St. Titus & St. Dorothy

February 06, 2018 00:02:56
St. Titus & St. Dorothy
Veritas Caritas
St. Titus & St. Dorothy

Feb 06 2018 | 00:02:56


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 I'm Maria, Christina, and the name of the father and son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's a face of st. Titus. He's one of the companions of st. Paul, who st. Paul then made the Bishop of crate. He besides creati also went to Dalmatia, uh, and preach the gospel there and died as a very old man at the age of 94, sometime early in the second century, we, of course having a pistol that st Paul wrote to Titus, it's only three chapters. It's really quick to read the three. He wrote two epistles to Saint Timothy, one to Titus, and those are since they were bishops, those are kind of Saint Paul's teaching on particular problems about bishops and priests. It's certainly not a summary of the Catholic teaching in any way, but it has a lot of details in those three short epistles. So also the feast of st. Speaker 0 00:00:55 Dorothy, Virgin martyr, she's from Cezary had Kappa dosha, which is part of Turkey nowadays and early in the fourth century, she's, uh, rounded up and then sent to see live with two of her sisters, had a pasta size, and the deal was they were going to get her to give up the faith as well and said she converted them. So they both ended up being martyred. And she got hauled in, on trial. And well, since she wouldn't have denounced the face, she got wrapped, and while she's being racked, she had some kind of grace because she's talking about how much Joyce she's being filled with. So they burnt her with tortures and so forth, and then just beat her severely in the face. And she still wouldn't give up. So she was sentenced to be beheaded. And as she's getting led off, uh, to be beheaded, she's saying, you know, I praise you Lord. Speaker 0 00:01:49 And my spouse that I'll see you soon in paradise. And she's walking by one of the officers of the court. One of the off lists, uh, starts joking with it says, Oh, well, why don't you tell when you get to that paradise, why don't you have your spouse send me some, some apples and roses. And she goes, alright, I will. And they kept going. She kneels down and she's allowed some time to pray. And this young child comes up to while she's praying, before they be header. And he has this, this a bundle wrapped up in a cloth and she says, take that to Theopolis. Well, she gets beheaded and this child comes up to Theopolis and said, uh, Dorothy had me send these to you. And he opens it up and it's three, three, uh, roses and three apples. And it's it's February and, and frosty out. And all of that. If the office is so struck and he says, well, Christ surely is the God. And, uh, and he ends up being martyred too. So that's a, just a little story about st. Dorothy and st. The off lists. Speaker 1 00:02:55 Okay.

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