Christian Advent is Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ

December 19, 2011 00:34:50
Christian Advent is Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ
Veritas Caritas
Christian Advent is Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ

Dec 19 2011 | 00:34:50


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Speaker 1 00:02 As usual. There have been the quotes, there's been some editing and cutting and pasting for the sake of flow and time, and he came into all the country about the Jordan preaching. The baptism of penance for the remission stands the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. For the past three weeks, we've been hearing about Saint John The baptist. Speaker 0 00:30 Wow. Speaker 1 00:33 In order to answer that first, let's remind ourselves of two basic truths all the mother church keeps before our eyes during advent and second. Let's take a brief look at some of the parallels between the Prophet Elias zealous known as the lodge parallels between the Prophet Elias and Saint John The baptist. First. During advent, the liturgy keeps two basic truths before eyes. On the one hand, we're preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the first coming of our Lord some 2000 years ago on his mission of mercy. Now, on the other hand, we're reminded to be prepared for an upcoming event. The second coming of our Lord when he comes to judge the living and the dead as one author nodes quote during advent, which is the beginning of a new church calendar year, we've prepare ourselves for the incarnation by seriously examining our lives and asking ourselves if we are ready for a visit from our king before weeks one for each of the thousand years that proceeded incarnation from Adam to Jesus, our men specifically to remind us the incarnation was only the first coming of Jesus, but there are most certainly be a second coming. Speaker 1 01:53 The preparations we make to increase prayer, fasting, examinations, etc. Are Truly intended to remind us of our year long duty to be always in preparation for the second coming. Christians path. Make resolutions to pray more to increase and patients and charity and in all other ways to live as holy are people and they make these resolutions during advent. The point of all this is that what Christians do or should be doing during advent and leading up to Christmas is a foreshadowing of what they will do during the days of their lives and lead up to the second comment we Christians are to prepare for the coming price before he actually comes that coming as symbolized and recalled at Christa's close quote kick that Michael. So advent is a season in which we prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the first coming of our Lord and at the same time reminded to prepare herself for the second time. Speaker 1 02:54 Those are the two basic truths, the first coming and the second coming. Now second, what are talking about? We're referred to the parallels between the prophet lies Saint John the Baptist very briefly with regards to lives, of course, sees the great prophet of the Old Testament that we send to the kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel, roughly 900 BC during the reign of King PACAF and Queen Jezebel. There's plenty that can be said about the reign of these two wicked rulers. One line from the inspired inerrant word of God sums it up. Quote, Acca did more difficult Lord God of Israel than all the kings of Israel that were before post quote. So Pagan worship in effect becomes the religion of the state. The people of Israel are living in apostasy and in the midst of this apostasy alliance, the prophet of the one true God arrived from out of the desert with a message of righteousness, challenging the ruler right to their face, challenging the pagan priests, challenging the people of Israel, chance to make a definitive choice, either serve the living and true God or parish. Speaker 1 04:14 Then of course, the was taken up in the cherry to fire, but he hasn't died yet. In fact, along with not he's coming back during the reign of the Anti Christ to confront the ruler and to preach with patents and judgement to the way we're children of Israel. See Alive will preach to the Jews who father enough will preach. The gentiles is a great doctor. The church, Saint Robert Bellamin states quote is either heresy or proximate to heresy to deny that Enoch and Elias will personally return. Enoch and Elias are still living. When the antichrist comes, they will oppose him and preserve the elect and the faith of Christ and convert. Did you closable Saint Robert Bellin? What's the purpose of alliances preaching at that time to repair those who will listen for the coming of the Lord? Now, once we've seen all that, it's easy to see the parallels with Saint John. Speaker 1 05:23 The baptist St John is sent before the Lord in the spirit of Elias and with a similar mission in the scripture are absolutely clear on this. In Chapter One, the Gospel is Saint Luke. We read about this. Of course we read and shock when it Elizabeth, who is the wife of the pre Zachary. The father's actually relieved that she's far beyond childbearing age. But one day exactly goes up to the holy place to temple to do his priestly duty by offering incense there appears to him, Saint Gabriel, the Gabriel tells him that Elizabeth is going to verus son and he shall be named John. And Saint Gebo says, and I quote, and he should convert many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. And he should go before him and the spirit in the power of the lives that he may turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, an incredulous young believing to the wisdom of the just true repair for the Lord, a perfect people, boastful, inspire in Arab world. Speaker 1 06:28 God. So Saint John the Baptist comes up out of the desert and in the spirit of ally's confronts the ruler and preaches a message of repentance in judgment the way we're children of Israel. Prepare those who will listen for the coming of the Lord. That grade benedict is gone. Garren Jake comments on the reaction to St John the Baptist preaching. Well, St John Creatures pennants and the obligation men are under a preparing for the coming of Christ by self purification, but the men around him, ours in different as though they neither inspected nor was a safe close quote Saint John Preaches pennants the obligations of turns to the coming of Christ for the men or is it different as if they neither respected nor wanted a savior. He's preaching to men that have the true religion and they just don't care. He tells him to repent the bear fruits to repentance. He warns them the tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire. Speaker 1 07:55 He warns them that the Lord is separate with the chat the chaff. We burned an unquenchable flame and they just don't hear something, never trees. So why have we been hearing about the Saint John the Baptist during admin on the one hand, so then we're prepared to see other graces attached. The great feast of Christmas, that liturgical celebration of the first coming of our Lord. That sounds the one now on the other hand, so we're repaired to meet our Lord when he comes again, just think of how much emphasis the church puts on the importance of being prepared from the last Sunday after Pentecost. That's the last Sunday going into surgical. You're right up through the fourth Sunday of advent. That's five Sundays in a row. The church has placed this reality before eyes. Speaker 0 08:59 The Lord is coming. You can be prepared in a word repent. Speaker 1 09:08 Courtney is the laughter. They comments. Cool. This was the thi this to some of the Baptist is preaching. Repent because well now I all were grievous sinner living in vices and luxe. Therefore, repentance was necessary, but they might receive the grace and righteousness of Christ. Moreover, repentance is not only amendment of manners in the beginning of a new life, but it is a detestation chastisement and destruction of the old simple of for the new life and how it affects it. Easy Gun, Speaker 0 09:48 unless the old life be cast away close clothes. Speaker 1 09:54 We need you here and he the warning to repent, we should need to live messed of Saint John of baffles. We each need to make sure we have prepared the ways of the Lord and be especially sure that we're not living in grievous sin, snared Speaker 0 10:13 by the vices and lust of our society. Speaker 1 10:18 Earlier this year we covered the absolute necessity of contrition. We considered the forgiveness of sin. Today we'll turn to confession and satisfaction, but before we do that, let's have a brief review. Mortal sin, mortal sin is the one thing that can land us in the fires of hell. A single mortal sin deprives the still a sanctifying grace. Remember, the sanctifying grace is the supernatural life of the soul. It makes the soul an enemy of God. It takes away the American of odds, good actions. It deprives it of the right to everlasting happiness in heaven and it makes it deserving of new turn. Dream in hell. That's mortal sin. There are three things necessary to make us in mortals. First, the thought desire were action or emission must be seriously wrong or least understood the series the wrong. Second, the sinner must be mindful of this series is wrong. Speaker 1 11:29 Third, the Sarah must fully consent to, so the three things necessary to make us in mortal are serious matter, sufficient reflection and full consent of the wheel. Father, before you go on, can you give some examples of serious matter? Sure. We'll run down a very short list playing with the weegee board blasts, missing math on Sunday or a holiday of obligation, disobedience, serious matter, getting drunk, getting high hatred of a neighbor, wearing <inaudible> provocative clothing, using contraception, looking at bad websites, refusing a reasonable request, honor the marital death, passionate and kissing in any related behavior and the unmarried, stealing a valuable item. Perjury, tell them, okay Cetera, et cetera. Any good examination and conscience? We'll have plenty of more examples. Again, the three things necessary to make a sim mortal are serious matter, sufficient reflection and full consent of the will venial sin. Venial sin is a less serious offense against the laws of God, which does not deprive the soul of sanctifying graves, which can be pardoned even without Sacramento. Speaker 1 13:07 Confession. Now let's quickly review the three things required for staff meeting the minister, the matter of the sacrament and the form of the staff. The minister of the Sackman is the person with the power to confer the sacrament in the name of Jesus Christ and by his authority, the minister must have the intention of doing what the church does. Now briefly, what are the matter in the form of a sacrament? The matter is the material used for the sacrament, the sensible part of the sacrament. For example, water for with wheat, red grape wine for the most pleasant sac. The form form is a words that are administered must pronounced in order to confect the sacrament. For example, the form of baptism is I baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. The form of the sacrament of penance which is applied by the priest for the Pennington is either absorb and Gotay absolvable the matter of the sacrament of Penance, which is brought by the penitent. Speaker 1 14:17 The confessional has three parts. There are three parts of the matter, contrition, confession and satisfaction. Again, the form is I absolve you and the matter has three parts, contrition and fashion and satisfaction. The concept of trend quote, the acts of the Pennington himself, namely contrition, confessions and satisfaction constitute the matter of this sacrament, which acts it as much as the by God's institution require for the integrity of the sacrament and for the pulling. Capri emission of sins are for this reason called the parts dependents. Close quote, the Council of Trent, we've already considered contrition. We saw that out of the three thing that the penetrant brings to the confessional. Those three things again are contrition. Confession, satisfaction out of easy three thing, contrition by far and away ultra. The first place we saw that sorrow for sin is so necessary for obtaining forgiveness. Without it even God himself cannot pardon his sin. Speaker 1 15:32 We saw that a person who dies in sin without making examinations or dies without making the examination of conscience or confessing maybe c by making an act of perfect contrition. If there is no time to confess those things or no priest to whom he confessed them, but without sa is impossible for the center to be safe. Without sorrow, it is impossible for the center to be safe. In other words, we can't be Sade unless we repent. We saw this sorrow for sin. This hatred for sin lies in the will and it means that we prefer to lose everything rather than to have offended God and to lose his grace and friendship. We set our star must have a supernatural motive. We must be an SRE for having had defended God or having lost heaven or having married at hell that a natural motive, for example, at the the job or a good name is not sufficient. We saw that we have to have this sorrow for each and every one of our mortal sin or none of them are forgiven. We saw that in regards to venial sins. One venial sin can be forgiven without obtaining pardon of another. That is enough to have true Sarah for one venules in order to obtain forgiveness for it. Speaker 1 16:58 We've seen that after committing a mortal sin, there are four possible states of the soul. Number one, the red pervades, hence the reprobates in occurs when the sinner as a punishment for sin no longer seriously or intelligently cares about his salvation. That's the respire base. Number two, defective contrition. The fact of contribution occurs when the center has some regret for sin, but he lacks affirm purpose of a men that's defective contrition. Number three, imperfect contrition. Imperfect and contrition occurs when the center has a firm purpose of minute but as moved by less per perfect and the love of God. For example, the fear of hell, that's imperfect contrition and number four, perfect contrition. Perfect injury occurs when the sinner is moved by regret for sin on account of the wrong John to God who is infinitely good and worthy. That's perfect contrition. We saw that as absolutely essential for each one of us to be sure that we have a firm purpose of a man. Speaker 1 18:17 One, when we go to confession, you've had the great misfortune for fallen into a mortal sin. We have to realize what a terrible danger or should we only have effective contrition. Remember that a man with fact feel some regret for his sin. He may be crying about that, but he remains unwilling to put God first in his life. He lacks a firm purpose of amendment and this is key to realize the man does not with a defective contrition, does not have a firm purpose of men. He will not put God first in his life so he won't return. You'll got you good. He wants to start paying the death. What he's actually able to pay. He will not stop keeping company with a simple companion. You will not abandon a drug or an alcohol habit. He will not put a filter on his computer. You will not stop watching evil show on television. Speaker 1 19:26 He will not have a sterilization. He will not forgive an enemy, et Cetera, et cetera. The terrifying reality of a man in his situation, even if he were to go to confession and he may very well go to confession, that act of contrition would be a lie. Be Alive. Since a man with the defective nutrition is not serious about voiding sin and then your occasion sin and since he's not serious about it, since he doesn't have nutrition even where the priest for now it's the words that Ab solutional, it just ricochet off. The absolution would be invalid because there's not improper matter. The absence should be invalid and so not only does the man remain in it, he believes the confessional with one more sacrilegious confession. We have to be very attentive. Speaker 0 20:29 Make sure that we have on him perfect or perfect contrition when we go to the confessional that we have a firm purpose of a demand Speaker 1 20:43 so much for the review. Now let's just take a cut both of your logo. Speaker 0 20:52 Confession, the comms of Trent call Speaker 1 20:56 the Universal Church has always understood that they complete confession of sin was also instituted by the Lord and is by divine law necessary for all who have fallen after baptism because our Lord Jesus Christ when about to send from Earth to heaven, left behind and priests his own victors as rulers and judges to him, all the mortal sins in which the faith of Christ may have fallen, should be brought in order as they may in virtue of the power of the keys pronounced a sentence of remission Speaker 0 21:34 or retention of sin. Close quote, the Council of Trent. Speaker 1 21:40 The complete confession of sins was instituted by the Lord and is by divine law necessary for all with fallen after baptism. This is always been one of the main reasons that people convert. It's always Speaker 0 21:57 all the self help books in the world, all the psychiatry, all the second college, all the counselors, Speaker 1 22:07 all the prostitutes, creatures in the world taking individually or even an entire group. All of them Speaker 0 22:15 can't watch the way the killed of even one mortals. Speaker 1 22:22 Saint Alphonsus explains the importance of confession. Speaker 0 22:26 This is along the boat. Speaker 1 22:29 He was offended, God by modal sin has no remedy to prevent his damnation without the confession of his sin. Speaker 1 22:39 But if I'm sorry for the central, my heart is that not enough. If I do penance for my whole life, if I go into the desert and live on Wilder's asleep on the ground, you may do as much as you please, but if you do not confess every modal sin that you remember, you cannot obtain part. I said, every mortal sin that you remember for if you've involuntarily forgotten a sin has been pardoned indirectly provided you had a general sorrow for all your offenses against God. But if you've concealed it voluntarily, you must confess knowledge of the sentence been concealed, but also the other models that have been confessed. In fact, you must not only confess the mortal sin told in the bad confession, you must also confess all those tolls and subsequent confessions cried. You're setting things right. Why? Because the confessionals sacrilegious in there Speaker 0 23:35 or no void. Speaker 1 23:39 How many poor souls does Shane send to hill? See, they had an onus for relates appellate one side devil, the side of woman. During her confession, the prod asked him what he was doing. The devil answer, I am fulfilling a priest step of restitution. When I came to this woman to sin, I took away her shame. I am now restoring it so that she will not confess your sin. This is Saint John. Criticism says is one of the tricks of the devil. God joined shame to sin and confidence to confession, the devil and vertical order. He joins confidence to sin and shame the confession. If there's anyone who has concealed as soon shame if fester right now, well, you have to do is say to fester. Father, I feel ashamed to tell a certain sin or say, father, I have a feeling of guilt about my past life. Speaker 1 24:44 The praise will take care of it. From there you'll be able to pluck out the thorn and it's killing you and that's a good piece, your conscience and know what joy you should feel after having it spelled and viper from your heart. But I'm afraid that a confessor would speak harshly to me or think terrible thoughts about me. 20 heres the sins that committed. Why should you say that? Why should he speak harshly to you or think terrible thoughts too about you? All of these are false suspicions that the devil puts in your head. Confess your sin. Sidney confessionals not to hear about ecstasy and revelation, but to hear the sins of those who come to confession and they cannot experience greater constellation than when it repent. The center comes to make known to them this misery close the flow confessors cannot experience greater constantly than when a repentant sinner comes to make knowledgeable. That's absolutely true. Speaker 1 25:45 What have we seen? We've seen that if we should have the greatness portion fall in the model of sin, we have to confess, we have to confess every mortal sin. We remember what kind of Senate was the number of times we committed. We've seen if we deliberately conceal a mortal sin confession, none of our sins are forgiven. But now let's suppose after confession, you know we're out there changing the wallet pickup and selling. We remember, oh my gosh, those bank robberies, I forgot to confess and I've already made restitution, but I forgot to confess it. And the glass confession. BHP, if you forgot your modals, they're forgiven. But what do you have to do the next time you go to confession? You're in there. Bless you, Claude <inaudible>. It's been a week since my last confession. I've forgotten my wild and crazy days. I rubbed seven banks. Speaker 1 26:34 I've never confessed that before. I did get the money back and you're good to go. You're good to go. You could fed. It's forgiven. You didn't fall in a state of grace. I remember in the past, but you have kind of mentioned it in your next confessional because you still have to make the formal apology to God and the confessional. Okay. That part, just in your face. All right, so we also, if we're having a tough time because of Shane, just tell the priest some father and having a tough time with father. Can you help me here? We'll be glad to help you here. That's why we're there. That's why we're there. Finally, if you have something shameful, pray to our lady before you go into confession, she'll make sure to give you the help you need to make a good confession. Pick a conscious clean, and get you back on the right track. Speaker 1 27:22 Okay, so we've looked at confession, we looked at contrition, we've looked at confession. Let's turn to satisfaction. Satisfaction is just another word for the penance given by the priests. The concept trend. Both the praise of the Lord must impose solitary and suitable satisfaction and keeping with the nature of the crimes and the ability of the Pennington's. Otherwise, if they should connivent sins and deal too leniently with Penningtons imposing certain very light words for very grave offenses, they might become partakers in the sins of others. Close both the council of Trent. Okay, so satisfaction is the penance that great doctor World Theology, Saint Alphonsus Common Sun is. This is a long quote, but it's full of useful information. Quote, satisfaction as a necessary part, the sacrament of Penance, but it is not precisely essential because without it, the confession may be valid as would be the case with the penitent were dying in unable to reform a suitable penance. Speaker 1 28:30 But if the person that confession does not have the intention of performing the depends to sign, the confession is no good. The Pennington is obliged to have intention of complying with the penance. If he has intention to performing of penance and afterward neglects to fulfill it, the confession is valid, but he's guilty of a venial sin. That dependence has lied where a mortal sin if dependence is great, a great candidate is an example of the erosion. If a feminine Penance, would it become very difficult? Maybe chuck changed by the same or by another confessor. How soon after confession must dependence be performed? It must be performed within the time fixed by the confessor. If he does not fix a time, it ought to be performed soon. When the penance is great to delay for a long time would be a mortal sin. If the penitent falls into mortal sin after the confession, as he still obliged to his advantage, yes. Speaker 1 29:31 Did he satisfy that obligation by performing in the state of sin? Yes, he does. See Not Fonts. It's not points out another common problem regarding suspects. Many go to confession except the parents, but afterwards do not fulfill it. But father, I'm not able to do all my confessors and Paul was done. Why didn't you? Why did you accept the penance that you knew you could not perform? I recommend you speak plainly to the confessor father. I'm afraid that I should not do all you have imposed and please give me a lighter penance. What use is it to say, father, I will do it. Natural words do not close the close. You know fonts. What have we seen? We've seen the satisfaction. Is it pennants and Polish by the priest? We've seen it. In order for a confession to be valid, the penitent has to have an intention of performing dependence. Speaker 1 30:25 We've seen that when a penitent neglects to do the pennants imposed, the penance was light. A few prayer. It's a venial sin to the pennants was heavy a rosary, a mortal sin. We've seen it. Dependence must be performed with from the time fixed by the confessor. Then if he does not fix the time, it ought to be performed soon. We've seen it when the penance is graves' delay performing for a long time, we'll be a mortal sin. We've seen the, if the Pennington flaws in mortal sin after the confession, he's still obliged to his penance and he will still satisfy that obligation, but performance in the state of sin and we've seen it. If a pendant is too much, the penitent should ask the priest to please give a lighter penance. I'll hesitate to do that. We're here to help you up and push you deeper into a hall. Speaker 1 31:12 Look, our job is to try to get you guys to heaven. You're like, are tickets to heaven and I'll tell you what, I got a plan. I don't want to have anybody not making it then. Then I don't get to. All right, so we're here to help you. We want to help you. If it's too rough, it seems like too much. If he could give you some options, your prayer, father, I really don't know how to say the Hell No. We'll give you something else. I mean, you just held them priests. If you can't do that and don't worry about what's the priest going to think of it. This is just from the devil. As Sina funds points out, we're not backed or expecting you to tell you what great people you are. We know that you're coming to confess your sins. The moral manuals all say that after the first year it would be in the first year of mans three sweet. Speaker 1 31:59 He's going to hear all the different kinds of sins, their own. We either of us during our first here as priests, we've heard tens of thousands of confessions. You're not going to tell us nothing we have heard. Don't worry about it. There's also grace. You can tell me some horrible things you did to my cousin and natural. It's we could go shooting pool. I'm telling you there's some. It's just you just had, it's a grace. Don't worry about what the priest thinks. The priest thinks. Thanks be to God. They got that out of their consciousness. No, I don't have to worry about that person. If I'm on the watch when they done, we're delighted when people make a good confession. This is Speaker 0 32:40 all, Speaker 1 32:41 yeah, this fear of getting rid of this stuff. Okay. Our Lady, I'll help you with that. Let's club South Fox record the story of a certain lady who for years Speaker 0 32:54 I've been going to confession, concealing particular sin issues the best. Appreciate you. Speaker 1 33:03 One day, two fryers to the Dominican order happen to pass. But the lady was always waiting for a strange confessor. Ask one of them to hear a confession. So the other fire withdrew, stood back away. They remained present but true back in order to preserve privacy. After the fathers continued on the journey. Later on, the one fryer told the confessor, hey, when that lady was confessing your sins, I could see all kinds of serpents coming out of her mouth that she was confessing your sins. But there was a large, horrible looking serpent whose head only came out. But afterwards went entirely back in. When the head drew back in her mouth, all the other serpents went back inside of them. The confessors got shocked. He turned around and started hurting back to the house you got to the house. The lady when he got through fond of, she had died. Suddenly afterwards when he was with a prayer, the unhappy woman appeared drunk. She said, I know unfortunate person who made my confession to you. I committed one soon, which I volunteer like concealed from the confessors Speaker 0 34:18 him. I knew him. So God sent you to him. Speaker 1 34:22 But even then, I could not conquer the shame of telling him. He therefore suddenly struck me dead as justly condemned me to fail, Speaker 0 34:35 that that is worth their salt. And she found them cows and instantly disappeared prepared in a way that makes trailers to pass.

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