Q&A pt. 5: Good Examples in These Times

December 28, 2020 00:09:54
Q&A pt. 5: Good Examples in These Times
Veritas Caritas
Q&A pt. 5: Good Examples in These Times

Dec 28 2020 | 00:09:54


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously it's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgated published this. Uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under next question. Uh, good examples in these kinds of situations. Yeah. All the martyrs, a really great book that certainly is online. I don't know if it's being published right now, but victories of the martyrs by St. Alphonsus and so he's got all kinds of vignettes. So there there'd be like one to, to three or four pages on the lives of different martyrs. And you can see this and his explanations because it's a doctor of the church, just the first couple of chapters, even if one couldn't get to, but the importance of the martyrs, that would be fantastic tree because he can see the different kinds of things they're suffering for. Speaker 1 00:01:13 And that's one of the things that anybody could meditate on fruitfully, as you say, all these thousands and millions of people that have died for the faith and died for any particular truth in the faith and they saw how it was worth dying for. And then you can stop and ask yourself, do I see this as work time for, would I be willing to die for any single one of the truths in the creed? And if not, why not? And if not, then I better pray for that grace, because what is wrong with me? My faith is so weak. What is so important about my life? Nobody gets out of this booger alive. Why don't I see that? Because if I don't see that, I better start praying until I do say that because my faith is very weak and yet I would not hesitate to say that that's pretty much standard is people wouldn't. Speaker 1 00:02:07 And that's why the martyrs are so important. I would, I would beg them for that at every mass. This is something I heard, father John harden, Santa's recording. I think I was a seminary and when I heard it, but he said at the elevation, the precious blood, he should ask for the grace to live as a martyr. You know, God gives the grace of Dinah's Mar Tumi will. But if you ask that at every elevation, you'll get it. And to live as a martyr martyrs, a faithful witness there being faithful and witnessing to the truth of the church. And that's what we have to have is faithfulness. So we need this really solid grounding in the faith. And so many people don't have it. They can't, they open the Bible and they, they T he and ha and like, they're smarter than God. It's just so unbelievable and so standard. Speaker 1 00:02:55 And I'm not just talking about the priests. Well, if we're going to be like, you know, nobody does that to their father. And then they do it to God if God said, so then that's the way it is. I don't have to understand everything, you know, have some humility, but, uh, the martyrs are so important. So with God and Russia, father, Chizik this Jesuit, and he leads me those two books, especially he lead it to me cause that's his spiritual, here's a man he's, uh, from Pennsylvania coal country and he's a Jesuit and he volunteers for the Russian missions. And so then he, he goes into Russia. He gets captured basically right away, put, put in Lubyanka prison, most horrible prison in Moscow, this KGB prison, you know, all this Torchy's in there, I think five years. And then he, uh, then he goes off to Siberia I guess. Speaker 1 00:03:48 And, uh, he's finally liberated. So he's, I don't remember. It's 20 some years roughly. And then, and then he's, he's liberated and he comes back in the sixties on some kind of exchange, but he leadeth me is a fantastic book where one can read, like, cause he's talking about exactly. How do you deal with it? When he's in this situation, an atheistic communistic, what were you going into a communistic regime? That's what's going on? The fed him was, you know, like Rick's surprise it fandoms unfolding before our eyes. So with God and Russia, there's another one dramatically different in many, many ways. Cause he's not a prisoner, but it's in the shadow of his rings. And I can't remember the name of the, this a German priest. He was a Franciscan seminarian during the third Reich. And then he gets drafted into the Waffen SS and it's absolutely amazing. Speaker 1 00:04:43 And it even gets in Himmler's face, absolutely amazing book. He lead us me. So that one, and that's very encouraging too, because you see the absolute importance of sticking to your principles, come up, may it's if, and you see the power of prayer, there's a lot of very important lessons in that, that, so with God and Russia, he leadeth me, I would recommend those. Another thing to think about is the Chinese church. It's an underground church in China. You get good information from the Cardinal Kong foundation, Kayla and G the Cardinal Cooke foundation and read about it. There's an approved apparition of our lady some years ago that appeared to thousands of them and encouraging them and all that. These people have been suffering now since the 1940s, 1949, I think, you know, so they've suffered our Mazzi tone and all these communist stuff. And right now unbelievably suffering and they've been suffering for union with the church that there was a Chinese patriotic association. Speaker 1 00:05:38 It's like one of the, I think it's either the last in cyclone, the second to last and sick, well written by Pius the 12th. And it's about the situation over there because there were bishops consecrated against the will of the pulp. And so they, the Chinese had actual bishops consecrated, and then their agents, the state, by the way, that's very interesting because that's a communist thing, but it's one of the errors, the Russia, because orthodoxy and it sense has the bishops be tools of the regime. And so that's one of the spiritual errors of Russia. You see it right now there, and you see it in America because we've just seen this, this incredible spectacle. And it's just apparent theoretical remark where the bishops basically are the enforcers of the regime. They've been more strict and over the top, vis-a-vis all these COVID restrictions and all that than anyone shutting things down and so forth. Speaker 1 00:06:32 I mean, to a man, I don't know if there was a Bishop in this country that didn't do it. There might be, and I'm very happy to be corrected. So I'm not trying to say to speak out of line or whatever. But when I saw that, I just was like, well, there we are air Russia principal at a rush rate here is, uh, this, uh, the, the regime is going to make these kinds of demands on, on the sacrifice offered to God. And so we see that right before our very eyes. I'm certainly not accusing them of being the exact equivalent of the Chinese patriotic association, bishops. That's not my point. I'm just, well, spiritually, you have the same phenomena. So anyway, in China, so you have this above ground church. And for, you know, for years, it's been aided by, uh, by things like, uh, the Jesuits and Maryknollers taught them how to say the new mass and they'd have their guys over here going to our seminaries and so forth. Speaker 1 00:07:22 And these are communist regime type ones. Well, the underground church is down there suffering, you know, and saying mass kneeling and, uh, in the snow and a dump stuff like that. There was one of their seminaries was in a barn and they, the guys would go there and they'd stay there five years and priests would wander by and come in and go out, you know, and they'd go through and they get ordained and they know that they're going to spend most of her life loud guy, which is their, their system of prison camps and so forth. Anyway, they've suffered. So they're spiritually the healthiest particular church in our day and age, those people have paid the price for union with Christ, and now their suffering has been increased because they have done all this for union, with the Pope. And now the Pope is, has said, uh, that the communist bishops he's recognized them. Speaker 1 00:08:12 And these are they've supported the one-child policy. Other they're definitely, it's just, you know, it's big anyway. And so the Pope has ordered them to be under them. So in order to stay in union with the Pope, they can't go under these people. It's an extraordinary, they have to disobey the Pope. And you know, I'm putting disobeyed because it's outside the scope of his authority because he's only the pulp. He's only the Pope bishops only bishops priests are only priest. There's a scope of authority within that authority. We must obey on any legitimate command, not, not questionable, but outside that outside of the scope of authority, it's like a whatever. So to give a comparison, that's ridiculous. It makes it easy to understand is if the priest gets up and says, everybody in my in community is going to have to drive Volkswagen for non you D you know, you can't go to mass and then you need to be like what you have, or what's wrong with this guy? You know, it's outside your scope of authority. It's ridiculous. Well, I mean, I'm using that so people can see, he doesn't have that authority has lots of authority, but he does not what I'm driving. It makes no, let's go, the Pope doesn't have the authority to tell you basically to go under non-Catholic bishops. And he just doesn't have that authority. And okay. It doesn't have the authority to tell you to worship false gods, et cetera. Yeah, yeah. To go back to the thing, the people that of example, the Chinese underground Catholics, uh, they're unbelievably Speaker 1 00:09:39 Solid in their faith and they've been trusted in fire. And it's good to look at too, because we're going to have that in our own way. That's absolutely coming up and we shouldn't have any illusions. Don't have any illusions.

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