What God has joined together

October 19, 2014 00:35:59
What God has joined together
Veritas Caritas
What God has joined together

Oct 19 2014 | 00:35:59


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Speaker 1 00:00:01 The kingdom of heaven is like a KMA of marriage feast for his son, name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Today we'll start by entrusting everyone here to our ladies, maternal and immaculate heart by asking for everyone's prayers, real prayers for all those who've been hurt involved in any way in what we're going to talk about. Unfortunately, there's just no delicate way to approach this topic. And I topic that's so wound up with pain and emotional distress. There are bound to be people who may feel hurt by some of what we're going to cover today. That pertains to anyone. I apologize in advance because ultimately the only thing I'm really concerned is not so much pain in this life, but in the next. And I'm going to assume the reason you're here is you'd rather hear the hard truth than soothing lies and we're in this all together. Speaker 1 00:00:51 Anyway, as usual, the quotes will be cut and pasted edited. There are far too many sources to cite each one. So let's get started by now. Everyone has heard the Pope has established a special commission to quote, examine possibilities for streamlining the nominee process close quote one, well known liberal reporter claims that a streamlined easy normal process for Catholics who want a quick way out of their marriage quote, would arguably represent a boost to American Catholic pride because streamline and moments would offer yet another case in which an approach pioneered by the church in the United States as becoming the de facto global norm close quote. But on the other hand, more than 20 years ago, <inaudible> at that time, the head of the Pontifical council for the interpretation of legislative texts referred to the volume of a gnome that's in the United States as a quote Speaker 0 00:01:54 Grave scandal. So, which is it, Speaker 1 00:01:59 Should we view this proposed movement to streamline the no-man's process as a boost term American Catholic pride? Or should we view it as a grave scandal in order to form a coherent answer to that question? We need to spend some time considering first exactly what isn't a Noma. The correct term is actually a declaration of nullity. And second, what is the enrollment situation in America that could lead us to such completely opposite conclusions, declarations of nullity. Remember that marriage is a relationship resulting from a contract and here's the contract that the couple make when they exchange valves, the man and a woman give and accept a perpetual and exclusive right for acts, which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's the marriage contract, a man and a woman give and accept a perpetual and exclusive right for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children by validly making, then consummating this contract, the two become more closely related to each other than a brother is to his sister and a father is to his own son. And that relationship is made directly by God. That relationship is perpetual, which means it lasts until death it's exclusive, which means it pertains only to that woman and that man, and no one else. And it's limited, which means the couple only has the rights for acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's what marriage is. Speaker 1 00:03:57 Once we clearly understand that marriage is a God made relationship resulting from a manmade contract. It's easy to see the almost infinite difference there is between a divorce and a decree of nullity, commonly known as an annulment divorce claims to break up a marriage, actually in B, you can do no such thing. Naughty means the marriage never came into being. It is the discovery that the contract to marriage did not exist. That the contract was not valid. Marriage is not only a contract, but it results from a contract. And that means that if there is no contract, then no relationship can resolve. So naughty concerns. The marriage contract only if this is valid, the relationship arises and cannot be nullified. That's essential to understand if the contract is validly made the nothing, absolutely nothing had happens only after the marriage has come into being can possibly be a ground for decree of nullity. Speaker 1 00:05:12 And that is why the only question asked by the churches was the contract properly entered into was the contract validly made. If it was, then there could be no possible question of nobility. The marriage came into be, which means that the parties are now governed by the laws of marriage, not by the contract. If the contract was validly made, then it does simply false to say that the union never was a marriage, but that is exactly what a decree of novelty means. Okay. So decree of naughty, commonly called an annulment is a finding by a tribunal. A tribunal is basically one of the church courts of law. A decree of novelty called an annulment is a finding by a true tribunal that the contract, her marriage did not exist, that the contract was not validly made. And again, although marriage is not only a contract, it results from a contract and stuff. Speaker 1 00:06:11 There was no contract in the marriage did not, and could not come into existence. A decree of Naulty is issued by a diocesan marriage tribunal, which is supposed to follow a fairly rigorous process to collect and review this central facts after which a judgment on the validity of the marriage contract is made. So the tribunal renders a judgment and then a second court, which is usually in a neighboring diocese, also reviews the judgment to make sure nothing's overlooked. The decision may be appealed to the sacred Roman Rhoda. That's a Roman tribunal for these cases. There are a whole hierarchy of tribunals Rangi from a diocese and tribunal all up to the way those ones found in Rome, the sacred Roman Rhoda apostolic Signatura, which Cardinal Burke is the head of, at least for the time being errors are possible. And tribunals process just think Joan of arc errors are possible in a tribunal process, which is why the decisions are reviewed. Speaker 1 00:07:11 If however, the witnesses are honest and tribunals conscientious about falling the letter in the spirit of the law, the decree is morally certain. And so it can be followed in good faith in a recent interview, just done last week with Raymond Royal. And I can't recommend this interview highly enough cartel Burke, the head of the highest tribunal in the Catholic church. The apostolic Signatura explains that although the process by which the church examines the novelty of a supposed marriage is not of divine law quote. It is of divine law, that the church has to have a process, a means of verifying objectively and with moral certainty, the claims of naughty that's of divine law, close quote, Cardinal Burke. So the marriage tribunals of the church examined claims of novelty. And once we see the declaration and all, he can only be issued by a tribunal, that's easy to understand what's wrong with two unfortunate practices. First, the so-called internal forum solution by this, we mean the idea, unfortunately promoted by many wicked priests that they can somehow grant a norm what's in a confessional or in a conversation, but only a competent tribunal of the Holy Catholic church can issue a declaration of nullity. We priests just don't have that power period full stop. Speaker 1 00:08:36 Unfortunately, this practice is fairly common. I contacted Dawson presales for an asked him about it. And I quote this internal form. Business is horrific. Not only a priest out here doing it regular, not only a priest out here doing it regularly, not only a out here doing it regularly, but the DAS and Canon law office recommends it whenever an annulment, doesn't go through close quote. I asked, do you encounter it frequently? And he answered father it's present in every single parish of the diocese. I'm sure I deal with it at least three or four times per year. Speaker 1 00:09:18 This internal forum business is horrific. Not only a priest out here doing it regularly, but the diocesan Canon law office recommends it. Whenever a moment doesn't go through it is present in every single parish of the diocese, uh, deal with it at least three or four times per year. If anyone here has been misled in this way by one of these wicked priests for the love of God and salvation of your soul. Come see one of us. Second declarations by marriage commissions or tribunals the society Saint Pius, the 10th on their website. They refer to the st. Charles Borromeo canonical commission. But the paperwork that I've personally handled was issued by the same. Raymond depended for tribunal, Farley, Missouri, even if their decisions were absolutely correct. And the reasons and conclusions they're utterly worthless, they're utterly worthless as we can easily see by making a quick comparison. Speaker 1 00:10:21 If I took nine upstanding members of the community here, put black robes on them and then had them write off morally brilliant constitutionally precise decisions. Overthrowing Roe V. Wade, Lawrence versus Texas. What legal value would this supposedly work? Half none. Absolutely none whatsoever. Legally speaking, they wouldn't be worth the paper they're printed on. It won't work in American court system. And it sure won't work in God's court system. The SSPs has no jurisdiction. That's not even debatable. They have absolutely no power to wreck anything, even remotely resembling a marriage tribunal. And that's not even debatable, no jurisdiction doesn't mean all the jurisdiction necessary to produce and produce a court system. No jurisdiction actually means no jurisdiction. Speaker 0 00:11:14 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:11:18 If anybody's in this position for the love of God and salvation your soul, come see one of us Speaker 1 00:11:28 Back to our topic. There are two different processes by which a marriage tribunal comes to conclusion regarding validity or Naulty of a marriage Contra. The fairly cut and dry processes are deal with by means of an administration thing called the documentary process. It's used to deal with cases like those involving defect, perform defect. A form occurs when a Catholic isn't married in the Catholic church. He doesn't have a dispensation from his Bishop. So he goes, get married at the wedding, blues chapel, the first chapel what's happening now, or who knows what no marriage, okay. They deal with cases like that. Or if a PO, either one of the partners were below the legal age to get married. So in the code of Canon law, a guy has to be at least 16 years old, and the girl has to be these 14 years old. And if they're younger than that, they can't contract for marriage. Speaker 1 00:12:19 They can go through the actions. It doesn't, it can't result in a marriage. Okay. In these kinds of cases, the tribunal examines the documents and sees for example, that the Catholic couple attempted marriage outside of church, it's obvious involved. There's nothing more to see declaration of knowledge, just like that. According to an article in the Catholic world report, 21% of the declarations of naughty in the United States in 2007 were issued by means the documentary process. And out of those three quarters of them were for granted for reasons of defect of form. In other words, for Catholics who attempted to contract marriage outside the church, this is why when you learn your catechism, one of the things in the precepts, the churches were going to fall the marriage laws, the church, it, so you don't get in trouble. This, this council of Trent stuff. Okay? So that's the documentary process. Speaker 1 00:13:09 The other process is known as the ordinary process that requires a trial to determine whether or not the marriage was validly contracted. These cases deal with, with situations such as permanent impotence at the, at the time of the contract claims of a shot gun wedding claims that one or other the spouses absolutely fixed on never having children or being into polygamy or like cases of sham. Marriage to sham. Marriage is where the couple said the words, but at least one party was only simulating the contract because he had some other motive. For example, what he wanted to do is get legal status in the country. Other questions about the valid validity consent. So in 2007, 79% of the declarations of naughty here in the United States were granted through the ordinary process. And that requires the trial, the ones paperwork. This one requires a trial, all that by way of background, we started by asking whether we should review this proposed movement to streamline the enrollments process and as a boost to our American Catholic pride, whether we should view it as a grave scandal, we saw that in order to form a coherent answer to that question, we needed to spend some time considering first, exactly what is a declaration of novelty? Speaker 1 00:14:24 What do we mean when we say popularly and annulment? And secondly, what is the nominate situation here in these United States? We've considered the first part declaration of novelty. We'll turn to the second part, the innominate situation in America. Now I'm preparing this sermon. I read literally hundreds of pages on this topic from all sides of the spectrum. But for this part of the sermon, we'll rely largely on a brilliant 1998 book written by Robert H for solely, he's a lay he's deceased, but he was a professor at Notre Dame. What God has joined together. I should also recommend an article he wrote for homiletic and pastoral review, entitled and moments in America, rebutting a rebuttal cause that makes absolute hash out of the most plausible arguments that are put forth in defense of the current practice. So Robert H was solely his writings and also website entitled Mary's advocates, that sort of one stop shop to find out everything you need to know about upholding the church's actual teaching on marriage and marriage naughty, unbelievable resource. You can just download paper after pay unbelievable resource there. So Mary ad website, Mary's advocates website and what God has joined together, Robert H for solely. So let's get started question. We're going to explore, we've viewed this as a boost to our pride versus a scandal. Speaker 1 00:15:50 So I'm going to read tribunals statistics from the can loss society of America from the year 2011. I'm fully aware there's much more here than what I will read in the data. I'm trained as a scientist, but it's a sermon at a lecture slides. So we're just going to hear what we hear because take your time, listen carefully. In 2011, Los Angeles tribunal, total formal decisions, 530 percentage of total decisions found contrary to nullity Speaker 0 00:16:26 0%. Speaker 1 00:16:29 Now walk back through that just to make sure everybody understands what I just read in 2011, the LA Tribune rendered to 530 decisions regarding the validity of marriage contracts and the percentage of those total decisions. The percentages of those 503rd decisions, which were found contrary to and oldie 0% were given the percentage of those contrary. The it's the same as saying the percentage is which they found the marriage was valid. In other words, a hundred percent of their cases resulted in a declaration of nullity, not even one of the cases, not one was seen as a valid marriage. That's what you see. You understand that statistics I'm reading 2011, the Cleveland tribunals total form of decisions. 277% of total decisions found contrary to an LT 0%, 2011, the Pittsburgh tribunals total former decisions, 216 percentage of total decisions found contrary novelty, 0%, 2011, Milwaukee Trevino total form decisions. 208 percentage of total decisions found contrary and ALTE 0%, 2011 Rockville center tribunal, total forum of decisions. 194% of total decisions found contrary and guilty. 0%, 2011, the Toledo tribunal, total form of decisions, 149 percentage of total decisions fund country and ulti 0%, 2011 at Allentown tribunal. Total former decisions, 142 percentage of total decisions found contrary to novelty. 0%. Speaker 1 00:18:10 I would have to go till I read 40 the results from 42 tribunals here, the United States, 42 diocesan tribunals before the percentage climbs from 0% to 1%. In other words, in 2011 42 dies, he's a hundred percent of the case or Fonda be no, I think everybody gets the idea here. There are 10 pages of these statistics, Speaker 0 00:18:40 10 pages, 10 pages, let that sink in. So what's the message here, Speaker 1 00:18:54 Diocese like these, it seems pretty clear. You bring us the divorce and we'll bring you the enablement to call these tribunals. We ought to call them a Noment mills. They're just melanoma. It's pretty clear. We can already answer the question. This is a grave scandal. I can't get the first secret out of my mind. Every time I read this stuff, Speaker 0 00:19:22 It's a grave scab. Speaker 1 00:19:27 Before we leave the point. Let me read data from last three tribunals listed in these 10 pages, 2011, st. Paul and Minneapolis Trevino total form decisions. 151 percentage of total decisions found contrary to naughty. 30%, 2011, Colorado Springs tribunal 12 former decisions, 35 percentage of total decisions found contrary to novelty. 31%, 2011, Fort Wayne, South bend tribunals, 12 four-month decisions. 63% of the total decisions found contrary novelty, Speaker 0 00:20:05 33%. Okay. Speaker 1 00:20:10 So two possibilities spring to mind either the people who live and get married and st. Paul or Minneapolis are Colorado Springs or Fort bander or Fort Wayne or South bend are significantly different than all other American couples significantly different, Speaker 0 00:20:27 Or the tribunals are significantly different. Speaker 1 00:20:34 I don't think you need me to point out to you, which is more likely, Don't forget talking about souls. Speaker 0 00:20:46 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:20:50 Immortal salt, Speaker 0 00:20:51 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:20:54 Souls. Our Lord poured his blood off. Where are they going to spend eternity? Speaker 0 00:21:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:21:07 Where are they going to spend eternity? The numbers are just inconceivable, but solely quote has not terribly far fetched to speculate between 1980 and 1994, the American church in old more marriages than did entire church since its founding. That was 20 years ago. That were true. Then today it's virtually cert. There've been more moments in American last 34 years than an entire Catholic church. Since the time of the apostles, let's not forget. Speaker 1 00:22:00 How could we possibly forget that each and every one of these statistics represents a tragedy. American tribunals actually require a civil divorce. I have literally no idea how this can be reconciled with the clear teaching of the church in this grave matter. Saint John Paul to quote pastoral activity must support and promote indissolubility. One cannot give into the divorce mentality, close quote. The vicar of Christ American tribunals actually require a civil divorce. In spite of the fat that a Malakai two 16, the Bible says the Lord hates divorce. And the catechism States that divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. And the code of Canon law acts requires a written decree from the Bishop himself to separate, except in the case of emergencies. And the code of Canon law also requires the Bishop's permission to even approach a divorce court. And then only if the civil court orders are not opposed to divine law and yeah, in spite of all this, the American tribunals actually require a civil divorce before they will even consider the question of nullity. Then given that an moments are not considered till after civil divorce, it's obvious the prospect of an easy annulment could encourage couples who have a tough times in their marriage to break up and what could possibly be more encouraging to that end and these enormous mills that just pump out a decree of a nomad a hundred percent of the time it's scandalous. Speaker 1 00:23:56 It's easier. It's also easy to see how someone could think, Hey, if there's so many involved marriages, maybe my marriage wasn't valid either. And to the very degree that this sort of impression becomes more widespread, the general Catholic population of that very same degree, the stability and the security of everyone's marriages are weakened. This just shakes and undermines the foundations. Speaker 1 00:24:25 Again, the words of Saint John Paul, two, one cannot give in to the divorce mentality. Pastoral activity must support and promote indissolubility. And now a few parenthetical remarks as a spiritual favor to the lawyers that might be listening since American bishops have apparently abandoned you just like they have the pharmacist's Saint John Paul to quote professionals in the field of civil law should avoid being personally involved in anything that might imply a cooperation with divorce lawyers as independent professionals should always decline the use of their profession for an end, that is contrary to justice as is divorce. They can only cooperate in this kind of activity when an intention of the client is not directed to the breakup of the marriage, but to the security of other legitimate effects that can only be obtained through such a judicial process in established legal order, close quote, the vicar of Christ. If you've been involved in this, you need to get out of it immediately. Don't say you can't find anything else to do. You can find something else to, and he need to find someone else to do for love of God and salvation. So you do need to do it quick. Get out of Egypt. Speaker 1 00:25:53 Let's reflect on a few more of the problems here, starting with a few more statistics cited in the Catholic world report article and the year 2007 in 140 nations and territories around the world. There was not a single declaration of novelty for reasons, a defect of consent and that same year 37 other nations around the world, granted between one, two, a dozen declarations of novelty on defect of consent grounds, but here in the United States of the almost 28,000 declarations of Naulty granted in 2007, by the ordinary process, 99.6% were granted for reasons, a defect of consent. Speaker 0 00:26:38 It gets worse, Speaker 1 00:26:42 Unbelievably enough. It worse in a study of a full decade of decisions reviewed by the sacred Roman Rhoda, at least 92% of American defective consent cases Speaker 0 00:26:53 Were overturned. Speaker 1 00:26:56 92% Speaker 0 00:26:59 Overturned Speaker 1 00:27:03 In the year, 2000 in 140 nations and territories around the world. There wasn't a single declaration of naughty for reasons, effect of consent and that same year 37 other nations around the world granted between one and a dozen decorates and all the on those grounds. And yet here in these United States and at same year 99.6% of the roughly 28,000 declarations of novelty, where for reasons, a defect or consent, Speaker 0 00:27:29 Okay. Speaker 1 00:27:30 In a study of a full decade, 92% of American defective consent cases Speaker 0 00:27:36 Were overturned by the sacred Roman Rhoda, let that sink in. Speaker 1 00:27:45 Okay. So properly understood what exactly does defect of consent mean? We'll rely on only the most authoritative commentators to explain it. Remember, keep this in mind when we're talking about an invalidity, we're only talking about defecting consent at the very moment of exchanging files. Keep that mindset. Just don't forget that the whole time we're talking st. John Paul two explains it only incapacity and giving consent invalidates a marriage, and only the most severe forms of mental illness. Suspense substantially impair the freedom of the individual Benedict the 16th. Elaborate on John Paltz to teach me by explaining that in order for that incapacity to be established before a marriage tribunal, a specific, serious mental illness, which seriously impairs the use of reason or the will had to be present before the attempted marriage, let's splice those together only incapacity and giving consent and validates the marriage. Now the most severe forms of mental illness substantially impair the freedom of the individual. And for that incapacity to be established before a tribunal, a specific, serious mental illness, which seriously impairs the use of reason or the will had to be present before the attempted marriage. Okay. So we're talking severe mental illness properly understood then defective consent reversed as someone who's out of his mind at the very time of exchanging vows because of preexisting condition, or this would also include somebody who happens to be extremely drunk, right then we're high on drugs at the moment of exchanging balls. Speaker 1 00:29:24 One of the most amazing implications of this from the point of view of this priest, is it somehow these serious psychological incapacities, which allegedly seriously impaired the use of reason on the part of one or both partners were completely invisible to the very priest who prepared the couple and who witnessed their marriage. These things were completely invisible to the true witnesses standing on whose side of the bride and groom, who presumably are very close friends and know them very well. And as invisible as these crippling and capacities were to the very people responsible before God and man, to make sure this contract is entered into in a serious and silver manner. That's what the priest and the witnesses are doing yet from years and even decades away, American tribunals can somehow hone in on and detect these previously unknown. In fact, invisible psychological States, it's just spectacular. It's spectacular. Speaker 1 00:30:27 The implications of this tribunal work raise even more serious questions. We'll just consider the man. Is there actually such an immense pool of men, unable to contract marriage? Because some reason they violently can't give you consent to the contract to tribunals really expects to take this seriously, just ask yourself, does the average guy getting married have at least the maturity of a 16 year old. And as he believe that he's taking his wife to have him to hold from that day forward for better, for worse, for richer, poor and sickness and health to death to impart, is that really that hard to consent to that? Okay. So if there actually were such an immense pool of men, unable to validly consent to this marriage contract, and given that we priests are drawn from exactly the same pool of men as are the grooms, then it would only be logical to conclude. There would be a correspondingly immense pool of priests here in the U S while though they went through the Rite of ordination, nonetheless, one able to actually give consent to actually be an ordained. Okay, because this is certainly a more challenging question being asked to the man being ordained to the priesthood. Speaker 1 00:31:44 But if that were true, since an invalidly ordained, man does not become a priest that except for the baptisms he performs, he wouldn't be able to confect any of the other sacraments. He wouldn't be able to say mass, he's not really a priest and be able to absolve sins. He's not really a priest who would be able to give the last rites. He wouldn't really be a priest. In fact, that the sacraments would suddenly vanished throughout most of our fair land and worse yet, there'd be no way for anyone to tell. It's just not possible. God didn't make things that hard. We knew what we're doing. We got ordained. And most of those guys knew what they were doing when they got married. Speaker 1 00:32:30 Okay. There's other consequences of this sort of rubber stamping by tribunals. Okay. When Tribune was just spew out declarations of novelty for a hundred percent of cases put forward, as we've heard, it's a screaming in justice for everyone. It makes it extremely difficult for the couples with even the most sod cases to have that kind of piece of soul they need. And knowing their situation has been treated with the rigor and attention deserve for such a grave and painful matter. And by the only possible bite it can do. I can't judge him. We priests can't do it. The only organ that can do it is a tribunal. That is it. So do we need to streamline process? Absolutely not. Cardinal Burke addressed this issue last week, I quote, the difficulty is not the process. It's a lack of people are prepared to carry it up properly. And as soon as the bishops properly prepare candidates to carry out the process, there won't be a difficulty. My recommendation is let's find a way to prepare people well to serve in the marriage tribunals, close quote, carnal Burke. Let's close today with some reflections from abandoned spouse. Speaker 1 00:33:51 In my situation first started explode. I was in tell myself, well, who wants to stay married to someone who's this horrible. Then I started to see, it's not an option. I am married. I can't stop being married to him anymore than I can stop being my mother's daughter. It's just not possible. And what about his soul? Speaker 1 00:34:16 The person can always turn around a spouse is doing a terrible thing. When they abandoned a marriage, they're coming in a grave manifest sin. Why they're committing it, what's going on in their heart and soul. I can't know for certain, for all. I know my husband has been given scandal by some of the slippery reasons and literature that's published in the United States regarding grounds for a normal. If my concern is for my spouse's soul, the idea of jumping ship is not an option. We're talking about somebody's soul here who knows what can happen is heart and soul. So we're talking about eternity, not just what's happening in the here and now. I mean, I'm hanging in there until death do us part. Unlike one of those women whose husband it's missing an action, the woman just keeps going, looking away for husband until she knows he's dead. And I know our marriage wasn't dead until one of us is actually dead. So I'm just going to keep looking and waiting. I have nowhere else to go. Unlike one of those women whose husband is missing an action woman just keeps going, looking, waiting for her husband Speaker 0 00:35:38 Till she knows he's dead. I know our marriage isn't dead until one of us is actually dead. So I'm just to keep looking away. I have nowhere else to go. I have nowhere else to go.

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