It’s Time For Justice 2

December 02, 2016 00:30:52
It’s Time For Justice 2
Veritas Caritas
It’s Time For Justice 2

Dec 02 2016 | 00:30:52


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Speaker 0 00:05 Well everyone knows or should know that the primary end of marriage is the education or procreation education of children. And even to this day, I remember one of the first educational experiences in my life very clearly. My mom had her hand clamped over my mouth that she carried him out to church and then she proceeded to educate me on making noise in church. I got some real education that day and I've never forgotten that lesson. Well, it's a little fussy is one thing that senator stood because they're babies, but it's a question of charity. If it gets serious or goes on, this should be taken out and you're not actually missing mass if you do that cause you're, you're taking care of a serious responsibility. So in the sermon as usual, I've edited, cut and paste the quotes. I won't bother siting every once since it'd be tediousness Herman <inaudible> prism on the name of the father and son. Speaker 0 00:59 Holy Spirit. Amen. One of the overseas regions of France has a French west indies. They're located in the eastern Caribbean, one of the principle islands. There is the island of Martinique at the beginning of the last century, the largest city on Martinique and fast, the most important city on Martin e culturally and economically speaking with San Pier. It's a beautiful town, which was known as the Paris of the Caribbean. St Pier was built right on the Caribbean with Mont Palae stretching up behind it. Uh, but there were problems in Martinique, although the people were baptized Catholics. Nonetheless, a great many of the people practice Futu starting around 1890 the island was scourged with calamities. First they had smallpox than a hurricane struck. Killed hundreds of people and poverished thousands more than the Capitol Martinique, four to France burnt down a priest preach from one end of the island to the other, exhorted the people to prayer and pennants and warning them of God's awful retribution on Sinan blast me. Speaker 0 02:07 Father marry the parish priests who Monro stated that quote, the effect was only partial. A few, the limited number gave practical proofs that the good priests words had not fallen upon Barron's soil, but the majority continued to revel in their real irreligious and profane habits. Close quote, a limited number reformed, but the majority continued with their real irreligious and profane habits. A newspaper editor from a neighboring island and visit San Pierre in March or April of 1902 after his visit, he stated, quote, in the midst of religion, the people were extremely irreligious. Some did not believe in the existence of God. Many ridiculed his might and power and scoffed at the mention of his name in a word. The great mass of the people lived in open rebellion against their creator living in her condition. Similar to the sodomites of old reveling and blast men. Sacrilege provoking the divine hand to wrath. Speaker 0 03:13 Close quote. See you, the great mass living in open rebellion against God. He conditions similar to Sodom and Gomorrah, reveling and blasts me and sacrilege, all of which provoked the wrath of God. So you know what's going to happen. Another author notes quote on Good Friday. This is good. Friday, 1902 at three o'clock in the afternoon. The container was crowded with men, women and children who had come together to hear a sermon on the passion of our Lord to venerate the crucifix and to make the stations of the cross if the historical reports are to be believed. And yesterday I called the priest friend of mine who is from Guadalupe, which is another one of the islands in the French West indies who told me, although he wasn't familiar with this particular story, still is completely believable. The historical reports are to be believed at about the same time that the faithful were making the stations of the Cross and the Cathedral. Speaker 0 04:09 A crowd led by a French free thinker formed a sacrilegious procession mocking the way of the cross with a rope around its neck. They dragged a living pig outside the city there. They nailed it to a cross and lifted on high with shouts and curses. They hailed it as our Lord. They crowned its wretched head with thorns pierced its side and put a board above it with the inscription Jaycee King of the Christians and yelling and dancing like Feans carried it through the streets. At about the same hour, another procession of human devils is set in Mount Palae operated a great crucifix that had stood there for many years and admitted obscene rights and blast myths. Songs through the crucifix into the Crater of the volcano there. Gate leader yelling as it sank out of sight. Go without deserves to go into the unknown hell. Speaker 0 05:05 The author says, I recorded this as I heard it from the lips of those in fort the France who had it from eyewitnesses and I may add that is corroborated by Colonel Pell House who witnessed the frightful see close quote. On April six Paley began to emit smoke and continue to get more and more active as a month wore on quote. Living near the volcanic became increasingly stressful, leading many to consider leaving San Pierre for Martinique, second city fort to France. The governor convinced the editor to the daily newspaper to downplay the danger, the volcano, and to lead the effort to encourage people to remain. On May 7th, 1902 had published a statement which Red Mont Paly presents no more danger than inhabitants of San pier than does for service to those of Naples. The newspaper added, we confess we cannot understand his panic. Where could one be better off than in San Pierre? Speaker 0 05:58 Still some residents left the city for four to France. This prompted the governor to send in troops to patrol the road with orders turned back, refugees who are trying to leave based on the SUNY articles that appeared in the local paper. Many people in the countryside flogged to San pier thinking it was the safest place to be. The population ballooned to about 28,000 eventually, the governor appointed a volcanic commission. The first meeting was scheduled in San Pierre on the evening of May 7th and their conclusions were published early on the morning of May 8th quote, the Commission response before this study of mob Paleo is volcanic phenomena met yesterday evening, May 7th under the chair of the governor after careful analysis of the facts, the commission declares that one. All the phenomena which have occurred so far normal are commonly observed on all volcanoes around the world. Two since the craters of volcano are wide open, the expansion, the vapors will continue with no earthquake or rock present. Speaker 0 07:00 Projection three according to the location that craters in the position of the valleys leading to see the city of San pier is perfectly safe. Close quote, and this report was published early on the morning of May 8th, 1902 on that same day, it was ascension Thursday a ship had the city and direct view when at about 8:00 AM the opera mountain side ripped open in a dense black cloud shot out horizontally. The second black cloud rolled up words for me, a gigantic mushroom cloud, which darkness sky for 55 mile radius. The horizontal cloud was something known as new way or die. Now that's not being pretentious. It actually has a French name. Sometimes you'll see it, we call it a pirate clastic cloud, but the proper name is new way or done, which I'm probably mispronouncing. It's the most deadly vulva, volcanic phenomenon. New Air Don, a pirate clastic cloud moves it apps, lob absolutely phenomenal speeds. Speaker 0 07:59 As it comes rolling down a mountain, it's actually an avalanche. It's a fluidized cloud that contained super hot volcanic blocks, uh, gravel, sand, et Cetera, and ashes and superheated toxic gases such as glowing red, hot, ferocious heat on the inside, and it's wrapped in this blown Brown cloud and blonde black club in a minute. Under a minute, it reached a city and completely covered it in the surrounding area, instantly igniting everything that came in contact with this particular cloud was over a thousand degrees centigrade. That's over 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. The city burnt for several days out of a city of almost 30,000 people. Two survived to both suffered severe burns to survivors, 30,000 people to survivors. An excerpt from report made five months later, quote, I've visited that pier on October 18th fortunately, we were able to go overland for the authorities a few weeks before, had a hundred labors and several meo teams clearing the road. Speaker 0 09:12 Banks of ashes at center volcanic bombs in San Line, the highway and were piled up many feet high as when the railroad tracks are cleared. After a heavy snow storm, the 2:00 PM we stood over the site of the lost city. There were no runes, nothing but a few feet of one of the cathedral towers and that of the school are visible. Everything houses find residents, public buildings, comments in schools and 33,000 human bodies. They buried for all time under 65 feet of volcanic dust. There's absolutely nothing left. If we accept the few feet of the cathedral tower to show there ever was a city where sand Pierre's buried forevermore. If the ruin of San pier was a punishment, punishment for sacrilege and unheard of blasphemy the world must acknowledge as complete, even to the bearing of the dead close quote, another quote in a word. The great mass of the people lived in open rebellion against their creator living under the conditions similar to the sodomized civ, old reveling and blast me and sacrilege provoking the divine hand giraffe, which of us who worships God doubts the cause of the destruction of San Pierre. That's what divine justice looks like. Nothing left. Warning after warning plagues, hurricanes, praise, preaching up and down the island, rumbling of the volcano for months ahead of time. Speaker 1 11:01 Woo. Speaker 0 11:03 And then Justin Saint Alphonsus says, do you imagine that God will always weigh, always pardon and never punish? Speaker 1 11:15 No. Speaker 0 11:17 God is merciful for a season and then he punish it. Speaker 0 11:26 So after an absolutely terrifying event like that in the relatively recent past, how have the people of Martinique, which even today is 90% Catholic, how have they responded? What have they learned? I quote, the sates may go marching and other carnival locales, but in the island of Martinique in the French West indies, the boisterous pre land event revolves around the devil festivities kickoff with a traditional cardinal pro carnival parade on fat Sunday. But the carnival really heats up a Mardi gras the day of the devil when everyone wears red and dresses and demonic costumes. The climax comes on Ash Wednesday. The climax comes in Ash Wednesday, which is the day of the she devils when 30,000 revelers gathered to mourn the end of Carnival and the Sim death of King Carnival, which has the theme rejoice today. Repent. Tomorrow on the evening of Ash Wednesday, there's a salacious dance, the devils and a bonfire to burn a giant paper mushy effigy of King Carnival that symbolizes the end of the festival and the star of Len close quotes. Speaker 1 12:45 Okay, Speaker 0 12:46 so what have they learned collectively speaking? Are they not still living in open rebellion against the creator living yet or conditions similar to the sodomites of old reveling and blast and sacrilege provoking the divine hand to wrath? Does anyone doubt that the Lord has noticed this? Speaker 1 13:14 They're not alone. Speaker 0 13:16 Dr. Richard Fitsgibbons, a psychiatrist, experienced treaty, sexually abused patient priest has served as a consultant to the congregation for the clergy at the holy sea. I quote from an article from yesterday, Dr Fitsgibbons, I've worked extensively with Catholic youth, severely harmed psychologically by the divorce. Their parents frequently enabled by the easy installments of their parents at Sacramento marriages and disregard for justice, mercy and psychological science, and by youth severely harmed psychologically by the epidemics of narcissism, marijuana, pornography can, hooking up culture using others as objects and the enormous peer pressure to be sexually active and suffering. The psychological conflicts and their parents, siblings and peers. That's quite a list of problems, but he's a professional to work with. He continues. However, in my professional opinion, the most dangerous threat to Catholic youth that I've seen over the past 40 years, the most dangerous threat to Catholic youth I've seen over the past 40 years. Speaker 1 14:25 Okay. Speaker 0 14:27 The most dangerous threat to Catholic use I've seen over the past 40 years is the Vatican's new sexual education. Speaker 1 14:35 Wow. Speaker 0 14:38 In my professional opinion, the most dangerous threat to Catholic youth I have seen over the past 40 years is the Vatican's new sexual education program, which was released worldview in Poland by the pontifical the family under the direction of Archbishop Paglia. He continues us particularly shocked by the images contained in his program, so which are clearly pornographic. My immediate professional reaction was that this pornographic approach abuses you psychologically and spiritually as a professional who has treated both priest perpetrators and the victims of the abuse crisis in the church. What I found particularly troubling was that the pornographic images in this program are similar to those used by adult predators of adolescence. This program constitutes sexual abuse of Catholic adolescents worldwide. It represents a great future crisis in the church in far greater proportions than the scandalous sexual abuse crisis of youth, so widely reported in the press close quilt. Now, yesterday I talked to a very balanced friend who my trust completely who said she had reviewed the photographs and there was no question there. Porn. I'm certainly not going to do that. We have now reached the point where we need a filter to block the Vatican website. Speaker 2 16:08 <inaudible> Speaker 0 16:11 we did a filter to block the Vatican website, so where are the church leaders with all this? Collectively speaking, are the bishops who produced this filth and permit this filth, not obviously living in open rebellion against their creator living and promoting conditions. Some are to the sodomites of old reviling blasts me and sacrilege provoking divine hand to wrath. Does anyone doubt that the Lord has noted this? What was that that he said about scandal? Again, something about millstones I think Speaker 2 16:56 <inaudible> Speaker 0 17:01 an article published almost three and a half years ago, Dr Brian Klaus, he's a director of education and research that him in life international estimates at this time there had been more than 1.7 2 billion abortions in the past 40 years. He notes that this trend is actually growing exponentially as more and more countries embrace and legalize contraception, abortion as methods of population control, of course, under the guise of family planning and reproductive health. Speaker 2 17:33 <inaudible> Speaker 0 17:36 collectively speaking or not the family of nations living in open rebellion against their creator conditions similar to the sodomites of old reveling blast me and sacrilege provoking divine hand to wrath. Does anyone doubt that the Lord has noted this? Is this not one of the sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance? Speaker 2 18:07 Yes. Speaker 0 18:10 What about the rainbow movement that Scott Lyle, you noted caught 50 years ago. San Francisco behavior was illegal throughout the entire world except for Sweden, which a decriminalize it, 1938 yet in the space of just half a century, this tiny one to 3% of the population that made themselves a global political power with greater influence in the courtrooms and legislatures of the world than the Church of Jesus Christ close quilt, collectively speaking, are they not obviously living in open rebellion against their creator, attempting to create social conditions precisely the same as Sodom, reveling in blasphemy and sacrilege provoking the divine hand to wrath. Does anyone doubt that the Lord has noted this? Is this not also one of the sins that cries up to heaven for vengeance? Speaker 2 19:15 Yes, Speaker 0 19:17 and somebody please remind me which political party in our fare country is actually opposed to this kind of behavior. I'd like to know. I haven't found one yet because at time we won't bother with the other two sins which cry out to heaven for vengeance, but these two are a global phenomena and the Lord has surely noted them as well. Just a few more thoughts. A few months ago, European leaders including that German chancellor, Angela Merkel, French president, Francoise Hawaiian Italian Prime Minister Madea Renzi looked in Stein Prime Minister Adrian hostler and Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern took part in the opening of the world's largest tunnel. It's runs 57 kilometers on under the Swiss Alps, the open opening ceremonies which tick hours contained blatantly satanic overtones including a satanic figure with a goat head beat, adored by scantily clad figures, repeatedly prostrating themselves before him all to the company. Ahmed of horrific wailing and screaming, not the end. The most powerful people in Europe gave a standing ovation. What are the elite telling us by such a ceremony? In fact, this is who we serve. This is who we believe in. This is what we think of you and there isn't a thing you can about it. Speaker 1 20:49 Okay. Speaker 0 20:51 Collectively speaking, are they not living in open rebellion against their creator living at are conditions similar to the sodomites of all reveling and blasphemy and sacrilege and provoking the divine hand to wrath? Does anyone doubt that the Lord has noted this, but why pick on the elites? Is it just the elites that engage this kind of behavior? Is it is isn't the art is the same things that we see in so much of our music and entertainment industries here? Art, Neo Pagans, virtually everywhere. So collectively speaking, Speaker 1 21:31 yeah. Speaker 0 21:31 Aren't we living in open rebellion against our creator living under conditions similar to the sodomites of all reveling in blast man sacrilege provoking a divine hand to wrath. Does anyone doubt that the Lord has noted this and in terms of blast misuse of pig? Speaker 1 21:53 Yes. Speaker 0 21:55 What just happened up in Oklahoma two weeks ago on August 15th the phase two, the assumption of our lady, the Satanic Group was allowed by the local government to use a tax payer funded venue, the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. And what happened there. A registered sex offender let us attack black mass, which is another way saying the holy sacrifice, the mass and our Lord and the most busted sacrament of the alter were mocked in blast feed and during this abomination of desolation, this registered sex offender deliberately mocked or a lady by decapitating, a statue of the blessed mother Natras smashing that statue to pizzas. A pig's heart had been shoved up inside, was then consumed in all this was done out of the protection of the civil authorities. That's religious freedom by the way. That's what religious freedom looks like. That's what it means and these United States think about, yeah, Speaker 1 23:03 that, think about that. Speaker 0 23:09 This is a lot worse than the incident in Martinique. It's a lot worse. The Satanic attack on our lady had official recognition was given a public venue had protected by public authority. Collectively speaking. Speaker 1 23:32 Yeah. Speaker 0 23:32 All we not all living in open rebellion against our credit or living under conditions similar to sodomites of old reveling and blast immune sacrilege provoking divine hand to wrath. Does anyone doubt that? Our Lord noted that? Speaker 2 23:52 Yes. Speaker 0 23:53 Does anyone doubt that? He will avenge the honor of his mother. Cause if you doubt that you better think again. Speaker 0 24:08 Saint Alphonsus asks, do you imagine that God will always wait, always pardoned, and never punish? No. God is merciful for a season and then he punish his that Greg, Dr the church, say Thomas Aquinas Explains Court. We are to look to God for vengeance on his enemies, vengeance, consistent infliction of a punishment on one who is sin, one the whole multitude sins, vengeance must be taken on them either in respect of the whole multitude. Plus the Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea while they are pursuing the children of Israel and the people of Sodom were entirely destroyed or as regards part of the multitude as may be seen in the punishment of those who were shipped to calf closed quo one, the whole multitude sins, vengeance must be taken on them either in regards to the whole multitude as the cage. In the case of the Egyptians, the Red Sea or the sodomites, whoever else has regards part of the multitude as in the case of those worshiping the golden calf. Speaker 0 25:20 A few closing thoughts. It truly has been a year of mercy where God has reached out to everyone with unbelievable mercy, but very few have accepted it. God's mercy does not contradict his justice. They actually compliment each other. God sees of a person's heart as good and if he really wants to do right, but maybe struggling because he lacks proper guidance due to the condition of the world and the kind of leaders as God sees the truth in each man's heart and he grants and mercy forgiving him or judging him accordingly. God acts with true justice because he can see the situation perfectly. Everything evolved down to the tiniest detail. He literally knows every hair on our heads. Any judges justly measures up to each one of us with perfect exactitude, the gesture, ward or punishment for every thought or date or emissions that no one can ever claim any injustice each. Speaker 0 26:29 Dot. Word, Dade or emission in each detail. No matter how small we'll be judged in perfect truth and charity and it's safe to say today want to know is there catechism is been blinded by sin that anyone can see two lenses of truth and charity can see as the scripture say that the whole world is seen in wickedness. Anyone can see that the whole world has sinned in regard of the forced sins, the crowd to heaven for vengeance. Anyone can see that even the Holy See itself is seriously sending with regards to the terrible crime of scandal, the little ones that at Saint Thomas Teachers when the whole multitude sins vengeance must be taken on them either with regard to the whole multitude or as regards part of the multitude given all that anyone can see, it's only just a justice rooted and true charity for God to bring down, adjust judgment upon the world as a whole. Speaker 0 27:35 Since it really is the whole world involved in these situations, at least as regards the part of the multitude since it really is the whole world that has rejected Christ in his church, at least as regards part of the multitude and the whole world, at least in regards, part of the multitude deserve to have the punish what they've been asking for by their behavior, by their sins, for their blasphemies, by their sacrilegious. If we actually consider the state of the world where we not desire justice when we not long for justice, and if we truly desire justice, would we not want to cry out with each one of those four suffering from these sins? For example, Purdue unite, begging God of vengeance for the blood of the almost 2 billion babies aborted. Well, we not want that country, that locality, that person, that doctor to stop slaughtering those poor babies in the womb. Those poor babies that can never see the beatific vision. We not want the justice be done. Speaker 0 28:48 Since we know that God is perfectly just perfectly mirthful, they know as all truth and his charity himself. So we should be at peace in knowing that although it is very apparent, the justice is soon to visit this world, this world seated in sin, the Zaza we stay close to our lady will be able to embrace the cross coming. As long as we stay close to our lady will be able to be sanctified by the cross. That is comedy. We can be at peace doing that. God is merciful and loving. He will not abandon us in the vengeance. That is sure to come, but we're going to have to carry a cross because justice is due. Speaker 2 29:33 It's due Speaker 0 29:37 the book of the Prophet Isaiah and Chapter 28 Verse 22 of the Prophet tells us for I have heard of the Lord of the God of hosts in isolation and cutting short upon the whole earth. Try. I've heard of the Lord God of hosts and an isolation and a cutting short upon the whole earth. No, I'm not the prophet. Isaiah says, but I can say the chastisement is near at hand. We all know, Speaker 1 30:19 everyone knows that Speaker 0 30:23 the year immerse, he's drawing to an end. Speaker 1 30:26 Okay. Justice is coming and it's time for justice. Justice is calming. It's time for justice.

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