Founding of the Mercedarians

September 30, 2012 00:27:04
Founding of the Mercedarians
Veritas Caritas
Founding of the Mercedarians

Sep 30 2012 | 00:27:04


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Speaker 0 00:02 Most. This is just a a book report stitched together from all kinds of sources, so I don't want to take any credit for it except for the mistakes and there's too many sources to cite most of them. This past Monday was the feast of Our Lady of ransom. We'll take a close look at that and a little while. Before we do that. By way of background, we'll start with a very brief description of several interesting and largely unappreciated aspects of Muslim religion. As usual, the cut quotes will be cut and paste it first will briefly consider the tactic, which is called to cure or Lt. Kia, we hear the word to or Elta Kia. We should think strategic line. The Kia is the Muslim practice of lying through your teeth for strategic purposes. Here's an explanation given by an Islamic scholar that one Islamic website book claims to be quote one of the greatest Islamic jurists and theologians. Close quote, it's Abo Hammad. El Casale lived from 10 58 to 1111 Speaker 0 01:12 oh Gozali quote. Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through line because there is no need for it. When it is possible to see achieved such an aim by lying but not telling the truth, it is permissible to life. Attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie. If the goal is obligatory, close quo. Speaking is a means of achieving objectives. When is it possible achieve such an aim by lying but not telling the truth. It is permissible life attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory. So the practice at the key is nothing new. The strategic line deception stretches all the way back to Mohamed. One Islamic website goes into some detail as to what sort of things are actually permitted. Speaker 0 02:13 Quote Elta key is an integral part of the Qur'an itself. It was practiced by one of the most notable companions of the so called Prophet. None other than Amare. Even Yasser. The meaning is that the tongue is permitted to utter anything in a time of need. As long as the heart is not affected and one is still comfortable with faith, this means that it is permissible to lie to save oneself is legitimate to utter words of unbelief and it is acceptable to smile at a person. Well, your heart curses in close quotes, snap. Beautiful. Let's be clear, I'm certainly not claiming that every Muslim does these sort of things, uh, far from it. I mean, not every Catholic falls the teaching of his church either the long and short of it is the religion of Islam permits and sometimes even obliges Muslims to engage and to Takiya deception and strategic line. Speaker 0 03:20 And this includes even lying under oath and depending on the circumstances, it is morally acceptable and even obligatory for them with the one proviso that they really don't mean it in their heart. So that's Takiya. There's one other feature of Istan that many people are not aware of. Abrogation abrogation see Mohammad's teachings changed over time. The rules changed. The laters so-called revelations could and did cancel earlier. Teachings. For example, early on, wine drinking was allowed, but at a later revelation, so-called revelation canceled that it aggregated that earlier revelation. And ever since then, wine drinking has been forget forbid. Now all this applies to any discussions about jihad, the so-called holy war of the Muslims these days we hear a lot of nonsense about she had from Islamic sources that it means the struggle for self defense, that Islam is a religion of peace, that in terms of combat, you had only refers to self defense, et Cetera, et Cetera, et cetera. But once we know that it is a good and necessary thing to live to your teeth as needed becomes a lot easier to understand that what we are really hearing is a load of Takiya. Speaker 0 04:44 So what is, you have a 13th century Islamic scholar, emom Noah, he sums it up, quote, she had means to war against non-Muslims, signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is to lessors you had, that's for the greater she had. It is spiritual warfare against the lower self. The basis for jihad is founded. Such Quranic verses as one fighting is ordered for you. <inaudible> to two 60 a series is a section of the Qur'an. It's a roughly equivalent of a chapter to slay them wherever you find that. Sarah, four 89 three fight the idolaters utterly Sura Nine 36 close quote, ie, mom, no, Ali. Okay. Now there are three stages of this lesser jihad. That's not the self-discipline she had. We're talking to one in which, but Muslims are ordered to fight non-Muslims utterly and slay them wherever they find them. That's the she had. Speaker 0 05:41 We're talking about right now the three stages of jihad. Quote Stage one when Muslims are completely outnumbered and can't possibly win a fiscal confrontation with unbelievers, they are to live in peace with non-Muslims and preach a of tolerance. We've seen an example of this stage when Mohammad and his followers were a persecuted minority in Maca since the Muslims were entirely outnumbered the so-called revelations Mohammad received during this stage called for religious tolerance. So that stage one tolerance stage two when there are enough Muslims and resources defend Islamic community, Muslims are called to engage in defensive jihad. And once Mohammed had formed alliances with various groups outside Mecca and the Muslim community had become large enough to become to begin fighting, Mohammad received a soul called revelation calling for defensive fighting and that's so called revelation than abrogated. Those earlier so-called revelations which preached religious tolerance. Although Muslims in the West often pretend that Islam only allows defensive fighting. Speaker 0 06:54 Perfect example of Takiya later so called revelation show. Otherwise, so that stage to defensive, she had stage three when Muslims established the majority and achieve political power and area, they are commanded to engage in offensive jihad. That's worth repeating. When Muslims establish the majority and see political power and area, they are commanded to engage in offensive. She had, once Mech and Arabia were under Mohammed's control, he received the call to fight all unbelievers and it should be obvious by now. That so called revelation abrogated. The earlier revelations about defensive jihad, it's clear then when Muslims rose to power peaceful versions verses in the Qur'an were aggregated by versus commanding Muslims to fight people based on their beliefs. Now, Islam's greatest scholars acknowledged this. For example, even calf here, that's isms greatest commentator and the Crayon sums up stage three is follows quo. Therefore all people, the world should be called to Islam if any one of them refuses to do so or refuse to pay the cheesier. Speaker 0 08:08 Now the cheese, JA is attacks that non-Muslims have to pay to their Muslim overlords simply by virtue of the fact that they're not Muslim. No. So all people, the world should be called Islam if any one of them refused to do so or refuse to pay the cheesier, they should be fought until they are killed. Close quote. So Stage three is offensive jihad, close quotes in that section. So three stages are stage one was in second completely outnumbered, can't possibly win a physical confrontation with unbelievers as they're supposed to live in peace with non-Muslims and using the principle at Takiya preach a message of tolerance. Stage two when there enough Muslims and resource to defend this on a community, Muslims are called engage in defensive. She had these into Kia to conceal the ultimate goal, which is stage three. When Muslims establish the majority of the chief political power and area, then they are commanded, engage in offensive jihad against everyone who is not Muslim. Speaker 0 09:12 So she had is a fundamental duty of all Muslim rulers. Truces are allowed, but Alaskan peace is never allowed as soon as Islamic forces are in a position of strength. In other words, as soon as Islamic forces have reached stage three than virtually all contact between them and outside world becomes war life, and this is total war war with no distinction between combatants and noncombatants and what it does not end and cannot end until every place and everyone on earth has submitted to their religion. That's what they mean by peace. That's Islam. Late 17 hundreds a thousand years into this program, a Muslim ambassador from Tripoli summed up the timeless Muslim attitude. In one concise phrase, he was having a conversation with Thomas Jefferson, who at that time was their ambassador to Paris and the Muslim ambassador told Jefferson that quote, it was written in the Qur'an that all nations who should not have acknowledged Muslim authority were sinners. Speaker 0 10:16 That it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found it to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners. And that every muscle man who should be slain in battle was sure to go to paradise. Close quote Islamic law teaches that is legitimate for Muslims to live off the infidel world. In other words, they have a divine sanction to cease whatever spoils they can. And that principle has an obvious and immediate application realm. A piracy looting, the goods of Christians is seen as a good thing in and of itself because according to the Islamic teaching, a pirate is simply a man who takes this. You had to see, and if that isn't bad enough, Islam teaches that a pirate is forgiven all his sins simply by places put on the boat in order to wage war on the infidels. Speaker 0 11:11 And the pirate who gets killed in action. Kitts twice the supposed reward, uh, that supposed to be awaiting the land based Islamic warrior killed in action inspired by these diabolical doctrines in the seventh century, Islamic leaders starting launching wave after wave of attacks against the shores of Europe. These official actions were supplemented by thousands of bless raids carried on by minor Muslim commanders and even bribed private individuals. This new Islamic piracy surpassed in scope and destructiveness, anything that had ever been seen before, they captured towns and there and happenings of churches and monasteries put the faithful the sword or dragged them into slavery. According to Islamic law, it's called Shiria. There are only four ways to deal with infidel hostages, execution, enslavement, ransom for Muslim posers or exchange for instance of execution, enslavement, a changing with mothers and put in centers or exchange for Ranson. Speaker 0 12:18 Now to add to the whore under Islamic law, the master is permitted to have his way with this woman's slaves and this doesn't threat his marital status. And that's explicitly stated in the Qur'an. As a result of Islamic piracy, the entire Mediterranean became off limits for trade. Large, heavily armed fleets might move safely through the Mediterranean, but it's very different for merchant vessels. These traveling alone or enlight and small light and slightly defended groups were never saved. The Mediterranean made a very dangerous place for all merchant shipping until the early 19th century. Large stretches, med training coastline became uninhabited and uninhabitable. Predator attacks were common in Portugal, south and east Spain, Balearic islands, the Canary Islands, Sardinia, Corsica, Elvis, Sicily, Malta, and one attack on a Malta. The entire population of the island of Gozo, five to 6,000 Catholics were captured and they were all sent in chains to Livia. Speaker 0 13:22 Attacks were common across the Italian peninsula. If you've been to the holy house of the radio, anybody that's visited the holy hostel aerated can't help but noticing that the basilican outside, it looks like a giant fortress. That's because it is cause right down the hill is the ocean. It's a fortress to protect from Islamic pirates. The pirates would occasionally venture into Atlantic waters rating up the northwest coast at Iberian Peninsula on at least one occasion they struck Iceland. England was certainly not free of the attacks in one seven year period. This is seven year period between 1609 and 1616 and one seven year period. 466 English ships were seized by the pirates. In 1625 a thousand people were taken captive after raid on the west country and June, 1631 Islamic pirates captured almost all the villagers, the Middle Harbor Village at Baltimore. Now Baltimore's in Connie Cork. It's on the southern tip of Ireland, captured almost every one of the villagers in Baltimore and only two of those ever made it back to Ireland. Speaker 0 14:31 Although the pirates looted the ships, they capture, their primary goal was to capture slaves and they did so in massive numbers. Over the years, millions of Christians were captured and slave by the Muslims. None in the midst of all this Islamic core, well, the Spanish still very much in the midst of their Gloria three con Houston. Remember that Spain had been all run by the Moore's <inaudible> and seven 11 the recon casted this glorious war. It took 781 years to drive the Muslims back into North Africa in the midst of this Islamic core. On August 1st, 1223 the blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Py, Slaman Saint Peter Nolasco, who at the time was living in Spain. She told him that it would be very pleasing to her and her only be gotten sun if a religious order was instituted in honor of her mercy and their members should devote themselves to delivering captives from the Muslims. Speaker 0 15:30 That same night, she also peer to Saint Peter's confessor, Saint Raymond of <inaudible>, as well as King James of Aragon telling the same thing she wished them to exist in founding religious order dedicated free and Christian capitas from the Muslims. So 10 days later on August 10th, 1223 King James establish the royal military and religious order of our lady of mercy for the ransom of captives, the mercy Darian's. That's where we get that beautiful Spanish named Mercedes. It's from our lady of ransom. Most of the members were knights and they guarded the coast rants and the prisoners, the members, the ordered bond themselves by a forethought or ransom crutches by giving themselves up as hostages when necessary. This pis work spread everywhere and produced heroes of charity, pluck it arms for the ransom of Christians and often gave themselves up in exchange for Christian prisoners. One famous example of being Saint Raman and Addis who's faced, we just celebrated on August 31st to give some idea of how effective they were under the guidance protection of Our Lady of rants in between 1223 and 1632 the mercy Darian's rants and 489 490,736 slaves course of the problem. Speaker 0 16:45 This great, they weren't the only order in the church involved in the ransom of slaves for Muslims. For example, between years 1198 and 1787 the Trinitarians ransom, some 900,000 slave in the period between 1642 and 1660 to inceptions under St Vincent DePaul and St <inaudible>. Paul, as you remember, was himself captured and spent time in North Africa as a slave before escaping. So you can imagine he had definitely had this in his heart. So between 1642 and 1660 the vid sanctions, ransom 1200 Christian slaves. And to give you an idea of what it costs, the ransom for those 1200 slaves came to 1.2 million pounds of silver, an average of a thousand pounds. It's silver per slate. I want everybody here to take a moment and think about it. Speaker 0 17:46 Between 1642 and 1660 if intentions ransom 1200 slaves at the cost of 1.2 million pounds of silver and average cost of a thousand pounds of silver per slave to get some idea of what kind of money we're talking about here today, silver's going at about $35 an ounce. That's a Troyan's there. 12 Troyan's is in Troy pound, and so a thousand pounds of silver pencils out to the about $420,000 personally in the parishes, besides the poor box, there'd be a box, the rants and of the captives. Our ancestors had the face and it cost wasn't just the collections that were amazing. Okay. The life of Saint Raymond and Addis gives us some idea of what these men went through. Notre Dame rants in the captives. Speaker 0 18:57 This account has been condensed from the work of Father Alvin Butler. He got his information, I quote from a chronic as the Saint Raymond's order and other memoirs collected by pennies. The Bull endos closed quote, so Saint Raymond and Addis was born in Catalonia. That is now like the solid province in the southeast corner of Spain is born in the year two 1204 is given the name to NADDIS or unborn because he's delivered by <inaudible> section from his dead mother's body. She died in trying to give them birth and so the c-section out after he had grown into, he accepted an immersive Darien's by Saint Peter and Alaska himself. He was so Ferman and made such great progress in virtue that within several years of his profession he was appointed to see succeed. St Peter in the office of ransom, Saint Raymond sale to Al cheers with a large sum of money and purchase the freedom of a great number of slaves. Speaker 0 19:53 When the money ran out, he voluntarily gave himself up as a hostage for the ransom of other slaves who situation was the hardest and whose faith seemed exposed to the greatest dangers. The Muslims treated him with utter barbarity until they thought in their fear that he was going to die from their treatment and then they'd lose the rants and that they'd agreed on. So at that point has given some freedom to walk about the city and he immediately took advantage of the top attunity to encourage and comfort other Catholics slaves and even converted and baptized several Muslims. When the governor of the city discovered this, he condemned St Raymond, had death by impalement. The men who are waiting for the ransom appear less to lose their money. And so instead of appealing and paling him, he was given a best Denado. Now there's different ways of doing it, but as a torture, typically they take a rail and you know that's set up several feet off the ground. They tell you a guy lashes to bare feet to that rail system, and then they just start wailing in the soldier seat with a club or with a cane and just be the soles of feet. Terrible torture. Speaker 0 21:03 As soon as they're able to walk again, he began encouraging comfort in the Christian slaves and instructing, exhorting the Muslims to convert. Now, when the governor heard of this, he commanded at Saint Raman should be whipped at the corners of all the streets in the city, that his lips were repour were be bored through the red hot poker in the in the marketplace, and then his mouth was going to be locked shut with a paddler, except when he had to eat. He was loaded with Iron Shane's and cast it a dark dungeon. He lay there for a full eight months until some other men of his order who had been sent by Saint Peter Lascaux bought his freedom. See, ram mood only leave under an obedience. He's begging God that God would accept his tears, seeing that he was not worthy to shed his blood for the souls of his neighbors. Speaker 0 21:54 Upon returning to Spain, Pope Gregory the ninth made him a cardinal and called him into wrong, so it sinks it out on the journey, but he only made it six miles in Barcelona. New struck down with the violent fever less than the breviary states at St Raymond with growing worse and worse begging for the last rights, and the priest did not yet arrive when angel, when an angel appeared close in the habit of the mercy Darian's and gave him the whole Adriatic can. Now for those that don't know the holy Sciatic and is just a term which refers to giving someone who is dying their last holy communion, so holy, holy theatrical is a last communion in preparation for death. He died on August 31st, 1240 at the age of 36 let's start wrapping this up. Speaker 1 22:44 Nothing Speaker 0 22:47 has changed and the teaching of Islam, it can't change Speaker 1 22:57 none of it. Speaker 0 22:59 And these things are still going on. I'll just say two examples that I mean it could. A recent report from the government of South Sudan does. Everybody here, I hope knows there are many Catholics there, estimates there are 35,000 of their women and children being held in slavery in north Sudan. Think of what's going on with the Coptics, both Catholic and Orthodox women of Egypt. There'd be kidnapped <inaudible> Islamic slavery today, right now. That's the only dimension. Two examples out of many. This is still going on and the reality that is very pleasing to our lady and only be gotten sun and Volcker mercy and delivered captives that will never change either. Speaker 0 23:54 Let's close with a few slightly edited reflections written by Father Butler. Two centuries ago, Saint Raymond gave not only his substance but also his liberty and he exposed himself to the most cruel, torments and death for the redemption of captives and the salvation of soul. But how cold is a charity in our hearts nowadays, even though it'd be this central characteristic of true Christians, far from heroic examples of the saints, do we not merely to gratify our extravagance? Vanny or greed refused to give the superfluous parts of our possessions to the poor or not. We slothful and backward and visiting or constantly prisoners or sick persons or in procuring some relief for the distress have now we become so insensible. Their spiritual miseries has to be without any feeling for them and intellect, neglect even to commend them to God with sufficient earnestness or admonish centers according to our circumstances and the rules of prudence or instruct by ourselves and others, those under our care. Speaker 2 25:28 Okay. Speaker 0 25:29 If our lips, Ben Piers and padlocks shot, or have we been whipped and thi in order to prevent us from sharing the gospel, they're non-catholic neighbors. Well, rather we not maintain a guilty silence. I had a motive of self love and fear. When we ponder all this, it's not obvious itself. Law Reigns in our hearts and not the love of God and our neighbor once we. So in order to seek and pursue our own worldly interests, let us sound our own hearts. I take an impartial view of our lives and then we shall see where the love of Christ, which is charity Speaker 1 26:46 or that of safety, which is self flow, be more sensible in our affections and which of them is the governing principle of all our actions.

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