From Satanic Priest to the Man of Mary Blessed Bartolo Longo

January 08, 2006 00:18:33
From Satanic Priest to the Man of Mary Blessed Bartolo Longo
Veritas Caritas
From Satanic Priest to the Man of Mary Blessed Bartolo Longo

Jan 08 2006 | 00:18:33


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Speaker 0 00:01 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:04 Well, I'll tell you a story about a friend of mine from a good Catholic family. He's really pious as a boy, you know, he had the typical problems and having a very difficult time sitting still. He still had his first communion. He knelt there motionless for an hour and a half, making thanksgiving. His Dad died when he was about 10 he's very intelligent, so he went off to university at an early age. He's about 16 years old. After some time, these are deigned to the priesthood. His family didn't come to the ordination. In fact, even if they had known about the ordination, they still wonder if come, is there something going on over here? I need to know. Okay, why wouldn't they have come to this ordination? Speaker 0 00:53 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:56 well, during the ceremony, strange noises and rumbling thunder with hurt and even blast means being shrieked out by evil spirits. You see, he wasn't ordained as a priest if Jesus Christ, he wasn't ordained a Catholic priest at all. In fact, he attained as a priest of Satan. Now, how did that happen? I did a nice young man from a good Catholic family, become a satanic priest, bad courses, bad company and bad decisions. Speaker 1 01:35 We're all frail, weak creatures, and we ignore that at her own peril. Never forget that no one goes to heaven alone and no one goes to hell alone. You can't be too careful when it comes to choosing your closest companions. Look at the people of Israel, the chosen people. God rescued him with his mighty arm, led them up out of his Egypt, but they spent too much time with the bad company in Egypt. <inaudible> and the very first chance they got, what was this? Goes up on the mountain. What do they do? They turned back cause I doll truss worship of the Bull, God plus other hand. Look at example of Christ our Lord gives us, he's got, and yet when he stoops down there alone becomes man. He spends his first 30 years in a company of the blessing version of Saint Joseph before he struck out to convert sinners. He gave us that example for our benefit. Speaker 0 02:38 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 02:41 Furthermore, we all know when we make GAC contrition, we're bound to void your occasions as Sim. That means unless an occasion can't be avoided. Obviously if we get thrown in a prison cell with someone who's an occasion Cindra us, that's near occasions soon that can't be avoided. But if we get, if we go into an occasion of centenary, Cajun sin that can be avoided, that in itself is a sin to stay there, order a main bad courses, bad company. These in your occasions in sin, it's venial. If the person or the course is an occasion of venial sin, it's mortal. If the person of course isn't a cage of mortal sin. So anyway, how did this nice young man from a good Catholic family become a satanic Greece when he went off to college? It started when he took a philosophy course from a fallen away priest and the priest had an agenda. Speaker 1 03:36 That's not surprising. When we fall, we usually fall along way the course confused him so much that he stopped praying and he stopped practicing his face. Don't underestimate the danger. There is a power, a dangerous power in bad books, bad media, bad courses, and especially bad professors. Young Man's wandering is Jesus Christ, God or not. And right there when he's in that confusion, the enemy realized it and sent the bad company. His life said, come on, I'll take you to a place where all your questions can be answered. And what did he find himself at a sands with a medium channeling spirit. Now what does that mean? That means what does it mean when we say fun stuff and it stands for the medium challenge, the spirit. It means he found himself at some kind of a cult ceremony with a person who was allowed an evil spirit to take him over and to speak through him, which means whether or not he realized that at the time he found himself talking to the demon, which is a direct violation of the first commandment. And it's the first because it's the most important. And if Eve was perfect and immaculate could get taken out by talking to the dragon, don't kid yourself. Speaker 1 05:06 He asked the spirit, is Jesus Christ God? Yes, the medium answer are the precepts true? Are The 10 commandments true? Yes, except the sixth that stuff shall not commit adultery. Which of the two religions is the true and Catholicism and Protestantism both are false reply. The lying spirit young man is now on the grease skids. Instead of listening to the Voice of truth that comes from Christ our Lord through the church and only through the Catholic church, he let himself be tubed by the devil himself. The devil knows how to mix up truth and falsehood. Notre to mislead. So the lead and just saying, he knows who our weak points are. He's been studying on us. He never sleeps. He knows what every one of us. He knows us on it at the natural level, far better than we know ourselves. He's got an angelic in college and he's here to destroy us. Speaker 1 06:17 If we're stupid enough to let him the rejection of the six command man. Why don't think you need me to explain what that man and that young man's life excepted. It meant an excess of every kind of immorality. And what about the answer about Catholicism Processing? He says, if neither of them are true, what difference does the religion make? One thing led to another once he's in this mental and moral state, until finally he finds himself as a priest of Satan from innocence at his first convenient hour and a half and Thanksgiving from the Kenneth Sense, go hard and center. Now this is somebody that's not just bad. He's actually wicked. He going to become a satanic priest. When you're explicitly worshiping the theme and this is evil, it's not just fun and it sends out a weakness. He's actually perverted as well, so bad that he's not mad at if your dad had a weakness, but out of malice. Speaker 1 07:18 He's at consciously and deliberately choosing to do evil instead of good. He might say he was jealous in his priesthood. He spent himself actively spreading the Kingdom of darkness, sort of an anti evangelist for the prince of this world, corrupting youth and spreading the Anti Gospel, the snares and Sin Farhan y. Then one day, 31 years old, by this time, he runs into an old friend, a good devout Catholic professor who'd known him when he first arrived. At University, 16 years old, pride od rosy cheek and this professor could hardly recognize him because of life or that kind of sin has its own physical toll on a man. Professor said, Oh my word man, what's gone wrong with you? He looked like they had a lock. He up in an insane asylum and the satanic priest responded. Yeah, I feel like I'm losing it. I'm actually hearing a voice in my ear. A voice. Yeah, it's my dad. Your Dad. I thought he died when you were a kid. He did. Okay, well what is your dad saying to you? Speaker 1 08:33 Repent, repent, repent. From what? And it all came up the faster, obviously stepping back a little bit, but he said, you know, there's someone I'd like you to meet me, shot him up a meeting with the learn it and holy Dominican would have been great to be in the room when they're sitting down at the table where you have a priest of Satan and a priest of Jesus Christ and they're having this little sort of a argument over truth and stuff like that. But the Dominican made mince meat using St Thomas of the ridiculous arguments proposed by the Satanic priest, but it wasn't until he finally convinced the guy to do something, he slipped some over and says, why he's this shit. That's just a stupid superstition. Adi, go ahead and try it. He got him to sit in the rosary. We got him to sit in the rosary death crip and the Samson was definitively broken. Speaker 1 09:36 She went to confession and that is a miracle. It's a miracle of grace. Now this is way more of a miracle than raising a whole cemetery full of dead people to life way more because that's just the physical miracle. This is the miracle of grace. I stand at Augustan points out to a greater miracle to do something like this and then to create the whole universe. Okay? Anyway, this guy had had the holy faith, which God gave to him as a free gift to his baptism and then he threw it away. Turning died. Daltrey devil worship and life as a hard and center and God is under no obligation to give someone like that to fade back, which he so stupidly threw away. At any rate, he made a good confession, a static piece, repenting and confessing his sins out of his pants. He's strictly forbidding to think about his past life. Speaker 1 10:27 Why? Because when someone has lived a life like that, it's really that evil. The temptation to mortal sins. Despair are very great cause it isn't like the devil gives up. What does the devil give up right after we get to judgment? Can Not a minute before he's doing all right. So they went to a baptism and he's standing there watching the child be baptized. He gets reflecting. You know, this baby's being consecrated forever to cheeses, Christ. But I've been constantly folly trinity to say, and there's no hope for someone like me and all flooded dispiriting washing over them and all the images of his past life, all these horrendous sins overwhelmed him. He busted out of the church, he started running. He's having this terrible temptation, the temptation of Tutus, horrible temptation, despair, and he's running out through the fields and as he's running along, all of a sudden he remembers what the blessed mother promise, St Dominant Cause Soul, which recommends itself to me by the Recitation Rosary shall not perish and all the two crop cases, holy rosary eve shall be aided by me. Speaker 1 11:33 I can in all their necessities. So they knelt down right then and there. He made a vow to the blessing version that he would spend the rest of his life promoting holy rollers. Three of our lady and he did just that and a lot more. The time doesn't permit us to get into that. His last words as he laid time with a crucifix, the one hand and a rosary and the other way, I long only to see Mary who has saved me from the clutches of saving and will continue to save me from the clutches of Satan. How funny. It was 1980 during the month of October, the month dedicated to the holy rosary is former child, the devil, the Satanic priest got a new name. The man of Mary and he got a new title blessing. I've always thought of the Polk canonize blessing by Kala Longo. I've got a first-class rock given right here. I always keep it there. When I'm saying mass, whenever I say mass Speaker 0 12:39 <inaudible> Speaker 1 12:41 no, I just take a minute and think about this. I don't care who you are. I don't care why you've got, you haven't layered a ramp or they live like bus. If I call a long ago, this man was the satanic crease. That's it. That's the boundary. That's the only way to do some more evil is if a priest becomes a static priests. You can't get any farther than that. That's it. That kind of sin can't even begin to be talked about from the pulpit. It doesn't get worse than that. And yet to the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary. This reprobate does evil man who knew what he was doing, was given the grace to repent, not only to repent and return to the Phage and make a good confession, but to the true devotion of Mary was led onto the heights of sanctity from the very depths of the pit and I mean the very depths. Speaker 1 13:32 Our Lord used a whip of cords to cleanse the temple and it was only full of crooks, but our lady didn't use it with the court she used, she cleaned out a whole high hoof devils. You can learn it hard and center hard and center man who'd committed mortal sins against the faith, which means he not only lost charity like every mortal sin, he lost hope and faith. She converted this center. Now he converted him but to are Holly Road and she led into the heights of sanctity. You don't need me to tell you we're living in a culture without the virtues of faith and hope. I called you about hope. That's another term for the culture of death, which is just another term for a culture of despair. The trucks that drinking the sexual carry on the tattoos and piercings and black clothes and weird music and a colt weirdness. Speaker 1 14:24 These are all just ways for so many people to Devon their lives getting all the pain they have and their pointless existence because they don't know why they're here. They're just outward expressions of an incredible mass of people are flirting with. We're locked into this. They're living with no knowhow, no point in their life and they don't see any way out, but the hand of divine has sent us just command for these times. We can help out a troubled family members, our friends, our acquaintances, and even our enemies. They're trapped in these snares who culture, death by turning cause st for modern centers, by praying for them to bless the parked hollow by begging him to obtain from our lady the grace to convert them to grace of conversion. We can ask him to convert these people. I'm not a Pakistani cause. It sounds good to have a devotion to you. Speaker 1 15:24 I've seen it work. I've told some people this story, this is just one store. When I was at Deacon, I used to go to a, it's a holding facility for, for criminals on the way, from one place to the other, young criminals. But these guys are criminals, you know, you're not in there for shoplifting or stealing snicker bars or something, you know, gangsters. And I was playing chess. That guy wanted to play chess or checkers. Then I guess it was chess. They're sitting there playing and I'd gone down, I caught a few times and play chess with this guy, his baptized, that was the head baptized as a Catholic. And that's about all. And then one day, right in the middle of this chess game, he just looks up and he said, hey, do you know, do you think God can forgive someone who has? Speaker 1 16:05 And I'm not going to say, but you can fill in terrible crimes. I said, yeah, sure. Let me tell you a little story. I told him about the lessons bar column when I finished, I mean I finished and he said, I want to see a priest because I want to make my first confession. It was I finished and that was his response to people. I had to prepare him for confession because he didn't even know Jesus was God. He didn't know about the trinity. He didn't know God become man and that's what he used. The Catholic <inaudible> is all. That was the sum. Total was really just knowledge. I'm a Catholic. Other than that, that was it. He didn't know the connection. I had to go through all this and any other graves and believe me, this would take a, I didn't hear his confession. I'm not breaking any skills and that same day, but believe me, going through the commandments and helping them out. This took a miracle of grace for young person like that to go to confession. That's for Carl and its intercession opened this young man's heart. And if he gets to heaven, I think it will because, because a farmer satanic priest went to the classic version and asked her to throw down a little lifeline of grace into this poor gangsters heart. Speaker 1 17:19 So we know people like that. Maybe somebody here today, oh look, souls think there's no way out. No hope. And they you've been away for confession for a long time. Or maybe you're making bad confessions concealing something out of shame or false pride deliberately got tangled up and sac religion, the confessional. And then the devil says there's no hope for you. And just keep going through the motions, Huh? Maybe even struggle. The serious problem and you know, even though you don't like to think about it, it'll be eternal. If you die in your state, don't stay where you're at. Call to confession, pray to bless the dark column. Say Your own treating for the love of God. Go to concession. Go to confession, Christ or Lord's way for you with open arms, the only thing you have to lose is your sins. How can you have your paces? So Pizza, Shaw, he's the only one I can do that. Go to confession. Kept that piece. It's so played. Pray to bless of our towel. Blessed in my car long ago. Pray for us. Queen at the moms towing row. Three credit for us. Speaker 2 18:35 <inaudible>.

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