Fatima Parish Mission 3: The Second Secret

March 28, 2016 01:11:35
Fatima Parish Mission 3: The Second Secret
Veritas Caritas
Fatima Parish Mission 3: The Second Secret

Mar 28 2016 | 01:11:35


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Speaker 1 00:08 I have a prisoner and they were father and son, the Holy ghost. Amen. Your last public interview, sisterly see told father Guston twenties he's the vice postulator for the cases of Franciscan. Bless it. Jacinta quote, father most Holy Virgin is very sad. He's known as paid any attention to her message. Neither the good Speaker 0 00:33 nor the bed, Speaker 1 00:36 the good continue on their way, but without getting any importance to her message. The bad, not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon them, continue their life of sin without even caring about the message. But believe me, father, God will chastise the world and this will be Speaker 0 00:53 terrible manner. Close quote <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:57 Well, it's totally Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to our message. Speaker 0 01:02 Neither good nor the bad Speaker 1 01:06 can't. Sunday we consider it a miracle. His son as a historical fact, and as the fulfillment of prophecy, we saw their accounts published before the miracle. They're mocking the predictions. Their testimonies were written, taped, and film from massive numbers of the 77,000 witnesses, many of whom were not believers. They're photographs of the crowd viewing the miracle. We saw there were distant witnesses who could not possibly be accused of being under some sort of a group hypnosis or suggestion we saw besides the precise fulfillment of this prophecy, which in itself can only be a direct act of God. The miracle of the sun is itself far outside the course of nature and there therefore also can be only explained as a direct death of God himself. We considered the miracle in itself as an apocalyptic sign and is an unmistakable confirmation that our lady had been speaking to the children. Speaker 1 02:04 We concluded because that because God never acts without a purpose. Then when he performs a miracle of unprecedented proportions, that it's a sign pointing towards a message which is itself of unimpressed, unprecedented importance and the apocalyptic overtones, the miracle itself point toward apocalyptic overtones in the message. Then yesterday we began considering the message itself. We saw a vision of hell reality that's been almost forgotten in our sad times and the dip plays a central role in the message. We briefly reviewed the churches teaching regarding hell, including the fact all modern hallucinations to the contrary, that we cannot dare to hope that all men are saved since pies. The second specifically condemned the statement that all Christians are to be saved. We saw it'd be very difficult to overestimate the impact the vision of hell had on the three children. We saw that in the 1940s the Pope warned us that the mankind had lost its sense of sin and it reached a degree of wickedness that never been seen before in the history of the world. Speaker 1 03:13 We then briefly consider the problem of lukewarmness, which is a terrifying state that people would fall into the basically cutting corners in the service of God and fuse of the make, the sacrifice, the AA he's asked and that people that fall into this state are, they're basically impervious to correction, quite, quite significantly different from really silly, serious sinner. When you offer correction your series sin, sometimes they'll take it and sometimes he won't, but you're going to get pushback. If he does it. There's going to be a reaction. Luke warm person that turns into jokes and excuses. We briefly reviewed the church's teaching regarding venial sin and saw the <inaudible> of sin is an offense against God that no circumstance or motive whatsoever could ever justify committing that we were bound to embrace any other alternative, however painful or however difficult it might be, rather than commit a single venial sin and a video, sin is an insult offered by contemptible, nothing to the infinite majesty of God. Speaker 1 04:12 We also saw that if we don't strive manfully devoid deliberate venous sins, but instead regular indulge ourselves in our own venial is sinful desires. Then we have trained our will and we've trained our will in fact, to yield in the presence of temptation. We seen that once you have a weak, flabby will like that, then when we're hit with a strong temptation, we're going to fall. We saw that we're serious about our salvation. We cannot afford to be casual out venio since it's known becomes wicked all at once. It's only the man who begins to give way and little things and allows himself certain unlawful Liberty who at length sinks down in a deadly sins, wrecks his whole life and purchase this for himself. Damnation. We then briefly reviewed the churches teaching regarding mortal sin. We saw that a single mortal sin, private soul of sank fine grades that said supernatural life in the soul. Speaker 1 05:04 It makes the soul an enemy of God, takes away all the merits of its good ads to price it, have the right to everlasting happiness in heaven and finally makes it deserving of everlasting punishment in hell. We saw there three things necessary to make them a sin mortal. That's a serious matter, sufficient reflection and full consent of the will. We also saw that after chameleon mortal sin, they're four possible States. The sole first possible state is reprobates tense when a sinner as punishment for ricin no longer seriously intelligently cares about a salvation defective contrition. That's when the sinner has some regret for sin, but lacks affirmed purpose of amendment imperfect contrition. When the sinner has a firm purpose of <inaudible>, but it's moved by less perfect motives than the love of God. For example, the fear of hell and perfect contrition, the sitter's moved by regret for sin on account of the wrong done to God who's infinitely good and worthy of all love. Speaker 1 06:02 We saw that it's completely impossible for sinners with the reparation sands or with defective contrition to make good confessions and be reconciled to God. We saw an order to make a food confession to be reconciled to God. In other words, in order to be validly abs absolve, a sinner must either have imperfect or perfect contrition. We saw according to the teaching, those great fathers and doctors of the church, Saint basil, the great Saint Jerome, Saint Ambrose, sincere of Alexandria, Saint John, Chris's, him, Saint Augustan, and Saint Alphonsus, they all teach the same thing, that just as God is fixed for man, the number of his days, the degrees of health and talent he'll give to them. So also God is determined the number of mortal sins that you pardon that man, and that number's completed. He'll pardon a morning. We started, God waits with patients until the number of sins is committed. When the measure of guilt is filled up, he weights no longer but chastise the sinner. That is when the number of sins is completed. It takes vengeance on. The sooner we close with that saying of Saint Gregory the great he was promised pardon to penance is not promised tomorrow Speaker 2 07:06 to sinners so much for the review. Speaker 1 07:11 Now, before we turn to the second aspect of the message of Fatima, which pertains to salvation nations in the social order, there's one last detail regarding the salvation of individuals that we did not consider last night. That's the grace of final perseverance. The grace of final perseverance is the gift from God of dying in the state of grace. This is a Supreme grace because it's a critical grace. The guy that dies in the state of grace is saved. You might to go to purgatory for a time, but he won't go to hell. He say, Speaker 2 07:44 and here's the point, we cannot merit final perseverance. We can't merit it. Speaker 1 07:51 Saint Alphonsus discusses this quote. The grace of salvation is not a single grace, but a chain of greases, all of which are at last link. With the grace of final perseverance. We cannot merit final perseverance. We ought also always to ask for it every day till our death if we wished to obtain it. Many centers by the help of God's grace are converted and receive part, but then because they neglect to ask for perseverance, they fall again and lose close quotes in Alphonsus. He's a doctor of moral theology for the universal church. Now, once we understand this, we can start to appreciate how much our lady really loves us since she made it so easy for each one of us to receive this Supreme grace. On July 13th parlay told the three children if what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved. I will come to ask the communion of reparation and the first Saturdays of the month in December of 1925 she came along with the Christ child to sister Lucy, a cell. Speaker 1 08:53 Here's sister Lucy as accountants written a third person. I've for clarity sake, I've inserted names, quote, the most Holy Virgin appeared to sister Lucy in buyer lady side elevator and illuminous cloud was the child Jesus the most. Shelly Virgin rested her hand at sister Lucy, his shoulder, and as she did so, she showed sister to see a heart and circled by thorns where she was holding in her other hand. At the same time the child said, have compassion on the heart of your most Holy mother, surrounded with Torrens with which great ungrateful men Pearson at every moment, and there's no one to make an act of reparation to remove them. Then the most Holy Virgin said to sister Lucille, look, my daughter at my hearts run by thorns with which ungrateful men Pierce me at every moment by their blasts mate and in gratitude you at least try to consoling and announcing my name that I promised to assist at the moment of death with all the graces necessary for salvation. Speaker 1 09:54 All those who on the first Friday of our first Saturday at five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy communion, resect five decades of the rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes. We'll meditate on the 15 minute mysteries of the rosary with intention of making reparation. To me, that is an astounding promise. Our lady promises to the gift of PO to offer us the gift of final perseverance. It's a gift which not even the greatest Saint can ever merit and she promises that gift for making the first Saturdays. There's absolutely no proportion between the greatness of the gift and the very small effort required on our part to receive it. It shows unbelievable intercessory power of our lady on behalf of the sinners. Speaker 0 10:44 Talk about ho <inaudible> Speaker 1 10:46 save us from the fires of hell as soon as a child makes his first communion. Parents should make every effort, whatever effort, whatever sacrifice is required to get them to make the five first Saturdays, even if he should, a good Lord forbid equipped wearing his broad scap and start late and leading a bad life. When he gets older, your parents can be confident that at the very least at the moment of death, who received the grace is necessary for salvation. That's John's just to, for kids that have made their first community, each one of us should also make every effort, every sacrifice necessary to ensure that we too can receive this extraordinary assistance from our lady at the hour of our death. The promise attached to the first Saturdays is just another proof of our ladies love for weak sinners. As Saint John Chris system says, quote Mary's meds. Speaker 1 11:39 Mercy saves a great number of unhappy persons who according to the norms of divine justice would be damned close. Quote st Thomas Aquinas quote to Mary center session. Many souls are in paradise. Who would not be there had she not interceded for them? For God is impressed there with the keys and treasures of the heavenly kingdom. What about those that have to work on Saturdays and simply can't meet the conditions system? See his confessor father Gonzalvez asked several questions. If one cannot fulfill all the conditions on a Saturday, can it be done in a Sunday? People in the country, for example, will not be able very often because of it quite far away. Why five Saturdays, not nine or 700 of the sorrows of our late close quote our Lord given the answers his sister Lucy of that very night put the practices devotion will be equally acceptable on a Sunday. Speaker 1 12:34 Fond the first Saturday when my priests for adjust cause allow to souls. Close quote on yet another occasion. The Christ child appeared to sister Lucy who took vacation. Ask her Lord my Jesus. Many souls find it difficult to confess on her Saturday. We love confession within eight days to be valid. The Lord answered, yes, it can be even made later on provided the souls in the state of grace. When they received me on the first Saturday, they had intention of making reparations to the sacred heart of Mary, my Jesus and those who forget to form this intention. They can form it their Netflix and fish and taking advantage of that first opportunity to go to confession. So it's really important to know as long as we're in the state of grace, will we make a community reparation? We have eight days or even longer to make our confession. Speaker 1 13:17 Also with making the intention of making reparation to to the heart and furthermore, with the permission of a priest, the communion recitation is Rose with a 15 minute meditation can be transferred to Sunday. You need a parish priest permission for that. In response to the question about the number of Saturdays, why five Saturdays, our Lord answered my daughter. The reason is simple. There are five kinds of offenses and blasphemies committed against the maquette heart of Mary. Number one blasphemies against the maca conception. Number two, blast muse against her perpetual virginity. Number three blasts music against her divine maternity while refusing at the same time to recognize her as mother of men. Number four, the blast rates of those who seek publicly to sow in the hearts of children and difference or scoring or even hatred towards this, a Mac that monitor. Number five, the offenses of those who outrage are directly in her Holy images. Speaker 1 14:11 They're my daughters. The reason why the Mac had harden. Mary inspired me to request the small act of reparation and consideration of it to move my mercy to forgive souls who've had the misfortune offender close. Cool. So in regards to blast music against Mac conception, we're making reparation for the Eastern Orthodox and Protestants among others regards to and because they both, they deny that in regards to blasphemies against your perpetual virginity or making reparation for Protestants among others in regards to Glasgow, he's against your divine maternity or fusing at the same time recognize her as the mother of men or making reparation for Protestants among others in regard to blast mates of those who publicly seek to. So in the of children in difference or scoring or even hatred towards this magnet mother, we're making reparation for the Protestants among others in regards to the <inaudible> against the fence. Those who outrage, you're directly in her Holy images. We're making it again, reparation for the Protestants among others would that we're all we were making reparation for in a comment published in 1980 the leader of the blue army, father Richard said, re-asked who could have imagined 50 years ago that these five great offenses against Mary would spread within the clergy. The Catholic church herself that a great number of baptizing catechized children, our parishes would not even know any longer how to say the hail Mary Speaker 2 15:34 close quote and that is where we're at. That is worrying. Speaker 1 15:39 It's amazing how many times to meet somebody that doesn't know how to say the hail Mary, Speaker 2 15:45 what's going on. Speaker 1 15:48 Our lady loves it. She doesn't want anyone to go to hell. If you showed the children that ocean of hell fire with immense number of damned souls tumbling around and shrieky is because she's <inaudible>. She doesn't want any of us to land there. And then she shows her motherly compassion, compassionate care, the message, the first Saturdays, a practice with a promise attached to have her assistance at the moment of death with all the graces necessary for salvation. She offers us find a perseverance for doing that. Now there's a handout will be available after on the way out and it's got all these details and they seed it. Don't, don't worry if you didn't remember all that. It's all on there. Everything I just told you, I made a little handout with that on the first Saturday. It's really important. Speaker 2 16:32 Okay, Speaker 1 16:33 let's turn to the second aspect of the message. It pertains to salvation of nations in the social order and a persecution or freedom for the church. The historical part of this part of the conference, I'll draw heavily from the work of fare. Michelle, the most Holy Trinity. We'll review that part of the message. Sister Lucy on the quote, our lady said to us so kindly, and so sadly you've seen how with the souls of poor centers go to say them. God wishes to establish the world devotion to my Mac. That heart, if what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved. There will be peace. The war is going to end. This is a world war one. The world's going to end, but if people did not cease offending God, a worst one will break up during the pontificate of Pius the 11th when he see a Knight illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given to you by God that he's about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church and of the Holy father. To prevent this, I should come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my immaculate heart and the communion of reparation in the first Saturdays. If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her heirs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be monitored. The boy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be an eyelid. Speaker 1 17:59 There's four points here. One world peace has been a trusted immaculate heart of Mary to our lady made three requests, placed three conditions for world peace. Three, our lady promise, peace in the conversion of Russia. If a request were heated in four and a four requests were not needed. She warned of terrible punishments. So let's consider each one of those in more detail. First point, world peace has been entrusted to the Mac of the heart of Mary. Our lady told the children that God wishes to establish in the world devotion my Mac, that heart bless it just sent a comment on what this means is from sister Lucy is writing. Jacinta said to me, it will not be long now before I go to heaven. You will remain here to make it known that God wishes established in the world. Devotion of Mac at heart of Mary. When you are to say this, don't cone hide. Speaker 1 18:53 Tell everybody that God grants his grace to the Mac heart of Mary, that people are to ask her for them the heart of Jesus Watson and heart of Mary to be venerated at his side to the most upgraded maca, the heart of Mary for peace. Since God is entrusted to her close, quote, freedom, active heart of Mary for peace. Since God has entrusted to her. Second point, our lady made three requests. She takes his three conditions for world peace. The three conditions are first, pray the rosary. Pray the rosary every day in honor of our lady of the rosary in order to obtain peace of the rule and the end of the war because only she can help you close call. So praying the rosary is the first condition for world peace. Second, the five comedians of reparation and first Saturday before the outbreak of hostilities, world war II, sister Lucy, a row, whether the world has more peace, depends on the practice of this devotion along with the consecration of Mack and heart of Mary. Speaker 1 19:49 That is why desire it's propagation. So art especially because this is also the will of our dear brother and heaven. She also wrote our lady promise to delay the scourge of war. If his devotion was prom propagated and practiced, we see that she will obtain remission of this chastisement to the extent that efforts are made to propagate this devotion. So making the five first Saturdays is a second condition for world peace. And third, the consecration of Russia to her Macklin heart. Our lady, I should come to ask for the consecration brushed my Mac at heart and the community reparation of the first Saturdays. If my requests are hated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. So the consecration of Russia to the magnet heart is the third condition for world peace. So the three conditions are pray the rosary, make the first five Saturdays, the consecration, Russian immaculate heart. Third point, our lady promised peace in the conversion of Russia. If her requests were heated, quote, God wishes to establish the world devotion my Mac at heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. If my requests are heated, Rushman will be converted and there will be peace. Speaker 1 20:57 Fourth point, she warns a terrible punishments for requests or not. Hayden quote, the war is going to end. She speaking at this time, world war one war is going to end, but if people do not cease offending God, a worst one will break out during the pod ticket of PI's dilemma. When he see a night loan by a unknown light. No. This is a great sign given to you by God. He's about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, persecution of the church, and the Holy father to prevent this. As should come to ask for the consecration. Rush my Mac, that heart, the community of reparation for Saturdays if I request are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her heirs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be moderate. Speaker 1 21:41 The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. Close quote, there's a lot here, so we'll briefly touch on world war II first and then a few minutes we'll consider the errors of Russia. World war II, our lady speaks to the war war in a preventing it. If people did not cease offending God, a worst war will break out or they pontificate a pies. 11th to prevent this, I should come to ask the consecration of rushed to my Mac at heart, my community of reparation the first Saturday. So our lady Fadiman did that on June 13th, 1929 she appeared to sister Lucy while she's making a whole yo the chapel, the convent to Spain or lady. The moment is come when God asks the Holy fire to make and he knew with all the bishops, the world, the consecration of brush to my Mac, that heart promising to say that by these means, we can get some ideas of the effects of such a consecration by considering the case of Portugal on May 13th, 1931 in response to <inaudible> see as urgent, the bishops of Portugal consecrated their country to the Mac heart. Speaker 1 22:47 The results were one, a striking rebirth of Catholic life to an almost unbelievable rise in vocations. Three, a complete political and social reform in line with Catholic social principles. And four, Porsche was given peace and spirit from both the Spanish civil war and the second world war, the spring spray, Nike 36 our Lord toilets, sister Lucy, that the conversion of Russia would only occur when it was solemnly and publicly consecrated to the maquette. Harden, married by the pulp together with all the world's bishops. In October, 1942 without the bishops who pies the 12 consecrated the world to the maquette heart of Mary and 1952 without the Bishop's Popeyes the 12th consecrated Russia to the maquette heart of Mary. In May, 1967 Paul Paul the six renewed the consecration of the world to the makin heart of Mary again without the bishops and June of 1981 Saint John Paul to renew the consecration of the world again without the in may of 1982 st John Paul to renew the consecration of the world again without the bishops in may. Speaker 1 23:52 On March 25th, 1984 st John Paul to renew the consecration of the world to the Mac at heart with the bishops. The Pope wanted to consecrate Russia by name, but as Bishop Paul jus accord is explained for diplomatic and ecumenical reasons. Quote at the suggestion of his collaborators, he abandoned the idea close. Cool. During the actual ceremony, the very words, the Pope himself made it clear that consecration itself hadn't been done during the consecration of world not rushing and Mack had heart. He States obviously referring to the Russia quote, enlightened, especially the peoples of which you yourself are awaiting our consecration. Confined close, quote Saint John Paul to the soul reported Vatican newspaper zero total Romana on March 26 1984 I'm very well aware of the controversy on this point. You're free to take your own position there, but I'll put my money on the Pope. My way of looking as if the Pope's or the consecration hasn't been done, that hasn't been done. There's another reason, these arguments that the consecration was done filing 1984 don't make any sense to me since 1989 1991 and again in 2000 John Paul two repeated the consecrations of the world to the maquette, so suit yourself. In any event, it's obvious that Russia has not converted. Russian Orthodox is certainly not Catholicism, Speaker 1 25:11 and as we'll see, her errors are still spreading throughout the world. Back to Harley. When he see a night Luhan by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given to you by God. These about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church and the Holy father. The secret had not yet been published when on the night Tuesday, January 25th, 1938 it was an astronomical event, so spectacular made not only the papers but also the scientific and astronomical journals. For example, I read from one Wednesday, Gianni 26 1938 quote and Aurora Borealis of exceptional size for the sky of Western Europe last night because uproar number of Regents, which at first believed it to be a gigantic fire and the entire region, the Alps, the population was very much intrigued by this strange spectacle. The sky was a blaze, like an immense moving furnace provoking, a very strong blood red goal, Speaker 2 26:05 so it's called <inaudible>. Speaker 1 26:07 The roar was seen all the whole of Europe across North Africa, even Bermuda and Southern California. Immediately afterwards. Sister Lucy explained the significance of this vent to her Bishop provincial superior and her confessors as she wrote in her third memoir quote, God made use of this to make me understand that his justice was about to strike the guilty nations closed in 1967 Kronos Sierra, he was a carnal patriarch of Elizabeth from 1929 to 1971 testified, quote I can add to imminence to this war and his violence and extent was to the Bishop of Leonor seven months before its beginning. Indeed, I had in my hand a letter where the sear called the war predicted by our lady eminent and promised our ladies protection to Portugal. Thanks the consecration or immaculate heart made by the Portuguese Bishop. I don't know what became of this letter. I possess a summary of it drawn up by the Bishop shortly afterwards which says the following, the principal chastisement will be for the nations that wanted to destroy the kingdom of God and souls. Portugal is also guilty, will suffer something, but the macro heart of Mary will protect the good Lord desires at Portugal. Make reparation and pray for itself and for other nations. Spain was the first to be punished. She's referring to the Spanish civil war. There it is received. It's chastisement which has not yet over an hour approaches for others. God has resolved to purify in their blood. All the nations who want to destroy his kingdom and souls and he promised his be appeased and grant part. If people pray and do pennants close. Cool. Speaker 1 27:43 God has resolved, appeared find their blood. All the nations which wanted destroys kingdom and souls and he promises to be pieced in grant part of people praying to pennants if it were true in the 30s that goes resolved, appear fi in their blood. All the nations who should want to destroys Keanu and souls and what we think of our times and of our nation. Speaker 1 28:13 Sometimes we'll hear the objection, but why would our lady see this? The war would break out during the pontificate of pies. 11 the word in start 1938 or during the praying rain a pie slum, but rather 1939 during the reign of Pius the 12th Hitler himself gave the answer in a speech speech, the Reichstag, that's the German parliament. On January 30th, 1939 Hitler stated that he had decided on invasion of Austria in January of 1938 if people do not see spending, got a worse war, will break up the pontificate of Pius alone. It's estimated that the total number of deaths in world war II for about 50 million after the war priest, sister Lucy, it's a shame that the secret was not published before the war. Why didn't you make it known earlier? Sister Lucy replied, because no one asked me to. Speaker 1 29:11 That's not a flippant answer. It actually reveals an important point for him. Michelle explains, it was not God's will that sister Lucy a reveal a secret on her own authority without the consent of spirits. There's often a grave misunderstanding of God's designs at FATTOM. His prime purpose was not to warn the people directly and democratically for them to convert. This would have been the case of sister Lucy had published the prophecies of the secret on her own initiative. God's design is entirely different. He wants to save the world through demotion to his macro part of Mary, but he also wills that the pastors of his church be the ones who establish this devotion solidly using our God given authority. Close call kind of wants to save the world to devotion Mack and heart of Mary, but he also was the pastors of this church be the ones who establish this devotion solemnly using their God given authority and they haven't. We need to pray, not complain. That doesn't do much good. How many times have we heard PI's Catholics complain with good cause about the pastors, the church? The bigger question is, are we praying for him? Speaker 0 30:24 How are we praying for? Speaker 1 30:27 When our lady showed the vision of health of the children, it's not like the damn souls rolling. The laity, as we pointed out yesterday, st John Kristin, that great Bishop, father and Dr. Church States, I do not speak rationally, but as I feel and think, I do not think that many priests are saved, is it those who perish are far more numerous? Speaker 0 30:50 We need to pray. Speaker 1 30:53 It's turned to Russia, our lady, if my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there'll be peace. If not just put her heirs throughout the world cause he Wars the persecution of the church. The good will be martyred. The Holy father has much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated and as we know, her requests were not heated. World war two broke out, rush did not convert, still has it. We all know that, but although the cold war in it rushes, heirs are still spreading throughout the world. This is such a vast subject that we don't have time to focus on two specific areas and even then we're only going to cover those in the broadest outlines. We'll start by considering the political and cultural errors of Russia and again, we have only time to touch on this in a superficial manner. For the most part. Speaker 1 31:41 What falls in this section is essentially the work of William Lynn, Timothy Matthys and Linda Kimball I've done is just stitch a bunch of quotes together. Mark's, his theory taught the when a great war finally broke up between the nations, the working class would unite and overthrow their governments. Why? Because according to March this year, the workers of the world have much more in common with each other than they do with the bourgeoisie and the ruling classes in their own countries. Okay. But when world war one broke out, the workers of the world did not unite with each other. They fought each other. The British working man fought for great Britain. The French working man fraught for friends. The German working man fought for Germany and so forth. Not surprisingly, it turned out that any given work He-Man was more loyal to his country and he was to counterparts from other countries, from Marx's perspective. Speaker 1 32:37 Then world war one was a clause for flaw in 1917 after last apparition of Fatima, after the miracle of the son, the Marxists finally seize power in Russia. It looked like the theory was working, but the revolution still didn't spread back to the war. Series of attempts were made to spread the revolution with the briefly lived as Soviet Republican varia. They held power for six months in 1918 1919 the communist uprising, Berlin in 1919 in the Soviet Republic of Hungary, which held power for 133 days during 1919 but once again, the workers didn't support these and these marches regimes each quickly closed. Something was wrong. Mark's has had a problem. So working independently to Marx's theorist George Loukakis of Hungary and Antonio ground shift, Italy came up with the same slow solution. So they're credited with being the fathers of the Western version of Marxism. It's called cultural Marxism. Speaker 1 33:35 They both taught that communism was impossible in the West until both Western civilization and Christianity were destroyed since they'd blinded the working class to its true Marxist interest. George Loukakis recognize the great obstacle to creation of a Marxist regime was Western civilization itself, as he said. Cool. I see the revolution, destruction of society as the only solution, a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without a <inaudible> of old valleys and creation of new ones. Close. Cool. So there we have the agenda of cultural Marxism in a nutshell. Explain by one of its creators. I see the revolution and destruction of society as the only solution a worldwide overturned device cannot take place without annihilation. Old values and creation of new ones. In 1919 when he became a deputy comms off for culture net short lived Marxist regime, Hungary Loukakis caught his chances to put his theory into action. Speaker 1 34:35 He immediately introduced sex education to public schools because if culture is to disabuse Troy, traditional sexual morals simply have to go. We'll return to that point later. And I told you the gram sheet, the other creator of cultural Marxism argued that the West would have to be <inaudible> by means of what he entitled the long March to the institutions. What he meant by this is the culture must be the new battleground and all of the cultural barriers to the acceptance of marks is it must be removed or reconfigured according to Marx has principles, all cultural barriers to accept excepted. Marxism should be reconfigured starting with the family, going through churches, the arts, cinema, theater, literature, science, history, entertainment, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, civic organizations, the organs and mass media, newspapers, magazines, radio. Now, television itself. Speaker 1 35:28 Happy, candid comments in the long March. In other words, they had to get into the culture and change the people's way of thinking. And if people were thinking about patriotism and nation and God and country that was too resistant to Marxism, it could never take hold. So you had to Rhode and destroy that in an individual in the individuals that became what was called the long March to the institutions, to seminars, the churches to the media through Hollywood and all the rest of it, to create an anti Christian culture which will destroy the Christian beliefs and convictions in the vast majority of the people. So embrace the ideas. They'd reject it and it would be open to a takeover. Basically my Marcus's, not political. There's this book, cultural Marxist, close, cool, great historian Christopher Dawson reflected on the consequences where society lose its common principles and ideals and that's the explicit goal of the cultural Marxism. Christopher Dawson is easy enough for the individual to adopt a negative attitude of critical skepticism, but if the society as a whole abandons all positive beliefs, it is powerless to resist the disintegrating effects of selfishness and private interest. Every society rests in the last resort and the recognition of common principles and common ideals, and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members, it must inevitably fall to pieces. Speaker 1 36:58 If society as a whole abandoned all positive beliefs, it's powerless to resist the disintegrating effects of selfishness and private entrance. Every society in the last resort rests on the recognition of common principles and common ideals and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members, it must inevitably fall to pieces. Well, here we are watching what precious little a remains of Western civilization flying to pieces or more accurately being smashed to pieces. The question is how did this move from Marxist theory into the wider culture? How do we get here? Given the time we have only time to focus on the work of the Frankfurt school. George Loukakis played an instrumental role in the font of the Frankfurt school in Germany. The school was founded in 1923 with a primary goal of translating Marxism from economic terms to cultural terms, and the guys in school included such medicine, Herbert Marcuse, Theodore Dono, Erich Fromm, Wilhem Reich. Speaker 1 38:02 The Frankfurt school might've only turned out to be a little more than historical oddity had Hitler not come to power in 1933 given that every member was not only a Marxist but also Jewish, they fled Germany with the help of Columbia university. The school reestablished itself in New York city, at which point they shifted their attention and focused on destroying traditional Western culture in Germany to destroying it in the United States. They believe there are two kinds of revolution, political and cultural. They kept focused on the cultural revolution. One of the members, Herbert Marcuse comments, quote, one, can rightfully speak of a cultural revolution. Since the protest is directed towards a whole cultural establishment including the morality of existing society. There's one thing we can say with complete assurance. The traditional, I have idea of revolution. The traditional strategy of revolution has ended. The ideas are old fashioned. Speaker 1 38:55 What we must center take as a type of diffuse and disparate disperse disintegration of the system, close call so he can rightly speak of a cultural revolution. The protest is, is focused towards the whole culture of establishment, including the morality of the existing society. What we must undertake is a type of diffuse and dispersed disintegration system. They also realized that the working class was not going to lead a Marxist revolution because it was becoming part of the middle class, the bourgeoisie who then would lead the revolution. In the 1950s MACUSA answered the question. A coalition made up of blacks, students, feminist women, and homosexuals. By crossing marks with Freud, they invented something called critical theory. Critical theory involves making the most destructive criticisms of every possible cultural norm in order to destroy the current social order. For example, everyone who's successful in business or has a position of power in the church or state is labeled as an oppressor. Speaker 1 39:53 Those who are not successful are victims. Someone who defends the notion that there's actually different social roles for women, men and women as a male chauvinist pig or fastest, uh, fathers or bishops or patriarch tyrants and so on and so on. They took a long view and in their unfortunately influential writings continued poured out, contempt and the different institutions, the traditional family, the churches, the arts, cinema, theater, literature, science, history, et cetera, et cetera, and institutions of so-called higher education. The cultural Marxism of the Franklin school was more commonly known as multiculturalism or more loosely known as political correctness. The Frankfurt school also adapted the technique of psychological conditioning. Quote today, for example, and the foot soldiers want to do something like normalize homosexuality. They don't argue the point philosophically they just beam television show after television show and every American home with only normal seeing white male is a homosexual. Speaker 1 40:47 The Frankford schools came in and spent the war years in Hollywood. Timothy. Matthew summarizes specific recommendations, the Frankfurt school one creation of racism offenses to continue to change to create confusion through the teaching of sex and homosexuality, children for the undermining of schools and teachers authority. Five huge immigration destroy identity. Six the promotion of excessive drinking. Seven emptying of churches. Eight an unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime. Nine dependency on the state or state benefits. 10 controlling and dumbing down of media. 11 encouraging the breakdown in the family. Close. Cool. We don't have time to consider each one of those topics in detail. We'll just take it a few minutes to consider a few of the tax by the culture of Marx's attack on a family. One of the principle goals the Frankfurt school is to destroy traditional relationships between men and women. Timothy Matthys quote to further the aims. Speaker 1 41:47 They would attack the authority of the father. Denies specific role as a father and mother and rest away from families. Their rights as primary educators of their children. Abolish differences in education of boys and girls. Bosch, all forms of male dominance. It's the presence of women in armed forces declare women to be oppressed class men as oppressors. One of the basic tenets of critical theory is an assessive breaking down the contemporary family, the Frankfurt school scotch appreciate even a partial breakdown, a parental authority in the family. Mike tent increased the readiness of the coming generation except social change. Even a partial breakdown. A parental authority might intend to increase the readiness of the coming generation except social change. The drive towards no fault divorce towards homosexual marriage, some called marriage, the relentless denigration of traditional father and the mass media, the phenomenon of fantasy feminism. Speaker 1 42:42 These things didn't arise out of a vacuum. Educational theories, followers of the Franklin school introduced the sensitivity training or values clarification techniques used in public indoor Catholic schools over the past 40 years and those sessions, for those of you who are blessed to be spared of this, a moral problem was presented. For example, the lifeboat problem. You know, as I recall, we have presented at the ripe old age of 13 years old with a moral dilemma. See that you have this lifeboat that can only hold maybe five passengers and were given a list with a description of 20 people, the pregnant woman, the dark and the lawyer, et cetera, et cetera. And then we're supposed to figure out who's who's going to be allowed on the boat. So you get this intractable moral problem is presented to kids. And then during the whole exercise, the teachers don't guide teacher answer any questions with moral absolutes. Speaker 1 43:30 In fact, a key teacher do that be guilty of in doctrine his students. This would violate the moral freedom of the student. The students had to be free to choose their own values. The students had to be free, choose their own moral code. The role of the teacher was simply to facilitate the student to that in the real lesson. And these exercises absolutely nothing to do with life bullets or any other, the moral situations. The real lesson is there are no absolutes. Each man has to come up with his own moral code. The real lesson is that there are no moral absolutes. Lessons are designed to praise the average kid in a very real quandary and make it very difficult for him, believe in the existence of a transcendental moral law. That's the goal. What's the result? The result is moral chaos. Mark QSU was clear about the goal. Speaker 1 44:18 One can rightfully speak about cultural revolution. Since the protest is directly towards the whole cultural establishment, including the morality of existing society, politically correct speech, the cultural Marxists used words as weapons, not as means of conveying truth. Whole notion of political correctness has its source in the Frankford school in order not to be thought of as racist or fascist and someone can't be judgemental, not only as you required to be nonjudgmental, that's a PC term, which correctly me translate means he must reject conforming his judgment to the laws of God. No, as you were wired to not be judgmental. We also have us embrace a whole host of politically correct moral absolutes. Cultural March, the steps that's which include diversity, choice sensitivity, sexual orientation, reproductive rights, sex education, safe sex, safe schools, safe environments, inclusion and tolerance. Speaker 1 45:13 When blogger had some penetrating insights as to the actual function, a politically correct speech, I quote, political correctness is communist propaganda, Ritz small am I steady of comments, societies. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of comics propaganda was not to persuade or convince or inform, but to humiliate and therefore the less corresponded reality, the better. When people are forced to remain sat, they're being told the most obvious lies or even worse when they are forced to reply, repeat the lies themselves. They lose once and for all. Their sense of property to send to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil and in some small way to become evil. One cell, one standing to resist anything is Dessa roaded and even destroy the society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to close. Speaker 1 46:07 Cool. I think he's right on the money there. When people are forced to remain silent or when they're being told most obvious lies. Ruben worse when they're forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all. Their sense of property to set to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil and in some small way to become evil. And so once standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroy the society of the mask. Lady liars is easy to control. Here's a one illustration taken from European blog of the reality that political correctness erodes the ability to resist you. I quote early in June, 2006 Canadian police arrested a group of man suspected of planning terror attacks. The group was alleged to have been weld vast on its plan to attack a number of Canadian institutions among them, the parliament of Canada, Toronto subway in a possible beheading of the prime minister. Speaker 1 47:01 However, the lead paragraph of the Toronto star story and the rest was in investigators offices. An integrate graph plotting the connections, the links between the 17 men and teens charged with being members of a homegrown terrorist cell covers at least one wall and it still says it's the worse. It is difficult to find a common denominator. Royal Canadian mounted police assistant commissioner Mike McDonald, said the suspect's rock need residents. The majority of citizens, they represent the broad stret of are community. Some are students that are employed, some are unemployed. He said parenthetical quote, I just got this is, you know, they've just located a terrorist cell boy thinks wants to be head the prime minister, but the Mounties can't find a common denominator linking these terrorists. Now there's a mystery without a clue. Right? Okay. Anyway, however, there wasn't one common denominator for the suspects. It wasn't mentioned there. Speaker 1 47:50 All Muslims will surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise. The Toronto, Toronto police chief bill Blair noted proudly during the press conference following the rest. I would remind you there's not a single reference made by law enforcement to Muslims or the Muslim community close quote. When people are forced to remain silent and they're being told the most obvious lies or even worse when they're forced to repeat the lies of themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of property to send to obvious slices, to cooperate with evil in some way to become evil oneself. Once Billy had resisting things that's eroded and even destroy mass media 1937 and is in sick about eight years to communism, the Pope was already warning the world by the relationship between the non-Catholic crest and international communism in 1937 it certainly has improved over time. I think we can just take it as a given that the media are largely controlled by cultural Marxist. Speaker 1 48:49 I don't want to waste our time submitting evidence for something that's so self-evident. The sexual revolution, the very phrase the sexual revolution was coined by a member of the Frankfurt school, a Freudian psychoanalyst. Tell him right as he Michael Jones is pointed out, Reich discovered the best way to attack the social system, which rested on the authority of the father who represented the authority of God. The father on earth was to persuade the young person engage in sexual activity before marriage. Once God's out of the picture to the authority of the father disappears with that, the whole social order based on a moral or claps. Since sexual morality is a foundation of social order, obviously getting the man involved in a sexual revolution was not the great challenge. The great problems getting an average woman to participate. Since in a fling, she has a lot more instinct. Speaker 1 49:39 Nikolai land. The success of a revolution depends on the degree of participation by women. Close quote, the success or revolution depends upon the degree of participation by women. It's the same thing since the gardening and the serpent wants to destroy the moral fabric of the society, attacks the wall. That's where he starts, right? Saw that when he was dealing with an individual woman, he had a very hard time breaking down moral standards and inhibitions as she made difficult to crop. The revolution could not move forward. I'll edit, I'm quote, I'm quoting right, but it's edited. When I talked to a woman in my office about her sexual needs, I'm confronted with her entire moralistic system is difficult for me to get through to her and convince her of anything. If I have a same woman is exposed to a mass atmosphere, for example, at rally in which sexual issues are discussed clearly and openly, then she doesn't feel herself to be alone at trial. Speaker 1 50:40 The others are also listening to forbidden things. Her individual moralistic inhibitions, offset by collective atmosphere of sexual affirmation, a new sexual morality which can paralyze, not eliminate her reactions. The new sexual morality seems is socially accepted status, bring it to a head and under pressure of a mass ideology close. Cool. So if we want to understand this cultural war we're in, we need to understand this point by a steady state called I'd submit to you by being guided by demonic inspiration, right? Discovered a way to effectively corrupt women in massive numbers as he saw individual women were difficult to crush. But if they're Merced, his social situation where it seems like everybody's doing it, they have a very difficult time preserving their moral inhibitions and standards. If that sounds far fetched or unbelievable. Listen to this. This is not taken from a story about ripe in a lecture several years ago at Loyola college in Baltimore. Speaker 1 51:41 This is so-called Catholic college. The professor stated that sexual promiscuity and hooking up among college students is voluntary. That wouldn't sound too controversial. His point was sex among college students is voluntary at that, at this Catholic college. Now remember that Reich has made the claim that if a woman is placed in large crew, which forbidden things are discussed or acted out, then in that atmosphere of social pressure, she has a hard time upholding her moral standards. The article from which this falling quote was taken has nothing to do with Reich, but in light of rights claims, listen to this response to the professor statement that sex among college students is voluntary. Quote, a young woman in dormitory, resident advisor walked up to me afterwards and chided him. Dr Gorian, you are mistaken about that. Speaker 1 52:27 The peer pressure and the way things are set up makes promiscuity practically obligatory. It doesn't matter what the school says officially the rules are to be broken. This freedom can make girls dizzy and unsure of whatever else they believe about saving oneself for marriage. When it seems like everyone else is doing it, it's hard to say no. I deal with it more frequently. Turn my eyes from it every day as an RA. Close couple. The peer pressure, the way things are set up makes promiscuity, promiscuity practically obligatory. This freedom can make girls dizzy and unsure of whatever else they believe about. Save one stuff for marriage when it seems like everyone else is doing, it's hard to say no. Elsewhere in the essay the professor writes in most American college coed dorms, the flesh of our daughters being served up dated like stacked jerky. The Gates are wide open and note guard dogs and then posted near our daughters the only ones getting hurt, the sex carnival that has caused life. Today's also doing great damage to our sons characters. I'm witnessing it perceptible dissipates to manly virtue and the young man I teach and I'm prepared to ask whether America might not be lost because a great middle-class was persuaded they must send their children to college with no questions asked when in fact, this was the near equivalent of committing their sons and daughters to one of the circles in Dante's Inferno. Speaker 0 53:46 What was it called? Speaker 1 53:49 The techniques suggest by Reich and breaking down the moral inhibitions of women were used literally out of his books and things like Woodstock and similar musical festivals of the sexual revolution of the 60s they're used today in sex ed classes, the reality and almost all college dorms today, the fashion is tree, the porn drenched mass media and most especially the entertainment industry, each play a crucial role in sustaining this atmosphere because as Lennon so correctly pointed out, the success of a revolution depends on the degree of participation by women. Please don't think they had no idea what they were unless she, we need to realize in regards to the sexual revolution, the West, the culture Marxists has had a very clear idea of what a society in a throws, a sexual anarchy would look like. Very clear. In 1956 <inaudible> Sorokin is a Russian sociologist that had been exhaled after the revolution described just such a society quote. Speaker 1 54:47 Most instructive is that radical attempt to the Soviets to eliminate capitalistic monogamy and establish complete sexual freedom as a cornerstone of the communist economic and social regime. During the first stage of the revolution, roughly from 1918 to 1926 the institutions of marriage and family are virtually destroyed within a large portion of the urban population and greatly weakened throughout the whole Russian nation. There was a period of sex anarch in which leaders deliberately attempted to destroy marriage and the family free love was glorified by the official class of water theory. If a person is thirsty, so with the party line and is immaterial, what glass uses when satisfying as thirst is equally unimportant, how he satisfies his sex hunger. The legal distinction between marriage and casual intercourse was abolished. The comments last spoke William contracts between males and females for the satisfaction of their desires, either for an indefinite definite period, a year, a month, a week, or even for a single night. Speaker 1 55:44 One could marry and divorce as many times as desired. Husband or wife could obtain a divorce without the other be notified. It was not even necessarily that marriage is being registered. Bigamy and even polygamy were permissible under the new provisions. Abortion was facilitated state institutions. Premarital relations were praised and extramarital relations were considered normal thought pragmatic test by their foods, you shall know them, provides the answer to the question whether this sexual freedom was practical. Within a few years, hoards of wild homeless children became a real menace to the Soviet union itself. Millions of lives, especially if young girls were wreck, divorce skyrocket as did also abortions. The hatreds and conflicts among polygamists and planners mates rapidly mounted and so did the Sackman neurosis work in the nationalized factories slacking up. The taller results were so appalling that the government was forced to reverse its policy. The propaganda is a glass of water. Speaker 1 56:37 Three was declared to be counterrevolutionary and its place was taken by Fisher glorification of premarital chastity and of the sanctity of marriage. Abortion was radically curtailed and divorce has made it possible for the vast majority of citizens. Close quote, by this time a Lennon had died and as stolen a mass power he clamped down. It's important to realize that guys like Wilhem Reich and Herbert MACUSA were very familiar with the results of this social experiment of sexual anarchy in the Soviet union, and that did determine slightest. They knew exactly what to expect. Before we leave this point, let's note to avail him. Reich made another key discovery, a key discovery that is born great fruit. In the long March, the institutions right fondant was completely useless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian. He found it was completely useless to debate the existence of God, the Sarah with seminary, but he's dakini Michael Jones points out Ragstock food. The idea of God evaporated to the minds of seminarians who became immeshed in sexual vise. Speaker 1 57:49 The idea of God evaporates in the minds of seminarians become enmeshed in sexual ways. Rex discoveries had practical application and seminary formation, at least here in the States. One example, many in the late seventies and the scandal which was publicly exposed at the time for the Kenneth Hunter. He was a rector of st John's seminary in Plymouth, Michigan showed the seminarians a triple X hardcore movies. He later moved into position where she could inflict more damage cause he's the Bishop of Saginaw. Then from 1980 till he died in 2004 the idea of God evaporates the minds of seminarians or priests or bishops who become enmeshed in sexual advice. Of course, it wasn't just the cultural Marxists who targeted the seminaries. Bella dog was a communist who served as legal constant and commies party United States until Bishop sheen brought her into the church. She stated that quote in the 30s he put 1100 men into the priesthood or destroy the church from within close core. Speaker 1 58:49 Those men weren't necessarily communists. They were young radicals and idea was for them to be ordained and then strive for positions of influence and authority. In 1953 Manning Johnson and other former official economist party in America testified for the Haas un-American activities committee quote, the tactics of infiltration of religious organizations was set by the Kremlin. In the earliest stages. It was determined that it would be necessary to concentrate communist agents in a seminaries because these institutions make it possible for for small comments, minority to influence the ideology of future clergyman and pass conducive to the comments person. Speaker 1 59:26 My requests are hated. Russia will be converted, there'll be peace. If not, you will spur heirs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution. The church, our lady's requests were not heated as we've seen Russia Hesburgh are heirs to the world. Before we leave this topic, a few remarks from Cardinal Burke before he went to Rome from st Louis, arch arch Bishop. At that time in st Louis, he said that as Catholics continue to speak out on life to family issues, they will face persecution. There is going to be a persecution with regard to this. That's clear. We live as their Holy father says in a society of a culture of death where people want to convince us that everything should be convenient and comfortable and they don't like your voice, which says this isn't right. Vicious will be persecuted, he said, and also priests and lay people. It's what it means to be a sign of contradiction. We just have to set that we have to remain tranquil and proclaim the truth with charity, but insisting on the truth. If we look to example of our Lord, we have to take up the cross for defense of life. Speaker 1 00:26 We'll close this section with a few comments from Pat Buchanan. The United States has undergone a cultural, moral, religious revolution and a militant secularism has arisen in this country. It's always had a hold on intellectual and academic leads. But in 1960s he captured the young and the universities and colleges, and we had this great battle cultural or begin then nationally. And since then secularism has really achieved dominance in the academic community and election, the intellectual community, the entertainment community in Hollywood, among parts of the political community, but not the nation as a whole hovered is much stronger than it was. So this is the basis of this crazy cultural war we're undergoing right now as a melted anti commission, anti-God, anti traditionalist revolution. And so we're two countries now. We're two countries morally and socially and culturally and theologically and cultural Wars, not when themselves to peaceful coexistence. Speaker 1 01:18 One side prevailed, the other side prevails. And the truth is, while the conservatives, in my judgment, when the cold war with political and economic communism, we've lost the cultural war with cultural Marxism, which I think has prevailed pretty much the United States, or is now the dominant culture, whereas those of us that are traditionalist or the counterculture close, cool cultural Wars to not lead themselves to peaceful coexistence. So we've taken a superficial look at the political cultures of Russia. That's the, after all, when we speak of the errors of Russian, most people think to tend to think in terms of Marxism, Leninism and communism and it's all true, but we need to also remember that when our lady was speaking to the children, the communist revolution and not yet taking place at that time, Russian Orthodox, he was a religion of that country. It's impossible to understand heirs of Russia without considering religious heirs of Russia, the heirs of Eastern orthodoxy and in that light will mention only a for the principle areas of orthodoxy that are of particular interest. Speaker 1 02:18 Tonight, the first and most serious air pertains to our lady as we've heard, the reason for the communities of reparation in the first five Saturdays is to make reparation for five different kinds of offense offenses and blasphemies committed against her Mack Woodhart, the first of which our blast Mays against her maca conception. And that's precisely what the Orthodox too, they didn't know she was in Mack. We can see the second air pertains the Orthodox concept of church unity and the role of the pole. We called it from an Orthodox website quote in practice, the church of Constantinople is function for centuries as a church responsible for guiding, preserving the worldwide unity of the family of self-governing Orthodox churches. But it must be noticed that this responsibility is merely a practical and pastoral one. The Orthodox churches govern themselves, let them have their own bishops and organized in their own lives. Speaker 1 03:09 There is no one dominant authority in the Orthodox church, no particular Bishop or see or document which has authority over the churches close quilt. So the Orthodox is splitted themselves into all kinds of particular independent national churches. They don't recognize any ultimate authority. And in so doing they reject a clear gospel teaching of Christ regarding a primacy Peter the Bishop of Rome over the church. So that's the second or third air pertains to marriage. Again, we quote from an Orthodox website quote, the Orthodox church recognizes the sanctity of marriage and sees it as a lifelong commitment. However, well the church stands opposed to divorce the church and its concern for the salvation of its people does permit divorced individuals to marry a second and even a third time, second or third marriages are performed at a concern for the spiritual wellbeing and the parties involved and as exception to the rules, so to speak, close quote. Speaker 1 04:00 So the Orthodox who claimed to be faithful, the teachings of Christ allow man to keep turning his wife on a new model for a grand total of three wise, I don't know why. Three, if he can do this, what, what, what? Why you stop there. You know why not two doesn't. It's just bizarre. Anyway, in so doing, they've totally, completely corrupted the clear gospel teaching of Christ regard an indissolubility of marriage. So that's the third year, fourth year it pertains to Holy communion. The Orthodox allow these divorced or so called remarried people to receive Holy communion in his Holy communion. They're real priests. In other words, by allowing a divorced person to live, living in sin with sound is not really as espoused to receive Holy communion. They officially allow sacrilege and it's so doing have totally and completely corrupted the scriptural apps taught teaching regarding the proper disposition required to receive Holy communion worldly. Speaker 1 04:48 That's the fourth there. So those are some of the religious areas of Russia. And in point of fact, each one in the last three years has been heavily promoted at the recent Senate, the airbox whereby the Orthodox churches govern themselves electing their own bishops and organizing their own lives. They've been promoted on their Senate. Another title of decentralization by arguing that the power should pass from the Holy See to the Bishop's conferences of the various nations. Of course the heirs of the church somehow recognize the people living in sin is being actually married. And then compounding that scandalous recognition by expanding, extending these poor centers and official invitation make sacrilegious communions had bought heavily promoted at the Senate. In other words, many of our so called Catholic leaders have embraced these religious errors of Russia. And so doing our literalism actually advocate for pastoral practice, civil bury their people in the depths of hell, Speaker 2 05:51 the very depths of how they hate us. Speaker 1 05:58 It's satanic. We've got to call things what they are. Let's be clear. That's exactly what we're talking about here. We still have to love them. We don't have to like we have to love. It's commander of our Lord. Love our enemies. Speaker 2 06:10 You pray for him and pray. They get saved, they pay the convert, but it's clearly haters. Speaker 1 06:15 You love people. You don't try to make it easy to go to Hill. One last note here. We'll read one question from an interview given a few years ago by Carl Carla tafara. Bolognaise question. We know you were given charge by John Paul to to plan, establish the Pontifical Institute for the studies on marriage in the family code Rockefeller. Yes, I was the start of this work and trust me by the servant of God, John Paul too. I wrote to sister the sea of Fatima to her Bishop as I couldn't do so directly unexplainably. However, since I didn't expect an answer, seeing that only to ask for prayers, I received a very long letter with her signature numb institutes, archives and it we find written quote, the final bell between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don't be afraid she added because anyone who operates the sanctity of marriage and family will always be contended and opposed in every way because this is the decisive issue. Then she conclude. However, our lady's already crushed its head. Sister Lucy is at the final battle between the Lord and rent. A Satan will be about marriage and the family. Speaker 2 07:19 All right, Speaker 1 07:21 what to do. I'll start with a few recommendations. Given that cultural Marxism is now the dominant culture in the West, it's growing stronger by the day. It's not like we can remove ourselves or hermetically sealer our lives in such a way as to me remain completely unscathed by our surroundings. Nevertheless, we should all be thoughtful by taking special care to limit the impact of the popular culture by thoughtfully limiting or even eliminating the direct influence of mainstream media. Be it television, papers, radio, what have you. We need to bathe ourselves as much as possible and things that are true and beautiful and good, good music, good literature, self-worth. Most especially surround ourselves with friends that are serious about their eternal salvation. We should make every effort humanly possible to hear mass and circumstances conducive to the faith. It's essential in raising children as precious, precious little good to teach the children, the faith at home and then bring them in circumstances where the actions speak louder than your words. Speaker 1 08:21 We need to pray, pray the rosary every day and do the five for Saturdays and then start all over again. Where you Brown scaffold. Everyone here is undoubtedly consecrated their home to sacred heart. It's a way of proclaiming him as the King with your home and trauma. You need to consecrate yourself and your home to the immaculate heart too. I would especially recommend the 33 day consecration to our lady of st Louis to mod for a true devotion to Mary Hedron. Two describes that in his book that the Trudeau ocean, Marion, the secret of Mary. If you haven't been consecrate to lady then then do that and pray. We already spoke a praying for pastor the church when you pray specially for the Pope. We need pray for the consecration Russia most especially. We need to pray the rosary. We'll close tonight with a few thoughts from sister Lucia. Speaker 1 09:14 This is to in our interview, the last public interview with father Guston Fuentes. It's December 26th, 1957. After this, she was silenced, probably got some twenties. Met with sister Lucy at a convent climber, Portugal. He was able to converse with the fatness here at great length. He gave a conference on a meeting which your poor sister will see his war. Father Alfonso, uh, lots of the official Fattal archivist for 16 years. Stress. The kind of this conference was public for the every guarantee of authenticity with two Episcopal approval, including that of the Bishop. A Phantom father went, J's affirmed. The message came from the very lips of the principals here. Sister Listia told me the two mains for saving the world or prayer and sacrifice regarding the Holy roads. Your system with CSA said, look, father, the most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recession. Speaker 1 10:06 Recitation the rosary. She's given us advocacy to such an extent. There's no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal above all spiritual and a personal life of each one of us, of our families and the families of the world or the religious communities or even in lives of peoples and nations that cannot be solved by the rosary. There's no problem. I tell you, no matter how difficult it is that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy rosary, the Holy rolls, you will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. The consoler Lord obtain the salvation of many souls. Speaker 1 10:41 Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the rosary. She's given this efficacy to such an extent that there's no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal above all spiritual and the personal life of each one of us, of our families, the families, the world of the religious communities, or even the lives of peoples in nations. They cannot be solved by the rosary. There's no problem. I tell you, no matter how difficult is that we can not resolve by the prayer and the Holy rosary, the Holy rosary. We will save ourselves. We will sackful ourselves. We can solar and Speaker 2 11:13 obtain salvation of many salts. There's no problem. No matter how difficult is we cannot resolve by prayer. The Holy rosary say, say your rosary.

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