Devotion to Mary Feast of the Assumption

August 15, 2005 00:11:24
Devotion to Mary Feast of the Assumption
Veritas Caritas
Devotion to Mary Feast of the Assumption

Aug 15 2005 | 00:11:24


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Speaker 0 00:00 Yeah. Can I on his grave feast of the assumption of our lady, we'll spend a few minutes talking about true devotion to the blessed Virgin Mary. There are many kinds of devotion of course, and as we've already to go for Saint Hillary, the great bishop and Doctor, the church tells us clearly quote, no matter how sinful one may have been, if he has devotion to Mary, it is impossible that he'd be lost close quote. That's good news. No matter how sinful one may have been, if he has devotion, marries and possibly lost. Saint Alphonsus explains that. Passionate. You're pointing out that Mary is our mother and what mother would not deliver her son from the death sentence if at all. It depended on was her asking the favor to obtain it from the judge. Speaker 0 01:03 Obviously any mother would do that. Can we think that Mary who loves those devoted with her, the mother's most tender love will not until ever hurt children from eternal death when she can do it so easily. Close quotes, Saint Alphonsus. So no matter how sinful we've been, if we add devotion to Mary, we can be confident. Of our salvation, so nothing should hold us back from expressing that true devotion to our lady. Nothing. When you read any kind of good life for the saints, you can have devotion. It's just woven into the lives and the saints and that's now without accident. If we want to be saints, we have to do the same kind of thing. The three Hail Mary's in the morning at night, praying the holy rosary where I ain't here, Brown scaffold or better yet the five fold scapular. We could have an altar in your honor. Speaker 0 01:58 You have an image, an icon or Lady of perpetual hell or lady Fadima statue. We can put flowers in front of her images or statutes. We can light a candle in her honor and so forth. We can wear some miraculous metal. All those things are great devotions and I recommend all of them and I do them myself. I wouldn't, don't leave home without him, but this is the best, the true devotion to devotion of married by St Louis. Demand for it. This is just the Tan edition. It comes in. Other additions. I read you this from the pulpit, but I'll give you some quotes to, to show you that it's not just a brag. This is the best and most acceptable form of devotion or blessed lady. Bless it, pies tonight on his death bed. Hopefully the 13th renewed is the act of consecration by the swung the St Louis de Montfort to the blessed Virgin Mary. Speaker 0 02:49 Her quote, I hardly recommend to devotion to Mary and to all who read it, I grant the Appstar Benediction, Pope Saint Pius the 10th quote, small in size, but a blood credit authority. What great sweetness that'd be spread evermore and still more and rekindle the Christian spirit and souls and ever-growing numbers. Code code called benedict the 15 quote. I have practiced this devotion ever since. My youth, Pope Pius the 11th quote, the portion unction of the words that Mary's parents have not only touched, but captivated and converted many souls, both pies. The 12th and finally quote, reading this book was a decisive turning point in my life is perfect. Devotion is indispensable to anyone who needs to get himself without reserve to Christ and to the work of redemption. Pope John Paul the second, it's the best and most acceptable form of devotion to our lady. So what is it? Speaker 0 03:45 It's this little book right here, written by St Louis De Montfort and a what he has in this, the best of ocean. And as I mentioned before, the difference between this and all other devotions, it's like the difference between conventional and thermonuclear war in the spiritual realm. Okay? The basic essence of the devotion is that we give all things to our Lord through Mary at St Louis, demand for teachers. It's a perfect renewing of our baptismal promises. We promise to renounce Satan and all his works, don't we? That's what the godparents say. Anybody that was baptizing adults, anytime you hear baptism, you always hear this kind of stuff, but who's the enemy? Look whose head she standing on right there. Okay, that's not by accident. And so when we go to our Lord to her and she's going to stomp out singing all his quirks in our lives and clean and help us really clean up our act, she can't help. Speaker 0 04:34 But if we kill ourselves to her as a true and as her true slave, she'll treat us like she would her son and take care of us and guide us in the past and holiness. I'll just say something. I'll read some passages here out of this, the providential function of Mary in the latter times God wishes to reveal and make known, marry the masterpiece of his hands. In these latter times, Mary, my shines forth more than ever in mercy in Mike and in grace in these latter times in Mercer to bring back and lovingly received the poorest trade centers who shall be converted and shall return to the Catholic Church. How many people we need to convert or return to the fallen away. So that's mercy in mind against the enemies of God I altars. She's Maddix Muhammadans shoes and souls hard and impiety who shall rise and terrible revolt against God, seduce all those who show up. Speaker 0 05:38 Pose them and make them fall like promises and threats so she'll rise up and protect us and that. Then finally she my shine forth in grace in order to animate it, sustained the Valeant soldiers and faithful servants of Jesus Christ who shall battle for his interest. That's the people that want to go to heaven. Lastly, Mary must be terrible to the devil and his crew is an army ranged and foul the ray principally in these latter times because the devil knowing that he has but little time and now less than ever to destroy souls, will every day redouble his efforts and his combat. He would presently raised up cruel persecutions and put terrible snares before the faithful servants, the true children of Mary, whom it gives him more trouble to conquer than it does to conquer others. There's that implacable enmity between the woman and the dragon starts genesis three 15 right in the beginning, our Lord predicts it. Speaker 0 06:37 Our Lady is mortal, enemy of state. It's friends of our lady or Motor Elemis of the devils, an extra cyst, a it to talks about his story. I've, I've heard an, she says tell a story, but exorcism he was doing a year or two ago, whatever it was in any way, at one point during the sexism, the, the poor person that was a possessed was, was laying there on the floor. They have a stole, I guess it's a great big long stone. It goes around the neck of the possessed person and it's around a net for the extra says, cause he's, y'all could exercise. Exercise is acting on behalf of the church through this holy work here. This poor person was on the floor. But if a person is possessed at times when these things are going on, that devil comes to the surface. So the person who's kind of hidden underneath the personality or personalities of the devil, they come up. Speaker 0 07:23 So here's some lippy devil or whatever it was, you know, being a devil and, and a and mouth and off and to the exorcist asked our lady to stop the head of this serpent right during the exorcism. Every time the extras would ask her lady, wow, the person, it was just, this guy was saying, you could see stop right in the middle, like in the belly. You couldn't see her lady, but she was right there. The humility that our lady will come down because the priest asked, are you stop and think about this? But she stomping on this devil and of course the donor, I, you know, whatever he's doing, you know something like this, but evidently the devil was wailing and crying or whatever cause she stopped and and goes, okay, that's the statue. But that's just the reality. It's a, it's an artistic expression of reality. Speaker 0 08:09 He has no hold on her. Saint Louis explains why she's so powerful against it. God has never made well. He says, I will put in the keys between me and the woman and I see to her seat, she showed crushed. They had Natasha lie in, wait for your heel. There's genesis three 15 now he's going to explain God has never made and formed that one enmity, but it is an irreconcilable one which show into her and curl even to the end is between marrying his worthy mother and the devil between the children and servants to the blessed virgin and the children and the tools of Lucifer. The most terrible of all the enemies which you got to set up against the devil is his holy mother. Mary is inspired or even since the days that are <inaudible> paradise though she exists, but then only his idea was so much hatred against that Kirsten enemy of God with so much ingenuity and unveiling the malice of that ancient serpent which so much power to conquer, to overthrow and to crush that pod and pious rebel like we're just heard above that he fears her not only more than all the angels and men, but in a sense more than God himself. Speaker 0 09:19 Not that the anger, the hatred, the power of God are not infinitely greater than those of the plus version for the perfections of Mary Limited, but first because Satan being proud suffers infinitely more. For being beaten and punished by a little humble, handmade of God and her humility humbles and more than the divine power. Speaker 0 09:40 Secondly, because God has given Mary such great power against the devils that is, they've often been obliged to confess in spite of themselves by the miles to the possess during exorcisms. They fear one of her size for soul more than the prayers of all the saints and one of her threats against him more than all the other torments that, that that the power of Mary over all the devils will shine especially fourth and latter times when segway molay snares against her heel, that is to say her homeless slaves and her poor children whom she will wait, raise up to make war against him. They should be liberal and poor in the world's esteem and a base before all like the heel trodden, under foot and persecuted as the heel is by the other members of the body. But in return for this, they should be rich and the grace of God, which Mary shall distribute to them abundantly. Speaker 0 10:29 They should be great and exalted before God and Sanctity Superior to all other creatures by Lively's deal and so else sustained with God's assistance there with the humility of their heal. And you knew if married, they shall crush the head of the devil because Jesus Christ to try it. This book is full of stuff like that. I don't know. I could keep going. I don't want to drive you guys crazy. It's the best in most acceptable form, a devotion to marriage. It takes 33 days to make the consecration. But you should read this book first to devotion Mary, or the Secret Ameri by St Louis Dumont for, and then if you need any more information, I have a book and she can go through, but you should make this devotion. It'll change your life. I know you guys walking by and you saw a guy with this and said, you better watch that. You make that conscious consecration. You'll be in trouble. The next thing you know, he's a priest. I know it happened to me. Speaker 1 11:22 <inaudible>.

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