Q&A pt. 6: Mutilation and the V word

December 29, 2020 00:14:17
Q&A pt. 6: Mutilation and the V word
Veritas Caritas
Q&A pt. 6: Mutilation and the V word

Dec 29 2020 | 00:14:17


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously. It's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgated published this. Uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under. Yeah. The vaccines. Talk about that a little. Okay. Look, I've, I've been prepared for that question. Not because of you, but because I've actually copied something and to put it my Breviary, um, just cause it's handy, but here you go. So this is, uh, I'll, I'll read some things and make comments. So this is photocopied from a pretty standard work is called moral and pastoral theology is by father Henry Davis. And this is the ninth, 1949. So it was a sixth edition and insist from 1949. So it certainly, but these are going to be on two sides of the same page to show you. Speaker 1 00:01:10 So I'm going to read, read something and we'll just talk about it. So in regards to the vaccine, let's start first with the people involved like the doctors, nurses, and military personnel that potentially would be giving these new vaccines, these new COVID vaccines. And I put that out there. Okay. So I'll just read this. Doctors may not use the bodies of the sick for experimenting with uncertain remedies when sure. Remedies can be used when there are no sure. Remedies, a Dr. May test the remedial nature of newly discovered drugs. If there is no risk to the patient. Okay. So what does that have to do with anything you can't just use people as Guinea pigs? Speaker 1 00:02:03 No one, no one would deny that this thing has been fast-tracked in this administration. They call it operation warp speed, but all over the place, they have all these things fast tracked. This is so urgent. They tell us that we can't do any testing, you know, ordinarily it would take years to develop a vaccine, but we'll just do it like magically in a couple of months or weeks or days or whatever it might be, you know, who knows all quite incredible to put it mildly and then they want to give it to everybody. So let's talk about the disease first, just very, very, very briefly because I'm not going to make a bunch of comments on that, but just in proportion to vaccine. So you can see in different things. Wait, I even, I even have data here. I saved some data. I got this on, on my phone. Speaker 1 00:02:57 Let me see if I can find really, really quick, but just to talk about some of the data, this is from Dr. Gian, Carla blondes Yardo. So he's the president of i-STAT that's the Italian government institution, uh, Institute of statistics. Italy was purportedly the hardest hit by this COVID. So these are from last March. This last March is the height of the crisis over there in Italy that time. And you know, they were the first country in the world where everybody went into mandatory lock down because everything was so serious. And so COVID is such a deadly respiratory illness that they had to do this. This is what we're being told. So here's actual statistics, March, 2018. These are the deaths from respiratory illness in Italy, in March, 2018, 16,220. So that's how many died of respiratory illness in March, 2018 and March, 2019 in Italy, 15,189 died from respiratory illness. Speaker 1 00:03:58 So in 2018, 16,220 and 2019, 15,189 and 2020. So this is the height of COVID where Italy has to be locked down because the, the situation is so serious. So in March, 2018, 16,220 March 29, 13, 15,108, March, 2020. And these are official statistics, 12,350. Okay. No, I looked at the UK for total deaths in the first week of March. It was suggested to me by someone else, I checked it. Sure enough. It was basically the same note. What's interesting is when you look in the United States and I've looked at that, but the best thing just has come out is, uh, a Guelph from, uh, Johns Hopkins professor. There has done an analysis of the death rates and it's, it's, doesn't seem to be significantly different than any other year. Okay. So wait a minute. We're going to use it. People for Guinea pigs. When a Dr. May not use the bodies of the sick for experiment with uncertain remedies, when sure remedies may be used, how uncertain can you have as a vaccine that hasn't been tested significantly? Speaker 1 00:05:11 It can't be more uncertain when there are no sure remedies. He may test remedial nature of newly discovered drugs. If there's no risk to the patient, but it's clear if you've looked at them, what they have released on the consequences. There's lots of serious consequences in the test they've done. So what does this mean for the people? The doctors, nurses, and military personnel they're supposed to give shots. I don't see how they'd going to be free from sin and grace and like giving any of these shots to anyone that's in the first place. And that's just on the data we've got here. That's on the data we've got okay. No. What about taking the shots? Well, I want to turn the page. We'll talk about that, but talk about the people taking the shots. So this is a photocopy from the next page. The body may not be mutilated unless mutilation is the only available means of saving the rest of the body. Speaker 1 00:06:10 I E it's life or your health since man may not take away his life. So neither may he mid-flight his body for the members of his body or not his to dispose of, but are to be used in their integrity to help them to fulfill the divine purpose at shave his own perfection last. And, but since life is better than a member of the body, the latter may be sacrificed a member if necessary to save the whole body. Okay? So the body may not be mutilated unless mutilation is the only available means of saving the rest of the body. It's life rail. Why did I suddenly turn to mutilation? When I turn the page, let's talk a little bit about at least several of these vaccines. If we're to take seriously, what they're saying, several of them are novel never before been tested or used, never developed before vaccines using either Mesher, RNA, or DNA of some kind that was a biochemist that doesn't really matter. Speaker 1 00:07:10 But you look at this, you say, well, that's just a little bit more than interesting, cause at least potentially we might be genetically modifying the people that receive these shots. Now that's a big, fancy word. But the another way of saying GMO or genetic modifying is to say utilization because you're actually changing the genetic code in the cells of these people. And they're crawling about how there may come into antibody, a little, little antibody factories and so forth. That's not the point at all. Who cares? That's the mutilation? How serious a mutilation is it? Well, some people might say it doesn't seem that serious because he can't see it, but that's, they don't understand the mutilation. It's a mutilation much more serious than like what people that are transgendered go through because all they're doing and it's wrong, what they're doing. We pray for these people, but it's definitely wrong and gravely, gravely wrong. Speaker 1 00:08:06 What they're doing is they're just changing the exterior appearance of their body with mutilating surgeries, gravely, sinful, it just changes. The parents may change. Uh, you know, it may change some other things if the, if they have, uh, sex, organs removed, but uh, that's it, this is changing every your DNA. It changes everything in your Jeanette. You know, every cell, not your red blood cells and self-worth, but potentially a resell, you know, or at least, uh, you know, the target cells. I don't know, cause we don't know what exactly is going to happen here, but to do this. So I'll go back to this. That's a, the most serious mutilation one could probably think of as a genetic modification. I can't think of a more serious middle mutilation. The body may not be mutilated unless mutilation is the only available means of saving the rest of the body, its life for health. Speaker 1 00:09:05 What was the Corona virus Colts or coronaviruses a lot of fluid, lots of colds and flus. We actually know how to work with these kinds of things, even though the media would have you think, but this isn't our first rodeo and you don't to genetically modify you for something like this. No, it's not the only available needs since man may not take away his life. So neither may he mutilate his body for the members of his body are not his to dispose of. We belong to Christ they're to be used in their integrity to help them fulfill the divine person, achieve his own perfection and last, and you don't have the right to take a shot like that. Speaker 1 00:09:56 It would be gravely sinful to take a shot like that. Knowing this we're talking objective, we speaking objective speaking for the medical personnel slash military personnel who be gravely sinful to inject people morally speaking of Jay, you know, objectively speaking, it'd be gravely sinful to take these kind of shots. What about, uh, the ones with fetal tissue? Rome says it's remote, uh, material cooperation, et cetera. Well, okay. Just for the sake of, I'm not going to enter into that for the sake of the argument right now let's grant that part of it right and wrong on that cause of it. But what are we really talking about with these kinds of situations with fetal? We're talking about communion with a human sacrifice. I think people have to start thinking more spiritually about these things. We're talking about communion with the human sacrifice and that actually matters well little Byzantine baby. Speaker 1 00:10:59 When they're baptizing Christian made it off times, they received the first Holy community, third communion with at once for all sacrifice of our Lord. And they received his precious blood into them. But the little baby or the adult that has these things in, checked it into them. So all of a sudden in communion with a human sacrifice or sacrifice that actually matters. I really got thinking about this years ago, I had a child brought to me one and a half, maybe two years old. I don't remember, but just filled with anger and rage. And so, you know, so many problems like that. And uh, I did a deliverance prayer and he got, well, I've watched him grow up and he became a very virtuous young guy. The deliverance prayer was specifically because of vaccines because this problem, it started after the vaccines and I'm not puttered PO I just thought well, okay, knowing what I know about vaccines, this may have a demonic element related to the fetal tissue and the human sacrifice and the blessing cured. That's not the only one that was the first one. That's not the only one I've done. I'm not saying all vaccines are related that this is not something about vaccines in general. It's about a particular situation with human sacrifice related to it. I don't think that we want to be in communion with the human sacrifice except our Lords. I think that's really clear what are we thinking if we're willing to risk that sort of thing. Speaker 1 00:12:58 I don't see how once one understands that aspect of it, that it really is a communion with the human sacrifice that I'm willing to. I'm willing somebody else would die in a violent matter. So I don't get a bad flu or maybe a mild flu, I don't know, whatever kind of flu. So somebody should die that I might not get this situation. And I'm willing to inject that into me. I mean, seriously. Think about what we're doing here. I don't see why that if one has that kind of understanding, I don't see how that could be free from graves in either some morally. I don't see how people now the bishops, if some of the bishops, Bishop Strickland has taught not on that, not using that same thing, but against that kind of vaccine, the Bishop of Fresno has said something about that. God bless those guys. And I'm sure there's others. I don't know. But, uh, I don't see how it'd be. You'd be free from sin by willing to, to basically, uh, take a human baby, uh, put them in a blender and, and use those parts, you know, to help you be healthy. I don't, I don't understand that at all. And I'm not gonna understand how that could be free from sin. Does that make sense?

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