close quote. So the fifth point is in this time of laxity, the faith had grown so weak that it was all of the new year, which is why when the threats began even before the onset of the persecution, the majority of the Catholics betrayed their faith voluntarily. The faith had grown so weak during their laxity that for many it was just a veneer, which is why when the threats began before the onset of the persecution, the maturity of the Catholics betrayed their faith voluntarily. Speaker 0 08:04 One last detail. Saint Cyprian laments at great length the fact that many of these public sinners, these apostates had offered worship at the pagan altars. The government still dare to receive holy communion and that priests would grant this quote. Moreover, beloved brethern, a new kind of devastation has appeared contrary to the law of the Lord and God community is given to the lapsed, which is dangerous to those who granted and likely to avail nothing to those who receive it. Returning from the altars of the devil. The lapsed draw near to the holy place of the Lord before their sin is expiated. Before confession has been made of their crime before their conscience has been perched by sacrifice and by hand of the priest before the offense of an angry and threatening Lord has been appeased. Violence is done to our Lord's body and blood, and they now sin against the Lord more than when they denied their Lord. This is another persecution close quote. Speaker 0 09:16 Okay, quick review. What have we seen? We've seen that day? Shas dampered issued an edict to persecution in the year two 50 under the penalty of death. Every man, woman, and child was to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods. We've seen that the loyal Christians were forced to suffer long drawn out trials, repeated interrogations and torture all with the goal of gradually breaking down the resistance to paganism. Since the emperor's intention was not so much the massacre of Christians as their conversion, the goal was to restore paganism and in the consequence, destroy Catholicism. We've seen that a number of prostates states is immense. What makes it even more remarkable that many of the Catholics without any force being applied to them at all would actually volunteer to perform the sacrifices the prominent upperclass Catholics, those in government service, those urged on by their friends and even a whole group who ran eagerly to the altars declaring they were not Christians. Speaker 0 10:21 We've seen Saint Cyprian of Kart that you analyze the cause of persecution five points. Number one, during long time of peace for the church, the people had grown so lacks that in order to wake in their faith, the Lord decide to put them to the test. Number two, materialism and creed had infected every level of the church and took the place of the faithful service of God. Number three, the faithful had grown indifferent to the commandments of God and it ceased to leave authentic Catholic lives. Number four, in spite of the fact they're well aware that the lord had explicitly warned mankind, the rejecting his righteous commandments would result in serious punishment. The faithful ignored God and continued to sin and in consequence called these judgments down upon themselves. And Five. The faith had grown so weak during the time blacks, STI that for many it was simply a veneer, which is why when the threats began, even before the onset of the persecution itself, the majority of the Catholics betrayed their faith voluntarily. We've also seen that in the midst of this, there are many would offered sacrifice in the government altars and then without public repentance or confession would present themselves for communion or some priests would grant. Speaker 0 11:44 So I'll happen more than 17th centuries ago, but today on the eve of its 235th birthday set for the bloody persecution there uncanny parallels with this situation. Our beloved country, we too have government protected pagan altars like the stone circle, for example, that's used for pagan worship at the Air Force Academy or those federally protected altars for human sacrifice that we can find in every abortion mill in this country. We too have legions of the lapsed public centers of these so called Catholic pro abort politicians, many of whom will receive communion today without any public repentance or confession. It is true. That's so far and a beloved country. Christians have not been commanded to sacrificed the pagan gods. It is true that so far except for pro-life activists, most Christians have not been forced to suffer long drawn out trials, repeated interrogations or physical tortured, but it's also absolutely clear that there is a well-established, highly placed, highly financed movement, whose goal is to gradually break down Christian resistance to paganism and at least at present, their intention is not so much the massacre of Christians as their conversion and it's also true that the number of apostates is immense, absolutely immense. Speaker 0 13:31 Today we only have time to briefly consider one small aspect of this many faster to attack for context. We'll start by listening to prophetic interview done six years ago with the now Cardinal Burke St Louis, February 9th, 2005 in an interview with life site St Louis Arch Bishop Raymond Burke said that his Catholics continued to speak out on life and family issues. They will face persecution. There is going to be a persecution with regards to this that's cleared said the archbishop during the debate in the u s about refusing communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion. Burke issued a pastoral loader explaining that although the refusal by a pastor or bishop to distribute holy communion to anyone is a source of great sorrow. What would be profoundly more sorrowful would be the failure of a bishop to call a soul to conversion to failure to protect the flock from scandal and the failure to safeguard the worthy reception of communion rather than avoiding the reason behind the San Francisco style marriage push to just style acceptance of San Francisco behavior. Speaker 0 15:07 Burk addressed it head on warning that the tendency to avoid the issue is dangerous. Archbishop Burke told Life Site that is motivation to continue to speak out on life and family issues comes from Christ himself and the natural moral law, which the archbishop said is not the question of a belief of a particular religion, but as part of the patrimony of the whole human race. Darch bishop acknowledged that speaking the truth was intimidating. It's intimidating because we live as our holy father says in a society of a culture of death where people want to convince this that everything should be convenient and comfortable and they don't like to hear a voice which says this isn't right, but with being outspoken on the truth will come. Persecution of fact, archbishop is willing not only to acknowledge but to accept. Bishops will be persecuted, he said, and also priests and lay people even now those proclaiming the truth are called San Francisco phobic and hateful. Yet the archbishop explains it's what it means to be a sign of contradiction. We just have to accept that we have to remain tranq when proclaim the truth with charity but insisting on the truth. If we look to the example of our Lord, we have to take up the cross for the defense of life. He said, close quote. Speaker 0 16:41 As Catholics continue to speak out on life and family issues, they will face persecution. It is clear that there's going to be a persecution. The tendency to avoid the San Francisco marriage issue is dangerous and must be addressed head on. Speaking. The truth is intimidating because we live in a culture of death where people want to convince us that everything should be convenient and comfortable and they don't like to hear a voice which says, this isn't right. Persecution will come with being outspoken on the truth. Bishops we persecuted and also priests and laymen. It's what it means to be a sign of contradiction. We just have to accept that we have to remain tranquil, proclaim the truth with charity, but insisting on the truth. We look to example of our Lord. We have to take up the cross for the defense of life. Speaker 0 17:34 The tendency to avoid the San Francisco marriage issues dangerous and must be addressed head on item Washington DC. June 28th, 2011 last Tuesday quote, if San Francisco activists at the u s department of Agriculture USTA have their way, a radical San Francisco sensitivity training program developed by the department could soon be coming to every federal agency. The Washington Times reported Sunday. The USD program includes a diversity briefing for employees, which refers to the belief that marriage should be restricted to a union between a man and a woman as heterosexism and compares the belief to racism. Close quote, Bishops will be persecuted and also priests and laymen. Item. March 24th, 2011 quote, the US army has officially threatened military chaplains. They must either embrace the new openly San Francisco military, resigned for service or face court-martial for their religious conscious objections. Close quote, the tendency to avoid the San Francisco marriage issue is dangerous and must be addressed yet on item New York Times. Speaker 0 18:49 June 25th, 2011 a week ago, Saturday quote, it was be fuddling to San Francisco Rights Act. It's the Catholic Church, arguably the only institution with the authority and reach to derail. Pseudo marriage seemed to shrink from the fight as the marriage bill hurdled towards a vote. The head of the church in New York, Archbishop Timothy M Dolan left town to lead a meeting of bishops in Seattle. He did not travel to Albany or deliver a major speech in the final days of the session. And when he did issue a strong word critique of the legislation, he called it immoral and an ominous threat. It was over the phone to an Albany area radio station, close quote to top that performance off. The bishops of New York reacted to this legislation by releasing their collective letter condemning pseudo marriage after the vote by the legislature after the volt. In about the same time the so called Catholic governor who lives public with his so called Catholic concubine, and yes, they do receive communion. They released the letter about when the governor was signing the bill into law. So in New York, the San Francisco lobby had their way and passed a pseudo marriage law with virtually no resistance from church leaders. It was be funneling to the San Francisco rights advocates. The Catholic Church seem to shrink from the fight. Speaker 0 20:37 This means something, it means something. You didn't have to grow up in rough part of the country or in a mean. I know exactly what this means, and believe me, the other side, understand exactly what it means. Okay, so what does it mean? It means that the bishops can talk a good fight. That's what it means, but when it comes right down to it, when it comes right down to it, when it's time to put up or shut up, they won't even lace on the gloves and climb in the room. They're not going to fight. They're going to run away and then send a letter and talk tough after the fact. That's what it means and it isn't good. It's a clear message. It's crystal clear, tells everyone, these bishops are not fighting, man. They're all hat, no cattle. Obviously there are exceptions, but this is a critical battle and it means something. It means the fences are down and there's no one guarding the sheep. Believe me, the other side understands that you can bet your last dollar on it. Anyone that thinks that we're just going to be left alone. Speaker 1 21:56 Yeah. Speaker 0 21:57 That they're not going to try to force the church to recognize these unions and host of other abominations. Anyone that thinks that our beliefs are going to be respected and that we will be tolerated is in for a very, very rude surprise. After the vote, I contacted a good friend of mine is a Catholic lawyer who is involved in the issue very deeply. Among other things, he's on the legal team with the Perry versus Schwartz nigger case. Here's what he had to say and I'll just read sounded quote. After the volt Friday night, my wife and I sat up talking about it. It could have been prevented probably easily by the bishops. I imagine a threat of excommunication with a strong warning of how serious of vote in favor of the bill would be would have put a halt on it. Instead they were impotent and the other side is really feeling, it's all it's right now, rightly so. They now know that what they are perceiving as strength was just an illusion. Speaker 1 23:07 <inaudible> Speaker 0 23:08 there's nothing behind the veneer close quote. It could have been prevented probably easily. Yeah. By the bishops stared, they were impotent and the other side it's really food. It's, Oh, it's right now and rightly so. They now know that what they are perceiving as strength was just an illusion. There's nothing behind the veneer. The bishops were impotent. There's nothing behind the fin here. Yeah. Speaker 0 23:47 There is a well-established, highly placed highly finance movement whose goal is to gradually break down Christian resistance to paganism whose intention is not so much the Masker of Christians as their conversion. Any number of pos dates is already a myths. As Catholics continue to speak out on life and family issues, they will face persecution. It is clear there's going to be a persecution. The tendency to avoid a San Francisco marriage issue is dangerous and must be addressed head on. Speaking the truth is intimidating because we live in a culture of death where people want to convince us that everything should be convenient and comfortable and they don't want to hear a voice that says this isn't right. Persecution will come with being outspoken on the truth. Bishops will be persecuted and also priests and laymen. It's what it means to be a sign of contradiction. We just have to accept that we have to remain tranquil and proclaim the truth with charity, but insisting on the truth. We have to look to the example of our Lord. You take up the cross, the faithful need to do what they used to do in the times of the apostles. What they always ought to do. Get serious about the faith. Deadly serious. Look if example of our Lord pray a rosary and take up your cross.

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