Our Father Prayer & Healing

December 22, 2017 00:33:42
Our Father Prayer & Healing
Veritas Caritas
Our Father Prayer & Healing

Dec 22 2017 | 00:33:42


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 Seven ass to, uh, talk a little bit about the Lord's prayer and healing. And we're talking about healing talking about, I'm not talking about the medical approach to it. There's two kinds of wounds, um, physical and spiritual. When you get a physical wound, uh, obviously like if you cut yourself with a knife that makes a physical wound and the severity of a wound like that depends on how deep it cut it, where you cut yourself and so forth. And over time as the wound heals, generally leaving it, the pain, uh, generally speaking, the pain decreases till all you have left is a scar. You can't really remember what happened last. It was a really traumatic wound. A spiritual wound is analogous to a physical wound cause it's spiritual wound as a result of a trauma or an event someone's life that left an impression on them that sometimes, sometimes they can remember the event and sometimes they can't, you know, cause a child can be wounded in utero, they get, um, and, uh, so it depends on the seriousness of the trauma or the event, the trauma that causes, uh, wounds spiritual ones can range from self-inflicted ruins, which result from every sin. Speaker 0 00:01:16 Cause every sin wants us to a certain degree in the more dramatic the sin or the more perverse it is to write reason and so forth, the deeper, the wound or ones that are inflicted on us. There are no fault of our own, uh, like being violently assaulted, um, being conceived outside of marriage, things like that. Those all leave wounds and they're, there's certainly not the person who is, who is suffering those ones that they're not their fault, but it doesn't mean they're not wounded cause that's an actual wound. And uh, but unlike the typical progression of a physical wound, which goes from like pain to healing, to just a scar, typically a spiritual wound will remain present. And the reason is because in spite the fact that they cause pain, people typically don't know how to heal from them. And uh, but because of sore ones, the source of pain, uh, th th the response typically is to build a barrier around the spiritual. Speaker 0 00:02:09 And so we can live with it and protect ourselves, uh, from that pain. And those barriers come out and certain kinds of behavior, um, there's certain personality quirks and, and, uh, and traits and behaviors that serve to protect us from that pain. You can see them sometimes expressed as anger or resentment or fear or hatred of certain people or situations not being able to deal with with crowds or, or live in a lot in the past or in the future. You know, people are just really preoccupied about their past, or they're really living in the future and they're all worried about what's going to happen. And so those are these weird personality quirks that our response to it. And, uh, it's pretty easy. I, I'm not, I can talk about those later, but it's pretty easy. If you're familiar with these things, you can actually tell a lot of times what particular wound is someone's with, depending on what a turn in the conversation will, all of a sudden, there's no proportion between what was said in a kind of reaction that comes up and all that. Speaker 0 00:03:07 A lot of times that's a result of someone protecting themselves because it's a wounded area. And so they're just doing something and we, and if you're aware that yet to be sensitive to that sort of situation and kind of move away, um, insofar as you're aware, most of the, a lot of times people aren't, they just totally catches them out. Cause there'll be this response, like what was all that about anyway? So that's a brief summary of the idea of woundedness. There's a lot more that could be said, but it's just enough to get an idea of what a spiritual wound is. We all have in any way, except for a lady. Well, cause we have one from original sin and damages from that. So there there's, there's stuff that we come packaged deal just by, by that. And then there's things that are a result of our behavior. Speaker 0 00:03:47 Things have happened to us in life and there's more details. There's, there's good. There's other people that have spoken and detailed father, Chad rip broker has some really good conferences on him, on his website. And when he has a four or five minute long spiritual conferences dealing with wounds and healing. Okay. So all that by way of a background, because I want to talk about the Lord's prayer and the Lord's prayer courses, the best of all prayers, it's the most perfect prayer because it's the Lord's prayer it's taught to us by Christ himself. And by that prayer, one of the ways we can approach our Lord is teaches how to heal and how to return to this paradise that was lost by Adam. So the Lord's prayer were sent, it's the best 12 prayers because it is the Lord's prayer. It's taught to us by our Lord himself and by this prayer among other things, our Lord has taught us how to heal and how to return, uh, to that state loss by Adam in a certain sense, of course, uh, and I quote from a spiritual writer, prayer isn't debt, we owe to God identify adoration because he's our Lord and God a debt Thanksgiving, because he's our first and greatest benefactor ident of sorrow because we have offended him by our sins. Speaker 0 00:05:01 So I'll just go through it phrase by phrase. So our father, Jesus taught us how to pray, starting by reminding us that we're, God's adopted children. We're reminded as we begin this prayer, that God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son so that we could be healed and returned to him. He's truly a father that loves his children. He wants them to be happy. He's the father of all fathers. He loves us and wants us to have a close, loving relationship with him. Each one of us, he wants that his mercy is greater than any sin we could have possibly committed. He knows what we've done. And even though he knew, and I knew from all eternity, he still chose to adopt us and make us areas of heaven. And he who owes us, nothing loves us. And he writes about that. Speaker 0 00:05:45 We can read about that. And first John, uh, the third, the first epistle of st. John, that chapter three, especially, it's a beautiful chapter there. He wants us to know we're never alone. That belong to big heavenly family who love us. God knows our hurts our wounds and our fears. He loves us and wants us only to be freed from those pains free to love and to be loved, free to be the vessel of charity made us to be, which really are his beloved children who art in heaven reminded that we're adopted children of God. And, um, our, our God, our father in heaven, we're supposed to fix our gaze on heaven. Our purpose here on earth is to continually journey towards heaven. The destination that Adam lost for us were to return to that union with our father in heaven, where she continually fix our gaze on heaven and never take our focus off that goal. Speaker 0 00:06:37 As we move our way along on this journey, there'll be many temptations to look elsewhere, to turn aside, to get all caught up in the things of this world, all these things that are just passing away and the process we can lose focus of heaven. This journey, what should be healing journey is a journey, uh, returned to our father's house in heaven, a journey to attain that union with the father that Adam lost attorney to be set free, to be the vessel charity we were created to be when we pray this line, who art in heaven, we should remember that we belong to our father in heaven. We're striving to enters heavenly abode, where he's prepared a room for us. As he tells us in John 14, verse two hell would be thy name. We owe to God a debt, a debt of adoration because he's our Lord. Speaker 0 00:07:20 And God, I did a Thanksgiving because he's our first and greatest benefactor and did a sorrow because we have offended him by our sins. And here, our Lord is reminding us of how absolutely important is for us to render by grace in our own completely insufficient way. Cause we don't want to say something heretical right now, but here, our Lord is reminding us of how important it is that we render unto God. What we owe him. And the name of someone is more than just a word. A person's name represents and stands for everything that person is and everything he stands for. A name truly stands for who that person is, which is why we should never hurt the good name of value. One. It's also the reason the name of God is Holy. That's why his name should be glorified by us. Why we should not only glorify God by our words, but by our actions and by the lives we lead and the Hey dot commentary we read the honor and glory of God should be the principle subject of our prayers and the multidrug ultimate end of our every action. Speaker 0 00:08:11 Every other thing must be subordinate to this. It's important for us in this healing journey to realize we owed a debt to God that God owes us nothing. And yet he's made us in his image and likeness has made us to be vessels of his charity love and to be loved. Jesus reminds us in this prayer that our is Holy used to be honored and loved by all men. But this father is a loving father and he wants us to model ourselves after him and become all we ourselves. Thy kingdom come and this ceiling anywhere begging for God's kingdom to come while we are on earth, we're begging to be healed, to reach union with God. Our Lord is teaching us. Each one of us should desire and beg for healing. We can reach union on earth. We should desire this some big gut to heal us. Speaker 0 00:08:49 So his kingdom will come in our life. There's something called the transforming union, which I don't to go too far off this, but a person like the great saints read the reach, this incredible union. It's not the union they'll have in heaven, but they're there as it were on the front porch, that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our Lord is teaching us that on this healing journey, it's so important for us to die to ourselves and to want what God wills for us. Otherwise we'll let our little PR personality quirks and our wounds lead us around. And then we're never satisfied. We're never happy because they're not letting God be the King of our heart. We truly want to be healed and we want uniform with God's will, and we can start healing from our hurts wounds and personality quirks. Speaker 0 00:09:32 We can finally be the person God made us to be. We can let him out to grow and he's free to love and be loved. He's free to be good. Do God's will on earth. And as he heals, he'll start living more and more for God. God's will then become first in his life and he will desire more and more to please God and all things who want more and more to give God glory and to render onto him. His do not because he has to, but because if he's being filled more and more charity, so he's filled with this desire to do that because he truly loves God is his father in heaven. As he heals, he will let God more and more in his life. And as the wounds are healed, God fills those places with charity until eventually he'll be able to say with st. Speaker 0 00:10:08 Paul and I live now not live, but Christ liveth in me give us this day, our daily bread, our Lord teaches us to pray for what we need this day in this present moment in the now and in this prayer, we're praying for all that we need to get through the day, both physically and spiritually remind that Jesus came to save us, that he came to heal us. If we, but ask him to when we shared a meal with another, it's more than just eating together. It's real bonding. That's very significant. It's a special way of bonding. It's unlike any other way to bond or made to bond in this intimate sort of a way. And even if people don't think about it, they know on Selma, which is why, uh, when you look, when you look out there, people go out more to eat than any other form of recreation that they do. Speaker 0 00:10:49 What was the last thing our Lord did with his friends before he went up to the cross? What was the last thing he did with his friends before you? So it was assumed, send it into heaven both times. It was a male both times. It's very significant. Our Lord came to save us and what better way to unite with us and let us know that he's not reject us, but accepts us completely to share a meal with us and even more so since he actually gives himself to us, this incredible, beautiful act of charity, when receiving the most blessed sacrament altar, he gives himself to us to nourish us and to come into every part of us, to fill us with his charity and to heal us. So you want to make sure when you're saved, Holy communion, invite them to every area that's hurt or needs to be healed, including areas that you're not even aware of, because it has an exercise to remember everything. Speaker 0 00:11:36 This isn't some kind of weird psychological thing. We have to lay there and try to recreate your life. If you have walls around parts of your life, there's a good reason for them. And you don't want to tear this down. You want to invite our Lord behind him and he'll take those down slowly. I can talk about that a little maybe later, but once you remember to continue, make spiritual communities for the same purpose, inviting the Lord in to heal us, and you know, you can send your angel off every 10 minutes. He can ask your angel every day to go every 10 minutes to a Holy mass being offered by a Holy pre-sell in the world, because there are some and offered up for your healing and then to return with a spiritual community, your angel, through that, our Lord loves to be a part of our life, every moment of our everyday, not just Sundays and Holy days, but every day and forgive us, our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Speaker 0 00:12:19 Now, one of the most important things, and I have to say in my experience, I think with working with people and a lot of my priesthood for the past about decade has revolved more around healing than anything else. I think one of the most important things in spiritual healing is forgiveness. I think in the people I've worked with, that's been the most important thing. One must first be willing to forgive others. This forgiveness has to come from the heart has to come from the will. We don't have to forget what happened. Cause people are confused by that. Now for another reason, devil's gonna make sure you don't forget. So we don't have to forget what happened, but we do have to forgive and let that pain go. Now, sometimes the pain is too big or too deep. We don't actually know what's causing it so we can't forgive or let go of it. Speaker 0 00:13:02 And that's why it's so important on this journey to ask our Lord and our lady to come into those areas, to heal us and help us to forgive and let go of the pain, to give it to them with an open heart, to Willet with all of our being truly will it and desire it. We'll talk about how to do that in just a few minutes. Now, at times we've been hurt so deeply. We're unable to forgive, but if we beg our Lord to forgive for us and will it, then our Lord will give us grace over time. Those graceful us to finally forgive. Now there's most of these stories I can't tell, but this is a story that I can a years ago, I was talking to a priest at that time. He was the only full time extra system in the United States. And, uh, you had a case of a young man and, uh, the condition for him to be delivered from these Delos. And he beat it out of the devil. So they have to tell the priest and they have to tell the truth, which they hate, but the conditions he had to forgive his parents, uh, well, OK, but he's, he's possessed. He's about 18, 20 years old. I don't remember. And his parents had been Satanist. So since infancy he'd been tortured, how many are you gonna get into it? But you know, every possible way by his parents, I mean, torture, satanic torture until he ran away and he had devils. Speaker 0 00:14:23 And yet that priest had them delivered within a year. I said, Oh, and I was telling wall pottery. That's, that's morally impossible. That's a moral miracle. And that's a greater miracle than digging a grave up, raising somebody from the dead to get somebody to forgive under those circumstances because you can't forgive that it isn't in the human to be able to do. And he says, you're absolutely right, father. It is a miracle. And I sit so, you know, how, how do you do that? It's very early in my priesthood. It's one of the most important I've had in my life. And he said, well, what you do, what I did with this young man who just said, all right, Lord, I can't forgive them, but you forgive them for me. So I'm gonna invite you into all those events in my life. I'm turning that over to you. Speaker 0 00:15:05 I'm opening that up to you and you forgive them. Now, you don't want to review those events because there's walls around stuff like that. For reason, that's how a person gets through life, you know, and doesn't just fall apart and a big gooey mess. And so it's not some psychological thing, but our Lord knows that and he'll come in gently and you just keep praying that prayer. And within a year he actually loved his parents. Didn't like him. How could you like people? Cause they love. And like, aren't the same thing. Everybody loves their teenagers. They don't always like them. But, uh, cause love is an act of the will like as an emotional response. And so he wanted his parents to be in heaven. And so within a year he could forgive him. Now that's, that's really, uh, beautiful. But so in spite of the unspeakable wounds, because of, uh, without, uh, within about a year of reaching out to her Lord and that kind of prayer, who is able to forgive our parents, his parents now, as we forgive others and ask others to forgive us any wrong, it's important. Speaker 0 00:15:58 We try to repair the wrong we've done. If it's possible, we should make restitution for that wrong. Not because it's the lawful thing to do. That's not the only reason, but more importantly, when we right or wrong, we're more easily able to forgive ourselves. And that we don't have as much guilt that we have to try to heal from. So an effort to restore the wrong shows that we're truly sorry, and we want to be forgiven. It shows an act of the will and humbling ourselves and asking forgiveness shows the same thing. If we ask with a contract at heart, really wanting forgiveness, and it's not some extra superficial exercise, huh? It's really, really important recognized with ones of all sorts, especially deep wounds. There's a need to forgive oneself. And this is going to sound funny. Even if we had no fault in the wounds, even we did no wrong in causing the wound. Speaker 0 00:16:43 It's essential to understand with wounds of all sorts, especially deep wounds. There's a need to forgive oneself, even if we did no wrong cause of the wound. It's not cause we're guilty because there's a spirit of forgiveness needed. We forgive ourselves and love ourselves in that hurt. Realizing that we can be loved in that wound. For example, for exalted violently, as a child, we'll have built little bolt barriers and personality corks on that. Once we continue with life and deal with the pain and trauma and as we start healing and forgive the attacker, we also are going to have to need to forgive ourselves. Now that doesn't sound commonsensical, but it's true why as it turns, there's going to be off. There's going to be certain amount of guilt and shame associated with a wound and our brokenness. We S we will blame ourselves. And especially a child can't work their way through those kinds of things. Speaker 0 00:17:27 So they must've done something to cause this, I mean, this happened to me. So I must've done something. It takes a lot of virtue not to have that happen in a violent attack, even for an adult, there's going to be this in there. And people won't know that. So it's really important. Identify that. And so there's a certain amount of guilt and shame associated with one in our brokenness. We blame ourselves for it. We hold onto such won't. We hold onto the pain as if we deserve it in some sense, cause it's our pain, it's our won't. And at some level there's a real common pattern of thought. You know, no one else can really understand or feel the pain like I do. So it's mine. It'll always be mine and have to deal with it all by myself. I have to do it alone. Speaker 0 00:18:02 It's my pain and I have to bear it. But the point is we need to be able to forgive ourselves, forgive everyone involved in this situation, let the room be healed. It's also common. If we've suffered a great trauma that we get the idea we're dirty, we have no value. We may be very well begin viewing ourselves like some animal or object. And that has predictable results. They're catastrophic to take another common example. Suppose someone were real party animal and his youth. And later on in life repetitive, his rowdy behavior that might ask really be quite easy to be healed of. And people don't realize why that is one typical result of rowdy behavior of being a part of party animals as sort of perverse pride and that sinful way of life, sort of a perverse pride that he can drink and carry on with the best of them, et cetera, et cetera. Speaker 0 00:18:49 And because his perverse pride is associated with the wound, he may not want to let go of the prideful attitude, even though his sins hurt our Lord and our lady. And if he doesn't specifically want to let go of that pride, if he doesn't will it, he won't heal and he can't actually heal there. And the thing about this is this may not be a fully conscious decision on his part. He may not be aware of it. He has to have an awareness of what he's doing. Typically it doesn't come from himself because we can't see ourselves. I confess to appreciate a director. A good spiritual friend can point that out to him and help him see it. It's key in this too, to pray inviting the Holy spirit, to come into his heart life, come Holy spirit. Help me to see myself as you see me and to love myself as you love me, that's a really important prayer. Speaker 0 00:19:29 Help me come. Holy spirit, help me see myself as you see me and help me love myself. As you love me, then he has to bake for the graces to completely reject the sort of prideful attitude to let go of it. And the personality quirks of the traits that he produced in response to it. And that made him take pride in disgraceful behavior and sin. He needs to completely reject this because it hurts his relationship with God because it's actually barrier between him and God. Another common situation of all sins that someone fully chose to do. Then after the fact, he's very ashamed of, it's very common with certain types of sins. For example, on being involved in abortion, our country actually has millions and millions of women. This condition, they even have a name for this wound, which is called BN Postmortal. It's a, it's a deep one. Speaker 0 00:20:13 And you know, it doesn't mean it's not some of them, they just get on with it. You know, I've had women where they didn't feel it at all because they, they, they were just that kind of a person where they just get on with life and all that. But they have that really deep wound there. And then they don't even get aware of it because it's just kind of where they're coming from. They had to deal with it. Other ones, they kind of fall apart, even by talking this much about it. But because of her shame, the tendency is to bury the sin deep within herself. And nevertheless she'll sometimes have anger, depression because of it, but isn't necessarily associated with it at all. It's just something going on. And she may very well have confessed it, but can't forgive herself. She believes God could forgive her because she's he's God, but she can't forgive herself. Speaker 0 00:20:52 She's positive that others won't forgive her acceptor if they only knew the things she'd done in her past. And so she buries this wound deep within herself open. It never comes out again. But the simple fact is, is that healing is impossible with a buried wound. She needs to invite our Lord and our lady in those areas, begging them to heal. This source began to help her forgive herself and ask them to take this. Won't take all the pain away. She can even try pitching herself in prayer, handing the whole situation over to our Lord in a few minutes, I'll have more to say about that. It's actually pretty common. These situations for the severely wounded person to have a perverse sort of pride associated with the event. What do I mean by that is that they don't see it as pride, but the wounded person may think, you know, in so many words and I mean, I've had people literally say, I could write it down. Speaker 0 00:21:36 They start to go, I'll finish your sentence for you. Cause it goes just like this. I've heard just so very much. They can't burden with this awful one in pain that I've created it's mine. So I did, I deserve to have to deal with it myself. But as soon as they do that, what has happened in this without recognizing they become too proud to let our Lord take the pool prayer way. In other words, in effect what she's saying, it's my mess. I'm just going to have to take care of it. I pay my debts. So I can't really ask our Lord to pay it for me after all he's done. So after I deal with it and then after get everything sorted out and under control, then I'll go out to him freely without hurting him again. And that's really dangerous because to be fair, to thought process, usually it doesn't seem to be that developed, but what she needs to understand that if she were able to do that, if she were debt free, then she wouldn't need a savior because that's really what this is a temptation from, from our brokenness. Speaker 0 00:22:29 And you know, except for our lady, we all come into life with that, that original sin and that brokenness. And so this is a very natural and I mean that a natural line of thinking to start thinking like that, they don't really see that I do need a savior. We all have deaths. We can't pay. We're all in need of a savior. We all have debts. We can't pay it. And our Lord knows full well that we can never pay. What on earth does he need from us? Anyway, he doesn't need anything from us. He's God, he's got it all. He fits the job description. There isn't a single thing. The thing that God needs from us at all. And so in spite of the fact that God doesn't need anything from us in spite of the fact that he's perfectly intent and happy in himself, less the second person, the most blessed Trinity, our Lord and savior. Speaker 0 00:23:08 He came in and came down here and show us to pay our debts. And this is the amazing thing about the whole, about our whole, it's just the most amazing thing about reality is that God cares about us. That much. One of the most important aspects of forgiveness is to recognize this. Now here's another one that people don't understand that, but right away, you'll start seeing one. Another very important aspect of forgiveness is not to forget. We have to make sure that we've forgiven God from the bottom of our hearts. Now that might sound blasphemous. It's not because God has anything to do that he needs to be forgiven for. That would be blessed. But oftentimes like when we've been seriously hurt, like a child, that's been violently assaulted. There's a tendency to blame God. Why, if you love me, did you let something like this happen to me? Speaker 0 00:23:51 Your God, you could've stopped it. Why don't you protect me? I was too little to protect myself and so on. There's a very, very common kind of thought pattern associated with w with wounds. And in those certain situations, we've placed a certain amount of blame on God. And our hearts were wounded and disappointed her because God was not our hero. In this case, he let us get hurt. He let us down. So to speak. Well, that's certainly not the case because God was there. And every one of those events suffering with us, he's paying the price for the sin. He's hurting for us much, much deeper than we'll know. This is an analogy and analogies limp, but it's like a mother watching a child take a serious fall out of a tree and gets hurt. And the mother feels the pain and suffering of her child in a different way than the child. Speaker 0 00:24:35 But quite probably, uh, she's gonna feel it even more. The child feels it in a different way. It breaks her heart that, that, that he was hurt in this particular situation. So we have free will. It's an amazing gift. God doesn't want to take that away from us, but he can fix her hurt if we run to them. If we give it to him fully not holding anything back, he'll fix it. He's got, he came to save sinners. So the key is to let him, we need to forgive guts who can trust him and love him. We need to be able to see the God didn't leave us. He's the only one that knows her as we do in our stands, what we went through, our pain or guilt and our sorrow. He loves us. Anyway. He loves us in the wound. He's standing right there. Speaker 0 00:25:14 And this, he like inviting men. Like I was talking about, the guy grew up the family. Stateness what you're doing is you're permitted him to, to sit there and come in at that particular moment, since he's out of sight of time, he can work outside time. And so he comes into the moment where he was standing there, hurting with you. And then he comes into that moment in a way where he's just standing there waiting for you and each one of these things. And he's way to take that and help you inhale that and lift you up right. Then our Lord loves most tenderly when we're hurt. Is there a Lord sister said to Saint <inaudible> sister, Joseph Amanda's do not be discouraged. This act of humility, which your fault drew from you has consoled me more than if you had not fallen. When we're able to forgive, we're able to let go of a huge weight. Speaker 0 00:25:57 That's held us prisoner. We're held in bondage by lack of forgiveness. But when we really are able to start praying, inviting heaven to those wounds, um, the, the barrier slowly broken down, we're able to start forgiving and let go of the pain or being set free. The last aspect of forgiveness I want to touch on is the need to let others forgive us and let God forgive us. Sometimes people won't accept forgiveness for whatever reason they want to hold other people's faults over their heads. And they don't let them forget how they wronged us. You know, they're married thing, you know, and they just got that club. You know, I remember what you did two years ago and then just get it out the right moment, whack. And then they pushed, put it away. Of course I forgive you. They didn't forgive anything. They're just get that thing tucked away to use as a weapon, you know, later and thing, that's not forgiveness the world, the devil in our flesh will constantly be throwing up temptations to make your dough at us to do those kinds of things too. Speaker 0 00:26:42 But we gotta get rid of those kinds of grudges. They'll prevent us from healing when we don't let others forgive us. When we don't forgive them, we don't let others give us. We reject forgiveness. We're rejecting God in our lives. Okay? It's it's just like people. They won't come to the confessional because they think that, uh, the, you know, they think that God is too big or maybe they don't want God's forgiveness. There's literally nothing that can be done to accept forgiveness from others and from God and lead us not hesitation. As we travel on as healing drilling, it's super important to realize we'll encounter many obstacles that will attempt, try to tempt us to turn back. And those are the three enemies I just mentioned a minute ago, but the world, the flesh and the devil, and they're going to constantly be throwing up obstacles to try to get us to turn around. Speaker 0 00:27:26 We have to keep begging our Lord to lead us out of this temptations, to keep our focus on calling out to him, to help us overcome them, to give us a grace. We need to never fall, never give our never fall into despair and never give up. We're asking for God's help to lead us out of sin and away from self away from the devil and away from the world, in a sense, not of the beauty of the world, but the world, the spirit wrestle for God's help to die, to self and let them live in us. We're asking for God to lead us to his kingdom, to lead us to heaven. We're asking for God's help to help free us from sin, vices and personality quirks that tend to hold us captive, but deliver us from evil. Finally, we're begging God deliver us to remove all evil from us so we can be free to love and to be loved. Once we're delivered from all evil, we've been set free. We're also praying that we be protected from evil, and though it may be all around us and we may well have to battle. It will be delivered a freed from it, entering our souls because we've been healed. You know, that's really important is the main Avenue on an attack from the devil and a person's life is through wounds. And so Speaker 1 00:28:31 Just in general, Speaker 0 00:28:31 We should get in the habit of closing yourself. You make an act of the will when you go into public or get it, you should just do it every day, but you make an actable to close yourself to any spirit. That's not of the Holy spirit instead of close your senses. I want you to just make an actable that I'm not open anything that isn't from heaven. This is going to be more and more important in a country like ours. That's going into more and more paganism and you have a lot more things. So to speak in the air than we ever have before. We're just descending into this. But if you close yourself, you've really you, you may, you know, just make an actable. I close myself to any spirit. That's not a Holy spirit. That doesn't mean that we don't, we're not going to be temperature attack. Speaker 0 00:29:07 That's the human condition. What it does mean is, you know, all of a sudden, instead of having a bunch of screen doors, we've closed the doors. You know, they still can't, but ones are the principle venues of attack. And, uh, and, and so as, as we get healed, you know, as we get healed, they you're close more and more from those kinds of attacks, as long as the close in yourself, um, and senses and wounds will keep those things from coming in easily. As long as we don't let ourselves be led into temptation, we can have evil all around us, but remain completely at peace. If we've been delivered from evil and we've lied, invited our Lord to live within us because a Christian, the Christian life has really been able to have a deep sense of peace. And I'm not saying that you feel it, although you can, but there's a spiritual piece that you carry everywhere, no matter what's going on. Speaker 0 00:29:59 That's why I st. And Colby was happy. And at peace in Auschwitz, he wasn't like happiness sense, like, yeah, who, this is fun. It tickles and stuff like that. It was a nightmare in that sense, but he could have a great deep peace because he's at peace with God in him. And he also knows that if this is where I am, that's where God wants me right now. It doesn't mean that you're not praying to be delivered, but it's this profound trust in God, cause he's healed. And he can go into those kinds of situations without fear. He's in that, that there, isn't some kind of foolish thing where you volunteer for it, but we're in it. You say, well, God will take care of me. I pray to be removed from this, but until then, I'll be. So if you can, if he can keep it patient, which we can keep at peace here, but that's not natural that comes from Christ. Speaker 0 00:30:39 Huh? So we need to. So as long as we don't turn our ways, eyes from the Lord, we can be sure he'll remain within us, protecting us from evil and continuous healing us through continually hurting us through the sacrament of penance and most plus exactly the author. And we can be sure that if we want to be healed and keep asking him to heal us, then it will be healed. Amen. I'll make one more remark because I don't want to keep growing, growing this here. But if a person is so that's on the Lord's prayer, but if a person decides to still sit on this healing journey, there's two things that you're going to notice that are going to seem very, very strange. And, and, uh, the first thing is if you're really serious about healing, all of a sudden stuff's going to get a lot more painful. Speaker 0 00:31:16 You're going to be miserable inside and all that. This is it. It's exactly analogous to Lansing employer. You have a really bad boil. You've got to get that puss out and it hurts too. All the puss comes out. If a person is starting to heal, what they've done is they're inviting our Lord in the area. And that's like taking a manhole cover off and all this stuff's going to come out. So suppose somebody really got a hit a horrible event. When they're four years old, they've been walking around with a lid on that all those years. When they go to take that off, it's not going to process out like they understand, but they're just gonna, things are gonna feel horrible. There's going to be all this stuff going on. What is God, I must be doing something wrong. I'm praying to Lord. And everything is worse inside me. Speaker 0 00:31:53 That's actually a good sign because it's pain going out. It's different than a hangover that, well, you did that one. You know, this is pain in response to prayer. When you get that kind of pain, that's a beautiful sign. It will end just like Lancing a boil. When everything's out there, it'll start and then it'll heal. But it's a sign of healing because it's a sign. That something that was in there, our Lord is starting ruin. He doesn't do it all at once. It wouldn't be good for a couple reasons. He wouldn't keep praying. Number one. And number two, it keeps you in it. There's, there's a sort of an equilibrium that you're going to get, because there's all this weird stuff that you've been doing that you didn't think about being weird, but you're not completely you in that area. Cause you've been gardening. So to speak all your life and those personality traits after a while are not, not going to be supported by anything. They're going to go away. So that's one, you're going to get paint Speaker 2 00:32:38 And it won't be all the time, but you Speaker 0 00:32:40 Will get it. And especially with really big events, it'll be like that. Number two is you're going to get lots of attacks, but mostly people don't recognize what attacks look like. And so they don't understand. So the devil, most of the tax, the devil has or sniping type things, I would, I would, that's what they had to put it where he, you get in situations where people will just say something and they're not necessarily meaning to be mean, but the devil sets it up. So they say the wrong thing at the wrong time. It just hits you. You know, it's just like, Oh, you know, I was just working on that. It's it's, it's kinda, it's sort of like drive you away from that. Not trust in Lord because on the inside or hurts on the outside, I'm getting these things. Aren't being reminded stuff and it's be sniping. Speaker 0 00:33:18 So it isn't necessarily people they'll just draw your attention to something where you look at something, you read an article, which is exactly the thing that you went through, which was blue right then, and all brings all this stuff back. It's like, ah, you know, all of these memories, you're trying not to think those are the kinds of sniping attacks to try to discourage them person from going ahead by people making these sharp remarks by looking at the wrong thing in the media. And those are the two things. I just say those two things really, really common and just be aware of those.

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