He Came unto His Own and They received Him Not

March 25, 2012 00:26:39
He Came unto His Own and They received Him Not
Veritas Caritas
He Came unto His Own and They received Him Not

Mar 25 2012 | 00:26:39


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Speaker 0 00:00 He came onto his own, his own received him, not the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Every Mass during the last Gospel, we hear one of the saddest lines in all of sacred scripture. Impropriate vented it's suey, Amnon rich hippie. He came unto his own and his own received him. Not now. We've entered into the season of passion tide, which places this tragic reality before us. Passion tied last two weeks of lint is dom. Gasp are the fifth the author of the brilliant commentary in Saint Andrews missile points out quote, the purpose of passion. Tide is to call to our mind the persecution of which our lord was the object in his public life, most especially the last year of his ministry. Then it was that the hatred of his enemies which increased daily began to take tangible form combinating in the drama which the church reproduces in Holly Week when day by day she follows the footsteps of her lower close quote and there's a hatred and persecution of our lord has placed before us in the ratings. Speaker 0 01:17 The next two weeks, we'll turn back to dom gas per seminar summary in a moment. But as we go through that, it might help if everybody had at least a rough idea of the geography of Palestine and the time of our Lord Sinner stand where he's going. So on the West, you have the Mediterranean Sea kind of curves down a little bit as it gets towards the Sinai on the West and about 40 miles inland. And it runs north to south is you have the Jordan River. So it starts up north in the mountains by scissor. He of flip. By then it comes down and forms the Sea of Galilee and then runs almost straight south for 65 miles. And it forms the Dead Sea. So you have the Mediterranean Sea and about 40 miles inland, you have the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, and dawn here, the Dead Sea. All right, between the Sea of Galilee and uh, and the Mediterranean Sea have an area called Galilee. Speaker 0 02:14 That's where Galley is. That's where Nazarus is. And right on the top of, of the Sea of Galilee. Red In north shores could Farnum see of could Farnam and Nazarus up there in Galilee, right below galley again between the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea is Symeria. That's where the Samaritans live. And then below Sumeria, the drag below Samarria again next, next to the Jordan River. And then bordering on, on the Dead Sea, you have Judea and in Judea you have places like Bethlehem, Bethany and Jerusalem that's in Judea. So again, you have the Mediterranean Sea about 40 miles inland. You have the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, and the Dead Sea. And then it goes from north to south. You have galleys, Sumeria, Judea on the other side, just on the east side of the, of the River Jordan. On the north you have an area called Decapolis, which goes about a third of the way down the river towards, uh, the Dead Sea, the Dick Capitalists. Speaker 0 03:12 It's named that because there's 10 cities. So that's, that's up piercer the other side of the Sea of Galilee. And then below that as Perea Perrea goes on on the other side of the Jordan River, east of the Jordan River and used to the the Dead Sea. So some idea that geography there. Now let's turn back to dom. Gasp Bar's commentary on passion tied quote, the purpose of passion. Tide is to call it our minds, a persecution of which our lord was. The object is public life most especially the last year of his ministry. In the readings this week, we will see our Lord absolve Saint Mary Magdalene, the woman who was a sinner, but who'd not fear to come and throw herself at his feet while he reclined at the table of Simon the Pharisee and Judas is greed for shadows is crying. After the transfiguration, Jesus returns took a Farnam. Remember that up here in the north of the Sea of Galilee, immediately afterwards, making the pilgrimage down to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Speaker 0 04:14 He proclaimed himself the founding of living water, refreshing the souls of men and foretells is approaching death. When the festivities are over. He has proof of his definity the Jews who in consequence try to stone him. He returns to galley, but again visits Jerusalem in the winter for the fees to the dedication. The Jews again wished to stone him, accusing him of being a blast. Humor who claims to be one with the father and heaven. Subsequently going into Perea. Our Lord is called from thence to Bethany where he raises Lazarus from the dead America, which wins him such renowned that the Jews no longer able to contain their jealous hatred. Definitely decide upon his death. Our Lord therefore takes refuge at f from that's an northern Judy near the boundary of Symeria returning six days before the Passover to Bethany, where for his burial, Mary Magdalen pours a precious ointment over his feet. Speaker 0 05:13 The next day, Palm Sunday, Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem the same evening he leaves the town returning the next day. That's Monday of Holy week when he received certain gentiles in the temple. On Wednesday evening, he goes towards the Mount of olives for telling to his disciples his passion now close at hand. He does not return to Jerusalem until Thursday evening for the last supper. His crucify the next day on calvary at the city gates is buried the same day, the cephalic color from once he rise his triumphant on the Sunday morning closed quotes Dongas bar. Okay. Now that we have an overview of passion tied which the church sets before us to call our minds the persecution that our lord suffered during his public life and most, especially during the last year of his life. Now that we've taken a look at the big picture, let's turn to today's Gospel. To put it in context, it's taken from the eighth chapter of Saint John's Gospel. Speaker 0 06:15 Keep in mind that by this time, even if it isn't obvious to everyone yet, that our Lord is God the son still, it's quite apparent that our lord has been sent from heaven. Now, Nicodemus has made this clear. Nicotine was, he's one of the leaders of the Jews, a member of the Great Sanhedrin. Nicotine has said to our Lord back in Chapter Three of Saint John's gospel quote, rabbi, we know that thou art come a teacher from God. For no man can do these signs, which though does unless God be with him. Close quote. So for several years now, by the miracles alone, they're fully aware that our lord has been sent by God. They know. So that's important to keep in mind. So here's the situation in today's Gospel, our Lord is teaching the town. When he says, I'm the light of the world, he that follows me. Speaker 0 07:02 Walketh not in darkness, but you'll have the lie today. Well, the farracies just can't stand hearing this. And they launch into aggressive and very abusive dialogue with our Lord. And we'll pick up there in verse 46 we'll just hit highlights of the conversation in today's Gospel and we'll follow the commentary of Cornelius Tilapia to hear John Chapter eight verses 46 and 47 our Lord responds, was frightening words to the Pharisees. If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me? He that is of God. Heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not because you are not of God coordinated <inaudible> quote. This is it. As Christ had said, this is the true reason why you not believe me because you are not born of God but of the devil. That is because you do not listen to and follow the spirit and prompting of God, but of the devil. Speaker 0 08:06 For whosoever led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God as it were here in Romans eight 14 for the devil has blinded your hearts with covetousness, hatred and envy of me. Therefore, you do not listen to the words of God which I am sent from God announced to you because you're unwilling to hear and understand them because then you are not the children, the truthful God, but of the lying devil. You listen to his line suggestions and obey them, but will not give a hearing to the true words of God which are uttered by me, Saint Gregory, the great in furs. That is a mark of divine predestination. If someone hears the words of God and obeys as holy inspirations, and that is a sign of reprobation. If someone rejects them, as it is said in proverbs one 24 and 26 because I called and you refused. Speaker 0 09:03 I also laugh at your destruction and will mock when that should come to you, which you feared for his Christ says in John 10 27 my sheep hear my voice for just as a sheep that hears the voice of his shepherd is safe from the wolf, but the one that does not go stray in his devoured by the wolf. So to those who hear the voice of Christ, the shepherd are saved, but those who do not hear are devoured by the devil. That is why Christ planting declares blessed are they hear the word of God and keep it. Now they don't accept this correction. Makely verse 48 the Jews therefore answered and said to them, doing not say, well that the artist's Samaritan and has to devil Koininia celebrity. This was an atrocious insult and blasts me against Christ. How wondrous then the humidity in patients of Christ and tolerating it as is evident from his very modest reply. Speaker 0 10:07 Here's his reply. I have not a devil, but I honor my father and you just have dishonored me. Marvel here at Christ's meekness amidst such creative front, which he denies is false since he is truthful, yet since he is mighty, he does not return insult. Just think of how gentle our Lord is. This is God. They've just said it's possessed with the devil coordinates. Laugh at a point south that we should quote. Learn from this over religious or preacher. Oh Christian, learn from Christ. I master to accept comedies for that good deeds, curses and ill will for that kindnesses. Then also to do good for the ungrateful for Christ. They'll constantly teaching the Jews, healing them, delivering them from evil spirits, yet meekly endure these insults and reproaches in gratitude, in return for benefits blasts homies for miracles and ridicule and reproof for his teaching and nevertheless did not cease to do good for those who are ungrateful. Speaker 0 11:24 This is the summit of patients and charity close quote, so we need to learn from his example there. Now the dialogue continues in that core kind of fashion. Never Forget. What we're seeing here is God the son, God the son who's come on a mission of mercy to save us poor sinners. We're seeing God the son being treated with other contempt by his very own creatures. Our Lord tells the Jews, Abraham, your rejoiced that he might see my day. He saw it and was glad. Now, there are several fascinating aspects of this statement of our Lord. Our Lord is your mining is here's of a Jewish tradition which speaks of the Messiah can still be read into Jewish commentary in genesis called the mid rash. Very Sheet Raba. I'll read from somebody's comment on that mid rash quote we read in a commentary in the opening words of Genesis 1518 that when God made the Covenant with Abraham, God, we're quoting now from the mid rash revealed to him both this dispensation and the dispensation to come close quote, which refers to days the Messiah Jewish tradition. Speaker 0 12:38 Therefore here exerts exactly what Jesus stated in these words, your father Abraham, rejoice to see my day and he saw was glad, close, quote Alfred or shine just to make sure everyone caught that. Let's go back through it really quickly. Jewish tradition held that when God made the Covenant with Abraham, he revealed two things. Everything that had to do with the covenant that God was making right then with Abraham, that covenant and also those things that had to do with a future covenant, the Covenant to be made in the days of the Messiah, which as we know is the new and everlasting covenant which has been made in his blood in which we've been baptized into. Okay, so when our Lord points out to the Jews that their father Abraham saw his day and was glad, what's he telling them? He's telling all right, you guys, you know that Abraham saw the two covenants, the one that God was making with him. Speaker 0 13:33 That's the first one, and he also saw the ones that would be made in the days of the Messiah. That's the second one. So our Lord is telling them, look, I'm telling you that Abraham saw my day and was glad my day. So who stays you're referring to? The Messiah's to our Lord is telling him, look, I'm the Messiah. There's another menial this as well. But in order to understand that clearly it might help if we reviewed the geography, the underworld in his book on the circumstances of purgatory, that great cardinal and doctor, the church Saint Robert Bellermine, summarizes the common teaching. The church at the underworld has four levels of four chambers, quote one for the damned another for those being purified, a third for the unbaptized children, and a fourth which is now empty for the just who died before the passion of Christ. Close quote. And he points out that Johanna, the hell of the damned, isn't the absolute depths of the earth. Speaker 0 14:42 That purgatory, the place where the souls are being purified. His quote also in the depths of the earth next to Johanna, close any site, several authorities, including the doctors, St Augustine, and the vulnerable bead to the effect the purgatories next to hill and the souls in purgatory are being purified by the same fire. He also cites the liturgy, a church which an offertory of the requiem mass praise liberal Animus, defunct taught him the penis in three day profounder LACOE deliver the souls of the faithful of the souls of the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the deep pit. Saint Robert then treats at limbo the infants stating quote. Moreover, the limbo the infants is an underworld is proven. For the last session, the concept of Florence distinctly defined that both those who die in mortal sin as well as those who die in original sin immediately descend into the underworld, but to different penalties and Saint Augustine teachers that the Catholic faith only knows if two locations where men may spend eternity to have another blessing and the underworld. Speaker 0 15:51 It is indeed the common opinion of the scholastic theologians that the limbo, that children is in a much higher part of the underworld than purgatory so that the fires do not reach them, which was also held by pope innocent. The third close quote, Saint Robert Bellarmine, Dr the church. Finally, Saint Robert says that the limbo, the fathers, which is where Abraham was at the time of our Lord, was disputing the Jews, that that is the highest level of the underworld, sea of hell above that purgatory, they have the same heating system above that, far above that you have the limbo, the children, and then the limbo, the fathers, and that was of course emptied on Easter Sunday. Remember before that first Easter Sunday, if you are saint and died in a state of grace like St Joseph or father Abraham, he went straight to the limbo. The fathers, you couldn't go to heaven wasn't possible. Speaker 0 16:45 Adam's sin had shot heaven. Mankind was absolutely completely excluded from heaven. If you died in a state of grace and you still needed some purifying, you would of course go to purgatory, and then once you're purified, you'd be released from purgatory and go to the limbo, the fathers. Okay, so now we have a handle on the geography, the underworld. Let's turn back to today's Gospel. Our Lord told the Jews, Abraham, your father rejoiced that he might see my day. He saw. It was glad. Cornelius <inaudible> explains it. Another aspect of this statement, quote Abraham and limbo, the limbo the fathers saw that is new. The day in time when Christ was incarnate March 25th when BC and was born December 25th one BC, not only from what Simeon said, who had held the Christ child in his arms and dying shortly afterward to send it into limbo and announced to Abraham that Christ was born. Speaker 0 17:43 They had seen him and carried him in his arms. And the same was announced him by Anna, the prophetess, as well as, and the mother of blessed Virgin Saint John the Baptist who went down into limbo before Christ's death. But besides that, Abraham actually saw him with his mind's eye by the revelation of God and angels and through a clear perception for this is the real meaning of you saw for the verb to see means to contemplate, to behold, therefore Abraham from limbal God having uplifted the eyes of his mind, saw Christ become incarnate and being born just as the angels and the blessings from heaven. Behold what takes place on earth and in Hell. Abraham longingly desired to see this and be held it as though present for the solemn promise that Christ should be born of him had been frequently made to him by God and it was due to him, so to speak, on account of his faith, obedience. Speaker 0 18:44 Sanctity in many merits that Abraham being the father of faith and of believers who for 2000 years without any fault of his own, indeed in a state of great holiness, faith and hope was detained in limbo. Most eagerly awaiting Christ is deliver Mike for his own constellation and that of his fellow patriarchs and to alleviate their long and anxious expectation of Christ. No, the day when Christ became incarnate and was born for 2000 years in Abraham had eagerly awaited Christ languishing and signed for the day of his birth, and therefore God revealed it to him and showed it to him in spirit, and then Abraham exalted and rejoiced with all the saints in Limbal. Lastly, the angels of comfort, the souls in purgatory, much more console the souls of Abraham, the Patriarchs and the profits in limbo. That is why they announced to them the birth of the long desired Christ. Speaker 0 19:45 Just as the same angels announced his birth to the shepherds. Close quote now coordinators to <inaudible> explains why Christ made this remark to the Jews. Quote number one, to show that he was greater than Abraham, that he was God. Number two, to show what greatest steam he was held even in his absence by Abraham, though the Jews, the sons of Abraham, despised. And while he was actually present among them, number three, and also pricked their conscience, is indirectly in this way. Abraham had so a great long for me, but you have rejected me. You're therefore not true. Children of Abraham, but illegitimate and degenerate. Hence, he says, Abraham, your father, that is Abraham was children. You glory in being. Whereas I did not go in him, but rather Abraham glories and accelerates in me close quote. And now the malicious and deliberate twisting of words by the Jews becomes evident. Speaker 0 20:46 Our Lord has just him that Abraham Abraham had seen his day and they twist that statement completely around as if our Lord had said he had seen Abraham's day. The Jews therefore said to him, the art not yet 50 years old and has still seen Abraham. Now word games like that are a clear sign of bad will. They don't have goodwill at all. Our Lord has been going around and teaching and doing miracles. They've known from the beginning of his public ministry. They sent by God and today they've challenged him and poured contempt on him and he's just made it clear to them that he's the messiah, but they instantly come back with yet another malicious response. Soon response to their mouse or Lord really ups the ante. Jesus said to them, Amen. Amen. I say to you before Abraham was made, I am now. This is an amazing statement cause our Lord has just told the Jews exactly who he is. Speaker 0 21:51 Way back next is three. When Moses spoke to God and the burning Bush and asked him his name, God answered, I am who am? That's the name of the Lord. God, I am who am and as Saint Augustan points out when our Lord answers the Jews here, quote, he doesn't say before Abraham was made, I was made for in the beginning was the word. Instead, he says, before Abraham was made, I am close quote, the I am, shows his eternal divine nature. In other words, our Lord has just told them that he's God in this conversation. He's left him, clearly know that he's the Messiah and he's also let them clearly know that he's got, and they might've been playing a bunch of malicious word games before they really understood what he was saying right here they cook up stones, therefore to cast in him Koininia, sloppy to explains they took up stones. Speaker 0 22:51 Therefore the cast had him as a blast femur because he placed himself above Abraham and compared and made himself equal to God. Blasphemers were ordered to be stoned. Leviticus 24 16 it is clear that these Jews were not those who are said earlier in the chapter in chapter eight verse 30 said to have believed in him, but others who did not believe were opposed to Christ. So we can see that not all the Jews played, follow the leader and just went along with what everybody else is doing. Really important to know Jesus hid himself and went out of the Temple Cornelius Tilapia Day. He hit not in some corner of the temple for that the Jews would have found it by searching diligently rather than he hit himself from their eyes. Because by his divine power, he made himself invisible to them and thus passed unharmed the midst of his enemies and went out of the temple yielding to their fury. Speaker 0 23:49 Listen to Sante Gustin. It was more important for him to recommend wisdom than to exercise his power. He forsakes them since they would not accept his correction, he hides not himself in a corner of the temple as if afraid or running away to a cottage or turning aside behind a wall or a column, but by his divine power making himself invisible to those who lay in wait for him. He passed through their midst as a man. He fled from the stones, but whoa to them. From who? Stony hearts, God flies away. Close, quote Santa Gust and Bishop and Dr the church. Speaker 0 24:31 Let's close during this passion tide as we ponder the persecution which our lord suffered at the hands of his own people, the abuse and contempt and scripture twisting that he had to undergo as we ponded a sad reality that he came to his own and his own received him not let us not forget that we are now as known. Let us not forget that we are now his chosen people. Let us not forget our baptismal promises when we renounce the devil in all his works and all his pumps and promised to be faithful to him. Speaker 0 25:18 And although it is true that many of our so-called Catholic leaders play slick word games, is they twist scriptures and pour out contempt and abuse in our Lord. Let us make sure that we are not guilty of the same kind of abuse in our own lives by trying to twist around the teachings of the church to justify our sins most especially by coming up before God and man and then making a sacrilegious communion. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we may be saved. He came onto the zone and his own received him not but as many as received him. He gave him the power to be made, the sons of God to them that believe in his name, that believe in his name.

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