Fatima and the Apocalypse 3: The Miracle of the Sun

August 23, 2017 00:51:30
Fatima and the Apocalypse 3: The Miracle of the Sun
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 3: The Miracle of the Sun

Aug 23 2017 | 00:51:30


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Speaker 1 00:05 God blessed us and the Virgin protect us. Once again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She has to take the credit for anything good or true or beautiful, and these novena conferences and the faults are mine been repressed, SEMA in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Yesterday, we considered more of the messages and some of the miracles of the Virgin of revelation. We saw that in regards to these messages, Cardinal Jose Martin's the prefect Ameritas to the congregation for the cause of saints so that he personally considered the publication of these messages to be of great spiritual benefit. The warnings, the Virgin over the course of half a century have an undeniable catechetical and prophetic value. We heard there's PR version say to her priest sons that Jesus has been forgotten and abandoned by them. Speaker 1 01:00 We saw that she won and they were becoming worldly. That many of them are giving bad example, that they had completely forgotten the gospel. We saw that she warned them not to remove their cassock or their habit because they're reminders and heavenly signs. We saw that she wanted the stripping of those exterior signs of the priesthood will be the visible confirmation. The charity had grown cold and that she was citing the line from chapter 24 of st Matthew's gospel. Then on that basis we organized and loose fashion excerpts. Many of Bruno's messages, visions and prophetic dreams. We saw that she wanted the world will enter into another war more ruthless than the previous ones we saw that she wanted. There'll be a tremendous earthquake that will shake the entire glow. We saw that. She warned about false apparitions. We heard the version of making call after call for conversion, especially to a priest sons. We heard the version give warning after warning of eternal damnation, especially to our priest sons. Speaker 1 02:09 We heard the VAR Virgin warn priest not to reject the ancient Holy things and to not provoke citizens. We heard the Virgin warn that the entire church will be put to the test, especially by means of false ideologies and theologies to clean up the carnage that is infiltrated among its ministers. We heard the Virgin warn that false prophets will exchange the true doctrine of the Lord for satanic doctrines. They will remove the sacrifice of the cross from the altars of the world. We saw it. The Virgin warned that before Russian and converts and leaves the way of atheism, a tremendous and severe persecution will arise. We heard the warning starting in the 1940s the Muslims would suddenly come from the East. They will receive the part of subjugate those whom they call infidels and to break the most Holy and things. We saw that Bruno had many visions involving great sufferings for Christians, imprisonments beatings, deaths, blood flowing in the street, all because they believe in and love the Eucharist, the Mack, that Virgin and the Pope. We said Bruno had visions of a pop fleeing of being wounded, being killed. We saw that Bruno had visions of the last days of the world that the day luge, Sodom and Gomorrah put together United with the last days of Pompei. We're nothing compared to what he had seen. Speaker 1 03:36 We saw that Bruno had a vision of a Pope who would deny the truth of the faith and put himself in the place of God. Speaker 1 03:44 We heard the command of the version that we should preserve the weapon of victory, which is the faith that we should love one another with humility in our hearts. We heard the cry, the version that all senators should come to the heart of Jesus to come to heart of the mother. They will be consoled and they will be unburdened of their sorrows. We heard the Virgin remind everyone that God only gave us the true faith, but with it the only way of salvation, the one Holy Catholic and apostolic church under Peter the Roman pontiff, we hear the Virgin one, that salvation is not bringing together all religions to make of them a cluster of heresies and mistakes, but to convert them rather to the unity of love and faith. We Southern lady works miracles, the soil of the grotto, we sought the miracle. His son was visible at the grotto on April 12th 12th of 1980 1982 1985 1986 and 1987 that it was even filmed by Italian TV in 1986 and finally we saw that in its earliest June, 1948 Bruno had recorded in his diary. The Virgin made me understand that the message of Fatima continues at Trey Fontana. Speaker 1 05:03 Now even had Bruno not written anything at all about FATTOM in his diary, and there's actually more than one reference, the reoccurrence of the miracle and the sun to large crowds at the grotto multiple times from the 33rd anniversary to the 40th anniversary of her first appearance to Bruno. These repeated miracles are also obvious signs pointing directly towards Fatima. And that this happens so many times on April 12th is also an obvious sign of a link between the apparitions in Rome and those in Fatima. Okay, so these are signs pointing towards Fatima signs, a demonstrated link between the apparitions that Trayvon Tawny and those in Fatima. But obviously there's more to it than that. Heaven never acts without a purpose. What of these things mean in themselves? What is the miracle of the meaning itself? Speaker 1 06:00 What does our lady telling us by repeating that stupendous miracle so many times? Why did she do that and what does it mean to say that the message of FATTOM continues to Trey Fontana? Let's start addressing these questions starting with the question, what does the miracle of the sun meaning itself? Now, in order to properly address this question, first we need to talk briefly about symbolism and then we need to take a closer look at the miracle as it appeared originally in Fatima on October 13th, 1917 so we'll talk briefly about Christian symbolism. Symbols communicate to us in a heavenly language, heavenly languages that were so that all of those who have the light of faith to see things can understand. Heaven is and always will be speaking to us in symbols because the things of God are so far beyond our words and our ability to comprehend the realities of the spiritual world is when I kind of graph, heard, wrote, put symbolism expresses indirectly through images that which cannot be expressed directly in material or verbal forms being a mysterious language. Symbolism also hides trues which reflects from those who are not open to the truth and makes them understandable to those who know how to approach them. Speaker 2 07:29 Close quote, Speaker 1 07:31 another author gives us a different angle on these same realities while treating of symbolism in sacred scripture. Quote, biblical symbolism and imagery is not a code. Biblical symbolism like poetry is evocative language used when discursive specific language is insufficient. The Bible uses evocative imagery to call up to our minds various associations which had been established by the Bible's own literary art. For example, if in revelation 13 st John would've wanted to say Nero, he would have said Nero. Instead. He said beast by using the symbol beast, he was not just giving a code for Nero. He was bringing to mind a whole series of biblical association, the beast in the garden, Nebuchadnezzar turned into a beast, the three beasts and Daniel's vision and self Speaker 2 08:20 close quote. Speaker 1 08:23 Okay, so by means of the miracle, the sun, heaven is telling us something being told something, but by means of symbolism. We've seen it. Symbolism is a mysterious language which expresses realities which cannot be expressed directly in material or verbal forms and then direct way by using images or even poetic language. Now all of you are very familiar with this of course, because that's exactly how your Holy father st John of the cross addresses in expresses himself and mysterious, evocative poetic language when he's writing a dark night. For example. We've also seen the Christian symbolism is meant to bring up a whole host of various related ideas and one, in other words, one symbol Canon is meant to stand for and to bring to mind a whole series of related spiritual concepts. And there's another very important principle to keep in mind. Christian symbolism, hide trues, which to those who are not open to the truth and makes them understandable to those who know how to approach it. Speaker 1 09:25 Anyone who's read the gospels carefully is aware that the parables of our Lord work in exactly the same way the parables are by virtue of their form as well as their content, a rebuke to the Jewish leadership and a warning of coming judgment. Now, why is that? Because here and now I'm going to paraphrase Samuel commentators. A parable hides the truth which contains to those who are not open to the truth. Yet it's understandable to those who are open to the truth. Our Lord himself made this very clear in the gospel of Saint Mark chapter four verses 11 and 12 quote. And when he was alone, those around him with the 12 asked him about the parables and he said to them, do you have been given the secret of the kingdom of God? But for those outside, everything is in parables. So they may indeed see, but not perceive and may deed here, but not understand lest they should turn and be forgiven. Speaker 1 10:23 At this point, our Lord is alluding to a passage in the sixth chapter of the prophet Isaiah. Rosario was commissioned to speak to Israel, a quote from the prophet, and he said, go and say to this, people keep on hearing, but do not understand. Keep on seeing, but do not perceive. Make the heart of this people dull and their ears heavy and blind, their eyes less. They see what their eyes and hear what their ears understand what their hearts and turn and be healed. Okay, that's fair enough. But now listen to next lines. This is really important, Isaiah. Then I said, how long? Oh Lord. And he said until cities lie, waste without inhabitant and houses without people. The land is a desolate waste, Lord or moves people far away and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land. In other word, the very fact that the Lord was teaching parables was itself a prophetic sign of upcoming judgment on the nation. He's making the point that first century Judea was in the same wretched condition that Israel was in the days of. Isaiah, as a consequence was facing the same outcome. It's cities. We're going to be laid waste and it's people slaughtered and scattered and all of that of course, came to pass Speaker 1 11:42 and keep in mind that from the very beginning of his ministry, even a Sanhedrin knew that Christ had been sent by God. After all, what does Nica edema say to him? Right at the beginning of his public ministry, rabbi know the art. A teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou dust unless God be with him. They knew right out the gate. Our Lord taught in parables because the hearts of the people were not open to his messages. They heard his message, but they didn't understand. He wasn't hiding the truth then they just didn't want to hear it. The people who believed what understand the parables are Lord intended, the veiled meaning of his words to be revealed to anyone that was seeking the truth to be found in them. But as we know, the great majority were not interested in seeking those truths. Our Lord preach to perverse generation. His message reached a remnant of Israel but left the rest hardened, unresponsive and under his judgment. Speaker 1 12:46 And we can see each one of these elements at play in Fatima and Fatima. There are symbolic messages given, but the three little children begging secrets of the immaculate heart, the three little children would give an explanations of what these things mean. But for those thoughts side, everything is in symbols. So they may indeed see, but not perceive and hear but not understand. So, for example, San Francisco saw everything that the girls saw, but he never heard a word in any of the operations. In fact, when the Angela Portugal had told them to pray, make sacrifices for sinners, he laid awake all night wondering what the angel had said and he didn't find out the next day to lose SIA in Saint Jacinta told him on July 13th after our lady had showed them the visions and explain them to Lucy and Saint Jacinta, she told us, see a quote, do not tell this to anyone. Francisco, yes, you may tell him now on January 3rd, 1944 after system and we see ya had been told to write. The third secret had been struggling so mightily to be obey. She'd been struggling since the middle of September. She's trying to obey, but she couldn't try as much. She couldn't get it committed to paper. But then on January 3rd, 1944 our lady appeared to her and told her, be at peace and write what they order you, but not what has been given to you to understand it's meanie close quote. Speaker 1 14:13 At that point, sister Lucy was instantly able to commit the vision to paper, write what they ordered you, but not what has been given you to understand its meaning. In other words, the very format of the third secret itself as it's been revealed to us is already a sign of judgment sign of the condition of men's hearts. Seeing you'll see in here you will not see and hear and you will not understand in FATTOM of their symbolic messages, but the three little children were given the secrets of the Macklin heart. The three little children were given the explanations of these things meant, but for those dots side, everything is in symbols. I would suggest that the very fact that our lady teachers and symbols is perfectly analogous to the reason our Lord taught in parables. It is in fact prophetic sign itself of upcoming judgment or lady teachers in symbols. Speaker 1 15:11 Because for the most part, the hearts of the people were not and are not open to her message, but also like our Lord our Lord. And our lady intends the veiled meanings of her symbolic messages to be revealed to those seeking the truth to be found in them. So now let's consider what the miracle this son means in itself. We saw that in order to properly address this question. First we need to talk briefly about symbolism, which we've just done. And then we need to take a closer look at that miracle as it appeared originally in Fatima on October 13th, 1917. Speaker 1 15:50 We'll turn to the miracle. In 1917, Portugal was ruled by the Freemasons. For the most part, the Portuguese press and the social elites were extremely hostile to Catholicism. It was so bad that Lisbon had been proclaimed to be the atheistic capital of the world. So there's many, uh, parallels to our situation for three months since July 13, three small children who could neither read nor write. We'll see a dos Santos, 10 years old and two cousins and now st Francisco Marto of nine years old and Saint Jacinta motto, seven years old had been predicting that our lady perform a great miracle and October 13th America had been publicly announced three months in advance as to the precise date, time and place. There is literally nothing like this in the entire history of the world. The precise date, time and place of a public miracle had been in knots three months in advance. Speaker 1 16:52 The country controlled by the Freemasons, by illiterate peasant children from a tiny village in the Hills of Portugal. And so it was then October 13th, 1917 some 70,000 eyewitnesses men, women and children from every social class and cultural level believers and unbelievers alike. We're standing the covert area, a muddy sheep pasture. It was pouring rain and had been all morning. What about a half hour before noon solar time, Lucy asked everyone to close their umbrellas out of respect and begin the rosary and for the most part, the crowd obey. The rain suddenly stopped and justice. Suddenly the sky completely cleared. This abrupt change of weather caught everyone by surprise. The SIA cried. Look at the sun. The people could look on the sun with no pain. It appeared as a pale disk and then the sun started shooting out light lighting, the atmosphere, the trees, the ground, the people in the different colors in the rainbow. Then the sun begins making strange, abrupt movements, dancing, spinning the people being again, crying out. Marvel, Marvel, realizing they were in the presence of something Holy most, but not all of the men uncovered their heads. The sun stop moving. Then it began to stance and spin again. It stopped. He began to dance and spin a third time Speaker 3 18:21 <inaudible> Speaker 1 18:21 in PDF. Immediately after. This was the most terrifying aspect of the miracle. The sun suddenly seem to plunge towards the earth, we'll call it from eyewitnesses quilt. Then suddenly one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish, brachy from all the people. The sun whirling wildly seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and blood red plunged towards the earth, threatening to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation into those moments was truly terrible. It seemed like a wheel of fire, which was going to fall on the people, close quotes and quote everyone within an area of 32 miles thought it was the end of the world. One witness who was later a contractor in California was about 11 miles away from Fatima. He was 12 years old and he was hurting sheep. He said, I don't remember to this day what happened to the sheet. All I can remember is fireball came down upon earth and I knew I was about to be burnt alive. Speaker 3 19:27 Then I ran and I ran and I ran. Speaker 1 19:35 All I can remember is my fear and I've often waked up at night running from the fire quote. We thought it was the end of the world, the fire, the sun was on top of us at the time that the fire was coming on, there were shot. Parents were throwing themselves, protecting over all their children. People were shot in their sins out loud, confessing, crying for mercy. They fell to the knees and mud in the water confess their sins and call for mercy. Speaker 3 20:07 And what happened. Speaker 1 20:09 The fire went back into the sky Speaker 3 20:12 close quotes, Speaker 1 20:15 so I'll quotes from my witnesses eye witnesses who thought they were bought to be burnt, alive, burnt to death with fire, flying from the heavens. Terrified parents instinctively throwing themselves. Other children should protect him. People screaming out their sins and crying out for mercy eye witnesses. We thought it was the end of the world and all those people who are for the most part soaked to the bone were amazed to discover that they were dry. And so it was the ground at least 70,000 witnesses braving the random mud. The clouds park disappear. Clear sky, the sun shoots all the colors, the rainbow, the worlds and spins and dances three times breaks free hurdles towards the earth. People are convinced they're bought to be burnt alive. They're fallen on their knees in the mud water crying out for mercy, and then the sun retreats leaving everyone dry clothes on dry ground, at least 70,000 witnesses and many of them, not believers. There are also many moral miracles. Many of the previously unbelieving witnesses converted. The three children had a series of apparitions at the same time that the crowd was witnessing the miracle his son. We'll get to that in a few minutes. Speaker 1 21:40 The miracle of his son and the prophecy that miracle three months in advance are verifiable historical facts and it's completely and utterly amazing. Just to make sure we have some idea of how amazing it is, we should pause there for a moment to put this event into its proper historical Tonto text. If we step back a little bit and consider the entire history of the world to put the miracle of this son into context, we can see we have five roughly comparable events, five miracles of absolutely incredible magnitude. The same rough category. There's the parting of the red sea by Moses. There's the stopping of the sun and the moon in the sky by Joshua. There's the moving back of the sun, a full 10 hours in the sky by the prophet Isaiah. There's the total eclipse, the sun during a full moon, which is a complete and possibility which took place at the crucifixion of our Lord, and there's the miracle, the sun by our lady it only one of those was publicly announced date time, place beforehand. Only one. So in the whole history of the world, there are five of these miracles, four those miracles are found in the Holy Bible. Three in the old Testament and one in the new Testament, and not those miracles, the only one that was predicted beforehand, three months beforehand as to the precise date, time and place happened in her own time. That's Fatima. It's completely incredible. It's a miracle. A biblical proportions. Literally. That's not an exaggeration. It's a miracle of biblical proportions and an all world history. There is nothing like it. You should let that sink in, Speaker 1 23:44 let that sink in important. That tells us something as well, Speaker 1 23:49 but in spite of the magnitude of this miracle, it's been treated like the biggest non-event in history. Oh miracle. His son Yon. I wonder what's on channel 45 I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there are more people who knew who won the world cup and soccer last year or even 10 years ago. Then there are people who know about the miracle of the sun. We've had a hundred years of scripture scholars, all kinds of big degrees writing, learning disquisitions in which they tell us that Moses didn't write the first five books of the Bible ties. The Bible is just chock-full miss. We picked up from the pagans. The prophecies are impossible, denying the miracles of Christ, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Our seminaries are full of these kinds of professors. Why haven't then been praying on meditating, studying, writing about the miracle of the sun? So what does it mean? What does it mean in itself? Speaker 0 24:47 Okay. Speaker 1 24:48 St Vincent Ferera gives a general principle in regards to warnings in the sky. I quote by study of Holy scripture, by factual experience, we know that when any great and heavy affliction is about to come on the world, often some warning sign is shown in the sky and this happens by the mercy of God. So that people for warrant of impending tribulation by means of these signs may obtain a tribunal of mercy through prayer and good works, a reversal of a sentence passed against them by God, or at least by pennants amendment of life, may prepare themselves against impending affliction. Close quote. Speaker 1 25:31 Okay, so when a great affliction is about to con the world, heaven often puts a warning in the sky. So people may either avert the punishment through pears and pennants or prepare themselves to suffer the affliction. Let's turn to particulars. Signs of judgment in the heavens. Everyone knows that the sun, moon and stars separate the day from the night are used to Mark out our days, years and seasons. But how many of us have stopped? I consider that God has also drilled vertically, set them up there for signs and Genesis one 14 we read quote and God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs and preseasons. If for days and years, close quotes inspired in our word of God. Obviously we're all familiar with the star. Bessel Bethlehem as a sign of our Lord's birth. Speaker 1 26:24 We're all familiar with the miraculous eclipse of the sun during the full moon on that first good Friday as a sign that's created, the world was hanging on the cross in both scripture and tradition signs of judgment that heavens portend God's wrath falling in judgment. They're prophetic signs for shadow the overthrown destruction of kingdoms, nations or peoples, and ultimately the world. For example, in the book of the prophet Isaiah chapter 13 we read of signs of judgment in the heavens and I quote, the day of the Lord comes cruel with wrath and fear. Sanger for the stars, the heavens in their constellations will not give their light. The sun will be dark and it's rising and the moon has will not shed its light. I will make the heavens tremble and the earth will be shaken out of its place. Close quote. Now in this case, the prophet is referring to the upcoming destruction of Babylon, which is also in itself a type of the end of the world. Speaker 1 27:21 So one of the reasons God has set the sun, the moon and the stars up there is to be used as signs of his upcoming judgments. The sun, the moon, and the stars also symbolized rulers and governors. Why? Because heaven rules the earth and those things placed in the ferment. The sun, moon, the stars symbolize rulers here on earth coordinates a lap. Today, the great 16th century Bible commentator makes this clear when he's speaking of Krupp rulers quote, the sun, moon and stars are obscured when the leaders of the church or the world depart from justice and holiness to provity or wickedness. Close quote, the rain and the rainbow beams of light and general are symbolic of graces and virtues from heaven shining down. And of course they're shining down on the people gathered in the Cova enlightened salsa symbolic of faith. The beams of light were shining on the people were the people reflecting that light by a life of faith, a life of charity. Speaker 1 28:22 The Dom poll, which suddenly ceased followed immediately by the clearing the sky and then the sun shooting up various colors reminds us the great flood and the rainbow. The rainbow is a visible reminder on the one hand that even if we don't understand the Xons were faithful and obedient like Noah and his family. Then even if the whole world be swallowed up in a flood, God is merciful and will take care of us, so that's on the one hand. On the other hand, the rainbows also sign of what happens to men if they're evil and faithless and disobey God. The rainbow is a visible sign that God will never destroy the world again with water, and so this aspect of the miracle reminds us of God's judgment. One commentator points out that the Hebrew word from rainbow that Moses used is the same word used to refer to the bowl as a military weapon. Speaker 1 29:17 The ID implied, the Genesis passage seems to be the God has taken the weapon that he's used to judge his creatures and he's hung it in the sky. That's perfectly consistent with the ancient Jewish understanding. They understood that when the waters subside, God placed the rainbow in the heavens is a sign of the covenant he had made by with Noah. The rainbow is God's immense bowl of war, but God lays aside his bow and hangs in the clouds. The end of the ball, the ends of the VAR pointed downwards in the same matter as when a warrior lowers his bow and he declares peace. It's a sign that his RAF is cool. It's a sign he would not again flood the world. It's a sign. There would be peace between God, man, as long as the man did not go back to the days of Noah. Speaker 1 30:02 But the rainbow is also a reminder that if man does break the covenant with God and returns to the days of Noah, then a worst chastisement will fall upon him like the flood. It will be a worldwide destruction like Sodom and Gomorrah. Fire will fall from the sky and destroy the world. So the rainbow is a promise, but it's also a warning that God hates sin and he's destroyed everything once before and he will do it again. And the warning is very clear. Men must not return back to the days of Noah Kay. So what does that mean to say that men must not return back to the days of Noah? That's easy to see simply by consulting ancient Jewish commentaries known as the mid rash. They shaped precisely what sins were going on in Noah's day to provoke God, destroy the world with water. I will quote in two different places. These ancient commentary state that quote, the generation of the flood was not wiped up until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a man or a man to an animal close quote. The generation of the flood was not wiped out till they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to man or a man to an animal. Speaker 1 31:28 In other words, the sins which provoked the great flood with the same sense which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven in our sadly enough the same sins which we have going on all around us these days, not only approved and promoted, but even protected by our federal government and many other governments throughout the world. The rainbow is a warning and a reminder tall who have eyes to see the Saint Gregory the great pointed out quote because the rainbow has a colors of water and fire is a reminder of the great flood as well as the future destruction the world by fire. The rainbow reminds us and then days of no, we broke the covenant. He called down judgment upon ourselves and knots hung up in the sky as a sign that God won't destroy the world again with water. It's also a reminder that if man returns the days of no of man breaks at union with God is no longer being fruitful and multiplying. If man ignores the warning of the rainbow by mocking God with perverse marriages, then fire will fall from the and will destroy the world. Speaker 1 32:44 And isn't it interesting that the sodomites have chosen the rain bowl as a symbol for their movement? There are seven different colors in God's rainbow sevens, the number of completion and perfection, but the gay pride flag and what inappropriate use of that word. Pride. The gay pride flag uses the rainbow and over time and is wound up with a six colored rainbow flag as a representation of their perverse movement. Of course, the number six is an incompleteness and perfection. Their flag is a complete mockery of the sign that God made with man, the seven colored rainbow. It's truly diabolical. It's a public proclamation. It's mankind symbolically saying that we will not serve you, honor you, or obey our covenant with you and in a satanic conversion of Fatima on the very night, these very type of marriages called down God's judgment on the in the great flood were decriminalized and these United States that very gay pride rainbow was projected in the darkness of night on the white house dancing of the sun. Speaker 1 34:03 In ancient times, if a rabbi were asked to quote a scripture, he had to give a sort of an explanation as he did it, the explanation was called a Targum. It's sign of a cross between a translation and a prayer phrase. A Targum on Deuteronomy 28 15 describes a reaction to Moses, his announcement of curses coming on Israel, cause that's the section with a curse on Israel. Here's the target. The earth trembled. The heavens were moved. The sun and moon were dark into the stars with through their beams. It's a scripture commentator says, quote, the cosmic order of nature in the course of the sun, moon and stars was seen as essential to the ongoing welfare of the world's existence. This order is interrupted and dissolved when men go against the spiritual order of God's laws, which are to regulate the course of their lives. Hence God judges the heavens by stro destroying its orderly movements in order to indicate that mankind has violated his moral order and it's being judged. He alters the fixed patterns of sun, moon and stars to indicate judgment on those who have wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry. Close quilt. Speaker 1 35:17 Now Saint Alphonsus summarizes the teaching of the fathers in regarding in regards to Alon in chapter four of st Matthew's gospel and the powers of heaven shall be moved. I quote from Saint Alphonsus, another sign of the end of the world will be in the cars of heaven. Shelby mood. Some understand this to mean tremors and unusual movements which will occur in the heavens. That is the firmness of the heavens will seem to be lacking as they will tremble before Lord comes to judge the world. Close quote, let's consider the falling of the sun. Saint Alphonsus again, quote, the coming of the judge will be proceeded by fire. Fire will descend from heaven and shall burn the earth and all things upon the earth. The earth defiled by sin must be purified by fire. Close quotes, you know, is the glory. So the falling his sun is Metro minus the fire from the sky. Speaker 1 36:13 The totally destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. And the same time it's also meant to remind us of the fire from the sky that both scripture and tradition tell us will destroy the world before our Lord comes to judge living in a dead. So this aspect of miracles also meant Terminus of God's judgment. And as we've seen, witnesses themselves were convinced that when the sun was falling, they were actually seeing the end of the world partying the clouds and the dry land. The day started out with trench rains and ended with dry land to remind everybody of two incredible invents the Bible, the great flood. We've already talked about that, but Auster mine him with a parting of the red sea. Each of those events are well known worldwide. Many including Catholics and massive number of priests, most especially seminary professors and so-called scripture scholars have not come to believe. And teach that. Speaker 1 37:05 These are just pious stories written to teach lessons. In other words, God's word is nothing of the sort, but just really a really old middle Eastern version of, of mother goose or the Grimm brothers. We'll talk briefly about the parting of the red sea. The Lord leads the people out of Egypt with a pillar of fire and parts, the red sea so they can cross and dry land. Pharaoh and his army are destroyed. The people are free, even though they're in a desert. They're fed with the miraculous man of falling from heaven and they're given water from the rock to drink. In spite of all that, the people Israel are off for longing to be back in Egypt and then when they're given a chance, they returned to the pagan practice of Egypt by building the golden calf, and as the scriptures tell us, Moses says they Rose up to play. Speaker 1 37:51 That's a euphemism that Moses used to refer to perverse and impure behavior as any good commentary will make clear this incident and the fact that from that point forward, God forbids them from eating pork. That's the food of the Egyptians. It makes them kill and eat bulls and Rams, which are all Egypt, pagan deities. This incident and the punishment, all clear signs that even though God took the people out of Egypt, Egypt hadn't been taken out of the people. The people of Egypt had war. Israel had walked in unharmed on dry land to that sea. They'd been set free from their slavery and seen with their own eyes, power and might of God and all his marbles, but they hadn't changed their hearts. Their hearts were still back in Egypt. Saint Paul tells that these things are written for our instruction. In other words, X, this is a type of our Christian life. Speaker 1 38:40 The passage to the red sea and the destruction of Pharaoh and his armies is a type of baptism and freedom from sin and slavery to Satan. The man is a type of the most blessed at sacrament Phoenix. In our Christian journey, the passage over the Jordan and the Holy land is a type of our passing to have an after Holy death. That being said, how many of these 600,000 men, not counting women and children that left Egypt went through the red sea with this amazing miracle, saw the miracles, Mount Sinai, the different plagues in Egypt? How many of the 600,000 men, and that's not counting the women, children that were adults when they left Egypt, made it live into the promised land Speaker 1 39:24 just to Caleb and Joshua. Two out of 600,000 adult man, two made it into the promise. Then the rest died out there in the desert as a punishment for their sins. So the parting of the clouds and the dry land is a sobering, symbolic reminder that doing marvelous and miracles is not enough. We have to repent from our sin, break away from our sinful attachments and have a true conversion of our hearts. We have to cleave to the living God and not only the false idols of this world, wealth, power, sinful pleasures, words are not enough. It didn't work for the people of Israel and it won't work for us. It has to come from the heart with true faith and true charity. Speaker 0 40:12 Okay. Speaker 1 40:12 There's more symbolism, but that's more than enough to formulate a decent answer to the question. What is the miracle his son meaning itself? What's a symbolic message with many aspects, it portends God's wrath. Following in judgment reminds us the flood reminds us that if we return to the days of Noah, if we break that union with God, are no longer being fruitful, multiplying. If we ignore the warning and the rain Boba mocking God with perverse marriage, then fire will fall from the sky and will destroy the world. It's a reminder that we must not fall in the footsteps of the people that exited, that our words and exterior actions are not enough, but most truly are pant who must truly convert from our hearts and follow the one true God and no other. All the days of our lives would not compromise. It's a reminder of the end of the world that God's judgment is loamy. No, I preach for a hundred years before the flood struck and as we know almost no one paid any attention to his warning. Speaker 1 41:22 The miracle of his son is a very, very clear warning from our lady about upcoming events. It's a wake up call for all those with eyes to see, but as it was in the days of, Oh, so it is in our days, very few senior you taking her warnings seriously either as we close in on the hundredth anniversary of the miracle, his son, we should ask ourselves if anyone has paid any attention to our lady's warning. So we consider the meaning of the miracle itself. We briefly considered what a grave warning it is in and of itself. We don't have time today to answer the questions about what our lady is telling us by repeating that stupendous miracles so many times and why she did that. But what does it mean to say that the message of Fatima continues at Trey Fontana. But there is one other message or aspect of the miracle. Speaker 1 42:18 Oh Senate Fatima we should consider before we close and that's what the children saw during the miracle. In September. Our lady had told the children that quote in October, our Lord will come as well as our lady of sorrows and our lady of Mount Carmel, Saint Joseph will appear with the child Jesus to bless the world. Close quote in October. Then right at the end of her apparition or lady opened her hands and your own light reflected on the sun as she continued to sin, and that's when the SIA cried out. Look at the sun after our lady had disappeared in the vastness of the sky, then the children saw next to the sun, but on the left st Joseph together with the child, Jesus was about one years old. They blessed the world three times on the right of the son. They saw our lady, the rosary dressed in blue and white. Speaker 1 43:05 This is oftentimes referred to as the apparition of the Holy family, Saint Joseph, the father, the family, the head of the family is holding our Lord and our lady is that their side and the blessings given were meant to bring peace to the world, but just reflect. However, this past century, since that vision, that most fundamental unit of society, the family with a father as the head of the family and the Munder mother, underneath his authority is the heart of the family and the child and loving obedience to both parents just reflect the God given family structure has largely been destroyed. Fatherhood has been mocked, ridiculed, and rejected in so many ways. Under the influence of cultural Marxism, which is one of the terrible errors of Russia, the headship of the father, of his wife and family has been largely rejected. And with it went the fatherhood of God. Well, one is usurped. The role as the head of the family and godly loving obedience is a rare commodity indeed. And of course we see this very phenomenon in the spiritual realm. In the church itself. There's precious little fatherhood left in the church. Speaker 1 44:22 So among other things, this apparition is a call to return to the proper model of the family returned, recognizing the proper headship of the man and most especially God, the father, a symbolic promise, a piece. When we do this, apparition faded. None of those CSR, our Lord dressed in red who blessed the world and beside him stood our lady of sorrows in purple robes without a sword in her heart. Our Lord appeared is a divine Redeemer cloaked in red as a symbol of his most precious blood that he shed to redeem mankind. Our lady of sorrows appeared without a sword wearing purple as a sign of sorrow and penitents. She didn't have a sword visible because she was not pointing towards any particular sorrow, but rather whole life of coal. Redemptive suffering has a sign of her sorrow, suffering in tears that she said as a Cobra damned pricks and union with the most precious blood of her son, her ride-on divine Redeemer in this apparition, among other things, our Lord and our lady call for recognition of her cold, redemptive suffering and for reparation to her immaculate heart is later was established in the first Saturday devotions which are so poorly attended most places in the world. Speaker 1 45:36 This apparition also faded away and then our lady of Mount Carmel appeared holding the child Jesus. And at one level, of course, this was an indication for Lucilia all that would take years for her to accomplish. Why might we see you be called a Carmel Carmel Speaker 1 45:51 stretching all the way back to st Elias, the father, the Carmelite order caramels, a place for gathering God's children and conquering evil idolatry as we see in third Kings. Chapter 18 caramel is a place of fruitfulness and beauty as we see mechanical of canticles. Chapter seven verse five Jeremiah chapter 50 verse 19 and Isaiah chapter 35 verse two Carmen was a place of union with gods we see in third Kings 18 verse 42 Carl means the garden land in Hebrew. It's evocative. The garden of Eden or lady is the new Eve in us. Her new garden is in karma. After two letters from Pope Pius the 12th personal letters, sister Lucy was finally allowed to enter Carmel and take the habit with our lady scapular. Thus putting on the cloak of our lady and consecrated life as a Carmelite and the service of Mary just as the prophet. A sandblast passed on his cloak to st Lasha and so doing in part a share of his spirit to him. So our lady passes on hers to her children that love anywhere her scapular, everyone should wear their scapular all the time. Speaker 1 47:11 The miracle his son is an unmistakable confirmation that our lady had spoken to the children. The miracle son is an unmistakable confirmation that a lady had delivered a message to the children. Heaven never acts without a purpose and so the miracle is on America. As we've seen of unprecedented proportions of literally biblical proportions is a sign pointing towards a corresponding message of unprecedent importance, a message, a biblical proportions. In that regard, we'll close with a short reflection from famous mainstream Italian churn. It's Antonio Sochi, which he speaks to the extraordinary character of the message quote Fatima has received on the part of the church, which in general is always very cautious concerning supernatural phenomenon, a recognition without equal in history Speaker 1 48:01 and which place is this apparition and this message objectively, above and beyond all of the so called private revelations. All of the succeeding pulps have credited the apparitions with official discourses, acts and Pilgrim Jews often invoking biblical comparisons. The third part of the secret for the entire 20th century had fed apocalyptic rumors was revealed by the Holy sea with an official approbation that also has no precedent in Christian history. In fact, all the previous apparitions contain a prophetic message for humanity had been made public informally without engaging the authority of the church. But in the case of the third part of the secret of Fatima, the contrary has happened when after a long dramatic deliberation, the Pope personally decided to publish the text of the third secret. It was announced in the most Saul manner from the sanctuary of Fatima before the Pope and the visionary by the Vatican secretary of state, and it was even published on June 26 2000 the company meant of a theological commentary by the highest doctrinal authority, the church next to the Pope Carl Jonas frat sinner prefect of the formal Holy office who presented a text. The secret and his commentary had nothing less than a press conference televised worldwide. It is really impossible. After all of this to continue to speak of the relative importance of the message. The exceptional words pronounced by Saint John Paul to say exactly the opposite quote, the PO made by Mary, our mother at Fatima is such that the whole church feels obligated to respond to the requests of our lady. The message imposes an obligation on her, the church close quote, Speaker 1 49:46 it is really impossible after all this to continue to speak of the relative importance of the message. The peel made by Marianne mother Fatima is such that the whole church feels obligated to respond to the requests of our lady. The message imposes an obligation on the church. God never acts without a purpose, and so a miracle like this, a miracle of unprecedented proportions points towards a corresponding message of unprecedented importance. The apocalyptic overtones, the miracle itself, point towards apocalyptic overtones in the message miracles, unpressed and proportions points to our corresponding message of unprecedented importance. The apocalyptic overtones, the miracle itself, point towards apocalyptic overtones. In the message Speaker 1 50:38 in your last public interview, sister Lucy has said, quote, father, the home most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to her message. Neither good nor the bad good continue on their way, but without giving any importance, true message the bat, not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon them, continue their life of sin without even caring about the message. But believe me, father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. Close quote, most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention. Message. Neither the good nor the bad. Over the next few days, we'll meditate on it. Message what it means for each of us and en-route and the questions we posed earlier. Hey, Speaker 0 51:34 Hey, Hey.

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