Epiphany,Holy Family, & The Errors Of Russia

December 02, 2016 00:32:43
Epiphany,Holy Family, & The Errors Of Russia
Veritas Caritas
Epiphany,Holy Family, & The Errors Of Russia

Dec 02 2016 | 00:32:43


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>, the father and son. Holy Ghost. Amen. Since we had one of the greatest fees on the church calendar this past week, we'll just start today with just a few reflections on that and that is of course the piece, the feast of the epiphany. Why is Tiffany such a great feast? Because on opiniony we celebrate the revelation of our Lord to the gentile nations, and of course accepting for anyone here that's of Hebrew blood. Now that's we're, we're celebrating the fact that we're all from various gentile nations. We're celebrating the revelation of our Lord to our ancestors, at least in principle, and if we understand the condition of our ancestors at the time of our Lord's calming, it's easy to see why that's such a great feast. Psalm 95 five is clear. It says all the gods and the gentiles are demons. So all of her ancestors and separate for anybody to hear that's of Hebrew, but we're involved in to varying degrees in devil worship. Speaker 0 01:01 That's just the condition of man. As they fell farther and farther apart after Noah, after Tar Bal and being scattered, they knew who the true God was, but they got more and more wandered farther and farther away. So it's an extremely grim situation. But then on that first epiphany, the good news that our Lord had come to save mankind broke through that pagan darkness when in the persons of the Maj I the three Madge I, the gentile nations, came to pay homage to and recognize the kingship of the little Lord Jesus. And once we know that, then we can understand the epiphany blessings. Why the piffy waters away. It is the chalk. There's blessings for gold, frankincense, and burns to all that. Every one of them has an exorcism on it. All the blessings of the epiphany of extras on it because it's all attached to the gentiles, our ancestors being broken away from the devils. Speaker 0 01:51 Okay, so the coming in of the magic I had been for told you, you can look in Salma 71 it's verses 10 and 11 and also in Isaiah chapter 60 it talks about the coming to the magic. At that point, there's more interdast interesting details. We know from tradition, we know that the names are milkar gas bar or sometimes Casper it. It just depends what language is translated in Baltis are. And a years later that, so they came and start Lord and went back and years later when St Thomas The apostle traveled to that part world cal, Dia Mesopotamia, it's also called Iraq. When they got there, he consecrated them bishops. These are calvion Catholics. So the three men were consecrated bishops, the Khaldoon Churches, the one that's getting slaughtered in Iraq right now and Curtis, Stan and all that. There's quite a few of them all over here. Some when they came over, Saddam built a couple of Catholic churches over here for some of his people when they came over here. Speaker 0 02:42 So yes, he did protect him because the Catholics belonged his party. At any rate, we've made sure that since it come of Islam, it's no longer safe for the Catholics. Thanks to the u s government. But uh, these guys, these three men can say Casper, w Mark Yarn Baltazar are saints. The relics were moved ahead of the Muslims. And so the rocks right now are in clown cathedral. Saint Helen took them back and then they moved from, I think they're in Constantinople. I don't remember what they're moved. They're in Cologne cathedral and Germany. That's where they relics are right now of the three Wiseman. Christian art usually portrays them even though they're called Dan's, but you, but Christian art usually portrays him symbolically to represent all the gentile nations cause certainly spiritually doing, but symbolically in the way they do that. You know, Noah had three sons, sham, he's the eldest son. Speaker 0 03:31 In fact, he's the only good eldest son besides the Lord and the Bible. That's kind of industry. So you have sham JFF and ham and <inaudible> and sham. It is the, the, the father of, he's the ancestor of all the Semitic people. Jay, this medic people's like the Hebrews, like many of the Arabs, but not all of them and so forth. That's, that's Shim. Uh, JFF is the ancestor of, for example, the European peoples. There are other ones too, the ones in, in, in central, western Asia and Europe. Those are, those are sons of JFF for the most part, although there are some over in the Indian subcontinent and all that and ham, Ham, children are the most widespread. These are the real travelers. So they went down into Egypt, also done into Africa, over to Asia, China, Mongolia, over into American, all that. So Ham is all over the world was that was the one that his, his ancestor or his progeny spread most of the world. Speaker 0 04:27 So symbolically it's portray, this one isn't quite as clear, I assume the middle one is sham, who's the first born? So you should actually be in the front, but he's usually pictured as a middle easterner with a turban. They all have Turmans but one there, one, two of them have crowds and he does it and he's usually painted to look like a Middle Easterner JP myth is, is uh, usually panty look like a European and ham is painted look like an African. The reason why it's symbolic because they certainly, they weren't three different races like that and whatever. They're one tribe, but it symbolize all our ancestors coming in there, their persons before, before the Lord. So that's just a little bit about epiphany and the significance we could go on. But uh, but we have other things talk about today, but it's such a great feast. Speaker 0 05:08 It didn't want to, didn't want to miss on that. Okay, so now let's shift gears to today's feast. It's the feast of the holy family and we'll start by asking ourselves a question. What is going on these days? What happened to family life? Why is family life such a catastrophe? And we're going to turn to our lady in the hopes of finding some answers. Now we all know that in July of 1917 our lady gave that bond chilling warning to the children of Fatima when she said the war is going to end. She, speaking of World War One, the war is going to end. But if people do not cease offending God, a worst one will break out in the rain of Pius the 11th if my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world. Speaker 0 06:13 Close quote, Our Lady of Fatima. So what happened? Well, in the first place, men didn't cease offending God. We've all heard of the roaring twenties right here in the u s but it wasn't just here. Just to give you some idea of what that period immediately after the first world war was like morally speaking, we'll consider just two statistics. One taken from 1925 and one take it from 1929 in a Catholic country, the Po, we're talking about the population of France, a to a country that's traditionally known as the eldest daughter of the church. Now listen to this, and by the way, these are official statistics released by the French Ministry of Health. Now listen to this. In 1925 4 million Frenchmen were infected with syphilis. 4 million Frenchmen, 4 million freshmen infected with syphilis, a disease for which at that time there was absolutely no cure. Let's put that immense number, those 4 million syphilis sticks in perspective. The total population of France that time was just a hair over 40 million. What are we saying? We're saying that 10% of the French population was infected with syphilis in 1925 that's the roaring twenties. One more statistic. In 1929 this is just four years later, in 1929 the number of syphilis six and France was put at 8 million Speaker 0 08:11 in just four years. Those numbers have doubled. 1 million Frenchmen infected with syphilis. The total population, 1929 was 41.5 million. So in four years, the infection rate had risen to almost 20% of the French population, almost 20% infected with syphilis. These are their garments statistics. In other words, France as well, just one giant brothel. Speaker 1 08:46 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 08:49 If people don't see us offending God, a worst war will break out. So that's the first point. Men didn't see suffer ending God in a second place, a worst war World War II broke out, just is our lady of die. Should we be surprised in a third place, Russia, which at the time of our ladies apparition was an ether eastern Orthodox country, ruled by the czar became an atheistic Marxist empire. Speaker 1 09:26 Okay. Speaker 0 09:28 And in the fourth place, rush should began spreading her errors throughout the world. Now, if these errors are so serious that the blessed Virgin Mary came down from heaven, warn us a bottom and then performed the greatest miracle since Gospel Times in order to draw our attention to and confirm her warning, we ought to sit right up and pay attention. Speaker 0 09:54 So today on the first of the holy family, let's take a few minutes to consider some of the errors of Russia that has spread until they affect family life here today in our own country. We'll take a brief look at this problem from two different angles. With regards to the first point of view. We'll start with the teachings of the pope's. We'll take a very general look at the churches teaching about atheist to communism. Then we'll take a quick look at how the errors of Russia were managed to spread so rapidly throughout the world. And finally, we'll take a quick survey of some of the principle errors that pertain to family life. So that's our particular focus. There's plenty more than this. We're just focusing on things that pertain to the family. Okay. Then after we're done with that, we'll turn to a different look. We'll take a quick look at this problem from another point of view. Speaker 0 10:44 So we're going to take two different points of view. So part one, a very general look at church t, t t t considering atheistic communism in 1937 it's 20 years after our lady appeared in Fatima Popeyes, 11th roped and cyclical on atheistic communism precisely to warn the faithful about Russia's errors. So we'll start here for the sake of time I'll cut and splice quotes as usual. Paul Pius the 11th quote, atheist Communism ended up setting the social order undermining the very foundations of Christian civilization for the first time in history we are, we're witnessing a struggle, cold blooded and purpose and mapped out to the least detail between man and all that is called God close quote. Now that is really interesting cause right there the pop is quoting from second Thessalonians two four that's the section that Saint Paul's writing about the anti Christ. Speaker 0 11:48 Cool. This satanic scourge is an opposition both to reason and a revelation. Entire peoples find themselves in danger of falling back onto a barbarism. Worse than that, what you press, the greater part of the world at the calming of the Redeemer. Well, look around. Here we are the Paul c two at that the faithful do not allow themselves to be to see communism is intrinsically wrong and no one who had saved Christian civilization may collaborate, collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. Those who permit themselves to be deceived in the lending their aid towards a tribe of communism in their own country, we'll be the first to fall victims of their error. He continues the evil which take two more torments humanity can be conquered only by a worldwide crusade of prayer and pennants implore. Also the powerful intercession of Immaculate Virgin who having crushed the head of the serpent of all remains a short protectress and invincible help of Christians. Speaker 0 12:51 Close quote. So before we go on quick look, we've seen our lady of Fatima warn mankind that if they didn't see stop offending God rush would spend her airs throughout the world. We've seen that pop pies to them called communism, a satanic scourge. He taught that it's a trend, sickly, evil. There's not many things that are intrinsically evil. This is one of them and that men find themselves in danger of falling back into peg and state even more barbaric than that which prevailed the time of our Lord and that this world that's could only be conquer by Worldway wide crusade peanuts in prayer through the intercession of our lady. Part two a quick look at just how the heirs of Russia spread so rapidly throughout the world. The pulp explains, Speaker 2 13:36 okay, Speaker 0 13:37 Pius the 11th how is it possible that such a system could spread so rapidly in all parts of the world? No, there's more than what the pop his head here some other day. We're going to get a lot more details. We're just going to look at one aspect of what he said here. There is an explanation for the rapid diffusion of the communistic ideas now seeping into every nation great and small, advanced and backward so that no corner of the earth is free from them. This explanation is to be followed in a propaganda so truly diabolical that the world is perhaps never witnessed. It's like before it is directed from one common center. It is surely adapted to the various conditions of diverse peoples. It has at its disposal great financial resources, gigantic organizations, international congresses and countless trained workers and makes use of pamphlets and reviews of cinema, theater and radio of schools and even universities. Little by little, it penetrates into our classes and the people and even reaches the better minded groups in the community with the result that feel are aware of the poise in which increasingly pervades their minds and hearts. Speaker 0 14:50 He continues. Another powerful factor in the diffusion of communism is a conspiracy of silence on the part of a large section of the non-catholic press of the world. We say conspiracy because it is an impossible otherwise to explain how our press usually so eager to exploiting the little daily incidents of life has been able to remain silent for so long about the horrors perpetrated in Russia and elsewhere and then should have relatively so little to say concerning a world organization as vast as Russian communism. The silence is due in part to shortsighted political policy and is faired by various occult forces which for a long time you've been working for the overthrow of the Christian social order. Close quote the vicar of Christ. Okay. First off we can say that the pope was a conspiracy theorist here. Here we go. But uh, so you know, you get made fun of that. This is the pope talking about a conspiracy. Another Paul for factor is a conspiracy of silence and the part of a large section of non-catholic press, the world that was written in March of 1937 now just ask yourself if that was true in 1937 has there been some kind of a great awakening, some kind of massive conversion in the press since then? I mean the is laughable. Speaker 0 16:04 The press is worse, not better than it was in 1937 the conspiracy is as strong as ever. And what is the pope talking about when he speaks of the various occult forces working for the <inaudible> of the Christian soul? Shorter here the Paul is referring to as archenemies are the Church of whom his predecessor Pius the eighth said, I quote their laws on truth there. God is the devil. Their worship is shameful. Wickedness, close quote, these are same ones of which Leo the 13th wrote quote. It is needless to put them upon their trail. They're already judged their ends, their mains, their doctors that are actually are all known with indisputable certainty, possessed by the spirit of Satan whose instrument they are. They burned like him with a deadline. Implacable hatred of Jesus Christ and of his work. And they had Deborah by every means to overthrow and federate. That's the victory of Christ too. Okay, great father. So the God is a devil. They're possessed by the spirit of Satan. They burned with a deadly and implacable hatred of Jesus Christ and his work. So who are we talking about? These allies of atheistic communism, which the pope was referring to are the lodges, Speaker 0 17:19 the Freemasons, the Shriners, the Oddfellows, the Illuminati skull and bones. That's what he's talking about. Speaker 1 17:25 <inaudible> Speaker 0 17:29 let's review quickly. We've seen the Arabs of Russia spread so rapidly throughout the world by maids of diabolical propaganda, which was surely adapted to people in various states of life and poured out to the various mass media outlets from one source. We've also seen that the spread of these satanic lies by the communist had been aided by conspiracy of and non-catholic press due to political concerns and masonic influences. Part three, a quick survey of some of the principal errors pertaining to family life. We'll turn to a few of the pertinent areas of Russia concerning family life. In 1884 a series of errors later adopted by Russia were proposed in a work authored by the coauthor of the communist manifesto. It's Karl Marx's park partner Frederick angles to his work is entirely entitled the origin, the family private property in the state. Here's this basic argument. This stuff makes your head spin. Speaker 0 18:25 Don't read it. Don't read it. We've got enough. There's the extra sister biddy and busy enough. Anyway, here's this basic argument. Private property is caused in Slaven and oppression of women by men. Private property causes women to be oppressed. How does that follow? Well, over the course of their lives, men amass private property and now they have this private property they want to hand it handed onto their children. Okay, so what does that have to do with depression of women? Well, in the twisted logic of angles, everything, see, men are more physically powerful than women, right? Okay. They want to make sure that this property goes to their children, right? So in order to make sure that their own kids get inheritance, they have to use their superior strength. And what do they have to use it for? Pay Attention. This is weird on that needs to oppress his wife in order to make sure that all her children are really his children. Speaker 0 19:14 Why? So that only his children will get his private property later. When the revolution is finally done away with private property, then women will no longer be oppressed because then there's no longer any economic reason for it. Well, it's completely whacked besides an outrageous insult to dignity of women. But that's how it works. That is how it works. You know, as a Marxists might say, it's the economy stupid. So anyway, the basic argument is that a man needs to press his wife in order to make sure that all their children are really his children, solely. His children, uh, will get his private property. When communism is finally done with private property, then women will no longer be oppressed because there's no longer any economic motive. Okay, so what does that have to do with us? Well, Canadian author weighted her way through a bunch of angles, arguments in summarize eight key points for the sake of time. We're not going to explore how they all flow from angles, the arguments. But once you grasp is basic argument, this whacked idea. If you put on your thinking cap, you can work up to how these conclusions flow from. Now these are marks the stairs, so as we go through them, everyone here should ask himself if he's ever heard any of these before. Ingels conclusions. First, women should be allowed to work in the factories on an equal basis with men. Speaker 1 20:29 Yeah. Speaker 0 20:31 Second divorce be made free and easy. Speaker 0 20:35 Third, definite Rawls for the two sexes be eliminated. Fourth, the notion of woman is housekeeper be eliminated. House being seen as an industry <inaudible> deaf child, Caribbean communalized as it is, it takes a village to raise a child. Six, the stigma and even the concept of illegitimacy be eliminated. Seventh, the definition of family be made flexible and open than eight sexual activities should be unrestrained. Now, these are Marxist errors, the late, great. Just think about that. I think we've all heard every one of them. All right. Here in America, these particular areas of Rustler, g generally known as feminism, but that's just a general term. It's kind of, it's in there or later from Fadiman meant what she said. She's the perfect mother warning her beloved children. Now the late great father harden, he was an expert on Marxist philosophy. It has a few other closely related points drawn from other Marx's source that are worth considering. Speaker 0 21:38 I just paraphrased his work for the sake of time. Equal Rights Marxism holds it only absolute equality between men's legitimate because it's atheistic rejects. Any claims that the authority of Church and the state depend upon God. It denies it. Parents have any natural authority over their children. Marxism claims that the source and foundation of all authority is the community. In other words, no god over man. No Pope, bishop or priest over faithful. No husband over wife, no parents over children. The mass patient of women, Marxism or execs, any lake that binds women to the family and home woman's emancipation is absolutely essential. In order to establish the class, the society of the future will matter first to be encouraged and then if necessary, forced to withdraw from the family and the care of children. Being a housewife and stamp Ma home mom are despised. Anti-Revolutionary bourgeois activity. Speaker 0 22:31 Women must be liberated from household chores and the rearing of a family by establishing childcare centers so they can enter into public life and collect a production of the same conditions of men as men. As Nikolai land and said, quote, the success of a revolution depends upon the degree of participation by women. Close quote, no parental rights in education because women must be freed from being housewives and stay at home moms and ended into the ranks of the workers of the world. The state assumes a total responsibility for the education and training of children. The common s manifest as states quote, free education for all children in public schools. Close quote, which in marks is terms means that the state alone has the right to educate. It also applies at the state and not the parents has the exclusive right to determine who shall teach, what the curriculum will be, what textbooks will be used and how the matter is communicated. The common comments manifested states quote centralization of the means of communication in the hands of the state. Close quote, so thank you father harden. Now all that should sound familiar as well. Our Lady of Fatima men. What she said, she's the perfect mother warning her children. Okay, so now when we see all this and we ponder Speaker 0 23:46 it, it's easy to see why. Father Harden used to frequently say that America is the most successful Marxist nation on earth. We have one Russian priest in our communities currently in Switzerland. He was over here. He's a convert from atheistic communism. That's a big surprise. But one of the things, I'm really good friends, so one of the things when he that he would joke with me about this, he said, I never knew it would work till I got here. What would work for the Vitale Marxism? And then he had something that really kind of hurt. But I think it's true. He says he know the difference between us. And you said no, he says we resisted. Speaker 0 24:33 Okay, so now we've considered briefly what might be called the marks. It's lettuce, Lenise errors of Russian regard as a family. Let's take a quick look at a completely different point of view. We've looked at this before, remember that in 1917 when our lady is speaking to the children, the communist revolution had not yet taken place, is a month in the future. Russian orthodoxy is still the official religion, that poor country. So once again, let's quickly consider two of the principle errors of orthodoxy that our particular interests today on the feast of the holy family, the first air pertains to marriage. We call from an Orthodox website. The Orthodox Church recognizes the sanctity of marriage and sees it as a lifelong commitment. However, while the church stands opposed to divorce the church and its concerned for the salvation of its people, the church in its concerned for the salvation of its people does permit divorced individuals to marry a second and even a third time while the church stands opposed to divorce the church. Speaker 0 25:40 And its concern for the salvation of its people does permit divorced individuals to marry a second and even a third time. Second and a third. Marriages are performed out of concern for the spiritual wellbeing of the parties involved and as an exception to the rule so to speak, close quilts. Alright. So one of the principle errors of Russia in respect to the Christian understanding of marriage is that they have totally and utterly corrupted the clear Gospel teaching of our Lord regarding the indissolubility of marriage. In other words, will the Orthodox clan be faithful to teach you the Christ? They somehow have calculated somehow permissible for man to turn his wife in on a new model for a grand total of three wives. That in itself was a mystery to me. If a divorce fall by so-called remarriage is okay, I don't see why the limit is three. Speaker 0 26:28 Why can't you just keep going? Why can't you get a new one every year? I don't get this part. So there's three so we can abuse the Lord's will three times and then you're still good to go for your spiritual wellbeing. The spiritual wellbeing like that as hell, that's where you're gonna end up if you play that Kinda game. Second air pertains the holy community. The Orthodox allow these divorced and so-called remarried people to receive holy communion and it's real community cause they are real priests. Our Lord is really present in the divine liturgy. In the Orthodox altars. In other words, byline and divorced person who is living in sin was someone who is not really a spouse. By allowing that person to receive holy communion, they officially teach that sacrilege is permissible. And in so doing they have completely and totally corrupted the scriptural and apostolate teaching regarding the proper dispositions needed to receive holy communion, where the lead, there are no sort of dropdown example or exemptions from this. Speaker 0 27:34 So these are just two of the religious areas of Russia which pertain to family matters. You don't need me to tell you the both of these EHRs that are the church somehow recognizing people that are living in sin are somehow actually married and then compounding that horrific and scan us requisite recognition by extending to these poor centers who need our help to get out of that mess by extending them instead, an official invitation make sacrilegious communions had both been heavily promoted at the very highest levels of the church at the recent centered on the family. Speaker 0 28:10 So that's the second angle. The religious errors of rush pertaining to family matters and you don't need me to tell you that these errors have spread to the one true church. You better be living the message of Fatima. Take it seriously. Okay, so we quickly scan the plans that devil has for families. The kids have some idea of why things are such in a catalog in such a catastrophic state today. At a later date, we'll look at Heaven's plan for holy families. Let's close on February 16th, 2008 after celebrating mass, the tomb of pottery peel carnal Carlo Kufa era is archbishop of a blown IA granted an interview. We'll just ponder the Carlos answer to one question that was asked of him. Question, we know that you were given charge by John Paul two to plan and establish the Pontifical Institute for the studies on marriage and the family Cardinal Cafaro. Yes, I was at the starter. Speaker 0 29:14 That's working. Trust me by the Servant of God, John Paul. Two I wrote to sister with Chia of Fatima through her bishop as I couldn't do so directly. She was, she was sound. She wasn't from the, from the 1957 on that she was, she was not permitted except with permission from OAC to talk to anybody that wasn't her immediate family. Everybody else in the world could, they've lifted the thing on, on, on, uh, on talking about revelations and all it's everybody else in the world can publish without imprimatur and all that. In revelation, there was only one person in the world for s for our budget over 50 years that couldn't talk about revelations that sister Lucy, isn't that something? Anyway, so at the start, squirt and trended me by the surgeon who, God, John Paul too. I wrote you a situ Chia Fatima through her bishop as I couldn't do so directly unexplainably. Speaker 0 29:58 However, since I didn't expect an answer seeing that I'd only asked for prayers. I received a very long letter with their signature. Now in the institutes archives and it we find written and now he's quoting from Situ Chia. The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don't be afraid she added because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and oppose in every way because this is the decisive issue and then she concluded. However, our lady is already crushed its head since the Chia said that the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about the marriage and the family. Don't be afraid because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family, we will always be fought in the post in every way because this is the decisive issue or lady, however, has already crushed its head. Speaker 0 30:57 Some final thoughts, encouraging thoughts from Situ Chia quilt. It is indeed sad that so many are allowing themselves to be dominated by the diabolical wave that is sweeping the world and they are so blind that they cannot see their error, but their principal err is that they have abandoned prayer. I am convinced that the principle cause of evil in the world is the lack of union with God. In prayer. The devil is very smart and watches for our weak points so that he can attack us. If we're not careful and attentive and obtaining the strength from God, we will fall because our times are very bad and we are weak. Only God's strength can sustain us. Take everything with calmness and with great confidence in God. He will do for us. When we cannot do for ourselves, he will supply for insufficiencies. Close quotes, issue Chia. The principle cause of evil in the world is the lack of union with God. In prayer. Say Your Rosary every day. Say you're three hail Marys every day. Make a fervent thanksgiving. After you go to holy communion, you need that strength to get to the next time you get to holy communion. It really is soul food to get you through the battle. Don't be in a hurry after holy communion. Okay, so if you're a fireman and there's a fire, good enough, but other than that, take your time, Speaker 1 32:30 okay. Speaker 0 32:31 And then take everything with calmness and with great confidence in God. He will do it for us. What we cannot do for ourselves. He will supply for our insufficiencies.

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