
August 19, 2007 00:18:00
Veritas Caritas

Aug 19 2007 | 00:18:00


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Speaker 0 00:00 Every year. Priests were required to make a five day sound retreat. Last year during my retreat, I was reading a book by the late great to mystic theologian, great father, Reginald arugula, grunge or the order of preachers. It's a book entitled the priest in union with Christ and there's a section that just struck me, a section that was explaining the four ends of the sacrifice of the mass that before we get into that, let's make sure we know what we're to understand. When we say the four ends, the sacrifice in mass, what does that mean? Well, in this case, the word end is just a fancy word for the re it means the reason something's done okay and means the reason it's something done. So when we talk about the four ends, the sacrifice of the mass, we're saying what we mean is the four reasons we offer mass. Speaker 0 00:50 So that's pretty easy to understand. The four ends are the four reasons we offer mass. Now I'm going to read a long quote and I'll make some comments. I'm more interested towards the end, but we'll get to that. That's not that important right now. I want to make a long quote because it's really worth thinking about. As Catholics, we go to mass, we have to go to mass every Sunday and a Holy day of obligation and it's worth thinking about what father care grunge says here, I've edited this quote for the sake of time, father Caligula grunge. Speaking of the four ends of the Holy sacrifice of the mass quote, the first end of sacrifice is adoration. Throughout the ages, men have been quick to forget their obligation to worship God well readily paying homage to the flesh, to wealth, to the progress of science, to reason to themselves. Speaker 0 01:46 This neglect of Christ. The savior is not confined to unbelievers or to the indifferent, but extends to all ungrateful Christians. They love Christ our Lord, not for his own sake, but for their own selfish interests. It is not uncommon in certain parishes to find that the faithful do not go to mass except on Sunday and never pay a visit to the blessed sacrament. He's writing this in 1948 so 60 years ago. Basically Christ is left alone in the Eucharist for almost entire week, whereas each day he could be in abundance, source of grace at a ratio of Christ or savior. Present. The Eucharist will have itself make reparation for much in gratitude, in difference and lack of care about salvation. The second end of sacrifice is Thanksgiving for all God's gifts to man, for the creation of the human race and its elevation to the order of grace and glory for the redeeming incarnation of our Lord, for the institution of the Eucharist and the graces which flow from it for the innumerable mass is offered and communions received during the past 20 centuries for the strengthening of souls and many people never spare a thought for these divine gifts and thus they sink to the lowest depths of in gratitude. Speaker 0 03:07 Since these gifts have been so precious and so widespread, many people never so much as say thank you to the good God. They're defined benefactor who is the source of all the gifts in the world? Since the scourge of been gratitude is not confined to individuals but as affected groups and societies. This 1948 there must be collective and public Thanksgiving. This is the second reason for the Eucharist and forms the basis of its name. Of course, it means Thanksgiving. The third end of sacrifice is reparation for the sins committed against God, especially for the acts of sacrilege, sometimes so atrocious and clearly instigated by the devil. Remember, this is 1948 and the days before sacrilegious communion was basically the law of the land and the days before everyone almost went to communion and the days before, no one almost went to confession and days before Neo paganism, witchcraft and Satanism existed at any measurable level whatsoever and society and long before communion, the hand made the blessed sacrament so readily available for these evil groups. Speaker 0 04:27 SAC religious writes, God alone knows the enormity of some of these acts of sacrilege which remind us of the treachery of Judas and reparation for such Abano behavior. The mass should be celebrated with reverence. This act of reparation, restores to God the father and to Christ, the accident of glory, of which they are deprived of by such sins and is also a source of joy to them. Public reparation wards off those heavy public chastisements of God, which the world has deserved by its sins. It also pleads for mercy for sinners that they may return to the way of salvation and repent of their sins. All this is accomplished by the act of sacrificing. The fourth end of sacrifice is to request the divine help in all the graces necessary for salvation, especially the grace of final perseverance. Truth is grace cannot be Meredith, but it can be obtained through prayer, especially the highest form of prayer contained in the actual offering of the sacrifice of the mass. Speaker 0 05:30 We should unite ourselves just adoration and reparation. Thanksgiving, the value of our own acts are thus increased beyond all measure, and here's the part that really struck home. Even after mass. Christ's intercession continues in the Eucharist, we should join and this prolonged act of prayer by making our own prayer less individualistic and more concerned with the church. It's bishops and priests that God may give them the necessary Zeeland courage with the peace in Concorde of nations with the freedom of the church and the sanctification of souls with a conversion of sinners and unbelievers. Such a prayer is in harmony with the intentions of God and if it is offered by several at the same time, humbly, confidently, and persevering Lee, it is certain to bear abundant fruit. These then are the four ends of sacrifice and their consideration is not without its practical value because it shows how we remember in the first place, God's on ending life by the act of adoration. Speaker 0 06:36 Second, the past by our act of Thanksgiving, you for gifts received by our act of reparation for sins committed and following the future by our request for divine help. Close quote, fuck arugula Cronje so the four ends of the sacrifice of mass, our first adoration of God. That's as opposed to all forms of idolatry that's putting God first. Dethroning whatever we have in our hearts, whether it's ourselves, money, sex, power, whatever it might be. Dethroning that putting God first, adoration, second Thanksgiving to God, thanking him for all his gifts of nature and grace that he's poured out so generously. Third, reparation for all the sins committed against him. We all have lots of them except for the blessed Virgin and forth requesting divine help for all the graces necessary, so that's adoration, Thanksgiving, reparation, requesting divine help and under the category divine help. Let's hear part of that key section. Speaker 0 07:32 Once more, even after mass, Christ's intercession continues in the Eucharist, we should join us prolonged of prayer by making our own prayer morning, less individualistic and more concerned with the church. It's a bishops and priests that God may give them the necessary zeal and courage which the peace and Concorde of nations with the freedom of church and scientification of souls with the conversion centers and unbelievers. Such prayer is in harmony with the intentions of God. If it's offered by several at the same time, humbly, confidently in persevering Lee, it is certain to bear abundant fruit. What really struck me is away the great caregiver grudge express the power of common prayer. The way he expresses this theological truth, that if after mass we connectedly unite ourselves in prayer with Christ's intercession, those <inaudible>, whether he's still really present in us or he certainly still really present in a tabernacle. Speaker 0 08:29 So in the tabernacle, in our souls, and if we humbly and confidently United sells in prayer, those prayers are going to bear a lot of fruit, especially in those areas. Conversion of sinners and unbelievers. And we're surrounded by notion of them, huh? Sanctification of souls to help us go in holiness, freedom of the church, peace among the nations and seal and courage for bishops and priests and how desperately we need that. That really struck me, says talking to another priest about this. He happens to be sitting in the confessional right now. And he told me, Padre, you need to check out with st Louis Dumont for it says about that very topic in his book, the secret of the rosary. So I did. And here's an edited quote from st Louis to mind for okay, you gotta motivate everybody here to keep seeing that family rosary, the great st Louis de Montfort quote, God is very pleased to have people gathered together in prayer. Speaker 0 09:28 All the angels and the blessed it unite to praise him. Unceasingly our Lord expressly recommended this practice to his postures and disciples and he promised that's a promise from God. He promised that whenever there would be at least two or three gathered in his name, he would be there in the midst of them. That is why the first Christians met so often to pray together in spite of the persecution of the emperors who had forbidden them to assemble. They're forbidden under the pain of death. They prefer to risk death rather than to miss their gatherings where Lord was present. Praying and common is a greatest benefit to us because when we pray in common, the prayer of each one belongs to the whole group and they call together. One prayer said, if one person is not praying well, someone else else's seeing, gathering who's praying better makes up for his deficiency. Speaker 0 10:17 One who says his rosary loan only gained some merit of one rosary, but if he says it with 30 other people, he gained some merit of 30 rosaries. That's the law of public prayer. How profitable, advantageous this is. Think about that. When you're seeing the rollers, you're here before mass. How many people are seeing that together? That's a lot of merit. Back to the same public pairs, more powerful than private pair to PS. The anger of God and called on his mercy and the church got about the Holy spirit has always advocated in times of disasters in general distress. Paranthetically remark, think about the battle of Lepanto. Remember the pulps made it clear that the reason for the victory at Lopatto over the Turks was because prayers from the conference, eternity of the rosary. It's that powerful. Okay, back to st Louis. Finally, when we print, common is far more formidable to the devil because in his public prayer, it is an army that is attacking him. Speaker 0 11:10 He can often overcome the prayer of an individual, but if it is joined to that of others, the devil has much more trouble getting the best of it. It's easy to break a single stick, but if you join it to others to make a bundle, it cannot be broken. Soldiers don't in together and an army to overcome the enemies. Immoral people often come together for parties at debauchery. Evil spirits joined forces in order to make us lose our souls. Why then should not Christians join forces to have Jesus Christ present with them, to Pease the anger of God, to drawn on his grace, mercy on us, and to frustrate and overcome the devil. More supports flee close quote st Louis to mind for key points. God is very pleased to have his people gathered together in prayer. We pray in common. The prayer of each one belongs to the whole group. Speaker 0 11:59 It makes just one prayer so that if one person is not praying well, someone else in the same group is praying better makes up for the deficiency. One who says it's rosary alone or in Gaines and of one rosary. But if he says it with 30 other, he gains he Meredith 30 rosaries. We pray in common. It's far more formidable the devil because in this public prayer, it is an army that is attacking him and he is a formidable enemy. So all that been rolling around the back of my mind for about a year I hadn't done anything about it. And this summer I stopped in caramel and visited our own sister Mary <inaudible> cross. We're sitting the speak room. You're talking to her three girls. This is already intimidating. There's these two girls about that far apart, these iron, you know, you have to move your head around cause you're looking through that. Speaker 0 12:42 It's already intimidating. And almost at the beginning of our conversation, she asked me real sweetly, uh, you know, uh, father, are the people making a good Thanksgiving aftermath? Well, when she asked me that, uh, I started stammering and making excuses. Now this is a parent take for no, you women. If you're lady like if you like her, you have no idea if your moral power. I'd rather get charged by bull and I've been charged by plenty of them than have a cloister. Don't ask me a sweet little question like that. You know, there's no escaping. Okay. Anyway, I took her questions in actual grace. You know, I took it cause I realized she doesn't know this, but I thought this is a warning directly from God, uh, today, but something I'm going to have to answer for it. My particular judgment anyway, last part of the puzzle and extra cyst I know as a possessed person who he tells me can't be delivered until enough people. Speaker 0 13:34 Pray common for this poor person. Evidently during the actresses and the extra says beats it out of the demons to tell what precise is required to deliver a person. And in this case it's enough people print in common for this person's freedom. Well, how hard is that to relieve somebody suffer? You talk about good Samaritan, that's not very hard. Okay. All this got me thinking about how we could become spiritual terrorists, spiritual terrorists. What are you talking about, father, who are all stuck in this ridiculous culture, death, this cultural afloat with all this filth and soon demonic activity we find ourselves here, but if right after mass, we pay in common for the conversion of sinners, for the conversion of unbelievers, for own growth and holiness, for freedom in the church, for peace among nations, for zeal and courage and the bishops and priests. Civil leaders. Speaker 0 14:33 Think about the fact we can have, remember what st Louis Monfort says when we pray in common, it's far more fundamental to the devil because in this public prayer and there's an army that is attacking him and believe me, he's the Prince of this culture of death. That's who standing behind all this nonsense. What does this have to do with becoming spiritual terrorists? If we pray like this, our prayers about like little bombs or big bombs going off from the spiritual world, by the grace of God, we're going to be messing up his wickedness and snares. We'll be releasing grace to convert sinners. We'll be releasing grace to save souls. We'll be holding back divine punishments. We'll be releasing grace to give spinal implants to bishops and priests and civic leaders that need it in the present darkness to this culture death. Each one of these things is just like a terrorist act, huh? Speaker 0 15:24 We're through be throwing wrenches in the gears of the enemy, so it's actually like being spiritual terrorist, attacking the culture, death because when we pray and comma, it's far more fulfilled. The devil, because in this public prayer is an army of two attacking. So what I proposed is real easy after mass when I get back, but right before I bless all the water and all that, I'll, I'll, I'll take off my investments and all that and come out here and, and then ask everybody, unite themselves in prayer to Lord in each other. Then one item at a time, I'll just read a short list of items to pray for. For example, first one, deliverance for this poor individual who is suffering from demons. Pause briefly and then everybody silently. We don't need any talking or anything. This is prayer. What we want to do. That way we're all praying on the same topic. Speaker 0 16:10 That's the only reason for me reading it. We do that silently. Each one of us can talk to her Lord and ask him to have mercy and mercifully grant the request. Then I read the next item, pause and in union with Christ in each other. Once again, we each silently ask our Lord to mercifully grant this request. Okay? Just to short list, but remember, we can expect good results if we humble, ugly and constantly unite ourselves with Christ or Lord in each other in prayer. Let's have a quick review before we close. We've seen there's four ends for reasons why we offer the Holy sacrifice, the mass first, the adoration of God. Again, that's opposed idolatry. We're putting God first, second Thanksgiving to God. We're thanking him for all the gifts of nature and grace. He's poured down upon us. Okay? Third, it's reparation for all the sins committed against him and forth. Speaker 0 16:58 It's requesting divine help for all the crazies necessary. We've seen that you know selves in prayers, incredibly powerful in the first place since it's so pleasing to God. The second place since the prayer of each individual belongs to the whole group and makes one prayer. So even if one of us is weak, the others will lift him up. Huh? Make up for that. And we pray in common. It's more formidable the devil because in public prayer, it's an army attack. Him. Let's really strive to be spiritual terrorists in this culture of death. Let's really strive to mess up the wickedness and snares, the devil to release grace for the conversion of sinners to release craves to help souls grow in holiness, to hold back divine punishments to Reece grace, to give spinal implants to the civil leaders and the bishops and priests when we pray and calm is far more formidable the devil, because in this public prayer is an army that is attacking him.

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