If We Are Faithful to God We Will Be Saved

July 29, 2012 00:29:34
If We Are Faithful to God We Will Be Saved
Veritas Caritas
If We Are Faithful to God We Will Be Saved

Jul 29 2012 | 00:29:34


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Speaker 0 00:01 Today's realities holy mother church placed before us. The fall ruin of the Jewish nation were once the chosen people of God and the Gospel. We see our Lord weeping over Jerusalem. The prophecy signs destruction at the hand of the Roman legions under Titus and dysphasia. When the epistle St Paul turns the time of the exodus and goes through list of sins which resulted in their overthrow in the desert today, we'll consider a few adolescents placed before us in the epistle. Before we get to that, we need to make sure we all understand what a type is. The type is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. So type is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure a foreshadow, a future person thing or action. Speaker 0 01:02 Okay, let's turn to today's epistle. It's taken from chapter 10 of Saint Paul's first letter to the Corinthians and this passage Saint Paul speaks of the events of the exodus. He explicitly uses the Greek word to Foy twice, which means tight. When he tells us the advance of the ex. This were types in this passage, however, the word type has been translated as figure. We'll start with the first six verses of chapter 10 in order to put the pistol into context. First Corinthians chapter 10 Saint Paul for I would not have you ignorant brethren that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea and all and Moses were baptized in the cloud and in the sea in all did eat the same spiritual food and all drank the same drink and they drank the spirits. Rocket followed them and the Rock was Christ. Speaker 0 01:59 But with most of them God was not well-pleased for they were overthrown in the desert. Now these things are done in the figure of us that we should not coveting whole things as they also covered close quote, inspired, inerrant word of God. So the persons events of the exodus are types. Saint Paul has given us a few examples. Let's just run over the, the take a moment to run over these. Egypt is a land of sin, idolatry in bondage. So what's at a type of to type of the world seated and darkness. Pharaoh, he's a man who wears the head of a serpent on his crown is the ruler of this Kingdom of sin. So what is he a type of, he's a type of Satan. His army's, those are the troops and service to Pharaoh are pursuing the people of Israel to bring them back into bondage or to kill them. Speaker 0 02:54 So what are they type stuff? They're types of the demonic hordes of hell. The fastened to the Red Sea, the passage out of Egypt with a company, destruction of Pharaoh and his armies. What is that a Typo? It's a type of baptism. The Saint Paul is pointed out, the wandering through the desert for 40 years. Find the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire is a type of the Christian life following God, the spiritual food, the Manna from heaven is it type the most. Plus it's sacrament. Moses is the leader and the teacher, the people, God, his brother Aaron is the high priest. The two of them taken together are collectively a type of the pope who is the leader of the teacher in the high priest to the people of God and the New Testament, the promised land land flowing with milk and honey is a type of heaven. And so naturally the passage from the desert into the promised land is it type of the passage from this life of toil and trouble into the peace and joy of heaven. Speaker 0 03:54 Now one of the most amazing things about all these types is we're not reading anything into them. God actually intended them to prefigure our new testament realities. This just a tiny overview. There's a lot more there to ponder. God actually wants us to ponder those things. That's why he inspired Moses to write all this down. That's why inspired St Paul takes Splitly to us. But these things quote were written for our clinic correction close quote. And another way of translating that same line is that we could say that these things were quote written down from instruction close quote. So these things have been written down for our correction and for our instruction. Let's try to follow that lead and consider a fear of the lessons contained in the remaining lines that pistol and see how they apply to us today collectively and individually. Saint Paul warns believers in corn to be careful not to follow the example of the Jews of old who indeed had the true religion and had been witnesses to all these spectacular miracles and their deliverance from Egypt, their passage through the Red Sea being fed by the Manna from heaven and water from the Rock, and in spite of all that processive because their desire for evil things, they turned their hearts away from the Lord. Speaker 0 05:10 And so they were all were thrown in the desert. Saint Paul also pointed out that that should serve as example for us, so we don't desire you will things as they did. Now Saint Paul's going to tell us exactly what evil things the people of Israel desire. Quote, neither become the idolaters as some of them as it is written. The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication as some of them that committed for an occasion and they're filling one day three and 20,000 neither let us temp Christ as some of them tempted and perished by the surfing. Neither do you murmur as some of them murmured and destroyed by the destroyer. Close quote, inspired, inerrant word of God. Speaker 1 06:01 Excuse me. Speaker 0 06:03 Okay, so Saint Paul Paul's just listed four grievous sins committed by the people of Israel in the desert. He's explicitly one in the Corinthians at the same sentence, which led to the destruction of the Jews and the Jesuit will bring the Corinthians to ruin should they be so careless as to fall under them. Let's take a quick a closer look at each one of these sins. Verse seven neither become idolaters as some of them as it is written, the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. Now, here's Saint Paul's referring to the idolatrous worship of the golden calf, the Israel's w Egyptians, excuse me, the Gypsy's worship, a book of book, God name aps. And while Moses was up on the mountain, Aaron made a graven image of it. Here's an edited summary taken from exodus chapter 32 quote, Aaron made a molten calf and they said, these ye are gods o Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt and built an altar before and said tomorrow shall be a feast to the Lord. And they rose up early on a marvel and offer burnt offerings and brought peace offerings. And the people sat down to eat and drink. Speaker 1 07:11 He rose up to play close quote. Okay. Speaker 0 07:15 So Saint Paul tells the Corinthians, they must not become my daughters. Corniness Olafur with explains, quote as many men is c o Corinthians, that you do not return to idols nor eat the things offered to them. And so become partakers of idolatrous sacrifices. Do not give yourselves up to games to less and self-indulgence otherwise, like the Hebrews, you'll be punished by God. Is it postulates and idolaters as gluttons? And drunkards. Speaker 1 07:43 Close. Cool. Speaker 0 07:45 Now the Corinthians are certainly not the only ones tempted to fall into ty dollar tree. Speaker 1 07:51 Yeah. Speaker 0 07:52 A friend of mine was deeply involved in the occult is a Wiccan, so a whip and his house. He had what we might call a chapel. Is it complete with an altar in the middle of a Pentagram on over time, as he became more proficient and casting spells, a demon would visibly appear crushing on one corner of the Pentagram and had sort of a chalky appearance, but he could see through it as he said. I know it sounds funny even though this is a demon for hell, you said, I didn't believe in hill work as a nature religion and I've thought I was just grinding myself deeper and deeper in nature and so these Damon was this spiritual B from another level of nature. Speaker 1 08:37 Okay, Speaker 0 08:38 but he said he didn't mess with it when he was dealing with his rituals. He back out of the room. Well after his miraculous conversion by the intercession of our lady. That's a really good story, but we don't have time for that today. He said he got involved in Wicca by reading about it. This was years ago, and he said, you know, not everyone that reads Harry Potter will do what I do, but everyone liked me that reads Harry Potter will do what I did. Dog Tree is a real present threat. Speaker 0 09:23 St Paul's warning is just as Tommy for us today as it was for the Corinthians per se, neither let us commit fornication as some of them that committed fornication and their fell in one day, three and 20,000 now here's Saint Paul's recruiting an incident that happened when the 12 tribes were camping in a place called Seddon on the plains of Moab. It's right across the Jordan River from Jericho. It's in modern day Jordan. What happened is that volumn fallen was a pagan sourcer, was hired by the King of Moab to put a curse on the people of Israel, but God wasn't allowing it. In fact, every time Bob tried to curse the people Israel, he ended up blessing them. So he told the king that the Israelites were invincible as long as they are you faithful to their god. So bomb carts are the king to send loose women among the Israelites in order to draw them away from the worship of their God and turn them toward the worship of idols. Speaker 0 10:24 The particular idle mentioned in this passage of scripture is called bell for Gore. Now, I can't even read St Drum's description of this idol from the pulpit. It's probably never been translated in English, as were Bob to hear. They also Gore was worshiped with obscene behavior. Here's a slightly edited summary From Numbers Chapter 25 quote in Israel at that time, a Boden setting and the people committed fornication with a daughters of Moab who called them to their sacrifices and the eight of them and adored their gods. And Israel was initiated bill for Gore upon which the Lord been angry, said to Moses, take all the princes of the people and hang them up on it's against the sun that my fury may be turned away from Israel. And Moses said to the judges of Israel, let every man chose neighbors that have been initiated to bail for gold and there were slain for and 20,000 men close. Speaker 0 11:17 Cool. Okay. Before we comment on this, let's deal with an apparent problem. St Paul says it in one day, 23,000 died, and what was it just said? That 24,000 died. The commentators give several explanations for this without going to them all. I will quote the one that today sees most convincing to me. Cool. How reconcile both accounts. There is no contradiction. Whatever Saint Paul says, 23,000 in one day. Phil Moses did not say 24,000 in one day. It is suppose that a thousand the chiefs were slain on the first day in 23 thousands of people on the second day to what you're saying, Speaker 1 11:54 Paul here refers close quote. Speaker 0 11:59 Okay. To get some idea of what ancient corn was like, just considered Aphrodite. No, that's the peg and goddess of lust was featured on the city's coins. Now released three pagan temples dedicated to her in the city. The general moral atmosphere was such that quote, Athenian writers made Corinth the symbol of immorality air stuff and he's no, he's the, the Greek playwright Aristophanes coined the Verb Corinthia Isa State STI 20th Corinthia are ceased, which literally means to live like a Corinthian. So this verb means to live like a Corinthian, but Aristophanes use it to me to foreign to Kate. Speaker 1 12:37 Okay. Speaker 0 12:38 Plato used Corinthia Cory, a Corinthian girl Speaker 1 12:41 to refer to woman of the night clothes quilt. Speaker 0 12:46 Well, although we don't have images of Aphrodite on our coins here, it's not as if our moral atmosphere is anything much to brag about. Speaker 0 12:55 We've talked about some of this before as a some years ago, 90% of eight to 16 year olds had viewed immoral sites online. Most will doing homework and 80% of 15 to 17 year olds, it had multiple exposure to the very worst sites. If you're going to have internet in your home, you must filter it. If your children have phones with Internet capabilities, it's your solemn obligation before God to either completely block the Internet unless it is absolutely essential that they have some kind of access, in which case it's your som obligation before God to get the most robust filter and or accountability where possible. The woman of the house should have the password. If your children have been exposed to this filth because a failure in your area now is it your fault? You've also almost guaranteed that they will have an incredible battle just to be safe. In other words, because of carelessness, some of your very own children may well be down. Do not take this lightly, especially mothers. Don't think my little Joe, you would never do such a thing you do not know it is like to be a boy or a young man. Trust the priest on this. Do not take this lightly. Speaker 1 14:29 <inaudible> Speaker 0 14:33 well, we're on the topic of computer access. Considers excerpt from an article published in May quote, more than a third of divorce finds last year, contained the word Facebook according to UK survival and survey by divorce online, a legal services firm, and over 80% of us divert divorce attorneys say they've seen a rise in the number of cases using social networking. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, I see Facebook issues breaking up marriages all the time. So as a divorce attorney in new London, Connecticut Affairs happened with lightens fee on Facebook. This is the author of the book Facebook in your marriage, in the real world, he says, Office Romance is an audit town trust can take months or even years to develop on Facebook. He says they happen to just a few clicks. The social network is different for most social networks or dating sites and then it both reconnects all the planes and allows people to friends, someone they may only met once in passing. It puts temptation, a path of people who would never in a million years risk having an affair. He says, Facebook decline to come close. Cool. You don't need me to tell you that sexual immorality is a real present threat. Saint Paul's warning is just as time in the day for us as it was for the Corinthians Speaker 0 16:11 First na Nigel let us temp cries the sound of them tempted and perished by the serpent here Saint Paul's referring to an incident found in the book of Numbers Chapter 21 quote, the people became impatient on the way and the people spoke against God and against Moses. Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water and we load this worthless. Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bet the people that many people of Israel die close quo. Now here we have this astonishing spectacle of the people blasting God. After all he's done for them. He's letting them out of Egypt. He's been feeding him with man or what they just called loathsome some food he's been feeding with his miracle bread from heaven. He's been providing them with water from the rock and in return they come back with this blasphemy. I will quote from a manual of moral theology. Cool. Last to me. Is it deliberate insult, offer to the Lord God of Heaven and earth. The most grievous in a man can commit. Assuming of course he acts with full advertent and consent. Close quote St Jerome States court. Nothing is more horrible than blasts. Me And d compared to blasphemy. Every sin is much lighter. Speaker 1 17:42 Close quote Speaker 0 17:45 a blasphemy is a rule. Is it outburst of anger against God? It's principally as sin or the tongue, but blast was thought writings and actions are all equally offensive to God to other blasphemous words by force of a habit, which one is actually earnestly trying to break is not a grievous sin, but there's a serious obligation eradicate the habit person's responsible for having contracted to have it. And what is also a response for any scandal you may have caused. Lastly is common, not just in the speech of so many people in our society, right? But it's also common in some types of popular music and certainly the mass media, especially in certain television shows and movies blasts to me is a real present threat. Saint Paul's warning is just as timely for us today as it was for the Corinthians. Verse 10 neither do you Murmur as some of them murmur and were destroyed by the destroyer. Speaker 0 18:50 Now here's Saint Paul's referring to a terrifying incident that's found in the book of numbers Chapter 16 and I've condensed it. It's really worth reading chapter 16 in the book of numbers, quote. Now, core core is the first cousin of Moses and Aaron core, Dayton and a beer and took men and they rose up against Moses with 250 leading men in the synagogue and they assembled themselves together against Moses and Aaron and said to them, you have gone too far for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord? When Moses heard it, he said, is it against the Lord that you and all your company have gathered together? What is Aaron that you murmur against him? Then Moses said to call Dayton and a beer on, but the answered we will not come. Then Moses said to the congregation, depart, I pray you from the tents of these wicked men and touched nothing of theirs less you be swept away with all their sins and most said, hereby you shall know that the Lord has sent me to do all these works. If the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that belongs to them and they go down alive and the hill, then you shall know that these men have blasts themed the Lord. Speaker 0 20:10 And immediately as he made an end of speaking, the earth broke a sunder under their feet and devoured them with their tents and other substance, and they went down alive and to hell. The ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people in a fire coming out from Lord destroyed the two and 50 men that offered incense the following day. All the multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron saying, you have killed the people, the Lord and the rose addition, the Tom Moulton creased, Moses and Aaron flooded a tabernacle. The covenant. The Lord said to Moses, get you out from the midst of this multitude. This moment I will destroy them. And Moses said to Aaron, take the sensor and go quickly are the people to pray for them. For already, RAF has gone out from the Lord and the plague rages when our it had run to the midst of the multitude, which the burning fire was not as trolling. You offered to incense and standing between the dead and the living. He prayed for the people in the plague ceased. And the number of them that were slaying was 14,700 men besides him that had perished in the sedition of core close quotes that is truly frightened. <inaudible> Speaker 0 21:28 says that these men fell down, quote into help. Properly speaking. It is sufficiently obvious they suffered eternal damnation and were thrust into hell for this as clearly stated. And it happened that by the fury of God, they were immediately swallowed up in the very act of committing the crime. And hence it does not appear they would have had the disposition of the time to repent that they descended in CHIRLA. Damnation in hell. Is it? Thinking of Saint Epiphanies, St Jerome, the venerable lead Saint Robert Belamine and others, close quotes, the commentary and some someone a five verses 16 to 18 which reconstitutes incident notes observe how God who pass over the murmuring of the people against himself at the Red Sea punished severely this rebellion against his servants may learn, hence his wrath against such as despising as priest withdrawn themselves from the fellowship of his people from congregations have their own set of alter against altar and offer unlawful sacrifice instead of the true ablation of Lord's body. Speaker 0 22:31 Close quote. Now as we've seen, Moses is the leader and the teacher of the people of God and Erin's a high priest, so collectively the two of them together are a type of the pope who is a leader teaching high priest to the people of God. The New Testament and what do we see these priests doing here rising up directly against God's appointed authority in the person of his duly appointed leaders in crying out. You have gone too far for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourself above the assembly of the Lord? Now, if that sounds familiar to the other folks here, it should just listen to this statement report in a Time magazine article entitled his Liberal Catholicism Dead. I love that title is Liberal Catholicism debt quote, as the head of the Fordham University theologic department wrote recently his generation discerned in the council a call to greater church democracy and an assertion of individual conscience that could stand up to the authority of even the pope. So they've battled the Vatican's birth control ban, its rejection, a female priests and insistence on celibacy and its authoritarianism Speaker 1 23:49 close. Cool. Speaker 0 23:51 How does that sound? The rebel like the rebellion of core Dayton in a beer on or what? Speaker 1 23:58 Okay. Speaker 0 23:59 His generation discerned in the comps or call the greater church democracy and assertion of individual conscience. They could stand up to the authority of even the Paul because you have gone too far for all the congregation are holy. Every one of them. Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourself above the assembly of the Lord? So the battle at the Burton Vatican's birth control ban, it's rejection of female priests, insistence on celibacy and its authoritarianism. The head of Fordham's theology department continues to call for a couple of generations. Progressivism was an important way to be careful. Speaker 1 24:39 Okay? Speaker 0 24:39 But I think the end of an era is here Speaker 1 24:43 close. Cool. Speaker 0 24:44 Well thanks be to God for that. It can't come quickly enough. We also had to keep in mind that God is defending the authority of Aaron. Aaron actually may the golden calf stop and think about that for a while. That realization might help some folks keep things in perspective. Who allowed themselves to break comedian in the pot with a pole to refuse a beat? It's a fault because there's such issues as cc one a cc to a CC three kissing the crown and so forth. If God defended authority of Aaron, Speaker 1 25:24 he was certainly defend the authority of the pole Speaker 0 25:30 in our day and age. It's not just the liberals that have made this terrifying mistake about the papacy. Let us pray that the end of this era is also here. The head dot commentary states quote, the crime of these men, which was punished and so remarkable a manner was that of citizen and a rebellion against authority established by God and the church and the pretending of the priesthood without being lawfully called and sent the same as the case of all modern sectors, let them dread a similar punishment. Not only the authors have such wicked pretensions, but those also who consent to them before we find that core and all is adherence with varied inhale knows likewise who complained that their punishment was too severe? Fell victims to the raging fire. Speaker 1 26:22 Okay. Speaker 0 26:23 Saint Ignatius of Antioch points out the court. His companions did not attack law directly, but resisted Moses error, say saint different states, they believe in the same God. Yeah, because they took upon themselves to sacrifice. They were forced with punished by God and their unlawful sacrifices could do them. No servants. That's where warn to keep them. The true church, no pay. Those were settled for us and never for any temporal consideration. Whatever tin encouraged by our presence. The sermons are meetings of heretics or of systematics. Last, we perish with them. Close quote and we see the thousands at perish because they follow the leaders. There's one very hopeful note in numbers 26 we read in verse 10 quote and it was a great miracle rot that when court perished, his sons did not perish close. Call you cornice is that explains quote, when Clark parish it sends the not parents, but when the earth opened up and swallowed the 10 c corps, they were suspended in the air because they did not consent to their father's rebellion. Speaker 1 27:28 Close. Cool. Speaker 0 27:30 The Prophet Samuel is actually the Senate from the sons. Of course. No. I personally find this very consoling. I tend to think of those who are not an actual unit with DePaul, but to no fault of their own with goodwill, a spirit of being open to the truth as being like the sons of core in our own day and age Speaker 0 27:52 system and rebellion against authority of God is a real present threat. Saint Paul's warning is Jesse's. Tommy is today for us as it was for the Corinthians. Let us read the last lines of today's epistle. No. All these things happen to them in figure and they are written for our correction upon whom the ends of the world are come where wherefore he think of himself to stand. Let him take heed lest he fall. But no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human and God is faithful. He will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able will make with also a temptation issue that you may be able to bear it. Speaker 1 28:34 Close. Cool Speaker 0 28:37 Claus with some reflections from that grape interdicting dom Garren shea. Cool. Learn a lesson from the fall of the Jews. If you are faithful to call it God's grace, he will be faithful to you and preserve you from temptations which you could not resist. And yet never forget that the same cause which brought about the destruction of the Jews would also lead you to ruin. They fell because of their unbelief. You are now what you are by faith. Be Not therefore high mind with self complacency. But remember how God will not spare you if you cease to be faithful. It wants to do welded Myers mercy you not do wisely. If you forget, it's an inexorable justice close call. We are what we are now by faith. Never forget that the same causes which brought about destruction. The Jews would also lead us to rule.

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