St. John Neuman

January 05, 2018 00:07:00
St. John Neuman
Veritas Caritas
St. John Neuman

Jan 05 2018 | 00:07:00


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria, Chris, and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. The commemoration is for Saint Thomas far as a pulp. We mentioned him the other day, when we're talking about knowing the date of Christmas st. Telus for it's an early second century is the one that decreed there should be three masses is held on Christmas day, midnight mass mass at Dawn ness of the day. So that goes all the way back to st. Telus for, to like all the pulps for the, the first three century are Margaret, because that was the thanks you got for being the Bishop of Rome. It's also the face of Saint John. <inaudible> all these people from Pennsylvania specialist, a point of pride, but an American Saint there he's in Philadelphia at st. Peter's church. If you ever get a chance to go there, it's rough part of town. Speaker 0 00:00:55 So you'd want to have your car locked. Uh, but he's when you, if you go in there and he's under the alter, uh, I haven't been there when I was in seminary. We'd get one day off every year. And so I'd drive down the Edison about enough time to drive down and it's better about a half hour, 40 minutes, and then we'd have to get back, but I'd go down there. So you can blame him in large part for the fact that I'm standing up here and not out in the pews, because he definitely, he got me through seminar. I was talking to the rector there at one point in time and old, an old Redemptorist, who he was telling me that, uh, it was a, it was a grocery case or something. They had him in or department store, Kate and stuff. It was open air and they had it sealed and all that. Speaker 0 00:01:43 They had them at that time in the wrong vestments cause they had him a new vest, which isn't actually what he would have worn. He would, he would have worn with the Pontifical vestment proper to things like from the counseling before. And so he said, the next time they open it up, they would, they would change them, which I assumed by this time had happened. But he did tell me that he knew the undertaker that in the, in the sixties, the Holy See ass when he got zoomed, I think it was the sixties. But when it, whatever the case may be, the exempt in the Holy seat asked for some relics to be sent. And when he did his body, it was, was, was fine. And he cut him out and he took out a couple of vertebrates. You could see at some kind of liver problem or something. Speaker 0 00:02:23 So it was still fine. He was just put in the ground in 1860 and still a hundred years later was still in good condition. He said, at least at that time, he was a really tiny little guy. So the gloves were actually still with cotton. His hands were up the sleeves a little bit like that. And they had gloves laying out there. And the same, you could see where his feet were because they had the little bus, these little, uh, kind of boots that a Bishop wears, but his feet were actually under the, this, this long Gothic Chaz bull that they had on him. Anyway. Amazing st. Lots of, lots of miracles with him. I'll mention a couple of those and then make her Mark up first Friday. But at the time, uh, coming from Montana, I didn't know that you could actually get ahold of a Relic. Speaker 0 00:03:03 I thought they were, you know, alters and so forth. And when I found out you could get a Relic, it just blew me away in st. John North Island. And so I, uh, I had, uh, someone contacted me, they had just spent from OD in central Montana there. And they'd been to the doctor there, she's pregnant and she's older Bebo like eighth pregnancy or so. And, uh, they said there was going to be some kind of birth defect and they could come back for amniocentesis or something says, we're not going to do anything like that. I can't remember what it was. I think it was a, I could call her up, but I'm pretty sure that the child had had water on the brain. I can't remember the technical term right now anyway. So they asked to pray and I said, well, we'll do better than that. Speaker 0 00:03:47 We'll pray, but we'll send them a Relic. So we sent them a Relic. They stepped out on her belly every day for nine days, said a novena. And that child well is now a grown woman and perfectly healthy. So then that was another one where they had, I remember this is Danny Walker syndrome, which is a brain cyst where it's a developmental problem in uteral where the brand isn't gonna develop. And then when they get up, they have to put a shunt in, cause the hell just swell up. Cause they have to put a shunt to make sure the fluid will drain and all that. And so when they called me up, I just sent them the Relic, put it on. And it was an eraser that was the hospital where they had like the world experts in Danny Walker syndrome. So this wasn't a random diagnosis and they prayed that, that, uh, uh, she's a nice young woman now that's my niece. Speaker 0 00:04:29 My brother's a physician and that's my niece. And she's perfectly healthy, a nice young woman at that point in time, then, uh, my, my brother's father-in-law who was a Jewish position contest, you know, borrow the rug. Cause he had a partner, uh, where the wife of his partner was, uh, was in terminal cancer. She had like literally weeks to live. And this was like, I think a February and I have the letter, but I don't don't know where it is right now. And she wanted to live tomato, see her son graduate from high school. So he, this Jewish guy asked me if he could put all the Relic. So I sent him the Relic of st. John Newfoundland. Well, she saw her son graduate from college and lived a couple more years. And so he wrote a letter to me that the position and said, he's never seen anything like that. Speaker 0 00:05:17 She was without paying for the, whatever, the six years of whatever she went into remission. And it was obviously the hand of God. I no longer have that Relic. Uh, but uh, you can pray to him cause he's very powerful. Anyways, that's a little bit about st. John Norman, uh, over in Philly first Friday, we want to make mediums of reparation. We're making communities of reparation, which is a good communion. We're invite our Lord into a heart that loves him. We make reparation for all the people that don't for all the blasts music against him, for all the sacrifice, especially all these sacrilegious communion. So many people just thoughtlessly go to communion. They haven't gone to confession. You didn't go to these big parishes. Everybody goes to communion. And when I was a layman and that'd be about the same six of us every Saturday morning when he had the 20 minutes of confession in lie, what's all that about, you know, there's a lot of bad commands to be made. We have to make reparation. Now we have to make even more reparation because as an official policy, certainly as the teaching at church, but as an official policy, the pulp is insisting that communion be sacked with he given to people who are shacked up. That's the state of the, we have to pray. We have to make reparation to our Lord. Who's done nothing but love us. It showed his love for us by dying for us on the cross remaining with us, most blessed sacrament of the author.

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