Denying the Known Truth 2

January 03, 2018 00:43:26
Denying the Known Truth 2
Veritas Caritas
Denying the Known Truth 2

Jan 03 2018 | 00:43:26


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Speaker 0 00:00 Hi Marine Chris. You know, last week we considered what we've been told about the moral conditioner world before the second coming today we'll pick up where we left off last week and although we spoken about much of what we'll cover today, it bears repeating since so many are sucked in by these deceptions as usual, the quotes will be cut and paste and edited and uh, it's not an academic exercise so I'm not going to say every source before we get going or there is one resource I'd like to recommend. Steve wood has put together a series of free product free podcasts on biblical prophecy in the end times from a Catholic perspective. He's got about 50 of them up so far. They're each about 14 minutes long. You can find them at Luke 21 radio, it's at Again, those are free podcasts looking at biblical prophecy. Then times from a Catholic perspective, put up by Steve wood and you can find them at Luke 21 radio. Speaker 0 01:05 So you also, when you see these things come to pass, know that the kingdom of God is at hand. The name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Last week we saw the catechism of the Catholic church States that the church must pass the final trial in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. We saw that in those days, in spite of the fact that they will love pleasure more than God and be more both very wicked in their works and perverse their ideas, men will still profess to be Christians. We saw they'll be an absolutely terrible, unprecedented outbreak of evil during which time society will be wracked and torn into pieces by apostasy, Harrison citizen sedation revolution in war. We saw that in the midst of all that chaos, the anti-Christ will appeared. Speaker 0 02:05 We saw his marbles and seductions will not deceive a small roundness. Those are the people that love and believe in the truth. We saw that the men who have been resistant to the truth, they don't want to hear the truth because it hurts because it means they have to change their sinful and disorder ways of life and thinking. Men and want to live the way they want to live. Those men, the vast majority of men were received, but just punishment for the rejection of the known truth, which as we saw is one of the sins against the Holy ghost. So is it just punishment for the rejection of the known truth? The vast majority of men will fall under the operation that air. And so God would permit them to have what they do want and what they do love, which is the lie. And so they'll be deceived by the antichrist and they'll follow him. So if we're going to sum up what we've seen, we've seen that how we respond to truth is the key to our salvation. If we embrace the truth, if we submit ourselves our handle X or desires in service to the truth, ultimately we'll be saved. It's that basic. Speaker 0 03:22 But if we resist or reject the truth, if we live according to our desires, not according to the truth, and if we die in that condition, then we'll be damned. It's also that basic. So obviously each one of us needs to have a single heart and pursuit of the truth wherever it leads and however painful it might be. The truth himself told us that the truth would set us free and he knows what he's talking. Speaker 1 03:52 Yeah, bone. Speaker 0 03:55 So that's the big picture in terms of the moral climate of society and times at the time, the great apostasy, this great rebellion, there'll be a charitable, unprecedented outbreak of evil and society will be wrapped by apostasy, heresy, citizen sedition, revolution war and societal breakdown. Okay, so much for the review. Now let's apply this to certain, uh, aspects of our current situation. Obviously, we're only going to have time to touch on a few of the more serious issues in terms of societal breakdown. We'll start by speaking briefly about human sacrifice, which in our times has become a global phenomenon. There are only six countries in the world that I'll allow abortion under any circumstances. That's chili. The Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Speaker 1 04:51 terracotta, Malta, and Nevada can Speaker 0 04:57 say John called to made some very appropriate observations in this regard as in cyclical Evangelian V Tay and I call it the acceptance of abortion in the popular mind and behavior and even in lots self is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Even when the fundamental right to life is at stake. Given such a grave situation, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth and I have to call things by their property without yielding the convenient compromises or the temptation of self deception. In this regards, our approach to the prophet Isaiah is extremely straightforward. What are those who call evil, good and good evil? Who put darkness for light? Enlightenments for darkness? Close quote, the vicar of Christ. Speaker 0 06:00 We need know now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth and I call things by their proper name without yielding a convenient compromise. The temptation of self deception. Many people's conferences have become progressively obscured. The acceptance of abortion, the popular mind and behavior and even in law itself is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of moral sense, which is becoming more and more than capable of distinguishing between good and evil. There's so many signs of an almost complete societal breakdown and we couldn't possibly cover that. Just to point to a few of the form of a more obvious, the fundamental unit of society is the family. But we're reaching a point in our society at least, which vast numbers of men and women seem almost incapable of getting married and then stay married. Speaker 0 07:01 We've reached a point where praise bishops, Cardinals and even the Pope himself see in unable to teach or defend the truth revealed to us by Christ himself. In regards to marriage, we've reached a point where vast numbers of married couples are deliberately refusing to bring forth any children, right? Best, very few children. We've reached a point where vast numbers of children are not growing up with two parents in the home. We're vast numbers of parents seem incapable of properly disciplining the children that they <inaudible> do have. And in that regard, I suspect that a lot of this lack of discipline Springs from the fact that many of these indulgent parents are actually trying to appease their own kill. And so they spoil the survivors. They spoil the ones who lived through to see daylight. They spoil the children that survive that lottery. The ones who weren't sacrificed on those federal federally protected altars of state and the ones who weren't a board and the survivors of this Holocaust then for the most part have been forced by their very own parents to actually support spiritually participate in abortions, to spiritually participate in human sacrifice, to actually be in communion with human sacrifice, to actually receive unholy convenience by being inoculated with vaccines prepared using human fetal tissue vaccines prepared using living tissue, which was deliberately harvested. Speaker 0 08:42 And isn't that a beautiful word? Let me tissue sliced out a little human sacrifice and then used to prepare these potions which are then injected into the fences, little bodies of other babies and every time they receive a vaccination compare with fetal tissue, it's a medical and spiritual reality. If they are by that very act, receiving another unholy communion. It's a medical and spiritual reality. They're actually entering in a communion with a human sacrifice. It's a medical and spiritual reality. They're actually coming into community with the set tannic sacrifice. Speaker 1 09:27 Okay? Speaker 0 09:29 Oh, that little unbeatable Speaker 1 09:30 Ty's baby who's cut apart to get that fetal tissue. Speaker 0 09:37 It's a Diabolo conversion of the way a little Byzantine baby enters into community with our Lord sacrificed in the cross when he received Holy community. Every time that little Byzantine baby receives Holy communion, he comes into union with a crucified, resurrected savior and he receives the graces and the gifts of that union, the spiritual fruits of our Lord's death upon the cross peace and life, virtues and strength. Every time you received Holy communion and every time a little baby receives a vaccination prepared with fetal tissue, he comes into union with the file. Horrific death of another baby who were at the request of at least one of his parents was sliced to bits, was suffering, excruciating Speaker 1 10:31 the pain. Speaker 0 10:34 And by receiving that injection, he also receives the spiritual fruits of that satanic sacrifice in coy Ray Speaker 1 10:41 pain of death. Speaker 0 10:44 And that's repeated each time Speaker 1 10:47 he receives a vaccination prepared with fetal tissue every time, every time. Speaker 0 11:03 And so we're raising a confused, unruly generation. We in large part don't know what discipline in LaVar you have no direction, no meaningful purpose in life, her missing brothers and sisters because their parents didn't want anymore. Her Carolyn, the spiritual burden of any number of human sacrifices, and we're well aware, at least in their spirit and a vast number of cases that their very own parents have sacrificed their siblings. What does a generation like that care about us? Just watch what happens to elderly as euthanasia ramps up. Just watch. And if you all think the chaos over TVs and toys on black Friday was alarming, just wait till we have some food. Storage's her food shortages, he'd seen nothing yet. So societal breakdowns, addition, revolution, war, where there, where there all it's going to take to spar. Speaker 2 12:17 Where's the hair Speaker 0 12:23 we need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth and I now call things by their proper name without yielding a convenient compromises. The temptation of self deception, many people's conscious of it become progressively obscured. The acceptance of contraception, sterilization, divorce, unruly children, euthanasia and fetal tissue vaccines, the popular mind and behavior and even in law itself is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Speaker 0 13:11 Let's turn to apostasy and heresy. The last times we characterized by apostasy and heresy there certainly some of the most powerful forces in producing this whole wretched society filled as it is with people that are living with darkened minds and depraved morals who are deliberately obstinately resistant to the truth. These problems are so obvious at every level in the church that doesn't bear much common. All we have to do is simply point towards it. For example, the whole unreal situation, concern application, Morris tsetse, which many prelates are now claiming, but it's somehow consistent with the Catholic faith. You're put 10 but people are living in sin or action married. There's a compound that sacrilegious or scandalous recognition rather to compound that set scandalous recognition by extending to those poor sinners an official invitation to make sacrilegious communities. And that's a situation which prevails even in the diocese of Rome. We need now more than ever to have the courage to look truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name without yielding to convenient compromises. With a temptation of self deception. Many people's consciouses have become progressively obscured. Acceptance of POS in Harrison, the popular mind and behavior and even at the very Heights for the church itself are just telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis in the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Speaker 0 14:55 We've seen it in the last time too, have false prophets and false teachers performing false signs and false wonders and preaching a false faith with false words all under the guidance of evil spirits. And in that regard. Let's touch briefly on magic Korea on the 14th of January, 1985 we're talking almost 33 years ago. Well, VICA one of the Sears was supposedly an ecstasy, a Frenchman, pop getter in the eyes and she jerked away. Now the true ecstasy, she wouldn't have moved. That's bad enough, but it gets worse. She left the room and then she returned, explained that the reason that she moved was because our lady had appeared with the child cheese and just when a freshmen poked at her, it looked as if the charges were going to slip Speaker 2 15:49 far lady sands. Speaker 0 15:52 Oh, that's completely believable. The whole episodes filmed. It's easy to find on the internet, but just ask yourself, if you saw someone dropping a baby, any baby, would you jump backwards or would you jump forward and try to catch that shot before it hit the floor? Are we supposed to believe that our lady, the mother of God, came down from heaven just to drop her son on the floor? Is that what we're supposed to believe? And it happens just with some guy pokes at Vicar's eyes. Can anyone believe it's can any reasonable man believe this? The people that believe these lies believe them cause they want to believe. Speaker 2 16:54 Okay. Speaker 0 16:57 We need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by the proper name without yielding a convenient compromises. The temptation of self deception. Many people conferences I become progressively obscured. Acceptance of false apparitions and false visionaries with false signs and false wonders is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral stance which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Now before we go any further, I like everyone to notice something. So far the sermon, I've criticized certain members of the hierarchy and even the current Pope, I'd like everyone to notice two things in the first place. What your cure, your reaction was to those critiques, whether they disturb you or not, but they made you uncomfortable, angry or not. And the second place, how you react to the following critiques, whether they disturb you or not, whether they make you uncomfortable or angry. Another characteristic of the last times is citizen. Speaker 0 18:14 The time of POS in heresy. Susan can seem very attractive, very tempting to those Catholics who managed to keep the true faith because it offers an appearance. Lou should, for all the chaos they can say to themselves, let's just get away from all this. CISM is a crystallization of Orthodox to sin. Citizen occurs when either a group or even an individual while keeping the truth. Faith, nevertheless, voluntarily, knowingly, and deliberately separates himself from the unity of the church by refusing to submit to the legitimate authority of the Pope and order remain in community with those who are subject to him as a catechism, a Pope Saint Pius, the 10 States that was the official catechism promulgated during his reign. Speaker 2 19:00 Hello, Speaker 0 19:02 who are schismatics answer, so says, medics are those Christians who will not explicitly denying any dogma. He had voluntarily separate themselves from the church of Jesus Christ. That is from their lawful pastors. Speaker 2 19:15 Close call. Speaker 0 19:18 Let's not forget a fat Amar lady asked for the conversion of Russia from CISM to Catholicism. Speaker 0 19:27 Santa Gustin comments, senses, and quote. It's a manifest rule that one art and no wise the seed from the Catholic communion that is from the body of Christians throughout the world, but the establishment of a separate communion even on the admission of evil and sacrilegious men close to cool. So Stan Augusta makes it perfectly clear that even with even with Eve on sacrilegious men present the church and it seems like we have a bumper crop of them right now, we cannot and must not under any circumstances separate ourselves from the unity, the church and form a separate communion. Now notice Santa gust is not setting Canon law and the reason for this is because CISM is essentially a question of moral theology. Not legal question system is not something that comes into being by a legal declaration. When speaking of heresy, sanded off fonts speaks of Herrick takes before God. Speaker 0 20:23 In other words, if someone who is a heretic but it's not when legally declared so by a som judgement of the church, the idea here is that the sin of heresy proceeds the judgment. The church, the man actually is a heretic. And even if the church never got around. In a particular case of judging some man, if he were to stubbornly deny any revealed truth of the Catholic faith, even he'd been shown to be wrong, he would still be a heretic before God judgment or not. Okay, so the situ situation with CISM is analogous. We can speak of systematics before God. In other words, people are cinematic, but if not been legally declared. So by some judgment of the church, the cynicism proceeds the judgment of the church. If a group or even an individual while keeping the true faith, nevertheless voluntarily, knowingly, and deliberately separate himself from the unity of the church, but refusing to submit to legitimate authority of the Pope and or to remain Romanian community with those who are separate to them here, they would still miss his magic even if the church never got around to making a som declaration, they'd be schismatics before God. Speaker 0 21:35 So CISM is principally a question, a moral theology, not Canon law. One notable aspect of the particular evil spirit behind the cynicism is that it gives it adherence of sinis impression, which is really an illusion of purity and piety. It helps them make, make them feel Holy and good about maintaining doc trial and moral purity, and at the same time feel justified and separate themselves who legitimately needs to the pole and our community with other Catholics as if they might somehow become tainted by these sort of associations. But even with evil on stark, we're just men present the church and admittedly we seem to have a lot right now. We cannot and must not under any circumstance, separate ourselves from the unity of the church and form a separate communion. With that in mind, let's pause for a moment and consider a historical situation within hours, literally hours of their consecration, one of the first bishops of the church committed suicide. The first Paul denied the Lord three times and along with nine of remaining bishops proceeded to abandoner. In other words, roughly nine 3% of the first bishops of the Catholic church, including the Pope, ran away. Speaker 2 23:02 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 23:04 It's absolutely spectacular. Speaker 2 23:06 <inaudible> Speaker 0 23:08 look at this stage. She's the cross. You all see the Pope in there anyway. No you don't cause he wasn't there. Speaker 2 23:19 <inaudible> Speaker 0 23:22 he wasn't there. Now think about that for a moment. Within hours of being consecrated, roughly 90% of the first bishops of the Catholic church, including the Pope, abandoned our lore. Only one remained faithful to the bear end. It's impossible. Thank you for more bitter end than standing there at the foot of the cross net. At that time, he couldn't explain what was happening. How could God die? This is distance. PSI. Hang in there, what's going on? But even though he couldn't answer those questions yet, he stayed close to our lady because he stayed close to our lady. Even when a scandal, a whore, or too great for his fellow bishops, he remained faithful. He stayed close to early and he remained faithful. Speaker 0 24:17 It'd be sheer blasts me to suggest that a response to all this st John, the faithful apostle, the faithful Bishop should separate himself from community with Peter and the other apostles and set up his own separate community to keep away from all those sinners who abandoned and even denied our Lord. But that's exactly what Susan is. And if st John had no reason or any right to break unity in the midst of the body and he had then how much less is anyone over these past 2000 years had the right to break unity of the mystical body. Speaker 0 24:53 As we enter more deeply into the passion, the church, and as it looks sever and more and more like his mystical body is dying and so many of his hierarchy or banning our Lord, even with evil and sacrilegious men present the church, even if we can't explain what's happening, if we stick close to our lady, she'll obtain for us the grace not to break commune with Peter in the church. The grace to not refuse to submit to the legitimate authority that pole in order to remain in community with those who are subject to him because we cannot and must not under any circumstance, separate yourselves from the India church and form a separate community. This is a salvation issue. Speaker 2 25:41 Okay. Speaker 0 25:43 So far I've criticized st Peter all the apostles and Saint John, Saint John and beloved certain members of the hierarchy, even current Paul. That's a pretty formidable list. Now remember that asked everybody to know two things. The first place, what your cheery reaction was to the creeps so far, whether they disturbed you or not, or they made you uncomfortable or angry or not. The second place, how you react to the fine critiques, whether they distribute or not, whether they make you uncomfortable, angry, not because now I'm about to break some unwritten mood rules. I have a letter in my possession written by a very likable and sell us young SSSP pass, SPX priest, which he actually praises me and the parish in which I was working at the time and yet not very same letter insists that in spite of these good things, the laity should avoid that perish precisely because quote, as the FSSP has an element of compromise, but this means when union a conciliar church as FSSP has element of compromise, is consequently evil, must therefore be avoided. Close call. Speaker 0 26:52 Well, that's not a unique opinion. In fact, since the early seventies this at least has been at the heart of the very heart of the SSPs approach to the crisis and the church. I'll just cite a few quotes from arch Bishop FEV to make the point. 1976 called this conceal. Your church is there for non-Catholic. To whatever extent Paul Bishop's proof your faith, faithful, adhere to this new church. They separate themselves from the Catholic church. Close quote, Archbishop affair 1987 core Rome has lost the faith, my dear friends, Romans and apostasy. These are not words in the air is the truth. Rome is an apostasy. They have left the church. That's it. Sure, sure, sure. Close code, Archbishop PlayFab, 1987 quo, the CF Peter and the post of authority wrong being occupied by anti-Christ. The destruction of the Keno overlord has been rapidly carried out even within his mystical body here below. Speaker 0 27:47 This is what brought his brought down upon our heads persecution by the roam of the antichrist. Close quote, Archbishop affair, large question, a priest who rotted me. We're certainly not the only ones with all these social views. Here are a few excerpts from an open letter to Cardinal cannon signed by 24 SSPs peer years in July, 1988 cool. As for us, we're in full communion with all the pops and bishops before the second Vatican council. We have never wished to belong. This system which calls itself the conciliar church. We ask for nothing better than to be cleared outside of the Saint Pius community with on God to be publicly associated with excommunication. The bishops would be for us a Mark of honor and a sign of Orthodox before the faithful. The priests who served them are not in community with a counterfeit church. Speaker 1 28:34 Close court Speaker 0 28:38 as Pope Benedict, the 16th state of the SSPs, bishops and priests, even after lifting next communication quote, they do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the church. Close quote, Pope Benedict the 16 they're suspended RTVs. What this means in their case that unless they're actually done, there's other things, but this is important. Unless they're actually dying, they have to have that suspension lifted before they can be validly validly absolved Speaker 1 29:06 from their sins. I think about that for a second. There's a barrier Speaker 0 29:13 between the suspended priest and the confessor, so until unless they have the suspension lifted by wrong, they cannot make a good confession because they can't be validly absolved unless of course they're dying. Speaker 1 29:27 Think about that. That means something. Speaker 0 29:32 I think it's one of the principle reasons why over the course of the years, they've lost buff 50% of the priests. As far as I know, no, Speaker 1 29:39 it's the highest percentage of anything in the world. These men really need our prayers. We really need to pray for them. Speaker 0 29:50 And for all those many years until Pope Francis apparently extend them as faculty, they could not lift the excommunication. It's attached to abortion. Since they did not have those faculties except the case of someone actually die, but they didn't tell anybody that. Speaker 1 30:09 They didn't tell anybody that. Speaker 0 30:13 When you go in a diocese, that's one of the first things you find out your faculties. Can I lift that excommunication cause I've worked in one where you could, how many poor people have been left their sins as a result of this? How many Speaker 1 30:34 think about that? That means something. Speaker 0 30:40 This SPX, Bishop's reordering priests. And as you know from your catechism, Holy orders leaves an indelible Mark. So it's a sacrament which cannot and must not be repeated without the pain of sacrilege. You had the Rio day priests and at least one case and that sex PX Bishop, we ordained a priest that had bought, been ordained by the Pope and SSPs Bishop. We ordained a priest who had been ordained by the pole. Think about that. That means so they reconfirm Catholics, as you know from a catechism, confirmation is another sec. That leaves an indelible Mark, so to sacrament, which cannot, must not be repeated under the pain of sacrilege. Yet they customarily reconfirmed Speaker 1 31:33 the Catholics. Think about that. That means something Speaker 0 31:41 and in an absolute unheard of novelty as if the council of Trent never even happened. They judge marriage cases and even Derek grant and almonds, in spite of the explicit anathema of the council of Trent, and I quote Canon 12 anyone said the matrimonial cases do not belong to the ecclesiastical judges. Let him be anathema. Close quote accounts of Tran. Speaker 1 32:10 Think about that. That means something Speaker 0 32:16 we spoke earlier about the pap application, the Morris, the tsetse, by which many products are now claiming that somehow consistent with the Catholic faith, you're pretend that people are living in sin are actually married and then compound that sacrilegious recognition by extending to those poor sinners and official invitation. Exactly. There's communions and we pointed out that situation prevails and wrong. But it's only fair to point out that these horrors were first promoted on a grand scale and the Catholic circles not by liberals, by the traditionalist, by groups such as the society of Saint PI's of 10 for decades. No direct repudiation of the teaching, the concept of trend and encouraged countless couples to invalidate, attempt to contract a sacrad American or chapels and nuts to live together without the benefit of actual Sacramento marriage. And yet at the same time continue to receive community. And although the tragedy press has been on fire with condemnations, the antics around more so the tsetse and rightly so, still there's not a peak from that same trade press about the fact that it's very thing has been going on for decades. Speaker 1 33:27 Traditional chapel's not a P. Speaker 0 33:31 in fact, the trade press doesn't address any of the issues Speaker 1 33:37 then we've talked about and you should also think about that cause that means something Speaker 0 33:47 to top all this off. We have the spectacle in September of 2015 a Bishop Flay writing letter and the proper standing marriage to the Pope. Now content wise, it's actually a good laughter. That's true, but given that he's been a superior to SSPs, it's 1994 and given that for decades the SSPs has insured as a matter of principle that virtually all the marriages contract in their chapels are invalid. This is really a little hard to take seriously. In 1991 three of the SS picks, bishops consecrate and another Bishop without a papal mandate, so not only were they consecrated bishops against the will of pulp, they have also consecrated Bishop against the will of Paul, but if the Pope commands a Bishop to not consecrate that he cannot claim a papal mandate to consecrate, but then it would be claiming that the church has had on earth Speaker 1 34:45 is not DePaul. Think about that. That means something, Speaker 0 34:55 although the SSPs seems to be very concerned of Vatican too, as we've seen, they haven't hesitated to trample on a clear teaching the council of Trent and their Sacramento practices alone. They've made compromise after compromise after compromise and in the process establishing the whole regime of unheard of novelties and yet they dare to claim their preserving tradition. That brings us back to a quest I made seven minutes ago. I asked her who wanted to know what his interior reaction was to critiques. I may have seen Peter bald, the pastas except st John and beloved of certain members of the, and even the current Pope and I mentioned I was going to break several hundred rules and I asked everyone to know whether the tweaks I was about to make disturbed him or made him uncomfortable and angry. I did that for a good reason. Speaker 0 35:53 I've noticed something very interesting over the years. I have never had anyone get angry and complain or my critiques of st Peter, the apostles or in fact any of those things. I've served under three popes and although I have never had any good angry, I've had a few, a very few people complain of my critiques of those pups. That being said, without exception, virtually every time I've made even the mildest critique of the SSPs, I have had a significant number of people get angry and complain and to make even the slightest correction or critique of the Archbishop is just absolutely unacceptable. And so at this point I would like to divide all those or split up right now to enter themselves and consider this question. Why is it acceptable on the one hand to offer a faithful critique of the saints, the Paul, the hierarchy, what have you, but on the other hand, why is it unacceptable to do exactly the same thing in regards to SSPs and Archbishop affair? Speaker 2 37:11 Think about that. Speaker 0 37:14 That needs some <inaudible>. Speaker 0 37:20 That's what we've seen. The cynicism proceeds, the judgment of the church. If a group or even an individual will keep a true faith, nevertheless, voluntarily, knowingly, and deliberately separated himself from the church by refusing to submit to legitimate authority of the Pope in order to remain to come in with those who are subject to him here, they would still be systematic even if the church never got around to making a song Declan. But there has been a som declaration CISM by a church whose judgments cannot be appealed. St John Paul to call in itself the sacrifice, one of disobedience, the Roman pontiff in a very grave matter and of Supreme importance for the unity of church such as the ordination of bishops whereby the appestat succession sacramentally perpetuated heads such disobedience, which implies a practice. The rejection of the own primacy constitutes a systematic act. I wish, especially to make an appeal ball, Solomon heartfelt paternal fraternal to all those who until now have been linked in various ways for movement of Archbishop affair. They may fulfill the grave duty of remaining United to the vicar of Christ and the unity of the Catholic church and of ceasing their support in any way for that movement. Everyone should be aware of that. Formal he adherence facism is a grave offense against God. Close quote, Pope Saint John Paul the second July 2nd, 1988 everyone should be aware that formula here, it's this isn't, it's a grave offense against God. Speaker 0 39:02 Think about that. That means one of the best camera Moyers in the world. A man who I also consider to be a very, obviously Holy recently addressed this very question and I'm speaking about Cardinal Burke. I call despite the various arguments surrounding the question. The fact of the matter is that the priest, the society of Saint Pius, the 10th isn't citizen since the late Archbishop Marcel FF ordained for bishops without the mandate of the Roman pontiff and so it is not legitimate to attend mass receive the sacraments of the church that's under the direction of the processes. I as Saint Pius attempt, well Benedict the 16th lifted excommunication for bishops ordained without the papal mandate, but the requirement for having excommunication lifted is that a person has withdrawn from his condoms now desires to be fully reconcile the church, but in fact that hasn't happened and so they're no longer excommunicated, but they're also not irregular community with the Catholic church. Close quote, Cardinal Burke. The fact of the matter is the priestess society see pies attendant sincere, does anyone care about their soul? Speaker 0 40:25 How we need to pray. Really pray for the speed return of all those faithful priests and bishops who've cut themselves off from the vine. I need to pray. We need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth and I call things by the proper name without yielding a convenient compromise. A temptation of self-deception, many people's conscience is it become progressively obscured. The acceptance of citizen in the popular mind and behavior is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis. The moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Speaker 0 41:11 Let's close the last times. There'll be an absolutely terrible unprecedent outbreak of evil during which time society will be torn apart by posse heresy, citizen sedition or evolution, or we live in dark, dark. Our society is being torn apart by apostasy heresy, Susan's edition. We're fighting Wars and fomenting revolutions all over the globe. We find ourselves immersed in society of men who for the most part still profess to be Christians but are wicked in the works. Perverse in your ideas and who will clearly love pleasure more than God. Men for the most part, we don't want to hear the truth because it hurts because it will hurt them and causing them to have to change your sinful disordered ways of life. Ways is thinking. Men who would rather have teachers affirmed them in their sins and Leiden than to correct their false beliefs and vices and hurt their feelings. The church is in shambles. The pop says so many bizarre things. It's impossible to keep track of a mall. We need to pray for fidelity to the truth. We need to pray for humility to embrace the truth. No matter how painful, no matter how much it costs, we need to pray for the humility to take responsibility for our own actions, for the humility to admit it when we're acting wrongly or thinking wrongly Speaker 0 42:47 as we enter ever more deeply. The passionate church in these dark, dark days as it looks ever more like his mystical body is dying covered with wounds. Smith, bison abandoned by so many priests, members of hierarchy, even though we can't fully explain what's happening. If we stay close to our lady, we stayed close to her lady. She'll obtain for us the grace to remain faithful to the hand, Speaker 1 43:13 to remain faithful to the truth, to truth incarnate until the end, till the very.

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