Thank God for Your Baptism

December 22, 2017 00:02:41
Thank God for Your Baptism
Veritas Caritas
Thank God for Your Baptism

Dec 22 2017 | 00:02:41


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Army of Prisma in the name of the father, son, the Holy spirit. Amen. As a historical note, a hundred years ago today in Chicago of mother Cabrini, Saint Francis savior Cabrini died. So that was the hundredth anniversary of her death in Chicago in the gospel of day. It's the visitation we read about our lady greeting Elizabeth, and then Saint Elizabeth talking about st. John the Baptist leaping in a room for joy. The fathers tell us that at this point in time, st. John was purified from original sin at that moment, whilst he was in Saint Elizabeth's womb. This is very similar. This happened the prophet Jeremiah as well when he was in the wall and then st. Joseph st. Joe's, our lady of course, was a Macklin conceive. Saint Joseph was conceived at original sin. The theologians tell us the first moment after its conception, he was purified. Speaker 0 00:00:59 So those are the four that I know of, uh, that we know of, that that had that particular privilege of being purified in the womb. The rest of us had to wait for our baptism, but what an amazing thing our baptism is, and it's something we should reflect on, especially when we do the sign of the cross, which renewed the VAs that were made for us that are back because Murphy were baptized in adult the same things that were not spell the devil and all his works and all his palms that we really want to be faithful and fall away. The Lord. We thank God for this unbelievable gift. He's given us by baptism because it makes us adopted sons of the father. We're adopted into the family of God. It makes our lady, our mother and our Lord in that sense, our brother, it's so astonishing to think of that. Speaker 0 00:01:50 We've been incorporated into it, and we've been incorporated into the family of God, do nothing, not a single merit of our own, but just out of the peer mercies of God. It's something that God willing when we get to heaven and we play that we all do get there, but we even Frawley turn it. You can't really wrap your mind around what this privilege is. The dignity that we've been called to by our baptism today. Thank God for your baptism, for the gift of this faith, without which it's an impossible pleasing, especially for sanctifying grace, this new life that came into in baptism, that gives you the power to live forever in the presence of God.

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