The 3rd Commandment: Grace of Divine Love and Final Perseverance

August 14, 2005 00:19:25
The 3rd Commandment: Grace of Divine Love and Final Perseverance
Veritas Caritas
The 3rd Commandment: Grace of Divine Love and Final Perseverance

Aug 14 2005 | 00:19:25


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:05 Our Lord, his mercy himself, as he told Saint Faustina, well, let the greatest centers put their trust in my mercy. I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to my compassion. But on the contrary, I justify him and my unfathomable and inscrutable mercy close quote. And in today's gospel, we see a perfect example of this mercy of Christ. These lepers cry out to our Lord, have mercy on them. And he does. He heals the leprosy, a disease, which until modern times was horribly disfiguring. It was completely untreatable and fatal. And yet nine out of the 10 of him couldn't even be bothered to return. I'd say thank you. I think gratitude of those nine lepers pales in comparison and gratitude revealed in the study, which was reported in a newspaper USA today, this past Thursday, which shows the percentage of people in various nations who never, or practically, never attend church for the sake of time. We'll just look at a few countries. Okay? The percentage of people who never or practically, never attend church in France is 60%. The Netherlands 48% in Belgium, 46% in Spain, 33% in West Germany, 30% Speaker 1 00:01:44 France, 60% Netherlands, 48% Belgian, 46% Spain, 33% left Germany, 30%. Okay, father. But why does this make the gratitude of the nine lepers pale in comparison after all our Lord did a miracle for them? Well, keep in mind that because of original sin, we're all born dead. Supernaturally speaking. Thanks a lot, Adam, because we're born supernaturally dead. We can't live the supernatural life of heaven. That's one of the problems of our fallen condition in order for our soul to get to heaven. When we die, it has to have supernatural powers. It has to receive powers that are above our nature. Supernatural power is supernatural. Power comes only from God. It's a free gift of God and we can only get it in this life. We call the basic supernatural power that enables us to get that only died and to live a supernatural life and heaven. Speaker 1 00:02:52 When we get there, we call that basic supernatural power sanctifying, grace sanctifying. Grace is a above our nature. It's a new and completely different kind of life, supernatural life. And if we die with his power, if we die in a state of grace, we will get to heaven and we will be able to live there. Once we get there. Only the people that die with his power can go to heaven. No one else can. This is actually a key reason why Lord became man. He came to give us this supernatural life. He came to give us sanctifying grace. That's why he established the Catholic church. In fact, that's the reason for the existence of the Catholic church. The whole entire purpose of the church is to continue. Christ's work through time until the end of the world undoing the damage is caused by original sin. Speaker 1 00:03:52 Five is stolen or restoring grace, sanctifying grace to men's souls. Every single thing that a man does as a priest is concerned with this one thing, sanctifying, grace, every single thing that I do as a priest, it's concerned with grace, the stalling, it increasing it, protecting it or restoring it, everything. That's why the church exists. That's why the priesthood exists. That's with all the laws of the church are about, that's why they exist. That's why we're here to be still increase, protect, and restore sanctifying. Grace was the goal that each one of us will die with it so that we can get to heaven. Speaker 1 00:04:41 Okay, father, we all know that, but what does that have to do with these ungrateful lepers? The chances are very good. That massive numbers of these people from France, the Netherlands and Belgium and Spain and West Germany, who now never go to church, massive numbers of these people were baptized. And what does that mean? That means that when these people were babies, they're bought by their parents and their godparents for our Lord, just like we were, they were brought by their parents, the godparents before the Lord and the Lord egg them to have mercy on these supernaturally, dead little babies. And our Lord had mercy on these little, tiny enemies of his cause. That's what an unbaptized. And in his, he had mercy on him and he washed them, clean the leprosy of original sin and gives them supernatural life and makes it possible for them to lead the life of heaven. Speaker 1 00:05:44 In fact, our Lord has given a baby that's baptized a treasure so valuable that st. Thomas teaches that the sanctifying grace, you just one soul is worth more entire material universe. And all it contains the sanctifying grace in one. So it's so valuable, it's worth more than tire material universe and everything it contains. So what does that have to do with ungrateful leper or so let's just look at how these folks express their gratitude. How are they thanking our Lord by throwing this infinite treasure away by ignoring our Lord by never or practically never going to church? Speaker 1 00:06:40 And what does it mean when so many people completely reject the third commandment, keep Holy the Sabbath was everyone here knows at the minimum, under the pain of mortal sin, we're all bound to go to mass every Sunday and every Holy day obligation. But these people never or practically never go at all. That's absolutely horrific because it means barring actual miracles, barring actual miracles of the adult populations of these countries. 60% of the French, 48% of the Dodge, 46% of the Belgians, 33% of Spaniards at 30% of the West Germans had made from plans to spend eternity in hell. Speaker 1 00:07:40 It's actually worse than that because the people that break the third commandment, every single Sunday, aren't the only ones heading there. Mortal sin is called mortal because it kills the supernatural life of the soul, which means that if a man dies with one single honored pended, mortal sin, he dies without sanctifying grace. That means he doesn't have the power to get to heaven. And he couldn't live there. Even where he to get there, everyone in mortal sin is heading towards the best, not just those who never keep Holy the Sabbath so we can see what our Lord meant when he warned us about the broad and wide and the straight and narrow quote interior at the narrow gate for wide is the gate. And broad is the way that leads to destruction. And many there are who entered by how narrow is the gate and straight as the way, which leads to life and how few there are it, find it close, quote, our Lord and savior. Why does the gay and brought us away that lead us to destruction. And many, there are that find our Lord said to Saint Faustina, quote, tell center that no one shows scape my hand. If they run away from my merciful heart, they will fall into my chest hands. Speaker 1 00:09:15 And if they bring all my graces to not, I began to be angry with him, leaving I'm alone and giving them what they want. Close quote, what does sitters want? Who never were practically, never go to church. They want God to leave them alone. They want God to leave them alone, but that's the essence of hell. In fact, that's the greatest pain in hell. There's two principle pains in hell. The pain of sense and the pain of loss, the pain of sense of the hell fire that burns the demons and the dam didn't help. But it's Saint Teresa of Apple points out the pain of sense. The hell fire is actually an expression of the mercy of God. Well, how's that father? How has it been burning for all eternity, with health fires and expression of the mercy? God. Well, because the health fire distracts the damned from a far worst pain, the worst pain, and because it distracts and it lessens their principles, the suffering, which is the pain of loss, the pain of loss is the reality. Speaker 1 00:10:30 The actual reality that although the true happiness can only be found in gazing upon an infinite beauty of God for all eternity in the beatific vision, the damn soul be forever closed in on itself, completely surrounded by enemies, hatred, and hell fire. He terminally alone, alone. You terminally alone 60% of the French, 48% of dash 46% of the Belgians, 33% Spaniards and 30% of the Western myth. What are these people thinking about? What do they think? Why do they think we're here? Why are we here? God, isn't placed just in the world to become rich. God. Hasn't placed us in the world to become famous. God has placed us in the world to have a great big party and indulge ourselves with every pleasure that comes our way. God has placed us in this world for one thing. And for one thing only to give glory to him. And by this means to save our immortal soul. We only have one soul and there's only one eternity, one soul, one eternity for any other air, Speaker 1 00:11:58 There is a correction for any of the air. There is a remedy, but if we lose our immortal soul, it's eternal, it's forever lost. There are no remedies. We don't want to plunge into the piffs with the herd. We need to make absolutely sure that we who've been washed clean of the leprosy of original and actual sin. And given this price that's gift of eternal life, we want to make sure we're not offending God by fawning Snapple, benign ungrateful lepers. Rather, we want to please him by showing our gratitude and love how by glorifying God. And by this means saving our immortal soul and the two graces we need the most to save our modal. Sows are according to Saint. Alphonsus the grace of divine love and the grace of final perseverance. What's the grace of divine love and means. We show our love for God by avoiding what offends him avoiding sin. Speaker 1 00:13:11 And by seeking to please him in all things, practicing virtue, the grace of God and love means we seek to avoid sin and to practice virtue. What if we're bogged down and sin and vice right now, or we don't know not if we continue to beg God to be merciful and then do what we can this do what our Lord told Saint Faustina quote, but the greatest centers put their trust in my mercy. I cannot punish even the greatest center if he makes an appeal to my compassion. But on the contrary, I justify him in my unfathomable and I'm credible mercy closed quote. If we're bogged down in sin advice, we beg God for mercy. And we do what we can is the first public miracle was turning the water into wine, but he waited until they packed the water. He let them do their part. And then he did his part. What does that mean for us? It means for us, we beg God for mercy. We do what we can. We stop the sinning, stop it. No excuses, no delays. We stop it. Break off the sinful relationships. Smash the bottle of flop, flush the drugs, put on the filter, just connect the internet, smash the DVDs and the videos and the CDs throw away the magazines and books cut up in modest clothing. God expects us to quit making excuses to get serious and knock it off. Speaker 1 00:14:43 So the grace divine love means we strive to avoid sin and to practice virtue. What's the grace of final perseverance. The grace upon a perseverance is a grace by which we obtain eternal life. It's the grace of a Holy death. If someone receives the grace of final perseverance, it means that he dies in a state of grace. Remember if we die in a state of grace, we'd have the power to get to heaven and to live there. Once we get there, only the people that die with his power can get to heaven. No one else can. The fathers and doctors, the church teach this grace. The grace of final perseverance is given only to those who ask for it. Listen to that again, the grace, the final perseverance is given only to those who ask for it. If we want to get to heaven, we have to ask for that. Our Lord told Saint Faustina quote, that the greatest sinners placed their trust in my mercy. Speaker 1 00:15:54 In this regard. Then if his grace is only given to those who asked for it, consider just how powerful our daily rosary is. Why? Because the grace to find a perseverance is one of the things we're asking our lady to help us with. When you pray the hail, Mary, what do you mean father? Well, what are we asking me to pray for? When he asked her to pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death, we're asking her to pray for us at the, all of her death. We're asking her to pray that we have a Holy death. Speaker 1 00:16:29 So since the grace of find a perseverance has given only to those who asked for it. It's it's every time we pray the hail Mary, we ask related to help us out here. Obviously we mean praying. We don't mean mumbling words and think of how powerful that daily rosary is for our salvation. Not only that consider just three of the 15 promises, our lady made Saint Dominic and bless it down. When she gave them the rosary quote, I promised my special protection and equate his crisis to all those who shall recite the rosary, the soul, which recommends itself to me by me, he said the rosary shall not perish. Whosoever shall have a true devotion for the rosary will not die without the sacraments of the church. Close quote, the blessed Virgin Mary in the cultural sewage that our society is sinking into. The people that will make it to eternal life are those who obtain and preserve the grace of divine love grace, the final perseverance, how they didn't got for mercy for praying the most totally rosary for refusing to compromise with sin, by staying as close to the sacraments as possible. Speaker 1 00:17:56 Most, especially in the confessional, let's close with some words from our Lord to Saint Faustina quote, right? I'm thrice, Holy 90 test the smallest sin. I cannot love a soul, which is stained with sin, but when it repents, there is no limit to my generosity toward it. My mercy embrace it and justifies it with my mercy. I pursue sinners along all their paths and my heart rejoices. When they returned to me, I forget the bitterness with which they fed my heart and rejoice at their return Cal centers that I'm always waiting for them. That I listened intently to the beating of their heart. When will it be for me close quote with my mercy. I pursued sinners long, all their paths and my heart. Rachel. I says, when I returned to me, I forget the bitterness, which, which they fed my heart. I read choice. If they return, I am always waiting for sinners. I listened intently to their feeding of their heart. When will it be for me?

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