The French Revolution as a Type of the End Times (Part-1-of-2)

November 25, 2007 00:27:43
The French Revolution as a Type of the End Times (Part-1-of-2)
Veritas Caritas
The French Revolution as a Type of the End Times (Part-1-of-2)

Nov 25 2007 | 00:27:43


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Speaker 0 00:01 Well, once again, we've come to the end of the liturgical year and once again, the church places the end of the world before eyes. And once again, a reminder you've noticed an intrinsically exciting topic. We don't ever want to get sort of a chicken little, the sky's falling a kind of a tizzy fit when we think about it. Remember that God loves us. He wants us to become saints whenever we live, and he knew when we were going to live from all eternity and so important, these nuts so much when in history we live, but how we die important things is how we die. If we die in a state of grace, then we're saved. We're here to become saints. Okay, so before we get started, let's have a quick review of what a type is. Remember what a type a type is a person or a thing or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Speaker 0 00:56 Again, a type is a person thing or action that actually exists, but also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Almost everything in Exodus. He can look at that way. Just for one example, manner the bread that came down from heaven and fed the Jews as they're wandering to the people Israel as they're wandering through the desert for 40 years every day that really existed, really fed them. But that is a prefigure for shouting of the heavenly bread that comes down from heaven in the new covenant of our Lord in the most blessed sacrament. That's, that's a type, the man is a type of the blessed sacrament. That's just for example, okay, so much for the introduction. We'll turn to the topic at hand and following the lead of Cardinal Newman, we'll consider, uh, the preload and, and, uh, type of, uh, of the great apostasy that has, uh, foreshadowings of the abomination of desolation. Speaker 0 01:50 Remember, create a posse. When we look at in second Thessalonians chapter two, Saint Paul talks about when he's talking about the end of the world, that first, this great apostle, this great falling away from the faith has to happen. And then in that context anti-Christ comes. So today we'll consider the prelude and some of the actual events, the French revolution, which is a type of the great apostasy and certainly has many, a very profound foreshadowings of abomination of desolation. Again, for the sake of time, I'm going to cut splice, edit and paraphrase some of the quotes just so that we can get through it. So, uh, that being said, let's start first by considering the atmosphere and the church and the society and the time leading up to the revolution prior to the revolution and the cultural atmosphere in France prior to the revolution is in a, in a process of decay with the terms of the church they've been, uh, afflicted for over a century with a heresy known as galvanism. Speaker 0 02:47 Now, just really quickly go through it. The four principles of galvanism war first, and this had been condemned by the Holy father, but in first principle and temporal things, rulers are not subject the church. So that would play out like, excuse me, Mr. Paul, but don't you tell me whether a war is unjust or not? I'll make the decision myself as the ruler. Second, the power of the pulp is inferior to that of a general counsel, the church. So you know, this would be like appeal, excusing Mr. Paul pure, you're contradicting the council. Uh, that would be galvanism third, the Pope must exercise his authority in accordance with the rules, the constitution, customs, the church and France and not vice versa. So no words, he has to get his mind right. So, excuse me, mr Italian Pope or whoever you might be. That may be how you do things in Rome, but that's not the way we do things here. Speaker 0 03:36 That that sort of attitude and forth, the decisions of the Pope are not seem to be final or obligatory unless the whole church adopts them. And that might play out like, excuse me, Mr. Pope, but that's not the experience of the whole church. Most of us just don't accept humanity T. So all those things would be examples of the gala can thing, uh, attitude that's galvanism. Then there's Jansenism another great heresy. Uh, Janssen ism is just basically without being unfair. You think of it as a Catholicized version of Calvinism is, didn't see our Lord is a God of love and mercy, but rather like a God of rigor and harshness. This ends up distorting them into sort of a monster because what happens is the result of one hand, the average guy gets discouraged cause it's just too dang hard to keep up when God's going to damn you to hell anyway. Speaker 0 04:26 So why don't just give up and party. That's one result of this kind of real rigorous type attitude where everything has to, you know, is like that. Since God doesn't, you know, you know, here I am. On the other hand, the people that actually do manage to keep going with this sort of cosmic bully wind up like the Pharisees and end up in spiritual pride. I can't believe how all these, he then people are behaving and so forth. For example, the chances nuns of one convent in France were described as being quote, here's angel and his proudest devils close quote. Now, by the way, if any of us ever have this kind of temptation, the way to fight them off is to say to yourself something like this, Hey, look at this guy. You know, look at all the graces that I get and I stand all the time. Speaker 0 05:09 And if I were to be, if I were that guy, I'd be worse than he is. And if he were me, he'd be better than I am. And that's the attitude we have to have with people that otherwise, instantly you're going to go off from the spiritual pride. If you see people that are misbehaving, all that, we want to pray for him, but we don't want to get up on our high horses and start imitating the farracies. Okay. Anyway, liturgically speaking to chance. And it's just like the Calvinist one to simplify things. Take, for example, the decisions of the concept Pistoia. It's a local council held in, in 1786 by bishops North Italy and under influence in chants. And as you know, this concert was condemned by Popa pies to six. So what of this condemned chance mystic council command while the Bishop's ordered the destruction of statutes, destruction of side altars, destruction of relics, they forbid traditional devotions and they got rid of that and, and made the Italian liturgical language. Speaker 0 06:04 Another author describes the situation, uh, under chance aneurysm and Austria quote, the spirit of Jansenism caused infant baptism to be delayed until a later age when the child could understand the solemnity, beauty and poetry of the liturgical actions. Chance, vestments and setting were taken away from the mass. The ceremonies were done in German. Laws of fasting were reduced or done away with the clergy were dispensed from daily reading of the Breviary devotion to bless a version all but disappeared. It was combated by new staff theologians who denigrated what they called misplaced enthusiasm for Christ mother. Even good Catholic families gave up sane rosary together and start quite extraordinary when a priest was found in Vianna would bless and distribute rosary beads and encourage people to use them close. Cool, so that's chance aneurysm. I see you get an idea with galvanism and chance and ism. Speaker 0 06:57 What sort of atmospheres in the church and France right there. Another aspect of, of what's going on in France before the revolution that we have to take a look at is a Freemasonry. Now of course that was a really the latest flavor in the 18th century and so we shouldn't be surprised at all about this. The late great Jesuit father Cahill quote, it is now an established fact, insisted on and emphasized by Masonic writers that the French revolution was prepared and plotted by the Freemasons. That to them also were due its horse and fierce at I Christian vials. Close quote popular 13 explains what the Freemasons were hoping to accomplish by the revolution. Quote, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world, which Christian teaching is produced and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their own ideas possessed by the spirit of Satan, whose instrument they are, the Freemasons burned like him with a deadly and implacable hatred of Jesus Christ and of his work and the endeavor by every means to overthrow and federate. Speaker 0 08:04 Close quotes. The vicar of Christ, Colonel Rodriguez of San Diego chili gives details on the specific goals of Freemasonry. Quote, the plundering of the property, the church separation, church and state expulsion of religious orders and congregations, laws of civil matrimonial divorce, compulsory public education, prohibition or restriction of public worship. Close quote. Now all this being said, then we have one of the most single, most unbelievable acts of misgovernment in history, in the hopes of making peace with Masonic rulers in Europe in 1773 Pope Clement the 14th suppressed the most powerful defenders of the papacy, the most aggressive forms of galvanism chance and and Freemasonry, the Pope actually suppressed the Jesuits instead of using them to attack the forces of hell. The Pope actually surrendered, dismissed his army and flung open the doors, the church wide open to the enemy. When author summarizes the results of the suppression, the Jesuits quote, it left the enemies of the church excellent and emboldened to make more insulin demands and meant to closing the Jesuit colleges, which were the main state of Catholic education and scholarship the world over it dealt with what was virtually a death blow to many flourishing missions built up by the fathers, the society of Jesus in Africa, America, India, and Asia. Speaker 0 09:37 Parenthetically, I mean from Paraguay to Arizona, you had the reductions, bang, so I've gone a dozen, many places where the church had made the most promising beginnings of the natives fell back into paganism. Close quote, the world has not recovered from this decision. We've never recovered from that decision. The Jesuits were gone by order of the Pope. It galvanism chances and Freemasonry alive and flourishing. Voltaire was absolutely delighted by the suppression of the Jesuits. Now for the younger people here, if anyone isn't sure who Voltaire was, this guy was an evil genius, absolutely diabolical Freemason. Who more than any other man created an atmosphere around so which so-called progressive thinkers that have this contempt for God. Contempt for Holy things, contempt for religion, contempt for the Catholic church, contempt for priests and bishops and the Holy father. The Pope, contempt for the sacraments is one author says quote Voltaire was the missionary, the devil among the men of his time. Speaker 0 10:42 Close quote, Voltaire played the same kind of role in his day that men like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett are playing today. Right? Today these guys promote atheism, not by arguments. They don't have good arguments, they don't really care about the arguments. They produce their little Voltaire's and they produce atheist and their protease in by contempt. They pour out contempt in their speech and their writings on anyone who dares to believe in illusions like God or creation or whatever. It worked for Voltaire and it's working for these guys. Cause. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who are afraid of what other people will think of them if they don't conform to whatever sort of religious belief happens to be politically correct. They create an atmosphere of contempt. That's how Walter did it too. Anyway, he volunteered. He used to say quote, once we have destroyed the Jesuits, we shall have it all our own way with the Catholic church. Speaker 0 11:39 Now. That wasn't the term he used for the church. Anyway, close quote then when the Jesuits were actually destroyed, Voltaire said, quote, in 20 years there'll be nothing left of the church. Closed. Quote commenting on this statement. Dr. Warren. Carol says it was the most chillingly accurate, evil prophecy in history. 20 years from 1773 was 1793 the year of the chair and France and the French revolution of Bosch by law first the Christian era and the worship of God. Close quote. Okay. What about the moral atmosphere and the years prior to the revolution, the society was bathed and attacks and Catholicism from clowns like Voltaire and aristocracy was immersed to pornographic literature and moral behavior. And the press was in a very large measure under the control of scoundrels. On top of that, there was a financial crisis. Uh, the France had financed, uh, a war of independence for a certain country that had 13 colonies and then they were broke, uh, at this time. Speaker 0 12:41 So anyway, the King Louis, the 16th call for an assembly of elected advisers to be drawn, it's nobility, the clergy and the commoners, something that hadn't been done for almost 200 years to deal with this crisis. And the Freemasons and their allies use that opportunity to move into action and seize the reign of power. So that's all the prelude revolution. We don't have anywhere near the amount of time to consider different stages of the revolution pass through. So for the purpose of this sermon, we're just gonna take a quick look at some of the most outrageous events. We'll consider four categories just to get an overview right. We'll be briefly to consider demobilization. First category, second categories, decriminalization and desolation, third categories, D population, and finally destruction. So demoralization, D, Christianization and desolation D population destruction. Demoralization. A key element in the strategy of the revolutionary leaders was to crop the people on a massive, massive scale. Speaker 0 13:42 Why? Why corruption? Probably a 13 explains quote. Since generally speaking, no one obeys crafty and clever men, so submissively as those who soul is weakened and broken down by the domination of the passions. Some Freemasons have playmate determined proposed that the multitude should be purposely satiated with the boundless vice because when this has been done that people would easily come under their power and authority. Close quote the vicar of Christ. Now, the revolutionary leaders themselves converted this on many occasions. They plainly stated the primary purpose of the riots they give deliberately stirred up at the beginning of the revolution was a corrupting effect they had on the general public is one of the leaders pointed out quote before before this, the people were not sufficiently accustomed to crime and in order to custom them to it, they must be practiced in it. Close quote, they legalized divorce and at the same time list of the cortisone, so publicly promote sexual immorality. Speaker 0 14:45 The effect was indescribable. Here's a very highly edited, uh, account of the situation. Very highly edited quote. The title wave of sexual anarchy swept over the whole nation. Divorce rates skyrocketed so high that their number surpassed that of marriages. The number of foundlings born out of wedlock and abandoned sword. There was a similar increase in the number of working girls whose disorders and shameless behavior surpassed and heinous. All that can be conceived, not only grownups, but even children behaved in a scandalous way. The result restraints of sexual instincts were abandoned. Abominations were openly performed, festivals were accompanied by public abominations. Young men and women grew. Opening. Licentious and ribaldry became a fashion. All else was forgotten in the last to pleasure, women's clothing became completely immodest and pagan women passed from hand to hand. The dregs of society resemble Sodom and Gomorrah and side by side with this common licentiousness statistic, actions become daily occurrences in brief debauchery reach its maximum close. Speaker 0 15:57 Quote, the great st Maximilian Colby warrior against Freemasonry spoke this technique, quote, the Freemasons. Follow this principle above all, Catholicism can be overcome not by logical argument, but by corrupted morals. Close quote, Freemasons. False principle of all Catholicism can be overcome, not biological argument, but by corrupted morals because it's Saint Maxman and also pointed out the Masonic rulers destroy all teaching about God, especially Catholic teaching close quote. So as the morals of the nation crop to the field was clear for the revolutionary to turn to decriminalization and desolation. Very early in the revolution, the government confiscated church property suppressed through religious orders and men and women. And in 1792 the clergy were required to take an oath of loyalty to this civil constitution of clergy, which puts the entire control of the church in France under the government, nor to make the church democratic. The bishops and parish priests were not elected officials and even atheists and Jews could vote for who the Bishop or the priest to be. Speaker 0 17:11 PI Pope Pius the six forbid declared you to take those. About 52% of the priests were faithful and refuse to swear the oath of loyalty. Bishop Talley ran whoever took the oath and consecrated other priests, constitutional bishops, which immediately resulted in a schismatic French church. Very similar to the situation in China right now with the patriotic association. It's very, it's a parallel for a lot of reasons. Then things started really heating up. A literal war of extermination was launched against the bishops and priests would refuse the oath. Priests were held captive and several Parisian monasteries had already been emptied. After the suppression of the religious orders on September 2nd, 1792, the revolutionary leadership set out a mob of hired assassins that were paid for by public funds, the city of Paris to deal with these priests. So these are public servants. These are civil servants. The scene was basically the same at each location. Speaker 0 18:04 Uh, at the Carmelite monastery. The killers ordered all the prisoners to be brought forward two by two, and asked if they'd taken all takes up the civil constitution, the clergy, each priest said no and refused to take it. Not a single Bishop or priest. Took the oath. It's absolutely heroic. As each pair was condemned, they were shoved down the stairs. You hacked, stabbed or beaten to death. They killed that day, almost 200 priests, and then for the next five days they killed more than 1400 people all by hand, and during all this, the assassins fell in a torture, rape and cannibalism. It's indescribable. There's cannibalism all the time. As you reading these, these, these things, it's unbelievably diabolical attacks. But out from Paris, one, the most prominent leaders, a strange, quivering little Fremont Masonic monster named Murat, he formed at the mouth when he got excited, was not happy that only 1400 people had been murdered. Speaker 0 19:04 He wrote, quote, no, this is a quote from rod himself. Murat States openly that 40,000 heads must be knocked off to ensure the success of the revolution. Close quote, how's that for leadership? Brought himself, ended up being stabbed to death in his bathtub. The leadership had him embalmed and laid out in a church and worshiped as a God of peace with people kneeling. Their blasts me, our Lord, and crying out, Oh, sacred heart of Murrah. A type of the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy place gets worse. The government abolished the monarchy, proclaims Republic and guillotine the King and queen. And then instead of using BC and AED, they abolished the Christian era by numbering the years, starting with the abolition of the monarchy. I think nowadays they use BCE and CE. Anyway, the months were changed. The weeks were changed. Uh, from seven days to 10. Speaker 0 19:57 You got to get rid of this idea creation and, and of course, Sunday was abolished. The revolutionary leaders commanded the dishonor, the sign proclaiming that quote, death is an eternal sleep. The sign had death as an eternal sleep. Uh, had to be placed over the Gates, the seminary, the cemeteries, excuse me, so you'd have death is an eternal sleep of the Gates of the cemeteries. One commentator, a French commentator, dryly noted. This amounted to the closing of paradise, purgatory and hell by the police. Then the revolutionaries declared November 10th, 17, 93, and their crazy calendar. This is 20 broom air. Year two, I might be mispronouncing, I'm sorry. Anyway, they declared it to be the festival of reason. Inside Notre Dame cathedral, they build this wooden cardboard mountain with a small Greek temple on top of it, so it's in the nave with this mountain in this temple with busts on it, Rousseau, Voltaire, then Franklin, and in a completely asinine ceremony, an actress clothed in the tri color robe playing. Speaker 0 20:54 The goddess reason climbs up the mountain to the temple on top, and then evidently everybody's supposed to applaud. I'm not sure why. Another type of the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy place, other cathedrals in France got the same sort of treatment quote everywhere in Paris and the province is a perfect orgy of blasts. Me and desecration now began bacchanalian feasts took place in the churches. Triumphal is carrying streetwalkers dressed and Chaz novels pass through the streets. Crucifixes and brief ears were cashed in a bonfire. Submit cries of perish forever. The memories of the priest parish forever. Christian superstition, long lived sublime, religion of nature. Close quote, leaders ordered the constitutional priests get married forbid to wearing the cast that can public and the all a festival was held, which was preceded by going around town and smashing all the crucifixes statues and religious artwork. Speaker 0 21:47 Uh, we don't do that. We just pull them off the courthouse lawns and off the walls. I don't think we smashed them. Anyway, these fools are packing around. They got this couch sort of thing. They're packing on this bust of another dead, a revolutionary who somehow became a divinity and they're followed in this procession by a donkey. The donkey has a miter on and he's got a coat draped over him, and there's a crucifix, a Bible, and a book of the four gospels tied to his tail. Behind him is marching whole troop of revolutionaries of the sacred vessels, a monster and Chelsea isn't subarea and whatnot that they've looted out of the churches and behind them, a mob of hauling people. Then the leaders kneel before the bust and pray among other things to the dead man, God of our salvation. Behold prostate. They feed the nation, be teaching I forgiveness, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Speaker 0 22:38 Close quote. They burn the crucifix and the gospels and then had the donkey drink out of a chalice and I tended to top it off by having the donkey. Some eat some hosts, but thanks be to God. A rainstorm ended it before they got to that satanic part of this whole eval service. Within the next three weeks, the churches throughout clan France are closed. Whoever asked to open them was liable to recce immediate arrest, giving any hospitality food or shelter to priests that hadn't taken the old to the civil constitution. They came a crime punishable by death, possession of any and every sacred heart badge or sign was considered to be proof in itself of anti revolutionary activities and became a crime punishable by death. D population D population was an essential part of the revolutionaries plan. One revolutionary pamphlet States that depopulation was indispensable because the calculation that made that the French population was an excess of the resources of the soil. Speaker 0 23:42 It's not sounds money familiar to me. The leaders in general at about 8 million freshmen should be allowed to live that. That would be the carrying capacity of France. Now this isn't a country of the, at that time of 25 million people. In other words, the general opinion of the leaders was they need to eliminate somewhere around 17 million people. So we'll keep a third get rid of two thirds right now with our elites, you know, the people that go to the population conferences, the UN and whatnot, they think the quick carrying capacity that the word last time I bothered to look into it. I don't keep real close track, but it's 2 billion. They think the carrying capacity of people on earth is 2 billion. So they keeping the same proportion cause what is it? There's little over 6 billion of us or so. So I guess 4 billion of us are supposed to get off the planet by sundown when they finally get around to this sort of attitude. Speaker 0 24:31 Anyway, thanks be to God. Uh, in terms of population, they didn't achieve their goals, but it wasn't for lack of try. It's really for lack of technology. Even though the guillotine works so continuously that the streets of Paris, the all too long knots and other province provincial cities ran, literally ran with the blood of the victims. They just couldn't kill that efficiently. You know, the blind people upstart shooting Grapeshot and then they'd go out there and start hacking them. Little kids, you know, so forth. It's still the estimated death toll for right here in this time is just over a million men, women and children, slaughter destruction, quote, all highly educated men were persecuted. The treasures of science, art, literature were destroyed. Politeness in all forms supposed to be destroyed. It now become necessary to assume a rough and boorish manner and to present an uncultivated appearance in a word. Speaker 0 25:27 It was now not merely a war on nobility, on wealth, on industry, on art, on intellect. It was a war on civilization. France has returned to a state of Savitri. Insane. As a project may seem, we must recognize it nevertheless to be the logical outcome of the desire for absolute equality. Close quote, that's really worth meditation. Where do we go when we, when we are going to start talking about equality, but that's topic for different day. Okay. We took a quick look at the situation, the church and the state before the French revolution. Then we quickly considered the revolution itself in terms of demoralization, decriminalization, desolation. Then depopulation and find destruction. All right. Remember that the French revolution is a type of the great apostasy has clear shadowings of the abomination of desolation. In other words, if we want to have some idea of what the real great apostasy will be like, it is likely to have many of the features of the French revolution without excluding any of the other features we've considered over the years. Of course, the difference will be it won't be limited to France. It will be a global scale phenomenon. Let's close by considering the condition that France was left in after all this mayhem. Now this is taken from a report by one of the leading revolutionaries himself. Speaker 0 26:46 The national treasury was entirely empty, not as SU remain. Public revenues were nil. No plan of finance existed. There was not a sack of corn in the greeneries, nor even a single grain of wheat hospitals were without revenues, without resources or administration. Public relief of every kind was reduced almost to nothing. The canals were ruined. Many bridges broken down. The roads and passable communications of all kinds have become extremely difficult. Public instruction no longer existed. There's oblivion to all decency. The army was without discipline, without provisions, without pay, without clothing, without equipment. Close quote. There's one commentator noted by this point, the revolutionaries had left France bread, white, ruined, and ready to surrender the first saver. Who should present himself? I will pick up at that point next week.

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