Fatima Parish Mission 2: The First Secret

March 27, 2016 01:15:26
Fatima Parish Mission 2: The First Secret
Veritas Caritas
Fatima Parish Mission 2: The First Secret

Mar 27 2016 | 01:15:26


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:05 when a welcomed visitors, if there's any non-Catholics here. Just a, just a real quick note, since we're in the house of God and the gate of heaven, we have Christ and thrown on altar. Here it's we see clearly it's the throne room of the mighty King, and so when it preserve a Reverend silence, as long as we're in president in the church, free to talk outside, but in the church we have to have a irreverence. Silence Avia, Maria Pristina, the name of the father and the son and Holy ghost. Amen. Your last public interview, sister Lucy with father Guston 20s he was the vice postulator at the time for the causes of blessing Francisco. And you sent up quote father the most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to her message. Neither good nor the bad, the good continue on their way, but without giving any importance to her message the bad, not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon them, continue their life of sin without caring about the message. But believe me, father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. Speaker 0 01:25 Close quote, Speaker 1 01:27 the most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to a message, Speaker 0 01:32 neither good nor the bad. Speaker 1 01:36 Now, yesterday we consider the miracle of his son as a historical fact and is the fulfillment of a prophecy. We saw their accounts published before the miracle happened, mocking the predictions that their testimonies written, taped and filmed from massive numbers that some 70,000 witnesses, many of whom were not believers, they're photographs of the crowd doing the miracle. We saw there were distant witnesses who could not possibly be accused of being under the influence of some sort of group hypnosis or suggestion. We sought it besides the precise fulfillment of this prophecy, which in itself can only be an act of God. The miracle of the sun is itself far outside the course of nature and therefore it can only be explained as a direct act of God himself. We considered the miracle in itself as an apocalyptic sign and it's an unmistakable confirmation that our lady had been speaking to the children. Speaker 1 02:39 We concluded that because God never acts without a purpose, then we performed a miracle of unprecedented proportions. It's a sign 20 towards a message which is of itself of unprecedented importance. Now, apocalypse apocalyptic overtones of the miracle itself, point towards apocalyptic overtones in the message. So now let's turn to the message or ladies message in July is indeed the heart, the fat of a message. And I'll quote from sister Lucy as memoirs. July 13th, 1917 quote, a few moments after arriving at covered area near the homo where a large number of people were praying the rosary. We saw the flash of light once more and a moment later our lady appeared on the homo, so paranthetically, I'll insert it as a sister. Let's see his description of our lady from the may apparition, so we'll get an idea of what they're seeing there. Before I said a small homo, we beheld a lady all dressed in white. Speaker 1 03:41 She was more brilliant than the sun and radiated light, more clear and intense than a crystal glass filled with sparkling water. When the raise of the burning sun shine through. We're so close. Just a few feet from her that were bathed in light, which surrounded her rather, which radiated from her. We returned to the July. What is your grace of, I asked. I want you to come here on the 13th of next month to continue to pray the rosary every day in honor of our lady of the rosary in order to obtain peace for the world and end of the war because only she can help you. I would like to ask you to tell us who you are and to work a miracle so that everybody will believe who are appearing to us continued to come here every month in October. I will tell you who I am and what I want and I will perform a miracle for all to see and believe. Speaker 1 04:35 I then made some requests, but I cannot recall just now what they were. What I do remember is that our lady said it was necessary for such people to pray the rosary in order to obtain these graces during the year and she continued sacrifice herself for sinners and say many times, especially when you make some sacrifice. Oh Jesus, this for love of you, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the immaculate heart of Mary. It's our lady spoke these last words. She opened her hands once more as she had done doing the two previous months. The rays of light seem to penetrate the earth and we saw as it were, a sea of fire. Plants in his fire were demons and souls and human form like transparent burning embers or blackened or burnished bronze, floating about the complication now raised in the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with gray clouds of smoke. Now falling back on every side like sparks and huge fires without weight or equilibrium. Amid shrieks and grounds have painted a spare which horrified us. He made us tremble with fear. Speaker 1 05:47 It must've been this site which caused me to cry out. As people say, they heard me. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying repelled lightness to frightful unknown animals, black, a transparent like burning coals, terrified and is as if to plead for soccer. We looked up at our lady who said to us so kindly, and so sadly you have seen hell where the soul support centers go to save them. God wishes to establish the world devotion of my immaculate heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end, but if people do not see suffering, God, a worst one will break out during the Pontifical a Pius the 11th when you see a night illuminated by a loo unknown light, know that this is the great sign given to you by God, that he's about to punish the world for its crimes by means of Wars, famine, persecution is the church and the Holy father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Mac Goodheart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, you will. Spear airs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church, the good we Margaret, the Holy father, loved much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. Speaker 1 07:19 In the end, my Macklin heart will try. The Holy father will consecrate, rushed to me and she will be converted and a period of peace we granted to the world in Portugal, the dogma, the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. Sister Lucy to actually vote, et cetera, back to our lady. Do not tell this to anybody. Francisco. Yes, you may tell him now that's important to note. Just paranthetically. Lucio was the only one of the three children who spoke to our lady during the apparitions. Plus it just said it could both see and hear our lady, but never spoke to her trach. Francisco could see the blessed Virgin perfectly, but he'd never heard a word from her. He couldn't hear back to our lady when he prayed the rosary. After each mystery, Oh my Jesus, forgive us. Save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need. Speaker 1 08:11 After this, there was a moment of silence and then. Then I asked, is there anything more you want of me? No, I do not want anything more of you today. Then his before lady began to send toward the East until she find disappeared in the immense distance of the firmament. Close quote, sister Lucy. Now this is the heart of the message of Fatima, the previous apparitions. We're preparing for the miracles associated with the following three operations, most notably, of course, the miracle is son, which we considered yesterday. We're confirmations of this message. There are three parts to the message. They're all interlinked and interdependent. They treated individuals, nations in the church. We'll spend the remaining unpacking various aspects of the message. Tonight. We'll consider the first part, the vision of hell, which pertains to salvation of individuals. Speaker 0 09:05 Hello. Speaker 1 09:07 The first thing, the very first thing that our lady shows the children, and these are little children, is this absolute terrifying vision of hell. She's come to remind us of one of the most important truths of our Holy Catholic faith. A truth which denied, ignored, even laughed at in our apostate age, laughed at and ignored Speaker 0 09:38 even by priest, even by priest. Hell, Speaker 1 09:46 our lady focuses our attention on eternity. The one thing that we should all be focused on. Speaker 0 09:56 Hell yeah. Speaker 1 09:58 All the warnings about famines, Wars, persecution, and annihilation of nations as frightening as they are, pale in significance to this dry King reminder of eternal damnation. Speaker 1 10:15 We'll hear that description once more. Listen carefully. Sister Lucien, as our lady spoke these last words, she opened her hands once more as she had done during the two previous months. The rays of light seem to penetrate the earth. We saw, as it were, see a fire pledges in his firewood, demons and souls and human form like transparent burning embers or blackened or burnished bronze floating around the convocation now raised into the air by the flames and issued within themselves along with great clouds of smoke. Now falling back on every side like sparks and huge fires without weight equilibrium amid the shrieks and groans and pain and despair which horrified us, he made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by the terrifying, repel lightness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals, care fi, and as F to plead per second. We looked at our lady who said to us so kindly, and so sadly you, you've seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go to save them. God wishes to establish the world devotion to our Macklin heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. Speaker 1 11:39 Now, how many times we heard some sophisticated person just dismiss the traditional descriptions of hell? Wave it all off, some kind of condescending smile suggesting no educated person can actually believe there's a fiery underground prison full of damn souls and demons, but these ideas are sort of medieval or childish fantasies for simple people or how many times have heard these same sort of people, people like the immensely popular, best selling author and preacher Bishop Robert Barron, for example, suggest that hell is at best, some sort of nondescript featureless space somewhere which we don't really know a lot about, but we can be sure it is virtually empty. If need to exist at all that the church has never ever taught that anyone actually goes to hell. I bet. Good money. I'm not the only one here tonight that's heard these kinds of things. Speaker 1 12:39 Just ask yourself, does the vision that our lady show to the children <inaudible> anything even remotely like some empty, nondescript, featureless space somewhere or does it sound exactly like the terrifying descriptions of the Inferno that we find in scripture and tradition? We'll just take a brief look at scripture and tradition. Scripture. Scripture is full of examples, which is quickly considered too from the new Testament apocalypse, 21 eight as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted. As for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars. Their lot shall be in the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death Mark nine 46 and 48 where our Lord himself explicitly States is better for the, with one eye to enter into the kingdom of God. Then having two eyes to be cast into hell of fire where their worm dieth not and the fire's not extinguished for everyone shall be salted with fire. Speaker 1 13:54 That's the inspired inerrant word of God. Let's briefly consider tradition. Are there really demons and damned souls in hell? The catechism, the counts, the Trent speaks of quo that most loathsome and dark prison in which the souls the damned are tremendous with unclean spirits and eternal and extinguishable fire. The place is called Johanna. The bottom of split in is hell. Strictly so-called close quote. In our day. There are certain priests, men's like men like Hans URS, Von Baltazar, Bishop Barron, who have dared to suggest the besides the demons, no one has hell that we can actually dare to hope that all men are saved, but this idea that all men are saved is in itself a doctrine of the devil. In August, 1458 Pope Pius the second condemned the statement that quote, all Christians are to be saved. Close quote, Speaker 1 15:03 that's condemned. It's condemned to say that all Christians are to be saved, which means that the contrary must be true. If all Christians are to be saved as false than some Christians are not saved, which is to say some Christians are damned, must be true. We'll just say one scripture along these same lines. Look, 1323 and 24 and a certain man said to him, Lord, are they few that are saved? Are they few? They're saved, but he said to them, strive to enter by the narrow gate. For many, I say to you shall seek to enter and shall not be able. Christ, our Lord was asked if there were a few that were saved and the Lord answered Jesus Christ answered the second person of the most blessed Trinity God the son answered, strive to enter by the narrow gate for many shall seek to enter and shall not be. Speaker 0 16:16 Yay. Speaker 1 16:18 Many shall seek to enter and shall not be. Speaker 0 16:22 Yay. Speaker 1 16:25 Many should seek ketamine's that many and they're not able. Many will not be saved. We have God's word on it. There are definitely damned souls in hell just as a children's saw in the vision. Now, that shouldn't really surprise us. It shouldn't really surprise us. Is that great doctor, the church say, John, Chris's son points out most Christians are walking on the road to hell throughout their life. Why should any beach anyone be surprised at the greater numbered go to Hill to arrive at a destination? We have to take the road that leads there. Speaker 0 17:06 <inaudible> Speaker 1 17:07 no, I don't think for even a moment that only pertains to the faithful. St John <inaudible> system also said, quote, I do not speak rashly. I do not. The many priests are saved, but to those who perish are far more numerous. Speaking specifically of pastor st John of Avalon, another dock to the church States quote so many and so great are the obligations of a pastor that he fulfills. Only a third of them will be esteemed by man to be a sane, but for you only content's himself. With that he will not be able to escape. Johanna, close call Speaker 1 17:54 appraisers, interviewing sister Lucy and asked her, do you really believe that many people go to hell? I myself hope that God will save the greater number. Sister, Lucien, many are those who are lost. Father. Certainly the world is assessable advices, but there's also always hope of salvation. Sister, no father, many are lost. Sister Lucy. Uh, one day I want to just send his house to spend a little time with her. I find her sitting on her bed deep thought, Jacinta, what are you thinking about about the war that is coming? So many people are going to die and almost all of them are going to hell. Plus it just said, it's thinking about world war II and she says, so many people are going to die and almost all of them are going to hell now. Just stop and ask yourself. In the 77 years since worn it, has there been some kind of massive revival? Has society grown more? Holly, are the people leading much more virtuous lives nowadays than they were back then? Are the priests leading more virtuous lives nowadays Speaker 2 19:15 then they were back then? Speaker 1 19:19 Many Christians are walking on the road to health throughout their life. Why should we supply to the greater numbers go to hell? Not many priests are saved. Those who perish are far more numerous and not only are their damned souls in hell, we even know the names of some of the people in hell. If you open your Bibles to the book of numbers, chapter 16 you could read about the citizen of core Dayton and beard. Now these are priests that led an of rebellion against Moses and Aaron during the Exodus and the Bible tells us quo. The earth broke a Sunder under their feet and devoured them with their tents and other substance and they went down alive into hell. The ground closing upon him and they perished for among Speaker 2 20:11 people. Close quo Speaker 1 20:14 earth broker center under the feet. They went down alive into Hill core. Dayton and beard Speaker 2 20:21 went down a lie even to hell. Speaker 1 20:23 Now coming on his passage, three doctors, the church among others, st Jerome, the venerable Bede and Saint Robert Bellerman all teach explicitly that when coordinator in a Beren fell down in, they filled the Johanna, the place of the damned and the common teaching of scripture and the fathers, all the fathers is that Judas is in him. No. So definitely down souls and Hill, plenty of them. And we definitely know the names of some of the people now and anyone that claims otherwise has deposed himself to scripture, tradition and clear papal teaching. Speaker 1 21:08 We continue. What about the pains? The fire, the torments, the principal pain and hell is the pain of loss. It's the pain of having lost God say, Thomas says that since the loss of God is the loss of an infinite good, that painted a dam is in a certain sense, infinite seen African-American Claire. It points out that quote, when a soul enters hell, God shit's over it so vivid, alight that it can know to the limits of its capacity, the greatness of his infinite and divine essence because its knowledge is very clear in the damn salt presents very vividly to it. The immense happiness and blessedness which it could have enjoyed in God. From this, a bitterness comes, which is inconceivable in as much as every minute is driven towards God with a burning desire and it realizes itself. So at every instant that is cast off by the Lord. So the grief of a soul in hell is boundless due to its loss of God. Close quotes. So dam and Hill are folded in on themselves, so to speak. They're filled with anguish, hatred, pain, rage and despair. It's unending despair. There is no relief ever Speaker 3 22:26 and there's no home, no relief for knowhow Speaker 1 22:32 and the damned in hell are tormented by the worm that die. If not, we heard our Lord mentioned that. What is that? That's the scriptural way, our Lord's way of talking about the realization of how easily they could have been saved, tormented in the memory by the thought of the time it was given to them in this life. They might use it to save their souls and yet they spent it procuring their own damnation by remembering all the graces they received and wasted by the fact that this loss is irreversible forever, forever, and they'll never have anything they desire and they'll be tortured forever and they will never have any peace ever. There's no relief ever Speaker 3 23:16 and no hope. Speaker 1 23:19 The damned also suffer the pain. A sense, the greatest pain, a sense is a pain inflicted by the fires of hell. The fire hell is dark. Saint Thomas teaches it only give enough light to increase the torments the dam. So the Dan will see the horrible deformities of other dam souls. The Terrell forms the demons, the burning smoke can dart flames. St Vincent Frere says, our fires cold compared to hell. Fire Saint Teresa of Avila, who's taken hell said that the difference between painted fire and our fire is much less than the difference between our Farr and hellfire hellfire tortures. The sense of touch. The dam are totally immersed in fire. Fire below fire above fire to the sides. They're breathing fire. It penetrates everywhere. It never consumes. Then after judgment day when the dam get their bodies back, those parts of the body that were specially used in sin are burnt. All the more blasts femurs, their tongue will burn. The more thieves, the hands and so forth. Fire be spooned out or mouse their eyes, the ears and bodies to be totally steeped in fire and wished to be <inaudible> but still never consumed. There's no relief ever Speaker 2 24:32 and there's no hope. Sister Lucy Speaker 1 24:36 center often set thoughtfully on the ground or on a rock and explain, Oh hell, hell how, sorry. I am for the souls who go to hell and the people down at burning alive like wouldn't the fire then shuttering she down with their hands too on a recite recited, the prayer lady taught us, Oh my Jesus. Pardon us. Save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven. Especially those in most need just sent a remainder underneath like this for long periods of time saying the same prayers over and over again. From time to time. She called to her brother, myself, Francisco, Francisco, are you praying with me? We must pray very much. Speaker 2 25:19 Save souls from hell. So many go there. So many or so many people in house. So many Speaker 1 25:29 just sit and wonder. Those people burning in hell. Don't they ever die? Don't they ever turn into ashes after judgment? The dam will also suffer the pain of immobility. However they land in hell on the last day after the judgment, the remain in that position with their bodies without moving for all eternity. Speaker 2 25:50 There's no relief ever. No, Whoa. Speaker 1 25:54 They'll we torch by unbearable hunger, by unquenchable thirst that not even ocean water could quench and they'll never get a single drop. They're hearing will be tormented by the incessant shrieking. Holly cursing blaspheming the desperate wailing on a dam. The dam saw whales and trees because he's lost God and lost him for all eternity. Saint Alphonsus says the damn soul hit and curse God and all his gifts of nature and graves. He occurs being created curses partners in sin, curse been redeemed. If he had received the sacraments, would curse being baptized, curse, being confirmed, curse, having confessed his sins, cursed, having received Holy communion. He will hate the angels and saints, especially his guardian angel and patron sate and above our lady. But you principally hate curse the most blessed Trinity, most especially the second person who became man and die for him. He'll curse our Lord's wounds, his precious blood, his pains and death. Speaker 1 26:55 Now some damn fools jock about going to hell because that's where their friends would be. I've heard it myself with my owners guys joking about that. No. Has any friends in hell. St Thomas teaches the greater number of the dam and hell, the greater the misery of each one. No one has any friends in hell. The Dan drawl folded in on themselves filled anguish, hatred, pain, rage, and dispirits unended disappear. But he turned, he turned. He's the most terrifying aspect of hell. Sister Lucien. What made the biggest depression on Jacinto was the idea of eternity. Even in the middle of a game, she would stop and ask, listen, doesn't hell, and after many, many years then don't those people ever die in hell? Don't they ever turn into ashes? Eternity is the terrible of all tears. Just picture walking back and forth from the rock humans to the LATIC ocean carrying a teaspoon full of dirt, Iraq every day, one to every, every time. One teaspoonful dumping in Atlantic ocean, walking back and forth, back and forth. By the time you'd completely leveled Rocky moms to the ground, so when all that dirt and rock of an <inaudible> mountain range completely into Atlantic ocean and attorney in hell when behalf over, wouldn't be Hafele, won't be hundredth over, won't be $1,000 attorney in hell. When you've got started here, Speaker 1 28:34 it turned he is a terror of all tears and hell, there's an entrance but there is no exit. Someone might object it. Perhaps we're over emphasizing the importance of this aspect. The message of Fatima to answer that objection we have to do is consider a few of the comments of we'll see in bus and Jacinta considered this line from a letter sister Lucy wrote to young seminarian quote, do not be surprised that I speak to you so much about hell. This is one truth is necessarily to recall often in these days because we forget that souls are flying at Hellman droves. Close call hell is one truth. It's necessary to recall often these times because we forget that souls are falling to hell and droves, but he's excerpts from sister Lucy's writings, certain people, even pies. People did not like to speak of health to the children so as not to frighten them. Speaker 1 29:34 The God did not hesitate to show it to the three children, one of whom one was only six and he knew quite well that you'd be horrified to the point of being consumed with fry. I would go so far as to say one thing that sanctified these children. Let's just see the vision of hell just said, it was most deeply impressed by the vision of hell and the ruin of the many souls who go there and the future wherewithal. It's whores which seemed to be always present in her mind. When I started keeping thought and Astrid you said, what are you thinking about? She frequently proud about the war which is coming. All the people are going to die and go to hell. How dreadful. If only they would stop offending God, then there wouldn't be any war and they wouldn't go down. Speaker 1 30:14 When it went to visit her during her illness, sometimes she would suddenly grab my arm and say, I'm going to have, but it's you. It's you are staying here for lady lets you tell all these people at hell's likes. They don't commit any more sins and they don't go there. Just sent a co told Ken and form ago when she was dying in this moon there lady reveal toward the center which lead to most people to hell. Our sins of the flesh. The people must give up luxury and impurity. They must not remain obstinate and sin. They must do pennants fashions that will greatly offend our Lord, will appear. People who follow God should not fall fashions. The church has no fashions. Our Lord was always the same. Speaker 1 30:56 Jacinta often sat thoughtfully on the ground or rock exclaimed, Oh hell, hell how sorry. I am for the people who go there burning alive like wouldn't the fire she or leaves for long periods of time praying the same prayers over and over the vision of hell field. It was such hor to such a degree that every pennants modification was, is nothing or eyes if only could present threatened souls from going there. Finally, in our last public interview, sister Lucy, uh, told a priest quote, my mission is not to announce to the world the material chastisements which will surely come if the world does not pray or do penance. No, my mission is to indicate to everyone that eminent danger we are of losing our souls forever. If we remain obstinate in sin, my mission is to indicate to everyone that eminent danger we are of losing our souls forever for main obstinance sin. Speaker 1 31:54 So it's obvious the reality of hell plays a sub central in the message of FATTOM and it's pretty easy to see why focusing our attention on this right now is so important in our day and age since one of the most remarkable aspects of our time has been the extraordinary loss of any sense of sin as Popeyes. The 12th state in 1946 quote, the sin of the century is the loss of a sense of sin. Close quote, the century is the loss, the sense of sin. Three years later, the pulp stated quote, we are overwhelmed with sadness and anguish. Seeing that the wickedness of perverse men has reached the degree of impiety is unbelievable and absolutely unknown in other times. Close. Cool. More than 60 years ago, the Holy father warned us that mankind has lost the sense of sin, has now reached a degree of wickedness. Never before seen if that was the 40 and what to go out now. Speaker 1 33:01 What about no is one preach wide wisely noted. If God doesn't pass a judgment on America, he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah once we recognize this general loss of the census in Napster tidal wave of wickedness, the company to prophetic significance of this terrifying warning becomes clear in age, absolutely drenched and wickedness and age, which the population seems to have lost the sense of sin and age in which the people have forgotten or even joke about the reality of eternal damnation and he age when in which people even sing music about being on the highway to hell and priest denied that anyone goes there are lay yourself, comes down from heaven to warn us of the terrifying eternal consequences of sin, but the reality of hell, the loss of the sense of sins, a sense that instead of the century, let's make sure that can't be said about us. Speaker 1 34:00 Now before we consider sin directly, which we're going to do, we're going to pause for a minute and actually take a close look at what is perhaps not single dangerous state of a soul for a man to fall into, and it may surprise you, but it's called lukewarmness. Lukewarmness is the state of soul, the practicing Catholic. It can be, and certainly in the early stages of this condition, he may very well be in a state of grace. What happens to Luke war man, that everything that has to do with holiness gradually gets reduced to doing things instead of loving someone. Speaker 1 34:38 The result is a little core man becomes preoccupied with zone and trust and comfort. He gradually slides in a more, more and more sloppy approach to things which pertain to the Lord. St Thomas defines lukewarmness as a kind of sadness which makes a person sluggish and the performance of spiritual exercises on account of the effort they require. The great spiritual writer, father Garrick Gulag. Raj summarize the church teaching as the causes of his problem. I quote as a rule, the two principle cause of the condition of lukewarmness or the neglect of little things in the service of God and the refusal to make the sacrifices, he asks the neglect of little things in the surface of God and are fused and make the sacrifice. He acid speaking from my own experience as a priest, these souls seem almost to correction when you're talking to real sinner. Speaker 1 35:40 Sometimes they get right in your face and sometimes they really take things to heart, but you do get a reaction. You're going to get a reaction. Sometimes it gets a little Western, but you're going to get a reaction. Okay? It may be a struggle when these people respond and sometimes there may be a lot of ups and downs, but you do see some real centers coming to the Lord, but with a lukewarm, so it's a totally different ballgame. They turned things in, a little joke. They joke about things. They squirm and Dodge. They refuse to take any spiritual correction seriously. They push back or ignore any call to turn to the Lord and they have 40 million lame excuses. Why this or that doesn't really pertain to them. Little jokes in lots of excuse. Speaker 2 36:28 They just won't take their spiritual duty seriously. Even though deep down side Speaker 1 36:37 they actually know there Speaker 2 36:42 he just can't get through to you just can't all you get Slidell, little jokes, lame excuses, and if they don't snap out of that state, they're going to take a terrifying fall. Guaranteed, guaranteed Speaker 1 37:01 the case. The priests is especially terrifying and it's all summed up in the old saying when priest falls, he falls like saying never arise again. Speaker 2 37:16 And I've seen it. I've seen it. It's easy to <inaudible> Speaker 1 37:25 your Stan at terrifying warning of our Lord. A chapter three of the apocalypse, and I quote from the word of God, I know that works at our night, neither hot nor cold or with the or cold or hot because dark Luke warm, neither cold nor hot will begin to vomit out of my mouth. Closed called inspired, inerrant word of God. Speaker 2 37:50 That's the cornice. But now let's spend a few minutes revering the church's teaching on sin. We'll start with considering Danielle's sin. Speaker 1 38:02 We all know that Venus in his was earned in our catechism. Venial sin is a less serious offense against the law of God, which does not deprive the soul of sanctifying grace, which can be pardoned even without sacramental confession. We all know that of course, but there's certain aspects of venial sin which even pious Catholics often seem to overlook. Some 90 years ago, Bishop John Vaughn summarize the teaching of the church, and I quote, if for the moment we put more of a sin altogether out of our calculation, we may affirm without hesitation, without the slightest exaggeration, that there is literally no evil whatsoever as great as venial sin. The Catholic church teaches that number one, every video sin is offense against God. Number two, that no circumstance or motive whatsoever can ever justify a person committing it. Speaker 1 39:02 Number three, that a man is bound to brace any other alternative. How are painful, however difficult and distressing rather than courtesy guilt of venial sin. And number four, it is in all cases an insult offered by contemptible. Nothing to the infinite majesty of God. The great blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman comments on the same trips. Kartel Noman the church holds that were better for sun and moon to drop from heaven to the earth to fail, and for all the many millions who are on it to dive starvation and extremist agony as far as temporal affliction goals than one soul. I shall not say be lost, but should Camille one single venial sin. Now, to the very degree that sounds shocking to someone, it shows how true pies, the 12th statement is Speaker 2 39:56 that we're losing our sense of sin Speaker 1 39:58 further regard, she has chased. It's the same truth and yet another way a venial sin may indeed appear slight, but it is an offense against God and this is enough to cause to be regarded by one who has a right conception of that infinite beam with greater whore than that with which he would witness utter destruction and instant return to its original nuttiness of this vast machine of the universe with all the creatures that contain such as the heavens, the stars elements and men and angels. Speaker 2 40:32 Again, to the very degree that may sound shocking to anyone is that very decree than needs to consider what he has a proper sense of sin. And we're simply talking venial sin here. Do you think that nowadays the average pious Catholic sees this truth, the true evil of venial sin? Clearly Speaker 3 40:56 I don't. Speaker 2 40:59 Sarah lost the sense of sin or what, Speaker 1 41:03 but from the point of view of our own salvation, there's yet another horror associated with venial sin. And that's it is that habits of venial sin. We can our power to resist mortal sin for anyone serious about his salvation. This is essential to understand. So how does it work? Here it is in a nutshell. If we don't strive, and I mean strive manfully to avoid deliberate venial sins, but instead we indulge ourselves regular and own our own venial sinful desires, then we have trained our will, Speaker 2 41:36 we've trained our will and how have we trained. Speaker 1 41:39 We've trained it to yield in the face of temptation and once we have a week flabby will like that, then we'll hit with a strong temptation. We're going to fall. The point is it venial sin matters. If you want to be saved. We can't afford to be casual about it. No one becomes wicked all at once. It's only the man who begins to give way and little things and allows himself certain unlawful liberties over time starts sinking into worse things than deadly sins. He wrecks his whole life and purchase for himself. Eternal jab, damnation. No one becomes wicked Speaker 2 42:13 once it's a process, not a single act. It's a process. They put themselves on the road. They don't get off. Speaker 1 42:26 Okay, so we've seen the sin of the centuries lost the sense of sin. We've taken a closer look at Venus sin. Now it's considered mortal sin. What is mortal sin? The catechism tells us that mortal sin is a grievous offense against the law of God. A single mortal sin deprives the soul of sanctifying grace. That's the supernatural life of the soul, which makes it possible for us to get to have and when we die and to live there. Once we got there, we may have summer school, you know, and be saved through fire. That's purgatory. You didn't flunk, but yeah, you got some work to do before you get there. So you're saved as two fire Saint Paul says, okay, so a, say, a motor sin deprives the soul of sanctifying grace, which is a supernatural life of the soul and it makes us still an enemy of God. Speaker 1 43:07 Takes all the merit of <inaudible> actions deprives it of its right to everlasting life and happiness, inhibit and makes it deserving of everlasting punishment in hell. Remember, there are three things necessary to make a sin mortal. First, the thought desire word action or emission must be seriously wrong, were considered to be seriously wrong when it's committed. Looking at porn, deliberately getting drunk, contraception, refusing to forgive an enemy, missing mass on Sunday or Holy day obligation. Second, the sitter must be mindful of the serious wrong. He needs to actually know it's seriously wrong. Third, a sinner must fully consent to it. He wills it. He chooses to do it. If you're sick, you can't confess. If you're sound asleep and he invested, shoot nuclear misses somewhere. That's a horrible thing, but you don't have your wills involved at all. When our dreams are crazy. Again, the three things necessary to make a sin, more luck, serious matter, sufficient reflection and a full consent of the willed. Speaker 1 44:05 The three things necessary to commit a moral sinners, serious matter, serious matter, sufficient reflection, sufficient reflection and full consent of the will. What does the man do? Commit some mortal sin. He turns it back completely yet God and chooses instead to run toward some creature. In point of fact, the center says to God, get away from me. I won't serve you. I will not obey you. I will not acknowledge you as my Lord. I will not have you from my God. This sinful pleasure, that worldly advantage, this gratify gratification, my revenge, that refusal to forgive that is going to be my God. St Anthony, Mary cleric comments, the woman once sins mortal, his salt from being a daughter of God becomes a slave of the devil. The condition of a possessed person moves us to compassion. Threes compelled to make room. Dan Knight within his body for a demon from hell, but much more pitiful is a condition of one soul, who by sin becomes a slave of the devil and lives under his tyrannical power. Speaker 1 45:14 Someone possessed maybe in a state of grace, which means if he dies, a lot of them actually go to heaven. One in sin. He's God's enemy. It's without his grace is liable to fall in hell at any time with the same demonic slave master accompany them to Thom it in there forever. Close quote, may the good Lord preserve a solvent ever falling in any Waterson whatsoever for anyone who may have ever had the great misfortunate fall in the mortal sense in auntie Mary Claire, it has some thoughts worth pondering. I quote, if today God delivered a damn soul from hell and gave it time to do penance and in spite of its incredible favorite, blast him again tomorrow. What would you think? Speaker 1 45:59 Perhaps God has delivered you from him 10 20 perhaps more times and after having sex, it's Jordy mercy toward you. What have you done? You're a creature walls all himself to God. Indeed. Father isn't you. You're indebted to your creator. He it is who gave it to you, who preserves it for you? What empire did abuse the benefits and graces received from God and use them in a way that is bold and outrageous towards the infinite majesty? Would it not be a monstrous thing if someone was paralyzed hand Jesus Christ had miraculously cured, which he use that same hand later to give Christ a beating, Speaker 1 46:47 would it not be a monstrous thing if someone who's paralyzed hand Jesus Christ had miraculous cured would use that same hand later to give Christ a beating? Would it not be a great example of unworthiness? If someone who had been racked, secured mutinous by Jesus Christ would have break out later into blast against him on the cross, we should each turn our lies to ourselves. Who gave you that top, those eyes, those tongue, those ears, those hands and all the other members of your body, parts of your soul which you've used so often defend God. Is that how you paid him back for great favors if hair, lady of fabric protectors, anyone who's had the great misfortune ever fallen in mortal sin, he should run to confession, but precisely because mortal sin is the problem. The one problem that can land us in the fires of hell before we set this unpleasant topic aside, want to make sure that we all have a very clear understanding of another very important point that unfortunately many priests in our day and age don't seem to understand. Speaker 1 47:59 Saint Alphonsus the great doctrine, moral theology explains there are four possible conditions of a soul following mortal sin. There are four possible conditions of a soul falling mortal sin. The first possible condition is a reprobate. Since reprobate sense occurs when someone by God's just decree is that so much of his wisdom withdrawn as a punishment for having abused in they no longer seriously or intelligently cares about his salvation. Again, a reprobate sense occurs when someone by God's just decree has had so much of his wisdom withdrawn as a punishment for having abused it. The longer Susi intelligently cares about his salvation. Go down to a rough barn Saturday night and ask them about their salvation. I'll just go to hell while my friends are heard of Mon ears more than once. I bet I'm not the only one here. Saint Alphonsus considered the final repentance at salvation of such tools normally quite improbable once you pray for them and give them a good example. Is there a decrease in the degrees of the state? It's not definitive. I know people that by miracle of grace have come back from the state. We keep in trust in him to our lady. Speaker 1 49:18 Give them a good example and trust them to our lady. That's the reprobate sense. The second possible condition of a sale soul after mortal sin is defective contrition, acquaintance, Saint Alphonsus, defective contrition is very, very common. Defective contrition occurs when the sinner feels some are good for his sins, perhaps who then cry over them, but he remains unwilling to put God first his life. And the key is he lacks a firm purpose of amendment. For example, a man with defective contrition may very well go to confession, but he wrote what turned his stolen goods. He wants start paying back overdue debts, which he's able to pay. He wants stop living with a cocky bind or keeping company with a sinful companion. He won't abandon a drug or alcohol habit. He won't forgive an enemy. He won't stop using contraception. He won't put a filter on his computer. He won't stop watching evil TV shows or movies, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Now, as long as a man is in a state of defective contrition, even if you were to go to confession, since a man with defective contrition is not serious about avoiding sin, the near occasion of sin is apt to contrition is isn't true. Speaker 0 50:30 It'd be a lie. Speaker 1 50:35 God sees that even if the priest doesn't cause. He's promised that. We all know that I've got a confession just like everybody else. We all have to kneel down before priest and go to confession. We have to promise to avoid sin. The near occasion sin. We have to promise to men. They're like, those are just words. We're talking to God. That's a courtroom situation. When you're going to confession. When I'm going to confession, I'm the prosecuting attorney against myself and the prosecuting attorney and the defendant and then before the priest to seeing the place of God is a judge. I'm telling him I'm coming clean with him and then I'm promising I'm going to reform my life. That's what's required for that absolution ballad. Speaker 0 51:19 I was, I'm lying and who am I lying to? Not a good plan. Speaker 1 51:26 Even if a priest were pronounced words of absolution over a man with defective contrition one time, 10 times a hundred times each and every time that absolution is just going to ricochet right off of there. Why? Because it's impossible to have sins forgiven without true contrition. We can't keep our one foot in the camp of the devil and one foot in the of Lord. We're all in one side of the other. There's no in between. It's impossible to forgive sins without true contrition. If a man with defective contrition tries to confess, and even if the priest says it, words absolution, no says are forgiven. Speaker 4 52:01 Nah, Speaker 1 52:04 the confession is bad. The absolution isn't valid and knowledge a man remain in his sins. Now he's added the sin of a sacrilegious confession to the, the basic problem here is a man wants to give life to the Lord, but still keep partying with the devil. We have it on the highest authority that no man conserve two masters and that's the problem with defective contrition. Now, sinners with defective contrition can often be help by good confessor or devote for him to take the necessary steps which will make it possible for him to validly receive absolution. That's defective contrition. Obviously it's completely possible. Presenters with the reprobate sense would affect a contrition to make good confessions, to be reconciled with God until there's state of soul changes. Indeed, we all can. It should do something for these poor creatures who are hurdling towards damnation. What can we do? In August of 1917 the children were kidnapped in prison so they couldn't meet our lady on the 13th and the 19th of August after they'd been released, she appeared to them in a place close to their homes and told them, I want you to continue to go to the covered area on 13th and continue praying the rosary every day. The last month I performed miracles that all may believe if you had not been taken away to the city, that's when they were thrown into jail. The miracle had been Speaker 2 53:26 even greater. St Joseph will come with the child, jeez. To give peace to the world. Our Lord will come to bless the people. A lady of the rosary and our lady of sorrows will also come. Then looking very sad. Our lady said, pray, pray very much make sacrifices for sinners. For many souls go to hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them. And she began to say, send as usual towards the East coast called sister Lucy. Ah, looking very sad. Our lady said, pray, pray very much make sacrifice for sinners. For many souls go to Hill because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them Speaker 2 54:11 in that regard. We'll read an excerpt from a letter written by yet another doctor, the church, the little flower, Saint Therese of the child, Jesus. She's writing her sister sowing. I'd like to invite everyone here to make these thoughts. His own Saint Therese. The child teases cool, silly during the short moments that remained to us, but it's not lose our time. Let us save souls. Souls are being lost like flakes of snow and Jesus weeps those saline. Let us live for souls. Let's be a possible, let's say the specially the souls are priests. The soul should be more transparent and crystal. Alas, how many bad priests, priests who are not Olina let us pray, Speaker 2 55:08 let us suffer for them. And on the last day, jeez, will be grateful we should give him souls. So what can we do for these poor creatures that are hurling towards him? We can pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for them. Many souls go to hell cause there's not a sacrifice themselves. And pray for them. Two new short moments that remained to us. Let us not lose her die. Let us save souls. Souls are being lost like flakes of snow, and Jesus weeps. Let us live for souls. Let us be apostles. Let us save a the of assaults, priests, he souls should be more transparent than crystal. How many bad priests, priests that are not Holy enough, let us pray and suffer for them. And then the last day, Jesus will be grateful we shall give him Saul. Speaker 1 56:27 The third possible condition of a after model soon is imperfect contrition. Contrition is called imperfect. When search center deed has the first beginning, the first spark of the love of God, which Saint Alphonsus points out is clear. It's present. If the center has a firm purpose of amendment, but he's moved by less perfect motive than God's lovableness, such as from considering the ugliness of sin, the fact that he deserves hell or the lost heaven and punishment for what he's done, and perfect contrition does not make someone guilty of mortal sin to win. Pardon? Until the moment he makes a good confession. So that's imperfect contrition. He can be absolved. He has the firm purpose of amendment. Speaker 1 57:11 He broke that whiskey bottle and threw it away. He packed up and moved out. The fourth possible condition of a soft moral sin is perfect contrition. Contrition is called perfect when the sinner is moved by considering God's goodness and lovableness. And these figures, the stronger motives of repentance, although he may still be moved strongly but secondarily by fear of hell. Cause that's a very good movie. Perfect contrition is regret for sin on account of the wrong that we've done to God. Love predominates in perfect condition. As a result, it wins God's pardon Sewell is so as soon as it's all rived set, we realize what he's done for us and how we've returned the favor. Perfect contrition, wind God, pardon? As soon as a soul arrives at assuming that the sinner includes in his will, the desire to fulfill all that God asks for him and for all properly catechize Catholics, that includes intention to make a good confession. Speaker 1 58:11 So that's perfect contrition. So what have we seen? We've seen after committing a mortal sin, there are four possible States of soul. One the reprobate sense, when the center is a punishment percent go longer seriously and Cal gently cares about his salvation to defective contrition. The sinner has some regret for sin, but he lacks affirmed purpose of amendment three imperfect contrition. When a center has a firm purpose of Amanda, but as Lou moved by less perfect motives in love of God. For example, the fear of hell and for perfect attrition, the sitter's move regret for sin on account of the wrongdoing, done for God who is infinitely good and worthy of all his love. We've seen that it's completely impossible for sinners with the reprobate sense or with defective contrition to make good confessions to be reconciled with God. We've seen order to make a good confession to be reconciled with God in order to be validly absorbed a sinner must either have imperfect or perfect contrition. Now there's one last terrifying aspect of mortal sin Speaker 1 59:08 did each one of us should ponder in his heart? Well commenting on the words of sacred scripture found in the book of wisdom. Chapter 11 and verse 21 now has to ordered all things in measure and number in weight. Dow has ordered all things in measure number and weight among other sinks. These great doctors, the church, Saint basil, the great Saint, you're wrong. Saint Ambrose, st Cyril of Alexandria, st John Chrisman, Saint Augustan and Saint Alphonsus. Each one of them teach that just as God has fixed for a man the number of his days, degrees of health and talent, which you will give to him. So also God is determined the number of mortal sins. He'll pardon that man. When that number is completed, you'll pardon no more. Speaker 1 59:59 Just as God is fixed for each man, the number of his days, the degrees of health and talent, which you will give him salsa. God has determined the number of mortal sins. He'll pardon that man. When that number is completed, he'll pardon them more will follow us in our fonts. As Hugh says, quote, you must then tremble at the thought of committing a single mortal sin, particularly if you've already been guilty mortal sins. Who can discover the number of mortal sins? What God will pardon each individual. We should therefore tremble my brother and maybe the guy will party no more after the first criminal pleasure which you indulge at the first thought which you can send out. The first one I'll send you commit. Speaker 1 00:39 Some centers say, but God is merciful, who I asked denies that the mercy of God is infinite. Pablo is mercy and infinite. How many are cast in hell every day? God heals those who have a Goodwill. He pardons mortal sins, but he cannot pardon the determination to commit sin. The sinners lost. See, I'm young. You are young, but God cots, not years but sins. The number of mortal sins which God pardons is not the same for all. Some he pardons a hundred other thousands somebody sends to hell after the second sin. Hominis Lord condemned to eternal misery after the first mortal sin. Saint Gregory, the great doctor the church relates to the child having attained use of region was condemned to hell for blasting the most Holy Virgin reveal to that great servant of God, that addictive Florence, that a girl 12 years old with damned after forced murder. First mortal sin. Speaker 1 01:33 Boy at eight years died after his first moral sin was lost. Dots it center may see, but I've so often offended God. He's, pardon me. I hope they'd also pardon me, the moral sin I intend to commit, but I asked him this, God spare you forever because he's not yet chastised you. The measure shall be filled up. Venice shall come from this day forward. Be careful. Task pardon for your past transgressions. The more you've offended God, the more you should tremble to thought of offending him again for the next mortal Sinny commit may make the balance of divine justice descend. You'd be lost. Hence, when you're tempted, see within yourself. Perhaps God will pardon me no more and I shall be lost. Speaker 1 02:16 Tell me, we're probably at a certain food poison. Would you eat it? Would you have reason to think on a certain road your enemies lie in wait to take away your life? Would you travel that way? If you could find another route more free from danger, what guarantee do you have that he fought back a mortal sin who will afterward sincerely repent of it? What assurance do you have? The God will not strike you dead in a very active mode as soon or immediately afterwards. How does it happen for miserable gratification? You lose your soul, heaven and God. Do you believe that heaven, hell and eternity, a trues, the Fe or are they fables? Do you believe that if you die mortal sin, you'll be lost forever? What foolishness to condemn yourself by your own free act to eternity of torments with the hope of afterwards reversing the sense of economy, nation, no one would be found so foolish as to take poison with the hope of being preserved from death. Will you then consume yourself to turtle death in hell saying expect later on to be preserved from it. What falling, which is brought and brings so many souls to hell. Speaker 1 03:27 God waits with patients until a certain number of mortal sins is committed. When the measure of guilt is filled up, he waits so longer and chastises the sinner, sinners multiply them mortal sins. Dot. Keep it any cow, but God NARS now. So when the harvest is ripe, that is when the number of mortal sins is completed. He may take vengeance on him. Saint Gregory, the gate says he was promised pardon to penitence has not Speaker 2 03:51 tomorrow to sinners. Here's pawns pardon to penitence has not promised tomorrow to sinner. Speaker 1 04:04 We'll close with detailed examination of conscience. Preliminary considerations. Have I ever felt deliberately to confess some mortal sin or if I deliberately disguised or hidden, such as sin and confession have been guilty and carelessness and examining my conscience. Have I failed to do the penance given to me by the priest? If I have mortally sinful habits such as drunkness or impurity, have I failed to point that out? And confession, the first commandment on the Lord that God though shall not have strange gods before me? Have I neglected quite a knowledge of the faith commensurate with my state in life? Have. I deliberately Daughtered denied any teachings in the church. I'd taken an active part in non-Catholic worship. I've listened to heretical preachers in person on the radio or on television. Have I supported or joined any non Catholic religious organization, secret society lodge or anti-Catholic group? Speaker 1 05:06 Have I normally read any reticle blast? Miss Catholic literature? Have I engaged in a superstitious practices such as horoscopes, Palm reading, fortune tellers, consolidate, psychic, playing with Weegee boards, engaging, engaging any Wiccan or other pagan rights, read or kept or lent books dealing with the same? Have I admitted any religious duties or practices for motives of human respect? Have they recommended myself daily to God? They faithful to my daily prayers have ever received any sacraments, sacraments, sacral indigenously or irreverently who I thought act were spoken irreverently of God, the blessed Virgin, the saints, the church, the sacraments, or any other Holy things. Have I been been guilty of serious irreverence in church, whether by conversation, behavior or dress? Have I been guilty of indifference, believing that all religions are equivalent or that one can be saved in any religion if I presume on God's mercy? Speaker 1 05:58 Have I just spirited God's mercy? Have I hated God? Have I valued opinions and man or any of the creature activity or object? Both the honor, due to the second commandment, thou shall not take the Lord name of the Lord thy God in vain. Have I taken an oath in God's name falsely, rashly or in trivial matters who I blasts feed, remembered or complained against God? Had I cursed myself or any other creature, have I so angered others as to probe them to swear or blessing God? Have I broken a vow or a promise to God? Have I watched movies or television or blasts museums? The third commandment, remember that thou keep Holy. The Sabbath day of I missed mass on Sundays and Holy days of obligation to throw my own fall have been late to mass on Sundays or Holy days of obligation if I left early through my own fault. Speaker 1 06:52 Have made others mismatched be late or leave early on hot Sundays are Holy days of obligation. Have I been willfully distracted during mass? Have I done or commanded to be done? Any unnecessary serve? I'll work on Sundays or Holy days of obligation. Have I gone shopping, bought or sold things on Sundays are Holy days of obligation. The fourth commandment offer honor thy father and thy mother have been disobedient to my parents in serious matters, keeping bad company reading bad books, frequenting bad places have been disrespectful. My parents despised or even hated them. Wish their death that some other misfortune would be falling. I've insulted my parents mocked and ridiculed them, cursed them, threaten them, lift up my head and a strike them. Have I neglected refuse to aid my parents and their needs have been Chandon parents have I surely grieved them by ungrateful attitudes or bad behavior if I neglected to pray for them if they've died, if I neglect to prepay, pray for them or have masses offers for them where to faithfully execute their last will and Testament. Speaker 1 07:51 Have I shown you reverence to others in positions of authority? Have I voted for anyone that I knew certainly was unfit for office I've ever resisted. A lawful request of lawful authority who are disrespectful or be disobedient to legitimate commands and my spiritual spirits or behave towards them in an arrogant or insulting manner. The fifth commandment, thou shall not kill, have our procure desire, the death or bodily injury of anyone have I born hatred of oppressed animal if a desired revenge and that caused enmity between others like coral, it follows anyone. If I do revenge, passion or avarice engaged in unjust lawsuits have wished evil on anyone have intended or attempted to injure, mistreat others. If I put a curse, a spell, or heck sunny winter hired anybody do soar. Have I taken pleasure in other's misfortunes of a jealous or envious of anyone if I had or tempted to had an abortion of counsel or assisted anyone to do so? Speaker 1 08:52 If I'm mutilated my body in any unnecessary way, have I entertained deliberately? Thoughts as suicide, desire to commit suicide or attempted suicide? Have they come drunk or gotten high on drugs? Have I seriously neglected to take proper care of my bodily health? Have I harmed anyone? So especially children. By giving bad example, I tried to sweater scourge. Anyone was willing to repent, reform if I harmed my own soul by intentionally, unnecessarily exposing myself to temptations and near occasions of sin such as bad company, bad books, bad movies, bad TV, bad music, bad beaches, bads, clubs, et cetera. Sixth and ninth command staff shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife. Have I denied my spouse his or her marital rights? I practice contraception in any way, have been sterilized or had my spouse sterilized, have abused my marital rights in other ways as I kept company with someone else's spouse. Speaker 1 09:48 Have engaged in passionate kissing with someone to who I'm not married. Have I touched her? Embraced another Imperioli. Have I committed an impure act by myself or with another? Have a deliberately entertained impure thoughts of you used impure, suggestive words, told the impure stories or listened to them. Have I deliberately looked at impure things, TVs, movies, DVDs, pitchers, websites. Listen to impure thongs or deliberately read impure material. Have I been the occasion of sin for others by my actions, postures, or by wearing tighter? Revealing and in modest clothing. If I boasted my sins or taken delight in past sins, have I been in lewd company or nest unnecessarily remained alone in the company of someone of the opposite sex on the way out in regards to these kinds of things. There's a nice little handout called a few notes regarding purity. I should have this pop. Speaker 1 10:36 Hopefully you're not struggling, but you'll get to know people that are, it's a good little one with practices. You'll be good to go fall on that if anybody. There's also a handout on filters, so it's got for routers, filters for different including iPad or tablets and cell phones and so forth and accountability. With this up to date as of last week, everybody should have stuff filtered. The woman of the house, as it says on this, should have the password and then there's one prayers of healing, so everybody should take one of those on the way out. It's really important to have that stuff were to be able to pass it on cause there's so many people struggling, especially with issues of the sixth and ninth commandment, and it can be one. This is a battle that can be one. These are not the most serious. The commandments are roughly in order. Speaker 1 11:23 Seventh and 10th commandments. Thou shall not steal. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. Have I stolen anything? What or how much is it still in my possession? Have I damaged, destroyed another's property? I have negligently, negligently spoiled anyone's property, have been negligent in the stewardship of other people's money or goods. Have I cheated a fraud it others have failed to make restitution for stealing, cheating, or fraud. If I gambled excessively with money that wasn't mine to gamble, have I taken bribes, have refused or neglected to pay any debts, have acquired anything I knew to be stolen, have had failed to return borrowed goods? Have I cheated my employer of an offstage work? Have I cheated my employees of their wages? Have I taken advantage of the simple, the younger, inexperienced, or made hard bargains with the poor? Those in distress have refused or neglected to help anyone in serious need of an envious of another's goods have been stingy with my goods. Speaker 1 12:21 Have I let my livestock range on my neighbor's property, the causal enter jury or lost by negligence or culpable ignorance. The discharge my profession or employment have been grasping <inaudible> placing too much importance on things in the world and material comforts. Eight commandment, thou shall not bear false witness against I neighbor. Have I lied about any in my lies? Devenish their reputation or cause him any other material or spiritual harm? Have I entered the good name of another by revealing true but hidden faults or sins or done anything else to Blackmun's name? Have I watched television or listen to radio shows? Ready attractions indulged in, have made restitution by storing the good name. I neighbor injured by my traction. Have I corrected my lies? Have I ratcheted judged anyone? That is to say if I believe firmly without sufficient evidence that they're guilty of some Walty factor crime have I've been guilty of Tilbury. Speaker 1 13:11 That is to say, have I reported something unfavorably said of sown by another. So as to create or sustain enmity between them. Have I landed here to encourage the spreading of scandal about my neighbor who I'd taken false hauls or signed false documents or advise to others to do so and I without necessity, critical, negative or uncharitable my speech, who I flattered others. Particular duties. The state of life. Parents. If you ever always taken proper care of the life and health of your children, have you deserted them? Have you endeavored to teach them the Catholic faith both by word and example? Have you ensured that the Holy faith had prior to place in your home? Did you ensure that they learned a trade, a profession so they can make an honest live with it when they leave home? Have you showed an unjust preference for one? Speaker 1 14:00 Two. The prejudice of the others who'd been cruel or unkind of them? Have you hindered them from fondly vocation to priesthood, religious life? Have you thought reasonable cause oppose inclinations with regards to marriage? Have you exposed it, in instance, to danger by access to improper movies, television, or to an unfiltered internet by allowing them to read trash, NOLs, or dangerous books? Have you permitted them to wear immodest clothing? Have you allowed them to keep coming with bad companions? A lot of them are gay date and go steady with members of the opposite sex without prospect of narrative within the near future. Have you allowed them to attain morally dangerous schools or to stay out late at night? Have you failed to correct and when they need it? If you've been abusive and heavy handed and your corrections have you without serious grounds undermined legitimate authority and the other parent by granting permissions, lifting restrictions or changing behavioral rules. The married did. He ended up married state from base and on Christian motives. He had been the cause of grief and heartache. Your spouse by your condom, have you sinned against each other by abusive language or even blows have you without just cause and lawful permission. Ben, your spouse live separately, remain long abstinent. Have you abused your matter rights in any way? Speaker 1 15:19 Well now expose the blessed subsegment and I'll hear confessions as long as anybody needs them.

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