Purgatory Pay Now or Pay Later

January 23, 2003 00:21:56
Purgatory Pay Now or Pay Later
Veritas Caritas
Purgatory Pay Now or Pay Later

Jan 23 2003 | 00:21:56


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:05 The Paul who led the Church into the 13th century that most Catholic of all centuries was perhaps the greatest call of the Middle Ages and certainly one of the greatest pope's of all time innocent. The third who sat in St Peter's chair from 1198 until 1216 during his pontificate, among other things, he proclaimed the fourth crusade, he approved of abandoned begging brothers founded by a man named Francis St Francis and he convened the Great Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 to quote, deliberate on the improvement of morals, the extinction of heresy and the strengthening of the faith. Close quote on July 16th, 1216 at the relatively young age of 56 he died of a fever here wrong who was in three days. The cardinals had chosen another man or norjes the third to be a successor as the pole and orients took innocent that third as his model for the papacy regarding him as an inspired later of Chris and dumb and as a saintly and holy Po far away in the Netherlands. Speaker 1 01:29 On the very day that pulp innocent died. Saint Lugarda bred bond was praying or convent when suddenly she was surprised to see a man completely enveloped in flames. Appear before right there in the continent. Who are you? What do you want? She demanded of him. I'm pope innocent. He said, Holy Father, how's it possible that you should be in such a state? I'm expiating three falls, which he told her, but as her biographer who had spoke to her about this noted, I met them here to respect for so great apoe. I'm expiating three falls, which might've caused my eternal damnation, but thanks to the blessed Virgin Mary. I have obtained part for them, but I have to make atonement. It is terrible and it will last for centuries unless you come to my assistance in the name of Mary who is obtained from me. The favor of appealing to you, help me, and then he disappeared. Speaker 1 02:44 The Polk disappear after it said this purgatory time was terrible and it would last for century. St Lacarta announced the pole to her sisters and they began prayers and works at pennants to deliver him from purgatory. Some weeks later, the newest from Rome, the fact that the pope had died finally arrive to normal channels at the con, a great poll, why they regarded saintly and yet his purgatory time would've lasted for centuries. Had Saint Luke Garden, your sisters not come Tuesday century for three falls, Saint Francis and Rome says on average, it takes seven years in purgatory to make expiation for each forgiven mortal sin. Seven years. That great doctor, the church Saint Robert Beller means says, there's no doubt that the pains and purgatory are not limited 10 or 20 years and they last in some cases entire century. The last Graydon's mystic theologian, Father Reginald American Marine Garrett Gulag, Raj taught quote, theological opinion in general favors long duration of purgatorial purification. Speaker 1 03:59 Pirate revelations mentioned three or four centuries or even more, especially for those who have had high office and great responsibility. Close quote. Actually, I could spend this whole sermon multiplying these cases. I'll mention one form. We're all familiar with the story of fat and how the children ask the blessed virgin about a young teenage girl in their village who had died. What was your faith? She said she would say, but that she would spend her time in purgatory until the end of the world. Of course, all souls in purgatory have to be up, but in the world, since purgatory ends on Judgment Day, finally, that seems incredible. Speaker 1 04:42 It does seem that way. And if we just stop there, we probably all found a terrible despair. But hang on, we'll stop and take some looks. Look at some of the truths about purgatory and then we'll be able to put it all into a clear perspective. Truths about purgatory first purgatory. It's the place where the members of the church suffering live. They're commonly called the poor souls, or sometimes the holy souls. The souls in purgatory died in a state of grace, so they're all saved. But these souls cannot yet enter heaven because they still have to make amends. So purgatory is the place where souls make amends. And that's an easy concept to understand. It's like Summer School for Heaven. You didn't find it, but you didn't quite pass either. So God being infinitely merciful has a good deal. Point to this point has to truths which we must simultaneously. Speaker 1 05:41 Whole purgatory is a place of joy and peace while at the same time it's a place of great suffering. Join peace and suffering. Saint Catherine Janua who dictated her tradies on purgatory while she was an ecstasy and while she was experiencing the sufferings of purgatory commented on his very truths. She said that the course souls enjoy and inexpressible pace, which is compounded of joy and pain. No peace can be compared with the peace in purgatory except for the piece in heaven. Where's the pain from that God increases in these poor souls, the desire to see them and that desire becomes so strong. Do they have the beatific vision that we talked about Friday night? Then it becomes absolutely unbearable. They love God. They want to see him in the worst possible way, but they can't yet. Third Point, there are two pains in purgatory, the delay delay or the beatific vision and the pain of sense. Speaker 1 06:46 That's what you just see. The delay of the beatific vision is a chief pain and purgatory. Why? Because it's is love God above all things. So on one hand they're full of joy in the whole of being delivered soon from purgatory. But on other hand, they're in an agony of suffering, not being able to see God face to face. And this is real suffering. According to Santa Guston, Saint <inaudible>, Saint Bonaventure in Saint Robert Bellarmine, the least pain in purgatory, it's worse than the greatest pains. Honor police pain in purgatory is worse than the greatest pain center. And Saint Catherine <inaudible> who experienced those pains again said souls in purgatory, United crate, joy with great suffering, one does not commit the other they endured torments, which no tongue can describe and no intelligence can comprehend without a special revelation. That's the pain of the loss of the <inaudible> are not the last, but the delay, the pain of sense. Speaker 1 07:50 According to the teaching of Saint Gregory, the grade Santa Guston, Saint <inaudible>, Saint Bazell, Saint Robert Belamon, all doctors, the church and experience of the many saints who have visited purgatory is caused by the purgatorial fire, which is cleansing those souls of their imperfections. So the two panes have from that, the delay in being able to see the big vision and the purgatorial fire. Fourth Point, there are three reasons that souls get detained and purgatory. First, they're making amends for sins, either moral or video that have been forgiven, but there haven't made complete satisfaction for before they die. What does that mean? Actually, that's a pretty basic concept to the virtue and justice of Justice considers it rendering. Another one is do just means pay what? Yo. So if we still are neighbors, lawn mower, and then when we were pen, go over and ask them if they'll forgive us. We've been forgiven. Speaker 1 08:52 But there's something else we have to do. We have to bring the lawn mower back. Okay? If we violate the virtue of justice, we haven't rendered on to God, what does his do? Which is absolute obedience when we commit a sin. So we've tipped the scales of justice. So if we repent, that's one thing. But then we have to make reparation to balance out the scales again. And if we're repent before we die, we're going to be all right. If it's a mortal sin, we don't repent. We know what that means, but supposedly we do repair before we die, but we haven't made restitution. Well, that's purgatory, so the balance still has to be even. That's why we do pants. That's why we give on, we want to even out the balance so we can reduce our time here. This slide. Okay. Now before we go on, let's consider something we've already heard. Speaker 1 09:39 In light of this fact, St Francis of wrong sit. On average, it takes seven years in purgatory to make expiation for each forgiven mortal sin. Well now maybe you can see clearly why the Catholics in the old days, one elect the world's most mega penances when they went to confession y so that they got dependence done here and not hereafter. That's why I'm praise could tell you, you can ask for more panics in the confessional. He might fall over, but look, all other things be in the same dependents you get in confession. Suppose that you got 10 hail Marys and confessional or you decided to attend. Hilmar isn't on your own because it's attached to a sacrament. It has way more value for you. So if you can't ask for more, I mean, some crates, we'll be happy to give you more. They'll ask if that's enough. Speaker 1 10:31 It's not taken on you. It's for your own good. Penance is good. We want to do it now. Okay. So Saint Thomas of Villanova, in fact, urges confessors to give their pensions optional penances and optional pants is something they don't have to do. But if they do do it, it gets them out of purgatory time. Besides the fact that growing in holiness and this is a good thing, and because it's optional there, there's no, they're not bound under the pain of sin. And that way if they don't get it done, they're safe. So they're not piling anything on, you know, cause we have to do our parents as if they're bound. But if they're optional, we don't. Okay. So the first reason that souls, your purgatory is they're making immense for their sins, which had been forgiven, but they hadn't made satisfaction for in this lie. Second reason, they're also there because they've died because unforgiven venial sins venial sins for which they must render an account. Speaker 1 11:21 Remember, venial sins don't merit damnation, but they pile on a purgatory time can't get to heaven until every penny's been paid. Third Souls are also detained in purgatory because even though their sins had been forgiven, these soul still have what are called the remains of sin. When they die. What are the remains of sin? St Thomas points out there are two problems with any sin. One is the center turns away from God and others he turns towards a creature. For example, in a case of adults, smoker, guy knows darn and well it's wrong. He decided to do something wrong. That's the turning away from God. He turns towards the marijuana. That's the creature. Now, I assume this man got the grace to repent since it's a mortal sin. The crime attorney away from God is forgiven when he makes a good confession, but, and this is super important to know, it's super important to know there may very well remain in his soul and attractions still towards that marijuana and attracts your inclination to fall into that same sin. Speaker 1 12:22 That's one of the punishments. Percent is we've wounded ourselves and then we're attracted towards the incident. Again, God said, no, you had a better idea. Okay, you're going to be hurt and you are hurt. We all know that that's the problem. Those, those attractions, their inclinations towards sin are a danger to our salvation in the first place, but supposedly we make it and we die in the state of grace. All that has to go. That continuing lack of virtue in a man's soul is what we call the remains as sin that has to go before you get into heaven. This is why it's so important to work on your virtues. If you get your virtues in order, it roots out devices. Either you have virtues, provides the virtues, we'll price devices. We're going through a series of virtues, one a month, work on them. Those will help you out to remain to Sam. Speaker 1 13:08 The whole idea here is so everybody gets and goes to heaven. I'm gonna make a parent that could comment. God sends us everything we need to die and go straight to heaven. Exactly. Amount of suffering we need to make amends for everything. Exactly. Amount of Sephora. We need to grow in virtue. And if we don't, that's our own fault. That's the point of the cross. That's why we have crosses in our life. So we'll become saints. See Reality. God made reality and Adam has put us in a position where he'd have a hard time. We've been our way through it. It's hard, but so god in His mercy makes sure we have these opportunities to grow in virtue and conquer device so we can get to heaven. But if we don't, we don't take advantage. That confessional, the blessing, sacrament, the sacraments of the church, our prayer life and so forth, there's no one to blame. Speaker 1 13:54 There's no one to blame. God will do everything possible to get us to heaven. He doesn't want anybody to go to purgatory. Okay. All right, so the three reasons again for being an purgatory are making amends for sin. Either moral view which you've been forgiven. The reparation hasn't been completed. Dying unforgiven venial sins or still having remains as sin. When a person dies fit point a lower. Our Lord meant exactly what he said when he said that we wouldn't get out to we paid the last penny. No one, the slightest speck of imperfection can enter heaven. The poor souls don't want it or heaven yet until they're purified, but that doesn't mean they don't. They don't want to be purified. They want to be purified and they want to be purified. Right now, six point souls in purgatory can merit the time for marriage. Isn't this look at death Maryanne's period. Speaker 1 14:55 What does marriage mean? It means we can grow on grace. We can go on grace now, but not after we die. It ends right that that's the cutoff. Seventh point is we've already said God sends us exactly right amount of suffering this life we need to avoid purgatory and tying go straight to heaven. That's his plan. If we don't do it, that's our own incompetence. Eight point we can offer up our prayers and good works for the poor soul, and this is critical if anybody is interiorly viewing star for and sales right now, thinking about centuries of purgatory, seven years for every frigging Morrison, all that spit out. Now you're standing there with the ladders and the ropes and your hands and there's people that are fine right now. What are you going to do about them? Don't worry about you. Worry about them. That's how we're going to talk about here, okay? Speaker 1 15:45 If we're taking care of them, God is intimately, just is gonna take care of us. We get first dibs on all this stuff if we fall into there, okay? That's how it works. The saints are helping us. We're supposed to help out the poor soul. If we're sitting here feeling sorry for ourself, that is immaturity. Catholicism is about growing up. Spin out your thumb and getting used to reality and reality. Hertz, my job is appraised to tell you things you don't want to hear. I'm going to do it, okay. If we're serious about helping these out, we should be getting indulgences. We should go for pleinair indulgence every doggone day and the offering that up. I spoke about that yesterday. You can look at the car to get more information about it. Have NASA said for the poor souls offer up your intentions at Mass on occasion for the poor. Speaker 1 16:35 So most native in those poor souls you most bound to pray for, for whatever. But pray for the poor souls make communions for the poor so they can't help themselves, but you can help them. We're the ones that can do something about, we can offer up our sufferings and our sickness for the poor soul that is better than offering it up for centers. I know that sounds funny, but it isn't. Senators can help themselves. Poor souls can. We can help them. A sinner can can help themselves. We can give on. Okay. Put another point in perspective then. Why do you think innocent? The third appear to Saint Luke Guard. He wasn't sneaking out of purgatory. God allows an apparition like this for at least three reasons. What are the reasons? First terminus that he means what he says. If he said, we have to answer for every idle word he mad, he doesn't have a better idea. Speaker 1 17:31 He already knows everything and doesn't forget anything. If he says something, that's how it is. Sin will be punished either in this life, in the next period it will be punished. We're at war with sin. If we're not at war with sin, we're not seeing reality. We're at war with sin. It's pain our pay later that might not be controlled with dad's reality. Second, why did an apparition like that to remind us to pray and sacrifice to get our brothers out of purgatory? And guess what? If we're doing that, where's could you start crushing that self love in our own souls will be grown in holiness if you're trying to get indulgence every day. The reason for having indulgences in the way that it's not like the pope's your board just say, well, we'll make this an adult. It's to make you grow in holiness. So if you're trying to get an indulgence every day, you're going to be so much more holy, but you're just going to walk into heaven or go walks into purgatory compared to what would have happened if you weren't doing that. Speaker 1 18:21 Okay? Third, God allows these kind of apparitions because not only is the infantry just, which is easy to forget nowadays, where everything is so nice, but he's infinitely merciful, even though innocent. The third was sentenced to centuries in purgatory for these three small faults, God allowed him to appear in a convent headed by saying with a bunch of really sit serious sisters watt. So innocent. The third wouldn't have to serve his sentence. He got the sentence, but say Lugarda and whatnot, they're praying him out. That's our job so that they don't have to serve their sentences. We can get them out instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, throw those ropes in a purgatory and start yanking people out every day. Okay. Alright, so there's every reason to believe. The Times in purgatory are long, decades, or centuries long. But thanks be to God. There's another solution that each one of us have. Speaker 1 19:14 I'm going to tell you about it right now. You can look it up if you have the glories and Mary and Saint Alphonsus Duck and the church I'll just range from is something that came from the national scapular center in 80 1986 two wonderful promises of our lady are available to those who have been enrolled in the brown scapular enrollment is a simple procedure as me. I know how the great promise in the blessed Virgin Mary was given to Saint Simon's stuck July 16th, 1251 is as follows, whoever dies, we're in a scapular shall not suffer eternal fire. That's hell. Her second promise has to do with purgatory. It's known as the Saben time privilege. It was given by the blessed mother to Pope John The 22nd in the year 1322 and is as above quo. I am the mother of grades shall descend on a Saturday after their death and whomsoever I shall find in purgatory. Speaker 1 20:09 I shall free now. There are three conditions for obtaining that privilege to get out of purgatory in the next Saturday. Hang with me though cause one of them will shot one. You have to wear the scapular too. You have to pray. Practice chastity according to your state line and three, the daily recitation in a little office to the blessed Virgin Mary. That's like a little brief here. However, any priest who has got us in faculties has the additional facility to commute the third requirement which is saying a little office to another pious. Therefore everybody that is enrolled in abroad scapular by an act of my will right now, all you who are present, I hear black music that obligation to the daily rosary. I can do that. I have just done that. If you're enrolled with scapular, then wear your scapular practice chasky according to your state line and say the daily Rosary. Speaker 1 21:10 You are married in the Saben time privilege. Okay, so the blessed mother comes through again. God sends her down here to make sure that we don't forget how merciful he is, that even though we were deserve all this purgatory time, I mean he came out and died for us to keep us from going to hell. He sent his mother down to keep us from spending much time in purgatory. So even if we get centuries worth on that, if we're working on helping out the people that can't help themselves, and we're serious about paying for the poor. So if we live in chastity, coronary, state life, we're never on scepter in San Rosary daily, instead of decades or centuries in purgatory, we don't have more than a week. It's a pretty good deal. But remember, it's paying now or pay later.

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