Fatima and the Apocalypse 5: The 2nd Secret

August 25, 2017 00:58:11
Fatima and the Apocalypse 5: The 2nd Secret
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 5: The 2nd Secret

Aug 25 2017 | 00:58:11


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Speaker 0 00:04 God blessed us and the Virgin protect us and once again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and Gretta tutor, our lady of Fatima. She has to get the credit for anything good to her beautiful and 80 by conferences and all the faults are mine. I haven't reappraised SEMA in the name of father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Yesterday we began considering the message of FATTOM itself. We saw the vision of hell reality, which has almost been forgotten in our sad times, plays a central role in the message we saw that hell exists and that the terrifying vision showed the three children Accords perfectly with both scripture and tradition. We saw that the principal pain and hell is the pain of loss. The pain of having lost God. We saw that the damned also suffer the pain of sense, especially from hell fire. Speaker 0 01:02 We saw the damned are also tormented by the worm dieth not, which is the realization of how easily they could have been saved. We saw that eternity is the terror above all tears. We saw that we cannot dare to hope that all men are saved since Pope Pius the second specifically condemned the statement that all Christians are to be saved, that according to our Lord, many are not Nazi. We saw that. We actually know the names of some of the people in hell. The apostle Judas in cor de Ethan and a beer on all priests of the old covenant. We saw it. It would be very difficult to overestimate the impact the vision of hell had on the three children that the vision of health filled Saint Jacinto was such whore that every penance and mortification was as nothing in her eyes if it only could prevent souls from going there. Speaker 0 02:01 We saw that in the 1940s the Pope warned us that mankind had lost the sense of sin and had reached a degree of wickedness. Never before seen in the history of the world. We saw that we could see of our times with that great doctor, the church, Saint John, Chris's stone set of his, the most question. Christians are walking on the road to hell throughout their life. Why should anyone be surprised that the greater number go there to arrive at a destination, we have to take the road that leads there. We saw that in st just hit us. Prophecy that caught fashions will greatly offend our Lord will appear. People who follow God should not fall fashions. The church has no fashions. Our Lord was always the same closed quote that the word fashions can be understood in Portuguese to refer to such things as community in the hand, girl altar boys and other modern horrors and we've heard the version of her revelation. Warren priests do not reject the ancient Holy things. You must dedicate yourselves completely to worship at the alter. Speaker 0 03:14 Okay, let's turn to the second part of the message which pertains to salvation of nations in the social order and a persecution of freedom for the church. We'll review the pertinent parts of the message. Sister, Lucia quote, our lady said to us so kindly and so sadly continue to pray the rosary every day in honor of our lady of the rosary in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war because only she can help you. You have seen hell where the sole support centers go to save them. God wishes to establish the world devotion to my immaculate heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls would be saved and there will be peace. Speaker 0 04:00 The war is going to end, but if people do not see suffering, God, a worst one will break out during the pontificate, a Pius the 11th when you see an illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he's about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church and of the Holy father. To prevent this, I should come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my immaculate heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spare air Strout the world causing Wars and persecution. The church, the good will be martyred. The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. Speaker 0 04:55 So our lady promised peace in the conversion of Russia. If her requests were heated, she gave three requests. First request, pray the rosary quote, pray the rosary every day in honor of our lady of the rosary in order to obtain peace for the world and an end of the war because only she can help you. Close quote second request the five communions of reparation on the first Saturdays. Now before the outbreak of hostilities in world war II, sister Lucio wrote quote, one of the world has war or peace depends upon the practice of this devotion along with the consecration of the Mac. That heart of Mary sister Lucy asked her Lord, why five Saturdays and our Lord answered my daughter. The reason is simple. There are five kinds of offenses and blasphemies committed against immaculate heart of Mary. First blasphemies against the Macklin conception. Second blast mates against perpetual virginity. Third blasphemies against your divine maternity while refusing the same time to recognize her as the mother of men. Fourth, the blasphemies that those who seek publicly to sow in the hearts of children, indifference or scorn or even hatred towards this immaculate mother and fifth, the fences of those who outrage are directly in her Holy images. They're my daughters. The reason why the immaculate heart of Mary inspired me to request this small act of reparation and consideration of it to move my mercy, to forgive souls who have had the misfortune to offender close quote. Speaker 0 06:44 Third request the consecration of Russia to her immaculate heart. Our lady, I shall come to ask for the consecration of rushed to my maquette heart. If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. She warned up terrible punishments of a rep. quests were not heated. The war is going to end. She of course is speaking of world war one. The war is going to end, but if people are not Cece offending God, a worst one will break off and pontificate of Pius the 11th when you see a night illumined by an unknown light, no, this is a great sign given you by God that he's about to punish the world for all its crimes by means of war, famine and persecution is the church and the Holy father. To prevent this session, come to ask for the consecration, rushed to my Mac at heart and the community of reparation on the first Saturdays. Speaker 0 07:37 If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she'll spare airs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be marred. The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. Now, there's a lot there. So first we'll briefly touch upon world war II. Then in a few minutes we'll consider the errors of Russia. World war II, our lady speaks of the war and preventing it. If people do not see fending God, a worse war will break out to the pontificate of Pius. The 11th to prevent this sexual come to ask for the consecration of rushed to my Mac, that heart and the community of reparation on the first Saturdays. Our lady of Fatima came to ask just that on June 13th, 1929 appearing to sister Lucy while she was making a Holy hour in the chapel of the covenant, Tuohy Spain. Speaker 0 08:35 Our lady, the moment has come when God asks the Holy father to make and you knew with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to my maca at heart promising to save it by this means close quote. Now we can get some idea of the effects of such a consecration, but considering the case of Portugal on May 30th, 1931 in response to sister Lucy as urgings, the bishops of portional consecrated their country to the Macklin heart. The results were first a striking rebirth of Catholic life. Second, and almost unbelievable rise in vocations. Third, a complete political and social reform in line with Catholic social principles. And fourth. Portugal has given peace and spared from both the Spanish civil war and the second world war. Speaker 0 09:29 And the spring of 1936 our Lord told sisterly Lucy, the conversion of rush would only occur when it was solomnly and publicly consecrate to the macro heart of Mary by the Pope. Together with all the world's bishops in October, 1942 without the Bishop's Popeyes, it's 12th consecrated the world to immaculate heart of Mary in 1952 without the bishops Paul Pius 12th consecrated Russia to the maquette heart of Mary. It May, 1967 Pope Paul the sixth renewed the consecration of the world to the immaculate heart again without the bishops. In June of 1981 Saint John Paul to renew the consecration of the world again without the bishops in may of 1980 1982 st John Paul to renew the consecration of the world again without the bishops. On March 25th, 1984 st John Paul to renewed the consecration of the world to the macro at heart with the bishops, the pup. Watson wanted to consecrate Russia by name, but as carnal Paul Joseph Cortez, he's was the official representative of Pope Francis at the Fatima anniversary celebration and Kazic. Speaker 0 10:41 Stan on May 30th of this year as carnal chord has pointed out, st John Paul two told him that he quote did not mention rush explicitly because the Vatican diplomats had urgently asked him not to mention this country because otherwise political conflicts might perhaps arise. Close quote during the actual ceremony, the very words of the Pope himself made it clear the consecration still hadn't been done during the consecration of the world, not Russia to the Mac. That heart he said, obviously referring to Russia, quote enlightened, especially the peoples of which you yourself are awaiting our consecration and confiding close port st John Paul to all this is reported in the Vatican newspaper deserved Toi Romano on March 26 1984 I'm very well aware of the controversy on this point, but I'll put my money on a Pope if Saint John Paul to said the consecration hadn't been done than it hasn't been done. Speaker 0 11:39 There's another reason why these arguments really don't make any sense that the consecration was definitively done in 84 since in 1991 and then again in 2000 st John Paul two repeated these consecrations of the world to the immaculate heart. In fact, Rome on May 19th of this year, Cardinal Burke stated quote, in fact, the consecration of Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary did not take place as she requested and the community of reparation. The first Saturdays did not become the practice of the universal church. It is more important now to make a specific consecration of Russia to her immaculate heart as the mother of God requested at Fatima closed quotes, Cardinal Burt. In any event, it's obvious that Russia hasn't converted and Russian Orthodox is certainly not Catholicism and as we'll see, her heirs are still spreading throughout the world. Back to our lady. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given to you by God that he's about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church and the Holy father, st Vincent for air. Speaker 0 12:49 When a great affliction is about to come upon the world, have an often puts a warning in the sky so that people may either advert the punishment to pears and pennants or may prepare themselves to suffer the affliction. The secret had not yet been published when on the night of Tuesday, January 25th, 1938 there was an astronomical events, so spectacular. Not only made the papers, but even the scientific and Astro astronomical journals. There was a red Aurora that was seen over the whole of Europe, across North Africa, even in Bermuda and all the way down to Southern California. Now that's really where I lived in the Arctic and I probably saw read once or twice. I've seen a lot of the Northern lights a lot. It's super rare to see red, let alone some, something like that. Speaker 0 13:34 Immediately afterwards. Sister Lucy explained the significance of this event, her Bishop, her provincial superior, and her confessors as she wrote in her third memoir quote, God made use of this to make me understand that his justice was about to strike the guilty nations close quote in 1967 Kronos Sarah Yara, who's a carnal patriarch of Lisbon from 1929 to 1971 the Cardinal testified quote, the eminence of this war and it's violent and violence and extent was communicated by sister Lucy to the Bishop Viagra seven months before its beginning. I possessed the summary of it which says the following, the principal chastisement will be for the nations that wanted to destroy the kingdom of God and souls. God has resolved to purify in their blood. All the nations which want to destroy his kingdom and souls. Indeed, he promises to be peace and grant. Pardon. If people pray and do pennants close quote, God is resolved to purify in their blood. All the nations which want to destroy his kingdom and souls. Nitty promises to be a peace and grant. Pardon. If people pray and do penance that were true in the 1930s that was resolved, a purify in their blood. All the nations that want to destroy his kingdom and souls and what are we to think of our times Nabar nation. Speaker 0 15:06 Sometimes we'll hear the objection, but why would our lady say the ward break out to the pontificate, the Pius the 11th the war didn't start in 1938 or during the reign of pies, the 11th but rather than 1939 during the reign of pies, the 12th will Hitler himself gave the answer and the speech, the Reichstag, the German parliament. On January 30th, 1939 Hitler stated he'd decided on invasion of Austria in January of 1938 if people do not seize offending God, a worst war will break dollar out during the pontificate of Pius the 11th it's estimated that the tall number of deaths in world war II was 50 million after the war. A priest asked her sister who see it. It's a shame the secret was not published before the war. Why didn't you make it known early? Sister Lucy replied, because no one asked me to. Speaker 0 16:07 No, that's not a flippant answer. It actually reveals an important point for our Michelle. The most Holy Trinity explains, it was not God's will. That sister Lucy, you reveal the secret and her own authority without the consent of her superiors. There's often a grave misunderstanding of God's designs at Fatima. His primary purpose was not to warn the people directly and democratically for them to convert. This would have been the case. It's sister Lucia published the prophecies and the secret on her own initiative. God's design is entirely different. He wants to save the world to devotion to the Mac, that heart of Mary, but he also wills that the pastors of his church be the ones who establish this devotion solemnly using their God given authority. Close quote, let's turn to Russia. Our lady, if my requests are heated, Russia will be converted and there'll be peace. Speaker 0 17:04 If not, she was better airs thought the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be martyred. The Holy father had much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated as we know. Her requests were not heated, were looked, who broke out and rushed, did not convert, and still hasn't. We all know that, but all of the cold war ended. Russia's heirs are still spreading out throughout the world. Now, this is such a vast subject. We only have the time to focus on two specific areas and still we're only going to look at those in the broadest outlines. We'll start by considering the political, political and culture errors of Russia, and again, we only have time to touch on this in the most superficial way. For the most part, what falls is paraphrase is in quotes. I've stitched together George Lucas of Hungary and Antonio Graham of Italy. Speaker 0 17:58 The fathers of cultural Marxism taught the communism was impossible in the West until both Western civilization and Christianity were destroyed since they had blinded the working class to its true Marxist class interest. Try Lulu Cox recognize the the great obstacle, the creation of a Marxist regime was Western civilization itself. As he said, quote, I see the revolution and destruction of society as the only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without annihilation of all values and creation of new ones. Close quote. So there we have the agenda of cultural Marxism in a nutshell. Explain by one of its creators. I see the revolution and destruction of society as the only solution a worldwide overturning of alias cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and creation of new ones. Antonio Graham sheet, the other creator of cultural Marxism argued that the West would have to be de Christianized by means of a long March. Speaker 0 19:03 The institutions. Now what he meant by this is that the culture must be the new battleground and all cultural barriers to the acceptance of Marxism must be removed or reconfigured according to Marxist principles. All cultural barriers to the acceptance of Marxism had to be removed or reconfigured. Starting with traditional family. Moving on the churches, the arts, cinema, theater, literature, science, history, entertainment, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, civic organizations, the organs of mass media, newspapers, magazines, radio, now television and so forth. Pat Buchanan comments on the long March quote. In other words, they had to get into the culture and change the people's way of thinking. And if people were thinking about patriotism and nation and God and country that was too resistant to Marxism, it could never take coal. So you had to roll and destroy that in the individuals that began what is called the long March, the institutions through the seminaries for the churches, the media through Hollywood and all the rest of it, to create an anti-Christian culture which would destroy Christian beliefs and convictions and the vast majority of the people. Speaker 0 20:18 So they would embrace the ideas, they'd reject it, and there'd be all pun to take over basically by Marxists, not political Marxists, but cultural Marxist close quilt. Now, the greatest story and Christopher Dawson reflected on the consequences. We're a society to lose its common principles and ideals, which is exactly the explicit goal of the cultural. Marx's Christopher Dawson quote is easy enough for the individual to adopt a negative attitude of skepticism. But if society as a whole abandons all positive beliefs, it's powerless to resist the disintegrated disintegrating effects of selfishness and private interest. Every society rests in the last resort on the recognition of common principles and common ideals and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to loyalty of its members, it must inevitably fall to pieces. Well, here we are watching what precious little remains of Western civilization falling into pieces or more accurately being smashed into pieces. Speaker 0 21:22 The question is is how did this move from Marx's theory into the wider culture? How do we get here? Given the time? We only have the time to make a thumbnail sketch of the work of the Frankfurt school. It's founded in 1923 in Frankfurt, Germany with a primary goal of describing destroying traditional Christian culture in Germany. When Hitler came to power 1933 they fled to the United States since every single member of the Frankfurt school was not only a cultural Marxists, but also a Jew. With the help of Columbia university, the school reestablished itself in New York city and change its focus from destroying traditional Christian culture in Germany. To destroying it in the United States. They realized that the American working class would not lead a Marxist revolution because it's becoming part of the middle class, the bourgeoisie who then would lead the revolution. They sifted through our society, try to find disaffected people, and in the 1950s they settled on the idea of a coalition made up of blacks, students, feminist women and homosexuals. Speaker 0 22:29 By crossing marks with Freud, they invented something called critical theory. Critical theory involves making the most destructive criticism of every possible cultural norm in order to destroy the current social order. For example, everyone who's successful in business or has a position of power in the church or state is an oppressor. Those who are not successful are automatically victims, someone who defends the notion. There's actually different social roles for men and women as a massage dentist or a chauvinist or a fascist. A fathers and bishops are patriarchal tyrants and so forth and so forth. They took a long view and they're unfortunately an influential writings continually poured out contempt on the different institutions, the traditional family, the churches, the arts, cinema, theater, literature, and so forth and institutions of so called higher education. The cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt school is more commonly known as multiculturalism or more loosely is political correctness. Speaker 0 23:26 The Frankfurt school also adopted the technique of psychological conditioning. Quote today, for example, when their foot soldiers want to do something like normalize homosexuality, they do not argue the point. Philosophically, they just beam television show after television show and to every American home where the only normal seeming white male as a the Frankfurt school's, uh, key people spent the war years in Hollywood. When authors summarize specific recommendations, the Frankfurt school one, creation of racism offenses to continual change to create confusion. Three, the teaching of sex and homosexuality, children for the undermining of schools and teachers authority. Five huge immigration to destroy identity. Six, the promotion of excessive drinking. Seven emptying of churches, eight and unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime. Nine dependency on the state or state benefits. 10 controlling and dumbing down of media 11 encouraging the breakdown in the family close call. Speaker 0 24:31 That's what the errors of Russia look like. We certainly don't have time to cover each of those topics in detail. So briefly consider just a few of the tax by the cultural Marxists, the attack on the family. One of the principle goals of the Frankfurt school was to destroy traditional relations between men and women. And I quote to further their aims. They would attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother and rest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. A Bosch differences in the education of boys and girls abolish all forms of male dominance. Hence the presence of women in the armed forces declare a woman to be an oppressed class and men as oppressors. The Frankfurt school scholars taught that even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept social change, close quotes. So this drive to nor fault divorce towards homosexual marriage, this relentless denigration of the traditional father and the mass media. The phenomenon feminism. These things didn't spring out of a vacuum. That's what the errors of Russia look like. Speaker 0 25:46 Politically correct speech. The cultural Marxists use words as weapons, not as means of conveying truths. The whole notion of political correctness has its origin. In the Frankfurt school there were not to be thought of of racist or fascist than someone can't be judgmental and not only is he required to be nonjudgmental, a politically correct term, which correctly translated, which we're going to translate non-gender non judgemental correctly in English. It means we're supposed to quit conforming our judgment to the laws of God, so not only is he required to be nonjudgmental, but he also must embrace the same time a whole host of politically correct moral absolutes, cultural Marxist absolutes which include diversity, choice sensitivity, sexual orientation, reproductive rights, sex education, safe sex, safe schools, safe environments, inclusion and tolerance. Speaker 0 26:42 One blogger, some penetrating insights as to the actual function of politically correct speech. Political correctness is calmness, propaganda writ small. The purpose of commons propaganda was not to persuade or convince nor to inform, but to humiliate and therefore the less corresponded reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent, when they're being told the most obvious lies or even worse when they're forced to re pray, repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all. Their sense of property to send to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil and in some small way to become evil oneself. One standing to resist anything as Jesse wrote it and even destroyed the society of emasculated. The liars is easy to control. I think if your exam, political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to close quote. When people are forced to remain silent, when they're being told the most obvious lies or even worse than they're forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all. Speaker 0 27:53 Their sense of probity to send to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil in some small way to become evil oneself. One's resistance to stand against anything is thus eroded and even destroyed a society of emasculated liars. It's easy to control. That's what the heirs of Russia look like. The mass media by 1937 is in cyclical on atheist to communism. The Pope was already warning the world about the relationship between the non-Catholic press and international communism. This is in 1937 it hasn't improved over time. I think we can just take it as a given. The media in large part are controlled by cultural Marxists. I don't want to waste our time for something so self-evident. The sexual revolution, the very phrase sexual revolution was coined by a member of the Frankfurt school. Now he was a fraud and psychoanalyst named Ville ham Reich as he Michael Johns has pointed out, right, discovered the best way to attack the social system which rested on the authority of the father who represented the authority of God. Speaker 0 29:04 The father on earth was to persuade the young person to engage in sexual activity before marriage. Once God was out of the picture, the authority of the father disappeared with that. The whole social order based on the moral order collapsed. Since sexual morality is the foundation of social order, obviously getting the man involved in a sexual revolution was not the great challenge. The great problem is getting the average woman to participate. Since in a fling, she has far more at stake. And Lennon taught, quote, the succession of a revolution depends on the degree of participation by women. Rike saw that when he was dealing with an individual woman, he had a very hard time breaking down her moral standards and inhibitions. As long as she remained difficult to corrupt, the revolution couldn't move forward by study of psychology. And I would submit a guided by demonic inspiration, right? Speaker 0 29:57 Discovered and if a way to effectively crop women in massive numbers as he saw individually, women were difficult to grow crop. But if they were immersed in a social situation where it seemed like everyone is doing it, they would have a difficult time preserving their moral standards than inhibitions. Now, if that sounds far or unbelievable, listen to this. In a lecture several years ago at Loyola college in Baltimore, Maryland, uh, so-called Catholic college, the professor stated that sexual promiscuity and hooking up montage students was voluntary. It doesn't sound too controversial. Now remember, Reich makes the claim that if a woman is placed in in a large group in which for good and things are discussed or acted out, then in that atmosphere, social pressure shall have a difficult time upholding her moral standards. Okay, so in the light of Reich's claims, listen to this response to the professor's statement that sex among college students is voluntary. Speaker 0 30:54 Quote, a young woman dormitory resident advisor walked up to me afterwards and chided me, Dr. Gordon, you are mistaken about that. The peer pressure and the way things are set up makes promiscuity practically obligatory. It doesn't matter what the school says. Officially, the rules are to be broken. This freedom can make girls dizzy and unsure of whatever, whether whatever else they believe about saved one's self for marriage. When it seems like everyone else is doing it, it is hard to say no. I deal with it more frequently. Turn my eyes from it every day as an RA. Close quote. Now the techniques suggested by Reich in breaking down the moral inhibitions of women are applied literally right out of his books. Things like Woodstock, similar musical festivals, that sexual revolution in the 60s this is the function of sex ed classes, their reality, and almost all the college dorms today, the fashion industry, the porn drenched mass media, most especially the entertainment industry, all play a crucial role in sustaining this atmosphere because after all, as Lennon so correctly pointed out to success of a revolution depends on the degree of participation by the women. Speaker 0 32:08 Please don't think these people had no idea what they were unleashing. We need to realize in regards to the sexual revolution, the West, the culture of Marx's had a very clear idea of what a society in the throws of sexual anarchy would look like. 1956 <inaudible> Sorokin is a Russian sociologists that was exhau XL that the revolution described just such a society quote. During the first stage of the revolution, the Bolshevik revolution leaders deliberately attempted to destroy marriage in the free love was glorified by the official glass of water theory. If a person is thirsty. So when the party line is an imagery of what glass uses, when satisfying as thirst is equal and important, how he satisfies his sexual appetites. The legal distinction between marriage and casual relations was a Bosch and abortion was facilitated and state institutions. Premarital relations were praised and extramarital relations were considered normal in a short period of time. Speaker 0 33:07 Millions of lives, especially young girls, were wrecked. Divorces skyrocketed, and is also did abortions. Hatreds and conflicts monitored rapidly, sort of mental illness work in a nationalized factory, slacking the total results were so appalling. The Gover government was forced to reverse its policy. The theory was declared to be counterrevolutionary and it was replaced by a flush, a glorification of premarital chastity and of the sanctity of marriage. Abortion was radically curtail and divorces made impossible for the vast majority of citizens close quo. It's important to realize that men like Wilhelm Reich, we're very familiar with the results of this social experience with sexual Anarcon side of the Soviet union. That didn't deter him in the slightest. They knew exactly what to expect. Let's talk about another application of Reich's techniques. In January, 2002 of Islamic association for Palestine news agency reported that experts from the CII and the shin bet. Now the shin bed is internal security service of, of of Israel. The experts from the CIA and the shin. Beth recommend that the relatively conservative Palestinian society be flooded with porn, with drugs, and with gambling in order to keep Palestinian us from joining the resistance against Israeli occupation and apartheid. Speaker 0 34:32 Two months later at 4:30 PM on March 30th, 2002 Israeli military forces occupied the city of Ramallah and the West bank. Now that's what Bethlehem is in the West bank. Israeli military forces sees three of the fourth Palestinian TV stations, broadcast and area, and immediately began broadcasting triple Epps porn over these stations. The situation remodel was made much worse by the fact that Israelis imposed a curfew enforced forced by snipers station on rooftops, forcing people to stay in doors where naturally enough anyone's seeking information about the occupation would turn to the local TV stations. Some months later, the house or testimony from Benjamin Netanyahu at the time he was the former prime minister of Israel. He's now again. The current prime minister of Israel. Netanyahu advocated here in the house of representatives in our United States transmitting provocative or explicit television programs via satellite into Iran because the influx of pop culture would prove subversive to the conservative Islamic regime. He explicitly stated that the United States could incite a revolution by using shows from network TV and he gave specific examples of programs produced by the Fox network, which he considered to be so subversive they could incite such a revolution Melrose place in Beverly Hills nine zero two one zero he explained the reason these shows were so subversive is that they featured beautiful young people in varying States of undress, living, glamorous, materialistic lives and engaging in promiscuous behavior. Speaker 0 36:11 Following the invasion of Iraq by American forces, porn immediately became available and the American military police actively prevented Iraqi police from enforcing vice laws, actively prevented them from curtailing the flood of this type of filth interact with society. So what are we talking about here? We are talking about the military application of the cultural warfare of the Frankfurt school. We are talking about psychological warfare. We are talking about the military use of porn. We are talking about psychological warfare of the most wicked kind. It is so wicked. In fact, it can only be placed one possible category diabolical. That's not an exaggeration. This is actually a sin known as diabolical scandal because those who commit this sin are actually attacking their brothers in precisely the same manner as demons. Speaker 0 37:20 We are talking about the deliberate and diabolical military use of porn to demoralize and disrupt a conservative and relatively stable society and everybody here a lot of spend some serious time thinking about that since our country is based in this stuff, 24 seven TV movies, billboards, magazines, the internet in our country projects this filth globally. 24 seven that's what the errors of Russia look like. That's what the errors of Russia look like and we live in the country that in our day and age it's more responsible than any other for spreading those heirs. One of my good friends is a Russian. He's a convert. He's actually Russian priest. One day. He told me I couldn't believe it. When I got here to the U S I didn't know it possible. I said, you didn't know what was possible. He said to actually have a successful Marxist country. Then he said, but there's one big difference. You love your chains, but we resist it. Before we leave this point, let's note that Wilhelm Reich made another key discovery Akita scrubber that's born grapefruit. In a long March through the institutions, Reich learned that it was utterly useless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian. But as he Michael Jones points out <inaudible> clearly that the idea of God evaporated from the minds of seminarians. Speaker 1 39:36 He became a meshed <inaudible> Speaker 0 39:38 in sexual vice. The idea of God evaporates from the minds of seminarians who become enmeshed in sexual vies, right? So discovery has had practical applications in seminary formation, at least here in the States. I'll limit myself to one example, late seventies and it's scandal that was publicly exposed at the time. The rector of st John's seminary in Plymouth, Michigan was showing the seminarians triple X movies. He landed, moved to a position which he could inflict even more damage serving as a Bishop of sag Ana from 1980 until he died in 2004 Speaker 1 40:22 and I pray for him every day. Speaker 0 40:27 The idea of God evaporates. The minus seminarians or priests or bishops, Speaker 1 40:36 he'll be calm and meshed Speaker 0 40:38 and sexual vice. Speaker 0 40:42 That's what the errors of Russia look like, and it wasn't only the cultural Marxists who target the seminaries. Bella Dodd was a communist who served as legal console, the communist party here in the United States until Bishop sheen brought her into the church. She stated that quilt in the 1930s we put 1100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the church and within closed code, those young men weren't necessarily communists. They were young radicals and the idea was for them to become ordained and then strive for positions of influence and authority. 1953 Manning Johnson, another formal official of the communist party America testified before the house on American activities committee, quote, the tact of info, the tactic, the tactic of infiltration of religious organizations was set by the Kremlin in the earliest stages was determined that would be necessary to concentrate communist agents in the seminars because these institutions would make it possible for a small communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergyman in the past, conducive to communist purposes. Speaker 0 41:53 Close quote, but in regards to sexual revolution, that's not the only air of Russia that we currently export. Remember the agenda of the cultural Marxist. It was explained clearly by one of its creators. The revolution distraction of society is the only solution. A worldwide overturning a Vayus cannot take place without annihilation of all values and creation of nuance. Now, by way of illustration, compare and contrast, consider the quote I'm going to read quote, creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tried on the old order everyday from business to science, literature, art, architecture and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions, whatever they may be, and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America on do traditional societies, they fear us for they do not wish to be undone. Speaker 0 42:56 They cannot feel secure. So long as we are there for our own very existence, our existence, not our politics, threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission. Close quote, that's pure undiluted cultural Marxism. That quote was taken from writings and Michael, the Dean, he's a former member of the Reagan and the George W. Bush administrations. He's a leader in the neo-conservative movement, which largely controls Republican party, and if you reflect on what he's saying, you'll start understanding much more about our foreign policy and aren't interminable Wars. Just think about the unbelievably arrogant, messianic attitude expressed in that paragraph that the United States must destroy the country, that we must destroy traditional societies in order to advance our historical mission. They should fear us because we will undo them. They cannot feel secure because because our very existence in our politics threatens their legitimacy that they must attack us in order to survive. Just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission. Well, what is our historic mission? Is it try to get to heaven or is it something else? Did I miss something? Speaker 0 44:10 What's the function of a country to make it easier to get to have him? The greatness of a country is measured by the number of canonized saints they have. Think about that. Malta has this whipped every way from breakfast. Speaker 0 44:31 Consider the Wolfowitz doctrine, so-called after another Neal conservative, who among other things was the under secretary of defense with policy under George W. Bush. This is a posy, the Wolfowitz doc, and it's a policy for the United States to take preemptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations. You know, preemptive military actions. That's Pearl Harbor only. It's us, Pearl Harbor and other people, and also to prevent any other nations from rise to superpower status. That's what the heirs of Russia look like. This sort of insanity in upper levels of our government has led to one of the ironies of history in an article which was published on April 12th of this year, the 60th anniversary of the version of revelations, first appearance to Bruno at Trey Fontani. This article is provocatively entitled, is that Armageddon over the horizon. Paul Craig Roberts reports quote, Russia is preparing for hot war. Russia is not convinced the Washington is preparing for us. Speaker 0 45:38 Preemptive nuclear strike against Russia published U S war plans against China have consents. China have the same. The Russian leaders have said clear that Russia will never again fight a war on her own territory. The Russians couldn't put it more clearly. Provoke a war and we will destroy you on your own territory. Close quote, rush is not convinced that Washington's preparing for us preemptive nuclear strike against Russia. Well, things like the Wolfowitz doctrine. Why wouldn't you be concerned about that? You'd have to be crazy not to be concerned about that. Publish too much war plans against China. <inaudible> convinced China the same. The Russian leaders has said clearly the Russia will never again fight a war on her own territory. The Russians could have more clearly provoke a war will destroy you on your own territory. The Virgin revelation, Speaker 0 46:35 the dangers at the door, a nuclear war, men reckless and proud and satanic arrogance want the world in their hands, not thinking of the kingdom of heaven. They do not prepare for peace. Instead, they rationally prepare themselves for destruction that Obama's ready. Men without conscience threatened to use it. The danger is becoming closer than you think. My requests are hated. Rush will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will split her heirs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. Our lady was not heated. Russia has put her heirs throughout the world and now our country is busy. Really spreading them in regards to causing Wars and interview with late is a big new presents key. He'd been the national security advisor, president Carter, very enlightened interview here. Veal. The president Carter signed the first for secret aid to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in a provocative action that actually causes Soviets to come in. The secret aid went in six months before the Soviets rolled into Afghanistan and in fact, this started, president Carter started a program program called operation cyclone, which the CIA set up Islamic training schools in Pakistan and taught the Mujahideen terrorists techniques Muja Deen and are now known by names like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Speaker 0 47:59 The version of revelation from the East is strong people, but far away from God will unleash a tremendous attack, will break the most Holy and sacred things when it will be allowed them to do so. Before we leave this topic, some remarks from Cardinal Burke are worth pondering. Before I went to rom from st Louis, then Archbishop Bert said that his Catholics can continue to speak out on life and family issues. They'll face persecution. There's going to be a persecution with godless regard to this. That's clear. We live as our Holy father says in the society of a culture death where people want to convince us that everything should be convenient and comfortable and they don't like her voice, which says this isn't right. Business will be persecuted, he said, and also priests and lay people. It's what it means to be a sign of contradiction. We just have to accept that we have to remain your tranquil and proclaim the truth with charity, but insisting on the truth. If we look to the example our Lord, we take up the cross. Speaker 0 49:02 Let's close this section with a few comments and Patrick Buchanan quote, the United States is undergone a cultural, moral and religious revolution. We've lost the cultural war with cultural Marxism, which I think is pretty prevailed pretty much in the United States is now the dominant culture, whereas those of us that are traditionalist or the counterculture close. Cool. So we took a superficial look at the political and cultural areas of Russia. After all, when we talk about Russia, most people think in terms of Marxism. That's true, but we also need to remember that when our lady was speaking to the children, the communist revolution had not yet taken place. That time Russian orthodoxy was the religion of that country. It's impossible to understand the errors of Russia without considering the religious serves of Russia. The heirs of Eastern orthodoxy and that light will only mentioned four of the principle errors of orthodoxy that are of particular interest. Today. The first most serious error pertains to our lady. The very reason for the communions of reparation on the five percenter days is to make reparation for different kinds of fences and blasphemies committed against Macklin heart of Mary, the first of which is blast maze against your MACRA conception. But that's precisely what the Orthodox do is deny. She's a Mackley. Can see Speaker 0 50:27 the secondary pertains Speaker 1 50:27 the Orthodox concept of church unity and the role of the pole we call it from an Orthodox website. In practice, the church of Constantinople has functioned for centuries as a church responsible for guiding and preserving the worldwide unity of the family of self-governing Orthodox churches. But it must be noticed that this responsibility is merely a practical and pastoral one. The Orthodox churches govern themselves electing their own bishops and organizing their own lives. There's no one dominating authority in Orthodox church. No a particular Bishop or see or document which has authority over the churches, close quotes. So Orthodox has splintered themselves and all kinds of particular independent national churches. They do not recognize any ultimate authority. And so doing reject the clear gospel teaching of Christ regarding the primacy of Peter, the Bishop of Rome, overall the church. So that's the second or third air pertains to marriage. Speaker 1 51:28 Again, we quote from an Orthodox website. The Orthodox church recognizes the sanctity of marriage and sees it as lifelong commitment. However, where the church stands opposed to divorce the church and its concern for the salvation of its people does permit divorced individuals to marry a second and even a third time, second or third marriages are performed out of concern for the spiritual wellbeing of the parties involved and as an exception to the rule, so to speak. Close quote. Okay. So the Orthodox who claimed to be faithful, the teachings of Christ allow man to keep turning his wife in on a new model for grand total of three why's. But I don't get wide stop there. I mean, why? You know, why not seven? I mean, what, why three anyway and so doing, they've totally and completely corrupted the clear gospel teaching of Christ regarding the indissolubility of marriage. Speaker 1 52:17 So that's their third year and the fourth therapy pertains to Holy communion. The Orthodox allow these divorced and so-called remarried people to receive Holy communion. In other words, by allowing a divorce person not living in sin with someone who's not really a spouse to receive Holy communion, they officially allow sacrilege and so doing have completely and totally corrupted the scripture on Epistolic teaching regarding the proper dispositions needed, receive Holy communion worldly. So that's the fourth there. Those are some of the religious errors of Russia. In point of fact, each of the last three years have been heavily promoted, and I say this with great sorrow wrong Speaker 0 53:03 there, there whereby the where's the doc church has governed themselves electing their own bishops and organizing their own lives. I had been promoted the Senate of bishops under the title of decentralization by arguing that power should be passed from the Holy seat of the Bishop's conferences of the various nations and as well we know there's the Orthodox. Somehow recognizing people living in sin is actually as actually being married and then compounding that scandalous recognition by extending to those poor sinners an official invitation to make sacrilegious communions. Those have both been heavily promoted as well. I say this sauce with great sorrow and application Morse, the tsetse, Speaker 0 53:47 well just list a few of the diocese which the pulp to varying degrees has shown his approval for the mode in which they are applying almost the tsetse. Now, there are some differences nonetheless in each one of these cases. The bottom line is that in these diocese, active adulterers are to be given Holy communion diocese. This just three. There's more, but I know Sarah is pastoral region of Argentina. The Pope wrote a letter to these bishops quote, praising their guidelines as an authentic interpretation of a Morris. The tsetse let her go so far as to say there are no further interpretations. Close quote, diocese. A martyr was pastoral guidelines are published in the official newspaper, the Vatican observatory Romano, and the diocese of Rome. Again, although there are some differences, nonetheless, the bottom line is each of these diocese active adulterers are supposed to be given Holy communion. In other words, many of our supposedly Catholic leaders have embraced these religious hairs of Russia and in so doing you're actually and literally advocating for pastoral Paris practices that will bury their people in any priests that are weak enough to go along with them right in the depths of hell, Speaker 0 55:26 the depths of hell. That's what the heirs of Russia look like. Speaker 0 55:43 Let's close with some thoughts from sister Lucia. On December 26th, 1957 father guests in <inaudible> met with sister the Seattle convent coin report trio. He was able to converse with the Fadimans here at great length. PON has returned to Mexico. He gave a conference on a meeting, which you report. It says to Lucy, his words, father off launch. So the official Fatima archivist for 16 years stress that economy. This conference was published with every guarantee of authenticity would do Episcopal approval, including that of the Bishop of Fatima father for Wednesdays affirmed the message came from the very lips of the principals. Speaker 0 56:25 Sister. Let's see, you told me the two mains for saving the world prayer and sacrifice guardian, the Holy rosary sister Lucy has said, look, father, the most Holy version in these last times in which we live has given a no efficacy to the recitation of the rosary. She has given us efficacy to such an extent that there's no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal above all spiritual and the personal life of each one of us, of our families, the families, the world of the religious communities, or even the lives of peoples and nations that cannot be solved by the rosary. There's no problem. I tell you, no matter how difficult it is that we can not resolve by the prayer of the Holy rosary, the Holy Rose, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console our Lord, obtain a salvation of many salts. Speaker 0 57:21 Most Holy Virgin. These last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the rosary. She's given this efficacy to such an extent. There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is with a temporal her of all spiritual and the personal life of each one of us for families or the families of the world or the religious communities, Reeve and of the lives of peoples and nations. They cannot be solved by the rosary. There's no problem. I tell you, no matter how difficult it is that we can not resolve by the power of the Holy rosary, the Holy rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Lord, obtain the salvation of many souls there. There's no problem and there. How difficult is that? We can not resolve by the prayer of the Holy rosary. Pray the rosary. Pray rosary, pray rosary. Pray rosary.

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