Fatima and the Apocalypse 6: The Consecration of Russia

September 20, 2017 01:16:25
Fatima and the Apocalypse 6: The Consecration of Russia
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 6: The Consecration of Russia

Sep 20 2017 | 01:16:25


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Speaker 0 00:00 God bless us and the Virgin protect us. Once again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She asked to get the credit for anything good, true, or beautiful needs novena conferences. All the faults are mind Ivan Maria Perris, SEMA name of father and son, the Holy spirit. Amen. The last conference we consider the second secret of Fatima, which pertains to salvation of nations and the social order and to persecution or freedom for the church. We started, our lady promised peace and the conversion of Russia if her three requests were heated to pray the rosary to make the five communions reparation the first Saturdays, and to consecrate Russia to immaculate heart, we started. She warned of terrible punishment if her requests were not heated, that if people did not see offending God, a worst war would break out and God would punish the world by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church and the Holy father. Speaker 0 01:10 We saw that although there have been many consecrations of the world to the macula at heart as carnal Burke stated on May 19th quote, in fact the consecration of Russia to the Mack that hardened Marie did not take place as she requested and a community reparation of first Saturdays did not become the practice of the universal church. It is more important now to make a specific consecration of Russia to her Mac, that heart as the mother of regard requested at Fatima closed quotes. We saw that true to our ladies' warning in January, 1938 God filled the night sky with a red Aurora, the great sign that he was about to punish the world for its crimes that God who was resolved to purify in their blood, all the nations which wanted to destroy his kingdom and souls and yet that he would have been appeased and granted pardon if people would have prayed and done pennants we sought if our lady's requests were not heated, Russia would sputter errors throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church in order to understand the errors of Russia. Speaker 0 02:26 We spent some time considering cultural Marxism and we saw that the founders taught that communism was impossible in the West until both Western civilization and Christianity were destroyed. We saw that the cultural Marxists chose the long March to the institutions as a means of accomplishing their goals and that this meant that all cultural barriers to Marxism had to be removed or reconfigured. Starting with the traditional family and moving on through the schools, universities, seminaries, the arts, science, entertainment, the mass media and so forth, until the people would embrace the ideas that they had rejected and they would be open to a takeover by the cultural Marxists. We took a look at the work of the Frankfurt school, which focused on destroying traditional Christian culture in the United States. We saw that in order to destroy the culture, the Frankfurt school specifically recommended the creation of racism offenses, continual change to create confusion, the teaching of sex and homosexuality of children, the undermining of schools and teachers authority, huge immigration to destroy identity, the promotion of excessive drinking, the emptying of churches and unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime, promoting dependency. Speaker 0 04:01 On the state or state benefits, the control of and dumbing down of media and encouraging the breakdown of the family and that those are some of the errors of Russia. We started the Frankfurt school emphasize the importance of attacking the authority of the father, denying the specific roles of father and mother and denying families their rights as primary educators of their children and that those are some of the errors of Russia. We saw that the Frankfurt school emphasized the importance of abolishing differences in education of boys and girls of declaring women to be an oppressed class and men to be the oppressors of abolishing all forms of male dominance, hence the presence of women in the armed forces and that those are some of the errors of Russia. Now in that light, it's important to know that these sort of errors of Russia are on display daily inside the church. Some diocese have the practice of filling the chanceries with women positions of power, including even making women the chancellor ads, and of course we've all seen the almost universal presence of women in the sanctuary girl, altar boys, all these women performing the roles, property deacons. By doing the readings and giving out Holy communion, we saw that the current notions of political correctness, diversity, choice sensitivity, sexual orientation, reproductive rights, sex education, safe sex, safe schools, safe environments, inclusion and tolerance all come from the Marxists and that these are some of the errors of Russia. Speaker 0 06:04 We saw that the sexual revolution is a creation of the cultural Marxists who discovered if women were immersed in a social situation in which it seemed like everyone is doing it, they would have a difficult time preserving their moral standards and inhibitions and that from a cultural Marxists point of view, establishing that very sort of atmosphere is the function of sex edge classes, the porn drenched mass media, and most especially the entertainment industry. We saw that the governments of the United States and Israel advocate flooding societies with regular network television shows, porn drugs and gambling. So as to demoralize the youth and we considered specific examples of them actually employing these very techniques, specific examples of the military application of a cultural warfare of the Frankfurt school. Specific examples of the military use of porn to demoralize and disrupt conservative and relatively stable societies. We suggested that everyone here ought to spend some serious time thinking through this since our country is based it in this filth, 24 seven TVs, advertising, movies, billboards, magazines, the internet, and since our country is more responsible than any other for projecting this filth globally, 24 seven and that these are some of the errors of Russia, we saw that the cultural Marxists also discovered that the idea of God evaporates from the minds of seminarians, priests and bishops who become enmeshed in sexual vise. Speaker 0 08:03 We saw that Russia is now convinced that Washington is preparing for U S preemptive nuclear strike against Russia. Thanks to such things as a neoconservative Republican policy calling for United States to take preemptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations and also to prevent any other nation from rising to superpower status. We briefly considered the religious errors of Russia, and we saw that the first and most serious error pertains to our lady and that the Orthodox deny that our lady was immaculately conceived. We saw that the second air pertains to Orthodox concept of church unity and the role of the Pope, that the Orthodox have splintered themselves and to all kinds of particular independent national churches and do not recognize any ultimate authority. And in so doing reject the clear glass petition of Christ regarding the primacy of Peter, the Bishop of Rome over the church, we saw that the third air pertains to marriage and that the Orthodox allow a man to keep turning in his wife for new model for a grand total of three wives. We started the fourth air pertains to Holy communion and that the Orthodox allow these divorced and so-called remarried people who are actually living in sin to receive Holy communion. And thus they officially allow sacrilege. Speaker 0 09:41 And we sought the air whereby the Orthodox churches govern themselves electing their own bishops and organizing their own lives has been promoted in Rome. At the Senate of bishops, under the title of decentralization, we saw that the errors of the Orthodox who pretend that people who are living in sin are actually married and who then compound that sad, scandalous recognition by extending to those poor sinners and official invitation to make sacrilegious communions. We saw that these errors of Russia had both been heavily promoted in the application of a Morris <inaudible> and it's worth noting that these very areas of Russia were first promoted on a grand scale and Catholic circles, not by the so called liberals, but by the traditionalist by such groups as a society of Saint Pius the 10th who for decades and a direct repudiation of the teaching of the council of Trent, have encouraged countless couples to simulate the sacrament of marriage and their chapels and less to live together without the benefit of an actual sacramental marriage, and yet at the same time to continue receiving Holy communion. We saw that the Pope to varying degrees has shown his approval for active adulterers to be given Holy communion in the Buenos Aires pastoral region of Argentina and the diocese of Malta. And in the diocese of Rome we saw and RC, in other words, many of our supposedly Catholic leaders embracing these religious errors of Russia. And in so doing actually and literally advocating for pastoral practices that will bury their people and any priests that go along with him into the very depths of hell. Speaker 0 11:45 So much for our review. Let's get started. Saint John Paul two taught quote, there are no mere coincidences in the plans of divine Providence. Close quote on May 13th, 1917 the very day there are a lady first appeared in Fatima Eugenio Peceli the future pies. The 12th was consecrated a Bishop by Pope Benedict the 15th in the 16 chapel right in front of Michael Angelo's magnificent painting of the last judgment. He became the Vatican's secretary of state on her Pius the 11th the book of pies, the 12th before history records it some prophetic remarks he made during conversations in 1933 Cardona put Shelly suppose that communism is the most visible among the organs of subversion against the church and through addition of divine revelation, that's we will witness the invasion of everything that is spiritual philosophy, science, law, teaching the arts, the media, literature, theater, and a religion. Close quo. Speaker 0 13:09 We will witness the invasion. Everything is spiritual philosophy, science, law, teaching the arts, the media, literature, theater and religion by the organs of subversion against the church and the tradition of divine revelation. And that is exactly what we've seen. That is the long March through the institutions. In one prophetic sentence, CARNA Peceli summarized the agenda of the cultural Marxists. He continued speaking explicitly. A Fatima quote, I am concerned about the confidences of the Virgin to the little Lucia of Fatima. The persistence of our lady in face of the danger that threatens the church is a divine warning against the suicide of modifying the faith, liturgy, theology, and soul of the church. Close quote. Speaker 0 14:13 Our lady of Fatima brought a divine warning against the suicide of modifying the faith, liturgy, theology, and soul, the church. But since his time, haven't we modified each one of those? Is there anything we haven't modified on Peceli quote, I hear around me, partisans of novelties want to demolish the Holy sanctuary, reject the and the church and make her remorseful for her, hers historical past. I'm convinced that the church of Peter must affirm her past or else she will dig her own tone. Closed quote, haven't we? For the most part, demolished the sanctuaries and rejected the doormats in our churches? Speaker 0 15:17 Haven't we made any number of public apologies for the historical past of the church? Now, what sense do we affirm the church's past carnal Peceli quote, a day will come when the civilized world will deny its God. When the church will doubt as Peter doubted, she be tempted to believe that man has become God, that his son is only assemble a philosophy like so many others. And in churches, Christians will search for the red lamp where Jesus awaits them like the sinful woman cry out before the empty tomb. Where have they taken him? Close quotes, Cardinal Peceli. Hasn't that day already come? Are we not living in that day? When in churches we have to search for the red lamp where Jesus awaits us like the sinful woman crying before the empty tomb. Where have they taken it? Speaker 0 16:30 Hasn't that day already come? Are we not living in that day when the civilized world has denied its God hasn't day already come? Are we not living in that day when the church is doubting as Peter doubted or even worse? What else can this statement possibly mean? Taken from the homily preached on December 27th, 2015 by the successor of st Peter. Speaking of the finding of the child, Jesus in the temple, Papa Francis stated quote, instead of returning home with his family, he stayed in Jerusalem and the temple causing great distress to Mary and Joseph who were unable to find him for this little escapade. Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of his parents. The gospel doesn't say this, but I believe that we can presume it. Close quote, Pope Francis Jesus probably had beg forgiveness of his parents. Speaker 0 17:47 Oh, are we not living in that day when the church is doubting as Peter doubted or even worse? What else can this statement possibly mean when speaking of our lady of sorrows on May 29th, 2015 the successor of st Peter stated quote, I often think of our lady when they handed down to her the dead body of her son cover with wounds spat on bloody and soil and she in that moment, remember what the angel had said to her. He will be King. He will be great. He will be a prophet and inside, surely without wounded body lying in her arms. That body had suffered so much before dying inside. Surely she wanted to say the angel liar. I was deceived. Close quote, Pope Francis inside. Surely our lady wanted to say to the angel, liar, I was deceived. Speaker 0 19:01 Communism is the most visible of the organs of civil version against the church. We will witness invasion everything that is spiritual by the organs of subversion, philosophy, science, law, teaching the arts, the media, literature, theater, and religion. I'm concerned about the confidence as a Virgin to little Lucio Fatima, the persistence of our lady in face of the danger that threatens the church is a divine warning against the suicide of modifying the faith, liturgy, theology, and soul of the church. I hear Romney, partisans of novelties want to demolish the Holy sanctuary, reject the doormats of the church and make a remorseful for her historical past. A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God. When the church will doubt as Peter doubted, she attempted to believe that man has become God, that his son is only a symbol, a philosophy like so many others and in churches, Christians will search for the red lamp where Jesus awaits them like the sinful woman crying out before the empty tomb. Where have they taken him? Speaker 1 20:30 <inaudible> Speaker 0 20:36 as we've seen in Rome on April 12th, 1937 our lady appeared to Regina snappy at a small cave betray Fontana and told Lucina that you would return to that place and convert and make use of an enemy of the church, a man who wanted to kill the Pope. She totally with Gina to deliver that message to a carnal and also to inform him that he would soon be Pope. And as we've seen, all that came to pass that Carnell was of course Eugenio Peceli, which some to mute two years later became Pope Pius the 12th as we've seen in October, 1942 without the Bishop's Popeyes the 12th consecrated the world to the macular heart of Mary, as we've seen on April 12th, 1947 exactly 10 years to the very day that our lady had appeared to the Regina and at the same small cave knew Trayvon Tawny. Our lady appeared to Bruno chronic Yola, a blast fuming wife beating thug, who had taken an oath to kill the Pope. He was instantly converted and given a message to deliver to the Pope. Speaker 0 21:52 As we've seen pies a 12th wept when Bruno read him the message and the pop told Bruno that on April 12th he himself had received confirmation directly from our lady of her appearance in Rome. But what we haven't considered until now is one particular aspect of that message that our lady had Bruno deliver and that has to do with her assumption. Let's turn to that now. On May 1st, 1946 the year before the version of revelation appeared to Bruno Pius the 12th had asked all the bishops of the world this question quote, do you vulnerable brethren, your outstanding wisdom and prudence judge that the bodily assumption, the blessing version can be proposed and defined as a dogma of faith. Do you with your clergy and people desiring close quote the vicar of Christ and in fact, when she appeared at Trayvon Tahnee at the following year, the Virgin of revelation give a heavenly response to the Pope's question once you stated to Bruna the following quote, because I immaculate my body could not decay and did not decay. Speaker 0 23:15 After three days of sleep and ecstasy of love, I was brought to the throne, a divine mercy by my son with the angels too. He made mediate tricks of divine graces among obstinate sinners. My body did not know corruption. My flesh could not decay and did not decay, so as to be queen of the children of the resurrection. Now and always, I am the kingdom of the divine Trinity. Close quote. We'll pick up the rest of the story from the brilliant work of Frere Michelle of the Holy Trinity. On October 29th, 1950 the statue of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima arrived in Rome. On the following morning, October 30th 35 Cardinals in over 450 bishops met with the Pope, who for the first time officially informed them of his intention of defining the dogma of the assumption. Very soon at the end of his allocution, he asked them, is it therefore pleasing to you? Vulnerable brethren that we proclaim and solidly defined as a dogma revealed by God the bodily assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. Speaker 0 24:36 And they unanimously ascended that day. October 30th was the eighth anniversary of PI's, twelfths consecration of the world to the maquette heart of Mary. The statue of the Pilgrim version of Fatima had stopped for three days in a church located right behind the Vatican gardens on land belonging to the Holy See the Pope went for a walk in the garden, Pius the 12th quote on October 30th, 1950 around four o'clock in the afternoon, I took my usual walk in Nevada, can gardens, reading and studying various official papers. As usual, I'll end up the path to the grotto of our lady of Lords to the top of the Hill at a certain moment, having lifted my eyes above the papers I had in my hand, I was struck by a phenomenon I had never seen before. Speaker 0 25:38 The sun, which was fairly high, looked like a pale yellow opaque globe, completely surrounded by aluminous halo, which nevertheless did not prevent me at all from staring attentively at the sun without the slightest discomfort. A very light cloud was before it. The opaque a globe began moving outwards, solely turning over upon itself and going from left to right and vice versa. But within the globe, very strong moments could be seen in all clarity without interruption. The same phenomenon repeated itself on the following day. October 31st close quote, Pope Pius the 12th the Pope's housekeeper, sister Pasqua Pasquina reports that after returning from his walk, the Holy father immediately described the spectacle he had just witnessed an edit quote the following day full of hope. We two to the gardens in the hope of seeing the spectacle too. Well, we came back disappointed the Holy father immediately. Yes. Did you see it today? It was exactly like yesterday. Speaker 2 26:54 Close call Speaker 0 26:57 the next day, November 1st 600 to 700,000 pilgrims along with 36 Cardinals and over 600 bishops were present at the ceremony, which the Pope of solemnly declared that quote, it is a dogma. Divinely revealed that Mary immaculate in ever Virgin mother of God, at the end of her earthly life was assumed body and soul and to heavenly glory. Close quote Pius the 12th taught that the assumption is really the consequence of the MCE conception. As he later wrote, quote the two dog. Most are intimately related. These two singular privileges bestowed upon the mother of God. Stand out in most splendid light at the beginning and the end of earthly journey for the greatest possible glorification of her Virgin body is a compliment at once appropriate and marvelous of the absolute innocence of her soul, which was free from all stain. Close quotes, the vicar of Christ. Speaker 0 28:09 During the ceremony, there was another beautiful sign in the sky described by Sysco <inaudible> quote, a deep blue SkyKick standard above the cupula of st Peter's beside the sun. One could also see the Crescent of the moon just above the cross, the cupula. How is this possible? The others sought and were astonished as we are site on Lodz of that day. Who is this? There's the moon. Beautiful is the sun already was most extraordinary that the day was so warm and so clear and this Crescent of the moon over the Copia of my class. Angelo was a wonderful symbol. Close quote. The ceremony concluded with the papal mass, the assumption that afternoon the Pope took his usual walk in Nevada can gardens and again he saw the dance, the sun pies, the 12th quote, the same phenomenon took place on November 1st the day of the definition and then on November 8th the octave day of the same solemnity. Since then, nothing more. Close quote Pope Pius the 12th so the 12th was the only witness of this miracle and that raises the question, what does this mean? Speaker 0 29:32 We'll take a few minutes to consider just that each time pies 12 saw the vision is walking in the Vatican gardens. The symbolism here is pretty obvious. Here we see the spiritual father of the human race walking in the garden and just as Adam stood for the whole human race. So the pulp stands for the whole church. So this is a reminder of the fall and an encouragement to the church to be obedient. The rival of Pilgrim Virgin statue and a church adjacent to the Vatican gardens and a subsequent dance and his son both point directly to the events at Fatima 33 years before. We've already seen the, when God alters the fixed patterns of sun, moon and stars, it indicates judgment is looming over those who have wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry and we've already also seen that it is also a sign of the end of the world. Speaker 0 30:38 The fact that the Holy father and only the Holy father saw this miracle is indicative that the message is for him precisely as the spiritual father, the head, the pole. It's an absolute proof given directly to the Pope that our lady truly came to Fatima and that her message is truly urgent. It's a personal message to him, reminding him that he is the head and that only he can fulfill our lady's request to consecrate Russia as she asked. It's a sign that a request could finally be accomplished and it's a sign that she's there to give him the strength and the grace to do just that. Right. Then to take this opportunity to make the consecration. Speaker 0 31:31 Pius the 12th tells us the precise location the garden re saw the miracle by the grotto of our lady of Lourdes. And as we know, the message of our lady of Lourdes was that our lady is the immaculate conception. And as we've seen our lady's immaculate conception and her glorious assumption go hand in hand and compliment one another. So this location's chose a symbolic link between the two dogmas and also is evocative of the message of the Virgin of revelation. Both the date and the location are also symbolic in terms of reparation to the Mac at heart. The first time the Pope saw the miracle his son, it was the eighth anniversary of his consecration of the world to the Mac, that heart and again seeing the miracle while standing near the grotto of our lady of Lourdes symbolically links the two dogmas of her Mac conception and our glorious assumption. Speaker 0 32:34 The assumption itself is a sign of the absolute perfection of our lady's entire life from her maca conception, her freedom from all sin, her life, a perfect virtue and complete and total obedience to God, except in proclaiming the dogma of this assumption and connecting it together with the maca conception would and did make reparation from the church as a whole. Because in this act, the church as a whole gave public honor to the Mac, that heart of Mary, whereas the errors of Russia, especially denying her maca conception publicly offend our lady, and it's also significant to the proclamation. The dog was 33 years to the very week after the Bolshevik revolution fair. Michelle points out other implications of the dates. The pop saw the dance, the sun on October 30th the date of the official announcement that the dog mother assumption was to be defined. Then again on October 31st the vigil of the definition on November 1st the actual date of the definition and finally on November 8th the octave day of the definition and thus the miracle was a sign showing that the som definition of the dogma, the assumption was pleasing to have one. Speaker 0 33:58 What about the symbolism scene in the sky during the ceremony as described by the Pope's housekeeper, situ Pasquina quote, a deep blue sky extended above the dome of st Peter's beside the sun. One could also see the Crescent of the moon just above the cross. The cupula. How was his possible? The other sought were astonished as we were side on Lodz of that day. Who is this fairs? The moon beautiful as the sun closed court. Now, the scriptural passage that Siskar Pascaline is referring to the scriptural passage that was recited in the divine office at lodge that very morning. The divine office of course, is the official prayer, the church, the scriptural passions. It was brought to your mind, but the view of the sun and moon just over the cross and the dome of st Peter's, that scriptural passage is found in a Canticle of canticles chapter six and verse nine. Speaker 2 34:56 Cool. Speaker 0 34:58 Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising fairs. The moon bright is a sun terrible as an army set and array Speaker 2 35:09 close. Cool. Speaker 0 35:11 This line is traditionally understood to be referring to the blessed Virgin Mary Popeyes. The 12th himself explained the symbolism found in a scriptural passage. Cool. The sacred liturgy does not tire of calling our lady fairs. The moon bright as a sun, terrible as an army set in battle array. Beautiful is the moon. It is a way of expressing Mary's exalted beauty as the Mon shines resplendent in the dark heavens, so as Mary's beauty set apart from all other beauties which are but shadows beside her, Mary is the most beautiful of all God's creatures, bright as the sun. The sun is a source of light. Warmth in life. Now married beautiful is the moon shines brightly as the sun and irradiates life-giving warmth. Whenever we speak of her or speak to her, let us not forget that she is really our mother. For through her we received divine life. She gave us Jesus the source of grace. Mary is the mediate tricks and dispenser of graces. Speaker 0 36:28 Terrible is an army set and battle array against the enemy. Mary is also strong and terrible like an army set and battle array. After Adam's pitiful act, the first mention of Mary tells us of the enmity between her and the serpent, the enemy of God and man as necessary as it is for her to be faithful to God, so necessary it is that she'd be victorious over the devil preserved from all stain. Mary crushed the head of the tempting and corrupting serpent. Whenever one draws near Mary, the serpent fleas, even as when the sunrises darkness disappears. Where Mary is, Satan is not where the sun is. The dark is parlous close quote Pope Pius the 12th where Mary is. Satan is not where the sun is. The dark is powerless. Speaker 0 37:32 So the symbolism scene in the sky during the ceremony with a son and the Crescent of the moon visible beside it just above the cross on the dome of st Peter's Basilica. This symbolizes the beauty, the charity, and the strength of our lady most especially at the foot of the cross where she stood faithfully United to the father's will as she watched her son die in the most extreme conditions as she United herself perfectly to his Supreme sacrifice. And of course is taking place right over the site of the martyrdom of the first Pope that's seen in the sky is also reminiscent of another line in scripture. Align never before used in the mass of our ladies assumption until that very day. And in fact is the very first line of that mass. That line first used in the mass of our ladies assumption on November 1st, 1950 is taken from chapter 12 verse one of the apocalypse of st John. Quote, a great sign appeared in heaven. A woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head, a crown of 12 stars close. Cool. Speaker 0 38:49 So one in the same time, this conjunction of heavenly symbols reminds us of the martyrdom of Saint Peter, of our ladies, fidelity at the foot of the cross of the fact that in her military mites, so to speak, she would be the protector and defender of the Holy father and all his battles of her immense charity of the fact that she has immediate tricks of all graces of her unspeakable beauty, of the fact that she's the woman, the apocalypse, and the Virgin of revelation. All in all, that's a reminder that in the end, her Mack, that Hartwell triumph Speaker 0 39:36 Parsa 12 died in October, 1958 and on the 41st anniversary of the miracle of the sun, October 13th, 1958 he was buried in the Crip of st Peter's Basilica. Before we move on, let's ask ourselves a very important question. Why didn't Pope Pius the 12th a Pope who had seen the miracle? His son was so obviously devoted to our lady? Why didn't he order that? All the bishops of the world unite with him and at the same time solemnly consecrate Russia to the macular heart of Mary. After on may eight 1950 a full six months before he had seen the miracle, his son Pius the 12th had already declared quote, the time for doubting Fatima is past the hour for action has arrived. Speaker 2 40:31 Close quote Speaker 0 40:34 before he had seen the miracle, the son, he had already declared that the tie for dotting Fatima was passed, that the hour fraction had arrived before he had seen the miracle his son. But in spite of that, he did not act. They did not fulfill our lady's request to consecrate rush to immaculate heart and he knew what the other bishops of the world. Why didn't he do it? Well, I haven't any of the Pope's to this very day fulfilled our lady's request. We'll spend some time pondering that question as a preliminary point. Let's keep in mind the messages of our lady of Fatima are contingent prophecies that pertain to divorce dramatically at heart. They're contingent prophecies that contain blessings of pace and salvation for hitting your requests and warnings of distraction. And damnation for not hitting her requests. Speaker 0 41:51 Since scripture has a lot to say about contingent prophecies and the hopes of coming to a deeper understanding of why pies the 12th or any of the other popes haven't yet consecrated Russia. Let's spend some time reflecting with the help of civil commentators on scriptural teaching regarding contingent prophecies, and then we'll apply what we've learned to the question of the consecration. Okay, so let's get started. And the book of the prophet Jonah Lord told John at arise to go to Ninevah, a huge pagan city, the capital of the Assyrian empire, and to preach that in 40 days, Nineveh would be destroyed. And the pagan citizens took this warning seriously. They took it seriously. And when the canned Ninevah got word of Jonah's preaching, he also believed he personally repented, did penance himself, and then by his proclamation, made every effort to ensure that all his subjects took this warning very seriously. Speaker 0 42:55 In his commentary on this passage, the great corniness Alampi day States that quote by force the preaching of Jonah's the Ninevites, received faith in the one true God, the God of the Hebrews. And by that faith they believe that Nineveh would truly be destroyed unless they repented close quote. And so the people from every social class, the greatest to least did penance, fasted and put on sackcloth, a repentance that came from the hearts, the people rather than being opposed on them from above. It's also important to see that Jonas didn't go down a list of the sins that invites needed to repent from. All he told them was that they had 40 days and they're going to be destroyed. Speaker 0 43:47 The Ninevites were pagans, real live, genuine pagans, and in spite of that, the profit didn't go down a list of sins they needed to repent from. I didn't know why Jonah didn't go down a list because he didn't need to. They already knew. Everyone knows it's written on our hearts as Saint Paul makes clear Romans to quote, when Gentiles who have knocked the law do by nature what the law requires, they show that what the law requires is written on their hearts. Close quote, inspired, inerrant word of God. See, generally speaking, the issue of repentance is not knowledge. Generally speaking, people know Speaker 2 44:46 when they're doing wrong. Speaker 0 44:49 This, she was not knowledge. No. The issue in repentance is in the will Speaker 2 44:56 because people don't want to quit sinning Speaker 0 45:04 and when the Ninevites found out that the judgment of God was looming that they had only 40 days, they didn't respond with things like, don't judge me. It's my choice. I can't help it. God made me this way, eat, drink, and be married for in 40 days. We all die. Let's party or any of the other stupid excuses for sin and sinful behaviors. They were also familiar with the scripture records. They knew they were wrong. They knew they were under the judgments of God and they didn't make any excuses. They took responsibility. They did penance. They cried out to Lord, have mercy now join us. Message was a contingent prophecy, a warning of things to come if the Ninevites didn't repent. Speaker 0 45:59 The Lord himself explains this principle very clearly in the 18th chapter of the book of the prophet Jeremiah. Quote, if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that are a pluck it up and break down and destroy it. And if that nation concerning which have spoken turns from its evil, I will repent the evil I intended to do, do it. And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or kingdom that I will build and plant it, and if it does evil my site not listening to my voice, then I will repent of the good which I intended to do to it. Closed quote, inspired in heir word of God. Speaker 0 46:48 If at any time I declare that will pluck up and break down and destroy a nation, and if that nation turns from its evil, I will repent of the evil that he intended to do to it. And if at any time I declare I will build and plan a nation, and if it does evil in my sight, then I will repent of the good which I intended to do to it. In other words, God's judgments are contingent upon repentance and his blessings are contingent upon obedience and regards to the repentance and invites. The scriptures tell us, quote, and God saw their works. They were turned from their evil way and God had mercy with regard to the evil which he had said that he would do to them, and he did it. Not close quote, the inspired inerrant word of God and all this applies to Fatima. See, just has God sent Jonah with a terrifying warning that his judgment was looming over Nineveh. So also he sent our lady to Fatima the terrifying warning that his judgment was looming over the whole world. But there's one huge, immense, incalculable difference. The Ninevites hated the warning God sent Jonah to Nineveh. Now hated his warnings Speaker 3 48:42 and a Speaker 0 48:45 God sent her lady to Fatima, but who is he to her warnings. Even little Portugal has divorce, abortion and so-called homosexual marriages. God's judgments are contingent upon repentance. His blessings are contingent upon obedience. In terms of repentance, our lady gave specific warnings to mankind in terms of obedience. She made specific requests in terms of warnings or lady showed a terrifying vision of hell and told the children that they'd seen hell or the souls of poor center's goal. In terms of warnings during the height of the first world war, our ladies specifically warned that if people did not cease offending God, then a worst war would break out to an a pontificate of Pius the 11th and that God would punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine, and persecution of the church, of the Holy father. Speaker 0 50:12 In terms of warnings, our lady also specifically warned that if her requests were not heated, then Russia woulds better airs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church, that the good would be martyred. The Deloitte father would have much to suffer and that various nations would be annihilated in terms of warnings. Our lady did the miracle, the son, a miracle of unprecedented and biblical proportions, which as we've seen points towards a corresponding message of unprecedented and biblical importance. A very sobering symbolic warning that God's judgment is looming at the end of the world is at hand. Speaker 0 51:04 Could there be any more serious warnings than these hell Wars, famines, persecution of the church nations annihilated the end of the world? No, it isn't even possible to conceive of more serious warnings. It isn't even possible to conceive a more serious warnings than these, and yet in spite of these warnings and most especially in spite of an absolutely unique pre-announce miraculous warning of literally biblical proportions, what sort of fruits of repentance have we seen in the a hundred years since these warnings? What nation has hated her warnings? Has he her warnings? God's judgments are contingent upon repentance and his blessings are contingent upon obedience. We didn't hear her warnings and as a consequence, we had world war II. We didn't heat her warnings, and as a consequence, Russia has spitter ears throughout the world and the church in terms of requests, our lady said that people should cease offending God. Our lady asked if people stop offending God, how's that going? Speaker 0 52:48 It gives some idea of what sort of moral conditions we're prevailing in the decade after our lady appeared in Fatima with this request. Consider this. According to official French government statistics in 1925 4 million people, that's 10% of the French population. 4 million people were infected with syphilis in 1929 four years later, 8 million people, 20% the French population were affected, was syphilis in just four years in a country that at that time would have had a majority of baptized Catholics. The number of people infected with syphilis doubled and it shouldn't double cause they were all drinking out of the same bottle of Coke. Speaker 0 53:52 According to official statistics of the French government. In 1925 10% of the population of the France was infected with syphilis and in 1929 just four years later, 20% of French population had syphilis and in 1929 the government calculated that during the previous decade, syphilis had killed 1.5 million Frenchmen. As many as had died in the four years of world war one syphilis, our lady asked the people, stop offending God. That's just one country. It's indicative of the general moral trends though as is clear from a letter which sister Lucy addressed the carnal patriarch of Portugal on December 19th, 1940 and I quote, our Lord is dissatisfied and grieved with the sins of the world and a Portugal. He complains about the lack of correspondence, the sinful life for the people and especially about the lukewarmness indifference and extremely comfortable life of the majority of the priests and members of the religious orders. Closed quote, our lady told st just enter that quote. War is a punishment for sins. Small wonder were world war II broke out and even after the terrible carnage of that war and the millions upon millions of deaths did men repent and cease offending God? Speaker 0 55:41 Have morals improved since the second world war? We've already heard the comment made by Pius the 12th themself when less than four years after the war ended. He stated, quote, we're overwhelmed with sadness and anguish. Seeing that the wickedness of perverse men has reached a degree of impiety that is unbelievable and absolutely unknown in other times. Close quote. That was in 1949 what have we seen since then? An absolute explosion of divorce, adultery, fornication, pornography, venereal disease, sterilization, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, perverted marriages, drug abuse, heresy, CISM, apostasy, liturgical abuse in the sanctuaries, talking to chaos in the pews. Sacco does communions Speaker 2 56:42 and on and on and on and on. Speaker 0 56:50 Has anybody hated our lady's request given as our lady of FATTOM toll Saint Jacinta, that Wars are punishment for sins? What should we expect in terms of requests pertaining directly to devotion to her immaculate heart? Our lady asked the rosary, we prayed every day in order to attain peace for the world. That the prayer, Oh my Jesus, forgive us, our sin save us in the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those. And most of you as I mercy should be prayed after each mystery. Now, although devotion of the rosary has flourished to some degree at various times and in various places, most notably in Austria during the 1950s when almost 10% of the population was involved with father Patros whose only rosary crusade, which resulted in Russia withdrawing from the country for the most part, a huge upswing and devotion to the Holy rosary has not been a characteristic feature of the past a hundred years. Speaker 0 58:01 And we've now reached the point which actually unusual to find the rosary prayed before mass in most parishes to say nothing of the family rosary in terms of requests pertaining directly to a devotion or Mack at heart. Our lady acid communions reparation be made on the first Saturdays in a letter to her former confessor did it. June 20th, 1939 sister the SIA wrote, Pope or lady promised to delay the scourge of war if this devotion, the communion reparation on the first Saturdays was propagated and practiced. We share a vert the chastisement to the extent that efforts are made to propagate it, but I'm afraid that we cannot do more than we are doing and that God and his anger will lift the arms of his mercy and let the world be ravaged by this chastisement. It will be a chastisement such as never before. Horrible, horrible, Speaker 2 58:57 close quote. Speaker 0 59:00 Cardinal Burke explained quote, the communion reparation. The first Saturdays did not become the practice of the universal church. There ensued the terrible suffering of the second world war and its aftermath, the spread of atheistic communism resulting in fat and the persecution of many nations and of the church in those nations and the Nile of some nations. Close quote in terms of devotion, dramatic at heart Pius the 12th recommended consecration of dioceses, parishes and families quote, it is our wish. Consequently, that wherever the opportunity suggests itself does consecration to the Mac, that heart of the Virgin Mary maybe be made in the various dioceses as well as in each of the parishes and families. We're confident that abundant blessings and favors from heaven will surge forth from this private and public consecration. Close quote, Pope Pius the 12th and in fact, everyone that listens to this conference should make a particular point of consecrating themselves, their families, their homes, the Mac that har pastor should make a particular point of consecrating their parishes. Speaker 0 00:10 Everyone should do this. No exceptions and don't delay do it in terms of requests pertaining directly to devotion of Mac. That hard or lady had stated, quote, I shall come to ASCE for the consecration of Russia to my immaculate heart closed quote. She came to make that request on June 13th, 1929 which appeared to sister Lucy and stated quote, the moment has come when God asks the Holy father to make and union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to my iMac. That heart promising to save it by these means. Close quote, but nothing was done. And so on August 19th, 1931 our Lord appeared to sister Lou SIA was a terrible warming quote, make it known to my ministers that given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of my command, they will follow him into misfortune. Close quote our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Given that my ministers follow the example of the King of France and delaying execution my command, they will follow him into misfortune Speaker 0 01:30 now in order to appreciate how truly frightening that warning is. Let's take a moment to consider what our Lord is referring to when he speaks of example of the King of France and delaying execution of command and a following him in a misfortune on June 17th, 1689 our Lord appeared to st Margaret, Mary Allah Koch, and asked that the King of France publicly consecrate France to the sacred heart, but the King's paid no attention to our Lord's request. On June 17th, 1789 exactly 100 years to the very day from when our Lord had requested the Cain to consecrate France to a sacred heart, a legislative gathering that had been called together by the King himself revolted against him, proclaimed itself to be an assembly of the people strip the King of his legislative power, and thus ignited the terrible chaos of the French revolution. Speaker 0 02:31 In July of 1790 this assembly passed a bill insisting that the Catholic church and France be subject to the state. The number of bishops and diocese were to be reduced. They were not to be appointed by the Vatican, the rather elected by the citizens. The clergy became paid employees of the government and they were also required to swear an oath, basically an author, fidelity in effect. Then every single priest in France was required to publicly swear an oath that he believed the nation of France was the ultimate authority over all religious matters. Now, what made this even worse was the response to King quote and a moment of terrible weakness for which he never afterwards cease to condemn himself. Louis the 16th signed a law requiring the sauce. Close quote by signing this bill, the King in effect legitimize the claims of the Catholic church and France was subject to the revolutionary government rather than to Rome. Now the church is canonized as martyrs, at least 191 of the clerics and religious who refused to take those because ultimately the penalty for that refusal was death. Speaker 0 03:46 Okay, so what about the consecration of France to the sacred heart? In the early months of 1792 well living under house arrest, that King privately consecrated France and vowed that if we restored a power who would also do this publicly, but it was too late. It was too late to save France from the revolution and the reign of terror. January, 1793 the King was guilty. His queen followed him later in the year during the reign of terror, a span of some 10 months during which a total of somewhere between 19 to 40,000 people were massacred and over 16,000 people were guillotine and an absolute bloodbath of torture, rape, murder and cannibalism. Speaker 0 04:36 So now we have enough historical background to appreciate what our Lord was referring to when he warn that since his ministers were falling the example of the King of France and delaying execution of Lord's command, they would follow him in a misfortune. A Lord in effect is warning. That is a consequence of not consecrating Russia in a timely fashion. Her errors will spread and take root, which is exactly what we've seen and in the resulting societal chaos, ministers of the church, including the pulp, will fall the King of France and a misfortune. In other words, they will suffer and die most likely by execution. Speaker 0 05:21 Now, considering the historical context of the execution of the French King in the midst of the social chaos to the French revolution, it seems this will take place during the catastrophic chastisements resulting from ignoring our ladies' requests. Quote, if my requests are hated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she was spreader air throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be martyred. The Holy father will have much to solver. Various nations will be an eyelid close quote and didn't the version of revelation speak of and even show these very things to Bruno Speaker 2 06:06 cool Speaker 0 06:07 price. We trampled and slaughtered the dead blood, blood, blood everywhere, deaths, imprisonments, beatings and sorrows. So many deaths, so much blood in this treat, all against Christians who believe and in love the Eucharist, the Macklin Virgin and the Pope. Those who did not deny these three realities were taken, tormented, and killed. She takes me to big square and says, look what they did to my children. Those who remain faithful to the faith and the church of my son in the great persecution for true purification. I see many priests in their cassocks and religious men and women, religious habits of all shapes and colors all in a row and the guards pushed them and dragged them one at a time onto a wooden stage. They made them kneel and asked him, get rid of the habit to the answer. No, they took his head and put it on stump and there they were beheaded by the hang man who had an ax. The blood spurted everywhere and those who waited for the same martyrdom cried. Ah. These are the souls who cry out under the altar of God. Many priests and sisters are dismembered in st Peter's square. While the Pope was celebrating mass there a great confusion. Voices Rose threateningly. They advanced towards the altar. The police began shooting. There are shots flee, flee the Pope, his head, blood reddens, the white cast second shots to her is dead. Speaker 2 07:40 He is dead. Close quotes Speaker 0 07:48 in terms of request pertaining directly to devotion to her immaculate heart or lady promised that if her requests were hated, that many souls would be saved. Russia would be converted and it would be peace, but which of our requests have been heated to any significant degree? Just before the miracle, his son, our lady said, quote, people must have men their and as pardon for their sins. They must not offend our Lord anymore for his already too much offended. Close quote, we should amend our lives as pardon for our sins since 1917 what sort of response have we seen to this request of our lady, this most fundamental request, this basic requirement of the gospel? Have any of her requests been heated to any significant degree and response to Jonah's warning of eminent destruction? The pagan citizens of Nineveh actually repented, did penance, and then the King by his proclamation made every effort to support and enforce that repentance. But in response to a far more amazing and completely terrifying public preannounce warning from heaven, the miracle his son and fed him and our ladies accompanying message. How many Catholics have actually Speaker 3 09:23 repented done pants. Oh man. Oh man. Speaker 0 09:36 Why should anyone be particularly surprised that the Pope's haven't yet done the consecration? God's judgments are contingent upon repentance. His blessings are contingent upon obedience. Let's close this first part of the conference with some excerpts from the last public interview given by sister Lucio. It was given on December 26th, 1957 to father Augustan Wednesdays with the time was the vice postulator of the cause of beatification for Francisco interests in sister <inaudible> father. The busted Virgin did not tell me that we are in last time as the world, but I understood this for three reasons. First is because she told me that the devil is engaging in a battle with the Virgin, a decisive, that it is a final battle where one party will be victorious and the other will suffer defeat. So from now on we are either with God or we are with the devil. There is no middle ground. Speaker 0 10:50 The second reason is because she told me as well as my cousins that God has given two last remedies to the world, the Holy rosary and devotion to the maquette heart of Mary and being the last remedies. That is to say they are the final ones. That means there'll be no others. And the third, because in the plans of divine Providence, when God is going to chastise the world, he always first exhausts all of the remedies. When he sees the world pays no attention whatsoever. Then as we say in our imperfect way of talking with a certain fear, he presents to us the last means of salvation, his blessed mother. Speaker 0 11:35 If we despise or reject, this last means heaven will no longer pardon us because we will have committed a sin that the gospel calls a sin against the Holy spirit. This sin consistent, openly rejecting with full knowledge and will the salvation that is put in our hands. Also, since our Lord is a very good son, he will not permit that we offended, despises, blessed mother. We have an obvious testimony of the history of different centuries where Lord has shown us with terrible examples how he's always defended the honor of his blessing. Father, father is my mission, not just to tell about the material punishments that will certainly come over the world if the world is not praying to penance. Now my mission is to tell everyone the imminent danger. We are in a losing our souls for all eternity. If we remain fixed and sad, father, we should not wait for a call to the world from Rome. On the part of Holy father to do pennants, nor should we wait for a call for penance to come from the bishops in our diocese nor for my religious congregations. No, our Lord has often used these means and the world has not paid heed, so now each of us must begin to reform himself spiritually. Each one has to save not only his own soul, but also all the souls that God has placed in his pathway. Close quote, <inaudible> Lucio. Speaker 0 13:09 Father, I understand that we are in the last times the world for three reasons. The first is because of less than Virgin told me that the devil is engaged in a battle with the Virgin, a decisive about a final battle. One party will be victorious and the other will suffer defeat. The second reason is because she told me and my cousins that God has given two last remedies to the world. Holy rosary and devotion of Mac at heart of Mary and being the last remedies is to say they are the final ones, which means there'll be no others. Speaker 0 13:49 And the third reason because in the plans, the divine Providence, when God is going to chastise the world, he always first exhausts all of the remedies. When he sees that the world pays no attention whatsoever, then he presents to us. The last means of salvation is less than mother. If we despise and reject this last maze, heaven will no longer pardon us because we will have committed a sin. The gospel calls us sin against the Holy spirit. Does sin consistent, openly rejecting with full knowledge and will the salvation is put in our hands. Also, since our Lord is a very good son, he will not permit that we have fanned to despise his blessing. Mother. Speaker 0 14:38 Father, it is my mission not to, is to tell about the material punishments. They will certainly come over the earth if the world is not praying to penance. Now, my mission is to tell everyone the imminent danger we are in of losing our souls for all eternity. If we remain fixed in sin. Father, we should not wait for a call to the world from Rome on the part of the Holy father to do pendants, nor should we wait for a call for penance to come from the bishops in our diocese nor from our religious congregations. No, our Lord is often use these means in the world has not paid heat. It's now each of us must begin to reform himself spiritually. Each one has to save not only his own soul, but also all the soul that God has placed on his pathway. Speaker 0 15:24 The devil is engaging in a final battle with the Virgin God has given two final remedies to the world, the Holy rosary and devotion and Mac of the heart of Mary. When God is going to chastise the world, he always first exhaust all of the remedies. When he sees it, the world pays no attention whatsoever. Then he presents us the mat. Last means of salvation is blessing. Mother, if we despise and reject this last means, heaven will no longer pardon us. We should not wait for a call to the world from Rome on the part of the Holy father. Do pennants, nor should we wait for call for penance to come from the bishops in our diocese, nor from our religious congregations. Each one of us must reform himself spiritually. Each one has to save not only his own soul, but also all the souls that God has placed on his pathway. Each one of us must reform himself spiritually. Each one has to save not only his own soul, but also all the souls that God has placed on his pathway.

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