Fighting Temptation and Conquering Sin

January 18, 2003 00:22:19
Fighting Temptation and Conquering Sin
Veritas Caritas
Fighting Temptation and Conquering Sin

Jan 18 2003 | 00:22:19


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Speaker 0 00:01 One of them. All I ever got tangled up with revolved around the literal meeting. I love pray my Lord Manana Mile. It's found in chapter five of St Matthew's Gospel. And we were arguing what literally me, Oh Lord, that quote, you haven't heard it, that it was said to them of all, thou shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whosoever shall look on a woman to left after I already committed adultery with her in his heart. Close quote our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So anyhow, in this document I was in 50 oh lord man, exactly what he said. They didn't need each man had to answer. So I might've got the only pretty deep it done and the word spoken, but also the thought that entertained against God's holy law. If a man was guilty of deliberately entertain him, period about God, he wasn't the guilty of it to all three before it got. Speaker 0 01:03 And to my great the cry, this drill, my opponent's totally wild. These guy, there was a group of Baptist seminarian were literally yelling at me that there was absolutely no way the Lord could be taken. Literally, it was absolutely impossible for a man to keep from falling into section thought, well, they didn't care much for my reply either because I responded for it's impossible for a man to keep from falling in birth. Kind of thought. It's also impossible for a man to keep from falling into hell. I couldn't believe what they were saying to me. I couldn't understand how they couldn't fit and I mean in fit and vigorously and that it was impossible for man to control it thought it hit dead call. Yeah, and it'd be a bad hole certainly at times, but no, and then it occurred to me, of course it isn't. Speaker 0 01:59 Well, naturally speaking, thanks dad, and we've been so damaged by original sin that without the help of God's grace, there is no way to keep from falling into and <inaudible> after all this stem degree. Naturally speaking, we're all proud to some degree. Naturally speaking, we're all to some degree, naturally speaking, we all angry at some degree. Naturally speaking, we're all agreed and coveted to some degree. Nationally speaking. Well Envia to some degree naturally speaking close and to some degree naturally speaking, well we all suffer to some degree from the seven deadly sin. And it's not another question of course, because you're Catholic that we can stand by a thought by entertaining. After all we fear, we talk about being in thought word and deed. We learned that in our catechist. We all know that we can even commit mortal into thought if the matter has to be something period. Speaker 0 03:09 We have to fix your reflection. So we realize here serious matter and then we have a full consent of our will. Everybody knows that or should from the catechism when their child forgiven that and given the fact that without gray in possible, and given the fact that we live in a world that isn't making it any easier in a lot of people keep away from a lot of these occasions it's been learning. The controller isn't just in port, it's a salvation issue. So I want to make absolutely sure that everyone leaves to the day with a crystal clear idea of the techniques to you. If you're presented with temptations with tens of thought, a clear way, a clear idea of the 10 techniques you need to use to fight off temptation and prevent falling in to any in the car, all your parents should pay special careful attention to this so that you can teach this to your children and you young people. Speaker 0 04:09 I want you young people to listen to the, I missed the peak much of this to you. You need to get pay attention to this. Now. If you get this technique down at this point your life, you'll be able to avoid a lot of heartache and disasters later on. These techniques work for all the deadly sin. So let's get Pratt call and we'll break down the problem into few basic step first, what do we do right when we're being tempted? And second, how can we prepare beforehand before being tempted to first, what do we do right when we find ourselves being tempted? Okay, let's imagine some guidance. Xavier, we sent me fines and stuff with the temptation against period earth calling the pressure, but now what does that mean? That means the man says a little prayer. It doesn't have to be out loud. It doesn't even have to be under his breath. Speaker 0 05:01 It can even just be a mental prayer, but you should say a little prayer that runs along these lines. Now, you don't have to have the exact word, but this is the mean precious blood wash over me and protect me from the wickedness and snares of the Dell, right? Young people. I want you to memorize the crashes but washed over his blood, washed over me and protect me from the wickedness of the devil. Why would we do that? Why that particular prayer? Because this prayer will drive away the devil. Remember the demons contempt that by introducing images into our imagination and they don't have to be just pictures. Of course you remember learning about imagination. They can be feelings. They can be a and sounds and so forth. They can get as agitated to some degree calling on the pressure. Blood will drive with the devil. Speaker 0 05:51 Even if a man is not in the state of Gray Clare till work. Why? Because Christ the Lord. Get his blood thinners. Okay. Pray cracker bud. Walk over me and protect me. Wicked. There's the devil and if the camp face 50 Monica to go, it's like that. It'll be instantly gone. You won't even believe it if you've never done it before, it'll be gone so quick. You almost start laughing. I guarantee it. It works every time. It's from the devil. It'll be gone. Just like that. Takes that quick. Okay, so precious blood wash over me and protect me from the wicker. There's the devil. That's step one. Step two, pray. Mary Joseph, Saint Marie. Ready? Guardian Angel helped me. TJ marriage. St <inaudible>, Guardian Angel helped me to call on the heavy artillery from heaven. Okay. Jesus. Mary Jo. Saint Marie, ready, Guardian Angel Elton. Now we've done the plan at the 11th grade. Speaker 0 06:55 It took me a lot longer to complainant. It only takes an incident to save these Clare. It's all the p. Then you got heaven involved. Now you have to do your part. That means that the man had to n h in his imagination, he's been bothered by impure thought. His passions, his appetite are moving toward the pleasurable good, but therein immoral, pleasurable, good. He has to place a different image in his imagination. I always suggest doing the time for Montana doesn't have to be canoeing. That needs to fit the image or the temptation, the image with an image. Comparing that pleasurable, it's easy to imagine that you get a picture of very enjoyable and has absolutely nothing to do with the temp patient. Why is it important to imagine something enjoyable? Because right now his appetites are moving towards an enjoyable good, but it's morally sinful. Speaker 0 07:47 So rather than trying to control him too, he just doesn't worry about it. Passion and enjoyable, good. That doesn't have anything attached. Could do. The appetites will still move, but it's towards something legal, illegal pleasures, so he doesn't have to fight two things at one disordered passion and it can patient the same time. Just move it over and then the passion to moving towards something pleasurable toward the 10 patients. So quick review being entered against purity. As soon as he realized that we crave pressures, Bud washer really protect me from the wickedness. He's married, so Saint Marie Grady, Guardian Angel helped me. Then he move the image in his imagination. It's something pleasurable, which probably has something to do with Montana. Okay, now remember, as long as we're fighting, we're not kidding. This could last for a day. Heaven forbid you could be struggling with these kinds of thoughts and patients for a day or even days. Speaker 0 08:44 As long as you're fighting, there's no sin. That has nothing to do with how long the temptation, the 10 patients means to grow an orange. If you don't give in, it's not a time thing. If you're fighting, if you're not giving up your calling in clay, you pick, you've got to your prayer, you predicted it being overrun. It'd be like being on a DNP in creating the whole <inaudible>. You better call for help. This is happening. You're not strong enough. Thank to Adam. You can't handle this. You have to have crushes, but in heaven on your side. Danny moved to him and he's over. He keep fighting awkward Friday. We're not sending. That's what we do right at the moment. Second part, what should this man do before and took event falling into these things to keep from calling this thing Hafter member. Always remember that we're at war and we're trying to get to heaven. Speaker 0 09:33 That means we have to conquer the enemy. Of course, standing in the way of heaven and in a state of grace at the same time, to the degree that we're serious about conquering the influence of our enemy and there's three of them, the world and the devil cause it agree that we're serious about Cochinos enemies, the world, the quest, the devil because that very degree, we'll go on Horner. I took that very degree will gain mastery over 10 patients and then we'll take a brief moment to look at hard to see each one of these opponents. We'll start with the devil. We already saw one technique calling on the pressure, but you don't wait until there's a temptation. I've told you what's doing it. I do it all the time. You can do it right now. Just try to cultivate that as a habit. So an od foam is, comes into your mind, you're getting him out of a picture. Speaker 0 10:27 He's out of the equation is all if you're doing it. That's why the Lord shed it precious. But that's the only one that can protect it. We can't protect herself who demon, but we call in heaven and they can't. Okay, so precious foot use only water using holy waters, like declaring an all thermonuclear war against the devil I sprinkled around in my room and I'll owe her every night. I use a lot of holy water. It's important. They're out of there. That's why we have holy water. That's why it's right there and you can get it. Okay, holy water here or where. Okay, hold on onto it or crest on it. If you get nervous and tempted, pray rosary and packed it with it has a blessing. So even work pack where it'll keep the devil away. Say your prayer to Saint Michael, you should use blessed. Speaker 0 11:16 So in all your cooking one of these weekends, I'll just make it, I'll give you enough point. Everybody should bring in salt and have it blessed. You should be using breast salt in your house, especially in the funny times we're living in. Okay. And your candles too. Alright, I don't really belong right in a way per month. So precious. But holy water, crucifix, Rosary, Saint Michael, prayer candle or dog. Keep the devil away. So we got him a pitcher. Second crop the world. Now there is such a big problem in the antichrist culture that we live in. We can only cover a little bit of the worldly influence here, but look, if Catholic, if we're serious about getting you to heaven, we better start waking up and smelling the stall for we can't keep us be in both camp. When we go to confession, we promise to avoid sin in the near occasion, in an ocean, just B word, we've gotta be serious about it. Speaker 0 12:16 Start eliminating the new years occasion. It's sin. Okay, well just pretty day. I'll just draw your attention for your meditation. The media, the influence of the world. The media is a giant propagating propaganda operation. It isn't working on the side of the Holy Father. It's the same in angels in heaven. The world's media is serious about limiting the amount of worldly music to hear. Quit reading worldly books and magazine. Be Darn careful about the shorter videos you watch and dog come up with this stupid. You only got a few sinful scenes in it. If I had a box that deacon right here, that's rat poison, I could read you the ingredients divide 98% food. That's the 2% warfarin. That'll kill the rat. Nobody here Woody d con, but it's 98% all right. There's just a few little parts that are points where if you wouldn't do that, and that's your body, why on earth will you let some of this spill into your home and your mind when it's affecting your soul? Speaker 0 13:27 These kind of shows they made, they'll make a show. A lot of it's good. One or two more look things and it's set up by design. We've got to be serious about following our Lord. Our minds still infinitely more important than our body and we don't want to be doing two things. We're tough enough. What did our Lord Day here? You're not, then that can kill the body and are not able to kill the soul. Rather fear him. They can destroy both soul and body in hell. If we're worried we wouldn't eat rat poison, we shouldn't, but that kind of stuff, you know, use at home to reduce or eliminate as much lowly influences their lives in our lives, especially those from the worldly media. Third enemy of flesh. There's three points. Remember we're talking about the quest and that's their own body modification. Prayer and staying off occupied mortification currently not first point modification, Danika, great doctor of the church, a fantastic thing, but a man who is old, we all know also had some terrible problems with Chesney as a young man, terrible synagogue and gives some very good advice. Please listen carefully. Saint Augustan we to realize tens again, chastity are often very often the result of repeated indulgence of our centered parents. Did you hear that? Let me repeat that. We have to realize that tens against chats are very often the result of repeated indulgences of our senses. What is <inaudible>? Speaker 0 15:16 He say that if you spoil your kid with constant snack and sweetness and eating between meals and whatever they lie, you learn things <inaudible> his purity, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to need heroic purity to make to the south pole that we're descending into. And I mean just standing back to Saint Augustan, we have to realize that sins against chassis are very often the result of repeated indulgences of our centers. And since the body is always rebellious in its tendencies, we must keep it and a stay of habitual subjection by chastise here with our mortification, if we do not wish to make our body ours play it, we're inevitably in slave. Speaker 0 16:12 If we do not wish to make our body our play, it will inevitably in slave. Well, look around at the society we live in, our people's bodies, their slaves, or the slaves of their body. We need to make modification a part of our daily life. What did the Lord say? Unless you do penance, you shall surely perish. It sits flat, cut and dry. Set yourself a goal every day. Three small acts of mortification, three small acts every day. Okay. That's mortification. Second Point, prayer prayer is an essential aspect of cockiness. Thanks to Adam. It's a rebellion against the what prayers are most par for the Holy Rosary and the three hell marriage they need to be part of everyone's daily life. The birth mother was his board and having him one in what was going on in Portugal in 1917 and just thought she'd take a trip down. She came down to tell tele to pray the rosary. Speaker 0 17:19 Why? Cause she know what we need and she loved that said if we don't do it, hog down his lap. Pray your role. Three if a weapon Potterfield call it his weapon. He'd say 65 whole rosary everyday. I don't know how he did it. He's saying pottery pill, but we can say, but decades. Every day. Huh? The three hell married. They worked only for period. But you can ask the blessed virgin for help with any other virtue that you need to grow in any other bike you need to cock or fucker the campaign. He paid us three armories the morning at night. And if you want to up the ante and kneel on your fingers like this, you'd put your fingers, your hands on the floor like so. And then you kneel right down the fingers. Of course it'll hurt. You're can in that twice a day. Now you've got two out of your three modifications. Speaker 0 18:05 You can do it for three hell night. Probably not going to cripple you and it'll help Ya. And she knows, hey, he's serious about this. Okay. Alright, third point, they busy. Everybody knows that expression. The devil make work for Idaho Ham. That's not a joke. It is the teaching of the fathers of the church that for every one devil that pimp a busy man, their whole region of devil 10 thing and idol man, one devil and the busy man, Allegion of del Pimp, the evil man. We have to stay busy with municipal thought and useful labor. Launching around is asking for trouble. Stay busy. Any kid, mind your folk. This is important. It isn't just important cause it's obedient. It's important that keeps the devils the way you folks have. Some for you, dude. Doggone it. Do it. Okay. Now we've taken a quick look at how to cock the devil calling on the questions, but using holy water, the crucifix, Rosaries, Saint Michael Prayer blasted candle, but the tall, we've taken a quick look at how to conquer the Eveland foods in the world, especially by limiting our intake of Orly images from the media. Speaker 0 19:17 We've taken a quick look how to conquer the quest. Three small mortifications every day prayer, especially the rower three and the three hell married and we have to stay busy. All of course we have to have serious sacramentalized regular concessions, preferably at no more than two week interval. Alex <inaudible>. He keeps his thinking right. It's like, is this the grave to conquer up or take their failing? And if we're suffering a temptation, although it's not strictly matter for concession that bothers and doctors the church teaching, you can mention you suffer from a particular temptation, you will get gray automatically by doing that and confession Tel fight that went on. Okay? We also need to get serious about making serving community with good thanksgiving. Jeff, you've gone to communion. We begged the Lord for the grace is we need so desperately need to conquer and leave and get to heaven. Speaker 0 20:12 One distinct advantage here, if he takes on her to go to communion, and I mean that you have plenty of time to make a Thanksgiving where you don't have to be his track. Did he have the time to sit there, put your head on the back of the Pew and talk to Her Lord about what you need? That's where he come at you. He doesn't need anything. He's God. He's already got it all. He's there for us and he's coming in communion, Kira to go into community. Eric's going holiness and if we don't ask him for what we need so much, the law one communion should make us sustained. There's no lack in him. If, if you're not paying back your first clean, it's a fault in you. I can say that I'm not preaching at you. We have to talk to him and ask him what we need. Speaker 0 20:57 Okay. Because they agree. We make these kind of practices part of our daily life. Padre degree will have an easy and easier time growing in wholeness is fighting off temptation. All right, quick review. What are we doing with tech? Precious blood wash a marine protect me from the wicked snares. The devil. Jesus, Mary Chelster, Saint Maria, Goretti, Guardian Angel help me. We changed the image in our mind. We put a new image in our imagination of something pleasurable and good. Montana. Precious blood washed or Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Marie are ready. Guardian Angel helped me change the image in our mind. You young people get serious now. Break Good Foundation. Now keep good habits. Now don't wait. You've had a wreck to try. Learn how to do these kinds of things. It's a lot easier. You're becoming a snake. If you spend your life like Saint John, and if you spend your life like Seneca or Saint Mary Magdalen corn virtue now start right now and these little practices, keeping the devil out of your life, conquering sin. It's a lot easier if you get these habits. Now when you're tempted, say precious blood Washoe, me, Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint <inaudible> ready helped me change what you're thinking about. Precious Butt wash or me. Jesus. Mary chose the same. Breathe. Ready? Guardian Angel helped me change what you're thinking about.

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