The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple as the End of the World

November 27, 2005 00:21:50
The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple as the End of the World
Veritas Caritas
The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple as the End of the World

Nov 27 2005 | 00:21:50


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Speaker 0 00:00:04 We'll start with a real quick review. Remember that a type is a person, a thing, or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person action or thing. Last week, we took a look at a type of the antichrist stamper narrow for we get going today. Let me just clear up two points of confusion. First off narrow is not actually coming back as an antichrist into the world. It was a myth that sprang up in the early days since people thought he was so much like the antichrist that he himself must be coming back, but he's not coming back. He's dead and he's gone on to his reward, whatever that might be. Okay. Number two st. Clement's not the third Pope. He's a third Pope after Saint Peter. And just when I speak in Adlib, I said third Pope. Speaker 0 00:00:52 He's the third Pope after Saint Peter. Okay. Today we'll take a quick look at a type of the end of the world. Why would we want to study the particular event? Because they clearly see foreshadowings the clear ID. It gives us the actual future reality they point towards, okay. But even after we're done today, the very best we can hope for is to remain in a more luminous darkness. Since prophecy is only completely understood after it's been fulfilled, besides that I'm only picking out a few things that strike me to be more important to emphasize in a short sermon, but in the right Aternity they might not be that important. Okay. So we'll look at a type of the end of the world, the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple by legions infestation, Titus in the year 78, D our Lord warned his disciples about these events look 2120 following. Speaker 0 00:01:53 And when you shall see Jerusalem compass about with an army, the know that the desolation there is at hand, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, close quote. Our Lord loves his sheep. So he's given a warning to those who believe in him to flee when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by an army. So what happened in the fall of 66 80, the Roman legions under says she was attacked truism. They successfully undermined the walls and he prepared to burn the temple. And then with absolutely no reason at all. They said, me retreated. Those who believe in our Lord, the Catholics knew what that meant. And they fled. They left you as those who didn't believe in the Lord. A man and sons, the men had cried out, crucify him, crucify him, his blood be upon us and upon our children. Those men stayed in Jerusalem today. Speaker 0 00:02:53 We'll rely largely on eyewitness economy of a Jewish historian, Josephus, the son of a priest, not a Catholic priest affair. So he was born in the year 37 D and as usual cut and paste quotes for the sake of time, Luke 21, 25, and there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars, Josephus, a prodigious storm broke out in the night with utmost violence and very strong winds with the largest sours of rain with continue lightenings, terrible thunderings and amazing concussions and bellowing to the earth. These things were a manifest indication that some distraction was coming upon men when the system of the world is put into this disorder. And anyone would guess that these wonders foreshadowed some grand calamities that were coming, the people did not attend or give credit to the signs that were so evident. He does it. Speaker 0 00:03:43 So planning for tell their future destruction, but like men without eyes to see your minds to consider, to not guard the warnings that God made to them. Thus, there was a scar resembling, a sword, which stood over the city and a comment that continued a whole year and a few days after the feast of unleavened bread and incredible phenomenon appeared before sunset chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds close quote, but that's not all Josephus records, other signs. And portents besides those seen in the heavens at the feast of the unleavened bread, as the high priest led a heifer to be sacrificed right in the midst of the temple, she brought forth a lamb at the same feast at the Eastern gate of the inner court of the temple, which was a brass and vastly heavy and was with difficulty shut by 20 men was seen to be opened of its own accord about the sixth hour of the night. Speaker 0 00:04:47 This appeared to the common man to be a very happy Marvel as if God did thereby open to them, the gate of happiness. But the men of learning understood it, that the security of their Holy Haas was dissolved of its own accord, that the gate was opened for the advantage of their enemies. And they publicly declared that the signal for shadowed the desolate desolation that was coming upon them. There's one shot with the Senate, an honest before years before the war began. And at a time when the city was in very great peace and prosperity, suddenly began to cry aloud a voice from the East, a voice from the West, a voice from the four winds of voice against Jerusalem in the Holy house of voiced against the bridegrooms and the brides of voice against this whole people. This was his cries. He went around by day and night and all the lanes of the city, certain leaders gave him a great number of severe stripes, but he still went on with the same words, which he cried out before then that rulers brought him to the Roman procreator, where he was whipped because bones laid bare yet he's not shed any tears, but every stroke with a weapon, his answer was Whoa, loaded Jerusalem. Speaker 0 00:05:59 When the procreator asked him who he was and where he came from, why uttered such words, he made no manner of reply, but still did not leave off his cries of rope to the Polk. Hater took him to be a madman and dismissed him. He described his was the loudest at the festivals, and he continued the city for seven years and five months without growing horse. During the siege, he finally sees his cry for, as he was going around upon the wall. He cut out with his utmost force. We'll go to the city again and to the people and to the Holy house. And Jesse, as he added it, the last well loaded myself also that came a stone out of one of the siege engines and smote him and killed him immediately close quote. Speaker 0 00:06:44 So there are many signs important. Portents in April of 70, 80 Titus leads his legions to Jerusalem at camps around the city. Instead of just trying to start the Jews out, he decides to attack. He starts by having the troops clear the ground that leads to the automobile wall. Meanwhile, inside the city, three different factions of the Jews had been fighting. One of the factions is made up of murders who wear women's clothing. And we're all about from the temple out through the street. One factions occupying the template itself is taken upon themselves to point high priests, Danny wicked man, and one faction as a gang of thugs and foreigners that were led into the city. Josephus, the factions fought against each other while they tried upon a dead bodies. As they lay heaped one upon another, they agreed and nothing but this to kill those that were innocent, close quote. Speaker 0 00:07:45 During the battles, these mad men actually burned up their food stores, massive amounts of grain and other provisions that were meant specifically to carry the city through a great siege or disaster such as we find them at Dawn and May 10th, the Romans began their assault, giant CJ engines. They're throwing huge Spears and stones at battering Rams hammering against the wall. They have troops that hold shields. They have this thing called a tortoise in English, but they're all holding their shields together, locked together so they can go up the wall. And they have guys trying to mine under the wall while this is going on, even though people are trying to throw things on them from above the rounds are hammering of all day and night, Jews are lowering sacks full of stuffing to try to soften the blows. The Romans are reaching out from under the cover with long knives on, on the end of poles and cutting the sacks free. Speaker 0 00:08:35 The Jews are selling outside the walls. It's just pure chaos at the walls. What's going inside the factions keep right on fighting each other in the temple and in the streets. And famine is breaking out. Josephus. The temple was defiled everywhere with murders and the darts were thrown by engines came with that force that they went over all the buildings and reached as far as the alternate template itself and fell upon the priests and the Levis. And so much that in any persons who came to them with great zeal from the ends of the earth to offer sacrifices at this celebrated praise, which was esteemed Hollywood, all mankind fell down before their own sacrifices themselves and sprinkled that altar, which was venerable among all men with their own blood to the dead bodies and strangers were mingled together with those of their own country. And those are profane persons with those of the priests and the blood of all sorts of dead carcasses stood in the lakes and the Holy courts themselves closed on May 25th. Speaker 0 00:09:37 The laws breached in three places and the legionaries storm inside and open the gate. And they occupied a space between the first wall and the second wall. Second laws, much thicker and higher than the first wall, but they'd bring in the rounds and they begin hammering a tower built into this wall day and night, night, and day and late may the teller finally collapses and brings down part of the wall. That's attached to it. At this point, the Jews retreat inside their third wall. Titus sent Josephus up to palms to Jews, honorable terms. If they just surrender and response leaders, the Jews promised to kill anyone who attempts to surrender. So the Romans completely destroy everything between the second and third walls and retreat inside the city. The famine is growing worse and worse. It's growing so bad that Jews begin to Sally out trying to find food. Speaker 0 00:10:31 And the Romans captioning, the Romans Romans crucified. So many Jews, they run out of places to wreck the crosses and they run out of wood to make the crosses Josephus. Every day, the Romans caught 500 Jews. May some days they caught more the soldiers out of the wrath and hatred. They boy, the Jews nailed those. They caught one after one way and another after another to the cross is by way of just their multitude was so great. That room was wanting for the crosses and crosses wanting for the bodies close quote, Luke 1941 and falling and same as city Jesus wept over it saying they should come upon me and the enemy shall cast a trench about being surround me and him, me in on every side and beat the flat to the ground. And I children who in me and I shall not leave in the histone upon a stone because novice not knowing the time that I visitation close quote internally to Titus, to size, to protect his lines and seal it in the Jews. Speaker 0 00:11:32 See orders a wall with a trench to be built around the entire city swallows almost five miles long with 13 Fords and allegiance built it in three days inside the city, the starvation in combat only intensify Josephus. They gave him hunger, stumbling and staggering along like mad dogs and really against the doors of the houses, chewing everything shoes, the leather of their shields, wisps of old hay close quote on July 17th. The daily sacrifice in the temple ended just exactly as predicted some 600 years before by the prophet Daniel, Daniel chapter nine and Christ shall be slain. And the people that deny him shall not be his and a people with their leader that she'll come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary at the end there of shall be waste. And after the end of the war, the point of desolation and the victim and the sacrifice shall fall close quilt legions in concentrated on the wall of Antonia fortress. Speaker 0 00:12:38 The fortress is right next to the temple. In fact, it opened right up onto the court of the Gentiles. Finally, the dead of the night, the wall was climbed by 16 Romans who sounded the trumpet and then Titus and other commanders followed up behind them. The Jews fled into the temple and terrible battle began, which landed late, lasted until the next afternoon. Titus, once more had Josephus begged to choose to surrender as he, a pagan did not want to fight in their Holy place. Let the leaders of the chews would have nothing of it. Josephus. Now roundabout, the Autry light dead bodies heaped one upon another. Is that the steps going up to it ran a great quantity, their blood, where they're also the dead bodies that were signed above on altar fell down close, quote Matthew 24, 24 for there shall arise, false Christs and false prophets. Speaker 0 00:13:28 And she also great signs and wonders and so much as you deceive, if possible, even the elect close quote, the false prophets, add to the confusion Josephus. Now there has been a great number of false prophets who told the people that they should wait for deliverance from God nor did any one of them escape with his life. A false prophet was an occasion of these people's destruction who had made a public proclamation in the city that very day that God commanded them to get up upon the temple and that there they should receive miraculous signs of their deliverance close quote. Titus had the Gates of the temple burnt. And during the fighting on the ninth of AV on the Jewish calendar, August 6th, 78 D Roman legionaries sent fire to a temple itself and burn it down. It's the exact anniversary of the burning of the first temple, the temple of Solomon by the Babylonians. Speaker 0 00:14:22 Now keep in mind to understand that this next part, as an ancient Christian author, to tell you and explains the religion of the Roman legions is a worship of the standards setting the standards of, of all gods. So they're marching behind the standards and there's a good pagan God on their standards and their work worshiping these different pagan gods on their standards. Okay. Now we'll be able to understand the terrible prophecy of our Lord Matthew chapter 24. He shall see the domination of desolation, which was spoken up again, Ghana, the prophet, standing in the Holy place, Josephus the Romans upon the burning of the Holy house itself, brought their scanners to the temple and set them over against its Eastern gate. And there did they offer sacrifices to them, close quote, step pagan, worship pagan sacrifice in the Holy place. That'll for the city continued Luke 21, 23 and five. Speaker 0 00:15:14 There should be great distress in the land wrath upon this people, they shall fall by the edge of the store and should be led away captives and all nations. Josephus. The Romans ran everyone through whom they met with and obstructed the very lanes with their dead bodies and made the whole city run down with blood to such a degree, indeed, that the fire of many of the houses was quenched with these men's blood. Uh, think about that. That's apparent that occurred Mark, to put out a house fire. There's so much blood it's putting out house fires and indeed the multitude of carcasses that laid in heaps. One upon another, it was a horrible sight. It produced a pestilential stench to the crowd in nowhere, pretty visible for the dead bodies that lay upon it, Luke 1943 and they shall not leave. And they a stone upon a stone Titus or entire city raised to the ground, except for the leap three large towers at the Northwest corner. Speaker 0 00:16:09 The wailing wall is foundation. It is not the temple. It's part of the foundation. Everything it came true. There isn't a stone on his tone, Josephus estimates, the body count at 1.1 million Jews killed and 97,000 taken prisoner. And this is fairly accurate because he knew the exact number coming up for the Passover by the number of lands they add for sacrifice. So 1.1 million Jews killed 97,000 taken prisoner. The 10th lesion was quartered in the ruins of Jerusalem. Titus holds a triumphal procession in Rome and when she displays among other things, but the golden candlestick from the temple, the Archie Titus, which is in Rome, was built to commemorate this triumph. It's still standing and on it. We can see pictures of the booty. They took out of the temple and brought back from Jerusalem. Josephus never did any other age, everybody to generation more fruitful and wickedness. Speaker 0 00:17:04 And this was from the beginning of the world. They were the slaves, the scum and the spirits and the board of offspring of our nation. And it almost got at fire upon the temple. Had the Romans made any longer delay in coming against these villains. The city would have been swallowed up by the ground, opening up upon them, close quote. Now there's a lot here worth meditating on most of it's pretty obvious if we keep the historical context in mind and the types in terms of types, among other things that Jewish people, prefigure the Catholic people, Jewish priests, prefigure the Catholic priests, the Jewish temple prefigures, the Catholic church in parishes and the city of Jerusalem prefigures the world in terms of the historical context. Even though at that time, they had the true religion, not in 78 D anymore, but coming up to it. Speaker 0 00:18:00 And even though they knew who Christ Lord was, they'd rejected him and not just redacted him, but hand them over to be crucified. They persecuted his followers. They stolen st. Stephen they've thrown. The first Bishop of Jerusalem changed James off the Campo and beat him to death where he lay with the clubs. They persecuted st. Paul, not only had they ignored our Lord and his resurrection, but they either ignored other men who are alive right this time and had been living among them that had arisen from the dead on Easter as well. When the tunes were opened, the historical context is 40 years of explicitly rejecting Christ. 40 years of apostasy was learners, perverts roaming through the church in the world. We spend time pondering these things. Most of it's audience I'll leave you to do that. Let's just consider two ideas that might not be so obvious. Speaker 0 00:19:00 First off the world, a biblical Judaism, the ironic priesthood, the Levis, the temple, the bloody sacrifices that world came to a complete end in 70 80, and it passed away forever. Biblical Judaism is over. There are no biblical Jews anymore. They went extinct and 70, 80, they can't keep the law. The capital's gone to T you logical records, which are absolutely necessary for a priest to be able to prove his descent on both his mother's side and his father's side, improve validity of his priesthood. Those records were burned by Titus. Oh sure. The cons of anti-Christ a fake completely invalid offensive to God, diabolical, pseudo old Testament priesthood, somehow be resurrected, who knows maybe that claim genealogical proof using Y chromosomes or something. We don't know, but it's over the old covenant is absolutely non-employed. It's called his book marriage last till death do us part in the old covenant. Speaker 0 00:20:12 The Chrome died when he's nailed to the cross and then that's end to the marital relationship between God and the people of Israel. And then just to make sure that no one could possibly understand misunderstood, confused by this in any way. 40 years later in 70 80, the first wife has put to death for her since biblical Judaism is completely and eternally extinct, but the good news, the gospel is it. The groom has risen and he's got a new and eternal covenant. His blood with the new internal by the Catholic church, no longer is a covenant between God and people limited to one ethnic group. It's Catholic. It's universal it's for all men, no matter who they're descended from the Catholic church and only the Catholic church is the bride. God is not a polygamist Judaism today leads to exactly the same place that led to in 70 a D that's the first point second point. Our Lord told those who believed in him, what they needed to do. So you get to that time of great desolation. He's done the same thing for us in a strange historical period. He sent his mother down from Fatima to tell us what we need to do. If he gets safely through the great destination we live in just as those Catholics made it through by taking the Lord seriously and obeying him and the legions went away to think we're safe. No, they left. God said leave. They left. We'll make it through by obeying our lady, Santa Rosa every day, wearing our Brown scab that okay. Living the Massachusetts.

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