Follow the Good Shepherd

January 14, 2003 00:21:30
Follow the Good Shepherd
Veritas Caritas
Follow the Good Shepherd

Jan 14 2003 | 00:21:30


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Speaker 0 00:01 Kid says cure had to take care of the bombers and over all the years piney was my favorite. Now you might be wondering, what are you talking about father? Well, in spite of all Disney in the radical environmentalist might lead us to believe even nature has been knocked a little bit out of whack by the fall of Adam. A bomber is short for urban land in a bum. Lamb is a lamb whose mama won't take care of it until last you graphed her onto another you or take her in and put her on a bottle. That lamb will be mighty dead, mighty quick. And as you probably gathered from the name, my sister stuck on her. Keeney was a little teeny tiny bum lamb. At the same time, my situ was a real little peanut herself. He was probably four or five years old. And anyway, she'd mix up the milk replacer and put it in big old bottles and stick a nipple on it and then go out and feed the bum land. Speaker 0 01:03 And I still smile. Every comment, think about Teenie, how little she would be and she'd be running, moping around. And run around and jumping like lamb's do and just kind of bad, and when my sister came out and called her name, she just come running. She knew she was going to get a belly full nil, and it's one of those great pictures I have in my mind of this real little girl feeding an even tinier lamb. Some years later I was home visiting. We were standing outside watching the lambs running around while the sheep were grazing price 60 or 80 yards away. I told my sister, what a big kick I used to get out of watching her, the teeny and I wondered whatever happened to Teenie did we still have her? And she then sold down the road to the sale yard and my sister answered by turning and saying about this loud. Speaker 0 01:52 He said, she said that all of a sudden you just swung right up. I broke out of that band and the rest of the sheep and came running straight towards my sister with two little lamps scampering behind her doing their best to keep up. She came round up on high Lope, just skidded right in front of my little sister to stop. My sister said, that's teeny and what could I do? But laugh. My sister had spoken Kenny's name just loud enough for the sound to carry and Tinny, had practically run over all the other sheep, turned in a different direction and come running teeny shear. Knew my sister's voice. She sure hadn't come run into me and I'd said your name two or three times during the course of this conversation, wondering where he was. She was, and commenting on how much fun I used to have watching my sister, your feet teeny. Speaker 0 02:44 Of course, in today's Gospel, I've Lord identifies himself as a good shepherd and he identifies us as his sheep. There are only a few lines before the passage in today's scripture, he points out that the sheep or the shepherd's voice and quote, our Lord calls his own sheep by name and leads them out, and when he has brought out all his own, he goes before him and the sheep, follow him for his sheep. Know his voice. Crows court, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So just like Kenny knew his voice and my sister and would break out of the band and come running and follow my sister around. So also our lord sheep know his voice and it should break out of the vein and come running and follow him around. After all our Lord is the Good Shepherd. We should know his voice and follow him. But how do the sheep know his voice? Speaker 0 03:39 Do they actually here? Yes they do. Since he said, is it possible to go out and preach his name, his sheep? Here's voice speaking through his church, speaking to the holy scriptures, speaking through sacred tradition like this beautiful liturgy, speaking to the teachings of the pole and Ecumenical Council. And of course sometimes he, she, him speaking quietly and soft brightness of their hearts. And what does he say to that? She the pan. Confess your sins and be holy. Be Holy to God's holy will. The Good Shepherd says, Clo, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. And who does not love me does not keep my words close. Quote. So the sheep, the father, good shepherd hear his voice, telling him to repent, to confess their sins, to be holy, to do his holy will, and to keep his commandments, to follow him in the one frog with the one shepherd. Speaker 0 04:56 Now let's stop for a moment and think about teeny again on my sit spoke, her name tinny came running with their lambs, but the rest of the band kept grazing. They didn't pay any attention to my sister's voice. And isn't that just like lie chess is teeny 70 in passing out a band that came running. Don't we regularly see people suddenly or panic suddenly running away from the band that they've been traveling with suddenly changing their ways, negative confession, returning to the practice of the faith? Hasn't that happened in some degree, tall of us and haven't we seen people who almost inspired themselves here, Lord, calling them to convert and how many wonderful converts have we been blessed with? What an amazing blessing. It's incredible and they're coming in all the time. The good shepherd calls the sheep and by name and his sheep we're following so we can see the incredible up the good shepherd has for man. Speaker 0 05:59 Holly gathers them into his flock and feeds them. But the blessed sacrament and with his divine truth, he heals your wounds with confession and extreme unction and she show their love for their shepherd by following him and walking in his commandments. But now let's stop for a moment again and just compare ourselves to bom land. Like teeny. See when Kenny was born, at least he was born alive and if he hadn't got help soon, she the wound up dead. But with us, it's a different story. Supernaturally speaking, we're all born dead. Every one of us when we're born, we're basically all little black sheep who belong to the bad shepherd. That's why the baptism before the bat, kids in the priest and the series of exorcisms, why to remove the power, but the bad shepherd has over us before we're given supernatural life and moved into the flock, the good shepherd. Speaker 0 07:01 See, thanks to Adam by nature we are born showed in of Wrath, dead in sin. And so naturally speaking, we'll all walk in a way of sin or naturally follow the bad shepherd, but just as Christ was resurrected from the dead. So also we've been resurrected from the death of sin to the life of grace by needs of our baptism. And because of that, we can now supernaturally follow the good shepherd by walking in the ways of the command. So there's a situation, if we ignore the call, the Good Shepherd, and we stay at the level of nature, we're dead. We're going to be black sheep following the bad shepherd. But if we responded to his call and we've been lifted up to life of grace to the supernatural level, then we're alive precisely with that grace. And that gives us the supernatural power to follow the Good Shepherd and keep the commandments. Speaker 0 08:04 Okay, so there's three points every one of us needs to burn into his mind. Three points. First, naturally speaking, we are in dire straits where little thumb lambs and we need supernatural help from my Lord. If we lead a natural life, we're doing, there's no two ways around it. If we live a natural life, we're doomed. That's the first point. The second point is the enemy knows that he's got an angelic intelligence. And the third point is we're at war, okay? So if we lead a natural life, we're doomed. The enemy knows that, and we're at war in the line right before today's Gospel. Our Lord describes the war when he was described as the wolf catching and scattering the sheep. That might not sound like much, but she had a clear idea of what the Lord's referring to by that. Let me just tell you one typical story about a coyote getting into sheep. Speaker 0 09:11 Now keep in mind that a Kyle is just a puck when you compare it to a wool. Okay? This Kyle got into some shape advantage. She belonged to a friend of mine. Well, they were out grazing and everybody happened to be in town. No, she put her no good shepherd, okay? That means the cow didn't catch a bullet. That means the cop gotta do what comes naturally. And since coyotes aren't accustomed to watching nature programs on TV, they don't know anything about how cuddly and environmentally sensitive they're all supposed to be. See in real life, coyotes don't just kill to eat. They don't just kill the, this Kyle killed 30 or 40 sheep, most of them lambs by grabbing by the neck and just shaking around and worrying to death and then leaving them brought along hamstring and news took down news it a few bags off him. Speaker 0 10:04 See that's typical of a Kyle. A lot of times they'll just eat that or they'll hand string the you eat the choice cuts while she's still laying there quite alive and then went on to something else. Of course during this attack, besides leaving a whole trail of dead and dying sheep all over the country, he also scared the sheep. There were live all over the range. Nevada, to give you an idea, a better picture of what the Good Shepherd is referring to when he warns us about the wolf and what he wants to do to his sheep caloric sheet, how wolf hates us and wants to kill us and dragons. Down the hill. Since of course the wolf is the devil, the bad shepherd who is at war with us. So since we're at this war, we ought to take a moment to study the tactics of the enemy. Speaker 0 10:55 So we'll take a real quick look at the teachings of the enemy. And for that we'll turn to the obvious source satanic creatures. We're just human mouth pieces. Put the batch after not for this section is man, I'm relying heavily on a student observer of popular culture. Mr Eric <inaudible>. Before we go to the series of quotes from Satanic crease, please know this is important. Remember the basic tactics and the devil don't have anything to do with levitations spitting heads. Power pills are called weirdness, curses and spelled. Those are all part of the demonic and we don't want to make fun of them or say that they don't happen. That sort of weird stuff does happen, but that's not the devil's basic plan. It just won't attract that many people. That's just the devil being moron and showing up. Keep in mind that the good shepherd asked the sheep to keep his 10 commandments. Speaker 0 11:55 The devil asks his sheep to keep only one commandment. This commandment is the absolute absolute foundation of Satanism. Make no mistake about it. There's one commandment here it is to what? A will is the whole of the law to what the world is to hold a little wall. Now what does that mean? It means do whatever you want to do. You decide have it your way. It's your choice. This is the basic temptation of the devil. Quotes Anton of a satanic preached founder of the Church of Saint and may God have mercy on his soul. Quote, I can do anything I want to. I can pursue any kind of lustful desires and engage in any activities there so called sinful activities. Close quarreled and Tanabe, founder of the church. You say, I can do anything I want. Boyd Rice Satanic craves the quote. The Stanek world is a world in which we fall. Speaker 0 13:13 The Laws of nature, close quo, cause Stanek world is a world in which we called the laws of nature. Now remember, if we lead a natural life, we're Marilyn Manson, satanic, crazy and bizarre rock star quote. The idea of antichrist is just acceptance of yourself as a powerful being who can make their own decisions. It's not someone with a six, six, six on their head. Satanism is about worshiping yourself because you're responsible for your own good and evil because quote Satanism is about worshiping yourself because you are responsible for your own good and evil. Where have we heard that before? And the serpent said to the woman, no, you shall not die. The death for God. Noah, then in whatever day so ever you shall eat there. Uh, your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as God knowing good and evil. Genesis Chapter Three Satanism is about worshiping yourself because you're responsible for your own good and evil. And the serpent said to the woman, you should be as gods knowing good and evil. Let's sum up what do you sit? Tannic. Crease tell us. Satanism is all about worshiping yourself in determining for yourself what's good and evil. The Satanic world is a world in which we follow the laws of nature. So go have, do anything you want to pursue your lustful desires. Engage in a cell called <inaudible> activities that appeal to you. Speaker 0 15:10 That's what the enemy preaches. Remember, if we lead a natural life, we're doomed. We're at war. Our enemy who hates us and wants to kill us and drag us down hell realizes full well that if he can get us to lead a life at the level of nature he's got us and we're at war and there are no peace treaties with a doubt. How successful is this basic tack of State? His basic temptation for each one of us to live a natural life, just do our own thing, to decide for ourselves what's right and wrong rather than to live a supernatural lie and heed our Lord's command to keep all 10 of his commandments. How successful is his tactic? Well, first we'll read the enemy's mail in the winter, 1999 edition of Gnosis and a called magazine. They have an interesting commentary quo. If there's anything horrifying in satanism teachings, it's that these are the principles by which most of the people live most of the time, usually without even a minute to themselves, close call. Speaker 0 16:34 If there's anything horrifying and satanism is teachings, it's at. These are the principles by which most of the people who live most of the time, but we don't have to rely on an and to get a body calm. Look around at our world. The essence of Catholicism is to do whatever he wants and we imitate her. When her inspired words of our lady, the lady who crushes the head of the serpent said they had done unto me according to thy word, the essence of Satanism is the opposite. That guy were not die with the my will be done. Speaker 0 17:18 How many people, even people who claim to be Catholic, make strenuous efforts to lead a supernatural life and keep all 10 commandments instead the majority? Or is it a minority? Many or call each one of us needs to look in his heart are 10 ask himself, who am I following? Am I following the Good Shepherd? Am I keeping the 10 Commandments? Am I following the one who's the way, the truth and the life and showing him that I love him by doing his well? Am I doing whatever I want? We know the devil doesn't speak only to satanic priests. He may be a moron, but he's not that big of a moron after all. They're just not that many satanic prays and they're caught. Weirdness just isn't going to appeal to that many people. Devo has plenty of other ways to deliver this message to us these days. Speaker 0 18:30 One of his most successful ventures has been in the realm of popular music that's close by meditating on some of the verses from the head song, which according to priests from the Church of Satan is one of the most evil satanic songs at the 20th century. I'll read the first and last verses from this song, one of the most evil satanic songs in the 20th century. Now I think as I'm reading this about the message you proposed and this song and compare it to the message you that good shepherd the first, first and now the end is near, and so I faced the final Kirk, my friend. I'll set clear. I'll state my case of which I'm certain I've lived a life that's full. I've traveled each and every highway, but no more, much more than this. I did it my way. Speaker 0 19:41 What is the man? What has he got if not himself and he has nothing to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who knows? Let me repeat those lines. What is a man? What has he got if not himself, then he has not to say the things he truly feel and not the words of one who neos, not the words of one who neos the record show whose I took the blow and did it my way, my way. One of the most sit tannic songs of the 20th century. Hey, thanks a lot frank. Thanks Alvin. Thanks Sammy Davis Jr. We don't have to have weirdos on electric guitars to hear the message that was brought to you by a Catholic, a proudest promise to connect you. I'm not seeing him bad Batman, but that's a bad message. How are we doing things my way? A good, sharper, ancient said when my sister called teeny, she practically knocked over the rest of the sheep and came running. Is that true of each of us? We run a to walk in the commandments of the Lord or we travel with the bandage sheep toward tavern or towards somewhere else.

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