There Is No Problem That Cannot Be Overcome By The Rosary

October 02, 2011 00:21:29
There Is No Problem That Cannot Be Overcome By The Rosary
Veritas Caritas
There Is No Problem That Cannot Be Overcome By The Rosary

Oct 02 2011 | 00:21:29


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 In the South of France in the 12th and 13th centuries, the great Harrison Albert GNC broke up. Okay. So what on earth was Albert Jansenism Hilaire? Belloc explains of course, as usual with things that I quote there's cutting and editing summit insertions for clarity there, Bella quote, let us start by considering a prime truth of the Catholic faith. The Catholic church is rooted in the recognition of suffering and mortality and our claim to provide a solution for the problem they present. This problem is generally known as the problem of evil. How can we call a man's destiny, glorious and heaven, his goal, and his creator, all good and all powerful. When we find ourselves subject to suffering and death, that's the problem? Evil. How can we say God is good? When we find ourselves suffering so much suffering the world death sooner or later, every human being thinks at all is faced by this problem of evil. Speaker 0 00:01:11 And this, we watch the human race, trying to think out for itself, the meaning of the universe. We find it always at heart concerned with that insistent question, why should we suffer? Why should we die? Various ways that the torturing enigma have been proposed, the simplest is not to face it at all to turn one's eyes away from suffering a death and to pretend they're not there and try to forget them as much as one can, another way less base, but equally contemporarily contemptible intellectually is to say, there's no problem because we're all part of a maneless dead thing with no creative God behind it to say there is no reality in right and wrong. And in the conception of happiness or misery a nobler way. The way of the great Romans in the great Greeks is the way of stoicism. This might be termed the philosophy of grin and Barrett. Speaker 0 00:02:13 It has at least the nobility of facing the facts, but it proposes no solution. It is utterly negative. You had another way, super fond, but this sparing way of Asia to philosophy, which calls the individual in illusion, bids us get rid of the desire for immortality. And it looked forward to being emerged in the impersonal life of the universe. What the Catholic solution is. We all know not that the Catholic church has proposed a complete solution of the mystery of evil for is neither been the claim or the function of the church to explain the whole nature of things, but rather to save souls. But the Catholic church has on this particular problem, a very definitive answer. She says first that man's nature is immortal and made for happiness. Next, the mortality and pain are the result of his fall. That is of his rebellion against the will of God. Speaker 0 00:03:12 She says that since the fall, our mortal life is an ordeal or test according to our behavior and which re regain, but to the merits of our savior, that immortal happiness, which we had lost. Now, the Albert Jensen was so overwhelmed by the experience, a prospect of suffering and death that he denied them. Nicotine goodness of a creator. He said that Eva was at work in the universe just as much as good did the two were principals, always fighting as equals one against another man was subject to the one, just as much to the other, the opportunity and recognized an evil God, as well as a good God. And he attuned his mind to that appalling conception, such a belief, bred all kinds of secondary effects. In some men, it would lead to devil worship in many more to sorcery, to tricks, to stave off the evil power or to cheat it. Speaker 0 00:04:11 It also led paradoxically enough to the doing of a great deal of evil deliberately and saying that either could not be helped or that it didn't matter because the power of evil is quite as strong as the power for good. We might just as well act accordingly. But the one thing that Albert Jensen of every shade has always felt, and that is that matter belongs to the evil side of things matter, belongs to the evil side of things. So there may be plenty of evil of a spiritual kind yet good is of itself. Holy spiritual matters, subject to decay, ms. Therefore evil, our bodies are subject to decay and are there for evil. Their appetites are evil. Therefore it was the evil God that made the human body. Well. The good God made the soul, not the human body is evil. It falls, then it euthanasia or suicide are good. Speaker 0 00:05:08 It also falls in any activity which might result in producing another human body is bad, therefore, any, and all non-pro creative relations are better than any procreative relations. Obviously then it falls at marriage has bed. Logically enough converts were encouraged to band and their spouses. They believed in vegetarianism, although they would eat fish and they denied the resurrection, the body. Furthermore, our Lord was only apparently closed in a human body. He only apparently suffered and sell. So the denial, the resurrection, there's no heaven. There's no hell fill out continues. Anyone who will read the details of the Alvin Jensen story will be struck over and over again by singularly modern attitude of these and parents vertically speaking. There's a very good reason that these beliefs sounds so contemporary it's because so many of our neighbors have exactly the same misunderstandings of the meaning of suffering and death as the Albigensians did so long ago, a denial of, or an ignorant, ignorant self or a flat misunderstanding of any part of our faith is going to have consequences. Speaker 0 00:06:21 And the more serious the mistake, the more serious the consequences. And we see that today in the problem of evil and a complete confusion or lack of understanding anyway, back to bailout because the Catholic church was strong at issue with an attitude of this kind, the papers, see the hierarchy and the whole body of Catholic doctrine and established Catholic sacraments with a target of the LBG and CNN offensive, close quotes. And they still are by their modern, modern followers of this philosophy. So this terrible heresy of Alvin Jensen had broken out and in the midst of all this terrible chaos in order to convert these heretics and subdue, this heresy, God sent a great Spanish Saint armed with a weapon provided by the blessed Virgin Mary. Of course the Spaniard was st. Dominant historian, few centuries after st. Dominic records, how our lady gave Saint Dominic the weapon quote. Speaker 0 00:07:19 We read that at the time when he was pitching the allergens. So Dominic at first obtained, but scanning success. And at one day complaining of this in pies prior to our blessed lady, she deigned replied to him saying one or not that you have obtained so little fruit by your labors. You have spent them on barren soil, not yet watered with the duo divine grace, when God will to renew the face of the earth. He began by sending down on it. The fertilizing rain of the angelic salutation, the angelic salutation is just an old fashioned title for the hail Mary. So when God will do renos, the face of the earth began by sending down on it. The fertilizing rain of angelic salutation, therefore preach my Salter composed of 150 angelic salutations, 150 hail Marys, and 15 are fathers. And you obtain an abundant harvest, close quote, preach my Salter compose of 150 hail Marys, and 15 are fathers. Speaker 0 00:08:16 And you will obtain an abundant harvest. What our lady called us. Her Salter was a whole collection of songs in the Bible is known as the Salter and just, is there 150 songs in the Bible? So also there are 150 hell marries in the rosary. We say all the 15 mysteries revealed by our lady hotter lady Salter ended up by Khan rosary. Well, the medievals saw the rosary as a series of spiritual case, laid at the foot of our lady. And so using figurative speech, they call it a Rose garden. Latin word for Rose garden is a rosarian. And so that's where we got to name rosary. Another author author provides us with more details. Quote, the place of the revelation of the rosary to Saint Dominic was a church or pro Israel. And the time was 1208. According to tradition of the Dominican order, Pope Leo, the 13th affirmed over and over again, the Dominican origin of the rosary and in an 1889 letter to the Bishop of carcass zone, Luke 13 excepts, the traditional oil is the place where the blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Dominic and revealed this devotion. Speaker 0 00:09:23 This tradition, the tradition that Mary first revealed the rosary devotion Saint Dominic is supported by 13 pulps. Now why point all this out? Because under the influence really a Protestantism over the past few centuries, we've gotten to the point where, unless somebody has a video tape or live satellite feed of an event happening it's as if it didn't occur. Wait, we can't sign find a sign witness piece of paper on a date must not occur. So here we have 13 Pope's that's a pretty, that works for me. Anyway, Saint Dominic went into the villages of the heretics, gather the people and preach them. The mysteries of salvation, the incarnation, the redemption eternal life, as the Holy version had taught him to do. He distinguished the different kinds of ministries and after each sort instruction, he had 10 hail Marys recited. So he'd give them like a little for Reno or catechist or a little sermon at the beginning of every mystery. Speaker 0 00:10:14 So they know what they're there to meditate on. Saint Dominic found great success in this new devotion, bringing about the conversion of the Alva Jensen's close quote, Robert FINI. So in the very beginning of the rosary prayed well, meditate upon the mystery, brought about the conversion of the Alvin Jensens and a great renewal of Christian society. And although that was the first, it was certainly not the only great victory of the rosary. Everybody here already knows about the victory, the great victory at LA panto, that Naval victory of the Catholics over the Turks, a victorious, both post Pius, the fifth Pope st cause the fifth and the great commander Don, one of Austria attributed to the intercession of our lady or intercession was obtained specifically by the recitation by of so many of the faithful of the Holy rosary, this great victory, which we've talked about before. Speaker 0 00:11:08 As in fact, the very reason we celebrate the feast of Holy Rose. You're not Tobar seventh. And it's the reason why the first Sunday night Tobar is the external solemnity of the rosary. So the devout recitation rosary brought about the conversion of Alvin Jensens and the victory over the church at LA panto. But here in our own times, there was another great victory of the rosary. Some 50 years ago in Austria, after world war two, Austria was divided into four zones by the occupying powers. So one zone was governed by the United States, one zone by England, one sound by France and another one by the Soviet union, the area occupied by the Soviet union, surrounded Vienna, which was also divided up in four zones, just like Berlin. It's the same kind of situation, but the Soviet union surrounded that area. And it was the richest territory in Austria after the war, it soon became obvious that the Soviet union had absolutely no intention of withdrawing from Austria or Germany, or in fact, any other territories. Speaker 0 00:12:09 They had occupied throughout Eastern Europe and over on the Pacific side in February, 1946, an Austrian Capitan named father Patriots Pavlot chick made a pilgrimage to an Austrian Marian shrine to pray to our lady, to ask her what could be done about this communist occupation as he was praying for the image of our lady, heard an inner voice, tell him, quote, do, as I say, and you'll have peace close quote. So after his pilgrimage father Patriots launched what he called the crusade of reparation of the Holy rosary. So he traveled around Austria with a statue of our lady of Fatima and preach the necessity to repent from sin and to pray the rosary daily, no billions to our ladies' message. And Fatima, he asked for a tie of Austrians, the full 10%, the Austrian people to commit to praying the rosary daily, wherever he traveled, his confessional was flooded with sinners and one occasion, your confessions for three days straight. Speaker 0 00:13:16 It's just astronomical that in itself as a Marvel sitting in a confessional that long and not completely falling apart, you know, it all since the world, I was reading another article where it said he went through 11 villages in Austria and her 6,000 confessions. Just amazing, just the confessions alone in any way, suddenly on may 13, 1955, that's the anniversary, the first apparition of our lady and FATTOM on May 13th, 1955 out of apparently nowhere, the Soviet union completely unexpectedly agreed to peacefully withdraw from Austria in a letter written by father Patriots in 1955, he gave full credit to our lady of Fatima and the recitation Rose by many thousands of Austrians and Deedee had gotten a tide over 700,000 other sons, 7 million Austrians or 10% of the population had pledged to pray the road daily rosary in compliance with our ladies wishes at Fatima. So devout recitation, the rosary brought about a renewal of Catholic life and devotion in Austria and the peaceful withdrawal of Soviet forces from their country. Speaker 0 00:14:32 The rosary is powerful and today it has exactly the same part or new Catholic life to convert heretics and protect us from the enemies as it ever had. In fact, today it has even more power as we'll see here in a minute first, let's consider the power. Our ladies attached the rosary for our own personal sanctification. We've all heard these before, but today on the external solemnity of the face of the Holy rosary, let's listen some more to it. Once more to just a few of the 15 promises our lady made to those who say the rosary, which she revealed to Saint Dominic and bless it out until the Roche promise. Number two, I promise my special protection and the greatest crisis to all those who shall recite the rosary promise. Number three, the rosary shall be a powerful armor against hail. It will destroy Vi's decrease in and defeat Harris's promise. Speaker 0 00:15:38 Number five, the soul, which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the rosary shall not perish promise. Number seven, who shall ever shall she'll have a true devotion for the rosary shall not. Uh, without the sacraments of the church, promise number 12, all those who propagate the Holy rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities and promise. Number 13, I have obtained from my divine son that all the advocates, the rosary she'll have for intercessors the entire celestial courtroom in their life and at the hour of death. Now just think about that is your promises from our lady, the Rose who destroy Vi's decrease in and defeat Harris seat, who shall ever will have a true devotion for the rosy shall not die without the sacraments of the church. The soul was recommends itself to our lady by the recitation of the rosary shall not perish. Speaker 0 00:16:41 Think about that. The soul that recommends itself to her lady by the recitation of the rosary shall not perish as if that isn't impressive enough for centuries. The pulps have been using the strongest possible language to encourage the faithful to each pray. The rosary every day here, just a few selections from the Pope, Leo, the 13th, the rosary is the most excellent form of prayer. And most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There's no more excellent way of praying. A powerful means of renewing our courage when Donald would be found in a Holy rosary Pius, the 11th, the rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to fly and to keep oneself from sin. If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes and in your country assemble each evening to recite the rosary, but not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labors, bless it. Speaker 0 00:17:43 Pius the ninth among all the devotions approved by the church. None has been so favored by so many miracles as the rosary devotion and Pope Pius the 12th. There's no sure means of calling down. God's blessing upon a family and the daily recitation of the rosary. One last thought, and this line from that great Saint of the rosary st. Louis de Montfort. If you say the rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that in spite of the gravity of your sins, you shall receive a never fading crown of glory. Let's close by concern. A few thoughts from sister Lucille. There are a few excerpts from her 1957 interview with father <inaudible> who at the time was a postulator for the, the now blessed, uh, Francisco and just into Marco quote father. The most Holy version is very sad because no one has paid any attention to her message. Speaker 0 00:18:42 Neither good, nor the bad, the good continue on their way without giving any importance to your message, the bad, not seeing the punishment of God, actually falling upon them. Continue to life of sin without even caring about the message father. We should not wait for an appeal to the world to come from Rome on the part of the Holy father to do penance, nor shall we wait for the call to penance, to come from our bishops and our diocese, nor from the religious congregations. No, our Lord has already very often used these means and the world has not paid attention. That is why now it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually. Each person must not only save his own soul, but also help to save all the souls that God has placed in our path father from now on, we must choose either way for God or we are for the devil. Speaker 0 00:19:45 There is no other possibility. Look, father, the most Holy Virgin has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the rosary. She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual and the personal life of each one of us, of our families or the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations that cannot be solved by the rosary. There is no problem. I tell you, no matter how difficult it is that we cannot resolve by the prayer, the Holy rosary with the Holy rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy rosary with the Holy rosary, we'll save ourselves. We'll sanctify ourselves. We will console our Lord and obtain a salvation to many souls. Whoever she'll have a true devotion for the Rose. He shall not die without the sacraments of the church, the soul, which recommends itself to our lady by the recitation of the rosary shall not perish. There's no problem, no matter how difficult it is that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the rosary. Pray you're on the street every day. There's no problem, no matter how difficult it is that we can not resolve by the prayer of the Holy rosary.

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