Fatima Public and Private Revelation

May 20, 2012 00:33:32
Fatima Public and Private Revelation
Veritas Caritas
Fatima Public and Private Revelation

May 20 2012 | 00:33:32


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Speaker 0 00:03 We can sit at America's Sun as a historical fat and there's this fulfillment of prophecy. We sought their accounts polished before the miracle happened. Mocking the predictions is there. Testimonies written take film from massive numbers of over 70,000 witnesses and many witnesses of course were not believing. We saw their photographs viewing a miracle. We sat there distant witnesses who could not possibly be accused to be under the influence of some sort of group if noses or suggestion. We saw that since both Americal and the proxy, that miracle three months in advance are verifiable historical facts and it's obvious that both of these can only be explained as a direct act of God himself. We considered a miracle in itself as an unmistakable confirmation that are related in speaking to the children and there's an apocalyptic sign. We concluded that because God never asks with a purpose only performed a miracle of unprecedented proportions. Speaker 0 01:16 It's a sign 20 towards a message that is of itself of unprecedented importance. So you want to spend some time considering the message of Fatima. Before we do that, let's spend some time talking about revelations in general. There are two times. Revelation, public revelation and private revelation. Public revelation are contained in the scriptures and the traditions handed down by the church. This ended with the preaching of the apostles is blinding for belief. One off particular credit revelations are constantly taking place among Christians. Okay, so the two types of relationship, public and private. Before we tune a private revelations who focus briefly on public revolution and the relationship that exists between public revolution and the virtue of faith. Now faith is a supernatural power. Most of us here receipt when we were baptized as little babies is this special kind of intellectual power that gives us the ability to excel. Speaker 0 02:24 Whatever God says is true. We may not see how everything fits together. We met, see a one particular truth fits together with another particular truth or with other things we've seen elsewhere. But even if we can't see how it all fits together, we still believe it because he's God fake as a supernatural cause. It gives the ability to believe things because he said so. So with faith, we believe we believe it. If God said it and I believe it, and that settles it, that the poem faith gives us instead, I believe it that settles it as a dogmatic constitution on the Catholic faith of the first Vatican Council, infallibly teaches quote, faith is a supernatural virtue of virtues and pop faith is a supernatural virtue whereby under the inspiration and assistance of grace, we believe those things revealed by God to be true. Not because the intrinsic truth of things has been perceived by the natural light of reason, but because of the authority of God himself revealing close quote Yvette up in one notice again that we believe not because the trips at shooting the things is obvious, but because God said so. That's what faith does. It's easy to prove itself. So we believe all of us here believe that there are certain men that can pick pieces of bread and whisper words or that piece of bread that he sees. Red Becomes a man and that man is God. Speaker 0 04:20 That is not often. That means fade takes a lot of food is supernatural gift that's been given to us. This is not us. But we believe that we all believe we have to believe that to be safe. And that's why we're here today because we believe so faith is a supernatural power given for us by God, by which we believe everything he says is true. Whether we see what we've gone that way or not. Okay. So what do we believe with a super powerful supernatural, our faith, we believe all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches. I refer to Vatican one again, the dogmatic constitution on the Catholic faith in Falvey teaches cook so that we could fulfill our db of embracing the true faith. And if persevering on sway room unit, Unwavering Minute God whose only begotten son founded the church and he endowed this institution with clear notes to the n, she might be recognized by all as a garden and teacher of the revealed who are those quote back in one God through his only begotten son found the church as the Guardian and teacher of the revealed word so that we could fulfill our vision of embrace the true faith. Speaker 0 05:56 And I persevered on wagering in it. Notice what this means. It means that I reward the staff of visible Church of true teachers, your staff, the visible church, true teaching. He did not establish an invisible church of true believers. You sat with a visible church and a few teachers and because he did that, it's easy for us to know what to believe. We actively all the truths which the church teaches, none of the words we believe everything contain and if positive faith, the deposit faith is also known as public revelation. I refer to that. The one again, Whoa by divine Catholic thing. All those things are you believe which are contained in the word of God as Som Scripture and tradition which I've proposed by the church as managed to be believed as divine revealing clothes. Cool. <inaudible> did it. Positive fit flaw, public revelation ended with the death of the last apostle St John. Fine. Why? We believe all things detain public revelation because God sets up Speaker 1 07:22 okay. Speaker 0 07:23 That's the reason number. The thing is the supernatural power that was placed into our intellect. That gives us the ability, except whatever God says is true, whether or not man standing as a dogmatic constitution in the Catholic faith or the first Vatican Thompson family teaches and Eiffel sits man, wholly dependent on God as his creator and more as this creative reason is completely subjective to uncreate it. True, we are bound by fear to get full obedience of intellectual will to God reveals not because Intrinsic Truth of the reveal things has been perceived by the natural light or reason, but because of the authority of God himself reveals them. If United to see Dorothy to see that cool Vatican one quick review. We've considered the relationship between faith and public revelation, which ended with the death of the last aquaphor. We've seen it. Faith is a supernatural cause. Speaker 0 08:27 It gives us the building itself. Whatever God says is true and to believe it, we've seen it. We are boggling. Everything found public revelation is often known as the deposit fee. Notice is all those things. Farm and scripture tradition chapter called blabber. Truth is matters to be believed as divine revealed. We've seen it. Our Lord established a visible Church of true teachers and he did not establish an invisible church of true believers and precisely because I'm more the <inaudible> teachers. It's easy for us to know what to believe. We secretly believe all truth, which the Holy Catholic Church teaching we've seen, we believe these are the real things not as, because we can see the true with the light on, on mantra of because of the authority of Guardian Cell <inaudible>. Speaker 2 09:21 Okay, Speaker 0 09:21 no, that's pure private room, right? In some 60 years ago, Father William g most noted quo at the outset, we should not that there's a difference between public and private revelation. Public revelation is that which just contains history, tradition and see if the death, the last we apostle as a result, all revelations since that time are considered prime. This is the do not part of the general deposit and the trues is spirit. Okay, so that's an important client. Private revelations, all the revelations since the death in the last apostle, Saint John or not the deposit back farther, most private revelations, Hans will not supply us with any information directors. They will offer contradict. What does five Pollock revelation all meetings and we need to salvation Dee public revelation. Okay, there's another few points that are important. Revelation cannot supply us with any information directors. They're close to that thought, hello relationships and everything we need yourself. It's already been revealed. That's in part frozen seafood glass and suggest that God got to tell the partisan and also the blast to suggest that God suddenly thought of something that we need to know. It's not possible, okay? But if you sort of grabbed like his five revelations, don't supply us with any information or records that are close to current relationship and if all need to salvation already. <inaudible> what on earth is the point? What? Private revelation. Speaker 2 11:06 Okay, Speaker 0 11:07 Carter Burke, he answers this very question. Well, speaking of a particular product, please listen care. In the last century, our Lord Jesus Brendon, five revelation system reinforced year whilst, Huh. Speaker 2 11:22 Okay. Speaker 0 11:23 The purpose of the private revelation was to draft to the fullness of the public revelation on the fires, measurable log of all of us. And you see your clients as with all proud revelations, the private revelation system where your frosty draws us to recognize the potluck revelation, God's love and redemptive the son. What was cool? Okay, so the purpose of the product revelation was to draw off to the fullness of this public, of God's unmanageable love for us and his any current son. And there's the Carmen says, all private revelations draws to recognize that public revelation of God's Love was incarnate word. So what is the point with product revelation? The point of is to draw attention to and help us enter more deeply into some aspect of public revelation, which in itself of course, Google around incarnation since to draw us to help us in a more deep in the public revelation. Speaker 0 12:27 Father has a few more remarks that can help us keep all these in perspective, both although private revelations it declared genuine by a lawful authority may prove very helpful. The spiritual growth must also keep. Always keep in mind that visions and revelations are only means to an end. They are not the proximate means of union with God in this slot. The proximate means that faith, hope in love, broken holiness is growth in sanctifying gribbets in love of God. Close quote. So once we see that, we see that we have to maintain a healthy balance on the one hand, insofar as any particular private revelation, it helps us to grow in faith, hope and charity, and it's a wonderful blessing thing to have in our lives, but we can also see how preoccupation with private revelation could actually be a hindrance for our growth and holiness if we allowed it to draw our attention to work for it. Signs and wonders and way closer unity with them. Speaker 0 13:30 Okay. Now, SunBrite regulations are met through the recipient. For example, we operate in lives of the sink. We get a particular product revelation encouraged into it, go into religious life or something of that nature. Other clinical relations are meant for, or <inaudible> of the messages of the sacred to Margaret. Mary would be think of the divine mercy we think of Fallon. Before we get to the low level of belief, he began to product revelation. Let's first ask what sir? The approval by the churches as possible in the case of prior to revelation. Now Nationalists who alliance theological track on Christian revelation by thought in Michael Nicola as kid. Now, uh, I'll just quote the old regulations. I'll use the life insurance here for the different types of approval. You get a translation, I'm not sure if it's <inaudible> or translated from your snap shirt. This stuff was readily available in English, so, oh, here's the latch and I'll tell my translation to his own work. Speaker 0 14:37 There actually are tunes in the English <inaudible> <inaudible> quote, their approvals, revelations prior revelations are approved by the truth with box, which pertains to publicly the contents of which are found in sacred scripture and tradition, but they are certainly to be approved with apricots. Yoni <inaudible> permissive approval if reading them is permitted or the acrobats or negativa negative approval. If it is declared that nothing contained within this contrary to faith tomorrow or slim pap about soon diva saw maybe of approval it before we begin the process of the adaptation of some servant of God. It is declared that nothing contained in his writings is contrary to faith remark. We're fine acrobats any positive, a positive approval if the divine origin of some revelation is expressly. For example, this divine torches often spoken of an affirm and documents the monastery treating of the revelations may to Saint Margaret Mirror. See for example in six foot class 11 on recreation, sacred heart and we see this approval of other revelations such as our lady of Lords, but in these acrobats only cause of TV positive approvals, the supreme magisterium and absolute and fell ability of the churches, the fact are not engaged with respect to the reality of the revelation. Speaker 0 16:19 Nevertheless, we turn artists now tenderized means RAF and reckless and painless and thoughtless. We Tenor Arias, imprudent to deny, not use without a sufficient reason. Close Book. I'll go down that list again. Uh, just good. Uh, maybe clear. All right. First, Paul, private revelations are not approved by the chair to the PAP robots in economy conomical approval, which pertains only to public revelation felonies for the possibilities. Number two, current revelations may be approved with apricots. The only when we receive a permissive approval. If reading number three, private revelations and maybe approved with apricots, Sunni negativa negative approval is declare that is contained within them. It's contrary to stiff morals. Number four, private revelations may be approved with salinity. After about Sunni negativa saw negative approval if before beginning the process of beatification some servant God, it is declared that nothing contained within his writings as contrary to faith morals and finding them five private revelations and maybe approved apple abouts in positive positive approval. Speaker 0 17:28 If the divine version, some revelation is expressly taught by the minister and his last case in the tenor encrypted, now have these with us, they should reason. Now there are a lot of good Catholics who seem completely on where these distinctions probably might not be as readily available in English anyway. They seem on, we're also on with the FAC that a private revelation, if it has apple box scan positive, a positive approval that they could commit soon. Not against the theory. This doesn't pertain to faith. They can get sins, no less of temerity and improves to deny him without a sufficient reason. Civil disobedience. Speaker 0 18:11 What level of belief can be given? They're cute possibilities through uh, on one hand, but actually the recipients, well, what's <inaudible> Mary Catherine, CNN, St proxy with children, follow them and stuff. Another question is what about the rest of us to hear about? We're not going to worry about with regard to <inaudible>. There's a lot of interesting information. It doesn't do far worse today. Okay, so what level? Believe me, we get the car Boa <inaudible> 18th century, nothing even which American crude with the Holy See or not believe the blind fit but believe human failure according to rules of crews or from the spirit trust, you know, before is the church close book. Now they should be awful, thirsty water receive never. The gift of faith is steering for us precisely to have viewability believe everything became public revelation, but private revelations by definition are not part of public revelation. Speaker 0 19:26 They're not part of the deposit fee, so we don't believe in divine fit. Okay? We believe him. The human fit, which is the same thing or what you believe questions the Fiskars for example, they don't give us any information directors that are opposed to what is found in public revelation. The point is draw our attention towards and help us in a more deeply into some particular aspects of public revelation. But having said that, we must also be careful not to lock all private road Lovelace together in the same category. We should remember if the church has approved the particular resume revelation with positive approval, like the revelation from the sacred heart, the Saint Margaret Mary or those that are ladybirds Bernadette. For those that fat, the three children, it'd be sinful to marry and improves to deny them without a sufficient reason. Speaker 0 20:21 So pleasant. John Paul two says the Po made by Mary, our mother at Fadiman sets the whole church just obligated. You responded with quest for lady the message impose an obligation on the church since he received the obligation here cannot possibly pertain to the faith itself. Then the obligation referred to by previously filed. It has to be understood at this level, at the level of human cruises, no precaution <inaudible> we got to come into her chair, went through the four levels of approval and then there's stuff that isn't even approved yet. <inaudible> four levels of approval. We have to be very careful in the first case, speaking for each one of us individually, we must narrow desire to personally have a vision or revelation and should be some ox screeds one we should reject that. Why the great mystic and doctor of the church, Saint John the cross. It's funny quote, the devil made choices great. Speaker 0 21:29 When a soul desires to receive revelation and we need seasoning defined to them for he then has a creative teaching opportunity, teen seaway, Paris by the rejection of evil visions, the errors the devil employed by the rejection of good visions. No hindrance is offered to faith and the spirit of ours, the fruit of them. I'll read that one again, but the rejection, evil visions to EHRs, the devil are avoided by the rejection of good visions, no hindrances off for the faith and the spirit hearts, the fruit in them and it's clear. Then the central apprehensions and visions cannot be a means to you. You've got close Saint John, the Crock, the great mistaken doctor, the Church think Teresa gala makes comments very much along the same lines, both I most Ernst, the advice that you never prayed nor desire, visions and revelations yourself, the one that may appear to you to be very good. Speaker 0 22:30 No one should seek this for several reasons. For example, session one is certain to be deceived or is at least in great pains. Illusion for a door is thus left open to the doubt and when people strong desire a thing, imagination makes them fancy. They see or hear close folks see trees known as the, for the most of us mix in the quarter points. The days of dialogue and interference are very great men. Cases on record, which is the devil. A few guys that are loyal and let me insert in our relationship too. If you're familiar with the Lord, whilst they're leaving with a periodic Lord, all of a sudden there are all kinds of false apparitions, dozens of them in the and around them. Why the Delcos a hope. We've got to make this look ridiculous so he's appearing all over the place to distract people from acts one and some of them are pretty convincing of that for father that for the most many cases on record, which the devil appeared, period, the guys for our Lord and even gave true prophecy and urge people on to virtue the devil as long as you follow some really good, so long as he has all the competition, greater evil, I don't get fair in the long run. Speaker 0 23:56 A lot of timber cases, legend vision is probably the eyeball 60 years ago pointed that in many cases on record, which the bill here guys, our Lord, the truth, prophecy and eve, there's people on version. It's like a chess team is willing to conduct some over the sacrifice of vision if he can get a queen. A large number of cases, alleged divisions across the guy bought my Frances out 60 years ago. It is certain truths today. We have to be there that is clear, that are added to the class revelations and must be mar with great caution. Above all, we should hear closely from whatever directors, the authorities of the church. Yeah. Any particular case never <inaudible> to act contrary to who should narrowed that contrary Satan's authority in the church. This is true even if we should think that we had better than usual hearsay reports on legit revelation. Speaker 0 25:09 It is true that the local bishop is not a foul, but let us remember what our Lord told Saint Margaret Mary quote, I love beads without knowing complete close quote. That's the car. Even if the district would start making mistake to reject two lesions, we following him, Arconic Fire Greens without known please God and we must care. Be careful, and that's what our spiritualized senator about. Product revelations must diligently preserve an attitude of submission to the Ecclesiastes flipped or Easton try to one zone judgment in these cases easily the contempt for authority close close. How we need to deed that advice. The first thing when we hear of some apparition, it hasn't been Steve approved, what was to in and what the local bishop has said about the legend product revelation. Please know on these matters, it doesn't matter if the patient is a liberal or a modernist or what's happening if he's acting as the Visha, he's a Visha. Speaker 0 26:28 When the liberal says mass, it's still mass. If you'd be pretty forthwith with the circumstance and on it, but the power resides in a person, whether or not you particularly good person, this is another kind of error. The devil people's mind. <inaudible> this may be true, but that has nothing to do with that. We need to listen up. All right, I'll take your card and revelations must be marked by Greg Foshan. Above all, we should hear closely to whatever director's authorities in the church give in any particular case. Never during that contrary to them. Even if the bishop in charge would make mistake and rejected. True Vision. Windfarm are guided by opinions without which no one can please go. So if we've been following particular private revelation, then find out what the local bishop has rejected it. What are their attitudes with be perfect peace. We should walk away with perfect peace. Speaker 0 27:31 We didn't know better. Now we do. So we back away in perfect peace. That's the catch with the attitude. I want to interject a little anecdote here. I have some movie that I know very well. It was actually community to permission about a big ship to sign a particular apparition. Where is that allegedly are ladies accrued for this? This good man? It was supposed to be something bill this time you already know who they were before $90 billion for the commission studied, all that admissions is off and so forth. The came back. We don't see how it's to be supernatural, but that's just advice to me. <inaudible> said that's what I'm concerned in for two hours. Think it is. Now, here's the Catholic aspect. He told him that, I don't think this is a trap. Rich regattas said, I thought our lady was talking to me. It's clear she isn't. He gave me money back the Catholic. Speaker 0 28:39 That's the correct that you're certainly not going to offend him. Even if the Vishnu Church has made a mistake and rejected, then we'd find him or <inaudible> without which no one can please that long and fully recognizing that some of what I might sing on my class and this mate I will read from excerpts, statements, divisions regarding so-called apparitions and the respective diets from the November 4th, 1986 left both the underside, a legitimate shepherd. This particular church wish to be from a constant position. The dots with the legend visions is based completely authenticity. You constantly <inaudible>. There was no credibility here. <inaudible> followers <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> a thousand lines of faith <inaudible> claiming that from you. Two possible in place of false. Speaker 1 30:11 That was cool. <inaudible> Speaker 0 30:15 regarding last door on pastor <inaudible>. Lunar felt too. You go on the left side. <inaudible> <inaudible> you should. You save you consuming Francis and grief five Reagan who's his boss and he saw the Francis in order by directly <inaudible> results anymore. <inaudible> mission from the call. If you just think a little, you know a lot about <inaudible>, you're on test anyway. Uh, <inaudible> uh, you still saying <inaudible> this year's plan here for them on 30th paid <inaudible> some time to celebrate massive increase in that mission. Speaker 1 31:16 <inaudible> Speaker 0 31:21 number two, <inaudible> declare <inaudible> not your firm erections. Revelation. Speaker 1 31:39 All right, Speaker 0 31:42 this is the second clear. Please ask the ruling on the claims of all the claims everywhere, anytime since 1981 in fact, for serious, solid professional <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> sign with the church, even 20 century <inaudible> you'd say Speaker 1 32:07 <inaudible> call. Cool. Let's go. Speaker 0 32:18 The danger of diabolical interference with their grid. We've seen it. Name cases are on record. What she dealt with pretty the <inaudible>. You gave true proxy people on Virtue because he's one with clients and real, as long as he has a whole accomplish even greater evil in long, large of cases led to divisions of product, Allah is clear. Her attitude. The Prague revelations must be mark a great caution above all the here closely in whatever directed authority, Church behavior, anything people please never done that. Even if the vision sharps from if you reject the truth, we farm without words, we must be careful not to let a specialized center must diligently preserve and achieve its mission increase. Yeah. For Florence, when mad for crime in these cases can easy Speaker 1 33:22 <inaudible>.

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