Christ Came to Save Us

January 15, 2006 00:16:20
Christ Came to Save Us
Veritas Caritas
Christ Came to Save Us

Jan 15 2006 | 00:16:20


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Speaker 0 00:05 Well. Just take a few minutes to briefly consider today's cost. The catechism asks us a question, what work did you just cry before in the course of his public ministry? Answer, in a course of his public ministry, Jesus Christ gave us an example of great virtue, preached the best of salvation, proved that the truth of his message to miracles and prophecies and established the church with its sacrifice and sacrifice for the salvation of man until the end of time. Then there's a whole theology course wrapped up in that one short answer, but for now the most, but he's the guy to you. We want to keep in mind, he said, Christ came to save us. He's our savior. He came to free us from our sins and to reopen the gates of heaven. The bid slam shut to mankind. Christ came to save us. How did he do that? Speaker 0 01:05 He established the church, the Catholic church with its sacrifices and itself, vacation, earned salvation, sacrifice in sacraments, but the salvation of men, which will last until the end of time and of course in order to prove that he came to save us. Among other things. He did miracles and today's Gospel. We see the first of his public miracles. The water turned into wine at the wedding and Cain up. Let's back up and have a quick review to put all this in place. Remember, we've got a problem and it's a real problem. We shouldn't ever forget it. What's the problem? Was inspired in there? What if God puts it by nature? We're born children of Wrath. What members of a fallen race? Thanks a lot, Adam. By nature, we don't have the power to get to heaven by didn't you even have the power to live the life that I have so of our own nature? Speaker 0 02:07 Not only can we not get to heaven, even if we could get there, we couldn't live there of our own nature. What does that mean? Naturally speaking, if we don't get some help when we die, our souls will do what comes naturally, which is fall. It doesn't matter how we feel about it through reality because metal, her beginning is that real. You can have an opinion and not believing that the law of gravity, good luck walking off a cliff. It's the same model in the spiritual life. This is reality, okay? And naturally speaking, there isn't a thing that any one of us can do about this naturally speaker, we're all toast. That's the problem we're in. That's the real situation of mankind. If we just rely on our own powers, we can't get to heaven in order for our soul to get to heaven when we die, we have to receive powers that are above our nature. Speaker 0 03:06 They're called supernatural powers. The supernatural power to get to heaven can only come from one source. That's God. And we can only get it in this life. And we know that because he told us, what did we say? We're saying if we die with this bow with his supernatural power, our soul can get to heaven, and once it gets there, it can live there. If we die without the supernatural part, our soul can't get to heaven. And even if it could, it can't live there, okay? If we die with the supernatural power, our soul could get to heaven. If we die without it, it can't, which means it will fall into the pit prolly eternity. Speaker 0 03:50 The Great Catholic author, frank, she'd commented that supernatural life is given this life and what man does with it is the primary story of his life. Everything else is incidental on the fringe of no a importance. When we come to die, we are judged by that one question, the answer to that one question, whether we have that supernatural life in our soul. If the answer is yes, then we shall surely go for the supernatural. Life is the power to live the life of heaven. If the answer is no, then we cannot possibly go to heaven for we could not live there when we got there. If we die with this power, we could go to heaven. If we die without this power, we cannot go to heaven. What's the name of the supernatural power? It's sanctifying grace. Sanctifying grace. Grace means gift free gift. We remember it's a free gift from God. Speaker 0 05:02 Now there's more than one kind of grace. We're talking about sanctifying grace with actual grace. Actual grace has changed the way we act. That's what's called actual that give us the supernatural power to do supernaturally. Good acts, super actual grace. Supernatural supernatural eyes as the way we behave, the way we act. Sanctifying grace changes the way we are. It changes aren't being it sanctifies us. It makes us be holy. That's what sanctifying grace does, is it changes our o interior. Okay? It's a created share in God's own life that he places into our souls to give us this power to live the life of heaven. And when he does that, that makes us only is what Saint Peter our patron is referring to. When he says in Second Peter one four that we become partakers of the define nature. That's inspiring. Where to God, partakers of divine nature, God, what's a created share of his own life and a person's soul. Speaker 0 06:06 And that's what say to find grace is because Adam sin man fell from grace and now we're all born without sanctifying grace and naturally speaking, there isn't a single thing we can do about it. Keeping that in mind, in order to live in heaven, we have to have a supernatural life. We have to have that grace. If we have sanctifying grace, we can live the life of heaven. If we don't, we can't. It's pure and simple. It's that basic. It's the most important thing in the universe. For each one of us, do we have sacrificed grace or not? Am I in a scent, foot, state of grace or not? If I die in a state of grace, I'll go to heaven. If I die without it, I can't go and other choice, it's unpleasant, OK? It's a created share in God's own life, okay? All that. Speaker 0 06:58 By way of review, this is what Christ their Lord became man. He became man. Our Lord himself told us that he came. I came, that they might have life and have it abundantly. That's what he needs. He came to give us this supernatural life, the sanctifying grace. That's why you see that's what he stooped out. I mean, he's God. He doesn't need anything. We need him. He's not Metabo DACA for his benefit. He didn't set up the Catholic church for his benefit. We don't somehow make him feel good. He's perfect. He doesn't need anything, but he loves us and he saw us in this terrible mess when him because the devil and add up, and so he stooped down to set this up for our benefit. We're not doing him any favors by being good Catholics. We're doing ourselves a favor. He wants us. He died to help us be good Catholics, but it's like we're doing him a favor. Speaker 0 07:59 Keep in mind, we're doing ourselves a favor. He died to make it possible for us to have this supernatural life. Okay? That's why he established the Catholic Church. The whole entire purpose of the Catholic church, every single thing that we're about is to continue Christ's work through die, which is undoing the damage from Adam's original sin by risk stolen or storing grace to men, Solos. Every single thing that a man does when he's acting as a priest is concerned with this one thing. Grace, the stowing it, restoring it, strengthening it, increasing it to, Huh? Protecting it. That's why we're here. I started a little hard, establish seven channels to bring the supernatural life into the world. Seven sources of sanctifying grace, seven sources that supernatural life flows out. It had meant soul sod. Those are the seven sacraments and we all know from my catechism, a sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ. Speaker 0 09:20 Take care of Greg's. That's what a sacrament is. He's got, he could have chosen any number of ways of bringing the supernatural life into the world. What did he choose? He chose the passion and death of his son. God could have chosen any number of ways to teach men about the supernatural. I have to guide it to him and to distribute these greatest demand. God, what did he choose? He chose the Catholic church. He could've chosen any number of ways to administer the sacrifice. What did he choose? He chose the ministerial priesthood. Man Like me, oversee this power to administer the sacraments. They one of the sacraments, another one of the sacraments, the sacrament of all the orders, but as we've said before, if there's one exception to this rule, that Ordain priest admitters, it's administer and sacraments. We're not talking about emergency baptisms right now. Speaker 0 10:22 Okay. What is the one exception to that rule? That priests administer the sacraments. It's Christian marriage. Christian marriage is a sacrament to sacrament on Christ. Her Lord was physically present on earth. He renewed marriage so that wouldn't baptize man and a baptized woman. Her family married that Mary Jackson would come to channel of sanctifying grace and then you need to think about this particular sacrament. Is it the ministers, the sac, but are not priests? The ministers are not praised administrators or the sac or their marriage or the individual partners in the marriage contract. The man and the wife are actually the ministers and the sack of the marriage. What are we saying? The minister of the Sakhalin is a channel of sanctifying grace to the soul. He administers the of the minister of a sack. What is a channel of supernatural life? The soul. He ministers that sacrament. Speaker 0 11:32 So what are we saying? We're saying then the Sacramento marriage, the man and the wife are individual channels of grace, sanctifying grace, supernatural life to each other in the relationship and someone was pulling it out. This needs that at the physical level, the first wedding gift each others a gift of each to the other and at the spiritual level. The first wedding gift each other is sanctifying grace. Sanctifying grace. God has given them each this incredible supernatural power, the power to actually give supernatural life to their partner. In other words, in every sacrament of marriage, the husband can, can honestly say that his wife isn't leads by what she returns to God and every Sacramento marriage. The wife can honestly say that their husband is a means by what she returns to God. A sacramental marriage is a mutual assistance back between a man and a woman to help each other to know and love and serve God in this life and to be happy with him forever. Speaker 0 12:46 The next. Now this truth, this profound truth that a sacramental marriage is a mutual assistance back between the man and woman. Once they given each other the power they've received the power to actually give supernatural life to each other. That's truth has a lot of practical consequences, a lot of practical consequences as long as both partners are supernaturally alive. In other words, as long as they're both in the state of grace. That means that whenever either the partner's performed his duty and has stayed alive, he's a channel of grace for all the other park. Now, what are we saying? We're saying that if both partners supernaturally live, they're both in a state of grace. Then you blacks like when you fall her home for the wife, we're fixing a dripping faucet or oiling the rusty hand. You're asking how she's doing or tentatively listening cause wife's concerns are all means for a man to help his wife crawl and holiness. Speaker 0 13:47 These are all means for him to minister sanctifying craze to his wife. If both Amanda woman her to see a grace that simple acts like cooking a meal or doing the tissues or clean up of vacuuming or tentatively listening your husband thoughts are all means for a wife to help her eyes and grow in holiness. They're all maids for I heard a minister sad to find grace to our spouse. We're saying that sacramental marriage is a holy state. We're seeing that as long as both partners are supernaturally alive instead. As long as they both in the state of grace, whenever either one of the partners performs the duties of a state of life is a channel of grace for the other partner. It's just absolutely incredible. The mercy of God, how easy he can make it for people to help each other crawl in holiness. Speaker 0 14:47 So when we consider the wedding feast at Cana, we could see how much our lord approves a marriage, how much she loves it. He's so happy and invited the wedding feast. Did he turn water into wine? Our Lord loves marriage so much. They did his first public miracle at a wedding. He lifted marriage up to the level of nature. So becomes a means of going and holding this for baptized man and a woman, a sacral Mehta marriage is a mutual assistance back between a man and a woman to help each other to know and love and serve God in this life and to be happy with him forever and a next, let's close by to your name to our lady. After all. We don't want to forget that. Even though it was a farther, it's time. All it took was a simple comment from her. Speaker 0 15:42 They came into his first miracle. Let's turn to our lady and let us pray at a Hail Mary, asking her to take a special care and interest and each and everyone of our married couples, if you'll please kneel down, I'll have to use the microphone cause I don't have the and then the father and the son and the holy ghost. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed Art Thou amongst women. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners. Noun forecasts, theme in the father and the son and the Holy Ghost. God bless you.

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