Fatima and the Apocalypse 4: The 1st Secret

August 24, 2017 00:42:07
Fatima and the Apocalypse 4: The 1st Secret
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 4: The 1st Secret

Aug 24 2017 | 00:42:07


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Speaker 1 00:07 God bless us and the Virgin protect us. Once again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She has to get the credit for anything good to her. Beautiful in any of these conferences and all the faults are mine. Speaker 1 00:25 Ivan, Maria Presima in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Yesterday, we considered the miracle of the sun. We saw that because the things of God are so far beyond our words and our ability to comprehend. The reality is the spiritual war world. Heaven typically speaks to us in symbols in such a way that all those who have the light of faith can understand. We saw that a Christian symbol is meant to bring a whole host of various related ideas up that in other words, one civil can and is meant to stand for and bring to mind a whole series of related spiritual concepts. We saw that both Christian symbolism as well as our Lord's parables hide truths which they express from those who are not open to the truth and make them understandable to those who are open to the truth. Speaker 1 01:20 We saw that the very fact that our Lord taught in parables was itself a prophetic sign of upcoming judgment. We saw he was making the point that first century Judea was in the same wretched condition as Israel had been in the days of the prophet Isaiah. As a consequence was facing the same outcome that its cities were to be laid waste and it's people slaughtered and scattered. We saw that our Lord explained his parables to those close to him that he intended there veiled meaning to be understood by anyone truly seeking the truth to be found in them, but since the great majority were not interested in those trues, they were left hardened, unresponsive, and under his judgment. We saw that the situation FATTOM was very similar. That the very fact that our lady of Fatima taught and symbols, it's analogous to the reason our Lord taught in parables and that although the three little children were given the secrets of the Mac, that heart, her symbolic messages are already prophetic sign of upcoming judgment. Speaker 1 02:27 We saw that like her son, our lady intended there veiled meaning to be understood by anyone seeking the truth to be found in them, but for the most part the hearts that people were not and still are not open to our message. We saw that when sister Lucy had been struggling to write the third secret, our lady appeared and told her, be at peace and write what they order you, but not what has been given to you to understand its meaning. We saw in other words that the very format of the third secret as it's been revealed to a symbolic vision without the accompanying explanation, that in itself is already a sign of judgment. It's a sign of the state of men's hearts. We started in October 13th, 1917 at least 70,000 witnesses, many of them not believers, were standing in the pouring rain in a muddy sheep pasture in Fatima. Speaker 1 03:22 When suddenly the clouds parted, the sky cleared, then the sun shot out the colors of the rainbow it world and spun a dance three times and then broke free and hurled toward earth that the people were convinced they're about to be burnt alive, fell to their knees in the mud and the water, confessing their sins and crying out for mercy, and then the sun retreated. Leaving everyone in dry clothes on dry clown. We saw this as literally a miracle of biblical proportions that in the entire history of the world, the only other miracles that can be compared to this at all are all found in the Holy Bible. And out of those, this is the only one that was publicly announced beforehand as the date, time and place. We saw that according to st Vincent for air, heaven often puts a warning in the sky when a great affliction is about to come on the world. Speaker 1 04:17 So people may either advert the punishment to prayers and pennants or may prepare themselves to suffer the affliction. We saw that among other things because heaven rules the earth, the sun moon, the stars symbolize rulers here on earth and at these heavenly bodies are obscured when the leaders of the church or the world depart from justice and holiness and turn to depravity and wickedness. We saw that on the one hand, the rainbow is a visible reminder that as long as we're faithful and obedient like no one his family, then even if the whole world be swallowed up by a flood, God is merciful and he'll take care of us. We saw that. On the other hand, the rainbow is a reminder that in the days of Noah we brought the covenant and called Dawn judgment upon ourselves and now it's been hung up in the sky as a sign that God won't destroy the world again with water. Speaker 1 05:11 We saw. It's also a reminder that if man returns the day of Noah of men breaks that union with God as long, longer being fruitful, multiplying it mad ignores the warning of the rainbow. By marking God with perverse marriages, then fire will fall from the sky and will destroy the world. We saw that in regards to the dancing, the son, that God alters the fixed patterns of sun, moon and stars to indicate judgment on those who have wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry and also that it's a sign of the end of the world. We saw it. The falling. The sun is a sign of judgment and it's Metro minus the fire from the sky that totally destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins of perversity and at the time it's also Metromont as to the fire from the sky, that both scripture and tradition to us will destroy the world before our Lord comes to judge the living and the dead. Speaker 1 06:07 We saw at the party in the clouds and the dry land is Metro remind us of the parting of the red sea, the consequent failure of Israel to abandon the idols of Egypt, that it's a symbolic warning. The viewing marvels and miracles is not enough. We must have a true conversion of heart cleaved to the living God and totally reject the false idols of this world. We saw that the miracle his son is a very sobering symbolic warning that God's judgment is looming at the end of the world's at hand. We saw that during the miracle the children saw the Holy family, Saint Joseph together with the child Jesus who blessed the world three times with our lady of rosary dressed in blue and white. Then that faded and our Lord appeared cloaked in red is the divine Redeemer with our lady of sorrows cloaked in purple. Then that faded and our lady of Mount Carmel appeared holding the child. Jesus. Speaker 1 07:01 We saw that heaven never acts without a purpose and so America like this American is unprecedented and biblical proportions points towards a corresponding message of unprecedented and biblical importance. The apocalyptic overtones and the miracle itself point towards apocalyptic overtones in the message. We saw that in regards to the message. St John Paul two said, quote, the appeal made by Mary, our mother at Fatima is such that the whole church feels obligated to respond to the requests of our lady. The message imposes an obligation on the church and finally we saw that in her last public in your interview, sister Louis Lucia said, quote, father, the most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to her message. Neither the good nor the bad, the good continue on their way, but without giving any importance to her message the bad, not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon them. Continue the life of sin without even caring about the message. But believe me, father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. Close quote, Speaker 1 08:16 let's turn to the message or ladies message in July is indeed the heart of the FATTOM a message. July 13th, 1917 I re read from sister Lucy as memorials a few moments after arriving in the covered area near the homo where large number of people were praying the rosary. We saw the flash of light once more and a moment later a lady appeared on the home alt, so paranthetically we'll insert a sister. Lucy is description of our lady from the may apparition, so we get some idea what they're seeing there before us. In a small home, all we'd be held a lady all dressed in white. She was more brilliant than the sun and radiated light, more clear and intense than a crystal class filled with sparkling water. When the raise of the burning sun shine through it, we were so close just a few feet from her that we were bathed in the light which surrounded her or rather which radiated from her. Speaker 1 09:13 We continue with July. What does your grace want of me? I asked, I want you to come here on the 13th of next month to continue to pray the rosary every day in honor of our lady of the rosary in order to attain peace for the world and the end of the war because only she can help you. I would like you to ask. I like to ask you to tell us who you are and to work a miracle so that everybody will believe you're appearing to us continued to come here every month and October. I will tell you who I am and what I want and I'll perform a miracle for all to see and belief. I then made some requests but cannot recall now just what they were. What I do remember is that our lady said it was necessary for such people to pray the rosary in order to obtain these graces through the year and she continued sacrifice. Speaker 1 10:05 Sacrifice yourself for sinners and say many times, especially when you make some sacrifice. Oh Jesus, this for love of you, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the maquette heart of Mary. As our lady spoke the last words, she opened her hands once more as she had done during the two previous months. The rays of light seem to penetrate the earth and we saw as it were, a sea of fire plunged in this firework. Demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers or blackened or burnished bronze floating about in the conflagration now raised in the air by the flans that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now falling back on every side like sparks and huge fires without weight or equilibrium amid shrieked and groans of pain and despair which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. Speaker 1 11:03 It must've been this site which caused me to cry out. As people say they heard me, the demons could be distinguished by their care fi or repel likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals, terrified. And as if to plead for sucker. We looked up at our lady who said to us so kindly, and so sadly you have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go to save them. God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Mac. That heart, if what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end. But if people did not see Sufi fending God, worst one will break out from the pontificate of Pius the 11th when you see an eye lumen by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God. Speaker 1 11:58 These about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church and of the Holy father. To prevent this, how shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my immaculate heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays? If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will sputter airs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be martyred. The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my immaculate heart will triumph. The Holy father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be converted and a period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal, the dogma, the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. Sister, Lucy, erotic, et cetera. Back to our lady. Speaker 1 12:52 Do not tell this to anybody. Francisco. Yes. You may tell him. Now, let's see. As the only one of the three children who spoke toilet lady during the apparitions Sanchez said he could see and hear our lady but never spoke to her during these apparitions and as we pointed out yesterday, st Francisco could see the blessed Virgin and the visions perfectly, but he couldn't hear a words. We continue when you pray the rosary. See after each mystery, all my Jesus forgive us, save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need. After this, there was a moment of silence and then I asked, is there anything more you want of me? No, I do not want anything more of you today. Then as before our lady began to ascend toward the East until she find disappeared in the immense distance of the firmament. Close quote, sister Lucy. Ah, this is the heart of the message of Fatima, the previous apparitions. We're preparing for the miracles associated with the following three operations, most notably, of course the miracle is son. We're confirmations of this message. There are three parts to the message. Through all interlinked and interdependent they treat of individuals, nations, and the church. Today we'll consider the first part the vision of hell, which pertains the salvation of individuals. Speaker 0 14:15 Hell, Speaker 1 14:18 the first thing, the very first thing our lady shows the children little children is this terrifying vision of hell. All the warnings about famines, Wars, persecutions, and annihilation of nations, as frightening as they are, pale and significance to this striking reminder of eternal damnation. Our lady focuses our attention on the one thing that we should all be on, which is our Aternity. Speaker 1 14:56 She's come to remind us of one of the most important truths of our Holy Catholic faith. A truth which is denied, ignored, or laughed at in our pasta age, laughed at and ignored even by priests. Consider this line from letter. Sister Lucio wrote to young seminarian. I quote, do not be surprised that I speak to you so much about hell. This is one truth that is necessary to recall often in these times because we forget that souls are falling into hell in droves. Hell has one truth. It's necessary to call often in these times because we forget that souls are falling into hell and droves or consider this warning from the Virgin of revelation. Hell exists. It is a place of condemnation. Do not deny the evidence. Speaker 1 15:58 On the other hand, how many times have we heard some so-called sophisticated person just dismiss the traditional description of hell? They just sort of wave it off with a condescending smile suggests that no educated person can actually believe them. There's some fiery underground prison full of dance souls and demons that these sort of ideas are just medieval or childish fantasies for simple people. How many times have we heard these same kind of people? People like immensely popular, best selling author, preacher Bishop Robert Barron, for example, suggest that hell's at best some sort of nondescript featureless space somewhere which we don't really know a lot about, but we can be sure that it's virtually empty if it even exists at all, that the church has never ever taught that anyone actually goes to hell. I'd bet good money. I'm not the only one here that's heard these kinds of claims. Now just to ask yourself, does the vision that our lady showed the children sound anything even remotely like some empty, nondescript, featureless space somewhere? What does it sound exactly like the terrifying descriptions and infernal that we find in scripture and tradition? Let's take a quick look at scripture and tradition scripture. We'll just take a few examples from both old and new testaments. Isaiah 33 14 Speaker 1 17:33 the senators in sign are afraid trembling has seized upon the hypocrites. Which of you can dwell with devouring fire? Which of you shall dwell with everlasting burnings? Ecclesiasticus seven 19 the vengeance on the flesh, the vengeance on the flesh, the ungodly is fire and warms Speaker 1 17:58 apocalypse. 2050 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast in the pool of fire. Apocalypse. 21 eight as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted. As for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars. Their lot shall be in the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death or Mark chapter nine verses 46 to 48 where we find the explicit words of our divine savior himself. It is better for the with one eye to enter in the kingdom of God than having two eyes to be cast into the hell of fire where their worm dieth not and the fire is not extinguished for everyone shall be salted with fire. Speaker 1 18:55 We've taken a glance inspired, inherent word of God. Now let's quickly consider tradition treating of hell. The catechism of the council of Trent speaks of quote that most Lowes them in dark prison, which the souls of the damned are tremendous with the unclean spirits and eternal and inextinguishable fire. This place is called Johanna, the bottomless pit, and it's hell, strictly so-called closed quote. Hell exists. It's terrifying and it's not some empty, nondescript, featureless space somewhere. Are there really demons in hell? The inspired inner word of God is explicit on his point. Our Lord, speaking of judgment day says quote. Then he shall say to them also that she'll be on his left hand. Depart from me. You curse it into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels. Close quote, God, the son. Speaker 1 19:58 What about Dan souls? There are certain modern theologians, men like Hans URS. Von Balthasar and Bishop Robert Barron who have dared to suggest that besides the demons, no one is hell in hell. That can actually dare to hope that all men are saved, but this idea that all men are saved is itself a doctrine of the devil. In August, 1458 Pope Pius the second condemned the statement, and I quote, this is condemned. All Christians are to be saved. This is condemned. This is condemned, which means the contrary must be true. If all Christians are to be saved as false, then some Christians are not saved. That is to say some Christians are damned, must be true. We'll just say one as a proof text look, 13 verses third 23 and 24 quote and a certain man said to him, Lord, are they few that are saved? A certain man said to him, Lord, are they few that are saved? Are they few that are safe? But he said to them, strive to enter by the narrow gate. For many I should say to you shall seek to enter and shall not be able. Speaker 1 21:26 Christ, our Lord was asked if there were a few that were saved and the Lord answered Jesus Christ answered the second person of the most blessed Trinity God, the son answered, strive to enter by the narrow gate for many shall seek to enter and she'll not be able. Many shall seek to enter and shall not be able. Many shall not be able to enter means that many will not be saved. We have God's word on it, sir. Definitely damn souls in hell. Many down souls just to the children's saw and the vision. Now, this really shouldn't be any surprise. We could say of our times that the great Dr. Church, st John Chris has some set of his quote. Most Christians are walking on the road to hell throughout their life. Why should anyone be surprised that the greater number goes to hell to arrive at a destination? We have to take the road that leads there Speaker 1 22:40 to arrive at a destination. We have to take the road that leads there, but don't think for a second. This only pertains to the faithful. Speaking of pre st John of Avalara, another doctor to the church States quote so many and so great are the obligations of a pastor that he fulfills. Only a third of them be estimated by men to be a Saint, but if he only content's himself with that, he will not be able to escape. Johanna st John Chris system also commented, I do not speak rashly. I do not think many priests are saved, but that those who perish are far more numerous. Speaker 1 23:26 The verge of revelation has very grave warnings for priests. You prepare salts for perdition and not for salvation because you do not propagate the truth, but false, heretical and idolatrous doctrines denying the true faith well defending false beliefs that lead to perdition. My priest sons believe that there is only one life, one doctrine, one salvation, believe in Christ. If you do not believe and through your own fault, others do not bleed, you will go for all eternity to that hell that exists and is real, so not only their damn souls in hell many damn souls. We even know the names of some of the people in hell. If you open your Bibles to the book of numbers, chapter 16 you can read about the citizen of cor day Ethan and a beer on. Now these are priests that red led a rebellion against Moses during the Exodus and the Bible tells us that quote, the earth broke a Sundre under their feet and devoured them with their tents and all their substance and they went on alive and to hell. Speaker 1 24:33 The ground closing upon them and they perished from among the people. Close quote, the earth broke a Sunder under their feet and they went down alive into hell. Core day, Ethan in a Beren went down alive into hell. Now wait a minute. Father, are you sure when it says they fell alive and to hell that the Bible is speaking of Johanna where the devils are? Yes, we are sure that commenting on this passage, three doctors in the church, among others, st Jerome, the venerable bead in Saint Robert, Bellarmine all teach explicitly that core Dayton and Beren fell into the place of the down and the commentation of scripture and the fathers is that Judas is in hell. So we know the names of some of the people in hell and note well that one is an apostle and the other three are priests of the old covenant, so definitely damned souls in hell. Many dams, souls, and we definitely know the names of some of the people in hell, anyone that claims otherwise as opposed himself to scripture, tradition and the authentic teaching of the Pope's. Speaker 0 25:44 We continue <inaudible>. Speaker 1 25:46 What about the pains? The fire, the torments the principal pain of hell is the pain of loss, the pain of having lost God. St Thomas says, it says, this is the loss of an infinite good. That is to say loss of the Lord our God. Since this is a loss of an infinite good, the pain in the damned is in a certain sense, infinite st Anthony, Mary Claire. It points out that quote, when a soul enters hell, God sheds over. It's so vivid alight that it can know to the limits of its capacity, the greatness of his infinite and divine essence because it's knowledge is very clear in the damned soul. It presents very vividly to it. The immense happiness and blessedness which it could have enjoyed in God. From this, a bitterness comes, which is inconceivable. It is much as at every moment. It is driven towards God with a burning desire and also realizes at each instant that is cast off by the Lord. So the grief of a soul in hell is boundless due to its loss of God. Close quotes so damned are folded in on themselves, so to speak. They're filled with anguish, hatred, pain, rage and despair, unending despair. There's no relief ever. Speaker 2 27:04 There's no hope, no hope ever, ever. Speaker 1 27:11 The damned are tremendous by the worm that die. If not, that's the realization of how easily they could have been saved. They're tormented in their memory by the thought of the time that was given to them in this life, that they might use it to save their souls, and yet they spend it procuring their own damnation. They're tormented by remembering all the graces they receive and wasted by the fact that that loss is irreversible forever, forever. They will never have anything you desire will be tortured forever. You will never have any peace ever. There's no relief ever Speaker 2 27:45 and no hope ever. Speaker 1 27:49 The Danville also suffer the pain of sense. The greatest pain of sense is the pain inflicted by the fires of hell. The fire hell is dark. St Thomas teaches it will only give enough flight to increase the torments the down. So Dan will see the horrible deformities of the other dance souls and the terrible forms the demons through the burning smoke and dark flames. St Vincent Frere says, our buyers cold compared to hellfire Saint Theresa of Avalon says the difference between painted fire and our fires much less than a distant distant distance between our fire and hell fire. Speaker 1 28:26 Hellfire tortures, a sense of touch. The damned are totally immersed in fire. Fire below fire above fire to the size. Just as the children saw their breathing. Fire fighter penetrates everywhere and burns without consuming. Then after judgment day when the damn get their bodies back, those parts of the bodies that were specially used in center burnt all the more in blast femur, the tongue will burn more in thieves. The hands and so forth. Fire will be spewing out of their mouth, the ears, the eyes and bodies of the down. They'll be totally steeped in hell fire and wishing to be annihilated, but still never consumed. There's no relief ever Speaker 2 29:04 and no hope ever. Speaker 1 29:07 After judgment day, the damned also will suffer the pain of immobility. However they land in hell on the last day. They remain in that position without moving for all eternity. There's no relief ever Speaker 2 29:19 and no hope. <inaudible> Speaker 1 29:21 that'd be tortured by unbearable hunger for all eternity and unquenchable thirst that not even an ocean of water could relieve, but they'll never get a single drop. Their hearing will be tormented by the incessant shrieking, hauling, cursing, blaspheming, desperate wailing of the down the damn soul whales and treats because he's lost God. He's lost and for all eternity. He can never love God. He hates him. He'll hate him forever, even though he realizes God is infinitely good and worthy of infinite love. Saint Alphonsus States of the dams so will hate and curse God and all his gifts of nature and grace. He will curse, being created, curses partners in sin, curse being redeemed. If he had received the sacraments, who will curse? Being baptized, curse, being confirmed, curse, having confessed his sins, cursed, having received Holy communion. He will hate the angels and saints, especially his guardian angel and the patron saints and above all our lady, but he'll principally hate and curse most blessed Trinity and most especially the second person who became man and died for him. He'll curse our Lord's wounds, his precious blood, his pain, and his death. Now, some fools joke about going to hell because that's where all their friends are going to be. No one has any friends in hell. St Thomas teaches that the greater the number of the damned and Hill, the greater the misery of each one. No one has any friends in hell. The dander all folded in on themselves, so to speak and filled anguish, hatred, pain, rage and unending spare. Speaker 1 30:58 But the most terrifying aspect of hell is eternity. Eternity. Imagine walking to the Rocky mountains, take your one teaspoon of soil and rock and walking all the way to the Atlantic ocean and toss it in back and forth, back and forth, Rockies to Atlantic, one teaspoon of soil and rock at a time. By the time you'd leveled entire Rocky mountains to the ground, tossed all those rock and debris and Atlantic ocean, one teaspoon at a time he turned me. Wouldn't be half over. It wouldn't be a hundredth over. It wouldn't be a thousand silver. It wouldn't even got started. Eternity is a terror above all tears. Central UCA well made. The biggest impression on just sent to it was the idea of eternity. Even in the middle of a game, she would suddenly stop and ask, but listen, doesn't tell end after many, many years then or again, those people burning in hell, don't they ever die? Don't they turn into ashes? Eternity is the terror above tears and how there's an entrance, but there is no exit considered. These excerpts from sister Lucy, his writings, certain people, even pies. People did not like to speak of hell to the children. So not as to frighten them, but God did not hesitate to show it to the three children, one of whom was only six and you know quite well that she would be horrified to the point of being consumed with fright. I would go so far as to say Speaker 1 32:38 one that sanctified these children was to see the vision of hell division of health filled. She said it was horror to such a degree that every penance and modification was is nothing in your eyes. If it could only prevent souls from going there, Speaker 1 32:56 just set off and sat thoughtfully on the ground or on a rock and exclaim Oh hell, hell how, sorry. I am for the souls to go to hell and the people down there burning and live like what? In the fire. Then shuttering, she knocked down with her hands. Toyed, recited the prayer lady had taught us, Oh my Jesus, pardon us, save us in the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven. Especially those most in need. Just center remained on her knees like this for long periods of time saying the same prayers over and over again. From time to time. She called out to her brother and myself, Francisco, Francisco, are you praying with me? Must pray very much to save souls from hell. So many go there. So many or so many people go to hell. So many Juliana was most deeply impressed by some of the things revealed to us and the secret such was the case with the vision of hell of the ruin of the many souls who go there are again, the future war with all its horrors, which seemed to be always present in her mind. When I saw her deep and thought and I asked her, just said, what are you thinking about? She frequently pride about the war which is coming and all the people who are going to die and go to hell. How dreadful. If only they would stop offending God, then there wouldn't be any war and they wouldn't go to hell. Speaker 1 34:15 One day I went into Cindy's house to spend a little time with her. I find her sitting on her bed deep and thought to send out, what are you thinking about about the is coming? So many people are going to die and almost all of them are going to hell. When I went to visit her journey, illness, sometimes she would suddenly grab my arm and say, I'm going to heaven. But since you are staying here for lady lets you call these people, what hell's like so you don't commit any more sins and don't go there. Speaker 1 34:44 St Joseph has told Kenneth from a gal that our lady had revealed to her that the sins of to lead the most people to hell, our sins, the flesh, the people must give up luxury and impurity. They must not remain obstinance sin. They must do pants, fashions that will greatly offend our Lord will appear. People who fall, God should not fall fashions. The church has no fashions or Lord was always the same. Now the path passage on fashions intrigued me. So I spoke with a friend of mine whose first language is Portuguese, and I asked him, I have a question about the word in the lines that we translate as fashions. How can that word be understood in Portuguese? Can it be understood in Portuguese to refer to such things as community in the hand? Curdle altar boys and so forth. He told me, absolutely father, absolutely father, the Virgin of revelations. Warn priests do not reject the ancient Holy things. Speaker 1 35:47 Everyone here can easily expand on them. Thoughts himself. I'll limit myself to an observation. In Fatima, the bus had sacrament. Chapel used to be in a building right behind the apparition site. It was built in such a way that if you knelt down in front of the set where lady appeared and you were lined up with our Lord, if you'd extended a line from where you're kneeling through our lady right in that building, it would Pat point directly to our Lord and the most blessed sacrament, the altar. So symbolism, absolutely beautiful to Jesus through Mary. Just beautiful, Speaker 0 36:20 beautiful, well they've moved him. Speaker 1 36:25 He's now way in heck gone up to the other end of the Cova in an underground chapel just like he was in the wee hours, a good Friday. And it's placed in such a way that during the precessions everyone walks over the top of him. In other words, everyone's symbolically tramples on our Lord most busted sagging the altar every night, Speaker 0 36:49 every night. Speaker 1 36:52 We can't possibly do enough communions of reparation to make up for all the horrific and blasts ways he's treated, especially in his sacrament of love. Speaker 0 37:01 And even in Fadiman Speaker 1 37:07 1947 the Virgin of revelation said, draw closer with more fervor to living sacrament among you, the Eucharist, which one way we one day will be desecrated and no longer believed to be the real presence of my son. Fashions that will greatly offend our Lord will appear. People fall. God should not fall fashions. The church has no fashions. Our Lord was always the same. One more excerpt. 1957 sister Lucy was interviewed by father for Wednesdays, the vice postulator for the beatification of just sent in Francisco, sister Lucia. My mission is not to knots the world, the material chastisements which will surely come if the world does not pray and do penance. No. My mission is to indicate to everyone the eminent danger of losing our souls forever. If we remain obstinate and sin, my mission is to indicate to everyone the eminent danger. We are losing our souls forever if remain obstinate in sin. It's obvious from what we've heard that the reality of hell plays a central role in the message of Fatima, but that raises a question and the question is why? Speaker 0 38:28 Why? Speaker 1 38:30 Because one of the most remarkable aspects of this past a hundred years has been extraordinary loss of any sense of sin. Speaker 0 38:40 Okay. Speaker 1 38:40 As Pope Pius, the 12th stated in 1946 Speaker 2 38:44 quote, the center of the century is the loss of the sense of sin. Close quote, the sin of this century is the loss of the sense of sin Speaker 1 38:59 on the feast of our lady of Lords in 1949 Pope Pius the 12th state quote, we are overwhelmed with sadness and anguish. Seeing that the wickedness of perverse men has reached a degree of impiety. That is unbelievable and absolutely unknown. In other times, Speaker 2 39:18 closed court, Speaker 1 39:20 almost 70 years ago, the Holy father warned us that mankind has lost the sense of sin and has reached a degree of wickedness. Never bought before. See if that was the 1940s Speaker 2 39:33 what about now? What about now? Just look around. Speaker 1 39:41 It's one preacher wisely noted. If God doesn't pass a judgment on America, he'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Once we recognize this general loss, the census in NAB suit, title, wave of wickedness, accompanying prophetic significance of this terrifying warning comes into focus and an age absolutely drenched and wickedness and age in which the population has lost its sense of sin in age, which the priest deny that anyone even goes to Hill and age, which people actually joke about being damned for eternity and age, which people buy and even sing music about being damned about being on the highway to hell or lady Kane to warn us of the terrifying eternal consequences Speaker 2 40:25 of sin, but the absolute reality of hell, the loss of the sense of sin is the sin of this century. Speaker 1 40:37 Let's make sure that cannot be said of us. We'll close with some thoughts from sister Lucia. In 1953 a priest asked her sister, Lucia, do you really believe that many people go to hell? I myself hope that God will save the greater number. Speaker 2 40:57 Sister Lucia, many are those who are lost. Father <inaudible>, Speaker 1 41:05 certainly the world is assessed pool of vices, but there's always hope of salvation. Speaker 2 41:10 Sister, no father, many are lost. Speaker 1 41:19 My mission is not to nuts the world. The material chastisements, which will surely come at the world, does not pray into penance. No. My mission is to indicate to everyone imminent danger. We are of losing our souls forever. If we remain obstinate in sin, Speaker 2 41:35 hell is one. Truth is necessarily call often these times because we forget that our souls are falling into hell and droves. Many are those who are lost, Speaker 0 41:48 repent, Speaker 2 41:51 stop sinning, make a good confession, live in the state of grace. Many are those who are lost. Many are those who are lost.

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