Mary Blessed Art Thou Among Women

January 22, 2003 00:12:51
Mary Blessed Art Thou Among Women
Veritas Caritas
Mary Blessed Art Thou Among Women

Jan 22 2003 | 00:12:51


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Speaker 0 00:00 I stayed in her city. She should crotch that hammer and now shut line. Wait for him. Close quote Moses. Now the fathers of the church had a $4 word for this line. They call it the Podo Yvonne Shelly Kodo, Eve Angelia, and that's the Greek word <inaudible>. And it's the sense of first and Evangelian Means Gospel. In other words, that fathers of the church thought of this mind's genesis three 50 the offertory Anna Font as the first gospel, I will put enmities between the and the woman and I seed and Hersey. She should crush the head and now shut line. Wait for him. They thought of this as a miniature gospel. Why? Because they saw as a clear prophecy of blessed Virgin Mary and her role in salvation. Why is that? Well, first off we should notice from that quote that the seed of saving and the seed of the woman will be enemies and we should notice that it's very unusual to speak of a woman having seed. Speaker 0 01:01 That term is usually used in reference to the father. So why would this indicate the blessed Virgin Mary? The father's point off because we all know that our lord is the only man who ever lived who had a human mother, but no human father. That means that he was the seed of his mother. Secondly, we should notes from that quote that the woman is the enemy of the spirit. What woman would this most especially referred to the woman who because her back has conception, was never even for the slightest trace of an instant under the power of the serpent. And of course we can see the traditional pose of our lady. If we look at it, miraculous metals issue here to Saint Catherine robbery. There she is. Uh, sure enough standing on the head of the serpent, right? So what are we seeing here? We're seeing the liturgy remind us that just as Christ is the new add on what you're saying, Paul points out in First Corinthians. Speaker 0 01:55 So also the blessing Virgin Mary is the neue who crushes the head of the serpent who's at war with the serpent and his spot. Now we'll take a quick look at that. This, the we didn't reach. The pistol is taken from the book computed to get the context and see what had happened with the protocol or Jelly on. We'll take a quick look at the book acute <inaudible>. Here's the basic story. The king of this series sends out his army to pillage and burner. They go conquer the world. A man named pull a fern. It was a general hello furnace is leading the Syrian army on a huge scorched earth campaign. Everywhere he go, and now he's pulled up to the holy land. The people of Israel decide to resist him, but Judith praise her strength from God and walks out towards this camp. Now who's June Judith is an exceedingly beautiful and extremely holy woman of Israel. Speaker 0 02:51 Saw she walks towards the camp and when they see her, she's so beautiful. They wind up bringing her to the general, all the furnace, this evil general <inaudible> buyer as a big bank way drinks way too much, gets drunk and pass out on his bed. So what his students do, she pulls out his sword and wax off his head. And then what does inspire generic word of God have to say, it's in today's pistol. Whoa, blessed art thou daughter. But Lord the most High God above all women on the earth. Close quote the Holy Spirit. So that doesn't sound familiar to us. How about that? Judith is just whacked to head off of old furnace and God is saying bless her, I'll love all women on earth. What do we see here? We're seeing the woman who cut the head officer, but that's certainly a partial fulfillment of the prophecy of genesis three 15 in response from her cutting the head off this guy, she's called blessed above all and on earth. Speaker 0 03:49 Now in order to bring the Gospel and today to finer pocus, we'll take a look at another story, one font and the book of judges, and it's a story of Ellen sister hosted hell. She's an housewife who Cistera. He's a Canaanite general. He's a general in charge of an army that not surprisingly is attacking Israel. As Israel starts, you get an upper hand in the battle history, jumps out of his chair and he starts hightailing it to the deal. And he winds up at the tent of kid hell see runs in and asked her to hide. He has her cover him up with a blanket, bring me a glass and then cover me up with a blanket. And he tells her to quote, stand before the door that can and when she needed anyone to come and acquire these saying, is there any man here? Speaker 0 04:33 I'll shell say there is none. What is to hell do the scriptures tell us? Well, so to help took a nail of the tent to taking out the hammer and going and stopped. It was solid. She put the nail on the campus of his head. It's tracking with the Hammer, drove it through his main, fast into the ground. And so passing from deep sleep to death, he faded away and died. Closable the Holy Spirit. So what's the response and the inspired word of God to this incident? Well, bless them on women. We should hell the wife of heavier, the center close quote that I'll just sound familiar now, what have we seen here? Again, we've seen the woman cut off the head of the serpent. That's also a partial fulfillment of that prophecy. Genesis three three 50 and response. Once again, she's called blessed among women. Now there's enough of the Old Testament. Speaker 0 05:26 We'll look at today's God, which is taken from loop. Again, we didn't read it, but we notice if we do read it, it's the scene of the visitation. We are lady goes up right after the MCH shit to visit Saint Elizabeth. What is the Holy Spirit inspired Saint Elizabeth to say to the blessed Virgin Mary blessed her amongst women and blessed is the fruit that I won't, and when's this this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? Now there's a few things that we ought to notice about that blind of Saint Elizabeth <inaudible>. First notice in St Elizabeth is praising Alpha woman and her c bless start with vowel among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Now, why would the Holy Spirit Inspires Saint Elizabeth? Use this line? Because now we're finally in the presence of the actual woman prophesied and the guard and aveed. Speaker 0 06:21 Remember the blessed virgin has just become pregnant. And so she's carrying her sea. So here we've got the woman and her see blessed Virgin Mary as a woman who stayed as her child Christ. So that's the first thing we want to notice. Second thing I want to notice that Saint Elizabeth is using a phrase that we've just seen twice before and scriptures both times before. It's used to praise a woman right after she left chops the head off a general attacking God's people both times. So this is a huge indication by the Holy Spirit that we're also dealing with a woman who has or will strike a death blow to the head of a general attacking God's people. But since we realized we were in the presence of the actual woman and her city, that would prophesied genesis, we also realize that to be involved in crushing the head of the actual serpent and chances, in other words, the devil, just to make sure there's no doubt about that identity of the woman. Speaker 0 07:17 What does the Holy Spirit Inspire Our lady to hamster quote from henceforth all generations, she'll call me blessed. Close. Cool that our lady from henceforth all generation should call me blessing nonstop. Slowly, sir. It can't be any doubt that she's the boiling since all generations are going to call her. Blessed it. Now, we fully realized apparent theoretically, there's lots of Christians who refuse to call our lady the blessed Virgin Mary or called her the mother of God. Of course, we all know that. That's one of the principle raisins we do. We of reparation on first Saturday to make amends to the salts. Offer our Lord for this, but it's not too hard to make a biblical defense of both of those practices in the first place. Notice what the blessed version, just not safe. No response to Saint Elizabeth the blessed virgin does not criticize, stated Elizabeth and say, please don't call me blessed. Speaker 0 08:15 Instead she says, all may generations, she'll call her blessed. Second note there lady is not to thing like that. Just because you know I'm the mother of the Lord. It doesn't mean you should get any big ideas like I'm the mother of God. She doesn't say anything that after all of all the same Holy Spirit, which inspired the Saint Elizabeth to call our lady, the mother of the Lord, that very same Holy Spirit inspired St Thomas The apostle to say to our Lord my Lord and my God, my Lord my God, and of course they know this. Listen and stay calm. Stay, sleep. Hostel are talking about exactly the same person, Jesus Christ who is Lord and God especially as we can fall. This is a beautiful example of Saint Elizabeth. It called the blessing version. The mother card lower, so also we can fall the scriptural example of the state of Coms, the apostle I call the buster version, the mother of God because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it's got, okay. Speaker 0 09:16 Anyway, what are we seeing in the Gospel where minded Christ, he's a new Adam, so also blessed. The virgin is the neue about to crush the head of the <inaudible>. She's at war with the surface and it's fine. Now we'll look into Introit, which is taken from the very last book of the Bible, the apocalyptic whoa. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet in honor and a crown of 12 stalk close quote Saint John and the apostle who wrote this line about seeing the woman who Heaven Saint John The apostle, the very man that our Lord and interesting to take care of his mother after he died on the cross. It's very interesting. You know what St John said at the end of that same chapter of the apocalypse, the beginning of the chapter is the mind from the introitus in there appeared great wonder and heaven, a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head, the crown of 12 stars, what's at the end of the chapter quote and the Dragon was angry against the woman and went to make more with the rest of her, see her, keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ close. Speaker 0 10:29 So what do we notice within Troy? We noticed it's taken in context to show the different entity between the dragon, the woman that he's making. Well over there, see there's that woman again with their seat. Of course, we already know who she is. She's the enemy of the serpent. Who because of her Mack to conception wasn't even for an instant under the power of the drag. Who is the woman blessed Virgin Mary. Where is she in heaven? How did she get there? Our Lord honored his mother and brought her up with him. He assumed her into heaven. And why she m as Carl Newman says in the first place, our Lord loved his mother too much to let her body remain in the grave. And besides, if eve would have never become dust and ashes unless she had soon, why would the bus and virtue marriages would not become dust and ash? Speaker 0 11:25 Okay, so we've gone literally from one end of the Bible to the other and taking a quick look at the passage of scripture using today's maps, we've seen the prophecy given in genesis three 15 I will put enmity between the and the woman. And I see her. See, she should crush thy head and now she'll lie and wait for heel was called the product Evangelian the first gospel by the father, since they thought of it as the Gospel and miniature. We've seen partial fulfillment of this prophecy in the Old Testament, both which you didn't chop your head off a whole furnace and JL chopping and head off a sister. And both cases we see these woman praise is being blessed. And among women, we've seen the definitive fulfillment of the provenge elion and the blessed Virgin Mary and her seed Jesus Christ. And we've seen that at the end of the Bible, Saint John Has a vision of her and heaven because she'd done assumed that in a moment we'll sing the cre and we'll proclaim we believe in the resurrection of the dead today. While we're doing that, let's praise God for the great honor he gave you his mother, all that by resurrecting innocent. Let's DePaul pray. We ourselves are raised from the dead that will be assumed into heaven to join our Lord in the blessed Virgin Mary and all the angels and sayings.

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