Feast of the Assumption at ICC

August 22, 2016 00:22:21
Feast of the Assumption at ICC
Veritas Caritas
Feast of the Assumption at ICC

Aug 22 2016 | 00:22:21


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Speaker 0 00:00 Hi Marie Pressman, the name of the father and the son deployed Speaker 1 00:04 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:05 No, most of this is just a book report, a stitch together from all kinds of sources. So except for any errors I, I can't take any credit for it. I've cut and pasted the quality narrative. It's epistolic constitution munificent TCO stares, which was promulgated on November 1st, 1950 Pope Pius the 12th and fell stated to follow this regarding our ladies assumption Pi's the 12th quo by the Authority of our Lord Jesus Christ of the blessed apostles pure in palm by our own authority. We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely revealed dog, but the Mac mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary having completed the course of her earthly life was as soon body and soul into heavenly glory. Close quo. In the same document, the pope made it clear that our lady had died before sumption. According Pope Adrian, the first quo venerable to us a lord. Speaker 0 01:03 As the festivity of this day, I want you to holy mother of God suffered a temporal death, but still could not be kept down by the bonds of death. Whose we got your son, our Lord incarnate from herself, close core. He also started the Byzantine Liturgy to the same effect quo as he kept your version of childbirth. Thus he has kept your body in corrupt in the tone and is glorified by his divine act of transferring it from the tone close. Cool. And he also cited St Modesto's quote, as the most glorious mother of Christ, our Savior and God and the giver of life and mortality has been in dialogue with life by him. She has received an eternal incorruptibility of the body together with him who has raised her up from the tomb and it's taken her up to herself in a way known only to him close call. Speaker 0 01:50 Now of course, Our lady did not die as a punishment for sin, but she died because of her. Our desire to be conformed in Christ in all things. So today on this great feast and assumption, we're celebrating the reuniting of the incredible body of our lady where their soul saint juvenile, who was the bishop of Jerusalem from four 20 to four 58 told the Byzantine amtrust St Paul carrier quo. Although there is no account of the circumstances of her death and holy scripture, we know about them from the most ancient and credible tradition, close quote. So we actually sent early these grave wrappings, uh, to the amtrust and say Paul Curry then place these grave wrappings in a church, a Constantinople and the eastern churches. There's a tradition that our lady died at 3:00 PM on August 13th and she rose again what was assumed into heaven on August 15th. Speaker 0 02:44 Her death on August 13th is still commemorated in Jerusalem to this day, the three days from August 13th to the 15th parallel in a certain way, the death and resurrection cycle of our Lord the holy truth of good holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. In fact, the three days from August 13th to the 15th our Ameri am true to them. Or a three day death and resurrection cycle. It's not accidental that the Jerusalem, right for madness. No matins is part of the divine office that the priest and religious see every day. It's not accidental that the Jerusalem right for Matins on August 14th is the same as that said on holy Saturday. So today on this great feast of Our Lady, we're going to pause and take a look at one of our miracles we've talked about before. Elsewhere. It's definitely worth taking another look at this miracle. It took place only 71 years ago in August of 1945 Speaker 2 03:42 okay. Speaker 0 03:43 At 2:45 AM and August six 1945 the Nola Gay, the U S Army Air Force B 29 took off from the island of Tinian on a flight. Hiroshima, as we all know, the Nola gay was carrying an Adam Bond nickname. Little boy at 8:15 AM from a height of 31,000 feet, the bomb was dropped and it reached 1,968 feet of blew up. Now the reason for an air burst, the reason for exploring the bomb, the air above the city was in order to maximize the range of destruction and it worked in one blending flash. The city is some 400,000 people was flat according to figures published in 1945 some 66,000 people were killed instantly by the blast and some 69,000 were injured to varying degrees. This count was much too low since it was based on your disposal actual bodies even though so many had been incinerated. Later surveys using body cons, missing persons and neighborhood surveys during the first months after the bombing yielded more reliable estimate of 130,000 dead as of November, 1945 the US Department of Energy states quote by the end of 1945 because of lingering effects of radioactive fallout and other after effects, you know she would, death toll was probably over a hundred thousand the five year debt told me I've reached or even exceeded 200,000 as cancer and other long term effects took call close quote ground zero was eight blocks from a church of our lady of the assumption there are four German Jesuits stationed at this parish. Speaker 0 05:18 They are permitted to minister within Japan because German Germany, Japan were allies. On the morning of August six 1945 father Hubert Schiffer, SJ had just finished mass. When the rectory sat down in the breakfast table, slice open a grapefruit and just put a spoon in the grapefruit. When those a blight flash with light, his first thought was as an explosion in the harbor. Then in the words of father Schiffer quote, suddenly a terrific explosion filled the air with one bursting thunder stroke and invisible force lifted me from the chair, hurled me through the air, shook me, battered me, worldly, Ron around like a leaf and Augusta of wind, close quo. The next thing you remembered, you opened his eyes and he was laying on the ground. He looked around and there was nothing in any direction. The radio station buildings in all directions were leveled to the ground. Speaker 0 06:10 The only physical harm he suffered were few pieces of glass in the back of his neck. All four Jesuits survived with very minor injuries. Later on, after the rival of American's, US army doctors and scientists explained to him that his body would begin to deteriorate because of the radiation. Many of the Japanese people had blisters and source from the radiation to the doctors. Amazing that Father Schiffer's body can aid no radiation, burns or ill effects from the bomb besides some rack, the survival, the priests, the rectory Rackley survived the detonation equivalent of 13,000 tons of TNT. It was the only surviving structure which was not made of heavily reinforced concrete except for this house. All of the wooden structures and a circumference up to three times the distance from guns zero were destroyed. Yet this wouldn't. Haas was stored the blast, but with some damage, although apparently some of the windows even remained intact. Speaker 0 07:05 Dr Stephen Reinhardt was served as a consultant to numerous department defense offices including the office of Nuclear Research Defense, nuclear agency, Naval Sea System Command in the air force space and missile command. The is steady conventional nuclear weapons development for naval and air force combat weapons systems for 30 years. Comments on its incident quote. The overriding conclusion from my review of the weapon effects of Hiroshima is that this weapon was intentionally designed and deployed to kill or maim as many humans as possible in a residential housing or unpredicted outside over the widest possible area for the weapon size, while minimizing radiation effects from contaminated debris being thrown up in the atmosphere, one of the most flammable items on a person as their hair and clothing. Much of the clothing at this time was cotton or blended cotton, which which would be considered highly flammable. I suddenly came to the realization of the 10, uh, propagating of fireball. Speaker 0 08:01 This height was to be able to set fire to a person's clothing and all types of fabric at relatively long distance from the blast epicenter, the air blast we felt for miles blowing out windows and damaging most all structures by cracking the walls and terrorize or Manny population. Hence the description by those who survived have seen burned bodies everywhere or charts, skeletons and skin. It was shredded into strips, is consistent with a bombing order to hit a populated city in the center without specific regard to military objectives, which by the way is highly immoral. At kilometer one the bulk temperature was an excess of 20,000 or 30,000 degrees Fahrenheit and the blast wave would have hit it. Sonic glass with pressures on on building at one kilometer greater than 600 pounds per square inch buildings were demolished over a mile from ground zero. The fireball diameter was probably on the order of two to four kilometers depending on the actual head of detonation. Speaker 0 08:56 The Jesuits must've had the edge of the fireball literally outside their window, assuming they were outside the firewall. The residents should chill, had been still, should have been utterly destroyed at temperatures greater than 2000 degrees Fahrenheit and air blast pressures at great hub greater than a hundred pounds per square inch unreinforced masonry or brick walls representative commercial construction are destroyed at three pounds per square inch, which will also cause car damage and burst windows at 10 PSI. Him and will experience severe lung and heart damage, burst ear drums and at 20 psi your limbs can be blown off. Your head will be blown up by 40 PSI and no residential unreinforced commercial construction will be left standing at 80 psi. Even reinforced concrete is heavily damaged and no human would be alive because your skull would be crushed. All the cotton clothes would be on fire, 350 Fahrenheit, probably at two 75 and your lungs would be an operative within a minute. Speaker 0 09:50 Breathing air, even for a few seconds at these temperatures, there is no way any human could have survived. No Shit, anything been left standing at one kilometer at 10 times the distance, about 10 to 15 kilometers. I saw the brick wall standing from an elementary school and I think there were few badly burned survivors all died within 15 years of some form of cancer. Examining pictures from a panoramic view from the epicenter of the blast that Shimo hospital looking for the Jesuits house one did show some kind of two story house totally intact. At least what I could make out. It looked to me like the windows were in place. Also, there was a church with the walls still standing, but the roof gone a few hundred yards away. The Department of Defense never commented officially on this, and I suspect it was classified and never discussed in open literature. I think it is possible. Speaker 0 10:35 The Jesuits were asked not to say anything either at the time. There are no physical laws to explain why the Jesuits were untouched in the Hiroshima air blast. There's no other actual chest data where structures such as this was not totally destroyed at this distance by an atomic weapon. All her, when that's within this range from epicenter should receive enough radiation to be dead within it. Most a matter of minutes if nothing else happened to them. There's no known way to design designed a uranium two 35 atomic bomb, which could lead such a large discrete area in tech will destroy everything rounded immediately outside the fireball by shaping the plaza close quote. Okay, so according to experts at Jesuit fathers ought to be dead as they were within the most deadly one mile radius to the explosion. But why weren't they yet? Not only do these survive with at least melt relatively minor injuries, but they all lived well past that awful day with no radiation sickness, no loss of hearing or no other visible longterm effects from melodies naturally reexamined numerous times. Speaker 0 11:34 Father Shift city being examined over 200 times by scientists and healthcare personnel by the shipper thought he'd received protective shield from the blessed mother, which protects him from all radiation and ill effects and the priest specifically stated quote, we believe we survive because we were living the message of Fatima. We've lived and prayed the rosary daily in that hall close call, we survived because we were living the Messenger. Fatima, we lived and prayed the rosary daily in that home for priests and even their wooden house survive just blocks away from ground zero, relatively minor injuries, no radiation sickness, no loss of hearing, no longterm ill effects or problems. We survived because we were living the mess to Fadima. We lived and prayed the rosary daily in that home. Speaker 0 12:32 That is an important message. That's a critical message for each and every one of us here to take to heart as a society, run the very brand, cause the abyss. I've talked about these things before, but it bears repeating just part of the shocking reality that the last prophecy that our lord made before he died is finally come true. The last prophecy our lord made before he died is finally come true. It's a prophecy makes to a station of the cross. He turns the women at Truism and says, we've not over me, but we for yourselves and for your children for behold, the days will come when they will say, Lester, the baron, the wounds that are not born in the breasts that are not given suck for the first time in history, first time in the history of the world and a global scale, we would want to be barren. Women would want to be sterile. Well, why? To be child free? Something that used to only be true about women of the night. Blessed are the bear. Something only is to be true about women of the night is no longer the exception, but it's the rule. Speaker 0 13:54 We are not a virtuous people. This year marks the 51st year, that satanic decision of the US Supreme Court, Griswold versus Connecticut, the decision which made so many burn wounds, possible decision which decriminalized so-called birth control, contraception, a crime against the law of nature, Law of God, contraception, the turns, a Sacramento lack an act by which married couples are metric grow in grace and a terrible version, an absolute lie with body language and drag so many souls down into hell. And as anyone who's bothered to read the fine print in the past package inserts or the physicians depths reference knows many so told contraceptions contraceptives that really abortifacients they actually were the causing early term chemical abortions. For example, the pill Norplant dot. U D deeper provera all cause early term abortions. By making the womb a hostile environment, it's a little baby has no place to attach himself to grow. In fact, according to the calculations of pharmacists for life, the annual infant homicide rate due to sell called contraceptives in this country alone in one year, ranges from the low estimate of about 8 million babies to the high estimate of about 13 million beads. He's 80 to 13 million chemically, 40 days in one year alone. Speaker 3 15:26 Okay. Speaker 0 15:28 When's the last time you heard a bishop preach against contraception? When's the last time you heard a Bishop Warren? His flaw to the use of contraception, a direct sterilization is intrinsically evil, gravely sinful, and place that eternal salvation or sold in jeopardy. When was the last time you heard that even though it's obvious, these sins are widespread Catholic circles and even though the government's now holding a knife to her throat over this very issue, if there's one thing we've all heard from the pulpits in the chance who's over these last 50 years of this living hill, it is silence. Silence for the vicious silence from the priest. 50 years of this living hell. And all we get is silence. And the first result of this silence is this bloodbath, this bloodbath, the oceans of blood lotions of blood that are clotting the shredded limbs and mangled bodies. And roughly 59 million babies that have been cut down by surgical abortion. These United States Rato rooted in Salt, cured of carefully laid priorities. The torn bodies are 59 million little brothers and sisters sacrifice to lust on the federally protected alters of safe, their little torn bodies floating and bobbing in the bloody tie to this culture. Yes, Speaker 0 16:59 and that's not the half of it. As of 1993 that's over 20 years ago as of 1993 when we pencil it in, the abortions caused by the pill, another board, efficient drugs, usually the last statistics available from the pharmacist for life. There was somewhere between 193 million to 286 million chemical and mechanical. What? Surgical abortions and the United States as of 1993 as of 1993 there was somewhere between 193,000,200 86 million chemical, mechanical and surgical abortions in using it as United States. And that's the first result of this side's from the bishops, from the priests, from the pulpit. Speaker 0 17:50 And the second result to all this science is spiritual and who, but the good Lord knows how many souls have been lost as a result of this amoral free for all falling awake, the societal acceptance of contraception. How many souls have been lost eternally lost. This silence is just another form of spiritual contraception or spiritual portion on a part of far, far too many bishops and priests. How many married couples would have never gotten in these kinds of troubles or their priests and vicious been vigilant, preached, and taught and defense? These true, how many young people would have lived chased lives? How many physicians would actually follow the teaching the church? How many pharmacists would refuse to distribute these immoral drugs and devices? There's about 67,000 pharmacies in these United States. You know how many follow the teaching the church, Speaker 3 18:53 Hey, Speaker 0 18:56 I guess all the pharmacist can go to hell. Is that? Is that the message from the church? A how many soul would have been say, well, we didn't get the truth. We got silence. How many souls had been lost eternally lost the salts and married people or souls? A young people solve their decision. The souls of pharmacists, how many souls have been lost because of the silence? This cowardly silence and how many souls and bishops and priests, I've been eternally lost. Apocalypse Chapter 21 verses five, seven and eight quote, and he sat upon the throne said, write this for these words are trustworthy and true. Speaker 0 19:49 You conquer shall have his heritage now be as God. He should be my son. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, that's for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars. Their lots should be the lake of burns is fire and sulfur, which is a second death close, called inspired in their word of God. As for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted. As for fornicators. There lots should be in the lake that Burns with fire and software, which says second death. And where are the bitter tears? I'm not talking about the bitter tears of lady. Anybody that spends any time that confessionals heard those. Speaker 3 20:40 Okay, Speaker 0 20:41 where are the bitter tears are patents and public correction, public apologies, all this silence and the perversion of blatant perversion visible at every level of our society from the media to grade schools to records term, military. The blatant version is really unspeakable, Speaker 3 21:03 blatant perversion. Speaker 0 21:07 But if we start pause and stand back, what scriptural precedent does that bring to mind? Story of a lot story of lie and how did that story, Sodom and Gomorrah perished in fire. There fell from heaven when the fire rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah, lot and his family were saved by the angels. Does anyone here really think that we as a people deserve a better treatment than what they got? But there is a message of hall of Real Hall. When the fire rained on Hiroshima, the Jesuits in their house were saved by our lady. If you're not praying the rosary and living the message of Fatima today might be a really good time to start. Start praying your rosary every day and live the message of fat <inaudible>.

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