Icons of Evolution

November 06, 2017 00:31:43
Icons of Evolution
Veritas Caritas
Icons of Evolution

Nov 06 2017 | 00:31:43


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Speaker 0 00:00 Harbin, Maria Cruz in the name of the father and the son. Holy spirit. Amen. The American museum of natural history in New York city is just a famous for being one of the premier science museums in the world. There's a striking sight as you approached the hall of human biology and evolution as you walked down the corridor towards the display, your face with a pitch black facade in the middle, perfectly centered in that black wall. Is it die wrong? You have a dark, it's got dark wooden recessed edges, which pits black inside except for three brightly illuminated items and in this field of blackness, these three items just sort of leap up. There's a large dead branch. It's been stripped of barks and twigs. It's alleving only the bare wood on that branch. There's this skeleton of a female gorilla. She's perched there. She's apparently looking down. Speaker 0 01:02 You're placing something that upstretched hand of another skill, the skill of the human female. Now media goes above this display. There's a beautiful surface, a Polish black granted and carved that granted in huge white letters are the words human biology and evolution. Say this pitch black wall centered with an a display about five foot by eight foot contains a bright white skeleton of a female gorilla crushed in a dead branch. She's about four feet off the ground and this mother gorilla is placing something. You're the upstretched pong of a bright white skeleton of a human female and above this display, a beautiful surface of the Polish. Black granted has the words human biology and evolution carved into it. Huge white ladders, all that. That imagery is a clear sign that we're dealing with theology here are not science. That image is actually an icon. Speaker 0 02:08 We've just walked into the temple of Darwin and we've looked at the first icon and to understand that per Fon, and I do mean profound significance of that display. We should pause for a minute to talk briefly about icons. Now. What's an icon? A Holy icon is a sacred image. It's a visual sermon. It's a sermon without worms. It's the word of God in a visible form. It's a work of art that's meant to intuitively convey a theological message. The imagery of a Holy icon is meant to convey a message about God and the whole point of Holy icon is to reveal something about inexpressible divine truths by using visible symbolic imagery. But how can we dare to express divine truths, tempted of air, to express divine truths in our work? Precisely because we believe in incarnation, the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. God became man. Speaker 0 03:16 God became visible. Now because of Holy icon portray some person like Christ started littler or bless the diversion or some event like the resurrection. Because as we know in the beginning, God made man in his image and likeness by using fixed symbols and mystical colors and icon is meant to symbolically express the image of God as it's fun in that particular man who's being portrayed. The idea is if you view this icon regularly, these forms, those particular spiritual truths which are being expressed in that name, we'll fill the soil soul, the vehicle. Okay, so just as if we lifted this to a symphony over and over again, the musical themes will fill our souls. So also by viewing an icon over and over again, the theological truths will fill our souls. So Holy icons, a spiritual work of art. It's a sermon written without words, and it's meant to convey a theological message. And the more we view it, the more of a spirit of logic. But spiritual themes are meant to soak into our souls who become part of the very fiber of RP. Speaker 0 04:26 Now the enemy certainly understands his principal and his unholy icons have a purpose behind them. Also, unholy icons are also sermons without words. What sort of things is unholy icons portray? Well, they're not portray truth but lies. So in that light, let's turn back to the display in American museum of natural history. Remember we've got this pitch black wall smack-dab and center that is a display containing this bright white skeleton of a female gorilla, crushed the dead branches about four foot off the ground. This mother, gorillas places something into the hub stretch Palm of the bright white skeleton of a human female. And above this, there's this beautiful surface of black Polish granted it with the words human biology and evolution carved into it in huge white letters. So what's the meaning here? What essentially speaking is the meaning of this display. Speaker 0 05:35 Instead of life, we have darkness instead of God the father, we have the mother Carrillo. Instead of the tree of life, we have a dead branch instead of the first man receiving the gift of light from God. We have the first woman, the gift of life from a gorilla. Instead of the state of grace, we have a state of nature instead of a living God and a living man, we've got dead skeletons and over it all carved on stone. Tablets are the words, human evolution carved in stone. It's carved in stone human elevation. It's the light in the darkness. It's carved in stone. Speaker 0 06:34 No. Does anybody here seriously think this is accidental? Is there an accident that this is a deliberate blast and this mockery of the book of Genesis? Well, Michelangelo painted the Sistine chapel. Here's making an icon of graphic description or depiction rather of scripture of truth, including that beautiful rendition of the creation of man, the hots truth tan of Adam receiving a gift of life from God. We're all familiar with that image, but here and one of the premier science museums in the world and the very entrance to the hall of human evolution. What are we created with with an icon that's symbolically but explicitly locks, sacred scripture and Mark's Michelangelo was beautiful depiction of the creation of man. Speaker 0 07:42 Why do you suppose they're mocking the word of God, one of the greatest science museums in the world? Now, if you can't give a clear answer to that question, you simply don't understand the key significance that evolution plays in this terrible cultural war, which we're all engaged. It's about time our side woke up and started smelling the sulfur. I just feel like that that symbolically but explicitly mock sacred scripture and one of the greatest science museums in the world demonstrates clearly they're what we're dealing with here is not science at all. We're dealing with a false religion masquerading and science and they know all too often we don't. We're at war. We're not called the church and nor term for nothing. The very fact, the very existence of a display like that should be assigned to us a sign that we're not doing science at all. Though we're dealing with the religious issue. We're not created with a scientific display recruit created with a religious icon, an icon from, and the enemy is fully aware when there's an overthrow of regime, the old statutes get topple. We should think about that and there's a row overthrow regime. The old statutes get taught on the new statutes go up and in this great cultural war, it isn't just the 10 commandments that have been replaced. Speaker 0 09:16 Why don't we adapt creation Speaker 2 09:18 <inaudible>, Speaker 0 09:20 the famous Oxford evolutionist and bestselling author Richard Dawkins puts it succinctly quo. Darwin made it possible to meet an intellectually fulfilled atheist close quote. That's a famous scientist. Explain the appeal of evolution. Does that sound like science? Does that sound like religion? Speaker 0 09:46 Basically evolution functions is a materialist myth. Takes praying, creation without God. Professor William B profiling formerly of Cornell expands this point, the great majority of modern evolutionary biologists or atheists or something very close to that, they publicly deny there's any conflict between science and religion than simple intellectual dishonesty. This position is pragmatic. Many scientists believe that funding for science might suffer if the atheistic implications and barn signs are widely understood. Of course, it is still possible to believe in both modern evolutionary biology kind of purposes, pores, even the Judeo Christian God, one can suppose that God started the whole universe or works the laws of nature both. There's no contradiction between this or similar views of God and natural selection, but this view of God is also worthless. Such a God has nothing to do with you and morals answers no prayers gives no life. Everlasting in fact, does nothing whatsoever that is detectable. Speaker 0 10:53 In other words, religion is compatible with modern evolutionary biology. If the religions effectively indistinguishable from atheism clubs because religion is compatible with modern evolutionary biology. If religion is effectively indistinguishable from atheism and the prominent atheist scientists, the public deny denied there's any conflict between science and religion have taken a pragmatic position because their funding might suffer if the applications were understood. Now, this pragmatic concealing of the troupe occasions of evolutionary theory now has been part of the program from the very beginning. Carl Marx was so enamored of Darwin's work that he wanted to dedicate parts of dots CAPA tall to Darwin. Darwin wrote to Mars to refuse to honor because among other things, he did not believe that direct attacks on religion advanced the cause of thought. Speaker 0 12:00 What a Dharma. Just say to Marx, he wanted fans the cause of free five, which is to say you want to advance the agnostic or atheist to manner of thinking, which attacks Christianity pretty fast. The direct attacks weren't the best way to do so. Evolution is not science. That's a false religious worldview camouflage under the guise of science. It's been that way from the beginning and the enemy's getting bolder. In some cases, the gloves are coming off and then article entitled the meaning of evolution. She, Richard Bowles, arthritis. Evolution just tries to honor and find the very reason Jesus' earthly life for supposedly made necessary destroy Adam and Eve in original sin. And in the rough, you'll find the sorry made to the son of God. Take away the meaning of his death. If cheeses not through a day, we would die for our sins. And this is whatever she needs. Speaker 0 13:02 In Christianity, it's nothing close. Cool. Evolution is not science. It's a false religious world. It's camouflage to science. So let's define our terms. What's evolution and an article in science? No. Science is one of the two most highly respected scientific journals in the world. Other being an internal nature. Dr w H murder biology from Emory university boils down the whole Elvish hypothesis into a point that even the smallest child can understand. And I quote before life, our ancestry extends back through billions of years of molecular change to the nuclei of farmer stars. Here are the elements necessary for life are built up from hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. Close quote. So ancestry extends back through billions of years as molecular change to hydration. So what's dr Merde saying? Well, he's given us the recipe for a Harvard professor. You take immense amount of pipe, a big giant cloud of high energy. Speaker 0 14:07 You got immense amount of time, poof. You have Harvard professors. That's evolution. Jerry cane summarize the same idea and he's slightly more elegant. The way evolution is a mall feels to me natural transformation. If you wish, new higher genetic information is gained, which was not possessed by one's ancestors. Evolutions is an evolution as a molecules to man natural transformation, which new, higher genetic information is gained, which was not assessed by one's ancestors. Details may differ, but the idea of change to something vastly different amphibians to reptiles, reptiles to birds, et cetera. There's the common edge understanding evolution. So evolution is a molecules to man natural transformation, which do higher genetic information is gained, which was not possessed by one's ancestors and just how much information are we talking here? The genetic information contained in the human genome of just one cell. The model information contained in one of your cells, the DNA and one of your cells would fill a library of some 4,000 volumes. Hey Jewish had a 500 pages with 300 words and since an adult has around 10 to the 14th cells, that's one with 14 zeroes behind it. That means that if all the data in your body was written down in books, it would completely fill the grand Canyon Speaker 0 15:38 70 times. No, just where do you suppose all that information came from in order to believe cause molecules to man transformation produced this incredible lot of information randomly requires two things I believe in miracles Speaker 2 15:59 <inaudible> Speaker 0 16:02 what are those characteristics of science Speaker 2 16:06 <inaudible> Speaker 0 16:09 let's go back back into the hall of human biology and evolution in the American museum of natural history and now that we've taken a look at the unholy icon in the festival, we're going directly to the temple of Darwin and take a look around. Has it got left? You've passed by the glass wall. We see a sign of Reedsy park quote. Humans are part of nature. We belong to a great branching system of living things which has arisen from an ancestor lived more than 3.5 billion years ago. Closed core. There's that molecules to man routine. The current claim was their ancestor was a piece of RNA molecule five MinuteClinic acid, another sign, cool. Sometime before 5 million years ago, the human lineage emerged in Africa from the more generalized <inaudible> ancestry. However, no fossils have been found yet. The document isn't meant close call. I think about what they're saying. Speaker 0 17:01 Sometime before 5 million years ago, the human inclination in Africa from our generalized homicide ancestry, however, no fossils haven't yet found the document, so that's a relief. His claim, the evolutionary magisterium is stated. This happened even though as they point out, we have no evidence to believe this requires an after faith unnatural, not this supernatural, but an act of faith numbness. It also requires that the obvious interpretation Genesis be placed to now become a big sentence. They've all got the disclaimers with the lines. Certain details are entire conjecture and now that it's an understatement, certain details are entirely contractual. Started with an exhibit entitled the earliest human relatives we see to ask Australopithecines off for stroll, so you have this male and female, they're black. The cover with hair except for their facial features looking like they're somewhere between age. The men were going out to another exhibit. Speaker 0 18:01 It's got a dark naked, hairy eight men and women wandering, Ron Savannah or eight boys wrestling around. You've got another exhibit with partially very people. They're naked, stupid, lucky and black. Until we reached a chronic server, which has a great big blonde hair, blonde, bearded man clothing, fury furs were to come to these Nordic babes that are closed in slightly revealing first more on fully icons. The racism is so bleak, dark, naked, stupid, looking all the way up to enrich the pinnacle of evolution of private areas of his two wives. The race. It was impossible. The and just for good measure. There's a little swipe as it monogamy of Adam and Eve. What's the message here? It's racism. It's unmistakable racism and undeniable denial. The chances, and it's not accidental racism has been part of the course of evolution for quite some time, like quo at some future period. Speaker 0 19:09 Not very interested as measured by centuries. The civilized racism man almost certainly exterminate and replaced the Savage race is throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphise tapes will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man is nearest allies will then be wider for will intervene between men and more civilized state than even a Caucasian in some ape as low as a brewing instead of as now between the Negro Australia and the Corella cosmopolitan. So this author of action looks forward to the time when the so-called intermediaries between the white men, they have the winter exterminated, and who are these intermediaries between white men on the moon, gorillas, Australians and blacks. It's pretty vile stuff that was taken by the way from the descendant man was written by a guy named Charles Darwin. Then of course, there's Darwin's cousin Francis Galt. God was captivated by Darwin's theories called and actually coined a word for describing the direct application of his cousin theories of evolution to human sociological problems. And that word Regenexx is gone and wrote, quote, if talented men were made with talented women, we might produce a highly bred human rights closed court. We believe we need a quote to check the birth rate of the unfit instead of allowing them to come into be close call on his part. Dalton thought that's called his ideas were Speaker 3 20:43 Oh claws. Speaker 0 20:48 Now Goldman attracted a great following in suit including luminaries that the German scientists parents table through Hagle, even more favorite Austrian, certain mr Hitler as well as other normals like George Bernard Shaw in HG Wells. <inaudible> Wells is one of the lovers. I've got another call, a follower, the editor of the birth control review, a magazine whose motto was quote more children for the fit, less for the unfit close call, not typical quote from that editor reads quote, those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. Funds that should be used to raise a standard or civilization are diverted to maintenance of those if should have never been born close quo. Now who did she consider Lisa fit to carry on the race? Our call from her Hebrews Slavs Catholics and Negro Speaker 3 21:46 close call Speaker 0 21:48 who was the editor of the birth control. A woman who saw some member of both the American eugenics society and English. Eugenics society was an early supporter of the Nazi eugenics program. We're on a greater fame, fortunate as if honors or planned Parenthood. Does anyone think those are racist displays? It is. You aren't. Accident is this science or the unholy icons with some strange religion and fine. Before we leave the museum, consider this not published in the birth control review. July, 1931 call eugenics research association. Hell, its annual meeting on June 6th at the American museum of natural history. If you are Speaker 3 22:40 close, close Speaker 0 22:44 eugenics research association holds the annual meeting at the American museum of natural history. Those racist displays the museum or no accident at all. Strange and horrible religion from the very beginning. It's been another agenda. Evolution is not science. We're going to look false religious worldview masturbating, science, and they know too often we don't miss biography. Matthew chap, he's the great, great grandson, Charles Darwin, status quo, Darwin's theory of evolution, demolished biblical story of creation. If the very first chapter, the good book was nonsensical and true, why would the rest of the incredible Speaker 3 23:29 useful <inaudible> Speaker 0 23:33 if the very first chapter, the good book was nonsense come true, why would we recipe more kind of only use hope, amen. And preach your brother Speaker 3 23:42 <inaudible> Speaker 0 23:46 another modern free thinker has a perceptively standing call. Those the liberal and the Orthodox Christians who regard the creation stories as myths or allegories or a hundred money in the rest of scripture, correct? There was no, there was no fall. If there was no fall, who was no hell, there was no hell. There's no need of Jesus. Second Hammond, carne, Sagan crucified and risen as a result, the whole biblical system of salvation classes, evolution, that's becomes the most important weapon for destroying a Christian pain. Close, close. That's an enemy. And he's right. They know what they're doing. See if evolution to be true, that scripture is not trustworthy. If evolution to be true, the tradition is not trustworthy. If ever to be true, then there aren't going to be trouble natures. And so the natural law has not me. And so if evolution to be true, then we're levered with nothing but our own opinions. Which means that if evolution picture, it's just our slogans against theirs. And so those should be true and we're descend from animals and why shouldn't we act like them? Why shouldn't we do what we feel like I shouldn't wait. Speaker 0 25:13 That's cause we opened by considering an icon from culture, death and lot creme of one of the paintings on a serious teacher. Let's close by meditating on another icon. That incredible scene painted on Michelangelo, the same chapel scene in the last judgment. So we began with the beginning. Let's close on the hand. And that beautiful icon is just unbelievable. There's a beautiful blue sky that seems almost real. And in the center, our Lord is city judgment. There's our lady around in the apostles, they're so sort of swirl of motion around, you know, <inaudible> get up out of the graves and the blesser being taken up by the angels into heaven and the curse are being dragged down by the team and it's down in the Hill. It's just magnificent icon. The second calming the resurrection at the last day judging the end of the world. Speaker 0 26:22 So what about us? There will be dust and the tones. What will become us if somehow we could stand back and watch? What will we see? Well, judgment, baby, anything like that. Image when that trumpet blows, will we all be snatched up out of that dusty grave you brought by the angels to the Valley, Joseph, all the twinkling of an eye. Is that what's going to happen or perhaps when we see the angels taking the dust from each grade and maybe see them arrange it so they're so slowly forms and organics. Then self-replicating molecules in the RNA. Then DNA, then over the <inaudible>. It's a primitive cell. Let's say men in war, how fish I fished, it grows legs, I fished, it takes it scales off and becomes an amphibian. Then puts it, scales back on and becomes a reptile. Then takes it, scales back off and becomes a male changing from a little rat like mammal solely into a primate, then eight, then eight men and fine. We appear here. Speaker 0 27:44 We see something like that, some horrible Claymation with this accompanying soundtrack of words, squeaks groups, Romans and currents, all of which would take place over a fairly long day, the longest today at 3.5 billion year and a long day. Because remember that even the people used to think that a day in the Bible meant, well, a day monitor scripture scholarship assures that as that that's only pre-scientific stuff as issue is our Lord going to be hovering there in judgment for 3.5 billion years with all the ages and the seats. A lot of this goes on well when she <inaudible>, if someone can believe that God is going to yank us all out of the ground, all of stuff at the end of time, we're bound to profess and why did he look all that's good and Holy? Can they not believe you did the same thing with her father in the beginning of time, so I didn't really know what happened with that. Speaker 0 28:45 In 1859 Darren published the origin of species and fall that some years later with a descent a man, the posts weren't asleep properly or 13th responded and clearly decisively in February of 1881 this is a cyclical Arconic and I'm going to read from paragraph five of that cyclical quote, the true origin of marriage, general brothers. It's well known to all the revise. The Christian faith refused to acknowledge that never interrupted doctrine. The church on the subject as long strip to destroy the testimony of all nations of all times they have nevertheless failed not only to quench the powerful light of truth, but even to lesson we record what is known to OD cannot be dotted. But Annie note that we recorded what it's known to. OD cannot be doubted by any that God on the sixth day of creation, having man from the slime of the earth and have it briefed into his faith. The breast life gave him a companion. We mountain racks. It took from the side of Adam. He is locked and sleep. Got thus far Richie foresight to create it. This husband and wife should be the natural beginning of human rights from whom it might be propagated and preserve by unfairly fruitfulness through all fraternity of time. Close called Pope Leo the 13th Speaker 2 30:07 the vicar of Christ that's worth repeating Speaker 0 30:12 the true origin of marriage and her brothers as well. Onto hall, we record what is known to all cannot be dotted by any that God. On the sixth day of creation, he made man from the slime that earth having breathed you as a face, the breath of life. Hey, my companion, the MiraLax they took from the side of Adam when he was locked and sleep. God does his most far Richard foresight to create it. This husband and wife should have a natural beginning of the human race from whom it might be propagated, preserve, been failing, fruitfulness, drop off a Tory of time, period. Speaker 2 30:47 Close the book. Let's pray. Heavenly father, Speaker 0 30:54 and you're getting an hurt word. We see that after Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil to call it a question, your very first words to them, the fall of man occur in all hell. Real clues, but as we look around, it's easy to see that all I all broken those in our society because we do have called into question. Your very first words to us, Speaker 2 31:24 we repair. Speaker 0 31:27 Have we begged you to give us the craze? Who says the witnesses? Snares. They choose her and remain faithful. Speaker 2 31:33 You're only where on a death. Amen. Speaker 0 31:39 The father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen.

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