Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:02 Hi, Maria, Christina, the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the face of Saint Nicholas. This at least when I was a little boy was always an occasion for real examination of conscience. Because at night I would lay awake, looking at the ceiling, the dark, wondering if I would get cold and hoping I wouldn't get cold because at least for, in our family and, and, uh, uh, families, I think that are of German descent. You set your boots by the door and in the morning, you'd go running down. And if you're a good boy, that'd be an orange and some Canon, if you're bad, it'd be cold. So it was always good. I entered in and thought about it and I've always remembered that day because of it. Saint Nicholas is one of these kind of saints. That's more to be admired than imitated.
Speaker 0 00:00:46 He's very much like pottery appeal. So many miracles and all that. Just an amazing thing. When he was a baby, he would only nurse after son, Don and Wednesdays and Fridays. And only once those were the days of fast. And so you can imagine what his mother and his dad must've thought, I'm like, this is unbelievable. And you know, it it's in the bravery. We're certain this happened because they were amazed at this child. He became a religious and then the Bishop Myra in, in what's now Turkey, but it was a part of the Greek church in those days. And, uh, he's living in the late two hundreds and early three hundreds. And we there's plenty of famous stories about them. Just a few is, uh, there were three girls from a very poor family, C obtained a dowery for each one of them threw them through the windows.
Speaker 0 00:01:36 They ended up getting married and getting placed. Well, he did, he did that, but he buys a locator. He'd buy locate. For example, there was a storm on the sea and people started crying out for him. He's alive at the time, he appears in the sky and calms it down. He's a patron of sailors and you could see this on Holy cards in icon, sometimes a picture of Saint Nicholas and the air with the, with the ship in a storm at the, at the niacin council, he, while he was he's in prison at Diocletian and maximum, he was in prison for being, uh, a Bishop, a Catholic and being faithful. And, uh, then he was released on a constant teed and called to the council, sees it the cop tonight. See it. And that's when they're trading with areas, you know, areas is this deacon from perhaps a priest, but I think a deacon from Alexandria who was playing word games.
Speaker 0 00:02:26 So they, the areas areas taught that you could say parcels Creek because they, but they, they had word games or that cause they believed that Christ was the son of God, but he wasn't God, the son. And so that's why the Nicene creed so hammered out well, anyway, areas was holding forth. The nicey council and st Nick's was so mad. He just went up, popped him one right in the face and laid him out. And so the other bishops, this was in the presence of the emperor and other bishops stripped him of the best parts he's wearing. He took away his Holy books and he was well that night, our Lord and our lady showed up in the prison, said, what are you doing here? He says, I'm here for love of you. So our Lord gave him a copy of the gospels and our lady gave him the best ones and put them on.
Speaker 0 00:03:10 And in the morning that jailer showed up and he wasn't in his chains or anything anymore. So they let him back into the council. And there's a Holy icon showing him strike in areas of this too. So just a great guy like that, all kinds of all kinds of amazing things, raising people from the dead and so forth right now, his relics, there's an ongoing mirror. His relics exude a mirror, it's this with it comes out of him. It stopped four or five times historically during history for various reasons, but they're in Berry, Italy, and they, they drip off this white fluid. And, uh, and it's this mirror that comes up this world miracle working mirror. So his relics are still showing the holiness of Saint Nicholas even at this day. Anyway, that's just a little bit about the great Saint Nicholas.