Fatima and the Apocalypse 1: The Virgin of Revelation

July 22, 2017 00:51:52
Fatima and the Apocalypse 1: The Virgin of Revelation
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 1: The Virgin of Revelation

Jul 22 2017 | 00:51:52


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Speaker 0 00:01 God bless us in the Virgin, protect us. I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She has to get the credit for anything good, true or beautiful in these novena conferences. All the faults are mine. One little note before we get started, as is my custom. Throughout the conferences, the quotes we edited, cut and pasted for the sake of time and clarity. Ave Maria, press Hema in the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. On September 8th, 1916 the birthday of our lady, the sermon of God, Lucina snappy, was born in a small town about 90 miles South of Rome. At the age of 16 Lucina joined the daughters of Saint Paul and Rome, but she wasn't able to persevere because of her poor health. Shortly after she returned home, her mother died suddenly, so at the age of 17 she took over the care of her younger brothers, but her health continued to decline. Speaker 0 00:57 She was tricking with terrible abdominal pains, which led her to discovery that she had an operable intestinal tumor. On August 15th, 1933 the Regina received the last rights was already in what seemed to be your last agony when suddenly she saw our Lord next to her bed smiling down upon her. He said, I've come to give you a beautiful gift. Look, another side of the bed. Lucina saw a beautiful woman smiling at her. She thought her own mother had come with our Lord to take her to heaven and said, Oh, you've become so beautiful in heaven, mother so much that I don't recognize you. Our Lord said, look a little closer. It was our lady Lord said, we have come to make your proposal. You are free to choose. Do you want to die and or send in paradise? Would you be willing to offer yourself as a victim for the church and for priest? Speaker 0 01:48 She was shown the situation, the church and spiritual condition of so many priests who are living in danger of losing their souls. She chose to stay and offer herself as a victim for the church and for priests. Our Lord then told her that she was going to remain a lay woman in the world and told her that his mother would be her advocate and guide that you would often be misunderstood, that you would suffer greatly and that she would die alone. All of which came to pass when I've Lord finished speaking with Regina was suddenly completely healed not long afterwards. Her family was scattered when they lost their home and as a result or little brothers were sent to relatives or boarding school with Lucina left to work in Rome and so it wasn't on April 12th, 1937 she took a pilgrimage to Trayvon Tawny, a Trappist, Abby, South of romp along the VLR and Tina where they're actually a number of spiritually significant sites. Speaker 0 02:42 There's a chapel built over crypt where st Paul was held just before his execution. It's also the burial site of Saint Xeno and it's 10,203 companions who are Christian slaves who worked on the construction of the baths of Diocletian and then in about 82 99 or massacred when the project was finished, the chapel itself got its name, Santa Maria scholar, cellie, Saint Marie Mary of the stairway to heaven. As a result of a famous vision that st Bernard had there he was seeing a Requiem mass in that chapel and the presence of Pope innocent. The second one suddenly had a vision of souls being released from purgatory by virtue of the mass and then being squirted by angels up a staircase to heaven. Speaker 0 03:27 The Abbey also has a church built on the very site. One June 29th 67 80 st Paul was martyred inside that church in the back corner on the epistle side, there's a short Marvel chopping block across which st Paul laid his neck, a soldier chopped off his head, which bounds three times down the gentle hillside at each point where st Paul's had bounced. A spring immediately began to flow, which is why it's now called Trey Fontana, the three phones. The church itself has level of course, but along the epistles side there's a rail between the rail and the wallet. Three altars. Each one built on sort of a very long step, which roughly follows the natural slope of the Hill. So on the pistol side there's a Marvel chopping block in the back corner and this sloping area with three side alters along the wall and each altar is built immediately above one of the Springs where st Paul's head bounced and under each halter is a pipe where the water would flow Speaker 1 04:22 <inaudible> Speaker 0 04:25 in the 19th century, the trap has planted a great number of eucalyptus trees in the areas surrounding Trey Fontana. The Gina was walking in a large Grove of these trees on a nearby Hill when her attention was drawn to a dirt cave and what she saw, what appeared to be the remains of an aborted baby Saint, a prayer of mercy, forgiveness. She dug a little grave and buried the miraculous metal together with the little bones. Suddenly our lady appeared to her enveloped in a great life. Our lady told Lucina, I will return to this place of sin and I will convert and make use of a man who combats the church and who will desire to kill the pulp. Go to st Peter's square and there you'll find a lady dressed in black who will take you to a brother who is a card to him. You will transmit what I have just told you and you are to tell him also that soon he will become Pope. Speaker 0 05:15 The Regina did. As she was told, she went to st Peter's square and came upon the woman dressed in black. It was markesa Jose betta Peceli. My then introduced the Regina to her brother, curdle Eugenio Peceli Lucina told the carton what our lady had said. I will return to this place of sin and I will convert and make use of a man who combats the church and hold desire to kill the Pope. Go to st Peter's square and there you will find a lady dressed in black who will take your, your brother who is a carnal to him. You'll transmit what I've just told you and you are to tell him that also that soon he will become Paul having heard the message, Carden Pachulia responded. If they're roses, they'll bloom. Two years later he elected Pope and Speaker 1 05:58 took the name pies. The 12th <inaudible>. Speaker 0 06:03 I'll return to this place of sin. I will convert, make use of a man who combats the church and who will desire to kill the Pope. What falls are a series of quotes and paraphrases taken for the most part from the personal diaries of that very man. The men have combated the church and desire to kill the Pope and which are recorded by Saverio <inaudible>. His brilliant book, Elva Genti Speaker 0 06:27 in Rome. On May 9th, 1913 a mother gave birth to her third son. The child was born into a very rough family, his family and Tony, his father, Antonio Cornell. Crayola was in and out of jail and when he was home he was a screaming blaspheming drunk who beat his wife and children. The baby was baptized in August 15th the feast of the assumption, the reason for the three month delay was what? That his father insisted that the godfather be present, so they had to wait until he was released from jail at the ceremony. His father was well under the influence when the priest asked him what name he wanted to give the baby, his father pride Giordano Bruno, like the guy you priest burned alive. The pastor obviously opposed to name a child after condemned heretic tried to sweat Antonio till he finally agreed to drop to your Donald and to only use the name Bruno. Speaker 0 07:18 Now if you don't know who cheer down on Bruno was, then you won't really get the full force of how truly outrageous a little baby's father was acting here. So pause for a moment to explain that to your. Donna Bruno was a Dominican friar who was ordained in Naples in 1572 by 1576 had already been formally accused of heresy. He found his way to Rome, but he didn't find his way to the face. He been to the priesthood shortly thereafter and wanted a ball. Apparently oblivious to sell involve chesty joining various sects, practicing magic as in sorcery and because of an insulin attitude managed to be excommunicated by the Calvinist in Geneva as well as the Lutherans in Germany in 1599 he was tried for heresy by the Roman inquisition for claiming that Christ was not God, but merely an unusually skillful sourcer that the devil will be saved. The Holy spirit is the soul of the world for denying the most Holy Trinity and so forth. Speaker 0 08:13 He was given time to retract his errors, but are your fused to check in anyway and insisted that the judges had no authority over him and so on. January, 1600 then position finally condemned him for his theological errors, not for his defense. The Copernican system of strongly nor was doctrine. There was a plurality of inhabited worlds. He was turned over to the secular authorities who burned him at the stake in the Kappa. Adele Fiori and February, 1600 enlightened thinkers turned them into sort of a poster boy as a supposed martyr for science and free thinking as opposed to evil retrograde Catholic church. Certainly any one of us with a serious scientific education that touched upon astronomical matters, has heard of Giordano Bruno. He just another club they used to beat on us and enroll me as a public mind. Why is that one 1884 Leo the 13th published is great in cyclo Humanim Janus on Freemasonry and response, the grand master of the grand orient lodge of Italy sculpted a statutes. Speaker 0 09:14 You are down on Bruno, which in 1899 was unveiled in a public Plaza in Rome to the company meant of a lot of speeches and a bunch of Masonic mumble jumble. And every year since then, various insundry masons, atheist, pantheist, freethinkers and other enemies of the church gathered the statue on the anniversary of his execution for a ceremony in which representative of the mayor of Rome lays a wreath at its feet. It's a perfect illustration of the teaching of Leo the 13th who said quote possessed by the spirit of Satan whose instrument they are, the Masonic sex burn like him with a deadly and implacable hatred of Jesus Christ and of his work. And then Deborah, by every means to overthrow. And veteran close quote to vicar of Christ. Okay, all that by way of background, don't think that the fine arts don't matter. They really matter without such a sculpture. What are the odds of a man like Antonio? Even knowing about Giordano Bruno a little or not the fine arts are very important. Speaker 0 10:14 So as we were saying, when the priest asked him what name he wanted to give to the baby, his father said, you're done a Bruno, like the guy you priest burned alive. And the pastor argue with Antonio until he agree to doc drops your dental and only use the name Bruno. And so it was a little Bruno corny CULA was baptized. It was a rough life. He comments on his childhood quote, abandoned to ourselves, surrounded by squawk oral misery. We kids spend a very sad childhood close quote as a child who was always hungry, Bruno at home, we ate badly. If we ate it all off of my father and a drunk and fit, we'll throw everything out the window. So like little dog who had run around trying to collect something. In those days, restaurants had waste buckets outside which contained the slop meant for the pigs, which we would dig through and take the bigger pieces and eat them. We'd steal the locust beans from the horses. By the age of 10 Bruno was living on the streets, sleeping in a cemetery chapel or on some steps near the Basilica. St John Lateran, wrapping myself newspapers, going to bed with tears, hunger and burning anger against everybody because I saw them happy enrich. Speaker 0 11:30 On a cold morning in January, 1927 a widow in her sixties on her way to daily mass, gently woke up. Bruno asked him why he slept there and how old he was. You take communion, asked the lady, what's communion Buena? I asked, how do you not know? Doesn't your mother take communion? On occasion she makes pasta or mince. Choni Speaker 0 11:54 the good lady understood my frightful ignorance and the urgent need to help me and she invited me to follow her in the church, promising me a piece of pizza for breakfast, hungry as I was, I could not get a better gift of all the talk. I had only understood pizza every morning for several months besides making sure he had his breakfast. The widow took Bruno to catechism class, taught by Passionist priest to the most abandoned children. He learned his basic prayers during the retreat and preparation for confirmation, Holy communion. When the priest preached meditation on love for our lady, invited all the boys to kneel before the painting of our lady at her alter. Bruno later recalled, I looked at the Virgin mother. I thought of her love and I compare to my mother's how different they were and how happy a child if that mother would be, and he said to her in his heart, if you're really my mother, take me with you. Speaker 0 12:54 After finishing the retreat, he was confirmed and received his first Holy community with a group of boys from a reform school. After the ceremony carrying booklet on the Holy mastered by Saint Alphonsus and the rosary were that had been given to him as a remembrance. He returned home and turn on putting into practice the good things he had learned. I found my mother at the top of the stairs fussing in front of the stove in the middle of a cloud of smoke, preparing to feed my father. As soon as she saw me, she scolded me because she hadn't seen me since said runaway. The confessor told me, I must not be a cause of worry to you and dad, and I must ask her forgiveness. So I asked, forgive me for all the wrongs. I did it to you, the punches, the slaps, and the bites I gave you. I asked you to forgive me for breaking your finger. Do you still think about those things? Just give me a hand. And she gave me a kick that made me roll down the steep stairs. I got upset and returned to my old self, filled with profanity. I threw the book in the rosary because I had no stones at hand. I left home. Speaker 0 14:01 He sucked where he could and ate when he could. The squad misery in which I was forced to live without being able to see the slightest glimpse of an exit and a conviction that bourgeois society was solely responsible for my misery and unhappiness filled me with hatred and a desire for vengeance. At the age of 20 he got his first pair of real shoes, new clothes, and a new coat. When he entered the military, he returned to Rome in September, 1935 and got engaged to his lie. You allow a little God whom he had known since he was a small child. They argued over the marriage. Bruna wanted to be secular and Yolanda insisted that it be in the church. He finally agreed to be married in the sacristy, which came to pass in March, 1936 after the ceremony, Bruno went to his father-in-law's home to get trunk with a few sheets and clothing. Then as a honeymoon trip, the two newlyweds walked down to the square bar where Bruno's parents and his brother and Mario's family were living and two adjacent cabins between the two buildings was a five foot wide and six and a half foot long space covered with a canopy which they set up a bed made out of a couple of planks of wood, covered with a bag stuffed with corn, leaves the newlyweds, made themselves at home. Speaker 0 15:17 Buena began to attend to undergone meetings of the communist party and they soon convinced Bruno to become a spy. So enlist is volunteer in the Italian army mission that the Mussolini government was organizing to support Frankl, the Catholic side, and the Spanish civil war. Spain had fallen under the control of the communists and the Spanish government had the support of Stalin. Well, Frank was leader of the forces fighting the comments. Bruno's mission was to pass information about Franco's forces onto the communist. He fought many battles and also repeatedly betrayed his wedding pose. During this time he became friends with a German soldier named Otto, who spoke to Bruno about the Lord and the Bible. One day Bruno asked Otto to enter Catholic church with him utter refuse quote. I will not go into that synagogue of Satan into that puppet theater where there are many men who say they are sent by God and invent so many stupid things. Speaker 0 16:10 Close quote. Bruno was amazed to hear this language coming out of the mouth of someone who had been telling him to believe in Jesus Christ. What are you saying? You said the same things I heard in my house as a boy blasts Mays an insults to the priest and we called cockroach unexplained. I'm a Protestant. We are against this assertion of the Catholic church beginning with confession, which is invention of priestess, spy and then we're also against the mass, the Eucharist, the macro conception, etc. Out of continue do you know is paying for this war that we are fighting is the beast of the apocalypse. Number six six, six. This beast feeding idolatry. Who's responsible for the ignorance of the poor, who brings misery to the people and pays for Wars and revolutions is in Rome and the Vatican. It's the pulp who sits on God's throne, showing himself, saying that he is God Bruno shuttered. I had a murderous thought. If he's responsible for so much evil, I'll kill him. I went into a shop until later that sold knives and bought a small, sharp dagger with a bone handle and sheath, and I graved death to the Pope on the blade. And I said to myself, if I happen to meet the beast in Rome, I swear that I will save the people by killing him. Speaker 0 17:26 And June, 1939 Bruno returned to Italy. I was greeted by his wife, a little daughter I solar. As soon as she saw me, she hugged me and through her tears told me, our lady of Pompei brought you home safely. But what are you saying? I came back by myself. No, it's because of the prayers I sold. And I have sit here in front of the picture of our lady of Pompei and Bruna responded, we must destroy all images, rosaries and crucifix and burn all these idolatrous and diabolical superstitions. I started open drawers, rummaging in the furniture, looking for any religious object to destroy it and burn it. I started with a painting of our lady of Pompei, which I throw on the ground, trampling it, and after crushing it burned the image. Then I pulled a Rood and crucifix off the wall, which I broke into pieces on my knees and threw it into the garbage. Speaker 0 18:16 He found a Mozley pain but steady job working for the city bus and tram company. He rented a small apartment and every Sunday went to the evangelical Baptist church. He tried to persuade his wife to become Protestant as well, but in spite of his screams and slabs, she resisted tenaciously. One day she told him, look, Bruno, I'll follow you if you prove that the Catholic church is false, why not make the first Fridays of the next nine months going to confession, receiving communion? If after that you still want to stick with your choice, I'll follow you. If instead the Lord will have he made you change your mind, you will return to the Catholic church Speaker 0 18:53 brunette <inaudible> challenge with the som oath. I made the first fries from February talk Tobar 1940 at the end of the challenge he told his wife that he still felt the same so she would have to follow him. He worked hard with some success to bring others out of the Catholic church on Easter Sunday 1943 the Baptist preacher rebaptized Bruno and his wife. Some years later, Bruna met the past for the seventh day Adventist church because he found the Adventist pastor more intransigent towards the Catholic church than his pastor. On September 8th, 1945 pro left the Baptist church and joined the seventh day Adventists. In 1946 Bruno was appointed the director of the Adventist missionary youth association. At that time they were about 15 people in the community and less than two years. Those numbers swelled to 150 thanks to Bruce Bruno's vigorous propaganda and the groceries donated by American events. Is great hatred for the beast of Rome. Speaker 0 19:52 He devised a plan to assassinate Pope Pius the 12th he'd even picked the date. September 8th, 1947 the feast of the nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary or lady's birthday and as a weapon. He intended to use the dagger on which he engraved death to the Pope and in the meantime, Bruna didn't miss an opportunity to unleash his hatred against the Catholic clergy. He encouraged the children to spit on every piece, the men in the street. Once he caused a serious accident, closing the doors of a bus will appraise, was getting off. The Forman fractured both of his legs. In the fall, Bruna managed to steal the black leather bag of another priest and hide it under his seat while the priest was busy searching his wallet for money for a ticket. When the priest noticed the theft, he asked me if I had noticed something. I told him I'd seen a pastor get off with that bag in his hand, but I had thought it belonged to him. Speaker 0 20:44 On Easter Saturday. April 12th 19 seven Bruna attended a seventh day Adventist services need on Saturdays instead of Sundays. The pastor gave Bruna the assignment to preach publicly against her lady and in particular against her maca conception and her perpetual virginity. He went home for lunch, intend to take his family to the beach. While he prepared a sermon you allowed to couldn't go. She was bedridden because she hadn't yet recovered from yet. Another violent beating from her husband carry his notebook and a prostitute Bible tucked in a very leather bag. He'd stolen from the priest. He set off with his three children I Sola, age 10 colo, age seven and Gianfranco age four they just missed the train, so Barun decided to take them to a place he'd roamed as a boy, a beautiful place covered with a thick Grove of eucalyptus trees in any number of small caves. Speaker 0 21:35 The Hill of Trey Fontani, the Hill of Trey Fontana was of course the very place where exactly 10 years before to the very day on April 12th, 1937 who Regina snappy had seen the blessed Virgin Mary and had been told that quote, I will return to this place of sin and I will convert, make use of a man who combats the church and who will desire to kill the Pope. Close quote on the way to Trey Fontani. Bruna passed a statue of our lady, which had the words Virgin mother carved on the base. He stopped, pulled out his pencil, wrote on the basis tattoo. You are neither Virgin nor mother. Well, the older kids played ball. He sat in a shade of eucalyptus tree with little G and Franco at his side studying his Bible and preparing to talk to ridicule the Mac of conception. The first sentence that Bruno wrote that morning is so bad I can't even repeat it. Speaker 0 22:26 They've lost the ball and called her father to help find it. We're not told little Gian Franklin not to move and went with Kala to find the ball. Well, I slowly began to pick flowers to bring to her mom. They couldn't find the ball and when Bruna returns, you and Frank was nowhere to be seen. He called two or three times, but there was no response. There's a small, wide low cave nearby and Buena quickly climbed up to her. We saw Jen Franco kneeling at the entrance as eyes fixed her the back of the cave repeating over and over again. Burst Senora Bella Signora, beautiful lady, beautiful lady. Later on, little Gianfranco explained that the beautiful lady had taken him by the hand while he was sitting on the tree and let him do the K since Adventist. Pray standing without joining their hands. Bruno's angered. His little boy was so obviously imitating Catholic prayer. Neither was hands joined. He said, Tai Zola, I don't want you children to play beautiful lady, but she replied that she didn't know that game. Speaker 1 23:20 <inaudible> Speaker 0 23:21 they're not continued. Having said this, the little girl stopped, turned, goes to the cave and drops her bowl. Kay kneels to the right of Jean Franco, joins her hand in prayer and stares at the back of the cave and starts repeating beautiful lady. I thought they were teasing me, so I gave a slight slap to Carl and told him to go play too. He said, daddy, I don't know this game. He no sooner finished the sentence. Then he stops. Turns goes to the cave meals, to the right of Isola and then begins to repeat the rest. Beautiful lady. It seemed like they'd swelled a gramophone record, continually repeating the same phrase. Well that did it. Bruno lost his temper, grabbed Carla under the armpits with a curse, tried to lift him, but he didn't even budge him. It was like trying to lift a solid block of granite anchored in the ground. Speaker 0 24:05 The child was completely immovable and it was the same when he tried to move I Sola June Franco Bruno. I look in the cave. I think maybe it's a witches. There is the devil or some priest plant a joke to scare us. I run in which clenched fist shouting, who's in here up, get out, come out. But the cave is dark, empty. There's no one. I was filled with fear. I go out and the kids are still in the same position. I shot at them. I saw a college, you and Frank, I'll get up. I was paralyzed with fear and I thought, I hope I'm dreaming and I cried out from the depths of my heart. God save us. I began running from side to side looking for help. Then stopped and burst into tears with my hands in my hair. Speaker 0 24:51 No sooner had I cried, God save us. When suddenly I saw two pure white hands moving toward me and lightly touch my face. Something was pulled from my eyes. I felt some pain and I found myself in a deepest darkness. I could neither see the cave or what was inside and I found myself kneeling with my hands, joined in prayer, a true priests, a tranquility and indescribable joy that I'd never experienced entered into me. Then I see instead, the darkness of the cave, a small light become increasingly larger. It gets stronger as if the sun, a thousand suns blazing with intense life had entered the cave. Making everything disappear and I feel weightless and wrapped in an unknown light. In the midst of this supernatural light I see with astonishment and emotion that I can barely endure. The figure of a woman, a paradise close quote. Speaker 0 25:42 So Bruna saw a beautiful woman wrapped with an intense golden light, which despite its incredible brilliance he could look at without harm. She had a motherly but sad expression, ran a Greenville for a brilliant white dress and Rose colored sash around her waist in her hand. She held an Ash gray book, the Bible. She was standing barefoot on a rock, which was also glowing from the heavenly lie. He was already in a state of joyful ecstasy, but her face captured his eyes and heart as he said. Later quote, he you experiences exceptional joy of rushees eyes on such a heavenly beauty. We only want death in order to enjoy such a beauty forever. Close quote, an indescribably, beautiful fragrance filled the cave. He started a beautiful lady who was solely moving her left hand and pointing to something at her feet. He looked on the ground. He saw crumple black cassock on tar, which was a smashed crucifix. Speaker 0 26:37 She began speaking to Bruno slowly and rhythmically for about an hour, and although his children could see her and her lips moving throughout it all, they heard nothing. Later. Bruna could remember every single word as if it were some recording in his mind that he could replay over and over. Now, most of this message was secret remains. So until recently when severity gate, I discovered a copy of it in Bruno's journals. As far as I know, these excerpts are the first translation of this message in English. I'm indebted to the good Catholic woman who so generously helped me with the translations and I commend her to your prayers. Speaker 0 27:16 The Virgin of revelation quote, I am she who is related to divine Trinity. I'm the Virgin of revelation. You persecute me enough now come back to the Holy fold, the eternal miracle of God, where Christ laid the first stone, that foundation on eternal rock. Peter, do not forget who has always loved you and never forgotten you. We think of his first communion retreat. You have been saved through the nine first Fridays of the sacred heart of Jesus, a divine promise that you made before entering into lies and making yourself an enemy of God and immersiveness unfunded enemy. Repent to penance for the salvation of others. I will always be close to you. Your faithful bride and hundreds of other people in your same condition will enter the fold. The means that I will use is you be strong and strengthen the weak. Uphold the strong and reassure the unbelievers. Speaker 0 28:20 With prayers, I will convert the most obstinate with miracles. I will work with a sinful soil or lady was speaking of the soil of the grotto, which was a place that up til then had a bad reputation as a place of great immorality and true to our lady's promises, the dirt from the ground Trey Fontani has proven to be miraculous. Just as Lourdes is famous for its miraculous water. More than that, tomorrow your friends will become, your enemies will launch themselves against you to dishearten you be strong. You'll be consoled in the exact moment that you believe you are abandoned God prizes and values the conversion of the obstinate center. I tell you that my heart always cries in a spiritual, mystical sense for disbelief and sin against God. Speaker 0 29:10 Come to the heart of Jesus. Come to the heart of a mother and you will be consoled and he will be unburdened of your sorrows. All centers come consecrate yourself to the Macklin heart of a mother without doubting that you will be helped. Who can love to being banished from me if he's consecrate himself to my heart, who has ever sought help and has not been helped? Here's a sign for you to every priest that you will meet. You will say, father, I must speak to you. If he answers Maria, my son, what do you want? And then points to another priest and says, this is who you need to not be silent. He is the one who will bring you back into the Holy fold of God, the heavenly court on earth. Where is charity? What are the fruits of love? Hardhearted that you're used to being hardened, especially shepherds of the flock who do not do their duty and you have a scandal of the flock and divert it from the way, the truth and the life. Because too much of the world has come into their soul. Go back to the beginning to the source of evangelical unity charity, far from the world, your in the world, but not of the world. How many miracles, how many apparitions, all for nothing far from life and the truth of the father who loves hard times are prepared for you and before Russia converts and leaves the way of atheism, a tremendous and severe persecution will arise. Print can be stopped. Speaker 0 30:48 The time is now passing two at the end of all things of the world, the word of the one who made everything is true. Prepare your hearts. Try closer with more fervor to the living sack on ammonia. The Eucharist, which one day will be desecrated and no longer believed to be the real presence of my son. Speaker 0 31:11 Draw near to the heart of Jesus, my son. Consecrate yourselves to the heart of a mother, which bleeds always in a mystical sense continually for you. Give praise to God who is among you. Distance yourself from the false things of the world. Vain shows obscene pitchers, superstitions of every kind, falsehood and other evils. Vanity and spiritism are things that the evil one will use for the persecution of God's creature. Satan is loosed for a period of time for the sanctification of the saints. Children be strong. Resist infernal assault. Do not be afraid. I will be with you with my motherly heart to give courage to yours and soothe your sorrows. The entire church will undergo a terrible test to clean up the carnage that is infiltrated among its ministers, especially among the oars poverty, moral testing, spiritual testing for the time indicated in the heavenly books, the forces of evil in danger, priests and faithful by assault them with whatever means they can, especially false ideologies, theologies with Christ. As leader, I will fight for you. Here are the weapons the enemy reflect on it. Blasphemy sends the flesh obscenity, hunger, illness, death, astonishments work by science. Speaker 0 32:46 Here are the weapons that will make you strong in Victoria's faith. Fortitude, love, uprightness, constancy and good things. The gospel, meekness, truth, purity, honesty, patience, bearing everything far from the world and it's poisonous. Attendance asked to be saints and do good and to sanctify yourselves. Distance yourself from the world while living in the world. Humanities lost because it no longer has ones who lead it sincerely in justice. There are terrible times for all faith and charity will remain intact if you're attentive to what I tell you. These are moments of trial for all of you. Stay fast on the eternal rock of the living God. I will show you the path from which the saints exit victoriously to the divine kingdom. The path is love, love and love. The Holy spirit will soon to send upon you to strengthen you if you ask him with faith to prepare yourselves and to fortify yourselves and the day of God's great battle. Preserve the weapon of victory. Faith, love one another. Love one another, so much annoying and yourselves the depths of haughtiness and pride. Humility in the hearts, love each other and greet each other with greetings of love and unity. God bless us at this point. Boon asked to be able to add as a response and the Virgin protect us and our lady consent. Speaker 0 34:30 Abolish hatred. There will be days of sorrow and mourning from the East as strong people, but far away from God will unleash a tremendous attack or break the most Holy and sacred things when it will be allowed them to do so. You will have love and faith, love and faith all to make the saints shine like the stars in heaven pretty much and you will be relieved. A persecution in pain to transform sinful flesh from sin to sanity, to penance with pure love, with obedience to the true guardian. They have any court on earth. The pole, what was has it been an ever will be the purpose of Christ death. Hippies, the wrath of paternal justice and the sprinklers. Creatures with his peer and precious blood in order to fill them with love until they love one another. It is love that wins everything. Divine love, love of virtue. Do not forget the rosary, which cooperates much with your scientification, the hail Mary's, which you say with faith. Love are so many golden arrows that reached the heart of Jesus. Speaker 0 35:43 The world will enter another war more ruthless than the previous ones. Satan's wrath is no longer held back. Children become Holy and sanctify yourselves. Love each other much and always the dark half conscience and evil that will increase will testify to you of the coming of the final catastrophe angle will be unleashed over all the earth. Satanic freedom which will be allowed will bring massacres everywhere. Unite yourselves in the love of God. Make one rule the living gospel be strong and the truth of the spirit, the sheepfold of Christ is and will be the salvation of all who want to be saved. You will see men driven by Satan, make unitedly to fight every form of religion. The most stricken will be the church of Christ to cleanse it of the filth that is in it. At the end, many will be converted through the many prayers into the return to love of all and through powerful divine manifestations. Permission will be given for a time to those who destroy everything and everyone. Then the lamb will show his eternal victory. He will destroy evil with good the flesh with his spirit, hatred with love, Speaker 0 37:02 the holiness of the father. That's what the Virgin calls the Pope. The holiness the father ring is sovereign of divine love will suffer greatly for awhile from something briefly which under his reign will happen. A few others were still ran on the throne. The last one is saying love his enemies, showing it, creating unity and love. He will see the victory of the lamb. Priests are dear to me. They will tramp. They will be trampled and slaughtered. Here's the broken cross near the Cassick which signify the stripping of the exterior signs of the priesthood. When these things come to pass, this will be the sign that it is the time that charity will become called charity. That will cool was a concept Bruno repeated in public meditations. At this time, the priests will show that they are truly my children by living in purity far from the world by being more righteous, by falling away of calorie. The lady United one. Faith given a good example of righteousness in the world must work very hard among the ranks of Satan to prepare the work. The hearts for salvation, never tired of being, being close to the heart of the Eucharist. He cheeses line up under the standard of Christ. Fortify yourselves, preparing for the battle of faith. Do not be lazy in the things of God. You'll see times that men will do the will of the flesh better than that of God being constantly dragged in the mud and into the abyss of voluntary petition. Speaker 0 38:31 God's righteousness will soon be heard on earth. Do on the saints who are among you and the Hermitage is and then convents and every place hold back the destructive anger of divine justice. The moment is terrible for that day comes which will soon descend upon the earth. There is still time for sinners to repent and place their entire lives and my Mandel in order to be saved. Speaker 0 38:58 Coda, the loving heart of Jesus. My son, fill yourselves with love. Wash herself with the blood of divine redemption. You'll bring these things to the holiness of the father. The Holy father at the time that will be revealed to you by a priest who will be your guide. I will send him to you and do time. If someone asks you, talk about what you were and what you are now after this grace, but for now be silent. I will guide you to not be afraid of the salts of your friends that you will see as enemies. Come to the grotto to pray for all unbelievers, heretics and obstinance centers. Pretty much for those whom you have deceived. Bring them along the path of the way, the truth and the life. Say this to them the way is one Christ, the Catholic sheepfold, Epistolic Roman and the holiness of the father. The Pope is the true representative of the heavenly court on earth. The truth is one God, the father, his holiness and his justice. The life is one, the Holy spirit and his sacraments and and his ministers. I am the beloved of the divine Trinity, the love of the father, because I am the daughter, the beloved of the son, because I am the mother that'd be loving to the Holy spirit because I am bride. Speaker 1 40:17 Love, love, love. Speaker 0 40:22 When she finished speaking, she smiled at Bruno and the children turned around, walked through the wall of the grotto and disappeared. Bruno was in a day, but before they left the cave, he used his dorky to scratch a message. Quote on 12th April, 1947 the Virgin of revelation appeared in this grotto to the Protestant Bruno corner, Cuellar and his children, and he was converted. Speaker 1 40:48 God is called Speaker 0 40:50 the children were all excited as they went to a nearby church to make a Thanksgiving. He pointed a tabernacle and told his children, remember that I told you that Jesus was not president. That Eucharist and that little piece of white bread, well, I stand corrected. I have to tell you that Jesus is there, that he is really present. Bruna told the children's say nothing, but as soon as they got back to an apartment block, the kids told everyone they met when they came home. His wife could smell a beautiful perfume coming from them. No thrill. <inaudible> at editor feet and burst into tears. What I taught you taught you about the Madonna's all false. It's true what the children said. We saw an apparition in a Cray cave. Trey Fontani, forgive me, Yolanda, of all the evil I've done to you, Yolanda was stunned by such a profound change in her husband. She knelt on and embraced him and they remained in prayer. For a long time. Speaker 0 41:47 Our lady had given Bruno a message and a mission. You will bring these things to the holiness of the father, the Holy father. At the time, it will be revealed to you by priest who will be your guide. I will send him to you. In due time, a first started lady told him he had to locate the priest. She had chosen to bring Bruno back into the church. She had told Bruno to every priest you will meet, you'll say, father, I must speak to you. If he answers OD Maria, my son, what do you want? And then points to another priest and says, this is who you need to not be salad. He is the one who will bring you back into the Holy fold of God, the heavenly court on earth. Speaker 0 42:23 The very next morning and obedience tour lady Bruna began searching for this priest. This is actually real test that our lady put him through the 1940s there were a lot of priests in Rome. Bruno's continued bumping into priests and making this crest over and over over again. Father, I must talk to you and then time and again, the priest didn't give the right answer, which left Bruno standing there looking like a moron. And then just after asking him if he could talk to the priest, he had immediately excused himself as if he had nothing to say and leave the poor priest with impression that Bruno was either rude or out of his mind. He took a lot of abuse over this. Finally, after more than two weeks of this, he was nearing the end of his rope and falling into despair when everything happened, just as our lady predicted, Speaker 0 43:07 the priest who was fine directed to put Brunan Yolanda through catechetical instructions then had them placed their hands on the Holy Bible and obscure the errors of Protestantism and heard their confessions. That evening, Bruno returned to the cave. As he was praying, suddenly the Virgin appeared, quote, radiant and smiling. She looks at me. It makes a sign with her head as if to say yes and she's gone. The cave is completely filled with a beautiful fragrance. Everything is joy in my heart. The case made the newspapers burn and the children were even targeted separately by the police, but they weren't able to find any significant differences in any of their accounts. Finally, in mid June, 1947 Bruno and his three children were called before a commissioner that I carried a roam at. Your had given his testimony. The president, the commission asked him if he ever wondered if it was a devil who appeared to him and Bruna replied, well, if what appeared to me to tell me to return to the Catholic church is the devil, then he has converted and there's no more near to the church. Hell is closed. The fighting between Christ and Satan is over, so you don't need to have any, you don't have anything to do anymore. Clothes, everything go away. You have. However, the devil did not convert and he sent me to you. That means you agree with him and I was fine as I was. Speaker 0 44:29 Well, John Franco's testimonies particular endearing. The judges had to chase him around the room. Bribe me with candy in order to interview. What do you see? I saw a lady. What was this lady like? Beautiful. Oh, like us. No, she was beautiful. More beautiful. Like that statue over there. She wasn't a statue. She was alive. The testimony, this little four year old actually impressed the judges. One wrote quote, this explanation means it's an authentic apparition. Close quote. Another wrote quote, my judgment was of credibility, especially because of the naive testimony of that child. Close quote, a few weeks later on July 22nd, 1947 a Vatican car picked up Bruno at home at 2:00 AM accompanied by a priest. You sent her to the apartment of Pius, the 12th where three Jesuits were present in regard to Pius the 12th. Uh, he buys 12 had told one of Jesuits that he knew about the operation they wished to Meech the sear. Bruner recorded the scene as diary quote. I was excited and I read the message, leaving it to the Pope who wept to hear it. Speaker 1 45:40 Okay. Speaker 0 45:40 We took an oath not to speak. It's a secret, but posterity should know. Close quote. Now, many years later, Bruno spiritual director revealed another interesting detail pies. The 12th himself had revealed to Bruno that on that April 12th, the Pope himself had received confirmation directly from our lady of her appearance elsewhere in Rome. Speaker 0 46:02 At a later date, Bruno met the Pope in a public gathering. On that occasion. He fell to his knees before the Holy father and with tears in his eyes, gave him the dagger and grade with debt to the Pope with which he had planned to kill him and beg for forgiveness, which pies the 12th instantly granted him telling that if he'd carried out his plan, it would have given one more mater and one more Pope to the church at that audience. The Pope encouraged Bruno to give public conferences and told him, quote, be constant truth, close quote, permission for pilgrimages and devotion of the Virgin of revelation was given with unusual speed by the vicarious of Rome. Popeyes at 12 blessed is statue, our lady the Virgin of revelation and st Peter square on October 5th, 1947 less than six months after appearance to Bruno's children after the Pope blessed, the statue was taken amidst huge crowds and a seven and a half mile long procession from st Peter square to Trey Fontani. Speaker 0 46:58 According to the estimates of the public authorities, there were 100,000 people in the procession when it arrived at the cave and October, 1982 the diocese of Rome erected an altar in front of the cave. It's worth hearing a brief explanation of how that came about over the years. Bruno had specific premonitions about many events. For example, in February, 1982 he sent a warning to the pulp with an apology for skipping the proper protocols about an upcoming attempt on his life. On April, 2019 82 Bruna received a reply from the vicarious of Rome telling him that quote, his letter addressed the Holy father on Eastern holidays has arrived in his August hands closed quote in may, the Pope went to Fatima to thank our lady for saving him and in fact while he was in Fatima approached to the society of Saint pies a tent for Juan Fernandez. Crone stab the Pope with a bayonet and wounded him was stopped before he could kill him. Speaker 0 47:55 St John Paul to his, a Cardinal had visited, prayed at the grotto or that an alter be erected in front of the cave and then sent personal delegates to speak with Bruno about the warning he had sent and to let him know that that was the reason why he had ordered the alter to be erected in the grotto at the shrine of eyecare to Rome has a public chapel staffed by conventional Franciscans where the Holy sacrifice, the mass is publicly offered through the many miracles. The number of people who pray at the grotto and make pilgrimages there is steadily increasing in Lords or lady works miracles with the water and enrollment with the soil, the dirt for what was once a place of synonym. Morality has become a source of grace on that tomorrow. That's for Bruno and April, 1948 under the direction of our lady, he founded a catechetical association and devoted his life to teach in the truth to non-Catholics fallen away. Catholics and Catholic youth. Here's a man who truly understood the absolute importance of living in and according to the true faith, as he would ask all religions. I say give salvation, but then I see why did Jesus come if there were already so many religions Speaker 0 49:06 and he often asked if even the Protestants are saved, why did the Virgin come to me and tell me to go back to the Holy sheepfold when she could have left me very well where I was among Adventists one day, an unasked Buena to go visit a crippled priest quote. I asked him how he'd hurt himself and he applied. It happened by falling from a bus Piatsa geo, Chino belly. Speaker 1 49:30 I looked at him, Speaker 0 49:33 I cried. Father was me. It was me. I did it on purpose because I hated priest. I beg you to forgive me of my crime. He blessed me. We embraced. We both wept. That first message at Triff on Tanya on April 12th, 1947 was only the first of 60 messages, dreams and prophecies that are received periodically up to a few months before his death. He died on June 22nd, 2001 and through it all, he always pointed out, repeated to his various directors and festers and even wrote on the bottom of some messages that quote the above facts that we believe by pure human faith and I subject myself to every judgment of mother church. Close quote, we'll take a closer look at some of those messages and miracles tomorrow. As for Lucina snappy Bruin, I didn't know anything about her experience at Triff Antone until after her death. She had Holly death in Rome in 1978 in 1987 she appeared to him and said, April 12th, 1937 you have to offer yourself as a victim for the conversion and sanctification of priests and religious who have been of the path of doctrine, morality by whose fault many souls go to hell. Well close with an officially approved prayer to the version of revelation. Speaker 0 51:05 Most Holly version of revelation. You are in the divine Trinity. We beg you to turn your merciful and Bennet benevolent gaze toward us. Oh, Mary, who are our powerful advocate before God can obtain miracles for the conversion, unbelievers and sinners help us obtain from your son Jesus, the salvation or souls, perfect health, the body in all the graces we need. Give the church and its leader, the Roman pontiff, the joy of seeing the conversion of its enemies, the spirit of the kingdom of God throughout the world, the unity of believers in Christ and pays toll nation. We begged for the true peace of all nations so we can better love and serve you in this life and Mert come one day to see and thank you eternally in heaven. Amen.

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