Fatima and the Apocalypse 2: Messages and Miracles

July 29, 2017 00:57:40
Fatima and the Apocalypse 2: Messages and Miracles
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 2: Messages and Miracles

Jul 29 2017 | 00:57:40


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Speaker 0 00:00 God blessed us in the Virgin, protect us. Once again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She has to get the credit for anything good to her, beautiful in each one of these conferences and I'll take the credit for the blame or the blame rather for the faults. And again, through the conferences, all the quotes will not all end, but the quotes in general edited, cut and pasted for the sake of time and clarity. Avi Maria Presima in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Yesterday we heard that story of Louie genus snappy, the venerable Louie Gina snappy Buena chlorella Crayola, and the Virgin of revelation. We saw that on April 12th, 1937 our lady appeared to Regina at a small cave. You're Trey Fontana in South of Rome and it told the Regina that she would return to that place and convert, make use of an enemy of the church, a man who wanted to kill the Pope. Speaker 0 00:56 She also told Lou Gina to go to the st Peter's square and find a woman dressed in black and ask her to bring her to his brother who was a Cardinal, and then she was to deliver that message to the Cardinal and also inform him that he would soon be Pope. We saw that all that came to pass to the Cardinal was Eugenio Peceli, who some tomb years later became Pope Pius the 12th we also saw that exactly 10 years to that very day later, April 12th, 1947 and at that very site, our lady appeared to Bruno Cornell Keyala, a blast theming wife beating thug, who taken an oath to kill the pulp and then he was instantly converted. We saw that she gave Bruno a message to deliver to the pulp. We saw that pots the 12th wept when Bruno read him the message and the Pope told Bruno that on that same day, April 12th he himself had received confirmation directly from our lady of her appearance in Rome. Speaker 0 01:53 We saw it after his conversion. Bruno was adamant about defending the absolute importance of living in and according to the true faith and he would often ask if even the Protestants are saved. Why did the Virgin come to me and tell me to go back to the Holy sheepfold when she could have very well left me where I was among the Adventists, we saw the permission for pilgrimages and devotion to the Virgin of revelation was given with unusual speed by the precarity of Rome. We saw that PI's the Paul blessed a statue of our lady, the Virgin of revelation in st Peter's square on October 5th less than six months after appearance to Bruno's children. We saw that the Macquarie of Rome has a public chapel at the shrine staffed by conventional Franciscans where the Holy sacrifice, the mass is publicly offered at the shrine of our lady with the statue of the Virgin of revelation. Speaker 0 02:43 As she appeared to Bruno, we saw that the dirt from what was once a place of sin in morality has become a source of grace, and we heard what is probably the first translation to English of major parts of the message given by the Virgin of revelation on that April 12th we saw their lady said, it is love that wins everything. Divine love, love of virtue. We saw there, a lady said, do not forget the rosary, which cooperates much with your sanctification. That the hell Mary's are so many golden arrows that reached the heart of Jesus. We sat, our lady said before Russia converts and leaves the way of atheism, a tremendous and severe persecution will arise. We sat, our lady said, there will be days of sovereign and morning from the East as strong people, but far away from God when unleash a tremendous attack will break the most Holy and sacred things when it will be allowed them to do so. Speaker 0 03:36 We sought, our lady said the world with Andra, another war more ruthless than the previous ones. We saw that our lady said that price will be trampled and slaughtered. The broken cross and the crumple cassock that she'd appeared with at her feet signified the stripping of the exterior signs of the priesthood and they were going to be signed to the time that charity had grown cold. We, our lady sits, Satan is Lewis for a period of time for the sanctification the saints we started, a lady said that anger will be unleashed over all the earth. Satanic freedom which will be allowed, will bring massacres everywhere. You will see Mandarin by sate and make United league to fight every form of religion. The most strict will be the church of Christ to cleanse it of the filth that's in it. We, Southern lady said the entire church will undergo a terrible test to clean up the carnage that it's infiltrated among its ministers, especially among the ores of poverty, moral testing and spiritual testing and that for the time indicated in the heavenly books, the forces of evil and danger, priests in the faithful by assaulting them with whatever means they can, especially false ideologies and theologies. Speaker 0 04:40 We sat, our lady commanded us to preserve the weapon of victory, faith to love. One another. Love one another. So much unknowing in yourself. The depths of haughtiness and pride have humility in the hearts, love each other and greet each other with greetings of love and unity. God blessed us in the Virgin. Protect us. We sat, our lady said the word of the one who made everything is true. Prepare your hearts. Draw closer with more fervor to the living sacrament among you the Eucharist, which one day will be desecrated and no longer believed to be the real presence of my son. We sought, our lady said that unite ourselves to NIOSH yourselves in the love of God and make one rule the living gospel that the sheep fold of Christ is and will be the salvation of all who want to be saved. We saw that our lady said that shepherds of the flock who did not do their goodie duty give scandal the flock and divert it from the way the truth in life, because too much of the world is coming to their souls and that praise will show their children are children by living in purity far from the world by being more righteous, following the way of cavalry. Speaker 0 05:43 We, Sutter lady said that the destructive anger of divine justice would soon descend upon the earth, but there was still time for sinners to repent, place their entire lives under her mantle in order to be saved. We saw that our Lavie said humanity is lost. It no longer has ones who lead it. Sincerely, justice we started, our lady said that time's not passing to the end of all things in the world. We saw that nine years after death, the venerable Lucina appeared to Bruno and told him he had to offer himself as a victim for the conversion and sanctification and priest and religious have abandoned the path of doctrine, morality by whose fault many souls go to hell. And finally we saw that the first message on April 12th, 1947 was only the first of 60 messages, dreams and prophecies that Bruna received periodically up to a few months before his death, and through it all, he always pointed out these messages were to be believed by pure whom and faith and to be, and that he subjected himself to every judgment of Holy mother church. Speaker 0 06:41 Today, we'll take a closer look at a few of those messages in a few of the miracles, but before we do that, we'll briefly consider the remarks made on December 8th, 2015 by Cardinal Jose Martins, the prefect Ameritas of the congregation of the cause of saints. In regard to the significance of these messages he wrote, I personally consider the publication of these messages to be of great spiritual benefit. The many unpublished messages, the warnings of the Virgin over the course of half a century have an undeniable catechetical and prophetic value. The Virgin predicted the crisis that would erupt in the clergy. The Cassick torn on the ground and the broken cross at her feet or an image that in 1947 could not be well understood, but wasn't in the following decades has been presented in all its drama and she warned of many other risks and dangerous threatened the church in the world today as well as in the near future. So in order to get as much context as possible for we draw all this together, we're starting to undergo, we'll start by considering three other messages. The first two were delivered to pious, the 12th the third to Saint John the 23rd but before I read these, I want to pose a question for each one of the good sisters to ask herself, why did I enter Carmel? Speaker 0 08:03 Was it not to follow or ladies call to sanctify myself, especially by praying and sacrificing for everyone, but in a particular way for priests. The version of revelation. February 21st, 1948 I say this to my priest sons, Jesus called because he is forgotten and abandoned by you and his hidden love. Prayers and visits warn him so much, but now everyone is cold and Jesus is cold, warm him. Mother asks that of you love him and do not desecrate him, but make him love by all. Give an example of how to love him. He is forgotten and the version started crying. Jeez, the sweet and humble of heart. My dear sons, my beloveds. Here's the FOD of pure water, yet he's thirsty. You're becoming worldly, divesting yourselves of the sacred to guest desecrate and abandoned the priesthood given to you by my son. The world thirsts for truth, but you no longer give it to water to quench its thirst. Many of you give bad example. You forget the mandate of Christ. Go on, preach to heavy creature from your fruits. They will recognize you are mine. Sons make Jesus known Speaker 0 09:44 the gospel. You've completely forgotten. Turn to the living water to the source of life. Bring souls to Christ. The thirst of Jesus must be your thirst. Souls give him souls to drink only souls only. Thus we give proof to the world. They are truly worthy of the mandate of my son, my creature. Give him to drink my creatures. Give him a drink. What do you if you do not execute this mandate, you're the Shepherd's guide, the flock to the Holy fold. The church, she stops weeping. Jesus searches for the food of your life. Jesus hungry, hungry for your love. His food is your works. Your faith, your charity. Save and sanctify souls work according to the will of Christ, the priest. You must dedicate yourself completely to worship at the altar end of the guidance of souls for the glory of the father with efficacious help with the Holy spirit. Speaker 0 10:42 My children, many will come in my name. They will do deceptive wonders. Have faith in what my son, Jesus told you in the beginning that he'd always be among you and with you until he drinks from the Charles again. Therefore, you will be persecuted and persecuting you. They will persecute my son. They will try to convince you to live as the world lives. Do not listen. Practice and the true love of neighbor without class distinction all have a soul to be saved. Treat all equally as one family. Let them always know the loving heart of Jesus. The sacrament of the alter, the prisoner of love, forgotten by many is all there is to give. I've given them to you. You give them to others with respect and true love. Call me and have me called mother. I mother the pure clergy mother, the Holy clergy, mother of the faithful clergy, mother of the United clergy, mother of the living clergy. Do not forget that the world watches you and desires and expects from you. The example of a Holy life lived heroically again, she's crying just since yourself in the world. Give example that you have Christ. Give proof of your love by forgiving each other and stay far from discord and hate. It is a mother who asks this of you love one another. Speaker 0 11:59 I say this to my priest sons Jesus, forgotten and abandoned by you in his hidden love. Make him love by all. Give me an example of how to love him. He's forgot. You're becoming worldly. Divesting yourself of the sacred to desecrate and abandoned the priesthood given to you by my son, the world. Thirst for truth, but you no longer give it the water to quench its thirst. Many of you give bad example, the gospel. You've completely forgotten. Bring souls to Christ. What are you if you did not execute this mandate, you're the Shepherd's guide, the flock to the Holy fold. The church must dedicate yourselves completely to worship at the altar under the guidance of soul. Be careful not to divert souls from to worship my children. Many will come in my name and do deceptive wonders. You'll be persecuted in persecuting you. They will persecute my son. I'm the mother of the pure clergy, the mother, the Holy clergy, the mother, the faithful clergy, the mother, the United church. She is the mother of the living clergy. Where are they? Speaker 1 13:20 Where are they? Speaker 0 13:25 It's almost no faith, almost no charity. Where's the faith? If I'm pleased to actually believe that the Bible is inspired in our word of God. In other words that God doesn't lie, that our understanding of scripture has to be in accordance with out of the fathers. In other words, tradition doesn't lie and he's going to be mocked and ridiculed and laughter by most priests. I don't need the fingers on two hands to count the priest that I personally know that believe the Bible is true and I don't say that with any happiness. Top faith, there can't be charity if you're not praying and sacrificing yourself. Praise. Who will? Speaker 1 14:22 Cool. Well, Speaker 0 14:25 it's almost no faith, almost not sharing. We're talking about priests talking about priests. If you're not praying from sacrificing yourself for them, Speaker 1 14:41 <inaudible> Speaker 0 14:50 August, 1949 Speaker 1 14:53 little children listen to the call that my maternal heart addresses to you. Why do you not turn away from sin if you persevere in it, this will lead you to the most grievous of losses. The people walk in the wickedness of sin because they lack knowledge. The plans of God, which are full of love. The Lord will seek all hearts, is to teach them the true path of peace and he will make his truths known to the ignorant and despised and through them he will tell his plans and his thoughts to those who use science as an excuse to deny me to the rich of the world, to the arrogant. He loves good and suffers for it. He knows the truth is persecuted for it is truly born in Christ to live of his life and to go to God the father God the father loves justice because it's right. Speaker 1 15:40 Listen to that voice. That is the voice of justice. True justice, sanctifying repairative justice awaken a justice and escape the world that parishes in it's worthless. Mud go to Jesus. Children is a mother who tells you what the bitterest pain in her heart was embittered for your hearts hardened to sin. Go to him, repent of the evil that you continually do, trapping on the good and the true God wants you to repent of your sins from his earthly home in the Eucharist. Jesus waits for your hearts to change them from stone into flesh. My little children love him. He lives in love. He waits yours. He my son is your only salvation. Children go to him, live in him and be with him. Do it for me. I'm your mother who loves you so much. Even me, president Gaga at the redemption with my love I bought with chooses for Jesus and in Jesus he calls you and wants to save you go. Do not wait for him to say to you, depart from me, Speaker 0 16:48 what do you not turn away from? Sin will lead you for persevere and it to the most grievous of losses. The people walk in the wickedness as sins because they lack knowledge. The plans of God. God the father loves justice because it's right. Listen to that voice. That is the voice of justice. True justice sanctify and repaired him justice, awake to justice and escape the world that parishes in its worthless mud. Go to each Jesus. Repent of the evil that you continually do. Here's your only salvation. Go to him. Live in him and be with him. He calls him. He wants to save you. Go. Do not wait for him to say to you, depart from me. Speaker 0 17:32 August 15th, 1958 many APIs, stock saws, a required courageous and truth and love, full of a living and working faith, lovers of true love and these will have to make known the times there'll be a tremendous earthquake that will shake the entire globe. I'm giving you a maternal warning now the go about nor go to sleep if you are a mortal sin, but confess, repent of what you've done and do not do it anymore. Do not send my children. Do not sin foot. An instant senators will be called the judgment and the judgment of God is infallible. Yes, my children, the son will dark and the stars will fall but not do not hear only the material meaning there's a part to be interpreted spiritually and it will be the sons of the proud and the stars, the arrogant that will fall as Satan has already fallen. Speaker 0 18:21 Pray, pray much, and dependence with every means at your disposal to pets on every occasion that is presented to you is a request to my son and the request of my son Jesus. Easy because it is a crest of love. The pendency asks you is to love your neighbor and give a good example to your life with my son and God the father to not hit anymore. Always forgive. Do not take vengeance. Jesus is a judge. Save this ejaculation. Jesus sound the Virgin Mary. Have compassion. Pity on us, saved many souls outside of the true and the Holy, the Roman Catholic and apostolic church. There is no true peace. There is no true love and there is no real salvation. The praise does your true salvation. He's your two sanctification, but only in a way and it is this. Listen to them and practice the teachings of the truth that comes from his mouth. Speaker 0 19:12 It will be my son who speaks to you through the priest, outside of the father's house where it is the Pope, the holiness of the father. There's darkness and confusion right in every place that you believe. Opportunities, words, but first of all, write them in your heart with Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary. I crucify my flesh for eternal life. Sitting in joy. Read the truth and Sol. Recite the songs. Pray in joy and in sorrow. Pray always prayers the breath of the spirit. Be loving a thoughtful law. Practice the works of mercy. Loving everyone does not mean holding it to attitude of satanic, false misery or sentimentality to love everyone means remaining in peace with everyone and doing for all that what you would want everyone, even your enemies to do unto you. You will have to suffer greatly through the fault of the imprudent. Speaker 0 20:00 Remain firm and faith because that is the precise point that Satan tries to make you fall love and forgive. Forgiven love is a mother who asked us, a you on the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus and your mother of love, go forward and conquest. The victory is will be yours if you live according to dictates to the Holy spirit. The resolute assurance of salvation is to walk in the word of God, to return to the pursuit, pure source and the gospel, to listen. The word of salvation from the app Vostok see the church that radiates to all the world and do not listen to the false hoods, the world do not remove the priestly habit. The habit as a reminder is a heavenly sign. Speaker 0 20:40 It'd be a tremendous earthquake. They'll it the entire globe. Do not sin. For an instance centers, we call the judgment. The judgment of God is infallible. The sun will dark and the stars will fall, but do not hear only the material meaning spiritually, it will be the sons of the proud and the stars, the arrogant that will fall. Pray, pray much and do penance in every occasion that is presented to you is a quest. My son, Jesus, the pennants he asks you is to love your neighbor and give a good example to your life. Be loving and thoughtful with all practice the works of mercy, love and forgive, forgiven, love. It is a mother who asked us, have you walk in the word of God, returned to the premier, source the gospel. Listen to the word of salvation from the apathetic. See that radiates to all the world. Speaker 0 21:24 Do not listen to falsehoods. The world do not remove the priestly habit. The habit as a reminder is a heavenly sign. Since it's Carl Martins pointed out the warnings of the Virgin regarding the crisis and the clergy and other risks and danger. The threat and the church in the world today, in the near future have an undeniable and catechetical prophetic value. We're going to spend some time taking a closer look. There's a remarkable consistency in the 60 visions, messages and prophet prophetic dreams over the course of some 50 years. Besides translation, the real challenge was just selecting the passages. Organizing them wasn't too challenging. Since the broken Kloss and a couple Cassick liner lady's feet already provide a very clear context for a message. There are symbolic representation, a visual key for understanding her messages and placing them into context and beyond that she actually explained their precise significance. Speaker 0 22:18 Once you told Bruno quote, here's the broken cross through the castle, which signifies the stripping of the exterior signs of the priesthood. When these things come to pass, this will be the sign. That is the time that charity will become cold. So the stripping, exterior signs the priest is the sign the charity has grown cold. And of course that gives us a very, very clear context for the Virgin's message since our lady is citing aligned, spoken by her son, the 24th chapter of st Matthew's gospel, verse 12 and I quote, and because inequity has a bounded, the charity of many shall grow cold, closed quilt inspired inherent word of God because iniquity has a bounded the charity of many shall grow coal and create the actual word used here for inequities and Nomia, which literally means lawlessness and other discard for God's law is one commentary put it. Speaker 0 23:15 Nomia refers to general morality and licentiousness to impatience regarding rules and discipline and to connivance at an imitation of heathen practices. Okay. Because of lawlessness, because of an utter regard for God's law, the charity of many shall grow cold. And this according to our lady, the stripping of the exterior signs of the priesthood will be the sign of that time. In other words, when we see the stripping off the exterior signs of the priest, did we know that we're in that time and exactly what time that is is also clear from the scriptural context. As we said, the scripture's taken from chapter 24 of st Matthew's gospel. It's often referred to as all that discourse simply because our Lord spoke those things as he stood on a Mount. All of it. He's looking down and Jerusalem and the temple. It's also sometimes called the little apocalypse because our Lord is speaking about the end of the world. Speaker 0 24:08 Now. The version of revelation already stated that the time is now passing the end of the things of the world, but she also gave an exterior sign that would be visible to everyone that has eyes to see. They would be able to understand the significance of what they're seeing. And this was in 1947 a time when it's Carl Martin pointed out the Cassick Turner on the ground and the broken cross. Your feet were an image that could not be well understood, but now unfortunately are all too clear to each one of us. So following our lady will S you will use selections from all the discourse as a framework for putting our comments into context. For the most part, I'll refrain from comment, since they're self-explanatory and you shall hear war of Wars and rumors of war. April 12th, 1947 the Virgin, the world will enter in another war more ruthless than the previous ones. Speaker 0 24:58 November 10th, 1973 Bruno Israelis and Arabs are coming to an agreement but will always be a forced agreement. There'll always be a powder keg with fire nearby. One day it will ignite and blow up everything and ruin the whole world with all living things. March 12th, 1983 the message delivered to the Vatican, the Virgin love one another. It is a time of true love to avoid a more powerful and destructive war than the last two world Wars. The dangers at the door, a nuclear war, men reckless and proud and satanic arrogance want the world in their hands, not thinking of the kingdom of heaven. They do not prepare for peace. Instead they rashly prepare themselves for destruction that Obama's ready and then without conscious threat threatened use it. The dangerous becoming closer than you think. For years, I've tried all ways to warn you and you have not listened to me, but my son by an act of mercy still allows you through my intervention, a period of time for you to reflect your conscience. Speaker 0 25:57 Radioactive rain pollutes everything from plants to water, from animals to man. It can be avoided as I've already said, an April 12th, 1947 and elsewhere and years long past, call it apocalypse, but it will occur if you do not convert. There will be no bomb shelters that will save you. Take refuge in the church, the church created by my son for the salvation of men and do true planets. Staying away from the vices, the flesh depart from the world of evil and sanctify yourselves with Holy things. Pray my children, pray in faith and you will be safe from the satanic hell it is arrived in your midst. It is a mother who loves you and who asks us of you. Listen to me. June 3rd, 1986 Bruno, it's a dream, but what I saw made me tremble. The world involved in atomic warfarin. People fell. Dead plants tried up and animals as well as men. December 3rd 31st 1990 the version of revelation. Everyone is talking about war and peace. The war will extend to the world if do not convert Speaker 0 27:00 and there should be pestilences and famines and earthquakes in places. August 15th, 1958 the Virgin, there'll be a tremendous earthquake that will shake the entire globe. August 4th, 1999 with the Holly version, I find myself on a high mountain. She says, look, I look and I see a multitude of busy people. I can't coming and going so it falls to the ground. I see the last shot and strike each other and I also hear their agitated voices angry, blossoming, and accusing each other of the evil in the world. Some are at war with weapons in their hands. I see blood and the dead everywhere suddenly hear the earth shake under my feet, I sweat, I get scared. The Virgin tells me do not be afraid is an earthquake, a sign, a call for the world to convert. I asked, these are signs of a call to conversion. Are there any signs of them recalling the doctrine, the spirit of truth that they have fought the Virgin answers? Speaker 0 27:56 They're definitely foolish. They see signs that are reminder, but they do not reflect on this reality. The Virgin shows me religious men and women, priests, bishops, Cardinals and tells me, see, these fools deny the true God and it probably made themselves gods. The corruption and spiritual evil you see as being done to satisfy their God and their material good. They're evil and failed to do good. Evil is entered into them. The order under their minds and walking a wrong path. They have no faith and do not believe. Has a Virgin speaks to hear the loud shrieks of bloodthirsty people full of wrath. I see the blood flowing like waters in the stream. Speaker 0 28:36 Take he that. No man seduce you from anyone. Come on my name saying I am Christ and they will seduce many version of revelation. My children, many will come in my name. They will do deceptive wonders. There's so many false apparitions for my money. The worst one, the very worst one in our day and age, the one that's caught so many, just droves of people. It's diabolical. Snares has magic glory. Now set aside the fact that the ordinary on two different times, twice as condemned, the thing it's obviously fault. Any spirit that appears on demand is not from heaven. That's just a principle. Any spirit that appears on demand is not from heaven. If appear a spirit of pear mans on demand, and that's exactly what happens with these so-called visionaries, then you're at a seance. You're at a seance. Anyone with eyes to see can easily contemplate. I'll just throw one incident out there which makes everything perfectly obvious. It's film. You can readily see this on the internet. On January 14th, 1985 that's 32 years ago Speaker 0 29:39 on January 14th, 1985 during one of the so called apparitions. Well, VICA, one of the fake visionaries was supposedly an ecstasy. A Frenchman poked at her eyes and she Dirk back. It's all on film now. It gets worse immediately after this fakery VICA claimed that the reason she pulled back is because our lady had appeared with a child. Jeez. And coincidentally, just when the freshmen poke at her eyes, it looked as if child Jesus was going to slip from our lady's hands. This is not film she's taught saying this. Oh, we supposed to believe that our lady would come down from heaven and slip and drop the little baby Jesus. Just when some guy pokes at our eyes, just like the three Stooges. Now, if you saw someone dropping a baby, if anyone saw somebody drop your baby, would you jump backwards or you jumped forwards to try to catch the baby? You can. Any more reasonable man believe this thing. It's just blasphemous. People are seduced by these lies or seduced because they want to be seduced and there's droves of them and you can't convert them. And more than 20 years of going after this, I've had one person take these warnings. Seriously. This is a powerful spirit. It's not of God and the priests are silent. Speaker 1 30:57 We continue. Speaker 0 30:59 August 14th, 1999 the Virgin of priests. My priest sons believe that there's only one life, one doctrine, one salvation, believe in Christ. My son who chose 12 apostles choosing one of them as the rock Peter on whom he founded his church, which gives life by means of you, if do not believe and through your own fault. Others do not believe you'll go for Ali Trinity. That hell that exists and is real God. My dear children not only gave you the true faith, but with at the church, the only way of salvation. It is one Holy Catholic and Epistolic under Peter the Roman pontiff. Speaker 0 31:34 Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and she'll put you to death. January 1st, 1985 Bruno, I am transported to the center of Rome. So if he had some, an easier, a huge crowd is crying. Revenge, revenge, terrible revenge. Many dead were in the square and on the streets. I also saw blood all over the world. Entire worlds smeared with blood. Southern. The crowd shouted everyone to st Peters, everyone to st Peter's. So I tuned. The crowd is pushed to st Peter's while everyone in a chat of hatred and anger continue to sound so revenge. The same time Bruno heard another word, scream fiercely Bez balls, Nick, which in Russian as he later discover means without God the pop. Carlos bishops, priests, and religious were within the Colonnade in st Peter's square, they're barefoot and crying and drive their cures to the white handkerchief in the right hands will had ashes in their left hands. Speaker 0 32:28 I asked why, Lord, while this and I heard the voice of the Virgin kraut morning. Great morning. Pray for help from heaven. Do pennants pray pennants venture repeated times. Pray, pray, pray, penance, penance, penance. They cry because they can no longer hold back the evil that rages in the hearts of the men in the world. Men must return to the true God, and she said to the Holy God, do not debate which God. Then I heard a different voice, a stronger voice cry out saying I am. Then the Virgin began to speak again. Man must Tomball himself and obey God's law and not look for another law that moves him away from God. Then the different voice, the stronger voice cried out. My church is one and you have made it many. My church is Holy and you've made it unholy. My church is Catholic. It's for all men of Goodwill who accept and live the sacraments. My church is apostolic. Teach the way of truth and you will have and you will give life and peace to the world. Pray humble yourselves, do penance and you will have peace. Speaker 0 33:40 That vision came back time and again. March six 1996 Bruno, terrible night full of fear, McCobb dreams, the dead blood, blood, blood everywhere, blood from <inaudible> and easy and in the world. But at st Peter's, October 15th, 1997 Bruno, today I've relived the dream in which the Virgin brings me to Piazza and easier. And from there I saw all the tress who world drenched with blood. Then she brought me with the atheist crowd of st Peter's and they're in the square where the Pope Carlos bishops and priests, religious and religion, men and women with handkerchiefs in one hand and ashes and the other ashes on their heads and wiping their tears with the handkerchiefs. How many sufferings are similar visions? February 10th, 2000 Bruno, I'm with all the faith on st Peter's to gain Jubilee indulgences. We suddenly heard a booming of a great explosion, then screams death to the Christians. A crowd of barbarians rented the Basilica killing anyone they met March 27th, 1977 Bruno deaths in prison, mints, beatings and sorrows. Speaker 0 34:40 So many deaths, so much blood. This treat all against Christians who believe in and love the Eucharist, the maca Virgin, and the Pope. Those who did not deny these three realities were taken, tormented, and killed. He has visions of a Pope and distress. January 21st, 1975 Bruno, I'm always dreaming of the flame pulp. Everything explodes. Blood much blood. Many are tech. Many priests and sisters are dismembered in st Peter's square, wounded. January 19th, 1982 Bruno, last night I dreamt again. I'm in st Peter's right in front of Basilica waiting for the pulp. The people around were shouting. Here he is. Here he is a cry. The Pope is on the ground stained with blood. March 1st, 1983 Bruno, what you've shown me, Lord, so much blood on the Pope's white cassock do not allow it to happen and killed. February 7th, 1986 Buena, while the pup was celebrating mass, there was a great confusion and voices Rose threatening the advanced towards the altar. The police began shooting their shouts. Flea, flea. The Pope is hit, but red is the white cast again. Shots hurt. He's dead. He's dead. Speaker 0 35:49 There should then be great tribulation. Such has not been seen from the beginning of the world till now. Neither. Shelby, April 12th, 1947 the Virgin, the time has not passed through the end of all things. The world. April 12th the Virgin hard times are prepared for you before Russia converts and leaves the way of atheism. A tremendous and severe persecution will arise. August 26th, 1999 Bruno Lord, why do I so often have dreams so ugly as to frighten me? Earthquakes, tsunamis, hordes of assaults against peaceful Christians, rapes, blast and sins of all sorts. May 12th, 1967 Bruno, the vision of today was terrible. I saw many people fall into a pool of blood crying for help and the people passing by laughed without regard to those in the road were being massacred. Voice shut up, behold miseries on earth. Death will make many shed their own blood. Repent. Pray. You were helped by God's mighty hand. Speaker 0 36:43 July 17th, 1992 Bruno, what tragedy will there be on this earth? This not, I saw men and women poncy on each other and blood flowing on the ground like water. April 25th, 1984 Bruno, this night I've lived the last days of the world. The Deloge Sodom Gomorrah put together, United with the last days of Pompei are nothing compared to what I've seen. Johnny first 1988 our Lord, you have examples. Sodom and Gomorrah, they did not repent. They did not do penance. They did not pray. You know what justice has done to them and other examples like Nineveh who listened, repented, prayed, and did penance and they were saved. As you proclaim the prophecies that you do not remember anymore and you have forgotten through your own fault, well, I still announce too, that if you do not convert, firing the sword will ascend upon you and by your own fault on all smaller grade, sinful and incent good or bad. Speaker 0 37:39 That's why we call you all the conversion. True peace and true love. Well, you call peace and all that you're doing for peace is nothing but deceit because there is no conversion. There is no prayer to the one, Holy God, there is no penance for purification, for the forgiveness of your sins. All this is preparing for satanic war and you will lose your souls. No, this that Satan, the evil one, the ancient serpent is lurch, thirsty for souls. He wants souls in hell. The punishment deserved for his own will. I call you convert sons and I call you sons of mercy. If you convert, sends a resurrection. If you change your life by renewing your heart, repentant love, this is the sound of the trumpets. The final battle. Love, peace, mercy. The sun shall be dark and the moon should not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven be moved August 15th, 1958 the Virgin. Speaker 0 38:31 Yes, my children, the sun will dark and the stars will fall, but not here. Only the meaning. There's also a spiritual meaning. It'll be the sons, the proud and the stars, the arrogant that will fall as Satan has already fallen. Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and they should put you to death. You should be hated by all nations. For my name's sake, April 12th, 1947 the Virgin priests, we trampled and slaughtered Satan's wrath is no longer held back. The dark NIF conscience and evil that will increase will testify to you of the co of the coming of the final catastrophe and will be unleashed over the earth. Satanic freedom which will be allowed will bring massacres everywhere. You will see Mandarin by st. make United league to fight every form of religion most stricken. And we the church of Christ to cleanse it of the filth that is in it. Speaker 0 39:16 December 16th, 1995 Bruno, something serious is being prepared against those who follow Christ besides a Holocaust. They will be crushed and banished to the fault of those who have eyes and do not see. There's a.here. Miles do not speak and leave the evil ones to do evil. April 12th, 1947 the Virgin from the ACE does strong people, but far away from God will unleash a tremendous attack, will break the most Holy and sacred things when it will be allowed them to do so. July 21st, 1998 Bruno, I dropped that Muslims surrounded the churches and closed the doors at believers inside and prayer. We're throwing gas and starting fires from the roofs. Johnny first 1999 Bruno, a punishment will suddenly come from the East. They will receive the power to be able to subjugate those whom they call infidels. This will happen very soon and many false prostitutes shall rise and she'll do some seduce. Speaker 0 40:10 Many April 12th, 1947 the Virgin, the entire church will undergo a terrible test to clean up the carnage. There's infiltrated among its ministers, moral testing, spiritual testing, the force of evil, endanger praise and faithful by assaulting them with whatever means they can, especially false ideologies and theologies. April 12th, 1947 the version, prepare your hearts, draw close with more fervor to the living Sacrant among you, the Eucharist, which will be desecrated and no longer believe to be the real presence of my son. February 2nd, 1960 the Virgin. This is the time of mercy and many things are coming true. Blood and tears, blood of Christ, your mother's tears, the exact sense. The truth is lost is no longer understood. December 31st, 1990 the Virgin false profits seek with all means to poison souls, changing the doctrine of Jesus, my beloved son, and to satanic doctrines and they were moved. The sacrifice of the cross that is repeating on the altars of the world. Speaker 0 41:08 These poisoners will take away the means of salvation and they've already penetrated into the light of the church. August 14th, 1999 the version hell exists is a place of condemnation for those who live the badness that there is no Aternity. Do not deny the evidence. September 21st, 1988 Bruno, what I've dreamed will never happen. It is too painful and hope the Lord will not allow the Pope to deny all the truth of the faith to put himself in place of God. How much pain I felt in the night. My legs became paralyzed and I could no longer move for the pain, which I felt when I saw the church reduced to a mass of ruins and then she'll many be scandalized shall be Trey one another and she'll hate one another. April 12th, 1947 the Virgin hard-hearted shepherds of the flock who do not do their duty, give scandal a flat and divert it from the way the truth in life because too much of the world is coming to their soul. Speaker 0 42:03 January 1st, 1999 the Virgin you prepare salts for petition and not for salvation because not propagate the truth but false, heretical and idolatrous doctrines denying the true faith well defending false beliefs that lead to perdition. August 14th, 1999 the Virgin to priests do not reject the ancient Holy things and do not provoke schisms, but work in pray for unity and not for union ruin, right children loving everyone is not doing what others do, who live in air idolatry and heresy. These things are to be rejected so as not to fall under the judgment of God. Many have lost his concept of truth and do not realize that they walk and cause you to walk on a false way far from the substantial ideas of doctrine. January 9th, 1987 86 the Virgin Satan cannot do anything against the church because it is divine, but he can do a lot against the souls in it. Speaker 0 42:55 He will introduce evil under the guise of morality, under religious guises, under political and social guises, families will be affected, especially by dragging them into indifferentism and unbelief or to an exaggerated form of devotional potty bordering on idolatry. This is the evil at times when you live my beloved children, every form of evil is gathered together. In this time, you have the terrible responsibility to choose either God or the world of thoughts to seats. January 9th, 1986 the Virgin for the sake of mercy, I call you all the conversion, but for the sake of justice, I'll have to let go of my son's hand precisely because justice has to be fulfilled. March 30th, 2000 the Virgin my children's salvation is not bringing together all religions to make of them a cluster of heresies and mistakes, but to convert them to the unity of love and faith, Speaker 2 43:45 okay? Speaker 0 43:45 Because inequity is a bond of the charity of many showgirl cold. The Virgin, the broken cross near the Catholic signify the stripping of the exterior signs of the priesthood. This will be the sign that charity has grown coal November 12th, 1986 the Virgin. This I say to my priest, children, by living as praise to religious, you forsake in the world while still living in the world. You've renounced the comfortable and wealthy life. You've accepted a life renunciation, sacrifices. You have promised to live the concept of Jesus, and he was the first to give you a good example of how to live them, so you must live them as my son and the perfection of the father's will and religious virtue. With the help of charity, you, my fathers had accepted one, a Catholic and the religious habit to separate you from the world. Yet you make yourself distracted by many vain, USAs and pu feudal things. Thinking very little about living the exercise of the life of perfection, that primitive religious perfection so needed to cooperate with cheeses for the salvation of those souls. Waiting for light and salt from you, the consecrated ones. Speaker 0 44:49 August 14th, 1999 the Virgin. Many of my son's priests have lots. The dignity of the priests, the order no longer live in honesty, in love, no longer catechize souls. My dear children understand that a man has a soul to save and the soul will continue to live eternally. Do not forget the last things and teach them to others. What is death? What is judgment? What does hell, what does heaven? What does eternity? The word, my son, who is the way, the truth in life has made this known to you, but many of you through philosophy or false science deny the truth. You're not make it known to souls thirsty for truth. You have this responsibility. My sons Johnny fourth 1992 Bruno Lord you once showed me in the early days of the graces, received a line of priest who entered a church. It came out in civilian dress. Now you're selling them to me in a cast, but they're one against other Christians fighting because they no longer have a leader to guide them. Speaker 0 45:42 I take that to be the traditionalist in disarray or encaustics, but with no charity. Jeremy first 1999 the version of priests, my children, repeat again where the cask and the habit that sets you apart and your consecration. Acceptance of a life given completely to my son. March 11th, 1970 Bruna, what a bad night. I passed the pops run by Carlos and bishops who shouted in by saying revolutionary words. We do not want to live an imposed life, but to be free to practice religion according to our own desires and local system. The pop shouted cry node is not possible to replace the worship of Christ with pagan cults. The church has fought, fought so much to break down atheism and idolatry. The polyp is caught and hurled into a well. August 30th, 1993 Bruno, I dropped it. A squad of drilling coats, one attack st Peters with loads of dynamite. I begged them not to buy. Speaker 0 46:31 They took me in, Tod me over a mine and I should have blown up with it. I prayed. I begged nothing. I'm freed by the Virgin. I go to tell the Pope. I go to the pub to tell them the danger that's going on. Everyone laughs in the room. There were Cardinals August 1st, 1966 Bruno, I find myself in the <inaudible> in front of the church called the Scala Sancta. It was set up as a hall and bishops, Carlos personalities of each branch and category present. Suddenly the whole facade of the church collapses over many bishops, Cardinals and others. August 28th, 1986 Bruno st Peter square with the Virgin who shows him those who obey the voice of God and Jesus Christ, the Pope, Struan and glory singing praises. Those who not obey were sunk and glooming sorrowful darkness. See, my son, the Virgin tells me, even if those give an order that you seem to meet mistaken to you, you're obliged to obey unless this order touches on faith, morality or charity. Speaker 0 47:22 Then no, November 12th, 1986 Bruno, she takes me to a big square and look what they do to my children. Those who remain faithful to the faith and the church and my son, the great persecution for a true purification. I see many priests in their cassocks, religious men and women, religious habits of all shapes and colors. All in a row and the guards pushed them and drag them one at a time onto wooden stage. They make them kneel and ask them, get rid of the habit. So the answer, no, they took his head and put it on a stump and they were beheaded by the executioner, had an act. The blood spread everywhere and those who'd waited for the same martyrdom cried out. These are the salts who cry out under the alter of God, the assassins and those who witnesses. Slaughter shouted, hurrah for atheism. We finally freed ourselves from the habits and the VAs that kept us slaves believing in the existence of God. Speaker 0 48:12 And here we're finally free. January 1st, 1990 the Virgin men of God, those who are called to save men will encounter obstacles and fulfilling their proper duty. They will not speak of God of Jesus Christ nor the Holy spirit. They will not even be able to speak of me. Who's the true mother of God, true byte of God, true daughter of God. They will be prevented and they will not be able to speak of sacraments or of sacramentals. Those who will speak of these things will be martyred morally and physically, and we come true confessors of Jesus Christ, but he that shall persevere to the end. He shall be saved. April 12th, 1947 the Virgin come to the heart of Jesus. Come to the heart of a mother and you will be consoled and you will be on burden of your sorrows. All centers come consecrate yourself to the macros, heart of mother without dotting that you will be helped. Speaker 0 48:59 Who can lament a being banished from me if he's consecrate himself to my heart who's ever sought help and up and help children be strong, resisting for an assault. Do not be afraid. I will be with you with my motherly heart to give courage to yours and soothe your sorrows with Christ. As leader, I will fight for you. Ask to be saints and do good and to sanctify yourselves just since yourself in the world while living in the world, faith and charity will remain attack. If you're attentive to what I tell you, these are moments of trial flow for you. The Holy spirit will descend upon you to strengthen you. If you ask him with faith, to prepare yourself and fortify yourself in the days of God's great battle. Preserve the Vic weapon of victory. Faith, love one another. Love one another with humility in your hearts. Speaker 0 49:43 Love one another with increased each other with greetings of love and unity. It is love that wins everything. Do not forget the rosary to hell marries. Would you say with faith and love are so many golden arrows to reach the heart of Jesus. Never be tired of being close to the heart of the Eucharist. Jesus line up under the standard of Christ. Fortify yourself, preparing for the battle of the faith. Do not be lazy in the things of God. There's a lot to meditate on there. It's easy to see why Colonel Martin said he personally considered the publication, these messages to be of great spiritual benefit. Why? They have an undeniable catechetical and prophetical value. There's a lot to meditate on there. Let's talk briefly about the miracles. As we said yesterday, the number of miracles, uh, the number of people pray at the grotto and make pilgrimages there is steadily increasing in Lords. Speaker 0 50:32 Our lady works miracles with the water enrolling with the soil, the dirt from what was once a place of immorality and sin has become a source of grace. I've been there three times. There's so many ex voters that people left and Thanksgiving for favors received conversions for healings, expos, like crutches, braces, so forth. Pitchers, testimonies. There's so many. They've literally <inaudible> circular tunnel through the Hill, behind the cave in order to have someplace to put them all. I haven't been to every place in Rome, but I've been around there and there's more X photos that are than any place I've seen. So before we close, we'll briefly consider three miracles, a medical miracle. One of the earliest miracles was a case of Carla Mancuzzo. He was a 36 year old father that fell down an elevator shaft and he shattered his right hand in his pelvic bones. Speaker 0 51:19 His screams of pain were so terrible that shook up the entire neighborhood. Someone sprinkled dirt from the cave or his body and instantly he began to walk. He got up, he began to walk, and he didn't have any pain. Now, what was even more amazing is the x-ray showed this bones were still broken, they hadn't healed, and not only did he had no pain, he had full movement and use of his limbs. That's just one of many cases that can't be explained in light of science, so that's one medical miracle, a miracle, a more a miracle. Of course, in and of themselves, more moral miracles are far greater than medical miracles. In a certain sense, they're infinitely greater because on the one hand, on a medical miracle, we're talking about the order of nature, but with moral miracles, we're talking about the order of grace. Obviously Bruno's a conversion is a moral miracle. One of the Carmelite monks told me a story a few years ago. His brother-in-law was teaching in New York city and some years ago he brought a group of his students to Rome. They visited the Grotta, Trey Fontana, and one of his students when they walked in, instantly converted. Just like that. Now what makes this particular conversion even more, more moving is that when that student walked into the grotto, Speaker 1 52:23 he was a Satanist. Speaker 0 52:27 Why is our lady doing so many miracles to confirm the truth or message that she really did appear there till Eugenia Bruno let us know that in spite of the fact that our messages are very challenging in spite of all the chaos, sin and disorder, and the church and the world, that she hasn't forgot us, that she loves us. She really loves us and our messages, our messages of love and truth from a Mac that har because she loves us. One last miracle, and we'll close. November of 1979 the version told Bruno that on the 33rd anniversary of her staff parition on April 12th, 1980 she promised to make a great sign in the sun to bring unbelievers to faith. She told him not to say anything. His confessor told Bruin write it all down, show to particular mother superior as a witness to the prophecy of the upcoming miracle. Speaker 0 53:15 He did so than a talk on that first Friday of April. He mentioned to the members of catechetical group that our lady had promised spiritual material graces for April 12th on April 12th or more than 3000 people, including 25 priests gathered at the grotto to hear Bruna speak and attend to commemorative mass. Now to picture this, the authors up at the, at the, the cave, if this, the author, the cave is behind it with the statue and there's like a little sort of a, the chapel is open on that end, so it's an arch over it, but it's just open to the open air. And so if it had any crowd at all, most people outside with 3000 people, most of them going to be just sitting out there on this Plaza that they can look in into at the altar. But it's just there to cover. There's not much cut protection from the winter there. Speaker 0 53:56 Okay. So the mass began about 5:00 PM and about 10 to six it was interrupted for half an hour until six 20 because the miracle, and this was not an abuse, they just had 33,000 very excited to tell Ian. So they had to halt the mass so the people could actually calm down, return their attention to the Holy sacrifice. I will quote from two reports, one ecclesiastical and the other secular. Cool. The official report sent by the Franciscan Alphonsus and Carine to the minister general order. Father Vitali Burma. Alco contains a summary of the written testimonies gathered in the days following the miracle. The sun seemed to move through the sky towards the Groton approached the earth. It could be seen with absolute ease without hurting eyes as a ball of fire rotating wildly seeming larger than normal. There appeared inside its iridescent crown and various various colors, mainly red, pink and black like incandescent magma. Speaker 0 54:44 Moving rapidly as if boiling forming different configurations. Various they identify by the witnesses across an M, a heart surrounded by stars or dripping blood. The monogram of Christ IHS. Two joined hands, a Virgin of revelation. Some declared they saw the solar crown dissolved and reconnected in three circles of various colors. Others have noted that despite the obstacle of numerous trees, the sound bounce drawn and clear sight with a warm and vivid light, almost like fire, it illuminated the chapel of the convent where the Eucharist is kept the fronds of the trees and the clothing of the people. The notebooks were the concert, those who are present and among them many children together with numerous religious civil military authorities are kept in both the archives, the Franciscans, as well as the archives. The catechetical associates say shoe association funded by Bruno. There've been the same. His testimonies always about the 12th of April in particular in 1982 1985 1986 in 1987 on the 40th anniversary close quilt. Speaker 0 55:41 Now many laps Catholics returned to the faith. There are many physical cures. A medical center was set up and after extensive research, the miraculous nature of those cures was confirmed. In 1986 the miracle son is recorded by a TV camera, was shown on Italian TV. All a take a selection of quotes from a chancellor <inaudible> article from IL temple, a large daily newspaper in Rome, 18 April, 1986 quote on the 12th of April last at the sanctuary, the three fountains and the Vorn and Tina sent, Paul stated for considerable time like a heart subject of violent emotion. At the same time, other incredible changes were observed on the sun's surface. All of them faithfully filmed by a camera man who happened to be on the spot at the time as zona <inaudible> vision. The Senate one won't turn it bright red, another Emerald green. It's colors glowed and gigantic shafts of light shown down from the sky under the thousands of witnesses who have flocked to the Hill. Speaker 0 56:33 The crowded Trey Fontana included both highly placed Ecclesiastics and personalities from the worlds of politics and arts. Starting from the 33rd anniversary of apparition, there would a be precisely as the Virgin of revelation of prophesied, many manifestations and graces both inward and external. We have to admit that this promise grading body and as it was, was very precisely carried out. The whole phenomena has been filled by a TV camera. Even if, and it is important. Remember this, the attitude of the church remains marked by the utmost reticence. Close quote article from field temple. So obviously besides confirming that she really did a to Lucine and Bruno, besides confirming these challenging messages are really are from her, besides confirming, she hasn't forgotten us, that she loves us. She really loves us. Besides confirming your message, our message of truth and love for Macklin's heart, by working a spectacular miracle so many times, the Virgin revelation gave us another very important and perfectly obvious message, small wonder that is early as June, 1948 Buena recorded his diary. The Virgin made me understand that the message of FATTOM continues at Trey Fontana.

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