Embrace Your Cross

November 28, 2017 00:03:18
Embrace Your Cross
Veritas Caritas
Embrace Your Cross

Nov 28 2017 | 00:03:18


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hi, Maria Pristina and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. As we hear, and it's good to meditate on this line from Saint Paul's second letter to think Timothy that's the last time, the pistol, the day, all those who live godly in Christ, Jesus shall suffer persecution. There's not a little drop down there except for you or you are you all those who will godly in Christ, you yourself suffer persecution. We have God's word for it. It's impossible to escape. So we should just face up to him. This is one of the things our baptism did for us is conform us to a crucified Lord. We have to remind ourselves of that when people are abusing us, when things aren't fair and so forth, that came right from the beginning. That was part of the deal with our baptism. And there's no escaping it. So we should face that. And once we faced it, we're over most of the hump, then we're not so surprised. Like what did I do wrong? What did he do wrong? And look at him there. So it's really important psychologically to just accept it before it even happens. And then it's not such a big deal when it happens, cause it's going to happen. Speaker 0 00:01:22 Now, that being said, example the day of st. Saturday night, this is a perfect example. He's a priest sent from Rome to Gaul now, France, I think to lose. And so he's saying master and all that. And as he's going by a pagan temple, all the idols refused to speed and the priest figure out what's going on. They run out there, the pagan priest and they grabbed him and they dragged him in and tell him, knock it off either. You're gonna either confess or idols or gods, you're gonna sacrifice to them, or we're going to take you out. Anyone do it. It's they're abusing and beaten up worse and worse and worse. He still wouldn't do it and stop and think to yourself how much abuse would I take before I rolled over? It's a good thing to think about. Anyway, there was a wild bull brought there that people had brought into sacrifice. So they tied him by his feet to the bull and turned the bull out. He got drug all over here, there and everywhere. Finally, his head got smashed and just bounced around getting drug off like that. His arms come off. His whole carcass he's torn into shreds. 40 finally broke off that bull. What little was left of him? Then they picked up his relics and buried him. Speaker 0 00:02:38 Although the live godly in Christ, Jesus shall suffer persecution. Not all of them are necessarily gonna study of suffer. A bloody persecution like st Saturday night, but all those who are going to live godly in Christ, Jesus are going to be persecuted, pray to him and the Holy martyr just strengthen you so that today you live faithfully, no matter what comes your way, that you will faithfully right onto your last breath and accept whatever persecution is, you have to suffer faithfully.

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