Dead Means the Soul Has Left the Body

August 07, 2005 00:17:54
Dead Means the Soul Has Left the Body
Veritas Caritas
Dead Means the Soul Has Left the Body

Aug 07 2005 | 00:17:54


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Speaker 0 00:01 Okay. Speaker 1 00:04 We're in the church Miller chant, not the church on vacation. That means a course. They were out war and although we've discussed this particular attack three years ago, it's important to review it again since our community has certainly grown. A perfect example of the problem turned up was already working on this sermon headline Thursday, August 4th quote, Susan Torres dies after receiving the last sacraments of the Catholic Church. Close quote. Yeah. Okay, so Mrs. Torres, may God have mercy center. So died Thursday after season, the last rites. What's the big deal, father? Well, right here in the article we read quote, after spending over 12 weeks hooked up to life support in order that you might care your baby to viability 27 year old Susan Torres who's been medically braindead since May 7th has been given her final rest just one day after giving birth to her daughter. Close quote. So in the article we're told that Mrs. Torres has been brain dead since May 7th so which is it? Did Susan, Doris, John May seventh what did she die on August 4th Speaker 0 01:31 okay. Speaker 1 01:32 What does it mean when we say someone dies when someone dies, that means her soul has left her body. When someone dies, what we left with is a corpse. A corpse is a dead body, a body without a soul, so that Susan Torres die on May 4th or May 7th or Thursday, August 4th if she died on May 7th and how care core give birth to a baby girl this past Wednesday on August 3rd if she died on May seven <inaudible> her corpse received the last rights three months after she died, three months now the proved author second, anoint somebody for three or four hours. This is three months after death. If she died on May 7th how could a corpse die can when they room's life's of court. This past Thursday, August 4th it's obvious Susan Torres did not die on May 7th she was declared brain dead on May 7th but she didn't die on May seven she died on August 4th when her soul left her body. Now go with death is when someone dies. That means her soul has left her body. When someone dies. What we're left with is a course that's a life, this body of body without his soul, brain dead. People aren't dead, they're alive. Speaker 1 03:08 This Torres situation ought to make it clear to everyone here that we've got a problem and it's a big problem. We've got a problem with brain death. People are regularly being declared brain dead when they're actually very much alive. Let's take a closer look at brain death. This whole problem by quickly reviewing a series of quotes. First quote from the University of Missouri Healthcare Family Guide to Neuro medicine quo is the quote most people believe death occurs when a person's heartbeat and breathing stuff. This is called cardiac death by law. The state of Missouri recognizes that death also occurs when the brain and the brain's tip have stopped working. This is called brain death. If breathing and heartbeat are maintained by machines, a brain dead person will appear to be alive. The person's skin may be warm, the chest will rise and fallen and breathing motion. Speaker 1 04:11 A heartbeat is seen on a monitor, but if there's no brain activity, the person is dead. Cardiac death is simple to understand. The heart just stops. Brain death is harder. Close quote, cardiac death is simple to understand. The heart just stops. Brain death is harder to understand. Well, it sure is. It sure is hard to understand how corpse will appear to be alive. It's years hard to understand how corpses skin maybe warm, and here's how to understand how corpses chest will rise and fall in a breathing motion. It's years hard to understand how corpse is. Heartbeat can be seen on a monitor. The sure hard to understand how corpse can give birth three months after death and then turn right around and die again. We've got a problem. Speaker 1 05:10 Second quote from the New England Journal of Medicine, March 7th, 2002 New England Journal along with journal American Medical Association. It's one of the premier medical journals in this country. New England Journal. Nestle's quote, listen carefully. Well, some person's reliably defined as brain dead, have clinically significant residual function as evidenced by electroencephalographic activity. Unexpected survival attempts to sit up reproducible, eyeopening in response to pain, head movements in response to stimulation. Most perplexing. Children who have been given a diagnosis of brain death continue to grow and pregnant women have delivered healthy infants up to four months after beginning a diagnosis of brain death. Close quote. That's not some kind of sick joke that maybe we ought to think it is because aren't we talking about dead people here? Isn't that what we've been led to? Believe that brain dead people are dead well for supposed to believe the pain that people are there? Then can someone please explain how it is that the corpses of dead children can quote, continue to grow corpses that continue to grow. Speaker 1 06:36 Hello, doing England Journal. Hello. Anyone home? Hello? Can someone please explain how the corpse of a woman who has been dead for four months can give birth to healthy child? The car given birth four months after death. Hello? Hello. Can someone please explain how this or the corpse can make quote attempts to sit up a course sitting up? Hello, it's on. Please explain how carbs can have quote, reproducible eyeopening in response to pay. This is a course that feels pain and opens its eyes. Hello. It's all. Please explain how carbs can they quote head movements in response to stimulation. A corpse moves its head when you poke it. Hello? Can someone please explain how it is that quote, some Kirsten's reliably defined as brain dead have clinically significant residual function as evidenced by unexpected survival. Speaker 1 07:50 Unexpected survival. Just what exactly do these people unexpectedly survive? A car wreck? No. A massive heart attack. No nuclear war. No. What these dead people unexpectedly survive was death. Death. They unexpectedly survived death. Corpses survived death. That is unexpected. All right. Remember what death is when someone's dead. That means their soul leaves their body. We're left with a corpse, a dead body body without a soul. We think Easter is so important that it's a major feast, but the folks in New England, Journal of Medicine think that the unexpected resurrection the body is at quote significantly clinically significant residual function. Close quote, we've got a problem. Third quote, exurbs not quite dead, but not. I can see like a casual scope, a casual search. A pro-life resources readily produces evidence of 10 cases. The most gruesome being one described in the Journal of California nurses for ethical standards and what's your brain? Did? Patient put his arm around assisting nurse as he was about to have his heart in the loop for transplant. Speaker 0 09:03 Close quote, a dead man Speaker 1 09:07 put his arm around the <inaudible> nurse as he's about to have his heart removed for transplant. That's a corpse grabbing a nurse. Speaker 0 09:16 It's got a problem Speaker 1 09:19 is I was putting this together. I kept thinking, this sounds like some cheesy 1960s Vincent Price or movie, Speaker 0 09:27 but it isn't. It isn't. Put it out of me. Speaker 1 09:33 We got a problem. It's a big problem. When someone dies, it means his soul has left his body. Is there any evidence to Seoul? His left the body of a brain dead person? If it has left the body, then the man's dead. He's a course, the man's dead. And why does he have a warm skin and heartbeat corpses that have heartbeats you warm skin? How to explain corpses, attendings to set up the corpses, opening their eyes and moving their heads in response to pain, corpses dead for months, and then delivering babies Speaker 0 10:08 corpses unexpectedly rising from the dead Speaker 1 10:14 with someone. Guys who are left with a corpse, a dead body, a body without a soul. Dash means the soul has left the body. Death does not mean the soul is left. The brain is the ones, the body itself is alive, the soul is present. We've got a problem and it's a real problem with brain dead and the problem with brain death is the brain dead or not actually dead brain dead people are actually alive. That exact point is made clear by bishops. Bras quits and fast and they're coauthors and this fourth court from our organ transplants Everly more or less, that quote, not one criteria for brain death states that it is equivalent to true biologic death of the person. Close quote, not one of the criteria for brain death states. It's equivalent to true death. Speaker 0 10:59 Not One. We've got a problem. Brain dead people are not dead. They're alive. Speaker 1 11:08 Fifth Court, they should pass quits in class and the coauthors in the same article arm organ transplants, Everly morally listen well when the surgeon makes incision to remove the donors. Healthy live organs, usually liver or lungs are taken first followed by the heart and kidneys. They don't just body reacts with moving cremation squirming. Let's get donors first given a paralyzing drug or even with the however, even with the paralyzing drug, there's an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. The heart can't keep beating until the transplant surgeon stops that a few moments before cutting it out. Your response to the increasing number of protests of nurses and anesthesiologist who sometimes react strongly to their movements that is suppose it corpse and because he's moving sometime make it impossible to continue. The operation. Transplant surgeons have come to rely on the use of paralyzing drugs. These drugs are used in the same matter dosages as with living patients, but here they're used in order to suppress signs of life in order to dissipate the protests. Objections and the medical nursing pastoral personnel are increasingly uncertain that the organ donor is truly dead. Closed quote. We've got a problem with brain death to pay problem cause the brain dead. People are not actually dead. They're alive and in many cases they're being killed. Speaker 1 12:33 It should. Brass and vast Nicole authors make the precise problems very clear in this quote, different sake of time, I splice together. Cool. When healthy vital organs are taken in accordance with the legal common practice of medicine, the donors killed the donors treat in prepared for surgery in a way similar to any other living patient going to the operating room after the removal of healthy vital organs. What is left is an empty corpse. Such removal is ethically unacceptable. It is the removal of the organs that changes the living person into a dead one. It's unethical for transplantation surgeons to continue performing such procedures that mutilate a living human body. These procedures treat the donors as if they were artificially sustained biological entities rather than human persons worthy of dignity and respect. The removal of a healthy, unpaired vital organ suitable for transplantation from someone who has been declared legally brain dead but is not truly biologically dead, is not ethically upset. Acceptable evil may not be done that good, might come of it. Close quote, the removal of a healthy unpaired vital organ suitable for transplantation from someone who has been deemed legally declared brain dead but not truly biologically dead is not ethically acceptable. It is unethical for transplantation surgeons to continue performing such procedures that mutilate a living human body. These procedures treat the donors as if they were artificially sustained biologic entities rather than human persons. Worthy of dignity, respect, evil may not be done. That could make kind of a thing. Speaker 1 14:22 Okay, if we can't cut the organs that are brain dead people can anything be cut out of actually really truly dead people, corpses and used for transplantation. One of the coauthors, Dr. Paul Burns answers quote after death tissues such as corneas, heart valves, bone skin, connective tissues may still be useful for transplantation. Note that these are tissues, not organs and may be taken only after death because excision of these would otherwise cause mutilation or death clause. Dr Boon, bishops breast quits and vastly clearly teach quote all men of goodwill. All men of goodwill must properly understand and explicitly follow the applicable theological and moral laws. These laws are no one paired by law. Oregon can be morally removed from the living human person. There should be no commercial traffic and human. Oregon's people, especially the young mice poly comprehended that when they agree to be organ donors, they give transplants, surgeons a license to terminate their lives. Close quote. All right, let's get practical. What does this mean for us? They're trying to be faithful soldiers. Now, church militant and by this means to save ourselves, Speaker 0 15:40 I am mortal soul. Speaker 1 15:44 It means in the first place we don't sign any kind of organ donation thing on our back of our driver's license or anywhere else. It means that no matter what her medical condition and how dire the straits we might find ourselves in who do not accept any transplanted organ cut out of one of our main dead brothers or sisters. It had been left by the side of the road. Injured is what you heard in today's parable. For those in the medical community, it means that no matter what it may cost us personally and professionally, we have to put these procedures in the same moral category as Tubal ligations abortions and contraception. Evil may not be done. That could make come of it brain death. It's not just another way of saying death, the brain dead or not dead, their ally. When healthy vital organs are taken out of a brain dead patient in accordance with a common legal practice of medicine that Dillon is killed, he's killed Speaker 0 16:49 scaled brain death. Speaker 1 16:54 It's just another lie from the person standing behind this culture of death from the person who from the beginning it's been a liar and a murder. It's another lie which is killing our brothers and sisters. Speaker 0 17:12 We have to reject it. Let's pray. Oh Lord Jesus Christ. Speaker 1 17:20 You taught us that the truth will set us free. We begged you, give us a true devotion to your mother. Send down a light of your truth into our minds. Love of your will, into our hearts that we didn't have the courage to stand strong for your kingdom and your truth against the lies of the prince of this world. The darkness of our culture, Speaker 0 17:48 the culture of Gat. Amen. Speaker 1 17:52 The name of the father and the son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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