Fatima The Vision of Hell the Torments of the Damned in Hell

July 22, 2012 00:29:01
Fatima The Vision of Hell the Torments of the Damned in Hell
Veritas Caritas
Fatima The Vision of Hell the Torments of the Damned in Hell

Jul 22 2012 | 00:29:01


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Speaker 0 00:01 A few weeks ago, we considered the miracle and the son as a historical fat and it's the fulfillment of a prophecy. We sought their comps published before the miracle happened, mocking the prediction, their testimony, written tapes and film from massive numbers of the 77,000 witnesses, many of whom are not believers, that their photographs, the crowd viewing the miracle we saw their district witnesses could not possibly be accused of being under some sort of form of group hypnosis or suggestion. We saw that is both a miracle and a prophecy that miracle three months in advance or verifiable historical facts that it's obvious that both of these can only be explained as direct acts of God himself. We consider the miracle in itself is an unmistakable confirmation that our lady wasn't deed speaking in children and is an apocalyptic sign. We concluded that because God never act without a purpose. Then when he performs a miracle of unprecedented proportions is this son pointing towards a message which is of itself unimpressive importance. We've also seen it. There are two kinds of revelation, public revelation which are contained in scripture. The traditions handed down by the church. In private revelations we've seen at the point of a private revelation is not to give any information to directors that are opposed to what is fun and public revelation, but rather to draw our attention to and help us to enter more deeply into some aspect of public revelation. Speaker 1 01:53 Okay? Speaker 0 01:54 Okay. So much for the review. Let's turn to the message. The message Bar Lady. July, 1970 is the heart of the federal message. We'll read from memoirs of Situ. See Ya. July, 1319 70 Speaker 0 02:16 a few moments after arriving at the Colbert, the area near the homo where a large number of people were praying rose room. We saw the flash of light once more in a moment later, our lady appeared in the Homo, apparently medical note in another passage. Sister Lucy described it. The lady looked like they're before us on a small homo. We'd been held a lady all dressed in what she was more brilliant than the sun and radiated in light, more clear to intense than a crystal glass. So the sparkling water went and raised the burning sun shine through. We were so close, just a few feet from her. They were bathed in the light. You're surrounded or rather which radiated from her. Speaker 0 03:03 What does your grace want? I asked, I want you to come here on the 13th of next month to continue to pray the rosary every day in honor of our lady of the Rosary, Notre Tame peace for the world and the end of the war. You guys only she can help you. I would like to ask you to tell us who you are and to work Americans that everybody will believe that you are appearing to us. Continue to come here every month in October. I will tell you who I am and what I want and I will perform miracles for all to see and believe. I then made some requests that I cannot recall now just what they were. What I do remember is that our lady said it was necessary for such people to pray the rosary in order to obtain these graces during the year and she continued. Sacrifice yourself for sin and say many times, especially whenever you make some sacrifice. Oh, Jesus is for love of you for the conversion of sinners in preparation for the sins committed against him at heart of Mary. Speaker 1 04:15 Okay. Speaker 0 04:16 As Our lady spoke these last words, she opened her hands once more as she had done during the two previous months. The rays of light seem to penetrate the earth and we saw as it were, a CFI plumpness fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning hamburgers, all blackened or burnished bronze floating above in the conflagration now raising the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together. Great clouds, a small now falling back on every side like sparked the huge fire without weight or equilibrium and it's treats and grounds of pain and despair which horrified and made us a tramble was fear. It must've been a cyber caused me to cry as people say they hurt me. Speaker 1 05:10 Okay. Speaker 0 05:11 The demons can be distinguished by the terrifying and repel like this to frightful and unknown animals. Black, the transparent like burning coal, terrified as if it plead for soccer. We look up at our lady who said to us so kindly and so sad. You have seen hell where the souls of course centers girl to save them. God wishes to establish the world devotion, my enacted heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end, but if people do not cease offending God, a worst one will break up to the pontificate of Pius the 11 when you see a night illumine by an unknown light, know that this is a great sign given you by God did he's it Bob. Honest the world for its crime by means of war, found and persecution of the church and of the holy fall. Speaker 0 06:17 To prevent this, I should come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my neck at heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturday. If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there'll be peace. If not, she was better errors, fraud causing wars and persecution to the church. The good will be Margaret, the Holy Father will have much to suffer. There is nation will be an island. In the end, my Maca Hartville trial, the Holy Father that will concentrate rushed to me and she will be converted and appear of priests will be granted to the world in Portugal. The dogma, the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. My sister, Lucy roped, et Cetera, do not tell this to anybody. Francisco, yes, he may tell him now. Lucille was the only one of the three children who bald, who spoke. Her lady during apparition bus just said to could both see and hear or lady, but she never spoke. Heard in apparitions. Francis Douglas A. Francis could see the breasted version, but he never heard anything that she was saying. Uh, Dr. Lee, when you pray the rosary, see out for each ministry. Oh my Jesus. Forgive us. Save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need. After this, there was a moment of silence and then I asked, is there anything more that you want to know? I do not want anything more of you today. Speaker 0 07:53 Then as before, our lady began to send for the east till she find disappear. Immense distance of the firm. Close quote sister Lucy. Yeah. Speaker 1 08:05 Okay, Speaker 0 08:05 so this is the heart of the message of found. The previous apparitions were preparing for an America was associated with a falling Cree operation. Most notably of course, miracles son or confirmations of this. There are three parts. The message, the vision of Hell. The first part, second part predicts families, wars and persecution. There's the third secret, which is et Cetera, which follows the line. Portugal, the dogma, the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. It's the third secret. Today we'll consider the first car, the vision of pill. Sometimes you hear good people say that we shouldn't talk about hell toward children because it's terrifying. Sister Lucy call some people, even the most refused to speak to children about hell in case it would frighten them if God did not hesitate show hell to three children, one of whom was only six years old and he knew quite well that she'd be horrified to the point of being consumed with fright. I would go so far as to say, Speaker 1 09:21 okay, Speaker 0 09:22 one thing that sanctified these children was to see the vision of Hill close call sister Lucy. Yeah. Speaker 1 09:31 Okay. Speaker 0 09:32 How many times have we heard people saying, when I was growing up, I never once heard a pre warn us about hill? Speaker 1 09:41 Yeah. Speaker 0 09:42 As if he's not saving us from anything at all. How many times I've heard a priest or some person say, well, you don't really think a loving God would actually send anyone to hell. Did you? Speaker 1 09:58 Okay. Speaker 0 09:59 As if it's totally empty if it even exists at all. How many times you've heard some sophisticated person, perhaps a priest, religious, dismissed the traditional descriptions of hell. Just waving it off. Kind of a condescending smile as if only a fool or a bump would actually believe there's some fiery underground prison full of demons and downs, salts. What is this vision that our lady show to the children's sound? Anything remotely like some of these modernist versions of health? What does it sound exactly like a terrifying descriptions of hell that we find in both scripture and tradition. Speaker 1 10:46 Okay. Speaker 0 10:47 Although there are many references throughout scripture. Just consider our Lord's explicit words in Mark Chapter nine verses 46 and 48 it's better for the with one eye Tanner indicating a Mocha and having to all be cast into the hell of fire where their worm dieth not and the fire is not extinguished for everyone shall be salted with fire clothes. Cool. What about tradition? The catechism, the Console Trans speaks of quote that most low song in dark prison in which the soul, the down or tremendous with the unclean spirits and eternal and an extinguishable fight. This place is called Johanna, the bottomless and as hell strictly so call close. Cool. Are they really demons in him? Vince bark, Aaron, Aaron, word of God is explicit on this point. Our Lord's speaking of Judgment Day says, then you shall say to them also that should be on his left hand, depart from the heat, cursing and everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels. Close Call God the son. Speaker 0 12:12 Are there really down souls in hell? One side of the modernist fantasies to the contrary. Yes, there are in August, 1458 <inaudible> second come down to this statement that quote, all Christians are to be safe, close. Cool. That is condemned, which means the contrary must be true. If our Christians ought to be saved as false, then some Christians are not saved. That is to say some Christians are damn must be true. Sister Lucy quo just said to often explain, oh hell, hell how, sorry, I am for the soul who go to hell and the people down there burning a lot like wouldn't a fight. Then shuddering she knelt down with her hands, joined your recited prayer lady. All my Jesus pardons say, listen, fire hell lead all souls to heaven. Especially those most in the Jacinta remained on her knees like this for long periods of time saying the same prayers over and over again. Speaker 0 13:24 From time to time she caught up to her brother, myself, Francisco, Francisco, are you praying with me? Let's pray very much to save souls from hell. So many golden. So men or so many people go to hell. So man, sometimes shoot suddenly grabbed my arm and say, I am going to hell, but since you're staying here, if our lady lets you tell all these people and hell is like say don't commit anymore and don't go there at other times after thinking for a while, she said so many people falling into him. So many people in hell close call. Speaker 1 14:11 Okay, Speaker 0 14:11 what does someone have to do to be down? If someone dies, if only one unforgiven moral sin, he will be down. Why would someone be damned to hell folly attorney if only dies with while on forgiven mortal sin? Because in order to get to him in order to live there once we got there, our soul has to be supernaturally alive as long as we have supernatural life in our soul. In other words, the supernatural life, our soul is sanctifying grace. As long as we have sanctifying grace and our soul were the friends of God, but if quit a mortal sin, even one mortal sin, we were officially ended our friendship with God at that very moment and thrown out the life of Greg's. We're now supernaturally dead. We've committed supernatural suicide. We are no longer in the state of grace and if we die in that condition, Speaker 1 15:13 we will be down Speaker 0 15:16 sister Lucy and quote the vision of health. We'll just center it board to such a degree that every penance and modification was as nothing in her own. If it could only prevent so Speaker 1 15:28 from going on there. Yeah. Speaker 0 15:30 When you said it was ill and you went to mass on a weekday, I heard you just sent the don't come. You can't. You're not able besides today's notice Sunday, that doesn't matter. I'm going for centers who don't go on a Sunday. If she happened to hear any of those expressions with some people make a show of utterance, she covered her face with her hands and said, oh my God. Don't those people realize they can go to hell for saying those things. My Jesus forgive them and converts them Speaker 1 16:03 close. Call Speaker 0 16:06 cannon funnel goal recorded some remarks that blesses you said to me that she laid there a lot. Dying, visiting. Jacinta affirmed that our lady had revealed to her the sins which lead to most people that hell or sins of the flesh that people must give up luxury and imperial. They must not remain obstinate in sin. The must do penance. She said fashions that were great. The offender Lord will appear. People who follow God should not follow fashion. The church has no fashions. Our Lord Speaker 1 16:49 was always the same clothes, clothes. Speaker 0 16:56 What do we know about the pains of Hell? Speaker 1 17:00 Okay. Speaker 0 17:01 The principle of pain pill is the pain of loss. It's the pain of having lost God. See, Thomas says that since the loss of the vision of God is the loss of an infinite good, the pain of the dam is in a certain sense, infinite. Since Anthony Mary Claire points out the quote, when a soul enters hell, God sheds over it so vivid, alive that it can note to the limits of its capacity, the greatness of his infinite and divine essence. Speaker 1 17:34 Yeah, Speaker 0 17:34 because this knowledge is very clear in the damn soul and presents very vividly to it. They immense happiness and blessedness, which it could have enjoyed. And God from this, a bitterness comes, which is inconceivable in as as every moment does driven towards God with a burning desire. It also realizes it at each instance that is cast off by the law. So the grief of a solid hill is due to its loss of God. Close, close the Dan, but folded in on themselves, so to speak. They're filled anguish, hatred, pain, rage and despair. On MD despair. There's no relief ever Speaker 1 18:22 and no hope, no. Speaker 0 18:28 The dander commented by the warm diet. Nah. That's the realization of how easily they could have been saved. They're tormented and their memory of the thought of the time has given them an this slide. They might've used it to save their souls and yet they sent it procuring their own eternal damnation. They're torment I remembering all the graces they receive and wasted. They're tormented by the fact this loss last forever. Speaker 1 19:03 Yeah. Speaker 0 19:03 The comment by the fact that we'll never have anything that they desire. They'll be tortured forever. They will never have any peace ever. There is no room and there's no hole. The Dan will also suffer the pain of sense. The greatest ham sense is the pain afflicted by the fires of hell. The Fire Hell is dark St Thomas Teachers. That will only give enough light to increase the torments that dam. So the Danville see the horrible deformities of the other loss. So a terrible forms the demons to the burning smoke and dark claims. See Theresa Valhalla, who's taking the hell? So the difference between painted fire and our fire is much less than the difference between our fire and health. The damned are totally immersed in fire. Fire penetrates everywhere in firms without consuming after judgment day when all the damn gift, there's body staff, those are the parts of the body that were specially used and sin are burned. All the mall last Femur, The Times burnt more. The the hands of hurt more and sell for five will be stealing out of the mouth, the ears, the eyes, the bodies, the dam, the dam are totally steeped and hell fire and wishing to be annihilated but still never consumed. Speaker 1 20:36 There is no relief and no uncle Speaker 0 20:42 after judgement. Day Two Dan will also suffer the pain of immobility. See, after Judgment Day, they their bodies back at the resurrection of the dead and then after the judgment, the valleys you host that pull, the earth opens up and they fall into hell. It closes over. However they land in hell on the last day, they will lay in that position without moving for all eternity. Speaker 1 21:07 Okay? Speaker 0 21:08 They'll be tortured by unquenched unbearable hunger and unquenchable thirst did not even an entire ocean of water could quench, but they'll never get a single draw. They're very re twine edited by the concessions, shrieking how long cursing, blasting of the dam, the dam, so whales and treats because he has lost God and lost him for all eternity. He can never love God. He hates him. He will hate him forever, even though he realizes that God is infinitely good and worthy of infinite love. Speaker 0 21:46 Saint Alphonsus says the damn soul will hate and curse God and all this gifts of nature and Greg's, he will curse being created, curse partners in sin, curse being routine. If he had received the sacraments, who will curse? Being Baptized Kirsty confirm curse, having confessed his sin, curse, having received holy communion. He will hate the angels and the saints, especially as Guardian and from patron saints and above all or lady, but who princely hate and curse the most blessed trinity the most, especially the second person who became man who died for him. He will curse our Lord spoons, his precious blood, his pain in his death. Some downfalls joke about going to hell because that's where other friends are going to be. No has any friends in hell, Saint Thomas Teachers, the greater the number of the damned in hill, the greater the misery of each one. No one has any friends in the downdraft folded in on itself, totally filled with anger, hatred, pain, rage and despair and it's unending despair. Most terrifying aspect of hell Speaker 1 23:11 did he turn Lucien? Speaker 0 23:16 What made the biggest impression I've just sent him was the idea of eternity. Even in the middle of a game, she would stop and ask, but listen, doesn't hell end after many, many years then Speaker 1 23:29 okay, Speaker 0 23:30 less people burning in hell. Don't they ever die? Don't they turn into ash Speaker 1 23:38 close call you turn. Speaker 0 23:44 Just imagine sinner walking over to the rocky Speaker 1 23:46 mountains, taking up a teaspoon of rock walking over the Atlantic Ocean, throwing it in, walking back and forth, back and forth. One teaspoon at a time. By the time who leveled the ground and tossed entire rocky mountain range and the Atlantic Ocean. Eternity isn't Hafele. Speaker 0 24:09 It isn't a hundred thousand it isn't a million clover. In a certain sense, it hasn't even got started. Your attorney is the terror. Speaker 1 24:24 Well, Voltaire Speaker 0 24:29 in Hell there's an entrance Speaker 1 24:31 <inaudible> Speaker 0 24:32 but there is no exit Speaker 1 24:34 <inaudible> Speaker 0 24:40 no or appreciate the courts have held the message of Fatima. All we have to do is observe the impact that it had on three children, especially blessed that you sent it. It's obvious that this reality plays a central role in the message, but then that raised the question. The question is why? Why hell, the reality of hell is not really news. So why would remind us the reality of healthy so important as to aren't all these visions from our lady, these visits from our lady rather, and miracles, especially the miracle of the Sun Speaker 1 25:21 <inaudible> Speaker 0 25:23 because one of the most remarkable aspects of our time has been extraordinary loss of any sense of sin as pope Popeyes the 12th state in 1946 quote, the sin of this century is the loss of a sense of sin. Speaker 1 25:42 Close, close. Speaker 0 25:44 The center of the century is the loss of a sense of sin. Speaker 1 25:48 <inaudible> Speaker 0 25:50 in 1949 Pope Pius the 12th stated quote, we are overwhelmed with sadness and anger. Seeing that the wickedness of perverse man has reached to the degree of impiety that is unbelievable and absolutely unknown in other times. Speaker 1 26:14 Close. Cool. Speaker 0 26:17 More than 60 years ago, the Holy Father warned us, man, kind of lost the sense of sin and a reached a degree of witness wickedness. Never before seen if that were true in the 1940 what about now? Speaker 1 26:37 <inaudible> Speaker 0 26:40 well, just look around as one creatures remark. Scott doesn't pass the judgment on America. Speaker 1 26:50 Yeah, Speaker 0 26:50 he's going to have to apologize to sa and Kamora. Speaker 0 26:59 Once we recognize this general law, the sense of sin and that absolute tidal wave of wickedness, a company prophetic significance of this terrifying warning comes into focus in age. Absolutely trend and wickedness an age which has lost all sense of sin and age, which the tentative man is focused primarily on purely earthly concerns, an age which the majority of priests no longer preach about hell and the very real danger be turned down nation, which threatened each and every one of us an age in which the mass of men have forgotten, totally deny or else joke about the reality of eternal damnation. Our Lady came down to one of the terrifying and eternal consequences of sin. Speaker 1 27:56 Okay. To draw attention to reality of hell. Hell is real. Yeah. Speaker 0 28:08 The turtle down nation is real. Sister Lucy suddenly just said it would seize, hold them and say, I'm going to have him, but you are staying here. If Our lady lets you tell everybody what hell is law stay won't commit any more sin and not call the hell. Speaker 1 28:35 Okay. Speaker 0 28:37 And other times I can thank you for Washington said so many people Speaker 1 28:42 falling into hell. So many people in him. So many people falling into hill. So many people in now.

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